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Looking for great fun/funny rounds

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GUEST,Eulalee 11 Dec 05 - 10:46 AM
SINSULL 11 Dec 05 - 10:50 AM
GUEST,Pete Peterson 11 Dec 05 - 11:04 AM
lady penelope 11 Dec 05 - 11:05 AM
iancarterb 11 Dec 05 - 11:18 AM
the lemonade lady 11 Dec 05 - 11:37 AM
curmudgeon 11 Dec 05 - 11:47 AM
NH Dave 11 Dec 05 - 12:09 PM
Mo the caller 11 Dec 05 - 04:24 PM
Nigel Parsons 11 Dec 05 - 07:44 PM
GUEST,Eulalee 11 Dec 05 - 08:20 PM
Doug Chadwick 11 Dec 05 - 08:38 PM
Doug Chadwick 11 Dec 05 - 08:42 PM
SINSULL 11 Dec 05 - 08:49 PM
GUEST,Eulalee 11 Dec 05 - 08:50 PM
Joybell 12 Dec 05 - 01:43 AM
Little Robyn 12 Dec 05 - 01:47 AM
Splott Man 12 Dec 05 - 03:45 AM
AllisonA(Animaterra) 12 Dec 05 - 05:59 AM
GUEST, Topsie 12 Dec 05 - 06:15 AM
Tootler 12 Dec 05 - 06:40 AM
GUEST,Joe_F 12 Dec 05 - 09:30 PM
Willa 13 Dec 05 - 12:06 PM
Artful Codger 13 Dec 05 - 12:24 PM
GUEST,Eulalee 13 Dec 05 - 09:01 PM
GUEST,Joe_F 13 Dec 05 - 10:08 PM
GUEST,Joe_F 13 Dec 05 - 10:13 PM
samirich 13 Dec 05 - 11:29 PM
Willa 14 Dec 05 - 06:14 PM
Chris Green 14 Dec 05 - 08:18 PM
GUEST,Rabbi Burns Oivey 14 Dec 05 - 10:21 PM
samirich 15 Dec 05 - 09:59 AM
Mo the caller 15 Dec 05 - 11:04 AM
Moonunit 15 Dec 05 - 03:49 PM
Mo the caller 16 Dec 05 - 06:54 AM
GUEST,Joe_F 16 Dec 05 - 08:45 PM
Artful Codger 17 Dec 05 - 04:47 PM
GUEST,wandris 17 Dec 05 - 05:13 PM
samirich 22 Dec 05 - 03:07 PM
Mo the caller 22 Dec 05 - 04:25 PM
Mo the caller 22 Dec 05 - 04:26 PM
Judy Cook 22 Dec 05 - 11:16 PM
Hrothgar 23 Dec 05 - 02:29 AM
Hrothgar 23 Dec 05 - 02:32 AM
Artful Codger 25 May 06 - 09:12 PM
Ron Davies 25 May 06 - 10:30 PM
Sooz 26 May 06 - 02:34 AM
GUEST,Stephen Malinowski 28 May 06 - 10:06 AM
GUEST,Joe_F 28 May 06 - 08:38 PM
Artful Codger 30 May 06 - 05:36 AM
Grab 30 May 06 - 07:55 AM
GUEST,Kristin 02 Oct 07 - 11:47 PM
Mike Miller 03 Oct 07 - 12:06 AM
Mark Cohen 03 Oct 07 - 12:38 AM
GUEST,Fantum 03 Oct 07 - 07:51 AM
GUEST,leeneia 03 Oct 07 - 11:45 AM
Anne Lister 03 Oct 07 - 04:13 PM
dick greenhaus 03 Oct 07 - 11:53 PM
Joe Offer 04 Oct 07 - 02:08 AM
Saro 04 Oct 07 - 03:03 AM
GUEST,.gargoyle 04 Oct 07 - 06:43 AM
GUEST,Bakequery 27 Jul 08 - 08:50 AM
GUEST,doc 21 Feb 09 - 04:36 PM
GUEST,Dante Ferrara 22 Mar 09 - 02:03 PM
GUEST,Heather 27 Jul 11 - 06:53 PM
GUEST,sola 05 Aug 11 - 06:40 PM
GUEST 23 Aug 13 - 01:31 PM
GUEST 09 Sep 13 - 05:38 PM
GUEST,Grishka 10 Sep 13 - 10:27 AM
Artful Codger 10 Sep 13 - 02:41 PM
Bettynh 10 Sep 13 - 03:41 PM
Bettynh 10 Sep 13 - 04:22 PM
Bettynh 10 Sep 13 - 04:28 PM
dick greenhaus 11 Sep 13 - 01:25 AM
GUEST 11 Sep 13 - 05:24 PM
GUEST 09 Jan 16 - 01:07 PM
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Subject: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Eulalee
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 10:46 AM

I'm looking for suggestions for great rounds or short songs to teach at group sings. Particularly interested in the quirky and funny. Any suggestions?

