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Please stay on subject !!

08 Apr 07 - 11:14 AM (#2019809)
Subject: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

Hello everyone, just wanted to start my first thread as a new member of Mudcat forum. Throughout my travels in Mudcat, I have noticed something and would appreciate some feedback on the issue from some more 'experienced' members of this distinguished forum. For starters, why do people have such a hard time facing the issue at hand, and sticking to the subject ?? Lots of member-bashing, backstabbing, babbling on and on about nothing, and generally just a load of rubbish. The kicker was when I posted in the poverty thread (poverty in the USA). Offered an opinion, then sat back for about 50 posts reading rant after rant about how terrible I was, but never once did anyone offer something of substance (except maybe Dickie). No solutions, nothing about poverty at all. Just 'you have to read ALL the posts, your'e bad, yada yada). I would really appreciate it if in the future, people could stay on subject, and quit the childish antics. Thank you.

08 Apr 07 - 11:19 AM (#2019813)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Jim Lad

Hi Oggy: Happy Easter to you!
Just so that you know. Threads which have no connection with music should be designated to the BS forum.
You'll catch on.

08 Apr 07 - 11:23 AM (#2019816)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: John Hardly

Zogg say: learn history, then bitch.

08 Apr 07 - 11:23 AM (#2019817)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: CarolC

So, AWG, do you play accordion?

08 Apr 07 - 11:24 AM (#2019818)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: wysiwyg



1. ... are by nature creative topic-wanderers as well as freedom-lovers who do NOT take kindly to perceived efforts to control them and who rebel strongly when that's their perception.

2. .... don't stop to realize that the BS forum is addictive and that perhaps people who came to Mudcat via the BS side forget that there may be different manners that make sense in the music section.

Standard disclaimer:



08 Apr 07 - 11:28 AM (#2019821)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: jacqui.c

AWG - as a newcomer to this site I would suggest that you fall in with our habits - we come to this site because we enjoy this sort of discussion. If you don't, go elsewhere.

08 Apr 07 - 11:28 AM (#2019822)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ebbie

Has anyone noticed the fantastic cloud formations in springtime?

08 Apr 07 - 11:33 AM (#2019823)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

My apologies, Jim, I meant to post this thread to the BS threads, oopps. I guess it can be moved, can't it?? Hey Jacquic, by 'this sort of discussion' do you mean 'member bashing' ??

08 Apr 07 - 11:36 AM (#2019824)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: katlaughing's a sport!

08 Apr 07 - 11:38 AM (#2019827)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

deep breaths, Kat, deep breaths. And please, try to stay on subject !

08 Apr 07 - 11:44 AM (#2019834)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: GUEST,tolerance

Wasn't the United States going to nuke Iran on April 6th??

08 Apr 07 - 11:46 AM (#2019837)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ebbie

Dang. You're right. I missed it entirely.

08 Apr 07 - 11:51 AM (#2019841)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: katlaughing

Pigs did fly the other a tornado.

08 Apr 07 - 11:59 AM (#2019848)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Georgiansilver

Bacons gone up again then!

08 Apr 07 - 12:04 PM (#2019853)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Amos

What IS the subject? That's an interesting question. There was a time when we were all subjects, but now, life is less subjective, because of the Constitution. Of course, some of us are less careful about our constitutions than others, being reckless, which is an old English word related to "reckoning" but not to "wreck" or "wrack", I think.

The thing is , many people prefer the approach of sticking to the predicate, rather than the subject, because they have predicatory natures, and usually also have dangling participles. My own particples dangle, but not dramatically, but I am not predicatory by nature. My grammar was.


08 Apr 07 - 12:12 PM (#2019860)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: John Hardly

It's not just your participles that are dangling. I think you have become subjunctive. There is no cure for being subjunctive. It's called "subjunctivitis". If you were to invitis to your subjunct, I would have to ask if it is a Chinese junct or something that you bought at a junct shop. Then I would ask what you serve aboard your sub junct. Sushi, perhaps? Then I would know if it was actually a junct or a Japanese vessel -- and I would know that you were being less than honest. Of course, my assessment would be subjective. I am, after all, a subject. At least, I am a subject whenever I follow an active verb. When I follow the verb to be, I become more objective.

