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Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007


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Mr Red 18 Aug 06 - 05:27 AM
GUEST,Hampshire Hog 18 Aug 06 - 12:44 PM
Mr Red 03 Sep 06 - 08:37 AM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 09:32 AM
Charley Noble 03 Sep 06 - 09:48 AM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 10:05 AM
Charley Noble 03 Sep 06 - 10:16 AM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 10:42 AM
Charley Noble 03 Sep 06 - 11:41 AM
The Sandman 03 Sep 06 - 12:28 PM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 12:45 PM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 12:52 PM
The Sandman 03 Sep 06 - 02:04 PM
Blowzabella 03 Sep 06 - 03:05 PM
GUEST,Rosemary Tawney 05 Sep 06 - 06:22 PM
The Sandman 06 Sep 06 - 10:23 AM
Blowzabella 07 Sep 06 - 04:15 PM
The Sandman 08 Sep 06 - 04:40 AM
GUEST,RosemaryTawney 09 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM
The Sandman 09 Sep 06 - 04:52 PM
The Sandman 10 Sep 06 - 03:54 AM
The Sandman 11 Sep 06 - 03:31 AM
RoyH (Burl) 11 Sep 06 - 11:23 AM
The Sandman 12 Sep 06 - 08:05 AM
GUEST,Canberra 13 Sep 06 - 03:52 AM
GUEST,Canberra Chris 13 Sep 06 - 03:59 AM
Mr Red 01 Oct 06 - 12:47 PM
GUEST,beachcomber 01 Oct 06 - 04:25 PM
Mr Red 15 Jan 07 - 04:44 AM
Charley Noble 15 Jan 07 - 11:28 AM
Schantieman 15 Jan 07 - 12:21 PM
Alio 07 Mar 07 - 05:27 PM
Linda Kelly 07 Mar 07 - 07:01 PM
SqueezeMe 08 Mar 07 - 03:46 AM
Rasener 08 Mar 07 - 05:21 AM
Linda Kelly 08 Mar 07 - 01:27 PM
The Sandman 09 Mar 07 - 12:35 PM
MuddleC 11 Mar 07 - 06:26 PM
MuddleC 14 Mar 07 - 12:59 PM
GUEST,Derek Schofield 16 Mar 07 - 02:03 PM
GUEST,Derek Schofield 16 Mar 07 - 04:50 PM
MuddleC 16 Mar 07 - 09:01 PM
MuddleC 22 Mar 07 - 07:31 AM
Charmain 12 Apr 07 - 10:40 AM
Linda Kelly 13 Apr 07 - 02:51 PM
Rasener 13 Apr 07 - 03:50 PM
Alio 13 Apr 07 - 06:42 PM
Linda Kelly 15 Apr 07 - 03:07 PM
Charley Noble 15 Apr 07 - 03:46 PM
Effsee 15 Apr 07 - 03:48 PM
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Subject: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Mr Red
Date: 18 Aug 06 - 05:27 AM

sent to me

Dear Mr Red Just wanted to say..... "CELEBRATING CYRIL" will be held on Saturday 14th April 2007 at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY - to remember the life and work of Cyril Tawney, who died in April 2005, and to raise funds for the preservation of his archive of writing, field recordings and folk memorabilia, which will be housed in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library in Cecil Sharp House, which is the headquarters of the English Folk Dance and Song Society. Among the many friends and colleagues taking part will be Martin Carthy and Norma Waterson, Louis Killen, Mike Waterson, Shep Woolley, Roy Harris, Doc Rowe, Martyn Wyndham-Read and Iris Bishop, Roy Clinging, Les Barker, Tim Laycock, Heather Wood, and a contingent from the West of England, including the Dartmoor Pixie Band with their caller Sarah Bazeley, Jim Causley, Ed Rennie, Tim van Eyken, Hanging Johnny, The Claque and Graham O'Callaghan. In the afternoon, a Westcountry Revel with entertainment by the Westcountry performers including dancing to the Dartmoor Pixie Band, will highlight Cyril's strong regional connections. Following this, Shep Woolley and friends will present "Hands to Dance and Skylark", Shep's programme about Cyril's seminal work on the traditional songs of the modern Royal Navy. The bill for the evening concert will include many of England's leading performers of traditional songs and music. Throughout the day Doc Rowe's audiovisual exhibition, which documents aspects of Cyril and his work, will be on display and there will be ample opportunity to socialise at singarounds and in the bar.

