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Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman


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Joybell 20 Feb 07 - 06:44 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 21 Feb 07 - 12:05 AM
Joybell 21 Feb 07 - 04:32 PM
John Hardly 21 Feb 07 - 05:00 PM
John Hardly 21 Feb 07 - 05:05 PM
Bill Hahn//\\ 21 Feb 07 - 05:15 PM
Joybell 21 Feb 07 - 06:28 PM
vlmagee 28 Apr 07 - 11:23 AM
C. Ham 28 Apr 07 - 01:15 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 28 Apr 07 - 01:49 PM
ClayEals 28 Apr 07 - 04:18 PM
C. Ham 28 Apr 07 - 04:27 PM
GUEST 29 Apr 07 - 02:11 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 29 Apr 07 - 02:12 PM
DADGBE 29 Apr 07 - 11:02 PM
ClayEals 01 May 07 - 10:26 AM
GUEST,Rick 04 Jun 07 - 01:09 PM
Bill Hahn//\\ 04 Jun 07 - 05:22 PM
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Subject: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: Joybell
Date: 20 Feb 07 - 06:44 PM

Take a look here.

Sorry I just can't master blue clickys. I did try. Really I did.
Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 12:05 AM

This promises to be a great read. I, for one, am truly looking forward to it.

Clay, congratulations (almost)!


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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: Joybell
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 04:32 PM

Me too Art. True-Love's "Drug Bust" song is included and a picture of him from the past.

I actually just added this to keep this thread current.
Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: John Hardly
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 05:00 PM


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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: John Hardly
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 05:05 PM

Don't forget, there's lots of fabulous Steve Goodman video available on youtube.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: Bill Hahn//\\
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 05:15 PM

A wonderful subject with not enough coverage as yet. The material he seems to have amassed looks fascinating.

I am trying to work out an interview possibility with the author---along the lines of one I had with the author of a history of the song Strange Fruit.

Bill Hahn
WFDU Traditions/Tabletalk

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: Joybell
Date: 21 Feb 07 - 06:28 PM

Thank you John. That's better.
We're looking forward to the book too.
Clay has collected together a lot of information from a lot of people. Hildebrand's connection was a small one but Clay's attention to detail, his friendly approach, and his desire to give credit where it is due, showed he valued even this small input.
Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: Clay Eals' book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: vlmagee
Date: 28 Apr 07 - 11:23 AM

Just a quick note to say that the book should be available the week after next. We're taking pre-orders at the web site. All books ordered through the web site will come with a postcard autographed by Clay.

We have just updated the site with information about the CD of tribute songs included with the book. That CD is quite a gem, with some amazing music by 17 different artists including John Wesley Harding and Pierce Pettis, among others. The CD page is at, and includes clips of all the songs. The final track on the CD is interview clips with Steve.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: C. Ham
Date: 28 Apr 07 - 01:15 PM

Mike Regenstreif is listing Clay Eals as his guest on Folk Roots/Folk Branches on June 7.

Folk Roots/Folk Branches schedule

Also, I noticed a mistake in the website notes to the CD that comes with the book. The notes refer to Norm Hacking as the only Canadian on the CD. However, Roland Kushner, who now lives in Pennsylvania, is also a Canadian, from Ottawa.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 28 Apr 07 - 01:49 PM

A few of my photos will be used in this book too---the ones available to see on line up at BKLicks website. It's going to be grand to see in print tales told by so many glorious folks who participated in Steve Goodman's life. This ought to be a fine look into the mesmerizing times that encased the Chicago folk world in the 1970s and '80s.

I'm quite anxious to get my copy.

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: ClayEals
Date: 28 Apr 07 - 04:18 PM

Hello, all. Thanks for the renewed interest embodied in this thread. It has been a long and fascinating eight-year project, and I find it near-impossible that the book will be out in just a week or two. Kudos all around, of course (please see the acknowledgments page on my site for nearly 2,200 names), but I want to salute here the efforts of Art Thieme and others to provide not just the memories and materials but also the moral support so crucial to the completion of the task. It's one thing to say "I want to write a book" and quite another to do it, and I couldn't have done it without the kindness of so many.

