Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: polaitaly Date: 14 Mar 06 - 10:51 AM "Amare" is "To love" , the verb "Amore" is "Love" the ...noun? well, the thing itself ( " Ammore" in Napoli) "Amare" in the song above is " bitter" , you trasladed well, Wilfried: " chisto è 'o paese addò tutte 'e parole, so' doce so' amare, so' sempre parole d'ammore " " This is the country where all words, sweet or bitter ,are always words of love" |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Wilfried Schaum Date: 14 Mar 06 - 04:32 AM Scusi. Amor = bitter, amare = love |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Wilfried Schaum Date: 14 Mar 06 - 03:29 AM só' doce o só' amare, are sweet or bitter |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: GUEST, Date: 13 Mar 06 - 05:52 AM I am a Neapolitan 75 yrs old. The song brought memories and tears to my eyes. Send me your email and I'll send you the translation. Bless you. Guido Guerriero 6121 Katrina Dr. Milton, FL 32570 2006-03-13 |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: GUEST,Sue Date: 11 Sep 05 - 11:18 AM Thanks you so much for going to all this trouble for me.....I really appreciate the translation as I have been trying to find this one for a while now. Many thanks for your help. |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 10 Sep 05 - 07:36 PM The Neapolitan plus a translation into Italian here (plus midi): Canzoni napoletane Ferrara, thanks for the translation! |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Ferrara Date: 10 Sep 05 - 02:10 PM 3 Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, This is the land of the sun, Tutto, tutto è destino... All, all is destiny (fate) ... Comme putevo fá furtuna a ll'estero How could I have made my fortune in a strange place s'io voglio campá ccá? If I want to live my life here? Mettite 'nfrisco 'o vino!... Chill the wine! Tanto ne voglio vévere, I wouldn't want to live, so much ca mm'aggi''a 'mbriacá... ... that I would have become a drunkard... Dint'a sti qquatto mure io stó' cuntento: Within these four walls I am content; mamma mme sta vicino e nénna canta: Mamma mia, stay near me and sing this lullaby: (chorus) Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, , etc. [Hope this helps!] |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Ferrara Date: 10 Sep 05 - 02:05 PM Kaleea, thanks for the link. I tried a couple of the words from this song but as I suspected they aren't in there. The song is totally in Neapolitan dialect which is about as close to Italian as broad Scots is to British English.... :-) |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Ferrara Date: 10 Sep 05 - 01:59 PM 2 'Sta casa piccerella, This little tiny house, 'sta casarella mia 'ncoppo Pusilleco , this cottage of mine at the top of Pusilleco, luntano, chi t''a dá?... if I am far from here, what is there for me? [I translated that very freely: chi t''a dá? = an idiom - means more or less, what is there of value? what's it worth? what is there for you?] 'Sta casa puverella, this poor, modest house tutt'addurosa 'anèpeta all ???? , se putarría pittá: could be pitied, despised: 'A ccá nu ciardeniello sempe 'nfiore except for a tiny garden, always in flower, e de rimpetto 'o mare, sulo 'o mare!!! and the view of the sea, only the sea!!! (chorus) [I seem to remember that Pusilleco is an area of tiny, crowded houses, all very old, on hills that rise steeply from the bay of Naples. - R Ferrara] |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Kaleea Date: 10 Sep 05 - 01:53 PM Sorry I can never get the blue clicky thingie to work. Here is a site which has provided tremendous info for me, including a good translator. |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Ferrara Date: 10 Sep 05 - 01:50 PM CHORUS: Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, This is the land of the sun, chist'è 'o paese d''o mare, this is the land of the sea, chist'è 'o paese addó' tutt''e pparole, this is the land where all words só' doce o só' amare, are sweet and (loving, kind, amiable?) só' sempe parole d'ammore! ... (and) are always words of love! |
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole From: Ferrara Date: 10 Sep 05 - 01:48 PM I'll do the best I can. Here's the first verse. It's lovely, brings up memories of Naples for me (my father was born near there.) It's a song of nostalgia and joy on returning to Naples, but the Naples it writes about is mostly in the past, I suspect. I've translated it literally and line by line in hopes you can get a feeling for the meaning of the Neapolitan words. I've also translated a few of the Neapolitan words into Italian [in square brackets] but I dont' know if I'll do that for every verse. I apologize, I need to post it verse by verse because I'm afraid of losing all this work if I don't post it right away! - Rita Ferrara O paese d'o sole………by.D'Annibale Oh land of sunshine (of the sun) 1. Ogge stó' tanto allero [allegro, happy] Today I am so happy ca, quase quase, mme mettesse a chiagnere [piangere, cry] that, almost, I started to cry pe' 'sta felicitá... for this happiness.... Ma è overo o nun è overo [overo = vero, true] But ... is it true, or is it not true ca só' turnato a Napule? that I have returned to Napoli? Ma è overo ca stó' ccá? [ca sto cca == que sto qua, that I am here] But ... is it true that I am here? 'O treno steva ancora 'int''a stazione The train was still standing in the station quanno aggio 'ntiso 'e primme manduline... when I heard the first mandolins... (chorus) Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, , etc. |
Subject: O Paese d'o sole From: GUEST,Sue Date: 10 Sep 05 - 09:48 AM Can anyone give me a translation into English of this song please? I believe it is in Neapolitan dialect but so far I have been unable to find a translation on the web:- O paese d'o sole………by.D'Annibale Ogge stó' tanto allero ca, quase quase, mme mettesse a chiagnere pe' 'sta felicitá... Ma è overo o nun è overo ca só' turnato a Napule? Ma è overo ca stó' ccá? 'O treno steva ancora 'int''a stazione quanno aggio 'ntiso 'e primme manduline... Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, chist'è 'o paese d''o mare, chist'è 'o paese addó' tutt''e pparole, só' doce o só' amare, só' sempe parole d'ammore! 'Sta casa piccerella, 'sta casarella mia 'ncoppo Pusilleco , luntano, chi t''a dá?... 'Sta casa puverella, tutt'addurosa 'anèpeta, se putarría pittá: 'A ccá nu ciardeniello sempe 'nfiore e de rimpetto 'o mare, sulo 'o mare!!! Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, Tutto, tutto è destino... Comme putevo fá furtuna a ll'estero s'io voglio campá ccá? Mettite 'nfrisco 'o vino!... Tanto ne voglio vévere, ca mm'aggi''a 'mbriacá... Dint'a sti qquatto mure io stó' cuntento: mamma mme sta vicino e nénna canta: |
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