General enquiries to

Afternoon (12 - 6.30pm) £12;
Evening Concert (8 - 11pm) £15;
Combined ticket £25.

Tickets will be on sale in October from:

"Celebrating Cyril"
c/o English Folk Dance and Song Society
Cecil Sharp House
2, Regent's Park Road
London NW1 7AY

Cheques payable to "EFDSS". Envelopes to be marked "Celebrating Cyril".

For credit card payments contact EFDSS: Telephone 020 7485 2206 or (email removed)

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,Hampshire Hog
Date: 18 Aug 06 - 12:44 PM

Such a pity this celebration is not being held at the Gosport & Fareham Easter Festival in Hampshire the previous weekend.

Cyril was born and grew up in Gosport. He spent much of his life in in the town and it would surely have been the most appropriate place in which to stage a celebration of his life.

The Festival Organisers told me they'd be delighted to host such a celebration. Perhaps whoever is organising the London event could approach the Gosport Festival about doing something there as well?

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Mr Red
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 08:37 AM

Rosemary Tawney advises me there is are details on the website Cyril Tawney's website and hopefully she can now post her own comments........ lets see.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 09:32 AM

I wonder if Gosport and Fareham ever thought of offering him an engagement when he was still with us?

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Charley Noble
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 09:48 AM

Picky, picky and snippy!

There would appear to be plenty of time to work out the details so that more communities could help commemorate Cyril's life and works.

In this case more is better!

Maybe we'll even do a long overdue special event here in the States.

Charley Noble

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 10:05 AM

Charley, The more celebrations of Cyril's life, the better, as far as I'm concerned. It just rankles with me a bit, that there are still many of our 'elder statesmen' around who rarely seem to get booked at Festivals, these days, because they aren't in the latest trendy band. I was priveliged to have Cyril and Rosemary's comapny every Easter for many years, and watched how he could hold an audience in the palm of his hands many many times. Have also had the pleasure of the company of Louis Killen, Roy Harris, Hughie Jones but I don't think many 'folk' festivals (side from Maritime Festivals, which tend to be a different animal) have them as bill-headers, or would probably even consider them - IF, that is, the bookers had heard of them! It just makes me cross - sorry.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Charley Noble
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 10:16 AM


You're absolutley right, and I couldn't agree with you more. There is also the naive assumption that such fine singers and mentors will be around forever. T'ain't so, sad to say, except for their songs and our aging collective memories.

The best that some of us can do to correct this situation is to get involved (or stay involved) with the organizing of festivals and other special events. It's not glorious work, and sometimes help is actively discouraged, but keep at it.

Charley Noble

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 10:42 AM

Charley - here's some info on other celebrations, which have already taken place...(details from Cyril's site)

Shep Woolley's Plymouth evening in memory of Cyril on 20th April, with support by Hanging Johnny, raised £1667 for the Diving Diseases Research Centre. By all accounts it was a great evening and it may be repeated next year.

The Four Fools Folk Club's "Sing For Cyril" Sponsored Sing on 22nd April made £1200 for RNLI. Ken and Angie Bladen, who organised it, report that ony two songs were duplicated throughout the 12 hours - two performances of "Sally Free and Easy" and two of "The Leaving of Liverpool". Quite an achievement by the versatile participants!

Bodmin Folk Club's Open House Night on 30th June raised £400 for DDRC.

A big 'Thank you' to Shep, Hanging Johnny, Four Fools and the Bodmin Club for their efforts and to all those who have previously, and continue to, put on tribute events to Cyril, most of them raising funds for local and national charities - they include Market Rasen Folk Club, Windward Folk Club, St Albans, Scarborough Festival of the Sea, Sidmouth Folk Week 2005, Cutty Wren Folk Club, Marske and Whitby Folk Week 2005.

There will also be a tribute event at the Swanage Festival - details to follow

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Charley Noble
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 11:41 AM

Anything happening in October when I'll actually be in the UK?