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 10:50 AM

I know a man named Michael Finnegan
He grows whiskers on his chinnegan
Cuts them off but they grow in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 11:04 AM

try   for a link to Sol Weber's collection of rounds, some serious, some humorous, all wonderful. Best source I know!

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: lady penelope
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 11:05 AM

Dunno the name of the tune but at school we learnt

Mr Rabbit Mr Rabbit
Your ears are mighty long
Yes my Lord, they're put on wrong
Every little soul must shine, shine, shine
Every little soul must shine (clap) shine, shine.

On the bawdy side there's always (to the tune of Frere Jacque)

I like spanking, I like spanking
Spanking nuns, spanking nuns
I like spanking dead nuns, I like spanking dead nuns
Dead nuns' bums, dead nuns' bums.


Hey ho nobody at home
Meat nor ale nor money have I none
Yet will I be merry

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Subject: ADD: To Stop the Train (round)
From: iancarterb
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 11:18 AM

There's a nice two liner from the Washington Department of Ag sign
"Apple maggot quarantine area"
I believe Tom Hunter set the tune I've heard.
He also was the first person I heard sing
    "To stop the train
    In cases of emergency
    Pull on the cord
    Pull on the cord
    Penalty for improper use
    Five pounds"
from a London subway sign, I believe.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: the lemonade lady
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 11:37 AM

Hey Sinsull, did you know you can sing

I know a man named Michael Finnegan
He grows whiskers on his chinnegan
Cuts them off but they grow in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again

and Lord of the Dance together. It's good fun and sounds wonderful!


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: curmudgeon
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 11:47 AM

A standard annual round at our sessions, to the tune of "Frere Jacques,"

This Thanksging, this Thanksgiving,
Don't eat bread, don't eat bread,
Shove it up the turkey, shove it up the turkey,
Eat the bird, eat the bird.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: NH Dave
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 12:09 PM

There's one we learned at camp that goes like this:

Sarasponda, sarasponda, sarasponda ret set set.
Sarasponda, sarasponda sarasponda ret set set.
A doray-oh, A doray boomday-oh.
A doray boomday ret set set, ah say pa say oh.
Boom-be-da, boom-be-da, boom-be-da, boomÉ

Split group into 2 parts. Sing through together, then one group continues singing the boom-be-da part, while the other sings through the verse. Then switch.

The tune for this round can be found here, and if you open this URL twice and time it right, you can even hear the two copies of the URL "sing" the round as a round.

There's even some sheet music here if you like to save the song in this fashion.

I believe this Dutch round is supposed to mimic the sounds of a flying shuttle loom - one where the shuttle is shot from the shuttle box at one side of the loom to the other, by jerking on a control or drive rope - as it weaves cloth. The booming imitates the sound of the beater reed being pulled back against the newly woven clith, to pack the threads in tightly without any gaps.


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mo the caller
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 04:24 PM

To Frere Jacques again
"Life is but a meloncholy flower"
(each line repeated)
Life is but a
Meloncholy flower
Life is but a melon-
Choly flower.

Have fun

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 07:44 PM

Just to make the atrocious puns obvious, read Mo The Caller's rhyme with this:

To Frere Jacques again
"Life is but a meloncholy flower"

Life is butter
Life is but a
Meloncholy flower
Meloncholy flower
Life is but a melon-
Life is but a melon-



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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Eulalee
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 08:20 PM

Thanks Everybody, this is great! Mo, I can't figure out how to get the Meloncholy flower into the Frere Jacques tune.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 08:38 PM

It fits this way:

Life is butter                  =    Frère Jacques
Life is but a                   =    Frère Jacques
Melancholy flower         =    Dormez-vous
Melancholy flower         =    Dormez-vous
Life is but a melon         =    Sonnez les matines
Life is but a melon         =    Sonnez les matines
Cauliflower                   =    Din dan don
Cauliflower                   =    Din dan don


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 08:42 PM

or, to be clearer still, the line "Melancholy flower" is

(Melan)-(choly) (flower) = (Dorm)-(ez ) (- vous)


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 08:49 PM

Does Michael Finnegan get to tear off his shirt and sweat all over his partner?