You will see more of this sentiment on the acknowledgment page at my site, but I want to showcase here the amazing role of my publisher, ECW Press, and its owner, Jack David, who allowed me to produce the book that I wanted to produce. That sounds so simple, and yet it is so rare. In the hands of most any other publisher, a book on Goodman -- who is far from a household word -- would have been a formulized and quick once-over. Instead, the result is a tome of 800 pages, 400,000 words, 540 photos, 4,700 index entries, plus a CD. I know, size isn't everything, but you can be sure that this book takes a comprehensive approach to Goodman and the era, and you would not be seeing it soon if not for Jack David and the rest of his staff at ECW. My hat is off to them.

As for the "only Canadian" comment above, I acknowledge the ambiguous meaning, but I assume that most readers will understand that I was referring to current residence, not birth home or previous residence. Regardless, one of the nice things about the CD page of my site (and the CD annotation in the book) is that links are provided for the Internet sites of all the musicians who have them, and those sites can give readers far more information about each contributing musician than I was able to provide in the book.

Finally, if you're looking up my book by Googling it or otherwise searching for my name, please know that my last name ends with an "s" not found in the subject line of this thread.

My fundamental goal with this project is to get it into as many hands as possible, so please feel free to spread the word about it in any way that you can. Also, I will be eager to hear what any of you have to say about this journalistic account of Goodman's life. All comments are welcome -- good, bad, ugly. They'll be part of the adventure!

Clay Eals
1728 California Ave. S.W. #301
Seattle, WA 98116-1958

(206) 935-7515

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: C. Ham
Date: 28 Apr 07 - 04:27 PM

Hi Clay,

I knew Stevie, so I'm looking forward to the book. But about the "Canadian" thing. We Canadians hold on to our compatriot's nationality, even when they've lived in the U.S. for long periods. U.S. residents like Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, KD Lang, and even my old friend Roland, are still thought of as Canadians. Indeed, ask any of them (except maybe Neil Young) and you'll see that they still consider themselves as Canadian.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
Date: 29 Apr 07 - 02:11 PM

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 29 Apr 07 - 02:12 PM

That was me. Sorry.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
Date: 29 Apr 07 - 11:02 PM

Hi Clay,

Ray Frank here. I'm looking forward to getting my copy, too. My wife assures me that my picture will be recognized by no one who knows me now. Sad what 40 years will do!

Thanks for the book. Steve was such a force of nature to those of us fortunate enough to know him that this book is overdue. From what I've seen, you've done an amazing job.

Mnay thanks.

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: ClayEals
Date: 01 May 07 - 10:26 AM

To C. Ham, about the "Canadian" thing: I understand your point, and perhaps I should have said "Canadian resident" to be crystal clear. I can change that on the CD page of my site. Meanwhile, I am comforted by the clarity provided by Roland's own site (to which my CD page links), which indicates his Ottawa roots and that he moved to the States 27 years ago.

Clay Eals
1728 California Ave. S.W. #301
Seattle, WA 98116-1958

(206) 935-7515

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: GUEST,Rick
Date: 04 Jun 07 - 01:09 PM


Got my copy over the weekend and have not been able to put it down! I switch between reading sequentially and just following references arounfd the book. Excellent and complete! (Only thing for ME would be a section on tabs for his songs for us amateur pickers to keep the music alive!)

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Subject: RE: Clay Eal's book - Bio of Steve Goodman
From: Bill Hahn//\\
Date: 04 Jun 07 - 05:22 PM

I have completed my interview with Clay Eals and it was so fascinating that with Steve Goodman music and Clay Eals wonderful communication skills the interview will be close to 2 hours with music.

It will be presented in two parts. Part 1 on June 24 and Part 2 on July 1.   That is the date--the place   WFDU TRADITIONS 3 PM ET and also streaming on the web

Bill Hahn

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