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The Tiger - Beverley

01 Apr 07 - 04:04 PM (#2013705)
Subject: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Now that the Friday, wednesday and Sunday sessions are based at the Tiger, I thought that it merits its own thread.

Next Sunday, the 8th April, we will be running the Sunday session at the Tiger and I will be in charge - hope to see lots of people there from 3pm onwards.


02 Apr 07 - 03:28 AM (#2014146)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

It certainly does Rog, great venue, great beer.

02 Apr 07 - 03:30 AM (#2014149)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Great pies too.

02 Apr 07 - 04:32 AM (#2014166)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

In charge.....?? Bloody ell man.

02 Apr 07 - 05:35 AM (#2014189)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

In Charge !!! note the date it was posted

02 Apr 07 - 05:54 AM (#2014199)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Sorry Roger but will be over in Derbyshire for the weekend - great pub, really comfy seats!!

02 Apr 07 - 03:11 PM (#2014589)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Well, perhaps "in charge" was a bit strong. However, we do need a bit of structure to these things - and the Beverley tradition of contolled chaos seems to have worked well over the years.

Hope that you can all tear yourselves away from your Easter eggs for some real ale and real music


03 Apr 07 - 05:59 AM (#2015101)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Hoping to be there Rog, you in charge is o.k with me.

03 Apr 07 - 11:10 AM (#2015318)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Well I suppose its me who's in charge of the procurement of wednesdays savoury delicacies,unfortunately I have not been able to schedule myself to be anywhere near preferred prize winning purveyors as I'll be working around Hornsea and Hull. So it it looks like sandwiches only unless anyone has any useful suggestions

03 Apr 07 - 02:27 PM (#2015425)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley


04 Apr 07 - 06:49 AM (#2015962)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

I will procure pies for this evening Andrew, since you've failed in your duties yet again!
       Orange, the new brown!

04 Apr 07 - 07:11 AM (#2015975)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Many thanks Tedward,
Brown sauce please not orange if you dont mind

04 Apr 07 - 12:19 PM (#2016236)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Bloke in the Corner

OK, it's on tonight - correct? Who's going, is it worth the exorbitant bridge toll and all that petrol for this old bloke to drag his bones across the mighty Humber this evening? I could do with a strum, having missed both my usual sessions this week due to absence darn sarf.

04 Apr 07 - 03:53 PM (#2016459)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

I sort of like "in charge". Tuesdays in Monks Walk" had a sort of discipline "your not here to enjoy yourself " from in charge Tom.   He is presently on strike from this session.

04 Apr 07 - 10:34 PM (#2016880)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session not cancelled due to easter, but very much going ahead as usual in the Tiger, front room.

05 Apr 07 - 03:28 AM (#2016991)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Good to see you again Bloke.The pies were divine I thought. Next weeks pie will be pork and chicken. Be there or be square.

05 Apr 07 - 04:16 AM (#2017015)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I know that quite a few will be away but is anyone, apart from me and Ossonflags, planning to come to the session this Sunday?


05 Apr 07 - 07:27 AM (#2017090)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

I am assured that Andy will be there as well and the Cutural attache for Bolsover is a nearly definate -constitutes a quorum anyroad, Rog

05 Apr 07 - 07:53 AM (#2017106)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

The cultural attache for Bolsover is nearly something (don't know whether its definite though):-)

Ah well, we should be able to fill a pub with music between the four of us even if no-one else comes.


05 Apr 07 - 01:40 PM (#2017452)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Bloke in the Corner

Nice session last night, good pie. Friday not certain due to family stuff but I'll surely try to be there. Anyone else going?

08 Apr 07 - 03:47 AM (#2019642)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Sunday session today at 3pm


08 Apr 07 - 05:20 AM (#2019657)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: del boy

see you at 3 30 roger - derek

08 Apr 07 - 07:29 AM (#2019689)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

Hi roger

Tom and I are going. Not sure if that is good news or not.


09 Apr 07 - 11:32 AM (#2020489)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

It was nice.

09 Apr 07 - 12:29 PM (#2020517)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

I should be on track for the procurement of provisions of the highest standard (as usual).I dare any one to describe my bringings as merely nice!

09 Apr 07 - 07:37 PM (#2020866)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Nice session Rog, nice beer, nice company, nice songs and nice roast pototoes and that. The move to the "Tiger" was a real nice idea.

10 Apr 07 - 12:09 PM (#2021432)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

All this "niceness" sounds like an Alan Bennett convention.


10 Apr 07 - 02:06 PM (#2021533)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

who ate the last potatoe ??? was it nice?? see y'all next week

10 Apr 07 - 03:41 PM (#2021596)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Maybe we should get some of them coconut biscuits with sugar on. They're Nice biscuits.

10 Apr 07 - 04:58 PM (#2021664)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Linda Kelly

or we could all book our holidays to a resort in the south of france-that would be Nice.

10 Apr 07 - 05:52 PM (#2021703)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: the one


11 Apr 07 - 02:30 AM (#2021932)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

All this is very nice........................or nees.

11 Apr 07 - 04:42 PM (#2022548)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

you's was always a nice boy

12 Apr 07 - 09:53 AM (#2023116)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

I know.

12 Apr 07 - 03:43 PM (#2023469)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Talking to yourself now, Mick? I'm worried!

12 Apr 07 - 07:17 PM (#2023648)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

All welcome Friday session tiger

12 Apr 07 - 07:20 PM (#2023652)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

ps there's a band on Saturday 'Coleen's Fancy'. Haven't seen them before, have heard they play in Hull sometimes.

13 Apr 07 - 04:23 AM (#2023925)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

There is a fasntastic Hull band playing there on 8th September.

13 Apr 07 - 05:54 AM (#2023956)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: the one

who is that ?mick

14 Apr 07 - 02:51 PM (#2025331)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I think that we should be at Hodgson's this Sunday from 3pm - Oombanjo's session any road.


15 Apr 07 - 03:19 AM (#2025750)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

looking forward to it I should be in about half 3. Guard of honour Banjo's at the ready

19 Apr 07 - 06:24 PM (#2030483)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tiger Friday. Mostly tunes but all welcome.

20 Apr 07 - 02:29 AM (#2030756)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

One half of "Punch Tbe Horse" at the very least will be there will be there.

20 Apr 07 - 03:06 AM (#2030768)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

This Sunday too - Mississippi John's session I think. I'll be there along with my mate Gifford from Wakefield.


20 Apr 07 - 07:27 AM (#2030877)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Give him my very best Rog will not be there as will be in the middle of the irish sea by then!!!

20 Apr 07 - 07:40 AM (#2030893)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Pistachio

Just checking in as I've been absent!!
Is it The Tiger on the 22nd ?

20 Apr 07 - 08:33 AM (#2030953)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Yes, the 22nd and (I think) the 29th too although I won't be there on the 29th - away on my hols from 24th.


20 Apr 07 - 09:14 AM (#2030998)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

I'm busking with my good pals "Viagra Falls" at the Victoria, Beverley on monday night if nobody's not doing nowt. The audience are likely to number about three. But we'll have fun anyway.

Apparently it's St. George's Day. Bless 'im.

20 Apr 07 - 02:06 PM (#2031314)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Looking forward to the Tiger this Sunday

21 Apr 07 - 10:11 AM (#2031931)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Wont be there on the 29th as well

29 Apr 07 - 06:41 AM (#2038545)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Where is today's session?

29 Apr 07 - 07:39 AM (#2038564)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: MG John

Les, being the last Sunday in the month, should it be at Monks' Walk

29 Apr 07 - 09:22 AM (#2038616)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

No john its the tiger i think????

29 Apr 07 - 09:39 AM (#2038628)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

No it should be Hodgson's, as it is a fifth Sunday. It goes Monks, Tiger, Hodgson's, Tiger, (then Hodgson's if there are five Sundays). Any road up - we'll see you in one of them (I'm going to Hodgson's first, be there about four).

04 May 07 - 03:08 PM (#2043373)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session Tiger tonight

09 May 07 - 09:53 AM (#2046993)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Sunday session this week from 3pm - Sir Rog in the chair

10 May 07 - 06:51 PM (#2048548)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday Tiger session on.... Friday!
All welcome

11 May 07 - 08:34 AM (#2049109)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Sorry, cannot make both of those.

11 May 07 - 09:04 AM (#2049134)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

Will be at Tiger tonight

11 May 07 - 10:18 AM (#2049213)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Hope to be at the Tiger on Sunday as long as Chris is 'on the mend'

13 May 07 - 06:33 AM (#2050519)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Our numbers will be enhanced with a contingent from Wakefield


13 May 07 - 06:41 AM (#2050524)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Oh good roll on 3 pm

13 May 07 - 06:10 PM (#2050921)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Pistachio

Lovely 'oldies' day... I mean songs from a long time ago. Nice to see the Wakefield contingent again. What a great afternoon.