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Eulalee
Date: 11 Dec 05 - 08:50 PM

Got it! Thanks!

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Joybell
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 01:43 AM

My dame hath a lame, tame crane
My dame hath a crane that is lame
Oh say, Gentle Jane does your dame's lame tame crane,
Drink and come home again.

Fun and easier than it seems. Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Little Robyn
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 01:47 AM

Don't drink too much coffee,
Not for children is this Turkish drink,
Shakes your nerves and makes your heart go on the blink,
Don't be a Turk my dear,
It's not the custom here!

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Splott Man
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 03:45 AM

Again to Frere Jacques

Llanfairpwllgwyn, Llanfairpwllgwyn,
Gyllgogerychwyrn, Gyllgogerychwyrn,
Drobwllllantysilio, Drobwllllantysilio,
Gogogoch, Gogogoch,

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 05:59 AM

"life is but a melancholy flower" needs to be sung to Frere Jacques in a MINOR mode- it's wonderful!

I sat next to the Dutchess at Tea
It was just as I feared it would be
Her rumblings abdominal were simply phenomenal
And everyone thought it was me, oh~

Benjy met the bear
The bear met Benjy
The bear was bulgy
The bulge was Benjy

and a classic by Moondog~
Nero's expedition up the Nile failed
Because the water hyacinths
Had clogged the river,
Denying Nero's vessels passage
Through the Sud of Nubia

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST, Topsie
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 06:15 AM

Whose pigs are these?
Whose pigs are these?
They are Tom Pott's
I know them by their spots
And I found them in the vicarage garden.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Tootler
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 06:40 AM

One we used to sing in the Scouts.

Ging Gang Gooly Gooly Gooly Gooly Watcha
Ging Gang Goo, Ging Gang Goo.
Hayla, Hayla Shayla, Hayla Shayla Hayla Ho
Shalli Walli, Shalli Walli, Shalli Walli
Oompah, Oompah, Oompah, Oompah.

Total nonsense words as far as I am concerned, but I suspect derived from something in an African Language as Baden Powell spent time in Africa.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Joe_F
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 09:30 PM

Little Jack Horner was an informer

For the FBI. He

Busted his friends again and again and

Said, "Oh, oh, oh,

What a good boy, what a good boy,

What a good boy am I!"

Then of course there are those old catches in which, when all the parts are going, new meanings emerge; e.g.,

He who would an alehouse keep

Must have three things in store:

A chamber with a featherbed,

A chimney, and a hey-nonny-nonny, etc.

--- Joe Fineman

||: Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. :||

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Willa
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 12:06 PM

Beware the law of gravity
That makes the bread you have for tea
Fall to the ground
Butter side down

Sounds very impressive!

Can do you an abc version if you want it.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Artful Codger
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 12:24 PM

There's P.D.Q. Bach's "Art of the Ground Round". I'm thinking particularly of "Loving Is As Easy".

Also a round I learned at a folk-dance party:

What a queer bird the frog are
When he sit he stand almost
When he walk he fly almost
When he sing he cry almost
And he ain't got no sense hardly
He ain't got no tail hardly
EITHER! He sit on what he ain't got hardly...


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Eulalee
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 09:01 PM

Some of these sound like what I'm looking for - any way to get the melodies to them?
Some of them I've been able to figure out or vaguely remember and can make sense of but of the one's I can't . . .

I'm particularly interested in the
Artful Codger's "What a queer bird...",
and the two from Joe f. I like those catches - they can be really fun.
Also Willa's "Beware the Law of Gravity"

but I have no idea of the tunes for them. I'm new to this whole forum thing - how do people get melodies?

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Joe_F
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 10:08 PM

Eulalee: "Little Jack Horner" (with somewhat different words) is in _Rounds Galore!_, collected & published by Sol Weber (1994). "He That Will an Alehouse Keep" is in _The Penguin Book of Rounds_, collected by Rosemary Cass-Beggs (Penguin Books, 1982). Both books have many other amusing rounds.

--- Joe Fineman

||: The roots of wit and charm tap Secret springs of sorrow. :||

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Joe_F
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 10:13 PM

P.S. I might also mention _Round the World of Sound_, by Moondog (Louis Hardin) (1971). His rounds are whimsical & difficult. A short one goes "Be a hobo and go with me from Hoboken to the sea".

