Subject: I just discovered Joan Baez! From: GUEST,Amy in Boston Date: 26 Mar 06 - 04:25 PM I found several of Joan Baez's albums from the early sixties in an old record store bin. I'd heard of her, but, had never actually heard her sing. That "voice"! And her guitar playing is "very impressive" to my ears. Matty Groves is my favorite of the songs she sings. It's hard to tell if she's strumming or fingerpicking in that song. I think a little of both. Anyway, it's great to discover a great talent. I'm going to read everything I can get my hands on about her, and purchase the rest of her sixties folk traditional material. Just thought I'd share. Peace to all, Amy |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Emma B Date: 26 Mar 06 - 04:27 PM Better late than never! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Folkie101 Date: 26 Mar 06 - 04:47 PM hello Amy, there are several Mudcat threads discussing Joan Baez that will interest you. she has been a favorite of mine for some time. one thread discusses her guitar style (i'm impressed with her guitar skills too). if you ever get a chance to hear her live, please go! in the shows i've seen, she's performed the traditional songs with her guitar. she brought tears to my eyes. i hope Very Early Joan is one of the albums you have. you can tell even then she would go on to be a folk treasure imho. happy discovering! Folkie |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: John O'L Date: 26 Mar 06 - 04:54 PM I too found an old double record set of hers in a junk store for a dollar a couple of weeks ago, brought it home and introduced my 11-year old daughter to her. My daughter has recently started having voice lessons and I can hear her practice improving since listening to Joan's beautiful voice. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Elmer Fudd Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:00 PM Listen/look at Joan on the Dylan documentary, "No Direction Home," and read her two autobiographies, "Daybreak" and "And a Voice to Sing With" to learn more about this remarkable woman firsthand. Elmer |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: bobad Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:01 PM Amy, check out the book "Positively 4th. Street" by David Hajdu, it's a pretty informative bio of Joan her sister Mimi and Mimi's husband Richard Farina and Bob Dylan - a good read. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: greg stephens Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:13 PM Those were the days. What a treat to start on all tha afresh. Good luck. I always liked "Long Black Veil" |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: ranger1 Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:23 PM My first big concert was going to see Joan Baez with my mom, about 20 years ago. I'd grown up listening to her albums and when I moved out on my own, I will admit to swiping my mom's collection of Joan's LPs. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Jim McLean Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:27 PM bobad mentions 'Positively 4th Street' by David Hajdu. My wife's (Alison Chapman McLean) pictures of Dylan etc., were printed in that book without credits or recognition. When Hajdu was contacted he admitted the error and promised to pay her £100. That was about a year ago. He sent £50 and pleaded poverty and to date she has received nothing more. I just thought I'd mention it. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Leadfingers Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:42 PM Back in the sixties , J B was so popular there was serious problem in UK clubs with ALL (or at least ,too many ) girl singers trying to sound like her . Now they all try to sound like Kate Rusby ! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: akenaton Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:49 PM Shouldn't be too difficult! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: michaelr Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:51 PM Saw her live for the first time last October. She's still quite the activist, and her voice is as strong as ever (although, thankfully she has toned down that vibrato a bit). Cheers, Michael |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Maryrrf Date: 26 Mar 06 - 05:53 PM Amy, I was just talking to somebody about how I got hooked on folk music and I mentioned it probably started when I was in Junior High School and I heard that album with Joan Baez singing House Carpenter and Mattie Groves. I too love Joan's early material (I wish she'd do some more all traditional albums again). Also love her guitar picking style - always just right and never overpowering - just enough to enhance and frame the song. Yes, those old album deserve an honored place in anyone's folk music collection. Terry I'm afraid I was one of those Joan Baez wannabees but had a contralto voice - never could manage her soprano! