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Prosecution of students pirating music

04 May 07 - 05:18 PM (#2043476)
Subject: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Sixteen people have been accused by the Recording Industry Association of using the University of New Mexico's computer network to illegally download music.
The Association has asked the University to track them down, using IP addresses and other information.
The University is being asked to send the culprits a letter explaining that they have a chance to resolve copyright infringement claims against them for about $3500 each, before a lawsuit is filed.
The Association has threatened to subpoena UNM officials to obtain the identities of the 16 people.
The Association claims that theft on college campuses continues at high levels.
Moira Gerety, UNM's director of computing for information technology services, said "We really feel as a university very uncomfortable being in the middle.

Associated Press, May 3, 2007. Story in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
Illegal Music Downloads

You thieves out there take warning! The possee is in full cry and hot pursuit!

04 May 07 - 06:26 PM (#2043524)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

About time.

04 May 07 - 06:47 PM (#2043530)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

Theft is theft. But we need new ideas and new ways of dealing with electronic information when it's a copyright that belongs to an individual. As someone who suffers from these infringements I do see both sides. Only thieves don't.

05 May 07 - 03:48 PM (#2044077)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: pitheris

About time.

Now the RIAA will be collecting royalties on your behalf even if your music is independent. If you want to get your money, you can pay SoundExchange a membership fee.

Story Here
And Here

Who are the real "pirates"?

05 May 07 - 04:15 PM (#2044091)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

Maybe both. But for sure people who copy direct from the www are pirates. Whether or not RIAA is will no doubt be determined by ASCAP, SOCAN, BMI, etc.

05 May 07 - 06:00 PM (#2044159)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

There was a time when you didn't want to do a full grocery run, you would go down to the corner shop. You'd walk in the door and come face to face with the salesperson who stood behind the counter.
The impulse buys such as cakes and chocolate bars were on display, between the grocer & yourself and the rest of the goods were on shelves which ran from floor to ceiling and were all far beyond the reach of the customer. You simply placed your order, the shopkeeper filled it and the goods were exchanged for money. End of transaction.
Other than the odd confection, nothing was within reach of the shoplifter.
Some time in the sixties (in Scotland) the Supermarkets made their debut. Layers and layers of goods were neatly arranged in long aisles which were virtually unguarded, save the occasional dome mirror. And so, the professional shoplifter was born.
The Supermarkets of today must accept some responsibility for placing temptation in front of those who, for whatever reason, cannot resist.
So it is with music downloads. If you want to leave your music available for downloading, fine.
But.... Do not expect the authorities to take you seriously when you leave the shop doors open 24 hours a day, with a sign up saying "No body's Home, Please Pay", particularly when at the end of it all What has really been stolen?
Every song (no matter how many illegal copies have been made) is still sitting right on the shelf where the owner left it unguarded.
Share it or sell it, your choice but if you don't want to give it away, lock it up!

05 May 07 - 06:47 PM (#2044195)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: jeffp

Most songs that are illegally downloaded were ripped from CDs. I guess it's the artists' faults for releasing the music in the first place.

05 May 07 - 07:44 PM (#2044225)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

Read what jeffp said. It makes sense.

05 May 07 - 07:52 PM (#2044231)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: stallion

ok why was my post edited out?

I have checked and no posts were deleted. It is likely you simply forgot to post it.

05 May 07 - 08:17 PM (#2044248)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

Fucked if I know. Sometimes it just happens.

05 May 07 - 09:03 PM (#2044278)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

The art of ripping songs from CDs for distribution through the Internet is not something I have heard of or imagined nor is it what I was addressing. Is it wrong? ... Probably. Is it the fault of the artist? ... Certainly not. Is it harming anyone? Not one single soul.

Peace: I won't spend any more time on this thread, thanks to your language.

05 May 07 - 09:05 PM (#2044281)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

Goodbye then. Have a nice day.

05 May 07 - 09:21 PM (#2044291)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

"The art of ripping songs from CDs for distribution through the Internet is not something I have heard of or imagined nor is it what I was addressing. Is it wrong? ... Probably. Is it the fault of the artist? ... Certainly not. Is it harming anyone? Not one single soul."

