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Lyr Req: Garden Valley (Dougie MacLean)


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mcmud 24 Jan 99 - 12:26 AM
Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin 24 Jan 99 - 09:08 AM
mcmud 24 Jan 99 - 04:32 PM
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Subject: DeDannan song request
From: mcmud
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 12:26 AM

Anyone know the words to "Garden Valley"? The song is from their Hibernian Rhapsody album. Thanks.

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Subject: Lyr Add: A GARDEN VALLEY (Dougie MacLean)
From: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 09:08 AM

It's a song by Dougie MacLean, from his Real Estate album. The words are with the CD, but I have a feeling they've either been up in another thread or are available elsewhere. In case not, these are they (I'll take my chance with copyright).

This is really not my home
Oh where are you my lovely Jenny?
I'm afraid and all alone.
There is no peace for me.
I'm sitting in the stranger's room,
Playing at the stranger's table
Shining empty like the moon,
There is no peace for me.

Refrain: But in the darkness struggle cold
I think about a garden valley,
Gentle as the leaves unfold,
Singing out across the Tay,
Distant and so far away,
There is no peace for me.

I'm blinded by your city lights.
I wander through these fearful places.
The colours fade to black and white.
There is no peace for me.
And these are not the friends I know.
These are not their smiling faces.
A desert that no-one should know.
There is no peace for me.

Now I know and feel it well,
Poor immigrants deep sunken feeling.
Standing at the gates of Hell.
there is no peace for me.
Burned out by their master's greed
Cruel exile, transportation,
Robbed of every love and need.
There is no peace for me.

Shoh slaynt,

Bobby Bob

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Subject: RE: DeDannan song request
From: mcmud
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 04:32 PM

Thanks, Bobby Bob. I had gotten most of it, but not all. Another beautiful and sad tune. -Jill

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