08 Apr 07 - 12:16 PM (#2019865)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

Now this is more like it, wow, no member bashing in what, 7 posts?? Maybe Kat would like to change that...

08 Apr 07 - 12:24 PM (#2019868)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ron Davies

Now who's baiting? As has been pointed out, that sort of approach is typical of trolls. Now as a new member, I'm sure you don't want to be thought a troll, now, do you?

Also, AWG, have you told us what AWG stands for? "Average White Guy"?

And what kind of music you like to do? You may have noticed this is a music site.

Sorry if you've answered these questions--but if not, maybe you'd like to.

08 Apr 07 - 12:28 PM (#2019871)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Mrrzy

It's usually up to the originator of the post to say Hey, people, I asked a question that hasn't been answered yet. If the questioner doesn't mind, why should anyone else?
Also, sometimes people going off-topic will preface with Thread creep but this is interesting... and sometimes not. A minor sin at worst.
Also, it isn't usually, in my experience (and you do say you're new), member-bashing so much as replying-to-individual-perceived-idiocy; if there is opinion stated by one poster about another, rather than about their post, it usually stems from prior experience between those posters, a context of which a newbie would not have knowledge.
And as a final thought, when there is thread creep it is usually from a thread that is about something substantive, rather than a blanket criticism of the very group to which you are introducing yourself as a new member. Makes some wonder why join, when you can criticize just as well while lurking. You do seem to have lurked for long enough for the petty bickering we sometimes do, like all families, to bother you, but not enough for you to want to join us, so why bring it up? Norman, coordinate!

08 Apr 07 - 12:34 PM (#2019878)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: gnu

08 Apr 07 - 12:36 PM (#2019883)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Azizi

"Of course, some of us are less careful about our constitutions than others, being reckless, which is an old English word related to "reckoning" but not to "wreck" or "wrack""

There's also "wacked"

Here's are a couple of definitions for wacked from the
Urban Dictionary


1. To be of low or dubious quality. Origin: comes from 'whacky', which evolved to 'whacked' or 'whacked out'. Eventually shortened to 'wack'. The 'h' is usually dropped to differentiate the meaning from 'whack', which is to hit something hard or, kill (old wise guy terminology).

Yo, my dog, those shoes are wack."
-by Paul Oct 13, 2004



Originated from the word whacky; short for whack.

1] Something stupid.

2] Something that isn't interesting.

3] Something that is uncool.

"That kid is wack as hell."

"I think that show is wack."

"Tell your brother that he is too wack to get in this ride"
-by Skep'tiKaL- Miami, Florida Mar 20, 2007


Here's an example of the use of "wacked" in a sentence:

It's really wacked to join a "distinguished forum" and from jump street diss the members of that discussion forum for going off the subject.
-by Azizi-Pittsburgh, Pa April 8, 2006

And here's a new African proverb:

"Wacked is as wacked does".
-by Azizi same place same date .

08 Apr 07 - 12:40 PM (#2019887)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

I find that post humorous, but could we please stay on subject. Thank you.

08 Apr 07 - 12:43 PM (#2019890)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Stilly River Sage

Wow! All it took was AWG to join and clean the place up. Who knew?

Lurking for a while is one way to avoid putting your foot in your mouth and offending long-timers, AWG. Give it some consideration. Remarks predicated on slim exposure to the site rub people the wrong way. And Pollyanna has never been popular here.


08 Apr 07 - 12:45 PM (#2019893)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: wysiwyg

I find that post humorous, but could we please stay on subject. Thank you.

Please see PM.


08 Apr 07 - 12:57 PM (#2019896)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: katlaughing

usually also have dangling participles Speak for yerself, Amos!

08 Apr 07 - 12:59 PM (#2019900)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

Where's the fuckin' pickles. I ain't gonna ask again!

08 Apr 07 - 01:00 PM (#2019901)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

On second thought, where's the cannibis thread?