You don't depend on songwriting for a living, do you.

05 May 07 - 09:22 PM (#2044292)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Effsee

Jim lad' I'm sorry I have to take issue wuth your statement :-"Some time in the sixties (in Scotland) the Supermarkets made their debut. Layers and layers of goods were neatly arranged in long aisles which were virtually unguarded, save the occasional dome mirror. And so, the professional shoplifter was born."... Professional shoplifters have been on the go a lot earlier than that I can assure you!

05 May 07 - 11:46 PM (#2044361)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

Peace: Since you've dropped the foul language, I'll respond...
"You don't depend on songwriting for a living, do you." I'm a "Traditional Folk Singer" rather than "Singer Songwriter" A(although I do write a little) so I depend on fees and sales not royalties. While I do respect the rights of the composers, I have little patience for the collectors, translators and other impostors who eagerly jump on the "Arranged & adapted by" bandwagon.
As for people pirating music for no financial gain? I have no problem with that.

Effsee: It occurred to me that someone would read into my short parable that I didn't think there was any shoplifting before there were supermarkets. Come on! You're smarter than that. The evolution of Supermarkets is however, the only reason that professional shoplifters have bee able to make their way into that particular corner of the market.
The point which you chose to ignore is that when it comes to putting music on the Internet, it's just the same as a vendor, leaving his/her goods on the barrow and going home for the night.

As for walking the talk? I think, I'm as generous as any when it comes to free downloads. I am frequently approached at concerts, by those who have home made copies of my music and wish to thank me. I swear & I have never missed a meal because of it although I really, really should!

05 May 07 - 11:58 PM (#2044366)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

"I swear & I have never missed a meal because of it.."
Little typo there. Poetic justice, you might say.

06 May 07 - 01:06 AM (#2044382)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

I agree that people who change a line and then expect to get a writer's cut don't deserve it. Nor do those who 'arrange' by changing two chords. BUT, writers deserve their fees (royalties) and so do genuine arrangers. And so do singers. Stealing their work is really just that. It is stealing their work.

06 May 07 - 01:52 AM (#2044394)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: cshurtz

Music is not some kind of property like a building or a parking lot. If you want to extract things from your surroundings and create music, then do so. Just don't whine about it when someone extracts your creation from his/her surroundings and listens to it and shares it with others. Isn't that what music is supposed to be? It would be one thing if I downloaded someone's music and took writing credits. But "downloaders" are just listening and sharing. And I believe that listening and sharing are two things the world needs much more of.

06 May 07 - 02:29 AM (#2044400)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: alanabit

The trouble is, society has made an agreement, expressed by laws, that artists are entitled to a fee every time the music changes hands. "Giving" away an MP3 or a ripped copy of a song is "giving" away something, which you do not own in the first place. It is not yours to give.
A writer or performers better work is often the result of years of effort and practice. Casually "sharing" it with lots of other people, while offering the the performer nothing at all is hardly a great act of generosity. It isn't your gift to give.

06 May 07 - 02:51 AM (#2044402)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

AlanAbit: Fair comment. However, I'm sure that on at least one of my albums, I invite the listener to make one or two copies for their own use. I have also used this forum to not only invite people to participate in the free downloads but to pass them on to their friends or enemies as they see fit. I may or may not reap the rewards down the road and am not concerned either way.
That's my philosophy and I don't expect that other artists should have to agree with it. Neither should they expect everyone to follow their philosophy regarding music sales.
Once the song is released, it's in the air. Should we drop a penny in the box every time we whistle a Bob Dylan tune? Isn't this site devoted to passing the stuff around?
We may be guilty of enforcing a double standard here. One rule for us codgers and another for the Varsity crowd.

06 May 07 - 03:09 AM (#2044404)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

'But "downloaders" are just listening and sharing.'

Yes, they are. And those they are sharing with, including themselves, have scoffed someone's work for free.

06 May 07 - 03:16 AM (#2044406)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

I'm not grasping something here, Peace. Have you been ripped off?

06 May 07 - 03:27 AM (#2044410)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: stallion

oh finger trouble - again! cheers Joe

06 May 07 - 04:23 AM (#2044425)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

No, I haven't. My stuff isn't worth ripping off. But there are working writers who have had their material put on the www without their permission and without payment. That is not right.