--- Joe Fineman

||: Too lively, and you're dead. :||

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: samirich
Date: 13 Dec 05 - 11:29 PM

Ta ti   ti to
   G   G -- D   G_ _
Whose pigs are these

Ta   ti   ti ta - e   terry
G    G -- D   G_.      g-a
Whose pigs are these? They

ti   ti   ti    ter-ry    ter-ry ter-ry ti    ter-ry
B    B    A      a   a    g g g g    F      d d
are John Pott's, you can tell em by the spots, and I

   terry terry terry ti ta ta
   e   g g g   g g F   G   G
found em in the vicarage gar-den.

ta=quarter note
ti=eighth note
to=half note
ta.= dotted qtr note

The song starts on middle g and ends there. It is a four part round, fun to sing and most importantly is easy. Supposedly it works well with two other rounds, but I have not found out what they are? Anyone have a clue?

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Willa
Date: 14 Dec 05 - 06:14 PM

Near as I can get it. 'Beware the law of gravity.'

Numbers refer to beats. Note are middle C and above, except for A,etc which are below middle C. A-|- is a tied note.Haven't used the abc for a while and haven't time at present to brush it up.

E2|A3 A|G3G|AGE2-|--E2E2|F3F|E3D|ECA,2-|A,4|D4|C3B,|A,4-|-A,4|B,B,3|E,4|A,4-|-A,2

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Chris Green
Date: 14 Dec 05 - 08:18 PM

There's a Tudor catch that goes

Tis women make us love
Tis love that makes us sad
Tis sadness makes us drink
And drinking makes us mad

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Rabbi Burns Oivey
Date: 14 Dec 05 - 10:21 PM

A genuine round, but some may not approve, sad

Archibald (bald bald)
king of the Jews (jews, Jews)
Bought his wife (wife, wife)
a pair of shoes (shoes, shoes)
When the shoes (shoes, shoes) began to wear (wear, wear)
Archibald(bald bald) began to swear (swear swear)
When the swear (swear swear) began to stop (stop stop)
Archibald (bald bald), he bought a shop (shop shop),
When the shop (shop shop)began to sell (sell sell),
Archibald (bald bald),
he bought a bell (bell bell)
When the bell (bell bell)
began to ring (ring ring)
Archibald (bald bald)
Began to sing (sing sing):

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: samirich
Date: 15 Dec 05 - 09:59 AM

Where might one find the music to Archibald and the Tudor Catch?

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mo the caller
Date: 15 Dec 05 - 11:04 AM

I knew that(or part of it) as a rhyme
Nebukadnezza king of the Jews
Sold his wife for a pair of shoes

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Moonunit
Date: 15 Dec 05 - 03:49 PM

The Tudor catch 'Tis Women' can be found as a pdf file here (see the top of page three):

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mo the caller
Date: 16 Dec 05 - 06:54 AM

samirich gave a Tune for "Whose pigs".
Did the G mean the same as g etc. (I remember it as being all on thr 6 notes between D & B
I've not heard it as a round, but many years ago someone sang it on the BBC radio 2 folk programme and it took my fancy.
I have been singing the second line as
B      B    A   B
whose pigs are these
That may be my memory at fault (the folk process?), and I dont know if it would work as a round.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Joe_F
Date: 16 Dec 05 - 08:45 PM

Oddly enough, just this afternoon I had occasion to quote: "Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Jews, Pulled off his stockings, but left on his shoes".

--- Joe Fineman

||: Living too long is more to be dreaded than dying too soon. :||

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Artful Codger
Date: 17 Dec 05 - 04:47 PM

Mozart also wrote several quite nice rounds. Two that come to mind are "Heiterkeit und leichtes Blut" and "Difficile lectu mihi mars". Note the scatological German pun in the first line of the latter--typical for Mozart's sense of humor.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,wandris
Date: 17 Dec 05 - 05:13 PM

I remember this as a rhyme that girls used to use with skipping

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: samirich
Date: 22 Dec 05 - 03:07 PM


Sorry for not getting back sooner. Yes they are the same pitch. I believe I made them lower case because they were 16th notes. This definitely works as a round, can send it to you if you wish.

Some Other rounds are "Rose, Rose" and the "Marjory round" or "Come get your dinner sow." Both make for very pretty rounds. I believe Ravenscroft has several rounds as well that are pretty easily found.