Charley Noble

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 12:28 PM

I agree with Blowzabella, as someone who had the pleasure of cyrils company many times at Lancaster maritime festival and was there at his last lancaster[ which i believe was his last gig]. Dick Miles

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 12:45 PM

Thanks Dick - and yes, Lancaster 2004 was his last - you might remember he had his leg bandaged and was going off to the hospital for re-dressing - he had to go into hospital quite soon afterwards and, sadly, he died soon after Lancaster 2005 xx

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 12:52 PM

Oh - and by the way, Dick - the only reason I didn't mention you in my post above, is cos you're not old enough to be an 'elder statesman' - it wasn't a comment on you! I've seen you many a time and loved every performance I've seen you give!

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 02:04 PM

THANKS BLOWZABELLA[ havent seen through your alias yet, but you must be a scorpion]TO BE 21 again, with the experience I havenow would be great,DickMiles

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 03 Sep 06 - 03:05 PM

I'm not quite a scorpion, Dick, but they are pals of mine!

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,Rosemary Tawney
Date: 05 Sep 06 - 06:22 PM

Thanks to Mr. Red for alerting me to this thread. I think Blowzabella has already said most of what I would like to say – the many events which have taken place since Cyril died have been spontaneously locally-generated; I'm not even sure that I know about all of them. Celebrating Cyril is a one-off national event, which itself grew from a suggestion by one of the group which has volunteered to organise it, made after the Tribute Concert at last year's Sidmouth Folk Week. All the performers and organisers are giving freely of their talents and time and the EFDSS is helping with the use of Cecil Sharp House. Even if the organisers were in the business of looking for hosts, I doubt that they or anyone else could come up with such a line-up again.

Hampshire Hog has a county-biased picture of Cyril's life. Though born in Gosport, he spent four and a half formative years of his childhood evacuated to Hambledon, then 2 years in Gosport before entering the Navy. Even counting his 4-year Naval apprenticeship, this makes about 15 years living in Gosport, plus home leave and other visits. He spent 27 years in the North of England, sandwiched between a total of 18 in Devon.

Re Blowzabella's query – my records show that Cyril did a Gosport Festival in April 1992 and another in1993 or 1995 (can't read my writing). I'm not sure whether the current management was involved, but I well remember the 1992 event, because I had a sales point in the large marquee in which Cyril was appearing – the crowds began to come in very early and I had literally sold all my stock before the concert started! Cyril was approached once again, fairly recently, but was unable to accept the gig because he was already booked at Lancaster Maritime.

Which brings me to Blowzabella's other point about the lack some of the 'oldtimers' (sorry, baby Hughie) at general festivals in recent years. We thought that is related to whether or not an artist is handled by an agency or management. In the 1960s and 1970s, Cyril worked partly through Folk Directions and Highway Artistes, but latterly we organised everything ourselves. This worked well, and consisted mainly of me co-ordinating requests and filling the gaps in tours by approaching clubs which booked Cyril regularly anyway. I'm not cut out for 'cold calling' and fortunately rarely needed to do it. With the rise of the bigger agencies, many festival organisers have found it convenient to book a package, though some, such as Whitby Folk Week, ploughed a different furrow. This is not a complaint, merely a statement of fact as we saw it. Cyril enjoyed festivals and concerts but the clubs were his greatest pleasure, in spite of the drawbacks of touring.

I hope this isn't too longwinded for Mudcat. Thank you all for your past, present and future support.


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 06 Sep 06 - 10:23 AM

Hello Rosemary, glad to see you are in good form . DickMiles

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Blowzabella
Date: 07 Sep 06 - 04:15 PM

How come thiis topic has fallen flat? I think it is very worthy of moe contributions

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 08 Sep 06 - 04:40 AM

very pleased to hear the EFDSS are helping with the use of Cecil Sharp House[ hope they are donating it for free].
THIS IS GOOD NEWS, THANKS efdss, They seem to be becoming more progressive in encouraging song. Their initititaves in south yorkshire are also praiseworthy.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,RosemaryTawney
Date: 09 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM

Good to hear from you, Dick. We lost your email address and other details when old computer was playing up - could you re-send please (see website


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 09 Sep 06 - 04:52 PM

Dear Rosemary ,I will be in contact, Dick Miles

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 10 Sep 06 - 03:54 AM

Toi CharleyNoble,an event in the states sounds like a very good idea.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 11 Sep 06 - 03:31 AM

perhaps other nautical societies could be persuaded to put on a concert for cyril.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: RoyH (Burl)
Date: 11 Sep 06 - 11:23 AM

