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8 messages

Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!

30 Mar 99 - 08:24 AM (#66850)
Subject: Down-Under 'Catters-or other non-USA
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Wouldn't you love to spend next school year in the USA? Our elementary school (ages 5-11) hosts a "cultural ambassador" each year from a different country. We have had visitors from Kenya, Russia, Turkey, Ecuador, China, Japan, and Egypt. Next year is still wide open. The "ca" lives with host families, spends some of the school day teaching about his/her culture, and gets lots of warm hospitality and a _very_ small stipend to cover basic expenses. We are in Keene, New Hampshire in the New England region- 2 hours from Boston, 4 hours from New York City, and in a relativley folkie, semi-rural area. Clean streets, low crime, nice people- If you're interested, email me thru Mudcat or let me know your email address and I'll get in touch with you! I'm the acting "mentor" of the ambassador- I'd love to have a folkie and fellow 'Catter around!

30 Mar 99 - 05:42 PM (#66931)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: katlaughing

Jeez, Allison, non-USA? Way out here, we were always told we had to have a visa to go east across the Mississippi! So, can't we come teach about our truly unique Rocky Mtn. culture? Teach ya' all about them know little rivulets o'water running down the mountain?**BG**


30 Mar 99 - 10:29 PM (#66974)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: Mikal

Sheesh! Let's me out! I am from the real midwest: Missouri! Just my luck my folks had to move from the Hebrides!

Does living in the Twilight Zone count?

Mikal, (disgustingly domestic.)

31 Mar 99 - 08:05 AM (#67046)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: Alan of Australia

Gee I wish I could do this, but even if I didn't have commitments here who would protect Alison from the advances of Big Mick?


31 Mar 99 - 08:39 AM (#67050)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Well, sorry, you furrin' midwesterners, we have a principal with a prejudice- he only wants real, true furriners to larn us their ways!
But you others- skarpi, are you listening? Spread the word- maybe you know someone who's looking for something new to do next year. It really is a fun year!

31 Mar 99 - 09:02 AM (#67051)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: alison

Maybe alison doesn't want protected...... **grin***

31 Mar 99 - 09:04 AM (#67052)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: Big Mick



31 Mar 99 - 09:56 PM (#67210)
Subject: RE: Down-Under 'Catters- travel! adventure!
From: Sandy Paton

Joe Offer would surely leap to man the barricades in her defense.