Sammy Rich

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mo the caller
Date: 22 Dec 05 - 04:25 PM

I dont really understand any notation except the dots on a stave, but since I only sing in the bath I cant really do rounds.Thanks anyway.I'm sure your version works, it was mine I wasn't sure about

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mo the caller
Date: 22 Dec 05 - 04:26 PM

Of course if there are any offers to come and sing in my bath...

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Judy Cook
Date: 22 Dec 05 - 11:16 PM

Happy days to all those that we love
Happy days to all those that love us
Happy days to all those that love them that love those that love them that love those that love us.

A fine round with pleasing sentiment.


Digital Tradition

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Hrothgar
Date: 23 Dec 05 - 02:29 AM

My father killed a kangaroo,
Wasn't that a terrible thing to do?
He gave me the gristly bits to chew,
My father killed a kangaroo.


Jerilderie, Jerilderie,
Was captured, was captured
By the Kellys, by the Kellys,
Come drink and be merry.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Hrothgar
Date: 23 Dec 05 - 02:32 AM

Black socks they never get dirty,
The longer you wear them the stronger they get;
Sometimes I think I should launder them,
Something keeps telling me "Don't wash them yet, not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet ........."

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Artful Codger
Date: 25 May 06 - 09:12 PM

Way back when this thread was fresh, I posted the text for a round "What a Queer Bird". I've finally gotten around to making an ABC of the tune, as well as of a few other rounds I had laying around on strips of sheet music. First the bare texts, then an ABC file with all of them:

What a queer bird

What a queer bird the frog are!
When he sit he stand almost,
When he walk he fly almost,
When he sing he cry almost,
And he ain't got no sense hardly,
He ain't got no tail hardly EITHER!
He sit on what he ain't got hardly!

(The "EITHER", should be shouted rather than sung.)

This terrible cow

There once was a man, a man who said, "How
Can I soften the heart of this terrible cow?
If I sit on this stile and continue to smile,
Can I soften the heart, the heart of this cow?"


Marguerite, come feed your black sow,
All on a misty morning.
Come get your dinner, sow, come, come, come,
Else you will get nary a crumb.

Well rung, Tom!

Well rung, Tom boy, well rung, Tom!
Ding, dong! Cuckoo! Well rung, Tom!
The owl and the cuckoo, the fool and his song;
Ding, dong! Cuckoo! Well rung, Tom!

When Jesus wept
(From the first Golden Ring album, if memory serves.)

When Jesus wept the falling tear
In mercy flowed beyond all bound
When Jesus groaned a trembling fear
Seized all the guilty world around.

% Rounds: ABC Notation
S:The Artful Codger

T:What a queer bird
K: G
g/g/g g3 d | g2 G2 z G/A/ |
w: What a queer bird the frog are! When he
BB BB B A/B/ | cc cc c B/c/ |
w: sit he stand al- most, When he walk he fly al-most, When he
dd dd d e/f/ | g G g G g f/e/ |
w: sing he cry al-most, And he ain't got no sense hard-ly, He
d G d G d G | g/g/ z/ A/ G/A/B/c/ d/e/f/g/ ||
w: ain't got no tail hard-ly EI-THER! He sit on what he ain't got hard-ly!

T:This terrible cow
E | A B c | (B e3/2) d/ | c f e | A z
w: There once was a man,_ a man who said, "How
A/B/ | c B A | G E G | A>A G | A z
w: Can I sof-ten the heart of this ter-ri-ble cow?
A/B/ | c e f | (g/e/) c B | A d B | c z
w: If I sit on this stile_ and con-ti-nue to smile,
A/B/ | c B A | E z E | E E E | e2 ||
w: Can I sof-ten the heart, the heart of this cow?"

K:DDorian % no sharps/flats
D3 F E4 | D2 DF E2 C2 |
w: Mar-gue-rite, come feed your black sow
F2 FF G2 c2 | (A3 B/A/) G4 |
w: All on a mis-ty mor-__ning.
c2 Ac BA G2 | A2 F2 G4 |
w: Come get your din-ner, sow, come, come, come,
D2 E2 G2 G2 | DD D2 C4 |
w: Else you will get na-ry a crumb.

T:Well rung, Tom!
FE EA | AB A z |
w: Well rung, Tom boy, well rung, Tom!
DE z/ e/c | AE A z/E/ |
w: Ding, dong! Cuc-koo! Well rung, Tom! The
AB/B/ c/A/z/ A/ | ee/d/ c z |
w: owl and the cuc-koo, the fool and his song;
FE z3/2 e/ | c/AG/ A z |
w: Ding, dong! Cuc-koo! Well rung, Tom!