08 Apr 07 - 01:02 PM (#2019905)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: catspaw49

Under the pickles..........


08 Apr 07 - 01:02 PM (#2019906)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Stringsinger

AWG, I think that your attempt to control any response to a post is misplaced. The beauty of Mudcat is that people can say what they think. That's true democracy!


As far as staying on subject, the subject has many ramifications and different ideas about how to explore that subject should in no way be censored or censured.

If the subject is about staying on subject it has been my experience that Mudcatters not only stay on every subject quite well but offer intelligent ideas and contributions to every subject presented.

When you are around awhile, you will find that the contributions that Mudcatters have to make to every subject is valuable whether you agree with them or not.

I love this forum because I can speak my mind freely. I can passionately agree or disagree with anyone and I always learn something from someone. There are a lot of intelligent folks on this forum.

Frank Hamilton

08 Apr 07 - 01:03 PM (#2019907)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

Under WHAT pickles?

08 Apr 07 - 01:08 PM (#2019913)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: catspaw49

You know the ones.......The pickles that look like your pecker after a swim while smokin' know the ones.....uh, oh yeah...Midget Gherkins!!!


08 Apr 07 - 01:12 PM (#2019920)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Barry Finn

pass the chips please & hold the pickles


08 Apr 07 - 01:12 PM (#2019921)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Charley Noble

AWG (American Wire Gauge?)

I promise to reform!

Thanks for the encouragement.

Charley Noble

08 Apr 07 - 01:13 PM (#2019923)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: katlaughing

The pickles are in the brine. It's what makes them glow, right, Amos?

08 Apr 07 - 01:16 PM (#2019925)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: catspaw49

Barry, I am NOT going to hold your pickle Man......Ain't happenin' way.................


08 Apr 07 - 01:28 PM (#2019938)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

Not THAT pickle you idiot. The--wait a minute, HEY. EUREKA!

So, to continue the story:

. . . and they lived happily ever after.

The End

08 Apr 07 - 01:34 PM (#2019943)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

Does anyone know where the cannibis thread has gone? Seriously. Maybe it's with my ampersand. This is getting very confusing.

08 Apr 07 - 01:40 PM (#2019950)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Don Firth

Okay, AWG, how's this for staying on point?

I have read through the thread in question, the one on poverty in the U. S. I am not participating in that thread because I have long since said what I have to say on other threads on the same subject and I don't care to keep arguing the same things over and over again. Nor do I care to read the same arguments from the same people for the umpteenth time, other that to scan posts to see if anyone has come up with anything new. I do take a look at the posts of people who are new to Mudcat, just to see if they have anything new to add—a generally forlorn hope, since they don't know the directions that the discussion has gone before and rarely add anything that hasn't already been said dozens of times before.

You are complaining about people being rude to you. And yet, your response to anyone disagreeing with you is to be just as rude as the people you complain about.

Try to do some original thinking and post something fresh and new instead of the same old stuff.

And if you can't stand the heat, don't sit on the barbeque.

Don Firth

08 Apr 07 - 01:40 PM (#2019951)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Azizi

"Does anyone know where the cannibis thread has gone?"
Maybe it went up in smoke.

Seriously though, I don't know. Is it really missing in action?

08 Apr 07 - 01:42 PM (#2019953)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

Hello Frank, thanks for the input. Charley, you rock !! By the way, Susan, to quote myself, 'I find that post humorous, but could we please stay on subject. Thank you.' I don't see the seriousness of this post, thought maybe you missed the hidden humour. (get it, there IS no subject). Bye now.

08 Apr 07 - 01:54 PM (#2019966)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Azizi

Peace, after searching the list of current Mudcat threads, I found this thread "BS: Cannibis....any jokes?"

Is that the one that you thought was missing?

If so, it's hiding right in front of you.

08 Apr 07 - 01:56 PM (#2019968)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ebbie

Peace, I hadn't opened the cannibis thread (btw, isn't that 'cannabis'?) before but just now I read the whole thing. Thanks for the laughs. guffaw

08 Apr 07 - 01:58 PM (#2019972)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Azizi

Hmmm. Maybe that was part of the joke.