I hope folks won't think this too opportunistic of me, but seeing that I am taking part in the Cyril Tawney Day, 14th April, 07, I wonder if any London area clubs would consider booking me for a gig on the 13th or 15th? Since my retirement gigs for me come into the 'Rare appearance' category and I'm happy with that, but if anyone would like to take a chance I'll be happy with that too. Cheers, Burl (aka Roy Harris)

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 12 Sep 06 - 08:05 AM

If i was aclub organiser I would jump at the oppurtunity to book Roy Harris [ Ithought his rapport with audiences was like a snake charmer].

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,Canberra
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 03:52 AM

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,Canberra Chris
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 03:59 AM

Pardon the blank above, finger slipped!

TJust wanted to add the National Folk Festival in Canberra, Australia had a wonderful tribute concert to Cyril Tawney at Easter 2006, including the likes of Danny Spooner. Cyril is well-remembered.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Mr Red
Date: 01 Oct 06 - 12:47 PM


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: GUEST,beachcomber
Date: 01 Oct 06 - 04:25 PM

I have memories of hearing Cyril Tawney and "The Loo Shantymen" (?) on BBC evening programmes a long time ago. That was in the era of the BBC 's Light Programme, I heard them here in Ireland on Long Wave Transmission (1500 meters , I believe) It was my first time to hear sung versions of "Lilliebullero" and "Spanish Ladies" . I thought the sea songs were marvellous then and now I know why. I had the good fortune to hear Cyril "live", in Cobh, Co.Cork a few years ago, he was marvellous then too and didn't begrudge the time for a chat with a fan.
I wonder what year would those BBC broadcasts have been transmitted ?

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Mr Red
Date: 15 Jan 07 - 04:44 AM

as per Rose Tawney's e-mail

"Celebrating Cyril"   Saturday 14th April at Cecil Sharp House, London


The evening concert will start at start at 7.30 instead of 8.00, because of the large bill.

MCs Roy Harris and Roy Clinging will introduce a starry line-up including Les Barker, Martin Carthy and Norma Waterson, Jim Causley, Hanging Johnny, Louis Killen, Tim Laycock, John Steel and Lewis Johns, Tim van Eyken, Mike Waterson, Heather Wood, and Martyn Wyndham-Read and Iris Bishop.

Afternoon events run from noon to 6.30 include singarounds and two very special sessions:

"Hands to Dance and Skylark" - Shep Woolley and friends, including Hanging Johnny, will cover Cyril's work in the traditional maritime field, especially the songs of the 20th century Royal Navy.

A Westcountry Revel with dancing to the Dartmoor Pixie Band, Dartmoor step and broom dancing, songs from many local performers and a special appearance by Sailor Jan - Bob Cann's veteran dancing doll.

Doc Rowe's audio-visual exhibition about Cyril's life and work will run throughout the day.

ADA Recordings will have on sale new CDs for the occasion. A double album "Cyril Tawney – The Song Goes On" consisting of re-mastered recordings of traditional gems from Cyril's archive, also a 1981 concert recorded at Holsteins in Chicago, which is a wonderful example of Cyril on top form.

All those taking part are donating their services, and the EFDSS is not charging for the use of Cecil Sharp House. The proceeds will go towards preserving Cyril's archive which will be housed in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.

Ticket details are on and

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Charley Noble
Date: 15 Jan 07 - 11:28 AM

Sounds like a wonderful commemorative event. I wouldn't miss it if I were less than a thousand miles away.

Charley Noble in Maine

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Schantieman
Date: 15 Jan 07 - 12:21 PM


I was hoping and intending to be there. My daughter is performing in a NYFTE concert in Bristol on the same day.   O for time travel!   O tempora, o mores!

BTW, is there a reason why Tom Lewis - surely Cyril's natural heir in the folk world - wasn't invited to take part?


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Alio
Date: 07 Mar 07 - 05:27 PM

I've got my tickets, and the hotel and train are both booked - I can't wait! it's going to be a wonderful day. I wonder if Cyril's older brother Archie will be there? He lives here in the Greater Manchester area, and was always so proud of Cyril. The 'Hands to Dance and Skylark' sounds brilliant. Roll on the 14th! Who else is going (besides me and Linda Kelly!)?