T:When Jesus wept
D:The Golden Ring
G | d2 c | (d/>e/ f) B | (d/>c/ B) A | G2
w: When Je-sus wept__ the fal-__ling tear
G | G2 F | (B A) G | G2 D | G2
w: In mer-cy flowed_ be-yond all bound
d | (g d) f | (B c) d | d2 d | d2
w: When Je-_sus groaned_ a trem-bling fear
B | (d/>c/ B) A | (B e) d | (B/>A/ G) F | G2 ||
w: Seized all__ the guil-_ty world__ a-round.

% End of file

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Ron Davies
Date: 25 May 06 - 10:30 PM

Can You Dig That Crazy Gibberish? (in the DT) Especially good with gestures. People wind up pointing in different directions in quick succession while declaiming "Oh look there's a chicken..." Kids seem to love it.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Sooz
Date: 26 May 06 - 02:34 AM

There are three Scottis songs that can be sung at the same time:
As I came over the bonnie brig o' banff, Sandy he belongs to the mill and the third is made up of nonsense syllables making it very difficult to explain! It is great fun to sing and sounds good as well.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Stephen Malinowski
Date: 28 May 06 - 10:06 AM

You can get the score for the Frog Round here:

You can also hear it, watch a movie of it, and do exercises with it.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Joe_F
Date: 28 May 06 - 08:38 PM

Why shouldn't my goose Sing as well as thy goose When I paid for my goose Twice as much as thine?

--- Joe Fineman

||: Be sincere: fool yourself first. :||

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Artful Codger
Date: 30 May 06 - 05:36 AM

Thanks for the pointer, Stephen.

Thought I should mention here that the score attributes the words for "What a Queer Bird" to Ogden Nash. I couldn't listen to the music at that page, but scanning the score, it looks to be a better version than mine.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Grab
Date: 30 May 06 - 07:55 AM

Animaterra, Artisan did that "Nero's expedition" round at their workshops. For anyone who's not heard it, the rhythm is something else - there's big pauses (for a very precise, and odd, number of beats) between lines.

Another one that Artisan do is "Freedom Train".

This old freedom train's been such a long time coming
Ain't nobody can't afford to miss so climb on while it's running
Gimme that freedom,
Gimme that freedom
Gimme that freedom freedom freedom

Done right, the "Chickachik"s come one after another to give a continuous train noise.


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Kristin
Date: 02 Oct 07 - 11:47 PM

The way I learned "Freedom Train" in choir was

This old freedom train is such a long time in a comin
There ain't no one can't afford it
So you'd better climb aboard it
Gimme that fre-edom
Gimme that fre-edom
Gimme that freedom freedom freedom
CH-CH (sounds like a train)

Every syllable is spoken directly on the beat until you get to the fre-dom part.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mike Miller
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 12:06 AM

Joe F has made a swell suggestion but that song is more fun to do if you add some movement. It goes, thusly.

Why shouldn't my goose

Sing as well as thy goose

When I paid for my GOOSE

Twice as much as thine.

On that last GOOSE, we jump up and say it as though we were being "goosed". Watching a slew of seated singers rising and falling like fans doing "The Wave".

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 12:38 AM

In an early post on this thread, iancarterb noted a two-line round from the Washington Dept. of Agriculture, and said he thought Tom Hunter had written the tune. He quoted one of the two lines: "Apple maggot quarantine area."

He was partly right. The whole song is:

Apple maggot quarantine area
Do not transport home-grown fruit

and the tune is mine. Though it's an honor to have someone think it's one of Tom's. The song is in Linda Allen's collection "Washington Songs and Lore"...but she got the last note wrong!

I can't do ABC, but the tune goes something like this:
1-3 | 2-4 | 3-2-1 | 2-1-8 |
1 5 | 5-5 | 5 1 | 2_

There are a lot of my favorite rounds in this thread. I've learned many of my favorites from Lani Herrmann, like these:

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bea-ear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't
(then it repeats, of course)

We welcome in the morning
We welcome in the day

1, 3, 5, 8,
7, 6, 5, 4,
3, 5, 2, 3, 4, sharp, 5
And the 8 is the same as the 1
But an octave apart
Try to sing it by heart

Good night, good night
Time sends a warning call
Sweet rest descend to all
Time, time sends a warning call
Sweet rest, sweet rest descend to all

And an incomparable one by Moondog:

Nero's expedition up the Nile
Because the water hyacinths
Had clogged the river
Denying Nero's vessels passage
Through the Sudd of Nubia

Thanks, Lani!