14 May 07 - 03:15 AM (#2051176)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Hola dudes,
                            Check new Humbleton thread, all welcome.

14 May 07 - 03:43 AM (#2051190)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Yes lots of old chestnuts and roast potatoes!

14 May 07 - 03:46 AM (#2051193)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Is it hodgesons this sunday?

14 May 07 - 06:15 AM (#2051284)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Should be Hodgson's this week

it was really nice at the Tiger yesterday

14 May 07 - 11:49 AM (#2051513)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

it is Hodgsons this week yours truely in the chair. did you have a good time Oss, your voice was missed. there is a big christning in the other room this coming Sunday buti had a word wiyh Mell and he will make sure that the room is available. Rog if you are in I have asked keith to come down re the natural beers to put on for the festival. cheers John.Y.

15 May 07 - 02:22 AM (#2052066)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Yes I did John,thank you.Looking forward to this Sunday.

15 May 07 - 04:48 PM (#2052745)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

For anyone not at Brigg fiddle festival this weekend, there is a Friends of the Earth fete at Longcroft School Burton Road Beverley on Saturday afternoon.

16 May 07 - 06:49 AM (#2053316)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Or the York Day of Folk Saturday, 12 until 12

16 May 07 - 04:15 PM (#2053851)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Wakey Wakey

Belated thanks for Sunday session which we all thoroughly enjoyed, such a friendly and talented bunch of singers and musicians you all are. Sorry this note has taken so long to generate we have only just got computers over here in Wakefield! Looking forward to seeing you all at the Fest Fringe.

18 May 07 - 04:54 PM (#2055861)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

Will be there. I could do with Christening. May go next door?

19 May 07 - 03:24 AM (#2056208)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

You never know they might send some sarnies in to the hungry musicians???

22 May 07 - 07:40 PM (#2058731)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Stevie ( that used to go to lots of sessions in Beverley and then moved to Leeds ) is playing at the Tiger on Saturday. We're looking forward to it.

23 May 07 - 07:02 AM (#2058884)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'm told that at last Sunday's session the decision was taken to reinstate the 4th Sunday session at the Sun and take it away from the Tiger.

Is this with immediate effect and does that mean that we are at the Sun this coming Sunday?

Has anyone told John at The Tiger?


23 May 07 - 07:45 PM (#2059418)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,JOhn - tiger

please see my comments under the Sun thread

24 May 07 - 03:56 PM (#2060125)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

Still not clear where the Session is this Sunday?   I gather from someone near the Sun that most of the time is pretty well deserted and I fear will go the usual way evenutally.

24 May 07 - 04:54 PM (#2060175)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Linda Kelly

I probably dont deserve a comment since I am not able to get to Sunday sessions very often, but on what basis warrants a move back to The Sun? the new landlords can't possibly hope to establish a viable business off the back of a Sunday session of musicians, and surely past experience with no beer and limited drinks isn't the draw? the Tiger it seems is a comfortable place and the staff far friendlier than any i experienced at The Sun. We are becoming a bit fairweather aren't we? or easily bribed maybe. I should think John at the Tiger would be well racked off by this -aren;t we acting like a woman who can't make her mind up about which dress to wear? I am not sure where the sesson is either now -I was hoping to come to celebrate my birthday, but i dont know where to go!

24 May 07 - 06:49 PM (#2060273)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tomorrow. Hope to hear Ged's new Irish pipes again, they have a great sound. Mostly tunes but singers welcome too.

Also Stevie is playing on Saturday, please tell anyone that might be interested.

25 May 07 - 04:50 AM (#2060485)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

I wasn't there for the vote but, as a good socialist, will accept the democratic will.However, I agree with your comments Linda.

Rog at work

25 May 07 - 05:53 AM (#2060514)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

See "Bev - Sun" thread.

25 May 07 - 03:01 PM (#2060891)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


I think that it is The Sun. However, I know that Oombanjo and Ossonflags are away. I will try to get there by 4pm but would like to know that someone else was going to be there too.


26 May 07 - 05:46 AM (#2061243)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Fantastical session last night. Tunes and songs.

Stevie is on tonight. Should be a lively music and good atmosphere night. He does plenty of favourites -also has good original stuff of his own writing.

Beverley early music festival is on at the moment too. It's a bit specialist. There's things like a counterpoint workshop this afternoon and baroque day tomorrow.   Group called horses brawl is on at Toll Gavel church at 4pm today. Don't know what they're like but the tickets looked expensive-ish.

26 May 07 - 02:02 PM (#2061392)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ET

Hi Roger.   will probably go tomorrow for 4pm so thats 1.5 people!!


01 Jun 07 - 12:14 PM (#2065791)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tiger session tonight. Lots of tunes, but songs welcome too.

04 Jun 07 - 08:00 AM (#2068028)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

There will be sessions all weekend of the Beverley festival in the Tiger.
The Friday session is going ahead as normal.
There are at least three different rooms in the Tiger suitable for sessions and there's no problem with starting something in another part of the pub if one is full or you prefer to play sing something else or just want to try out the accoustics.

04 Jun 07 - 08:19 AM (#2068040)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Good stuff.

04 Jun 07 - 08:41 AM (#2068066)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

I was under the impression that the sessions would all be music ones in the Tiger during the festival, i.e. no singing - could this be a misapprehension or as a singer could it be 'profitable' to limp along to my favourite pub?

04 Jun 07 - 09:35 AM (#2068099)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,sir rog at work

And even before the festival we will be at The Tiger this coming Sunday for our session from 3pm.


04 Jun 07 - 12:52 PM (#2068285)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger John

For Carol And everyone else, All singers will be made very welcome, we intend to have a instrumental session in the rear snug room, however the other 2 rooms will be free for everyone to do as they please. On all three days we will be offering sarnies & pie & peas. so come along and enjoy

look forward to seeing you all on friday & sunday



04 Jun 07 - 05:29 PM (#2068540)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Sounds very good John - looking forward to seeing you again

05 Jun 07 - 06:54 AM (#2068917)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday sessions are mostly tunes rather than a singaround but singers are encouraged to do things too. There are long bits of the evening when there is just playing so someone expecting a lot of songs could get fed up in those bits, but it is a mixed session. It doesn't go round in a circle but in case anyone feels left out someone regularly asks 'is there anyone waiting to do something that hasn't been able to get their tune or song in?'
If it's too busy on the Friday of the festival for everyone to do what they want there can be several sessions in different rooms all at the same time. Its a solid old pub and the walls are thick.

05 Jun 07 - 07:04 AM (#2068922)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Would there be a spare room for my underwater trombone quartet?
             Tomorrows pie will be pork and mustard.

05 Jun 07 - 12:56 PM (#2069224)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds


06 Jun 07 - 05:23 AM (#2069797)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Last Friday there were harp euphonium and cello which you don't often get in a session. From time to time there's a hurdy gurdy. There was a trombone at the Tuesday session in the monks last night but it wasn't under water just accompanied by some beer. Haven't heard the underwater trombone quartet. Are they good?

Looking forward to pie.

06 Jun 07 - 05:36 AM (#2069802)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Saw in the local paper there is a 'midsummer music madness' on Sunday 10th June at Brantingham park, Elloughton from 1pm to 10.30pm. It looks great. Cara and loads of others are playing. There's Adrian Byron Burns (have heard him and G stood transfixed in middle of buying a pint -we bought his MP3 and don't even know how to use an MP3 player!). There's the Red Barrows, a formation wheelbarrow team tribute to the red arrows.
Tickets £10,   information at

06 Jun 07 - 05:54 AM (#2069812)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Yo Jo,
                      we are still perfecting the trombone act, we come complete with our own 20foot diameter swimming pool, but I doubt we could get the high diving board into The Tiger. If any members of the public come and see us we would consider wearing bathing costumes, if children were present.

06 Jun 07 - 08:14 AM (#2069882)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

I think I know whats coming next

06 Jun 07 - 09:35 AM (#2069929)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,in loco tedis

too slow off the mark, Paco (in black)

06 Jun 07 - 09:44 AM (#2069936)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Could you manouver some narrow boats in formation in the swimming pool as the tribute team 'the red narrows'?

07 Jun 07 - 03:26 AM (#2070526)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Well, I took two pies to the session, three sheds couldn't be arsed to take even one, and I STILL lost!

07 Jun 07 - 05:13 AM (#2070573)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Yes but you were the outright winner in the Best Dressed Sauce Bottle category

07 Jun 07 - 08:02 AM (#2070635)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,jOhn

Garaham aNd Jo-Ive got his MP3 as well, it plays in a normal DVD player.

08 Jun 07 - 10:23 AM (#2071422)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo


Friday today
No pies, but from time to time allotment produce surplus does appear.
there should be a lot o courgettes in August.

08 Jun 07 - 10:25 AM (#2071425)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Had an idea for a morris team. A special tribute dance done with courgettes instead of sticks called the Red Marrows?