06 May 07 - 05:51 AM (#2044456)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

Recently, I became interested in finding out exactly how much illegal down-loading goes on, and, as a result of talking to a bunch of teenagers, my findings would suggest that nearly every kid in the UK knows a website where they can download virtually everything they want for free! There's a chap I know who knows a chap who, for £5( $10) could supply me with the complete record catalogue of any rock artist I care to mention. And,it appears, the complete Beatle recording catalogue on cdrom has been readily available for ages. Of course, the record industry doesn't help matters by appearing to be ripping buyers off with their high prices. And, of course, in turn, many people would find this a justification for ripping off the record industry with illegal acquisition of recordings.

06 May 07 - 08:10 AM (#2044508)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Bee

I don't download/steal music or images, because I think it is wrong (besides illegal) but I can certainly see why people do. CDs are very expensive; commonly it would be around $18 to $24 for a folk CD with twelve songs on it, six of which I might not like very much. It's very seldom I can afford to indulge myself and buy music. I've also found, in the past couple years, that there are some really poor quality CDs being sold, kind of mushy sounding, a bit like old tapes that have been recorded over too many times. I recently bought a Bluegrass compilation, because it was on sale and had some good musicians on it, and soon found it was barely listenable, the quality was so poor.

06 May 07 - 01:21 PM (#2044679)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I would guess that, per cd, the sets and singles that I buy cost me an average of US$15 each, often with S/H added since I live in Canada (long waits if I place an order with a local vendor).

High costs reflect today's economy more than anyone's excess profit. Costs paid to performers as royalties (and sometimes retainers and charges for the performance by the 'stars'), recording staff and equipment, cost of recording sites, advertizing, distribution and middlemen, profit added by the vendor (whose costs also are high), all contribute to the price paid by the consumer.

Part of what I buy has been reviewed in BBC Music Magazine because I listen to much 'classical' and opera as well as folk and jazz. Coverage of jazz and international has been added to BBC, but is very limited.

Finding good reviews is not only difficult but costly unless one has many friends with similar interests who will share their impressions.
I can symphasize with Bee, having bought some of the poor compilations on impulse and been sadly disapointed. (These comments do not apply to Document and others doing a good job of remastering, etc.).

Mudcat helps to an extent as people comment on their views, but that is not a prime function of Mudcat.

Downloading I find unsatisfactory- sound not as good and dislike of the time it takes me to organize the material. As a result, I think I will avoid letters from RIA.

06 May 07 - 01:31 PM (#2044682)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

So, we're all agreed then!
Good Morning All!
from the drizzly Highlands.

07 May 07 - 09:49 AM (#2045162)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Nigel Parsons

As to the prices quoted above for CDs (including profit margins, royalties and shipping/handling), compare these with the price of cassettes (if you can still find them)
As I understand it, CDs are cheaper to produce, yet are higher priced.
Historically (when CDs were introduced) there was a larger market for cassettes so CDs needed a higher price due to the lower turnover. But how much of this higher price was to try to recoup the losses being made to home recording?
With CDs now outselling cassettes, CDs are still more expensive, but newspapers often give free CDs/DVDs as promotonal aids. presumably because of the cheap cost of production.
We seem to have a vicious circle, the price of CDs is set higher to ensure a return on capital (because of low sales due to home recording), and because people resent the high price they feel justified in making illegal copies.

07 May 07 - 10:02 AM (#2045170)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: katlaughing

Just a note to remind folks that Mudcatter, Sandy Paton and his lovely wife, Caroline, at Folk Legacy offer almost all of their CDs for $14.98 AND you can get a lot of stuff still on cassette.

Also, Dick Greenhaus, of the Digital Tradition also tries to keep CDs affordable at Camsco.

07 May 07 - 10:19 AM (#2045185)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music

As usual Nigel makes the basic mistake so many critics of cd prices make. The free cds have re-couped their initial costs over many years usually. Yes, manufacturing the cd itself is cheap, but pricing a new one usually has to include the costs of production, studio time, musician hire, royalty payments, design, profit margin for shops etc.
My last cd cost me £7000 before I sold a copy.
Recently, at the end of a gig a rather drunk man came and told me he had borrowed my last five cds from his sister and copied the lot onto cd. He thought this was hilarious.
I didn't.