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Fantum
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 07:51 AM

Another verse to Michael Finnegan

I know a man named Michael Finnegan
He grows whiskers on his chinnegan
Cuts them off but they grow in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again

I know a man named Michael Finnegan
He grew fat and he grew thin again
Then he died and had to begin again
Poor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 11:45 AM

Here's one I learned at an early-music workshop. It is a lament on the topic of life on the east coast of America.

Four long hours of driving.
One short dip in the ocean.
Miserere nobis.

I will send Joe a MIDI so you can play it here. Its tonality is very archaic. First I will play the round, then do it again with two parts.

Click to play

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Anne Lister
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 04:13 PM

Back to Frere Jacques ... another two sets of words:

Water melons, water melons
How they drip, how they drip
Up and down your elbow, up and down your elbow
Spit the pip (spit) Spit the pip (spit)

And of coure the immortal
Father Christmas, Father Christmas
He got stuck, he got stuck
Climbing down the chimney, climbing down the chimney
What bad luck, what bad luck.

And back to the Goose ... if you have a big enough group of people, it works in 16 parts. As in "Why shouldn't/why shouldn't/why shouldn't" as starting points. If you jump up and down on the high "goose" then it looks wonderful.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 03 Oct 07 - 11:53 PM

Elephants (The Force of Habit---Round)
A.E. Housman, Johan Franco

A tail behind, a trunk in front complete the usual elephant
The tail in front, the trunk behind is what you very seldom find.
If you for specimens should hunt with trunks behind and tails in front
That hunt will occupy you long, the force of habit is so strong.

Here Lies a Woman (Round)

[1] Here lies a woman. Who can deny it?
    She died in peace tho' lived unquiet.

[2] Her husband prays if o'er her grave you walk
    You would tread soft, you would tread

[3] Soft, for if she wakes, for if she wakes
    She'll talk, tread soft, for if she wakes, she'll talk.

Miss Smith

(1) Oh Miss Smith, Oh do be careful. Do not heed that wolf. His
          honey dripping
(2) Words, Miss Smith, will break your tender heart! He
(3) Says you're sweet, he says you're pretty, says he'll never
          kiss another girl. But if he does, he'll still be true
          to you, the mean deceiver.

Mister Bach

(1) Mister Bach wrote several tunes just like this.
(2) Organ sonatas, fugues, cantatas, I never know which is which.

Perfect Woman

No perfect woman lives, so poor a thing is life
How can a perfect man obtain a perfect wife?
No perfect woman lives. And yet
So rich a thing is life that every perfect man can get
A perfect woman for his wife, a perfect woman for his wife.

All in digiTrad (with tunes)

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Oct 07 - 02:08 AM

Leeneia sent me a MIDI for posting, and I have obediently posted it. The tune sounds like Gregorian chant to me, something I learned fro Sister John Bosco in fifth grade, when I had a schoolboy crush on her. Nice tune, Leeneia.

    Four long hours of driving.
    One short dip in the ocean.
    Miserere nobis.

    Click to play

    (the Latin means "have mercy on us")

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Saro
Date: 04 Oct 07 - 03:03 AM

I wrote this one a while ago

"Early to bed and early to rise
Makes you wealthy, makes you wise.
I would rather be foolish and poor
And stay in bed a little while more."


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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 04 Oct 07 - 06:43 AM

Quick and easy to learn:

>big>Loudly brays the donkey

At the break of day

If you do not feed him

This is what he'll say

Haaaa,He Haaaa Heeeee Haaaa, Heee Haww, He Haw, He Haw.


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Subject: Old Woman
From: GUEST,Bakequery
Date: 27 Jul 08 - 08:50 AM

Old Woman Old Woman
Do you you want to marry me?
Speak a little louder sir
I'm rather hard of hearing

There are other verses which I can not remember right now.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,doc
Date: 21 Feb 09 - 04:36 PM

The verses from the Artful Codger remind me of a song we learned at camp when I was 10, but not as a round:

The frog he am a queer bird,
He ain't got no tail almost hardly,
When he run he yump,
When he yump he sit down
Cause he ain't got no tail almost hardly.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Dante Ferrara
Date: 22 Mar 09 - 02:03 PM

I've recorded many on my new CD 'Bazimakoo'. Though huge fun, they are mainly for adults

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Heather
Date: 27 Jul 11 - 06:53 PM

Does anyone know the tune for this one?

