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BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You

07 Apr 07 - 11:55 AM (#2019105)
Subject: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

I asked Catters this question years ago. Thought I'd give it another shot. Wanna tell?

07 Apr 07 - 12:02 PM (#2019111)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Bill D

...allowed me to think for myself, and tolerated my eccentricities.

07 Apr 07 - 12:03 PM (#2019113)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Ebbie

Left me filthy rich. What more can I say? :)

07 Apr 07 - 12:24 PM (#2019126)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: *daylia*

They gave me life.

07 Apr 07 - 12:48 PM (#2019140)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: jacqui.c

Made me self sufficient.

07 Apr 07 - 01:03 PM (#2019154)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: GUEST,meself

Bribed the judge.

07 Apr 07 - 01:39 PM (#2019176)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Amos

The most persistent favor was to teach me to hnr language and the thought behind it with curiosity and clarity (most of the time, anyway!). They also taught me to relish good music in many different genres. And they cut me a powerful lot of slack when I wanted to find things out on my own.


07 Apr 07 - 01:49 PM (#2019181)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Bought a defective condom.

07 Apr 07 - 03:03 PM (#2019251)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Stilly River Sage

I agree with Amos. And in general, most of their deficiencies as parents weren't too traumatic. They tried to learn about what it was that interested me, they didn't resist because it was different from their experiences.


07 Apr 07 - 03:12 PM (#2019257)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: fat B****rd

They decided to keep me. No joke. I was a "Surprise/shock". I didn't find this out until recently but I'd had enough love from them both not to be upset about it

07 Apr 07 - 03:44 PM (#2019294)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: kendall

They taught me to stand on my own.

07 Apr 07 - 03:58 PM (#2019311)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Little Hawk

What Daylia said.

Aside from that they were non-smokers, and I followed their example. Non-smokers were about as rare as 3-legged chickens back in those days.

07 Apr 07 - 04:26 PM (#2019332)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: gnu

Everything. Even when it hurt.

07 Apr 07 - 04:50 PM (#2019354)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Barry Finn

Right away they put a fur scarf around my neck & just as fast it disappeared. I knew then what was in store.


07 Apr 07 - 05:58 PM (#2019387)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: skipy

Adopted me! brought me up the best they could, they where very, very poor. There was a mention in a thread earlier this week about lard sandwitches, been there, done that, got the 2nd hand tee shirt.
Bless them , they did their very best for me a stranger. They are gone now but I have tried my best for decades to do my best for others.
Ironically this morning I received in the post a copy of my birth mother's birth certificate! I am now tracking two 1/2 brothers (makes 1 brother!) Anyone know:- Allan & Brian Baillie?

07 Apr 07 - 06:27 PM (#2019399)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Did they sue Trojan?

Skipy, lovely story. I hope you find Brian & Allan and that they surpass your wishes.

07 Apr 07 - 06:35 PM (#2019403)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Sorcha

Let me be me in spite of some hard times and feelings.
Also, signed me up for violin lessons and forced me to practice! (grin)

07 Apr 07 - 08:44 PM (#2019455)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Rapparee

After my father died (I was 5 and the oldest of four) my mother continued to raise us as they had discussed. His last words were, "Esther, take care of my kids" and for thirty-one more years she did that. Gave us slack and pulled the reins when needed, did whatever was necessary to feed, clothe and house us, worked 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. when she could get work, and in general taught us to survive. But she also saw to it that we had a place to live and food to eat for as much education as we could get, and since there was a 4-year college five blocks from home we all got BAs -- and then SHE took some classes "just to see if I could do it."

She waited with bated breath while her three sons were in the military at the same time (two went to Vietnam, one to Korea) and cheered when they all three came home unhurt (that she knew of -- some things we didn't tell her). Then, before she died, she saw all three boys married and held two grandsons (ultimately she had nine grandchildren and would now be twice a great-grandmother).

Mostly, they gave us Love.

07 Apr 07 - 09:13 PM (#2019480)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: kendall

My Father was a democrat, my Mother a republican. He smoked, she didn't. He drank, she didn't. No wonder I'm confused.

07 Apr 07 - 09:24 PM (#2019490)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Taught me to see beyond the seen.


07 Apr 07 - 10:05 PM (#2019531)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Sorcha

Jerry, my parents tried to do that, but ultimately I had to learn on my own.

07 Apr 07 - 10:15 PM (#2019538)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mrrzy

Bore me as an American but raised me in third world.