07 May 07 - 10:43 AM (#2045198)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Bee

Wordy, it doesn't matter, in the end, to the consumer, what the production costs are, although of vcourse it matters to you. Music CDs are a luxury item, and the majority of people can't indulge in endless luxuries. In Nova Scotia, Folk CDs never go on sale - they're considered a specialty item, I guess - and run from $18 to $24. each. That's over $1000. or more for fifty, which is still a small collection. That's also including plenty songs the buyer won't like, and often there are only twelve songs per CD, which is fine if the artist actually chose well, but sometimes it seems like just an attempt to 'save' another twelve, including a couple audience favourites, for another $20. CD.

07 May 07 - 11:23 AM (#2045225)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

So, is your point that none of us should bother?

07 May 07 - 12:59 PM (#2045274)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

If it bothers you, Wordy then no-one can fault you. It's your product. I would much rather choose my battles. Besides, it doesn't happen to bother me at all. In fact, I'd be quite flattered that someone took the time to share & enjoy my contributions.
Good, Sunny Morning To All!
from the Highlands.

07 May 07 - 01:16 PM (#2045286)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Bee

Wordy, if you were replying to me, of course that is not my point. I am just pointing out that CDs cost more than the average person can afford easily, therefore no one ever wants to buy on spec, therefore often people never hear the music, therefore no one wants to 'buy to try', therfore the artist doesn't sell many CDs.

Your 7000 lb figure, roughly converted to Canadian money (about $20,000 Can.), at $20. per CD, and if you got every penny from the CD sale, would mean you had to sell 1000 CDs before paying your costs. You must be quite popular, if you expect to recoup such costs.

07 May 07 - 01:49 PM (#2045310)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

Jim, I'm sure you wouldn't apply that non economic attitude to your own life's work would you? I bet you always feel you should be paid fairly for your labour. If music is your job, ( and I know some people on here resent those who do succeed at it) then it's the same as being a plumber or a teacher or whatever. I respect my fellow workers in whatever trade they follow and pay them accordingly for their services. Therefore if someone wishes to enjoy my services as a musician why should your attitude apply?
And when they do buy my "product" I'm pleased, not flattered, because I know it's good and worth its price, like any tradesman in any marketplace.

07 May 07 - 01:54 PM (#2045313)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: alanabit

When people burn (steal) my CD, I tell them pointedly that I did not get it for free.

07 May 07 - 02:05 PM (#2045319)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

"Free cds as promotional advs" - The cost to the advertizer is charged to promotion, and is thus a business expense, which can be deducted from taxes on the business (in the U. S. and Canada). Moreover, as Wordy says, the 'free' cds are usually those that have recouped their cost and have filled most of the demand.
This doesn't mean that the production costs were low. The pressing cost is the smallest of the costs going into the cd.

Tapes, of course, are a thing of the past; I have a number of them which I transfer to cds as I get time. (Blank tapes sold here in Canada have a tax on them, a quality recording tape costs much more than a blank cd).

07 May 07 - 02:08 PM (#2045323)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

"Jim, I'm sure you wouldn't apply that non economic attitude to your own life's work would you? I bet you always feel you should be paid fairly for your labour. If music is your job." ......Huh?
I'm not the plumber!
Music is my job.
We obviously have entirely different attitudes towards our audience!
I don't impose my philosophy on you, I have merely informed you of it. So please, don't insult me any further by suggesting that I am not qualified to discuss this matter.
I may not be a headliner nor will I ever be but I am one of the fortunate few who can make a good living as a folk entertainer without ever having to worry about paying the bills or compromising my art form.
I do so by being a lot more forgiving and clearly a heck of a lot more friendly to my audience than you are to yours.
Read some of my last submissions then come back and retract your last statement.

07 May 07 - 02:12 PM (#2045327)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

So being friendly to your audience is indulging them in their thievery and being forgiving? Well, we must differ then.
You would have smiled along with the man who thought it was a great joke to tell you he had stolen five of your cds? Jim, you're a saint.
You're a better man than I Gunga Din!

