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BS: Italian police or football hooligans?

05 Apr 07 - 06:13 PM (#2017727)
Subject: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: Dave the Gnome

Which ones were right? As far as I am concerned the yobs watching football have taken over the game. Although people will argue that they are in the minority I see very little evidence that the majority are doing anything to sort them out. However, the police in Rome did seem to behave heavy handedly - Mirroring the actions of the hooligans perhaps? Lat time I went to a football match (2 years ago - premier league match) I was genuinely disgisted by the behavior of the 'fans'. The type of language and threatening attitudes towards the other 'fans' was, to my mind, completely unacceptable for civilised society.



05 Apr 07 - 06:24 PM (#2017735)
Subject: RE: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: GUEST,Len

Italian police notified on Monday of element coming over to create trouble and acted accordingly. Job well done I'd say.

05 Apr 07 - 06:32 PM (#2017738)
Subject: RE: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: skipy

They where too soft on them as far as I can see. Wade into them with batons, tear gas & flame thowers before the game starts, just as a warning to them.

05 Apr 07 - 07:01 PM (#2017763)
Subject: RE: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: guitar


05 Apr 07 - 09:07 PM (#2017897)
Subject: RE: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: George Papavgeris

"It's better to have an eye out, than a name out" (Greek saying). In other words, once the English football supporters were branded "hooligans" in the 70s, the name and the impression has stuck and it will take generations of good behaviour to eradicate.

I know that some club matches in some grounds are quite civilised these days, with families attending without fear. But the disruptive elements exist nevertheless and clearly cannot all be spotted in advance and banned or have the passports taken away. And their actions simply fuel the existing impression tarring all with the same branch. Now, you are a copper in a country visited by English football crowds - what are your expectations and your attitude going to be? Not hard to guess.

Me, I attended my last live match in 1971 in Highbury, when oranges stuffed with razorblades were being hurled down the terraces from behind. Never again, not for this fella.

05 Apr 07 - 09:49 PM (#2017928)
Subject: RE: BS: Italian police or football hooligans?
From: Sorcha

Oh, just ban all sports. No, really, I'm half serious. Just why do they get paid such humongous monies for playing a Game???? We can ban all CEO salaries too, while we're at it. (See new Ford article...pays 28 mil USD for the CEO...while the company fails)