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Welcome New Member 'AWG'

06 Apr 07 - 03:37 PM (#2018521)
Subject: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jim Lad

A warm welcome to our new member.
So tell us where you're from.
We know what your interests are.
Cheers, from the Highlands of Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC.

06 Apr 07 - 03:40 PM (#2018526)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: growler

Welcome from sunny Rochester Kent UK

06 Apr 07 - 03:42 PM (#2018530)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jean(eanjay)

I've already welcomed AWG on another thread but welcome again AWG.

06 Apr 07 - 03:44 PM (#2018532)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jim Lad

Thought we'd do it right this time.
Fella's had a baptism of fire.

06 Apr 07 - 03:46 PM (#2018535)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jean(eanjay)

Good idea - I should have told him my welcome comes from Yorkshire.

06 Apr 07 - 03:46 PM (#2018538)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: catspaw49

Yeah.....Welcome to the 'Cat C-W spammer.......thank gawd we got that one cleared up last night!

But truly.....WELCOME!!!

I've been around here since '98 and I can tell ya' it's a great place with lots of good music, good humor, a few fights, a few assholes............But mostly the joint is filled with caring, knowledgeable, and intelligent folks. I'm not one of them, but I know they're here 'cause I've seen 'em.


06 Apr 07 - 03:47 PM (#2018539)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Scoville

Is that pronounced "aug"? ;-)

06 Apr 07 - 03:47 PM (#2018540)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jim Lad

Well that explains a lot!
Heh heh!

06 Apr 07 - 04:15 PM (#2018568)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Little Robyn

Or is it pronounced Aw gee?
Couldn't be orgy could it?

06 Apr 07 - 04:19 PM (#2018570)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Peace

Hi, AWG. I'm one of the assholes Spaw mentioned. I asked you the following on another thread and you didn't respond. I'll ask here.

"Do you or do you not like the Dixie Chicks?" There is one right answer.

06 Apr 07 - 04:58 PM (#2018593)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: GUEST, Eb


06 Apr 07 - 05:27 PM (#2018619)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: GUEST,John Huggen

Welcome aboard the Mudcat AWG. It may be the sorriest looking frigate afloat, but it will certainly take you on many adventures you will never forget, and some of these adventures will most certainly scare you out of your breeches.

I say, fire an honourable single discharge of the cannon and lets all have a drink in giving AWG a big Mudcat reception.

06 Apr 07 - 06:50 PM (#2018676)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: catspaw49

Well, John, you haven't been around long I guess 'cause for a starter, there ain't been any gunpowder around here in years.......

Pretty much the last of it was when Cletus built that Dago Bomb which blew up under one of his "Crappers on Casters" Porta-Potties. Damn thing shot the outhouse up like a missile and it landed about a mile away in the center of the condom factory. The resulting explosion covered the church across the street in latex. It was the home of the First Evangelical Brethren Church of the Tongue Talking Mohunkers.   The lawsuit afterwards stated that no more gunpowder would be allowed anywhere in the county.

Sorry.....No Go on the cannon............


07 Apr 07 - 02:50 PM (#2019242)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Stringsinger

Welcome AWG and lets have a cheer for the CW. Still love 'em.

Frank Hamilton

07 Apr 07 - 03:00 PM (#2019249)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: fat B****rd

Hello AWG. Welcome etc from Charlie.
Bruce, give is a glimpse of these "Dixie Chicks" please.

07 Apr 07 - 03:11 PM (#2019256)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Peace

Here ya go, FB. Natalie, in front, has a voice like and angel.

07 Apr 07 - 09:00 PM (#2019470)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Rapparee

AWG = American Wire Gauge.

Spaw, I have five (5) pounds of gunpowder residing not fifteen feet from where I'm sitting. Couple pounds of FFg, couple pounds of FFFg, and pound of FFFFg for primin' the ol' flintlock when I get 'er built.

No Fg. I don't have a cannon. Sorry.

Welcome. Don't feel, er, feed, the trolls.

07 Apr 07 - 09:09 PM (#2019475)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: gnu

Say, AWG... haven't read many (well, any... been busy) of your posts. I was told you are a Canuck. Glad to welcome. I hope you keep up the Canuck tradition of decorum and good manners that Peace and others, such as myself, have demnostrated as example so many times on so many threads here at this venerable institution known as The Café. Enjoy your time here.