08 Jun 07 - 10:29 AM (#2071430)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

... at last we will have a listen to that mp3. Thanks jOhn!

08 Jun 07 - 01:10 PM (#2071550)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

This would be ideal for Ted to deliver his pies on

Or for Ged to transport his burgeoning pipes

08 Jun 07 - 01:25 PM (#2071565)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

This Sunday at the Tiger??

09 Jun 07 - 07:18 AM (#2072053)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Looks like it Carol.I shall be waddling back from Whitby to put in an appearance any road.

09 Jun 07 - 07:25 AM (#2072055)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Do you mean flying back from Robin Hoods Bay Mick?

09 Jun 07 - 10:39 AM (#2072143)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'll be staggering in from the other side of Beverley - see you all at 3pm.


11 Jun 07 - 04:48 AM (#2073410)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

It was a good afternoon, we had the quality if not the quantity!

11 Jun 07 - 06:01 AM (#2073447)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,sir rog at work

A very bijou session indeed


11 Jun 07 - 07:45 AM (#2073500)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Sorry to miss this session but Dad is in hospital so Maggie and I have been busy visiting him.

11 Jun 07 - 11:40 AM (#2073704)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Thanks any way Rog, a great job as usual..Sorry I was'nt much help to you with crap voice and that. Will try and do/be better for the "Rog and Mick's "Monks Walk" singaround/playaround" this weekend.

21 Jun 07 - 12:34 PM (#2083188)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,John -Tiger

Just to let you all know we have a local Act on this saturday, CUNLA playing Traditional Irish Tunes. All welcome as always.

Ps don't forget this fridays session with Jo & Graham

21 Jun 07 - 05:43 PM (#2083453)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Geds already started a thread on this wrong dates spelling mistakes what a hoot!

22 Jun 07 - 03:39 PM (#2084307)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Leaving for the session now, will be there in a few minutes.

05 Jul 07 - 11:45 AM (#2094750)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Don't forget - this Sunday at 3pm for the Beverley rolling session.


05 Jul 07 - 12:30 PM (#2094794)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Rolling? What pastry?

05 Jul 07 - 02:34 PM (#2094893)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

rockin n rollin

05 Jul 07 - 06:43 PM (#2095103)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

steamin 'n a rollin

06 Jul 07 - 04:57 AM (#2095429)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight. Mostly tunes, some songs, all welcome.

06 Jul 07 - 07:54 AM (#2095522)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Will be there.

13 Jul 07 - 08:09 AM (#2101480)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight
looking forward to it.

17 Jul 07 - 07:16 PM (#2105447)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Driffield agricultural show tomorrow. There may be some competition on the pies.

18 Jul 07 - 02:36 AM (#2105689)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

won't be there.

19 Jul 07 - 02:55 AM (#2106563)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

A number of factors led to Jo winning last nights Pie Fest,the excellance of her special chutney tipped the balance to make her outright winner. Well done

19 Jul 07 - 08:17 AM (#2106698)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Pistachio

Congratulations Jo.

19 Jul 07 - 08:29 AM (#2106705)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,New bould

apparently it was a fradulent entry. twas not truly porcine

Blue skies

20 Jul 07 - 03:40 PM (#2107788)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Game includes wild boar which is still pork.
Hornsea carnival saturday cancelled by the way, due to rain.

Will be at session shortly.

23 Jul 07 - 06:07 AM (#2109073)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Normal pie service will be resumed this wednesday. I have procured a corker.

23 Jul 07 - 08:12 AM (#2109140)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

This month there are five Sundays which means that next Sunday the 29th the session will be at The Tiger
    Please remember to put a consistent poster name in the "from" box when you post a message. Anonymous messages risk deletion.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

24 Jul 07 - 04:18 AM (#2109834)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Yes and I think John asked me to 'run it' as he can't make it so I'll be there at 3pm

24 Jul 07 - 06:18 AM (#2109881)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Pistachio

Sorry Carol, leave pass submitted by Hissyfit. We'll be paddling in the Warwick area having survived Puddleworth last weekend. H. x.

24 Jul 07 - 06:29 AM (#2109886)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

We had a great weekend at Staithes and the weather was reasonable - what rain we had came during the night! I know a lot of the regulars will be at Warwick/Durham/Hardraw!! I'm hoping to get up to Durham for the Saturday.

24 Jul 07 - 06:31 AM (#2109889)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

So to the Wednesday pie fest Ted is bringing a corker
I shall again triumph with Yorkshires finest porkers

24 Jul 07 - 08:00 AM (#2109925)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Won't be there - hooray !!! did I hear someone say? - will be joining the fine "Hissyfitters" at that wonderfull festival at Warwick

24 Jul 07 - 08:16 AM (#2109933)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Presumably there are still sessions this Wednesday and Friday?

24 Jul 07 - 10:20 AM (#2110043)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

There is definitely a session on wednesday, as well as a presentation of a trophy to me from John, the landlord, for supplying the best pork pies all year.

24 Jul 07 - 12:36 PM (#2110175)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I hope to be down on Wednesday and will definitely put in an appearance on Friday - I am leaving my current job tomorrow and my friends and colleagues are taking me out on Friday evening: We are starting in the Green Dragon for a pint or two of their guest ales and will then make our way to The Tiger for some music and more real ale.


28 Jul 07 - 08:08 AM (#2113233)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Looking forwared to Sunday at 3pm

28 Jul 07 - 01:11 PM (#2113416)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

John Y and I will be there but it may be a thin week otherwise.


31 Jul 07 - 05:02 AM (#2115321)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session is every friday.

31 Jul 07 - 06:10 AM (#2115350)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Sorry to hear that Rog was at Warwick mesen with a lot of 'ull and bev sessionaires(see "Monks Walk" thread)

31 Jul 07 - 05:20 PM (#2115951)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

sorry Roger I was at the coast with my grandson and er that must be obeyed, hope to be back for this next weekends sesh as we are off again friday

07 Aug 07 - 07:29 AM (#2120749)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'll be away for the next two weekends so will miss the sessions at The Tiger and Hodgson's. I will, however, be back for Carol's birthday bash.


08 Aug 07 - 01:46 AM (#2121415)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Same as that Rog, Saltburn and Whitby beckons.

09 Aug 07 - 08:30 AM (#2122404)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'm going to try and get down there on Friday evening to make up for missing the weekend.


16 Aug 07 - 11:46 AM (#2127095)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Hope to see everyone for a 'Birthday Sing' on tne 26th at the Tiger - starting at 3, food at 5 and then see how long we can carry on!
I even get to 'run' the session!!

23 Aug 07 - 07:53 PM (#2132333)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

'Folk on the water' event (concert style this time) is on Syntan, Beverley Beck, Saturday 13th October. Hissyfit are singing, and Mick, and there will be plenty of floor spots. Limited number of tickets on sale now. We'll bring some to the session tomorrow and then they will be available from the Syntan (moored by the crane on Beverley Beck.) The Syntan will also be at the Shanty festival in Hull.

24 Aug 07 - 02:03 PM (#2132878)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Will be there on Sunday for Carol's birthday bash.


27 Aug 07 - 04:00 AM (#2134321)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Just to say thank you to everyone who helped to make yesterday a special day for me I suppose I'll get used to being 60 soon!

03 Sep 07 - 06:51 AM (#2139528)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger john

Just to let you know Punch The Horse will be appearing at the tiger this coming Saturday, Starting about 9.15pm!!!!

04 Sep 07 - 04:27 AM (#2140339)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

And we are all back there for the Sunday session the day after that.


04 Sep 07 - 12:51 PM (#2140674)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Come early (Saturday) as we expect a large attendance of the Beverley sessionares?

04 Sep 07 - 05:07 PM (#2140885)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Do you want me to sit in for a few numbers on the night? The PTH big band hasn't played together for a while.


05 Sep 07 - 02:42 AM (#2141220)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

That would be nice Rog.

07 Sep 07 - 01:59 PM (#2143411)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Will try to make Saturday, but sorry cannot get to Sunday.
Lucky we are so much goes on in Beverley and would get there if we could but prior engagement.

~AAArgh what a week it's been at work!! But at last it's Friday!!!
Can relax at last. Friday session tonight.

16 Sep 07 - 01:31 PM (#2150520)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Due to another commitment we can't get to session ourselves this Friday, but we're hoping plenty of others will go and keep it going this week. All support appreciated!

24 Sep 07 - 04:38 AM (#2156121)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

This sunday is the 5th of the month which means that the Sunday session is back at The Tiger. I am away on holiday from Thursday so I hope you all have a good time without me. See you all at Monk's Walk the Sunday after that.


25 Sep 07 - 03:17 AM (#2156865)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Wont be there meself Rog;will be over in Dublin at the Guinness drinkers summer school.

25 Sep 07 - 06:06 AM (#2156911)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,John - Tiger

Just to let you know that this friday we've got Dave Rochelle on doing Irish tunes ect... He's been well recommeded.