Happy days to all those that we love
Happy days to all those that love us
Happy days to all those that love them that love those that love them that love those that love us.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,sola
Date: 05 Aug 11 - 06:40 PM

I recall:
guys: Old woman, old woman, will you do my washing?
girls answer: Speak a little louder, sir--I'm very hard of hearing.
guys : Old woman, old woman, will you do (my cleaning?)?
girls: same answer--(or a little hard of hearing>?)
guys: s?t like come and sit with me...
girls: ...I'm slightly hard of hearing
guys: Old woman, old woman, will you...marry me?
girls: (I will marry you?) I hear you very clearly.

I was looking this up to see if anyone else had all the words. I learned it in the 4th grade (1956 ot 7) in Nancy, France--Am. school

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 23 Aug 13 - 01:31 PM

To stop the train
In cases of emergency
just pull down the chain
pull down the chain
penalty for each inproper use
five pounds

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 09 Sep 13 - 05:38 PM

another one to Frere Jacques
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Where's he gone?
Where's he gone?
Run off with Hermione
Run off with Hermione
Poor old Ron
Poor old Ron

And one we did at school :

Said Aristotle unto Plato
"Have another sweet potato"
Said Plato unto Aristotle
"Thank you, I prefer the bottle."

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: GUEST,Grishka
Date: 10 Sep 13 - 10:27 AM

The music of some of those rounds is neither well known nor easy to find. Would posters please attach ABC representations (as for example I did in this thread) or stable links to sheet music etc.? If it is in the DT, either a link or the exact title would be welcome. TIA.

Don't bother with good ol' Jacques and his brothers, though.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Artful Codger
Date: 10 Sep 13 - 02:41 PM

For the ABC-uninitiated (most readers?): I can help prepare ABCs and MIDIs for those who can make a scan of a score or record their singing to an MP3. Similarly, if you send me a MIDI, I can put it in Joe's repository and post a link here, along with an ABC transcription. PM me to make arrangements; include your email address.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Bettynh
Date: 10 Sep 13 - 03:41 PM

Bill Harley sings this, but I doubt that he wrote it:

Black socks, they never get dirty,
The longer you wear them the stronger they get.
Sometimes I think I should wash them,
But something inside me says No, no, not yet.
Not yet, not yet, not yet...

Here's a junior high chorus singing it.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Bettynh
Date: 10 Sep 13 - 04:22 PM

Christine Lavin and the Mistletones are credited with the Tacobel Canon:

OGuac-a-mo-le, guac-a-mo-le, guac-a-mo-le, guac-a-mo-le

Taco salad taco salad taco salad taco salad
Taco salad taco salad taco salad taco salad

Fajita! Fajita! Fajita! Fajita! Fajita! Fajita! Fajita! Fajita!

Lots of cheese and some sour cream
some lettuce salsa don't forget the
refried beans

Lots of cheese and some sour cream
some lettuce salsa don't forget the
refried beans

Hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno make it

Hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno
make it hot really hot add a little jalapeno make it

This is a well-done version.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: Bettynh
Date: 10 Sep 13 - 04:28 PM

From Joanne Hammil,

A Question of Tempo

When I'm under pressure I get speedy and tense up and then
ironically I don't get as much done as I could if I would slow
Down, breathe deep, stay centered and calm -I
Try, but I can't! I'm thinking of adding a relaxation class into my schedule so
I can be more steady even though I'm adding more... ('cause...)

More, more, more, more, more, more, more!

Listen here

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 11 Sep 13 - 01:25 AM

A DT search for the keyword "round" will give some worthwhile results. Many with tunes. I'm fond of "Miss Smith", "Liszt and Bach" and "Smetana"

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 11 Sep 13 - 05:24 PM

Developing the Tudor Catch, another hundred years later Purcell took it further into Catch rounds which were in and of themselves quite innocuous. But when the music was added, pauses in the parts aligned with the lead lines to produce an obscene result as the melody line switched leads. Now, I'm not suggesting you do something that extreme, but the idea might really work for kids if it's just a tad naughty.

And for those of you looking for the music-hall monologues, they're almost all here.

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Subject: RE: Looking for great fun/funny rounds
Date: 09 Jan 16 - 01:07 PM

Anyone know which "Great Tom" bell the catch "Well Rung Tom" refers to? I had assumed the bell at Christchurch, Oxford, but there is also one in St. Paul's Cathedral and a few others dotted around England.

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