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Linda Kelly
Date: 07 Mar 07 - 07:01 PM

Me and HAzel Ali! Hissyfit will be there have tickets have hotel have train booked-we can't wait!!!!

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: SqueezeMe
Date: 08 Mar 07 - 03:46 AM

Interesting to see the names of John Steel and Lewis Johns on this thread. Many happy recollections of them singing with Cyril back in the late 1960s/early 1970s in the Plymouth area. Any one know if they are still active on the UK (?) folk scene, or whether their performance at the Celebrating Cyril concert will be a 'one off'?

Ah, nostalgia....

I think the last time I heard John Steel was at the Cabin Club in Plymouth; I remember the night well because I won a folk club raffle for the one and only time I can ever recall; prize was Cyril's Baring-Gould LP, (subsequently lent and never returned). Wouldn't mind getting hold of this again. Any one got a spare copy???


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Rasener
Date: 08 Mar 07 - 05:21 AM

Ooooh, I wish I could be there. Cyril was one of my Icons.

You lucky devils Hissyfit.

Do you remember this Hissyfit?

>>Friday May the 20th 2005

"In memory of Cyril Tawney"


Market Rasen Folk Club
Faldingworth Village Hall
N'r Market Rasen

Faldingworth lies North of Lincoln on the A46 and about 4 miles before you get to Market Rasen.

The Artists appearing and offering their services free are

John Conolly
Shanty Jack

All proceeds will go to the Diving Diseases Research Centre charity as approved by Cyril's wife Rosemary.<<

What a lovely evening that was in memory of Cyril, and the first event held at Faldingworth Village Hall. Still remember vividly, Hissyfit singing the most beautiful version of "The Ballad Of Sammys Bar".

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: Linda Kelly
Date: 08 Mar 07 - 01:27 PM

it was a great night Les-and we are really looking forward to April 14th.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: The Sandman
Date: 09 Mar 07 - 12:35 PM

I am sorry I cant be there,Hope it goes well

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House
From: MuddleC
Date: 11 Mar 07 - 06:26 PM

Well, speaking as a ex-tiffy myself, 76-86, I kick myself that I didn't get to see more of Cyril. Shep was a regular at the PO's Mess at HMS Daedalus, amongst other shore stations.
I'm getting my ticket tomorrow, crashing at a mate's in London.
I regularly sing Grey Funnel Line and Suit of Grey, The former I identify with my 82 Falklands summer holiday, and the latter with the ex! (as she was too tall for five-foot flirt!)I'm too fat for 'Lean and unwashed Tiffy', but chicken on a raft brings back memories of HMS Fisgard ... the way the fried bread exploded when you tried to cut it... health&safety hazard now!
Tim AEA(R)2

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: MuddleC
Date: 14 Mar 07 - 12:59 PM

Just had a most illuminating conversation with someone at Cecil Sharpe House.
I was trying to buy a day ticket (£25), but none were left... all sold out.......
. --but I could buy an afternoon ticket (£12) , and an evening ticket (£15)............

My question to them, and this is where they had problems grasping this concept..
What is the difference beween an ALL-DAY ticket and me purchasing both an AFTERNOON and an EVENING ticket??
Do I miss-out on anything??
-brunch breakfast with Eliza Carthy perhaps?
-High tea with cumcumber sandwiches or an 'ACCESS ALL AREAS' back-stage pass?
-access to the 'Green room'?

The very bubbly and helpful lady did seem to grasp the theory eventually, and the answer ..Nothing, you see everything an all-day   ticket holder sees (although she did accidently drop in the expression VIP).
Okay, so I am paying two pounds ($4)extra, but If I have one ticket for each segment, don't I take up the same space as a day-ticket holder?
Here's the math... 1A+1E = 1D
can't the computer do this equation, or the human operator?
She said there were no seat reservations (apart from VIPs of course),

So when is an afternoon and an evening not a day, why, in the dim twilight of the EFDSS marketing dept. ........ so don't be put distracted by a tall blue box appearing suddenly towards the rear of the stage, just nod and say 'Hello, nice to see you Doctor..has the TARDIS got an all day or combined Afternoon/Evening ticket? Let's see what he says!