07 Apr 07 - 09:19 PM (#2019486)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Hi Guys and Gals ! I just now found this thread. Thanks for the welcome, kind of unexpected what with me causing all the 'irritation' amongst the members LOL. (Just ask Joe
). Oh and Peace, sorry, Ive been trashing you on the 'Poverty in the US' thread, but Im not going to apologize (you said Canada caused the poverty in the US). Oh Well, thats only an opinion, certainly not a fact. If anything its the other way around. LOL. By the way.........I LOVE The Dixie Chicks ******* (and Celtic Woman).CYa.

07 Apr 07 - 09:39 PM (#2019501)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Peace

"Oh and Peace, sorry, Ive been trashing you on the 'Poverty in the US' thread"

I didn't notice, but thanks for saying.

07 Apr 07 - 09:41 PM (#2019504)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Peace

BTW, my remark about Canada causing poverty in the US was facetious/sarcastic: It was direceted at Dickey who'd been blaming Canada for everything from Bird Flu to Clap. I just cut him off at the pass in post 1 or 2, can't recall and can't be arsed to look it up.

07 Apr 07 - 09:53 PM (#2019517)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Okay Peace, but Ive kinda been flying off the handle in the poverty thread. LOL Im not insensitive, actually donate money regularly to various causes, but it burns my ass when poor people (those able bodied and capable ones) blame everyone else for their problems. Here I go again........*** AWG apologizes for the um-teenth time ***

07 Apr 07 - 10:02 PM (#2019526)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Peace

Both Janie and Bobert have been/are social workers. They are people speaking from experience. They are of course aware that some situations are just as you describe. But they argue, and I agree with them, that poverty is now an institution, and people caught in it have much less chance than people who are not poor, and that makes sense. No offense, but give the whole thread a read.

07 Apr 07 - 10:10 PM (#2019534)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Sorcha

Sorry, but my gunpowder is just a bit farther than 5'. More like 15'. Outside in the garage. Unless you count the loaded cartridges up front in my sewing room....LOL! It ain't black powder either.

Come to think of it, the sewing room inside is about the same distance from me as the garage.....Ka BOOM!

PS--ya, I smoke in the sewing room too. Heaven only knows why he thinks it's a gun/ammo storage room too. He's male.

07 Apr 07 - 10:13 PM (#2019536)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Hi Peace, you know, I would love to read the whole thread, but there are over 400 posts. I think that is a tad unrealistic. However, all I did was post my opinions about poverty and it's possible causes. They jumped on me for having an opinion (please read). To quote you 'But they argue, and I agree with them, that poverty is now an institution, and people caught in it have much less chance than people who are not poor, and that makes sense.' I respectfully disagree, lazy non-poor people will soon be poor (assuming we are not talking about the rich, silver-spoon in their mouth types, most of them are lazy and rely on inheritances), but poor hard-working-and-ambitious people will soon be 'non-poor' . It all boils down to what you make of your opportunities, and how hard you try to create said opportunities. Thank you, this is all I will say about this in this thread. Thanks everyone for the welcome !!!!

07 Apr 07 - 10:20 PM (#2019543)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Barry Finn

Take it back to the Poverty thread & this time please try & read it before jumping in with both feet and with out any knowledge of what's already been said.

Gezze, 3 days & nearly 100 posts & already you've rubbed far to many the wrong way. My advice would be to slow down a bit get a feel for how to dicuss topics, both musical & BS, and then get a feel for the personalities here before you piss off the entire membership.


07 Apr 07 - 10:35 PM (#2019548)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Sorry Barry, do you read every post in a thread before posting ?? Rhetorical question, Barry, of course you don't. I love you guys, such cards !! Thanks for the warm welcome !

07 Apr 07 - 10:44 PM (#2019551)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Wow, Barry, your'e right. Those posts do add up, don't they ? lol It's great to have a place where you can feel free to openly present your opinions without fear of reprisal. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate you guys ! On behalf of free-speaking people everywhere.....Thank You !!

07 Apr 07 - 10:49 PM (#2019554)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Barry Finn

Before I toss in my 2 cents AWG, yes I read every posts if I'm gonna debate a topic.