Hopefully I see some of you down here

Starts 9pm


26 Sep 07 - 08:14 AM (#2157634)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

I say, what a charming little tune session that was in Monks Walk last night eh what? See you tonight ladies.

          Ted. In blue.
Pipe smoker of the year, 1874

26 Sep 07 - 09:15 AM (#2157673)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Ted old bean you bring your trademark serviettes I'll bring the sauce,tonights pies are from Lincoln.

27 Sep 07 - 04:02 AM (#2158295)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Wasn't last nights display of pork pies the best ever? Lincoln 6 Three Sheds 0.

Are you girls going to fridays soiree?

27 Sep 07 - 04:18 AM (#2158299)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

Yes surprisingly at my first Pie showing I won hands down.

Zdeve 'Fingers' Warne might be tempted out on Friday
Blue skies

27 Sep 07 - 06:40 AM (#2158376)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

This is news of a most excellent fancy. Looks like I will be in Beverley again for the FOURTH night this week! If I wasn't so poor I would think about moving there!



       Orange, the true path!

28 Sep 07 - 03:21 PM (#2159488)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

On way now. Should be a good night.

28 Sep 07 - 03:22 PM (#2159489)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

ps will have some tickets for 'folk on the water' with us tonight

30 Sep 07 - 08:24 AM (#2160350)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Many thanks to those that went last week. Heard it was another good session.

02 Oct 07 - 10:16 AM (#2161902)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

The best session in the world takes place in The Tiger tomorrow night.

03 Oct 07 - 09:45 AM (#2162695)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

I don't know about that but the beer and pies are generally good and its tonight

03 Oct 07 - 10:07 AM (#2162710)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Red writing.

03 Oct 07 - 11:52 AM (#2162785)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

The pies tonight will surpass "generally good" they will be the finest!
Chips howevever are a bit of an unknown quantity!!

05 Oct 07 - 02:35 PM (#2164607)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,John - Tiger

just to let everyone know that tomorrow night STEVIE RIGSBY will be performing again. Hope to see some of you ....


06 Oct 07 - 07:02 AM (#2165006)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: del boy

see you at tiger sat then about 10 30. derek

09 Oct 07 - 09:58 AM (#2167227)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Session this Sunday from 3pm - come early or miss all the roast potatoes.


11 Oct 07 - 02:05 PM (#2168976)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

There should be a Wakefield presence on Sunday.


12 Oct 07 - 03:16 PM (#2169788)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session tonight (Friday) as usual.

14 Oct 07 - 08:59 AM (#2170822)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Apologies, can't get to the session today. Fishing match and work.

15 Oct 07 - 03:43 AM (#2171343)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Well, the Beverley sessions are back! Very good turnout on Sunday with everyone back from their travels.

Thanks to all who came and played or listened.


17 Oct 07 - 07:55 PM (#2173285)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Carol

Sorry missed the session only got back from our travels late Wednesday but intend to be at Hodgsons this Sunday

18 Oct 07 - 02:39 AM (#2173417)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Thanks Rog.

19 Oct 07 - 01:36 PM (#2174615)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight

19 Oct 07 - 04:38 PM (#2174736)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

yup cheers BOSS

08 Nov 07 - 07:54 AM (#2188892)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

We are in The Tiger this Sunday for our afternoon session.

If I follow the new arrangements correctly, this will be the last Sunday session in Beverley that is not in The Sun. After this week all Sunday sessions will be in The Sun - no doubt Oombanjo will correct that if I'm wrong.


09 Nov 07 - 07:49 AM (#2189671)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Friday session tonight. Mostly tunes, but all welcome.

Jo and Graham

10 Nov 07 - 04:13 AM (#2190370)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

For the present it's the last of the Sunday sessions at the Tiger this weekend. Sir Roger in the chair. Lets make it a good send off and thanks to John the landlord for looking after us. I am sure that this won't be the last. Folk weekend and other get together's are already in the melting pot, thanks again John. Oombanjo

11 Nov 07 - 05:48 AM (#2191032)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo


12 Nov 07 - 05:29 AM (#2191787)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Thanks to all who came - it was standing room only at times!


16 Nov 07 - 10:52 AM (#2195296)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

friday session tonight, all welcome

21 Nov 07 - 03:05 AM (#2198992)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

                        What's the pork pie situation like for tonight? I am in Bridlington today. a place not noted for its quality pies!

                      Banjo player to the Gentry.

21 Nov 07 - 06:48 AM (#2199078)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

Apparently Pork pies to-night are coming from Wakefield or some odd place
Blue skies

21 Nov 07 - 07:19 AM (#2199092)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

This is news of a most excellent fancy. I am trying to contact young Eric to see if he will put in a guest appearance. I am missing 'Sam Hall' played properly!
          The true path, in orange.

21 Nov 07 - 12:42 PM (#2199312)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

A veritable smorgasbord of porcine delicacies have been procured from Woods of Carcroft

22 Nov 07 - 08:38 AM (#2199850)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

too salty
mind you beat the grange over sands pies hands down

22 Nov 07 - 08:45 AM (#2199856)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

199 is the new 200.

22 Nov 07 - 09:05 AM (#2199865)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

CC, the new CXCIX

23 Nov 07 - 04:11 AM (#2200505)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sttaw Legend


23 Nov 07 - 03:00 PM (#2200844)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

session tonight!!

29 Nov 07 - 06:45 PM (#2205107)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session 30th Nov
Starts about 9.00
mostly tunes but all welcome

30 Nov 07 - 06:12 AM (#2205391)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I might down tonight since we didn't rehearse in there last night due to illnesses (not mine)


30 Nov 07 - 07:14 AM (#2205409)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Do not forget that "Punch The Horse" will be playing at "t'tiger" next Sturday 8th December.

30 Nov 07 - 11:31 AM (#2205569)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Great. Look forward to seeing you tonight Roger, and to seeing Punch the Horse on 8th Dec.

30 Nov 07 - 06:45 PM (#2205875)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Grahm and Jo have a real tasty take on a jam session

09 Dec 07 - 03:53 PM (#2212062)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

the chutney is ok too

14 Dec 07 - 08:08 AM (#2215154)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Session tonight

14 Dec 07 - 03:12 PM (#2215415)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Lots going on tonight. Christmas Carols going on now on Syntan, PTH in Driffield, and the Tiger session of course. Starts about 9:00, mainly tunes but songs welcome too.

16 Dec 07 - 04:24 PM (#2216690)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session as usual this friday.
There are also Christmas Carols on Christmas eve, but not sure what time it starts.

18 Dec 07 - 02:54 PM (#2218329)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Will there be a session on the 28th Dec?

21 Dec 07 - 03:28 AM (#2220149)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,paco rabanne


22 Dec 07 - 09:01 AM (#2220858)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Willa -Yes there will be a friday session on 28th December, all welcome.

Ged's session will be on Thursday (as Wednesday is Boxing day). Looking forward to it. Might be able to bring a little sample of the home made game pie.

Not sure what time carols are Christmas eve. Guessing at 7.30 ish?? Anyone know?

23 Dec 07 - 03:58 PM (#2221501)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Still not certain of time of Christmas carolls. Anyone know?

Beverley Garland dancers are dancing out as usual 10.30 Wednesday (boxing day) by the market cross in Saturday market.

Ged's session Thursday 27th

Usual Friday session Friday 28th

26 Dec 07 - 05:15 AM (#2222608)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

the tuesday tunes workshop in the Monks walk pool room is Wednesday this week (today)

28 Dec 07 - 02:24 PM (#2223829)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session today about 9:00 ish

29 Dec 07 - 09:00 AM (#2224240)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Mary- a Yorkshire exile in Cornwall

29 Dec 07 - 09:01 AM (#2224244)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Mary- a Yorkshire exile in Cornwall

Trying to find words for "Our Sal's new bonnet" can you Help?

01 Jan 08 - 08:06 AM (#2226099)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Don't know. You could try Steve Gardham or Les Ward, both in Hull.

01 Jan 08 - 03:18 PM (#2226310)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,SteveGardham

Our Sal's New Bonnet.
Probably not trad. It's not in any of the Yorkshire Collections/Anthologies. If it's one of Hartley's or one of the other dialect writers I won't have it.

Happy New Year to all Tiger Traddies.

04 Jan 08 - 09:03 AM (#2228171)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Thanks Steve. Happy new year!

And happy new year to everyone from all the pubs and all the sessions!

Friday session tonight.

11 Jan 08 - 04:24 AM (#2233703)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight. Mostly tunes but all welcome.

27 Jan 08 - 06:46 PM (#2246546)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

The Tuesday tunes workshop is now at the Tiger instead of the Monk's walk pool room. We have heard it will be in one of the back rooms.

Friday sessions still running of course.