07 Apr 07 - 10:47 PM (#2019552)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Bee-dubya-ell

On a more serious note than my post above, my parents, by their example, instilled in me an attitude of relative self-sufficiency and self-reliance. I only remember a handful of times when my dad paid someone else to do something as opposed to doing it himself. I was taught that, given a few basic tools, willingness to do a bit of actual work, and reasonable amounts of knowledge, common sense, and imagination, most of what we need done is well within our own abilities. My wife and I built our home from the ground up, entirely on our own. I'm pretty sure we never would have been able to do so if I'd been raised by someone who dealt with a leaky faucet by calling a plumber.

07 Apr 07 - 11:17 PM (#2019576)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Michael from Manitoba

Treated me with benign neglect, which forced me to think for myself and stand on my own feet. Thanks to them I'm a self-suficient, self-educated guy. Bless them!

07 Apr 07 - 11:40 PM (#2019591)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Hi Sorcha, Did you do well with the violin? I could never master it. However, I did a mean tap-dance to "Mairzy Doats!" Now who recalls that song?

Rapaire, Your story was touching. Another great Mom.
Esther did good.

Bee-dubya-ell, That was the way I grew up. My Dad could do anything-and somehow I inherited some of his skills. My husband was not handy-(no one taught him ) After we married, when we were moving to a larger ap't., he said Call the Santini Bros. to move us. I said, "Honey-we're Irish-we move ourselves." Over the years I've paneled rooms, hung doors,layed rugs & put up 14 kitchen cabinets with no help. I loved every job. Thanks Dad. It is a gift to be self-reliant.

08 Apr 07 - 12:07 AM (#2019600)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: katlaughing

Michael, there's a lot to be said for "benign neglect!"

My imagination was always encouraged and I was told I could do anything I put my mind to when girls weren't generally told that, along with a host of other things, esp. love of all kinds of music!

08 Apr 07 - 12:51 AM (#2019607)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Sorcha

Well, Mickey 191, I don't brag. I suggest you ask my friends here who have heard me. I think I do OK. If not, I get a lot of fun out of it anyway.

08 Apr 07 - 01:46 AM (#2019612)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Okay Kat, GIve Sorcha a grade on her fiddle playing--please.

Sorcha, do I recall correctly that a few years ago you were going to write a book or a play with a character called -------Glimmers? Or am I senile? Can't recall first name though.

Skimpy?? Glimmers

08 Apr 07 - 01:48 AM (#2019614)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Metchosin

They got a divorce.

08 Apr 07 - 02:08 AM (#2019618)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: AWG

Told me to avoid 'pointless forum threads'....I guess I wasn't listening enough.

08 Apr 07 - 06:06 AM (#2019668)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Liz the Squeak

Let me leave home when I wanted to and gave me an example of what NOT to do to a supposed loved one.


08 Apr 07 - 08:11 AM (#2019709)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: kendall

No one taught me to do anything.
My older brother gave me a car, and my younger brother was so jealous that he pulled all the plug wires off the engine and strewed them around the yard. I guess he thought he had two blocked me, but I asked a neighbor how to deal with it and he drew me a picture of the firing order. I reinstalled the wires acording to the sketch and drove away.
That's where I learned to listen. (And to fix dead cars)

08 Apr 07 - 08:13 AM (#2019712)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: GUEST,meself

If you're ever in the neighbourhood, can you show me how to do that?

08 Apr 07 - 10:44 AM (#2019788)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Rapparee

My mother also insisted that we try things at least twice before giving them up. I only made one parachute jump, though. That was enough.

08 Apr 07 - 11:41 AM (#2019831)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: katlaughing

She does a great job, Mickey!!

08 Apr 07 - 11:59 AM (#2019849)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Raedwulf

Filled the house with books (never mind being brought up with books, they met working in Westminster Libraries) and never told me what to read...

08 Apr 07 - 12:53 PM (#2019894)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Glad to know that Kat - I suspected as much.

08 Apr 07 - 01:04 PM (#2019909)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You

That's a tough parents argued a lot and very loudly which was quite traumatic for my sister and I. They also drank significantly too much though they would have called it social drinking and not problem drinking. They gave birth to my sister and I and I think they loved us a great deal - we travelled a huge amount (via the military); my dad died when I was 13 and that gave me knowledge that nothing was permanent; a huge financial reversal in the family then taught me you have to work HARD for everything you have, not to take anything for granted and take the opportunities life offers.......

My mum died when I was 29 and I had been living in the States for a long time by then - I think that taught me to make sure I stay in better touch and tell the people I love - OFTEN - that I love them.

Happy Easter - whether you celebrate it or it is just a day to get together with family. My children and significant others are coming over -- I am looking forward to it.

08 Apr 07 - 01:28 PM (#2019937)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Big Al Whittle

fought in the second world war - saw the nazis off.