07 Apr 07 - 11:03 PM (#2019564)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Im sure you do.

08 Apr 07 - 07:41 AM (#2019695)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: GUEST,meself

Personally, if I'm not willing to read all the posts, I stay out of the thread, especially if I see that there is a controversy going on. That way, I avoid making an ass of myself, and show common courtesy to those that have been participating in the thread from the beginning. Of course, that's just me.

Feel free to sneer - after all, you know better than me if I'm telling the truth or not.

08 Apr 07 - 09:43 AM (#2019753)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

welcome awg!

this is me

welcome to mudcat!

08 Apr 07 - 09:50 AM (#2019757)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: John MacKenzie

If he pulls any harder your collective legs are going to come off.

08 Apr 07 - 10:00 AM (#2019761)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Gotta love Giok, what a ham !! And Meself, what's the point of a forum then?? Unless you read ALL posts, you have no right to post your opinion ?? Is that what you are saying ?? Talk about making an ass of yourself (and blowing your pompous horn, as well )!

08 Apr 07 - 10:11 AM (#2019764)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

Explain Giok - my leg is unmoved as we speak.

08 Apr 07 - 10:18 AM (#2019769)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: fat B****rd

Thankyou , Bruce. Which two are mine.
Yours, pathetic middle aged fB.

08 Apr 07 - 10:26 AM (#2019775)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Bobert

First of all, welcome form this ol' hillbilly...

Second, yeah.... I do read every post in a thread before jumping in, ahhhh, with the exception of the "Mother of all, BS" thread which is 180 degrees from the "Poverty" thread...

My suggestion to you is if you are going to participate in any political threads here that you don't come to class without having done your homework, i.e., having a working knowledge of the disussion, the territory that has been covered and the arguments that have been made... If for no other reason it can make you look ignorant and trollish...

But welcome, non the less...


08 Apr 07 - 10:40 AM (#2019783)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Rapparee

Geez Bobert, MOAB is about 180 degrees from everything. You know that.

Sorcha, that's the black powder. In cans, in a wooden box. There's also some cannon fuse, and maybe 2,000 rounds of various types of cartridges (.38 special, lots of .22, 12 gauge, 20 gauge, 7.65 mm, .45 Colt, .30-06....).

I gave up smoking back in 1985 but I still have my rack of pipes....

08 Apr 07 - 11:01 AM (#2019799)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Thanks for the heart-felt welcome everyone. *** group hug *** And Bobert, at first it was amusing, but now I tire of your rants about 'reading posts, doing homework, etc, etc, etc. All I did is offer opinions of my own, I fail to see what I could possibly gain by reading 450+ posts, where about 449 are about nothing at all.   I can read the subject line, and post my own opinions, but apparently that rubs people the wrong way. Oh well, maybe everyone is angry because they know I am right about my poverty comments, but they wont admit it. P.S. Dont flatter yourselves, just because one works with poor people doesn't necessarily mean they have a handle on the issues. Sometimes, one only needs common sense.

08 Apr 07 - 11:45 AM (#2019836)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: GUEST,meself

Although it doesn't hurt to read the posts, either.

08 Apr 07 - 12:14 PM (#2019862)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG


08 Apr 07 - 01:25 PM (#2019934)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

feel free to AWG to contribute to any threads i start. whether you've read any or none of the other contributions.

Piss people off and get pissed off. If you can't express youself in cyberpace, what is the information superhighway coming to?

might as well stay in Twatsville, Idaho and button your lip for fear of offending the axe murderer next door. Or Little Bumhole Minor, Braindeadshire, England - the solicitor looks shifty - there are three bodies buried in the arboretum!

08 Apr 07 - 02:06 PM (#2019982)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Thanks drummer, but I wasn't aware I pissed anyone off. If offering a common-sense solution to a problem pisses someone off, then I feel sorry for that person. Perhaps they are so vain they think there opinion is the only one that matters. Perhaps they are intimidated by common-sense. How else do you explain the way they jump all over Dickie ?? I still love you guys anyways.

08 Apr 07 - 03:04 PM (#2020031)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

They're deadly jealous of your clearsightedness. They wish they had your gift with language and self expression, but they know they never will have.

Life that has showered gifts of wit and modesty upon yourself, has been niggardly and unfair to them.

My advice is to try to be a nice person when you meet someone less fortunate.

Works for me.