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield
Date: 16 Mar 07 - 02:03 PM

MuddleC's message was brought to my attention, so I queried the situation with the EFDSS. The person who normally deals with the tickets was off ill that day and the person who dealt with MuddleC's call became rather confused by the questions. She's sorry if MuddleC's query was not dealt with in the manner that h/she might have wished.

Regarding tickets, all the 'all day' and the afternoon tickets are now sold - just afternoon ones remaining.

Regarding EFDSS, it is a charity, employing a small number of staff who are called on to answer a wide range of enquiries by post, phone and email. Staff endeavour to answer politely, but being human beings, they do occasionally make mistakes (just like MuddleC who mis-spells Sharp as Sharpe .... :-)

Derek Schofield
Editor: English Dance & Song magazine (published by EFDSS)

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield
Date: 16 Mar 07 - 04:50 PM

And just to prove that we can all make mistakes ... I should of course have typed that the only tickets left are EVENING ones .... my apologies....

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: MuddleC
Date: 16 Mar 07 - 09:01 PM

Okay, I will have to wear sackcloth and ashes for adding the 'e'..., just so long as the EFDSS realise they left out the '&' in EFD&SS....but I did say the lady was very helpful, we both laughed about the strange concept of afternoon and evening ticket do not a day ticket make.
What was the result of your query?. I already knew she wasn't the one who normally dealt with tickets, for she told me so.
So Derek, strictly speaking, shouldn't a 'DAY' ticket include the morning as well, or is that just another 'we all make mistakes moment'??

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: MuddleC
Date: 22 Mar 07 - 07:31 AM

Well,avid readers, good news!!!
This morning a letter arrived from the EFD&SS... no, not one threatening to send around a crack undercover BBG (Bodhran Busking Group, or even worse, a Special Jazz Emsemble (or is that dissemble?)... perhaps the most feared thing in the world ... a Morris Team......gasp!-with blacked out faces naturally)...Actually I'd prefer a Rapper side , but I digress....
... a letter containing ... a 'DAY' ticket!!! for £25 no less!!!!!

Thank you for making me smile on a dreary damp Thursday, perhaps all is not lost in this world after all!!!

Apologies to the person they had to 'mug' to get the ticket.. and thanks to all at Cecil Sharp house..
(They did get their own back on me though... they added an 'S' to the end of my surname ..touche')

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Charmain
Date: 12 Apr 07 - 10:40 AM

I would have loved to attend this event and am sorry I did not hear about it time to get a ticket - I was priviledged enough to see Cyril's last gig at Lancaster in 2004 and his memory has been kept by performers at the the Lancaster Festival ever since. He had such a wonderful spirit and his life deserves to be celebrated for many, many years to come - God Bless You Cyril.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Linda Kelly
Date: 13 Apr 07 - 02:51 PM

If you see us tomorrow, then please come and say hello , Hazel and I are travelling down from Beverley at some ungodly hour so we will be the ones looking knackered (especially Hazel who is coming back from Scotland today)and clutching the Hull Trains breakfast rolls. Hopefully there is a chance to sing a song or 2 tomorrow-we are looking forward to it tremendously.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Rasener
Date: 13 Apr 07 - 03:50 PM

You lucky buggers Hissyfit :-)

Don't get food poisoning from the train food !!!!!!!

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Alio
Date: 13 Apr 07 - 06:42 PM

JO and I are on the 7.40a.m. train Linda, so I'll be the one with bags under my eyes all day! Can't wait to get there though!


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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Linda Kelly
Date: 15 Apr 07 - 03:07 PM

Ali - you looked great! What a fantastic day!!! The concert in the evening had an amazing line up and the highlights for me were Tim Van Eycken, Martin Wyndham-Read and Tim Laycock. Everyone was amazingly friendly and it really was an extraordinary tribute to a much loved singer. I spoke to Rosemary and I think she was a little overwhelmed by it all. Truly wonderful.

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Charley Noble
Date: 15 Apr 07 - 03:46 PM

I'm very pleased to hear that this evening went well.

More details?

Charley Noble

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Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney celebration @ C# House-14 April 2007
From: Effsee
Date: 15 Apr 07 - 03:48 PM

Was this tribute concert recorded? Anyone know if a tribute TV show/CD/DVD might appear in the future?

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