08 Apr 07 - 07:28 PM (#2020142)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

The greatest thing My parents did: I was born with club feet. There was no money for surgery to correct this. My Mom & Dad made a deal with the surgeon to work his fee off. For one year they went to his house on Sundays; My Mom cooked a great dinner & served it and my Dad cut the huge lawn & did landscape work. Had they not done that I'd be crippled.

A boy in our neighborhood was born about 10 years later-he had the same affliction. His father was a lawyer & they owned a nice house. That kid was not operated on because of a "money problem." My heart would break seeing that boy hobbling along. I think of him still. I'll never understand it.

09 Apr 07 - 11:15 AM (#2020479)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: AWG

Mickey191, your parents sound like great human beings. The world could use more like them. (and the surgeon).

09 Apr 07 - 01:24 PM (#2020556)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Don Firth


There is no way I could describe all the things my parents did for me. I had polio at the age of 2, and this involved an early life of doctors' appointments and hospital stays and exercises and physical therapy and everything else that goes with it. Let's face it, when I was a kid, I was a real financial drain, and my folks were not rich. But they were bloody determined that no matter what the extent of the disability, I would be able to be self-sufficient and have the best life possible. I simply can't describe all they did for me without writing something book-length.

But there were other things as well. One of the real biggies was that they always supported the efforts and ambitions of my two sisters and me if we were seriously interested in something.

Both of my sisters OD'ed on Sonja Henie movies early on and wanted to learn to figure skate. Mom drove them to and from the local ice arena for lessons and accompanied them on subsequent trips to competitions, and Dad paid for their lessons and for the trips. The ultimate result was that my older sister, Mary, won a National Silver Dance Championship in 1948 (or was it '49?) with her skating partner, Donald Laws, and my younger sister, Pat, won two Pacific Coast Senior Ladies' Championships and a National Junior Ladies' in the early 1950s. The National Championship win qualified her to compete in the World Championships in Vienna, where she placed 7th behind skaters like Tenley Albright and Carol Heiss. After collecting a batch of medals and trophies, they both turned professional and taught skating.

Early on, I was interested in drawing and cartooning. My Dad bought me the art supplies I needed and cobbled together a very nice drawing board for me. Dad supported my fencing activities when I was a teen-ager, and it would take pages to describe the nature of the encouragement and support he gave me. There's a real story there, but too long to go into here.

When I became involved with folk music, I was old enough (21 when I bought my first guitar) to pay for my own lessons, but when I started taking classic guitar lessons, my classic guitar teacher had a shiny new Martin 00-28-G (gorgeous guitar!) for sale, and he offered to take my steel-string Martin (00-18) as a trade in for what I had paid for it. But I still couldn't afford it. My mother said, "Consider it an early birthday present," and bought the guitar for me.

You just can't beat parents like that!

Don Firth

09 Apr 07 - 02:17 PM (#2020588)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Don, Sounds like we were both blessed.

09 Apr 07 - 05:20 PM (#2020749)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: skipy

M191, you though mine was good! Yours is wonderful!

09 Apr 07 - 07:02 PM (#2020821)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: skipy

Well, a bit of a change to my post before last! We spent the eve. going through the PRO, sadly not looking for 2 half brothers now, just one, Brain, died in 1982!
Lets hope we can find Allen alive.

09 Apr 07 - 07:52 PM (#2020881)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: skipy

He was just 18! Checked the roll if honour for the Falkland Islands, he was not there, would have fitted in with the date.

09 Apr 07 - 07:53 PM (#2020882)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Donuel

They virtually forced me to study the cello.
It turned out that skill kept me out of Viet Nam.

They taught that a usafruct is a desirable stream of income and that multiple skills are best learned young.

09 Apr 07 - 08:24 PM (#2020909)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Mickey191

Skipy, I'm sorry to hear Of Brian's passing. My sincere good wishes on your search for Allan.

What does PRO stand for?

Donuel-How did a cello keep you from VietNam?

09 Apr 07 - 08:29 PM (#2020913)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: skipy

M191 PRO is Public Records Office.
My feelings are very mixed at the moment.
Wanted to meet him, may have not gone well if I did anyway, can't miss someone I never knew though but mostly sad at an 18 year old dying whether related or not.
Such is life / such is death.

09 Apr 07 - 11:34 PM (#2021048)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: leeneia

Best thing my parents did - refused to replace our first television when it died in 1958. So we found ourselves reading, biking, learning music, sewing clothes, going camping and making friends instead.

10 Apr 07 - 02:10 AM (#2021116)
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest Thing Your Parents Did For You
From: Joe Offer

My dad taught me to love to sing. He also taught me how to take pride in work and to enjoy it.
My mom taught me to explore the intellectual side of life.