28 Jan 08 - 05:13 AM (#2246796)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Is that with immediate effect?

28 Jan 08 - 03:04 PM (#2247267)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Anglogeezer

Yes, Sir Roger,
Starting tomorrow, 29th Jan. Though I think that the smaller back rooms may be a bit on the tiny side.
We'll see how it goes.


30 Jan 08 - 07:51 AM (#2248529)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Full house - 20 i think, and an excellent evening.

01 Feb 08 - 01:31 AM (#2250164)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight

03 Feb 08 - 07:18 AM (#2252211)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Hi, I am new to the area and was wondering where and when there are folk sessions in Beverley? It seems to change week by week! Thanks!

03 Feb 08 - 07:42 AM (#2252214)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: MG John

Guest, Hello,You could try the Sun on Sundays from approx. 15.30 onwards. The Sun is located near Beverley Minster just before the railway crossing on Flemingate left heading south.Further info. regarding other sessions will be available.

03 Feb 08 - 10:29 AM (#2252318)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Also friendly sessions at the Tiger, Tuesdays and Fridays.

04 Feb 08 - 04:29 AM (#2252988)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

If you are a musician interested in playing Northumbrian/Irish then the Tiger has a musicians session on a wednesday evening

05 Feb 08 - 06:32 PM (#2254507)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tuesdays at the tiger are a tunes workshop type evening starting off practising and turning into a session for the second part of the evening. There are beginners and people taking up second instruments as well as players with more experience. Starts about 8.00 / 8.15

There is also a Tuesday session at the Sun. There are more singers and singers with guitars and more contemporary material.

Fridays is a mixed session but mostly tunes. starts about 9.00

06 Feb 08 - 03:33 AM (#2254827)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Nice to see another banjo there last night. Standing room only, which is a good sign.

06 Feb 08 - 03:52 AM (#2254830)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

It was a great session last night, really enjoyable and good to see it so well supported. I have the book now so will be back!

22 Feb 08 - 12:19 PM (#2269646)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Jo

Friday again. Ready for some tunes! (and songs)

29 Feb 08 - 03:11 PM (#2275979)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session starts about 9-ish

07 Mar 08 - 05:22 AM (#2281916)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Jo

Friday again!   
Some great nosh last week -best pork pie I ever tasted. Think it's in the back room this week so be early for a good seat. Plenty of players do squeeze into that room though, and anyone not wanting to squeeze in waits for the early shift to go home and comes in part way through. It may not be such a big room, but some of the best sessions have been in there!

14 Mar 08 - 03:46 PM (#2288520)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight. Mostly tunes, but all welcome.

15 Mar 08 - 06:32 AM (#2288939)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Just an early reminder; "Punch the Horse" will be playing at the Tiger on Saturday 5th of April.

15 Mar 08 - 02:54 PM (#2289194)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,goodlife

is there still a session on a sunday afternoon

15 Mar 08 - 03:48 PM (#2289211)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Yes - starts about 4pm.

16 Mar 08 - 09:46 AM (#2289667)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

But not in The Tiger! All Sunday sessions are in The Sun


16 Mar 08 - 05:19 PM (#2290033)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,goodlife

thanks roger -too late and thank you les travelled 50 miles for a st pats session only to find there was'nt one but i did manage to find the one at the sun and enjoyed the evening thanks to everyone

17 Mar 08 - 04:42 AM (#2290352)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Think there is an Irish music session Sunday evenings in the Tiger. It is one that was in Oddfellows for a while.

17 Mar 08 - 07:34 AM (#2290416)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Sorry, I wasn't aware of the evening session on a Sunday.


17 Mar 08 - 05:29 PM (#2290979)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,goodlife

no sunday sessions according to the landlord anytime on sundays

18 Mar 08 - 05:57 AM (#2291433)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

I can confrim that there is a sunday evening session, and it was the one formally at Oddfellows. Not sure who told you there wasn't one, however it has only come to us for the past 3 weeks.



18 Mar 08 - 03:43 PM (#2291898)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Who, if anyone, is running it?

21 Mar 08 - 11:12 AM (#2294465)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session as usual tonight.

28 Mar 08 - 02:52 PM (#2299797)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Went to Simon and Bruce's Irish session Sunday. Couldn't make Tuesday or Wednesday because of other commitments.

Friday session tonight, all welcome.

02 Apr 08 - 01:18 PM (#2304619)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

Just a reminder that Punch The Horse are appearing this saturday, free entry.

04 Apr 08 - 07:20 AM (#2306302)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight, mostly tunes, all welcome.

04 Apr 08 - 08:43 AM (#2306365)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

And dont forget "Punch The Horse" Saturday night

04 Apr 08 - 09:58 AM (#2306424)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

What time does the friday session start? Is it in any particular room or does it change?

04 Apr 08 - 11:29 AM (#2306502)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Joe Friday Tiger starts 9 ish often in the large front room if available if not the larger of the two backrooms

04 Apr 08 - 04:52 PM (#2306725)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

"Punch The Horse" session starts on Saturday about 9ish.All welcome.

Please come early to get a seat and avoid the crush.

06 Apr 08 - 07:47 AM (#2308155)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

had a great time last night

06 Apr 08 - 11:39 AM (#2308272)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

It was good for us. Nice to see new friends and old.

07 Apr 08 - 04:06 AM (#2308813)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Roz

...old friends... :-)

I am just leaving Oz but Will be in Hull briefly next weekend
Jo , Graham ..good to see you are still going strong

over Easter Becky got married in Sydney and Jon s daughter born last week..

07 Apr 08 - 05:11 AM (#2308849)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Hya oz nice to hear you are well.As you can see "Punch The Horse" is still doing wel.If you are around next weekend why not pop into "Duurty Nellies" next friday and say hello?

07 Apr 08 - 06:42 AM (#2308902)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Or the Friday session.
There's also something happening Saturday afternoons, and a choice of sessions Sunday.
Do get in touch and we'll meet up, or you can come round and try the allotment produce.

07 Apr 08 - 07:46 PM (#2309608)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,White Dove

I am now at Hong Kong airport! great tech facilities..makes the 4 hour wait easier free internet :-)

Beck is flying to uk for another reception in Hull sat night and i hav to entertain the in laws. I some how have a must need to dash over to Liverpool to see our first grandchild. My visits are so short
I neglecting my folk roots..its killing! I do peek in here tho. Will do me best Jo ,Graham hope you are both well.

Hi Mick..Guess wot the Endeavour was in Sydney harbour...memories flooding back of Whitby!!

Hugs ya all..Roz

08 Apr 08 - 11:17 AM (#2310107)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Congratulations Roz on being a grandma!

11 Apr 08 - 04:59 AM (#2312734)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Is there a session tonight? I didnt make it last week but sould be there this evening!

11 Apr 08 - 02:48 PM (#2313166)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Yes, Friday session tonight. Mostly tunes, all welcome.

18 Apr 08 - 03:21 PM (#2319542)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight.
Starts about 9pm

19 Apr 08 - 06:11 AM (#2319903)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Beverley Green Fair is on today at Longcroft School. Should be good. Google Beverley Green Fair Longcroft School and details are on 'thisisull' site.

25 Apr 08 - 03:03 PM (#2325632)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Green Fair is this Sunday at Longcroft School. Slight error last week, think it's the right day this time.

Friday session is tonight. Yipee!

26 Apr 08 - 11:10 AM (#2326212)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Beverley Community Choir will be singin at the Green Fair ; well worth a listen!

2pm in the dining hall

02 May 08 - 02:32 PM (#2331382)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Missed the Community Choir unfortunately. Might have been listening to the drums and bagpipes. Will try to catch the choir next year.

Friday session tonight.
Irish, English, tunes from all over. Songs also welcome.

03 May 08 - 12:12 PM (#2332019)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Yes, a great performance from the Beverley Community Choir (although I can't help mentioning that Hull's got a pretty good Community Choir as well).

03 May 08 - 01:16 PM (#2332068)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Indeed it has, Les; both started by Ali Bullivent. We're looking forward to a sharing evening (Beverley and Hull choirs) in June.

09 May 08 - 04:07 AM (#2336331)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe


Cant make it tonight but will be around tomorrow lunchtime with a couple of friends, is the session at the Sun? What time is it??


09 May 08 - 09:32 AM (#2336494)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds


09 May 08 - 02:12 PM (#2336681)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Sat 4.45 - 5ish, finnishes early 7.15-7.30ish

09 May 08 - 02:13 PM (#2336683)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday Tiger session tonight, all welcome.

09 May 08 - 02:27 PM (#2336689)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Due to the allotment, for the past weeks we have been mainly eating purple sprouting broccoli. Will bring some to the session tonight.

16 May 08 - 02:46 AM (#2341948)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session tonight

16 May 08 - 12:11 PM (#2342202)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Is it session with seasonal veg?

16 May 08 - 01:36 PM (#2342255)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: oombanjo

no Andy,but if you fancy trying the saggy bottom boys they are on on Saturday 17th, thats fruit and veg all round!