07 May 07 - 02:33 PM (#2045343)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

I have done so on many occasions. READ THE WHOLE THREAD!

07 May 07 - 02:35 PM (#2045344)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

First rule of being an entertainer... You must like people.

07 May 07 - 02:47 PM (#2045351)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

This thread resulted in more than 1.000 unique visitors to my web-site on the first three days alone. Still, after taking their free downloads (which had been there all along) some came back to buy hard copies. You think I don't know what I'm talking about? Watch & learn!

07 May 07 - 02:58 PM (#2045359)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

An interesting ploy Jim. Now you had over 1000 visitors, so how many sales? By the way I have free tracks on my website too,'cause I like people. But I don't like the girl who's put a complete album of mine for download on her blog site. Should I? She never asked me.
You see it's the old morality I was brought up on. I couldn't afford all the sweets in the sweetshop but I never stole any. Nowadays the morality seems to be if you can't guard it I'll take it, and the net is basically a sweetshop with no one behind the counter. Now with my old fashioned morality I still wouldn't steal the sweets. More fool me it seems because I'm supposed to be happy that my shop is being raided all the time.

07 May 07 - 03:12 PM (#2045369)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

It was never a ploy. Stop with the insults. Those who chose to buy after downloading for free, would probably tell you that they had to push me to sell them. I do very well and owe much to my audience.
I am seriously beginning to wonder if you're just making the whole thing up, to string me along.

07 May 07 - 03:22 PM (#2045380)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

No, honestly Jim. A pro who says he makes a good living by reluctantly selling his cds is a saint to me!
I too do very well, like people, and owe my good life to my audience whom I respect greatly as they have to work hard to find people like us in the modern noisy world of hype. But I feel worth my corn and worth my coin.
I find confidence is a big factor in a pro's life and selling myself for as much as the marketplace will let me gives me the confidence to believe in myself. With all and sundry making cds, giving them away, being flattered by one or two downloads, etc I can only feel my work is valuable to people if they are willing to purchase it. I think this is true of most creative people who have to pay the same bills as someone with a guaranteed income.

07 May 07 - 03:33 PM (#2045386)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

"I do very well and owe much to my audience."

Good for you. And it IS your right to allow folks to download material you do that is common ground or written by you personally. It is NOT within your rightd to do a Dylan song and then allow people to download that for free, because Dylan is the writer and he is therefore entitled to the writer's royalty. Notice, all that and not ONE bad word.

Jim, stop talking down to folks. Many of us have a history in music, good bad or indifferent, and the thread is about sharing views, not just pushing our own points of view.

07 May 07 - 03:47 PM (#2045406)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

Peace: Once again, you jump in without reading the thread. This "Wordy" character implied that my opinion is worthless because I am not a professional. Now, go back and read. Then if you somehow think that I do not have the right to defend myself, say so.

07 May 07 - 03:56 PM (#2045415)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

This character implied no such thing Jim. If you re-read my first post I was making an analogy between a plumber and a musician as working people in a marketplace. I certainly never said you were a plumber, because if you were you wouldn't bother being a pro musician as you'd make a much better living!

07 May 07 - 03:56 PM (#2045416)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Bill D

When it was LPs and cassette tapes, I used to 'borrow' tapes of albums from a couple friends, as I flatly couldn't afford to buy everything I saw that I 'might' like...then, when I had the chance, I'd part with the cash for the full albums I cared about and record over the others. Sometimes all I wanted was a tune so I could learn a song, and most of what I wanted was old 'trad' songs, anyway.

It is a slightly different issue for song WRITERS...especially if they are producing & marketing their own CDs.

I don't know the answer, partially there are several Jim Lad and Wordy are showing us. In today's world, every artist can have their own notion of what counts and what is acceptable in distribution & profit. When an artist almost depended on a company to decide they were worth promoting and shouldered a lot of the costs, it was different.

Now, costs to make a CD are lower, so folks who would NEVER have had a compilation available can be heard...but their needs are different than those trying to make most of their living from music.....That's why this bit of RIAA..etc..setting out to 'collect' royalties for any song played is just ridiculous.