08 Apr 07 - 03:14 PM (#2020039)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Thanks for your honest and non-sarcastic comments , drummer. Im always nice, not only to those 'less fortunate', whatever that means. :)

08 Apr 07 - 03:17 PM (#2020041)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Lonesome EJ

Got it...Average White Guy!!!

08 Apr 07 - 04:24 PM (#2020077)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

I think I was referring those dull of perception, and surly and aggressive in nature.

Watch carefully you may see one or two as you go through life.

And the thing is, always to be NICE - it sometimes confuses them and gives you time to run away.

08 Apr 07 - 06:59 PM (#2020128)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: gnu

AWG... "I fail to see what I could possibly gain by reading 450+ posts, where about 449 are about nothing at all."

You should at least read your own posts in order to see if they make any sense. If that is the kind of illogical trolling you have to offer, I shant bother reading any more of your posts.

Of course, the logical question regarding your non-sense statement is, why are you still here? (Rhetorical question. Don't bother to answer. I shant bother to read it anyway.)

Goodbye American Wire Guage.

08 Apr 07 - 07:09 PM (#2020130)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: tarheel

Welcome from the Tarheel-Tale -Teller...

08 Apr 07 - 07:23 PM (#2020134)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Jim Lad

OGGY!: I posted a "Celtic Woman" thread for you, you buggered it up.
I posted the "Welcome Oggy!" thread for you & you've buggered this up as well.
Let me suggest "Footstompin".
You're on my list now.
And by the way.... I read every post here.
I'll away.

08 Apr 07 - 08:25 PM (#2020171)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Bobert

Well, if you didn't read the 450 posts then how can you make the statement that 449 were about nuthing at all???

If you really want to be taken seriously you can't make illogical statements here very long before people grow very tired of stuff like that...

Right now you still are in the the honeymoon/grace period but believe you me ('cause I know) you will piss off a lot of folks here by telling them that their post ain't nuthin' when you are too lazy to read them

I couldn't care less if you like me or my style but that ain't got nuthin' to do with the advice I given you....

... the stove is hot...Touch it or not...


08 Apr 07 - 08:26 PM (#2020172)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Ron Davies

Gee, AWG, your attitude is strangely familiar. How do you feel about Martins and Gibsons?

08 Apr 07 - 08:51 PM (#2020179)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Ebbie

Nah, Ron. This one is not a musician.

08 Apr 07 - 08:58 PM (#2020183)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: gnu

Does a lot of singing, Ebbie... out of tune, though. Guess you are right.

08 Apr 07 - 09:06 PM (#2020184)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Ron Davies

Hell, Ebbie--we don't know if the other one was a musician. We only know what he told us--and we know how reliable that was.

08 Apr 07 - 09:12 PM (#2020187)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Bobert

Hmmmmmm? Does have the MG touch....

But MG, according to MG himself had proof that he was a folk singer but couldn't provide it since he was also under cover...

But I do see some similarities...

Could it be???

08 Apr 07 - 09:14 PM (#2020188)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: GUEST,meself

No, folks, to be fair, he's not in the league of MG. Not by a long shot ...

(AWG: you probably don't know this other guy we're talking about, but believe me, I'm sticking up for you here ... )

08 Apr 07 - 09:17 PM (#2020189)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG

Hello Guys and Gals, I appreciate the welcome. By the way, Bobert,what advice is that ?? 'just spout off about nothing, and pretend people will take you seriously',...oh, by the way, thanks for the advice. Sheesh. Hey, Ebbie, I AM a musician !

08 Apr 07 - 11:36 PM (#2020263)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Ron Davies

Fine--what kind of music? Do you sing or play--or both?

09 Apr 07 - 12:47 AM (#2020286)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Sorcha

I am soooo out of this thread. Won't surprise me if AWG turns out to be a Former Member, or a Current Member in disguise.

I was wrong once tho.

09 Apr 07 - 01:18 AM (#2020290)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: Big Al Whittle

Martin Gibson was from Chicago and knew all about Gibsons - which clump of MDF trees they were using in 1945 - that sort of thing.

Actually he wasn't very good at abuse. He sort of lost you, when he started. Anyone with a real talent for abuse keeps you hanging round trying to stick one back - which somehow you never quite manage!

09 Apr 07 - 09:46 AM (#2020436)
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member 'AWG'
From: AWG
