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Add: We're Called Gondolieri (Gilbert & Sullivan)


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GUEST 02 Oct 06 - 01:16 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 02 Oct 06 - 03:27 PM
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Subject: Add: WE'RE CALLED GONDOLIERI (Gilbert & Sullivan)
Date: 02 Oct 06 - 01:16 AM

       D    G   D   G                  D
We're called gondolieri, but that's a vagary,
       A7      D          A7          D
It's quite honorary, The trade that we ply.
For gallantry noted, since we were short-coated,
To beauty devoted, Giuseppe and I;

      A                        E7
When morning is breaking, our couches forsaking,
To greet their awaking, with carols we come.
                7             F#       Bm
At summer day's nooning, our mandolins tuning,
    A      A° E7 (C#m E7) A
We la-- - - - - zily thrum.
    A &c E &c A [End:] A E7(7#) A (A7)
|: Tra la la la la :| (12x)
When vespers are ringing, to hope ever clinging,
With songs of our singing a vigil we keep,
(D7)             G    (D7)                   G    (B7)
When daylight is fading, enwrapt in night's shading,
            Em    (B7)                Em|G (C#° Em A7 C#° A7)
With soft serenading, we sing them to sleep.
               D F#7 Bm D7 G            D
With soft serena------------ding, we sing them to sleep
With soft serenading, we sing them to sleep

We're called gondolieri, but that's a vagary,
G    D    G    D                Em   A7                  D
Gondolieri, gondolieri, tra la la la la, tra la la la la la la!

G    D      G    D
Gondolieri, gondolieri,
    C#°       D               A7
tra la la la la, tra la la la la,
             Bm               A°
tra la la la la, tra la la la la,
             A7       D (D & A7: d f# a d, f# a d f#, a d f# a, > a d)
tra la la la la, tra la!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: We're called gondolieri
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 02 Oct 06 - 03:27 PM

For the Unlettered-
Arthur Sullivan, "The Gondoliers," Act 1.

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