It is also a losing battle....the technology exists to make almost song, video..etc...fairly easy to get. It's like porn...once, it was possible to keep major amounts from being widely available, but with digital technology cheap, there's no way to stop it.

I predict that in the next 10-15 years, there will be an entirely new concept in marketing for musicians.

There are SO many different issues than just stalwartly 'declaring' that this is ok, but THAT is piracy, based on rigid rules.

07 May 07 - 03:59 PM (#2045419)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Bill D the way...last weekend my wife & I bought several CDs, and I have my eye on several more. We have to spend what spare $$$ we have carefully, but we DO try to support artists when we can.

07 May 07 - 04:04 PM (#2045422)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,wordy

I agree we need new concepts, but I think there will be very few musicians making a living in ten or fifteen years time. Certainly not a lifetime's living as my generation has been lucky enough to enjoy.
Music as a commodity has been devalued so much in the last few years. It's everywhere you go as a background silence breaker. Silence is the new taboo.
"Celebrity" is the new music, meaning to the young generation today what songs meant to my generation.

07 May 07 - 04:09 PM (#2045426)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

Jim, I'm sure you wouldn't apply that non economic attitude to your own life's work would you? I bet you always feel you should be paid fairly for your labour. If music is your job, ( and I know some people on here resent those who do succeed at it) then it's the same as being a plumber or a teacher or whatever. I respect my fellow workers in whatever trade they follow and pay them accordingly for their services. Therefore if someone wishes to enjoy my services as a musician why should your attitude apply?
And when they do buy my "product" I'm pleased, not flattered, because I know it's good and worth its price, like any tradesman in any marketplace.

Apologies if I'm misinterpriting this but it certainly got me going.

By the way: I'm a damn good handyman and don't mind who uses the shower after it's installed.

As for the blogger who has put your albums up. You're entitled to be annoyed. I've said that before. It just wouldn't bother me.

07 May 07 - 04:10 PM (#2045427)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

The tell Wordy that you ARE a professional. Don't speak in general terms. I have heard your stuff--some of it, and indeed you ARE a pro. Your presumption that I haven't read the thread is erroneous. Shove that, pal.

07 May 07 - 04:12 PM (#2045428)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

And not one foul word spoken? Well done Peace. I'll go do that.

07 May 07 - 04:12 PM (#2045429)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

Fuckin' A.

07 May 07 - 05:08 PM (#2045463)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Barry Finn

New technology for the music i& recording industry has set this part of the world on fire. Based on the old rules of whoown's & has a right to "Interlectually property" was supposed to benifit the composer & the general public & enhance the creating of the arts. That's a foundation that's been faulty & failing from the start. The thief needs to take the blame but so does the industry & those that govern the industry & those that make the laws pretaining to the industry. The copyright laws are a hold over from a pat that's so far behind the present & so out of line with reality that's the only one benifiting form any of the composers are the big backers & takers & only a handful of the big time names & even they are losing control of their rights & money due them. To blame the artists is to blame the victim. To blame the thief is almost like entrapment with todays technolog. The real thieves aren't the kids downloading, it's the industry's fault for not minding the store when their main focus has been diverted from the store front & the advancement of the artist & their art form to the overwhelming profit, greed & corruption within the industry & it's bed mates that govern thee rules, rights & laws that were first inacted to protect & advance the artists & their art form. The artist & their art has been treated shamefully & they & the public have suffered. Don't through all the blame on the college kid that can't afford to buy their pleasureabe download when they are so far advanced in todays technology, blame those that are making money hand over fist & are even fighting over the scraps that don't belong to them in the first place.
When an artist spends as much time honing his craft as any doctor, lawyer, electrican or plumber does, earning themselves a good name & a good following they deserve the same percentage of their sweat as does any other working person. Would the publishers or producers like to take on artists as a partner when they sell enough? Not in this world! Would the distributors care to share a bit better that an 8 cent cut on what the market? It's no wonder Indies are cropping up like weeds it's reaction to being cut out of the money loop & their deciding to get or take their fair share of what's their's in the first place.