16 May 08 - 02:59 PM (#2342315)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

The broad beans are late this year. There should be plenty in about 4 weeks.

The asparagus got overrun by weeds.

16 May 08 - 03:00 PM (#2342316)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session tonight. Starts about 9.00.

17 May 08 - 06:54 AM (#2342762)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Don't forget we (The Saggy Bottom Boys) are playing at the Tiger tonight - Sat 17th May, from 8.30 ish


21 May 08 - 09:52 AM (#2346035)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Wednesday. Anyone going to Ged's session tonight?

21 May 08 - 11:32 AM (#2346137)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

I believe Ged is out of town at the moment.

22 May 08 - 05:54 PM (#2347194)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session as usual tomorrow. Mostly tunes but all welcome.

30 May 08 - 06:12 AM (#2352793)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Eeee be a session tonight then? I should be there, fresh from my previous weekend's exploits.

30 May 08 - 09:15 AM (#2352919)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

There is a session tonight. Looking forward to it.

03 Jun 08 - 06:56 AM (#2356007)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tuesday tunes workshop tonight

Ged's tunes session tomorrow

06 Jun 08 - 10:15 AM (#2359344)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Enjoyed the bits of the concert we heard last Saturday.

So busy nearly forgot what day it was today. The friday session is on... friday, which is today. Mostly tunes, all welcome, starts about 9.00

10 Jun 08 - 05:44 PM (#2362638)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Ged's tunes session tomorrow (Wednesday). (in back room, snug) It might start late.

Also, the public consultation re the Beverley Folk Festival is on in the front room.   7.30 prompt.

12 Jun 08 - 10:12 PM (#2364733)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight it's Friday.

13 Jun 08 - 11:32 AM (#2365081)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo


16 Jun 08 - 07:47 AM (#2366842)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

I will be putting in a guest appearance this wednesday, and my flamenco non-session will take place in the far corner of the carpark this friday. You'll recognise me because I will be on my own!
                         Teddy no-mates.

16 Jun 08 - 08:05 AM (#2366850)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

its your turn to bring the pork pies as three sheds has given up on the pie front

16 Jun 08 - 08:19 AM (#2366853)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Hola Ged,
                            I will see if the current Mrs Rabanne has enough time to compose a game pie.

16 Jun 08 - 08:31 AM (#2366861)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

I have just spoken to the current Mrs Rabanne, and unfortunately we don't have enough dead things for her to create a game pie in time, but she has offered to make us a steak pie. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers!

Flamenco, the only path!

16 Jun 08 - 12:39 PM (#2367023)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Driffield show is in about a month. A good place to stock up on pies.

16 Jun 08 - 01:37 PM (#2367065)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Leadfingers


16 Jun 08 - 03:36 PM (#2367210)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,yorkie

The resumed banter re: pies is most refreshing - it had gone too quiet for a while! :-)))

16 Jun 08 - 06:08 PM (#2367376)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Players were getting outnumbered by pies

17 Jun 08 - 02:30 AM (#2367572)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tunes workshop session tonight.

Pies tend to appear Wednesdays but not Tuesdays or Fridays.

Allotment produce sometimes appears Fridays but has been known at other sessions. We do have a lot of globe artichokes at the moment. If we know there will be pies, there is a possibility of homemade chutney Wednesday.

17 Jun 08 - 02:58 AM (#2367575)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

HP sauce and serviettes will also be available of course.

17 Jun 08 - 09:52 AM (#2367783)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Whats the beer like during festival week? The guest beers have been great recently, do they usually have a few extras? The beverage issue is close to my heart at festival times!

17 Jun 08 - 09:53 AM (#2367784)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Week? I mean weekend!

17 Jun 08 - 10:24 AM (#2367814)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

The beer's always good. Usualy a choice of three (all good). Don't know if there will be extra ones.

17 Jun 08 - 11:18 AM (#2367864)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

well there is Tetleys......

19 Jun 08 - 02:53 AM (#2369591)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Beer spot on last night nearly as good as the bowl of chips which was nearly as good as the steak pie we all feasted on with artichoke suprise to follow, Oh and some tunes.A very pleasant evening and I've got a new capo to boot!

19 Jun 08 - 03:05 AM (#2369593)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Well found Sir! That damn shelf slopes at about 60 degrees. I owe you a small sherry.
Kick off 7.30pm on friday?

19 Jun 08 - 03:29 AM (#2369601)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Does anyone have some spare bow rosin that they could kindly bring? My job and music shop opening times seem to clash....

...Good to hear about the beer. What was the surprise, or was the artichoke the surprise?

19 Jun 08 - 03:59 AM (#2369619)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

The after effects

19 Jun 08 - 04:00 AM (#2369621)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Jo brought a bag of artichokes into the pub from her allotment. The idea was to share them amongst us all, but Ged decided to buy a pint with them instead.
                      Flamenco, the true path!

19 Jun 08 - 05:41 AM (#2369654)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,tiger jon

There will be 4 beers on offer this weekend, the barrels currently racked and ready for use include, abbots, summer lightning, batemans xxxb, Xb & valiant, wainwrights, daleside blonde, radgie gadgie to name but a few.

hope this will prove satisfactory

19 Jun 08 - 05:51 AM (#2369657)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

looks good to me John.

What is on the pump for this evening(Thursday)?


19 Jun 08 - 06:15 AM (#2369667)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

A handle!

19 Jun 08 - 02:16 PM (#2370045)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Enjoyed the session and Penny's steak pie was amazing.

There will be more Artichokes but will be too busy to bring any Friday. They are easy to grow and keep the weeds down.

Excellent list of beers!

19 Jun 08 - 06:01 PM (#2370256)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

You are welcome to use my rosin Joe. Have got 2 different kinds.

20 Jun 08 - 03:55 AM (#2370489)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe

Hopback summer lightning and something else pale was on offer last night - the one I cant remember the name of was good, didnt try the hopback.

Thanks Jo, otherwise I would be the silent fiddler (watch her not bring it now!)

20 Jun 08 - 05:02 AM (#2370511)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

It's in the fiddle case, so if I forget it I've also forgotten the fiddle. Could happen I suppose.
Have been talking about getting to the Tiger for 8.00 but G thinks 8.30 so not sure now.

The only place I can see Mike McGoldrick on the programme is Friday night. Weep weep. Maybee they'll come into the the Tiger session when the Memorial Hall concert finishes. We can dream.

20 Jun 08 - 05:51 AM (#2370539)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

745 in the back room for tunes

20 Jun 08 - 06:08 AM (#2370548)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Thanks for posting the times ladies. I should make the back room at 7.43pm(approx)
                  Brown, the new black!

27 Jun 08 - 04:33 AM (#2375373)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight ...Friday. Was away Tuesday and couldn't make Wednesday or Thursday because was unwell, but better now.

I'm stuck working on this computer but G will go to the allotment later for globe artichokes and broadbeans.

27 Jun 08 - 04:36 AM (#2375380)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Good news for all of us that didn't get to see Mike McGoldrick! Have heard he is playing at Hessle Town Hall in September / October sometime!!!!   Anyone got the date and number for tickets?

27 Jun 08 - 04:08 PM (#2375782)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Jane of 'ull

I recommend the Hopback! Thanks for that, I'd forgotten the name of that ale! It tastes of summer, honey and meadows....hmmm if only we had the weather to match.

30 Jun 08 - 03:44 AM (#2377142)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Dear ladies,
                            The current Mrs Rabanne appears to have an unforseen surplus in her housekeeping allowance this week. Therefore, I have ordered her to use it to procure ingredients for a rollickingly good steak pie for this wednesdays session.

                         Flamenco, the true path!

30 Jun 08 - 05:35 AM (#2377185)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Particularly enjoyed that summer lightning ale the other week.

Will attempt to arrange life arround the possibility of that steak pie.

01 Jul 08 - 08:54 AM (#2378141)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tunes workshop/session tonight

02 Jul 08 - 04:12 AM (#2378885)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne


02 Jul 08 - 06:20 AM (#2378921)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

I've just had a chat with one of my neighbours who saw me lugging a guitar along to last nights tuesday session, they were totally unaware of music on at the Tigger!and were amazed when I told her about the differant sessions on Tues,wed,thurs,fri and Sundays
Busy spot eh what!!

02 Jul 08 - 07:16 AM (#2378944)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Plus, The Bat protection society, The Rhododendron Society, The Morris Minor society etc.... bizarre!

02 Jul 08 - 11:35 AM (#2379172)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Hi Ted was that you I saw in a Batman suit with a big flower in your button hole driving a Moggie Thou?

02 Jul 08 - 03:52 PM (#2379421)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

There is a 'bat helpline' that we had to ring when a poorly one was in the kitchen sink in the house in Hull. Just imagine all the depressed bats phoning in.
There was a fast response. Someone was round within half an hour with a box for it.
The bat recovered by the way.