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Art Thieme Date: 26 Mar 06 - 06:29 PM Amy, How I envy you! You are only at the beginning of your great adventure. I wish you many years of health to compound your interest (pun intended) in the musics of your choice. I first heard a very young barefoot waif named Joan Baez in 1959 (I think) when she was opening the show for a fellow named Bob Gibson at a folk club called the GATE OF HORN in Chicago. Her voice hit us all who were in that audience then just like you said it struck you. ---- Bob Gibson mostly played banjo in those days---but there was one song that he was doing with a big 12-string guitar. That song was "Matty Groves" --- and that is how Joan learned the song. Bob Gibson's dramatic arrangement on guitar was the one Joan used----and the one you mention admiring in your first post. You won't hear any modern songs that can describe other times and places like the graphic imagery found in the ballads (story songs) put down and remembered for us by all the unknown singers who passed their work to us via the long trail of the oral tradition. It is a real treasure hunt---one that may actually allow you to find your own personal Grail. Go for it, and enjoy! You have found a real time machine... Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: paddymac Date: 26 Mar 06 - 07:54 PM She was one of the greats, to be sure. She performed her in Tallahassee about 10 years ago, and did a rendition of "Carrickfergus" that was simply incredible. I have heard many fine renditions by other performers, but the one I heard that night still stands out as the finest. I don't know if she ever recorded it or not. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: kendall Date: 26 Mar 06 - 08:10 PM Oh Joanie, she still doesn't know I'm alive. sigh. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: TinkerandCrab Date: 26 Mar 06 - 09:32 PM Isn't it great when a young person discovers someone like Joan for the first time? I am another one who plundered my father's Joan-heavy LP collection.... a few years later, I found "Joan Baez's First Album" (the bootleg one with Bill Wood and Ted Alevizios) for $1.00 in a used record shop and felt rich. Her version of "Virgin Mary Had One Son" on that album is positively breathtaking... I have fond memories of lying in bed and playing that record, listening in the dark... that echo made it so lovely and sacred-sounding. Ditto to whoever listed "Long Black Veil" as one of their favorites. I also love: Silver Dagger, In The Pines, The Banks of the Ohio, Black Is The Color, Four-Letter Word, It's All Over Now, Baby Blue; Jack-A-Roe, Once I Had A Sweetheart, Streets of Laredo... and oh, so many more! I could listen to her guitar-playing forever... Sorry, this post is pretty gushy and pointless... I just wanted to share the love. I've been fortunate to see Joan in concert several times, as she pays a visit to Staten Island almost once a year (she was born here, although spent almost no time). I particularly remember enjoying her live rendition of Flora (aka Lily Of The West), which I first heard by PP&M on vinyl (another swipe from Dad!) :^) --Catherine, who is 30 but really much older inside... |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: frogprince Date: 26 Mar 06 - 09:56 PM "the bootleg one with Bill Wood and Ted Alevizios" I bought it at the PX at Patuxent River Naval Air Station in the summer of 1965. God knows how many times I've played it. And it cracks me up a little, as well as delights me, to hear "Isn't it great when a young person discovers someone like Joan for the first time?" and then learn that it was said by someone well under half my age! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Folkie101 Date: 26 Mar 06 - 10:16 PM Amy, do you sing and/or play the guitar? if so, there's the Joan Baez songbook printed in 1966 or so. it features all the traditional songs from her folk recordings. it gives you all the chords she used, and even gives capo placements for those using a capo. her bio "And A Voice To Sing With" takes you inside her life experiences. she tells her story in a way to make you feel you are there as it's unfolding. one day, i was on the hunt for Joan's albums in a thrift store. when i told the owners wife how much i loved JB and was teaching myself guitar, she went in the back and gave me several of Joan's 60's recordings! it was a day i will never forget. she said she heard Joan sing (in San Francisco)in the early 60's as Joan was starting her career. she also said Joan came out without introduction, in a sleeveless dress and was barefoot. keep in mind very few people knew of her at the time. she said Joan started with "Come All Ye Fair And Tender Maidens". according to her, when Joan started to sing, you could have heard a pin drop. she said everyone sat there totally stunned by her incredible voice. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: TinkerandCrab Date: 26 Mar 06 - 10:36 PM Oops... didn't mean to make people feel old... I more meant it as that I sort of identified with Amy, the thread-starter... when I got into Joan I was about 16 and the music was recorded way before my time, and it's sort of a special experience... everyone around you is listening to stuff like hip-hop or nine-inch nails, and you have this different thing that's all your own. It's an "outsider" experience... kind of a very different experience from what those of you who lived through the 1960's revival era firsthand have known... at least that music was *sorta* popular at that time... now, for people of my age and younger, it's practically verboten... |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Kaleea Date: 27 Mar 06 - 12:22 AM If you go to you can find out her schedule & perhaps attend a concert. They are usually sell-outs. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: skarpi Date: 27 Mar 06 - 01:40 AM halló , better late than never Emma I back you up on that one Amy keep on listen and you will discover more suprises in the music. Folkie 101 where can we find this book ? all the best Skarpi Iceland. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Folkie101 Date: 27 Mar 06 - 07:48 AM hello Skarpi, i found Joan's bio "And A Voice To Sing With" and "Positively 4th Street" (also a great read) by David Hajdu, at my local library. if your local library doesn't have these books, see if they can get a loan on them from another library. if you want to purchase them, probably carries them. cheers, Folkie |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Janice in NJ Date: 27 Mar 06 - 08:16 AM We folkies have taken Joan Baez for granted for much too long. She is magnificent. But beyond that she has done something, especially in her earliest recordings, that so many of us still think is impossible. That is, she has made traditional folk music accessible to modern mass audiences without going the route of the Kingston Trio, PP&M, and the Weavers, groups who have done so much tweaking and polishing that the underlying traditional sounds all but disappear. All hail the Great Saint Joan!!! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: voyager Date: 27 Mar 06 - 09:26 AM Here's a good web-bio tribute to the career of Joan Baez - Joan Baez - Web Bio I'm just finishing Taylor Branch's subperb chronicle of the MLK years (1964-68) "At Canaan's Edge". The tales of Ms. Baez contributions during the Civil Rights era are heroic and inspiring. Cheers voyager |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Guess who.... Date: 27 Mar 06 - 09:31 AM Oh Joanie, she still doesn't know I'm alive. sigh. But, Kendall, if she did know you were alive, she'd write you off as just another dirty old man. Isn't it better to have a lady who knows you're a dirty old man and prefers it that way? I've always found it so. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: SINSULL Date: 27 Mar 06 - 09:39 AM I envy you, Amy. It is like devouring Jane Austin for the first time and then wishing you had savoured it more slowly. Now go take a wander through Folk-Legacy's offerings, ask Sandy for some guidance and discover even more wonders. I saw Joan in concert twice - once on Long Island in the early 60s. She was still a waif but wore Birkenstocks. After her first set, she introduced another ragged little waif - Bob Dylan. Many years later I saw her at Carnegie Hall. She had grown into a mature and outspoken woman. The trademark long hair was gone, the voice was still beautiful but mellowed with age, and I felt very old. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 27 Mar 06 - 10:52 AM Joan was my first real obsession in music. That was around 1962 or something like that, maybe as early as 1960. She has remained a huge influence for the rest of my life. I wish I could go back in a time machine and see some of those early shows from '59 through '69 or thereabouts. I never did see her live in those days, just listened to the records. The first time I saw her live was at the Rolling Thunder Revue in '75 with Mr Dylan and various friends. That was great. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Wolfgang Date: 27 Mar 06 - 12:52 PM (I first read 'divorced' in the thread title) Congratulations to a splendid find. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: frogprince Date: 27 Mar 06 - 01:11 PM Tinker and Crab, you've nothin' to apologize for at all. I was just reminded again of how relative a reference to "a young person" really is, and also reminded once more of how heartening it is to see really good music bridge the mid-60-ish, the 30-ish, and teenagers. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Steve-o Date: 27 Mar 06 - 02:45 PM Another wonderful book that has a lot about Joanie's early years is "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" by Jim Rooney and Eric Von Schmidt. Absolutely fabulous remeniscences of an era that won't come again (unfortunately). |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Little Hawk Date: 27 Mar 06 - 06:14 PM Yeah, that is a marvelous book, with many rare photographs and personal accounts from "them whut wuz there". It's hard to find, though. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: frogprince Date: 27 Mar 06 - 06:24 PM "BabY Let Me Follow You Down" has been in and out of print; I missed getting one years ago, then caught it when available a couple of years back; I don't really know about the status just now. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Sandy Paton Date: 27 Mar 06 - 09:30 PM |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Amy in Boston Date: 27 Mar 06 - 10:39 PM Hi Everyone, Thanks for all the helpful information on Joan Baez. I'm 16 and I discovered Joan and this website out of the blue! I got a guitar on Saturday and have started teaching myself with a chord book. My Mom just ordered me the Joan Baez songbook, books about Joan and the Dylan dvd. She says this will be my early Christmas presents. This music really moves me. I just love the way Joan plays the guitar and sings her songs. Peace, Amy P. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Jaze Date: 27 Mar 06 - 10:44 PM Sandy. it looks like your post was cut off. WHO offers that book?? |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: TinkerandCrab Date: 27 Mar 06 - 10:55 PM Okay, this thread has got me thinking about Joan, and now I really want to get that early album in some digital format; through research I finally figured out that the album "FOLKSINGERS 'ROUND HARVARD SQUARE" is what I really want... do any of you own this on CD? Is there any online site that sells it? I *really* want to put that version of "What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby" onto this mix I'm making for a friend (same one that I need the June Tabor track for; see "On Air" thread that I started yesterday). There's another version of her singing that song on an album called "Noel", but it's different and not the one I have my heart set on. The folks here are all so helpful! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Phil C. Date: 28 Mar 06 - 07:52 AM The books "Positively 4th Street" , "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" and Joan's bio, "And A Voice To Sing With", can be found on |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Sam in Tx Date: 28 Mar 06 - 08:22 AM anyone know where Joan's first book Daybreak can be found? i tried to find it on and |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: open mike Date: 28 Mar 06 - 10:39 AM i found 2 copies available...first editions...from which is a service that lists the inventory of thousands of book dealers. unfortunatley they are going for $125.oo! here is how one of them is described: Songbook by Joan Baez Baez, Joan Arrangements and Introduction by Elie Siegmeister. Preface by John M. Conly, Illustrations by Eric Von Schmidt, edited by Maynard Solomon. Ryerson Music New York, 1964. Stated First edition Illustrated by color and two tone illus throughout text. Price still on dust jacket. Contents fine, cover near fine, dustjacket poor. Oversized hardcover with dustjacket Very good+ to near fine Hardcover in Dust jacket that has one triangular chip off tope edge, closed tears on bottom edge. 66 songs, including Portland Town, The Tramp On The Street, Long Black Veil, Lady Mary; East Virginia; Geordie; House Carpenter; Silver Dagger; Railroad Boy; Banks of the Ohio; Lonesome Road; We Shall Overcome; Amazing Grace; Portland Town; Where Have All the Flowers Gone, more.Contains arrangements, including guitar chords, for 66 songs taken from Joan Baez' early albums. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Maryrrf Date: 28 Mar 06 - 12:09 PM Amy, it is so nice to hear that a young person has discovered Joan's beautiful early material and is inspired - I'm sure we all are delighted and wish you many hours of enjoyment as you explore the world of traditional music. I was about your age when I "disovered" the ballads and have had many years of enjoyment, working out arrangements, meeting other folk enthusiasts - or just sitting in my living room singing the songs I to love. The songs themselves have become like old friends to me. Keep visiting Mudcat and you'll discover other great singers and songs, too! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Rex A. Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:50 AM Amy, If you make a habit of checking out thrift stores often, you'll be able to find lots of Joan's folk records really cheap. Don't give up on the guitar. One day, you'll be happy you stuck it out. It's good to not have to depend on others to accompany you. Have fun! Rex |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Guest, Big Tim Date: 29 Mar 06 - 09:57 AM I brought my two daughters up on Baez and Dylan records. They weren't too impressed. About two years ago my elder girl (born 1970) attended a festival at which Joan Baez happened to be appearing. Then she started lecturing me about what a great singer Joan Baez was! I saw Joan sing "There But For Fortune" live on bbc tv a few weeks ago. (the Andrew Marr prog). |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: Big Al Whittle Date: 29 Mar 06 - 10:26 AM was that Andrew Marr? I had it in my mind as someone else - Phil Ochs or somebody, funny how time plays nasty tricks on your memory. I was thinking about this thread and I suppose I am like everyone else - totally in awe of her guitar playing and delivery of trad material. The only trouble with her was that she set an impossibly high standard for lady singers. You knew everytime they came up to perform in your local folk club - they all had the long Joan/Marianne Faithful type hair and the acoustic guitar and they all sang her songs, and by and large they all sounded pretty crap - cos you were comparing them with Joan Baez records. The boys had a lot easier time - doing the Dylan rasp or the Tom Paxton smiley tone, or the Leonard Cohen drone or the Martin Carthy/Walter Gabriel/jolly sailor/Long John Silver/merry ploughboy all purpose trad noise. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Guest, Big Tim Date: 29 Mar 06 - 11:10 AM wld: Phil Ochs wrote the song. Andrew Marr is the name of the bbc man who hosted the show on which Joan guested. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Mike M. Date: 29 Mar 06 - 11:33 AM There are some interesting facts about Joan in "Positively 4th Street". Even Joan's college pal (who taught Joan lots of added guitar skills and songs weighs in.) A good read indeed. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Steve D. Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:49 PM Amy, I lived in Boston in the late 50's and remember being one of Joan's fans in the coffeehouse. She was a special performer who could hold an audience, PLAY that guitar and sing beautifully! I used to love to hear her sing Geordie. When she became famous, most of us were not surprised. Her rise to fame seemed to come so easily. It was her destiny I guess. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Silvie W. Date: 30 Mar 06 - 08:06 AM What I admire about Joan is she knew from an early age what she wanted to do with her life, and made good use of the resources around her. She even risked her career (even at it's heights), for what she believed in. It appears she wasn't doing it for publicity. Go Joan! |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: DaveA Date: 30 Mar 06 - 08:13 AM I remember discovering her in the very early 60's when Joan Baez Vol II came out. Suddenly, it was impossible to go to a party without hearing her sing Kumbaya, Geordie and Danger Waters. I know I played Kumbaya incessantly, gave at least 3 girl friends copies of the LP (as it was then), & decided she was the epitome of a "folk singer". And to this day I still love to hear her early stuff. But my parents (and others) were not so keen!! Dad christened her "moaning Joan" & took great pleasure in showing me any Lil Abner cartoons which featured a character called "Joannie Phony". I admit to some small satisfaction when in later years a few less appealing facts about Al Capp (the author) became public. But I guess mainly it was people becoming confused between her artistry & her social protest. In her early years, she had perhaps the purest voice on record & a remarkably appropriate guitar technique to support. Amy, I envy you as you discover her. Dave and in fairness to Dad ( 26 years gone but still missed), later in the 60's we would take a record player & my collection of The Chad Mitchell Trio out into the backyard on a balmy summer night & play the lot (all 6 of them). Our tastes diverged but his heart was in the right place. |
Subject: RE: I just discovered Joan Baez From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 30 Mar 06 - 08:24 AM Amy, now that you've discovered Joan, it's time to make another great ( greater?) discovery! Get hold of Carolyn Hester's 1962 Columbia album (the one with Bob Dylan playing harmonica). Hearing her sing "Dink's Song", "Dear Companion" and "Dowie Dens o Yarrow", for the first time should be a revelation. |
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