07 May 07 - 05:42 PM (#2045507)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

Well Put, Barry.
You've done a fair job of summarising this whole thread.
It's fairly clear to me that Wordy (who has obviously been more successful than myself) and I are reacting in opposite manners to the same problem. I can only speak for myself from here on.
I believe that significant sales are quickly becoming a thing of the past. For one who has stepped away from the festivals in recent years, this is no big deal. Most of my sales in the past ten years were made in the hospitality industry where I'd get a three or four month gig, working 5 or 6 nights per week and usually selling 10 albums per night. Over and above my wages, that adds up to substantial earnings for a no frills folk entertainer. So, I've never really been in the big loop but then few of us have.
I am right in the middle of the process of trying to figure out how to turn this whole digital situation to my advantage.
I've moved my office, set up a studio for practise and performances and have ordered whatever equipment I think I'll need to do pod casts or live performances on the Internet. It is a very steep learning curve for me and I'm easily lost in the technology but not the audience. The one true constant in the folk music world is that the audience is us. We love our folk music and we don't have a lot too spend on it because we're doing things like putting our kids through college so that they can learn how to download free music.
At the end of the day though, if none of this works, we are all perfectly capable of finding venues and there will always be a need for entertainment.

07 May 07 - 09:40 PM (#2045695)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

More Id-Jets!!

The world since E-Mule, Napster, Morpheus, has changed radically.

Most exchanges are through file servers - 5-gig places that are free....for the first five. Sort of like FTP but with a password and between give me your I-Plod , I give you my I-Pod, but distant.....or like Flicker, or PhotoBucket, or VideoJug....or making a cassett from an 33.3 album


Thank the good lord the young are poor - it is their motivation to find a better way.

07 May 07 - 10:51 PM (#2045736)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

Translation please?

07 May 07 - 11:04 PM (#2045746)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Jim my Lad

Sorry to have drug you should of stayed out.


Peace: I won't spend any more time on this thread

07 May 07 - 11:17 PM (#2045757)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

"should of"
Yer a hoot!

07 May 07 - 11:21 PM (#2045759)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: cshurtz

I say...use common sense when sharing and downloading. Don't rip off the little people out there that are trying to promote their music independently. Myself, I want anyone who wants to listen to my music to do so. I don't care if they have the money or not...but that is just me. I don't really care if Lars Ulrich from Metallica has to wait another week to put in his gold swimming pool :) Also, perhaps a compromise is these legal subscriptions like Rhapsody and Napster. My little $15/per month Rhapsody-to-go subscription has allowed me to indulge in all those great old Folkways albums and thousands and thousands more over the past few years. They are DRM encrypted so when my subscription is up, the songs won't work anymore. Talk amoungst yourselves!!!

07 May 07 - 11:21 PM (#2045760)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

"Peace: I won't spend any more time on this thread"

That small print can sure mess with an ol' guy's eyesight. How the hell are you, Garg? It's been a long time.

08 May 07 - 03:55 AM (#2045868)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music

I'm sorry to be pedantic gargoyle, but it's ".....should HAVE stayed out." - one of my pet hates, the misuse of the word 'of'.

08 May 07 - 05:53 AM (#2045920)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: stallion

It is all about money and not about music, I suppose I could down load music for free, I buy it, my kids buy tracks from web sites, i buy cd's cos I can and don't need to the free downloads, I don't know why my kids buy and not down load for free, I have never asked them, it has never been an issue. When we recorded we paid our licence fee, and, although some of the arrangements were distinctly our own we didn't claim them as such. I know that many bootleg copies have been made and passed around I was even present when some were handed out, does it bother me, no, it isn't really about making money it is about making music and anyway, the people concerned probably bought a genuine copy in the end (rarity value!) For a long time the music industry has been a gravy train and a lot of people have been exploited, they were performers and their audience so the balance has been tipping with the popular music bands selling directly to their customers via the net and the middle persons not getting their vast cut, and, what really has me rolling about laughing, using tax payers money to remove the tax payers access to cheap music, now if the police charged the industries for policing it then wouldn't that be novel. It really hacks me off the amount of tax payers money is spent chasing and prosecuting the counterfeit clothing market so that the companies can maintain their profits the tax payers expense and if the music industry wants to exert its monopoly on the music then let it pay for it. If a songwriters stuff is that good then there is enough legitamate income about to make a reasonable living, sad,it is only for a few of the top performers, I think the days of the "one hit wonder" keeping you for life may have passed...and why not.

