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BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

05 May 07 - 04:32 PM (#2044100)
Subject: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Just opened a bottle of wine. Most of the wine bottles these days are now screw tops. However this one had a cork.
I then thought, will the corkscrew be extinct in 10 years time.

Any other things that you use regularly that probably won't be around in 10 years time. I don't mean the wife or husband :-)

05 May 07 - 04:39 PM (#2044102)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Little Hawk

Me. The dogs. The Bush administration. My computer.

The only one of the above that I presently have no use for, I guess, would be the Bush administration.

05 May 07 - 04:45 PM (#2044108)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Well I suppose the computer is the only thing you use isn't it Little Hawk

>>The dogs. The Bush administration<< Don't they use you ?

>>Me<< Well I hope not Little Hawk

05 May 07 - 04:51 PM (#2044112)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: JohnInKansas

In the interests of cultural history being documented, it must be asked if you applied the "Red Neck Test for Good Wine" and counted the threads on the cap.

I'm told that three turns or more is a sure indication of "superior wine." (One shouldn't ask "superior to WHAT.")

I doubt, however, that the cork will disappear until the last of the yuppies is gone, as it permits a higher price (usually) based on "elitism" or some such thing that can be advertised profitably.


05 May 07 - 04:55 PM (#2044114)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

I get about 10 turns on mine John :-)

05 May 07 - 05:11 PM (#2044125)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace


05 May 07 - 05:16 PM (#2044128)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Ebbie

polar bears? Honey bees?

05 May 07 - 05:35 PM (#2044140)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Honey bees is a big worry Ebbie

05 May 07 - 05:38 PM (#2044142)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Bee

Honeybees were the first thing I thought of.

WWI veterans, I'm afraid.

05 May 07 - 05:42 PM (#2044146)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Does anybody think that sex will be xtinct in 10 years time.

Will women be able to take a pill to become pregnant and therefore have no need for men ?

05 May 07 - 05:47 PM (#2044149)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: katlaughing

They're silly women if so! Who says it's just for getting preggers?!

05 May 07 - 05:51 PM (#2044153)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: jacqui.c

Gawd - I hope not Les! Who would want to replace sex with a pill! No-one in their right mind IMHO.

05 May 07 - 06:10 PM (#2044165)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rapparee

An awful lot more WW2 veterans, too.

The US as the world's technology leader (whoops! that's already happened).

05 May 07 - 06:15 PM (#2044172)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: skipy

Some of mt dresses may have to go!

05 May 07 - 06:15 PM (#2044173)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Only joking Katlaughing & Jacqui :-)

05 May 07 - 06:19 PM (#2044178)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Amos

That's all right -- there will be WW 3 veterans to fill their places.

It is perfectly possible that this whole computer business -- keyboards, mouse, monitor -- will be extinct and your present machine will -- if you have kept it -- be something of a model T, elicit remarks of, "How very quaint!".

It is also possible, though less likely, that the current automobile as w eknow it will have gone the way of the trolly and the dodo bird.

Black bakelite telphones and twisted-pair phone networkd.

Phone booths.

Possibly, malls.


05 May 07 - 06:32 PM (#2044183)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: gnu

Common sense and good manners amongst the general populace... if not eroded already.

05 May 07 - 06:34 PM (#2044185)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

George Papavgeris did a song on that last night at my club. So true Gnu

05 May 07 - 06:45 PM (#2044194)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

I wish it would be smoking tobacco, but it will take longer than 10 years.

Maybe the incandescent light bulb?

Frogs seem to be disappearing. Unfortunately, polar bears may also be gone.


05 May 07 - 06:50 PM (#2044198)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: katlaughing

Me, too, on the tobacco thing, Alice!

Thanks, Villan...quite a scare there for a moment.**bg**

My dad's friend,Floyd Coleman reckons he'll probably be the last World War II vet in the USA, as he is 93 and still does not have to take ANY medicines, still restores vintage cars and lives a very active life. I hope he's still around in ten years.

05 May 07 - 06:52 PM (#2044201)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: gnu

The light bulb will be gone. Canada just banned the sale of them... 2012.

05 May 07 - 06:55 PM (#2044204)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

What will replace it Gnu?

05 May 07 - 06:58 PM (#2044205)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

Compact flourescent light bulbs.

05 May 07 - 06:59 PM (#2044206)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

Is that a fact Alice ?

05 May 07 - 07:01 PM (#2044207)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

just guessing


05 May 07 - 07:03 PM (#2044209)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

What I meant is, compact flourescent light bulbs will replace incandescent light bulbs.