03 Jul 08 - 05:55 PM (#2380492)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tomorrow... Friday.
Mostly tunes, all welcome.
Starts about 9-ish.

08 Jul 08 - 08:05 AM (#2383653)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tuesday tunes workshop tonight

11 Jul 08 - 03:25 AM (#2386325)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Not likely to get to the session tonight, but I will be bringing another steak pie composed by the current Mrs Rabanne to next wednesday's tune session.

Jutland, the true tune!

11 Jul 08 - 01:36 PM (#2386734)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight 9pm, all welcome.

Sad news. Richard Moverley died suddenly last weekend. The funeral is Tuesday 15th, 1.15pm, at Beverley Minster. Only last Friday he was laughing and joking with us at the session. He was only 49.

12 Jul 08 - 11:33 AM (#2387333)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Some of us are coming back to the Tiger to play some tunes after the funeral on Tuesday.

16 Jul 08 - 03:13 AM (#2390380)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Tonight's session will be well pied up. serviettes have also been procured.

16 Jul 08 - 07:45 AM (#2390477)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

Do we have to bring our own brown sauce?

16 Jul 08 - 08:00 AM (#2390486)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Pray do andrew. Doesn't John have loads of little sachets of the stuff on the shelf above the fireplace though? Maybe Ged could get a round of brown sauce in!!!

16 Jul 08 - 11:23 AM (#2390627)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

The little sachets are all Tartare Sauce no use to anyone

16 Jul 08 - 11:24 AM (#2390628)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Dianne Forritt

Have you any use for a saucy tart

16 Jul 08 - 11:27 AM (#2390631)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Gedpipes

DF you can come if you want to
Blue skies

18 Jul 08 - 06:18 AM (#2391934)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Were tired out after the Driffield show Wednesday.
There were lots of good pies there. Some nice ones made from Glocester Old-Spot.

Saw some barber-shop singing at the Citroen car stand.

Friday session tonight. All welcome.

20 Jul 08 - 11:35 PM (#2393833)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: warpy

Mike Mc Goldrick 2nd October Hessle Town Hall.
Tickets from Oxfam Hessle Sq or catch me at Welly or Black Boy session.During September.

22 Jul 08 - 11:29 AM (#2395152)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Hello chaps. Just a bit of shameless self promotion. That fantastic popular beat combo "VIAGRA FALLS" will be appearing at that wonderful venue, the Sunn Inn, this coming Saturday night (26th).

I should imagine a fair amount of beer will be consumed, both by the band to overcome stagefright (we're painfully shy, as you know), and by the customers to make the music sound vaguely acceptable. Hits from the sixties to the present day will be duly massacred. Requests will be politely accepted, then ignored.

Saw a few of you catters there last time, be nice to see you again at the weekend.

Cheers, Pete.

Ps. We don't play Flamenco. Or eat pies. I'm sorry ;o)

25 Jul 08 - 10:54 AM (#2397620)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight,
all welcome.

01 Aug 08 - 02:26 PM (#2403174)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight. How quickly a week goes. all welcome.

08 Aug 08 - 07:58 AM (#2408317)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Joseph P

It seems to have flown by since the Tour De Beverley last week, my lack of attendance was probably a blessing as I would only have attempted Krafwerk style techno tunes all evening.

tonight I might escape the town centre mayhem and hope others will be at the Tiger for general tunes, fine beers, mayhem and the odd packet of crisps...

08 Aug 08 - 11:06 AM (#2408426)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Certainly will.
Curiosity kindled now to find out what a Krafwerk techno tune is.

All welcome, starts about 9.

15 Aug 08 - 10:04 AM (#2414558)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight.
Starts about 9ish.
All Welcome.

We will miss the session 23rd August, but hope that musicians and singers will turn up an have a session anyway.
Will be there on 30th August as usual.

15 Aug 08 - 10:08 AM (#2414566)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Oops error with dates. Will miss the 22nd but will be there on 29th.

19 Aug 08 - 05:01 AM (#2417551)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

This sunday is our second anniversary at The Tiger, and to celebrate we are having a fun day, with free BBQ, inflateables for the kids and live music outdoors - The Bad Apples and The Good T Band. It should be a cracking day, hope the weather keeps fine, all welcome, starts around 3ish.

many thanks

Jon & Shelly

20 Aug 08 - 03:26 AM (#2418397)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Can I come? I wont drink blackcurrant and soda, honest!
             Flamenco, the true path!

20 Aug 08 - 01:48 PM (#2418752)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

Always welcome paco

20 Aug 08 - 01:51 PM (#2418755)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

Just a thought for all you folkies & musicians out there!!! I'd love to get a saturday night music session going, any ideas please contact me


21 Aug 08 - 08:43 AM (#2419330)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Wolds Wanderer

I for one would be interested and would support a Saturday night session, as due to other commitments its the only night I could make it. Are these sessions singarounds or music sessions?

21 Aug 08 - 08:52 AM (#2419335)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Dunno, I suppose it depends who turns up. I have PM'd a few locals, have to see what the response will be.
                Flamenco, the true path!

26 Aug 08 - 03:27 PM (#2422695)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

Re Wolds Wanderer

Any ideas would be most welcome, what type of session would you be interested in??

29 Aug 08 - 09:44 AM (#2425365)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Dont forget that Punch The Horse will be playing at the Tiger Saturday September 27th

29 Aug 08 - 12:14 PM (#2425545)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Hope the celebrations on 23rd/24th went well. Would have liked to have gone but unfortunately were on holiday.

Just got back and looking forward to tonight's session. Hungry for music after going away.

Not sure if we'll have time to check the allotment before tonight for the bounty waiting there.

03 Sep 08 - 04:14 AM (#2429588)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

It was a record turn out for the Tiger Tuesday session must have been 30+ people there It filled two rooms!

03 Sep 08 - 01:59 PM (#2430042)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Tiger Jon

Yes thanks to all who came last night, it was an ecellent session, keep these levels up and I may have to put sarnies on for you!!!!

05 Sep 08 - 02:27 PM (#2432062)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Tuesdays certainly are going well!
Can't find my Tuesday Tunes book. Did someone accidentaly pick it up at the end of the session?

Friday session tonight, mostly tunes, all welcome.

07 Sep 08 - 08:28 AM (#2433188)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,VicRic

Just to let you all know, the Tiger now a website with details of events etc. Live Music at the Tiger in Beverley Currently including not only Folk & Northumbrian Pipes but now Jazz.

11 Sep 08 - 07:27 PM (#2437834)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Book recovered. Yipee!! Will pick it up from Lillian on Friday... tomorrow.

Will be at the Friday session tomorrow as usual.

Apologies we can't get to the other event that's on that night.

13 Sep 08 - 06:45 AM (#2439076)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Enjoyed the session. A great way to end the week.

If anyone is in Swanland today, there is a do on in the Village hall in aid of a hospice. There will be stalls and morris and garland dance teams etc.

15 Sep 08 - 02:11 PM (#2441179)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Hope to see you all next saturday?

16 Sep 08 - 11:54 AM (#2442110)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

And we are on the website!!!

17 Sep 08 - 03:12 AM (#2442800)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

just us then?

17 Sep 08 - 11:58 AM (#2443116)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Can I come?

19 Sep 08 - 03:36 AM (#2444772)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley

Will try to get there Saturday.

Session tonight starts 9.00. Get there on time if you are interested in runner beans. There's a pile of them from the allotment that we can't be bothered to freeze!


19 Sep 08 - 03:38 AM (#2444774)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Jo

Will try to get there Saturday.

Session tonight starts 9.00. Get there on time if you are interested in runner beans. There's a pile of them from the allotment that we can't be bothered to freeze!


19 Sep 08 - 06:52 AM (#2444863)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P at a different place of work again

Hmmm runner beans sound great, miss not being at mum and dads and the glut of runners, you just cant get them in the shops, and if you can they leave a lot to be desired.

Will be there around 9 tonight. Talk like a pirate day as well, shanteying it will be. Yarrrr

19 Sep 08 - 11:55 AM (#2445115)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Taking care of pipelines

Our runners have failed would love some should be in tennish Can you bring the Wainwrights please Jo

20 Sep 08 - 10:48 AM (#2445899)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Another great session.
They don't need stringing by the way. used fancy stringless varietys this year and they turned out well.

Clarifying -

PTH are on 27th Sept and not tonight.

23 Sep 08 - 03:28 AM (#2447906)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Yes we are ther this Saturday..............any beans left Jo?

24 Sep 08 - 07:33 AM (#2448830)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags


26 Sep 08 - 02:25 PM (#2451044)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Will set some aside for you Mick.

Friday session tonight. All welcome, starts about 9.

27 Sep 08 - 10:30 AM (#2451578)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

That will be nice Jo; hope to see yusall tonight?