08 May 07 - 08:23 AM (#2046013)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Grab

Not a pro myself, but anyway.

I guess it depends on where you make most money. If you're expecting to make most of your money by selling CDs, then people downloading or copying them is a major problem for you. But if you're expecting to make most of your money from people coming to your gigs, then the CDs are basically a loss-leader. You can afford to let people copy them, because you'll hopefully make up any possible losses by getting a larger fanbase and more gig revenue (and other merchandising at the gigs). Also consider that unless you've self-published, most of the CD price won't be going to you anyway!

But that's your choice for whichever way you want to go - whichever way you think will get you the most income. And in particular, if you're a songwriter who doesn't perform, you're only going to make money when other people perform or sell your songs, so people making copies of their CDs will directly affect your takings.

Incidentally, I do see a big difference between "sharing" as in people swapping CDs with their friends, or even copying friends' CDs, and "sharing" as in some Russian server holding a million different ripped songs for download by the world.


08 May 07 - 10:31 AM (#2046135)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

"For a long time the music industry has been a gravy train and a lot of people have been exploited" ...Stallion.
Add to this... a lot of people have been completely stepped over. These are the same people who buy out every radio station, operator & DJ, own every spot they can get their hands on and dictate what we listen to if we can stand it. Going after our kids (the students) is just the first step. We should feel sorry for them?

08 May 07 - 11:27 AM (#2046170)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: GUEST,lox

It is obviously the responsibility of the marketer/vendor of the music to ensure the remuneration of the artist as whatever the format of it's distribution, cd, lp, cassette or MP3.

Perhaps though it is realistic these days for the artist to accept that for every MP3 or CD sold, there will be two or three copies made.

The artist could in their own minds reconcile theft/sharing with the thought that they are not selling to individuals but to small groups of individuals eg groups of friends.

When I was a lad, my friends and I couldn't all aford to by lp's. So generally, one of us would have an original and the others would have recordings on cassette tapes.

We could share the burden of cost.

It was just as illegal as filesharing, but I think morally defensible.

All you artists who, rightly, have a dim view of piracy, can you honestly say that you never made or possessed cassette recordings of your favourite albums?

I don't begrudge those kind of pennies. In fact I would feel flattered if I felt a group of young 'uns were discussing and sharing my work.

Whaddaya say peace (hope all is well - this is but a fleeting visit.)

11 May 07 - 05:45 PM (#2049509)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Peace

The purchase of a record or cd allows the purchaser a free copy as a back-up. Heck, I have duplicated some favourite stuff from vinyl to tape because the vinyl was 'wearing' out. If someone ripped a copy of something I did years and years ago, I don't mind. Rip a copy of something I wrote recently and that becomes a very different matter.

Great to see you again, lox. I have missed you, your wit and your humour. But I know other things are more important just now. Good luck with it all. Keep well.

11 May 07 - 09:54 PM (#2049643)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

To a rather dense guest- you should of stood in bed.

12 May 07 - 06:25 PM (#2050196)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Sandy Mc Lean

I think that Jim has been generous in sharing his songs with others through his website. I know that he makes his living by performing and as one who has seen him live on stage, I rate him as a fine entertainer.
As a long time Mudcatter, I have expressed my views on copyright laws many times in the past and they are well known. I do not make my living as a performer or a songwriter but I do both in non commercial venues. I am flattered when others sing my creations and I have used the creations of others, Jim included, in public performance. My belief is that music and especially folkmusic is meant to be shared, and while I respect the right of others not not share, I commend those who do. I can not agree with those who sound like a pitchman for the commercial recording industry. In my humble opinion the industry fleeces both the performer and the fan!

12 May 07 - 06:32 PM (#2050201)
Subject: RE: Prosecution of students pirating music
From: Jim Lad

And then.... just when I thought I'd made my point.... some eejit opens a thread like this!