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Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter


Related threads:
(origins) Origins: Earl of March's Daughter (McClelland) (18)
Lyr Req: Earl of Mansfields Daughter? (2)
Tune Req: The Earl of Mar's Daughter (16)

robinia 17 Mar 05 - 01:16 AM
Joe Offer 17 Mar 05 - 02:34 AM
Dave Hanson 17 Mar 05 - 05:25 AM
robinia 17 Mar 05 - 01:32 PM
GUEST 12 Apr 06 - 08:36 AM
GUEST 01 Feb 18 - 02:17 PM
Gallus Moll 01 Feb 18 - 03:16 PM
Gutcher 01 Feb 18 - 03:40 PM
Tattie Bogle 02 Feb 18 - 07:39 PM
Gutcher 02 Feb 18 - 08:03 PM
Steve Gardham 03 Feb 18 - 02:24 PM
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From: robinia
Date: 17 Mar 05 - 01:16 AM

I now have both a field recording and a CD of a ballad that haunted a friend of mine for years but am still not sure I'm hearing all the words aright, especially in the last verse (thanks, Malcolm, for all the help you offered on Ballad-L!). Anyway, here's what I've collated thus far:

Tushielaw's a hunting ga'en, gallant in his deed,
For he's won the heart of Eppie Mars, the fairest maid on Tweed.

And her fayther he has banished him, for he's below her station
And Tushielaw has fled to France, to fecht for king and nation.
        She's the earl of March's daughter and the floo'r aboon them a'
        But the humble squire of Tushielaw has ta'en her heart awa'.

And when the lady heard that Tushielaw had fled,
Well the lady's looking pale and wan and taken tae her bed.

A physician came to Neidpath, for Stephen [?] she's been crying.
I fear she's got a broken heart, I fear the lady's dying.

    She's the earl of March's daughter . . . .         

Noo the fayther he's concerned & he's wont to take the blame
So a messenger was sent awa', to fetch her lover hame.

Well the lady's feeling better noo, she's taken to her feet,
And she's bought a house in Peeblestoon, her true love there to meet.

         She's the earl of March's daughter . . . . .
But she's looking tired and palllid, her cheeks have lost their glow,
And she's no the handsome beauty that she was a year ago.

When Tushielaw to Pebbles came, his horse he did not tether,
He passed the lady swiftly by, he's ta'en her for another.

         She's the earl of March's daughter . . . . .

But he's sped on to Neidpath, to see his love again,
He spurred his horse in anguish, he's spurred his horse in pain.

For his lady lies in Peeblestoon, it's there she's passed awa'
And there isna health nor heart nor hame [as I think I hear on my tape; CD is even harder to decipher] for handsome Tushielaw.

         She's the earl of March's daughter . . . . . .

More info on the ballad, which apparently dates back to a story (collected?) by Sir Walter Scott would be nice too.


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Subject: RE: help with lyrics: Tushielaw
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 Mar 05 - 02:34 AM

Hi, Robinia - it looks like it's the same as "The Earl of March's Daughter," which is in this thread (click). If that thread is correct, then the song was written by Lionel McClelland of the group Blackeyed Biddy, and it must be fairly recent. There's a recording of the song by Aoife Clancy that appears to be quite popular.

I haven't heard the song, so I can't say more. Note that the Child Ballad "Earl of Mar's Daughter" is listed in the crosslinks above, but that is not related to the song you're seeking. It just has a similar title.

-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: help with lyrics: Tushielaw
From: Dave Hanson
Date: 17 Mar 05 - 05:25 AM

It could be the ballad ' Eppie Morrie '


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Subject: RE: help with lyrics: Tushielaw
From: robinia
Date: 17 Mar 05 - 01:32 PM

No, Eppie Morrie is a completely different (great) ballad. Joe is right about the "Earl of March's Daughter," though, which seems to have become quite popular in Scotland -- why didn't I search under that title? . . .   thanks all.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
Date: 12 Apr 06 - 08:36 AM

I wrote this song

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
Date: 01 Feb 18 - 02:17 PM

Lionel M. dictated the lyric of his song to me one day at a Girvan Folk Fest.

I love the last line which I have as

"And her broken Hairt will beat nae mair for hansom Tushielaw".

John Wheeler

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
From: Gallus Moll
Date: 01 Feb 18 - 03:16 PM

--- and that awfy bonnie singer Lionel McLelland dies far too young.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
From: Gutcher
Date: 01 Feb 18 - 03:40 PM

The modern ballad "The Earl of March"s Daughter" is, almost, word for word contained in a late 19th.C. book as a story.

This makes it now three books I have to dig out to confirm answers given to questions posed on mudcat. This should be done soon as I am about to flit after 50yrs. in this house.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 02 Feb 18 - 07:39 PM

Well that may well have been Lionel's inspiration for the song, Gutcher. It IS one of those songs that, although written comparatively recently, do have a very traditional feel about them. And enormously popular in sessions around Edinburgh and the Borders.I was at that last Girvan Folk Festival where Lionel was one of the main guests before he took his untimely departure, and what a weekend it was! And as Gallus Moll says - taken far too soon.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
From: Gutcher
Date: 02 Feb 18 - 08:03 PM

Have not, so far, been able to lay my hands on the book mentioned above.

As far as memory goes I do not think it faithers it on Sir.W.Scott.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tushielaw / Earl of March's Daughter
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 03 Feb 18 - 02:24 PM

As Joe says if Sir Walter had had a hand in it it would have featured in one of his publications. It certainly isn't in any of the obvious well-known collections, even the more recent ones like Greig-Duncan.

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