My bad.

Carry on.


"Hold the pickle, Hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us. Have it your way"

08 Apr 07 - 02:00 PM (#2019976)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

I thought I injected some 'new' and 'fresh' ideas into the poverty post, Don.   And I make a point of listening closely and with an open mind to any posts made by other members. It's just that some don't like mine nor Dickey's 'common sense approach' to issues. Oh well. C'est la vie.

08 Apr 07 - 02:01 PM (#2019978)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ebbie

"I ain't holdin' your pickle. No way." LOL

08 Apr 07 - 02:15 PM (#2019991)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

No wonder I can never find that thread--which I just found only to find I'd had it bookmarked to make the finding of it easier. The word is misspelled. (Thanks, Ebbie. I mean, thanks for spelling it correctly, not for misspelling it.)

"Main Entry: can·na·bis
Pronunciation: 'ka-n&-b&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, hemp, from Greek kannabis; akin to Old English hænep hemp
1 : HEMP 1a
2 : any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp and are psychoactive"

However, that said, how the heck is anyone gonna find it if the title is 'cannibis' but yer looking for 'cannabis'?

The End

08 Apr 07 - 02:17 PM (#2019992)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Don Firth

It was the same old "get a job" wheeze, AWG. Nothing new. Nor is ist realistic where real poverty exists. Often poverty exists because there are not jobs available. Or the jobs that are don't pay enough to support a person (buy food, pay rent, get to and from the job).

This "get a job" remark shows that you don't have much experience with the real world.

Don Firth

08 Apr 07 - 02:20 PM (#2019998)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Ron Davies

Remember, Don, AWG thinks Dickey speaks "common sense". That tells us all we need to know about AWG's grasp of reality.

08 Apr 07 - 02:24 PM (#2020005)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: catspaw49

That's not funny Ebbie! I tell ya' there ain't a damn thing funny about holding Barry's pickle unless maybe you're Barry. Peace doesn't seem to be into the idea either although once he finds the weed thread his attitude might chill out some. 'Course now that I think about it, YOU are free to hold Barry's pickle. Might be the kind of thing he'd like.............Come to think of it a bit more, it would be the kind of thing I'd like. Wait......that would be off topic as we're discussing Barry's pickle........Or was it originally Peace's pickle? I mean that we were talking about, not that Barry's pickle was origimally Peace's pickle.........Barry has been the transplant route of course but I think it was only the liver..................and I don't recall anything about Peace being a DD............DD, that's Dick Donor....................anyway, what were we talking about?


08 Apr 07 - 02:33 PM (#2020009)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

Excuse me ?? To quote Don...' It was the same old "get a job" wheeze, AWG. Nothing new. Nor is ist realistic where real poverty exists. Often poverty exists because there are not jobs available. Or the jobs that are don't pay enough to support a person (buy food, pay rent'...First of all, were talking about the USA, aren't we, not some small village in southern Mongolia. There are plenty of jobs available in the USA, its just that people don't want to work for $8.00 per hour. Why not ? Its easier to sit around all day drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and collect a handout courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. Haven't you noticed, no matter how 'poor' some people are, they always have money for booze and smokes ?? The sooner people give up the bleeding-heart B.S. and stop treating poor people like invalids only capable of a handout, the sooner the USA will pull out of it's obvious downward spiral.

08 Apr 07 - 02:33 PM (#2020010)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Peace

Anybody want some Tim Horton's donuts? I found the cannibis thread. HA HA HA

08 Apr 07 - 02:39 PM (#2020015)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: Don Firth

Having received the usual fantasy response, I'm giving up on AWG, who obviously has advanced degrees: BS, MS, and PhD.

BS. Well, we know what that is.
MS. Stands for "More of the Same."
And PhD. "Piled higher and Deeper."

Hey, Peace, save me a donut or two.

Don Firth

08 Apr 07 - 02:45 PM (#2020019)
Subject: RE: Please stay on subject !!
From: AWG

Another sensible post by Don. You should give up, you obviously are struggling to 'get it'.