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Lyr Req: Saint Patrick: 'Oh! blest be the days...'

George Burt/ 10 Mar 99 - 08:10 PM
GUEST,Philippa 06 Mar 03 - 08:02 AM
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Subject: Oh, blest be the day when the green banner
From: George Burt/
Date: 10 Mar 99 - 08:10 PM

Looking for a song my father taught me. I have the tune, and some of the words:

Oh, blest be the day when the green banner floated, sublime o'er the mountains of free innis fael (sp.?) ----

Her scepter, alas, fell away to the stranger, and treason surrendered what valor hath held-----

But wherefore lament o'er the glories departed, her Sun shall shine out in as vivid array, on daughters as fair, and on sons as true-hearted as e'er she beheld on St. Patrick's day.

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Subject: LYR ADD: St. Patrick's Day
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 06 Mar 03 - 08:02 AM

from The Irish Rover A Selection of Irish Songs and Ballads
Dublin: Walton's Musical Instrument Galleries (Publications Dept), 1966


Oh! blest be the days when the green banner floated,
Sublime o'er the mountains of free Innisfail;
Her sons to her glory and freedom devoted,
Defied the invader to tread her soil,
When back o'er the main they chas'd the Dane,
And gave to religion and learning their spoil;
Whe valour and mind together combin'd -
But wherefore lament o'er the glories departed?
Her star shall shine out with as vivid a ray,
For ne'er had she children so brave and true-hearted,
As those she now sees on St Patrick's Day.

Her sceptre, alas! pass'd away to the stranger,
And treason surrender'd where valour had held;
But true hearts remaine'd amid darkness and danger;
Which spite of her tyrants would not be quell'd.
Oft', oft' thro' the night flash'd gleams of light,
Which almost the darkness of bondage dispell'd;
But a star now is near her heaven to cheer,
Not like the wild gleams which so fitfully darted,
But long to shine out with a hallowing ray
On daughters as fair and sons as true-hearted,
As Erin beholds on St Patrick's Day.

Oh! blest be the hour when begirt by her cannon,
And hail'd as it rose by a nation's applause,
That flag wav'd aloft o'er the spire of Dungannon,
Asserting for Irishmen Irish laws.
Once more shall it wave o'er hearts as brave,
Despite of the dastards who mock at her cause;
And like brothers agreed, whatever their creed,
Her children inspir'd by those glories departed,
No longer in darkness desponding will stay,
but join in her cause like the brave and true-hearted,
who rise for their rights on St Patrick's Day.

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