28 Sep 08 - 06:04 AM (#2452025)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Great concert last night.

30 Sep 08 - 07:21 AM (#2453628)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Joseph P

I'm already looking forward to friday, a friend from down south will be there for a spot of melodeoning and hitting things, no doubt we will make the sun for sat afternoon as well!

30 Sep 08 - 11:41 AM (#2453838)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Belated thanks to all who turned up - standing room only at one point.Nice to see Sheila and Oombanjo, Jo and Graham and others from Driffield, Hartlepool and Ireland.

thanks for the beans Jo they were lovely.

03 Oct 08 - 07:23 AM (#2456257)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session tonight. Starts about 9.00. All welcome!

03 Oct 08 - 07:33 AM (#2456264)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

The concert in Hessle last Tuesday was excellent. Michael McGoldrick with Ed Boyd and John Joe Kelly.

09 Oct 08 - 03:49 PM (#2461371)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tomorrow about 9.00
all welcome.

Tuesday Tunes are also popular on Fridays, any Tuesday tuners who want extra practice welcome.

17 Oct 08 - 08:02 AM (#2468148)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Teg

Is the session on tonight? And will there be singing? (-:

17 Oct 08 - 08:12 AM (#2468153)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Joseph P

It should be on, I havent heard otherwise. There might be singing ....

17 Oct 08 - 09:14 AM (#2468202)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

but not too much

17 Oct 08 - 01:03 PM (#2468377)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

It is on. There will be singing, tunes, probably the odd joke etc. There will also be a few jars of chutney. Made so much it won't all go in the cupboard. It's fresh though, so best kept till about Christmas. First come first served.

There were quite a few songs the other Friday. It depends on who comes along.


24 Oct 08 - 02:15 PM (#2475076)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Why do you allways see Ghouls and Demons together?
Because Demons are a Ghouls best friend!

Its the end of another tough week and looking forward to Friday night tunes and songs. Can anyone else get there for 9.00?
Will bring some more chutney. First come first served.

25 Oct 08 - 08:30 AM (#2475750)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Another good session last night. We were in back room. Now Christmas parties are starting it will probably be in back room more often, but personaly I enjoy the ones in the back room best anyway.
Halloween next Friday. Anyone fancy dressing up and having a Halloween theme night session?

31 Oct 08 - 11:09 AM (#2480874)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday Tiger session tonight.
All welcome.

31 Oct 08 - 03:40 PM (#2481083)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Doesn't it clash with the Halloween fancy dress and disco that has been advertised for the last few weeks?


05 Nov 08 - 08:39 AM (#2485508)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P


Starting next Wed, 12th nov, will be a new session in the back of the Tiger. It will continue on every 2nd and 4th Wed of the month.

Being midweek it will be good to start nice and early - between 7.30 and 8.

I'm aiming for the session to be mostly, but not exclusively English tunes, but a few songs often breaks things up a bit too! It will hopefully be a fairly laid back affair, so come along.

I'm also quite keen for anyone with knowledge of old, local tunes to get invovled, before they (the tunes, not the people!) are lost in the mists of time.

05 Nov 08 - 08:54 AM (#2485523)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

It did clash, but as the front room is often used for other things this time of year we went in the back room as usual on these occasions. Made lots of noise ourselves, so it was a good session! Wouldn't have been a good night for quiet songs though.
Session every Friday.
All welcome.

06 Nov 08 - 06:02 AM (#2486379)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds

The Shiny New Session sounds promising

It might be an idea to eviscerate the juke box though!!!

06 Nov 08 - 06:13 AM (#2486385)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

re: Shiny new session.   Can I come?

06 Nov 08 - 09:40 AM (#2486536)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

Re. Shiny new session attendance request - yes!

With regard to the jukebox problem, I can play melodeon nice & loud if I want!!

07 Nov 08 - 03:50 AM (#2487259)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

Session tonight with Jo & Graham - what better way to wind down from the week is there than a few tunes and good beers?

07 Nov 08 - 04:21 AM (#2487284)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Paco Rabanne

Errrh... Sex, alcohol and flamenco? Works for me, preferably all at the same time!

07 Nov 08 - 12:35 PM (#2487713)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ThreeSheds


12 Nov 08 - 03:43 AM (#2491485)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

Session tonight! Starting at around 7.30 in the small back room.


12 Nov 08 - 06:32 AM (#2491542)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Will try to get there.

14 Nov 08 - 03:21 PM (#2494055)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight. All welcome.
If someone has a 'children in need' box we could do a collection.

21 Nov 08 - 02:19 PM (#2499509)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday at last!
Was a great sessn last week.

Friday session starts about 9pm, all welcome.
May be in front or in back room.

21 Nov 08 - 02:24 PM (#2499515)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

The Hull Christmas Green Fair is on tomorrow at the community centre off Spring Bank, close to the Tap (Tap and Spile). There will be some background folk performing. It's amplified. Those that want to play will probably get the chance to.

26 Nov 08 - 03:48 AM (#2501822)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

There is a session tonight (mostly tunes, mostly in tune) in the Tiger back room - last week was a bit low on anecdotes, so bring some along.

28 Nov 08 - 01:13 PM (#2503645)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday Tiger session!!!
If we're not in the front room we'll be in the back room.
All welcome!

05 Dec 08 - 01:52 AM (#2508320)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday Tiger session tonight!
Not sure if it's front room or back room.
All welcome!

08 Dec 08 - 08:18 AM (#2509922)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

The Tiger will host a (mostly) tunes session tomorrow from about 7.30pm.


All welcome.

08 Dec 08 - 02:06 PM (#2510087)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

I apologise for my stupidity, the session is Wednesday night, not tomorrow. Oh well.

08 Dec 08 - 03:39 PM (#2510156)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Dont forget to be early this coming saturday, Punch the Horse are playing 9.00pm start

Old and new friends very welcome

10 Dec 08 - 08:24 AM (#2511623)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Joe P

Just in case you missed it, session tonight in the small back room from around half seven.

12 Dec 08 - 08:08 AM (#2513412)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: GUEST,Jo and Graham

Yipee it's Friday!!   Session tonight starts about 9.00. All welcome.
Might be in front or in back room.

13 Dec 08 - 04:19 AM (#2514122)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: ossonflags

Punch The Horse tonight Saturday come early to get a seat

18 Dec 08 - 08:14 PM (#2519415)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Yipee! Friday and it's Friday session -and schools are breaking up for Christmas holls!

p.s. There's a christmas market at the Humber Bridge viewing area on Sunday and Monday. There will be marquees in case of bad weather, an ice-skating rink, fun fair, the stalls from the farmers market, carrol singers etc. Have heard the Raving Maes are also dancing.

19 Dec 08 - 03:04 PM (#2520054)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

02 Jan 09 - 07:16 AM (#2529503)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

session is on tonight (Fri 2nd Jan)
Starts about 9pm
all welcome

07 Jan 09 - 06:04 PM (#2534534)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

session this Friday as usual

17 Jan 09 - 08:55 AM (#2541237)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Enjoyed session last night.

Does anyone know what is going on for the 600 year aniversary of North bar this summer? Some people in the pub thought the local folk scene were all doing things, but we hadn't heard anything.

17 Jan 09 - 10:25 AM (#2541297)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Willa

Here's a link - look in the archive for an article on North Bar (Nov 19th) which has some details and a contact address

20 Jan 09 - 04:30 PM (#2544353)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Found something from 27th October. Ta!

22 Jan 09 - 06:59 PM (#2546526)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session as usual, 9pm all welcome.

30 Jan 09 - 02:37 PM (#2553137)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Friday session tonight as usual
9pm, all welcome

30 Jan 09 - 02:46 PM (#2553146)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Anyone interested in doing something for the 600 years aniversary of the building of North Bar?

I think there will be some civil war re-enactment groups coming to Beverley doing something, and probably schools.
They ought to have some folk music and dancing and things though.
It is taking place over the week 6th to 12th July, with the main event on Sunday 12th July in and around the town centre.
There is a lady at the council who is coordinating and putting together a list of what's happening.
I have her e-mail address if anyone wants it.

30 Jan 09 - 02:55 PM (#2553157)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

P.S. Perhaps a load of us should dress up and do something as todays Beverley Minstrels. Minstrels from around that time being topical here, The minster with its 70 carvings of 20 different instruments, and the widely believed story of the minstrels coming from all over to elect a representative (alderman?).

10 Feb 09 - 05:26 AM (#2562496)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Apologies to anyone who expected to find us in Tiger last Friday. Illness prevented attendance. Will be back this Friday. And it's the start of half term to celebrate too!

19 Feb 09 - 08:12 AM (#2570781)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Session Friday as usual.
ready to play a few tunes! (singers welcome too)
All welcome, starts about 9.00pm.

04 Mar 09 - 06:56 PM (#2581424)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Sessn Fri 9pm all welcome

08 Mar 09 - 06:38 PM (#2584178)
Subject: RE: The Tiger - Beverley
From: Graham and Jo

Another very jolly session