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Irish-American Railroad or Erie Canal Song?


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MaryMary 11 Jan 99 - 09:43 PM
Barry Finn 11 Jan 99 - 11:05 PM
Don Meixner 11 Jan 99 - 11:15 PM
Tim Jaques 12 Jan 99 - 06:24 PM
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Subject: Irish-American Railroad or Erie Canal Song?
From: MaryMary
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 09:43 PM

Hi I'm wondering, seems to me I've heard of an Erie canal song that is Irish American, or possibly just a railroad song. (My memory's foggy on this). Does anyone know of any? Thanks

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Subject: RE: Irish-American Railroad or Erie Canal Song?
From: Barry Finn
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 11:05 PM

Mary Mary can you give a little more info, there are many RR & Canal songs. Barry

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Subject: RE: Irish-American Railroad or Erie Canal Song?
From: Don Meixner
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 11:15 PM


A little more of a description would be helpful here. I am sure you have heard Erie Canal Songs that were Irish-American as well as many RailRoad songs with the same history. The Canal and The RailRoads could not have been built without the Irish in America. The Canal is still a living structure in many of the towns along its water course. My house was built on the bank of the Erie in 1854. The canal had by then been in operation for more than 25 years. Many of the people in the town I live in are of Irish descent and trace their ancestry back to the canal. The Jordan phone book is full of McMullens and Mc Nabbs and Mc Intyres, there are some Byrnes, Johnsons, Johnstons, Spains and Delaneys. Many of the Irish who built the canal were recruited in Ireland with promises of paid passage and a job with housing and food at the end of the passage. The ticket was 4th class, the job was the hardest thing everdone since the pyramids, the housing was a drafty bunk house with neither doors or windows. And the food was all the venison and eggs you could stand. All of which would be conducesive to drinking, bitching, whinning, and song writing and singing.


Don Meixner

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Subject: RE: Irish-American Railroad or Erie Canal Song?
From: Tim Jaques
Date: 12 Jan 99 - 06:24 PM

Search in the database under Erie Canal. There are two songs by that name, as well as several that mention it.

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