05 May 07 - 07:11 PM (#2044213)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener


05 May 07 - 07:37 PM (#2044223)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace

Bologna. We are going back to candles.

05 May 07 - 07:46 PM (#2044227)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: gnu

Too bad the assholes can't ban tobacco.

05 May 07 - 07:48 PM (#2044228)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace

There are many things it would be nice to have banned: the friggin' word 'latte' comes to mind.

05 May 07 - 07:52 PM (#2044230)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

Oh, yeah, and analog television, which really makes me mad, because what landfill do they think all the old tv's will go in, or do they just expect them to magically disappear in thin air.

05 May 07 - 07:56 PM (#2044235)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Bobert

1. Republicans

2. SUV's

3. Democracy

4. Big Macs

5. Mom 'n Pop stores

6. Snail Darters (who cares???... I hate snail darters...)

7. Gasoline (but, hey, we won't have 24/7 NASCAR on TV anymore...)

8. Dumb people (Yes, after the Iraq war ends in 2017 Congress will pass a law making dumness a criminal offense and so dumb people will seek out un-dumbness correspondnece courses and become upstanding Menza folk)

9. Arithmatic (way over due)

10. PC's (Yup, rather than waste time sittin' in front of a computer everyone will have "implants" so all you have to do is think of something and it will turn into a Google type search and all the possibilites will come into you mind... You know, like Orwell might have said if he ahd thought of it...)

Thats' my Top 10...


05 May 07 - 07:59 PM (#2044236)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: gnu

PC's and the internet may actually save this planet... by bringing people together and.... nah, that'll never work.

05 May 07 - 08:22 PM (#2044254)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Little Hawk

The problem with bringing people together is that they don't get along very well... ;-)

05 May 07 - 08:25 PM (#2044257)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace


GOOD one, LH.

05 May 07 - 08:45 PM (#2044268)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Ebbie

What intrigues me is the absolute knowledge that we do not as yet have a clue as to what is just around the bend...

05 May 07 - 08:49 PM (#2044270)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Joe_F

If by a cork you mean a stopper made of cork, then corks have all but disappeared already. Real cork, I have read, harbors a mold that used to ruin a couple of percent of all the wine that was bottled. That is a pretty heavy tax to pay for tradition. All the wine I have bought recently is stoppered with some kind of plastic. I would be delighted if it moved on to screw caps, but so far that is a sign of quality not even up to my very modest taste.

Paper bank checks are disappearing pretty fast. I gather they are already very rare in Europe.

A couple of kluges that ought to disappear but are not likely to do so in 10 yr are the reciprocating engine and the lead-acid battery.

I wonder about the Internet. So far it has been defended successfully against malice & stupidity, but there is no guarantee that some fatal flaw won't turn up.

05 May 07 - 08:49 PM (#2044271)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace

CCR did.

Artist(Band):Creedence Clearwater Revival

There's a place up ahead and I'm goin' just as fast as my feet can fly
Come away, come away if you're goin', leave the sinkin' ship behind.

Come on the risin' wind, we're goin' up around the bend.

Bring a song and a smile for the banjo, better get while the gettin's good,
Hitch a ride to the end of the highway where the neons turn to wood.


You can ponder perpetual motion, fix your mind on a crystal day,
Always time for a good conversation, there's an ear for what you say.


Catch a ride to the end of the highway and we'll meet by the big red tree,
There's a place up ahead and I'm goin', come along, come along with me.


Do do doo do...

05 May 07 - 09:19 PM (#2044287)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Ed

Salt licks

Urinal mints

Size XXL Condoms

Daisy Dukes

Cryslers, GM, Ford

Dollar stores (replaced by 10 dollar stores)

05 May 07 - 09:34 PM (#2044301)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rapparee

SUVs and similar sized things, except where needed for business.

Gas (petrol) for less than US$5.00 per US gallon in the US. (Heck, it might disappear entirely.)

Plastic throwaway bottles, etc. -- they'll be too valuable when recycled.

Neocons in the US.

Again in the US, a reliance upon government to solve all the problems -- people have already started to realize that passing a law or making a program doesn't automatically solve a problem or cure anything except bureaucratic unemployment.

05 May 07 - 09:35 PM (#2044302)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice


lickable postage stamps

Glaciers in Glacier National Park


05 May 07 - 09:46 PM (#2044313)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Beer

The Loon.
Did you know that the Loon is not considered a "bird" or a "water fowl"? It is a specie of it's own. It also has solid bone which birds/waterfowl do not have. We in North America have all four species. It is considered to be prehistoric of over 60 millions years, and what "God" has created is expected to become extinct in less that 25 years because of our polluted lakes from acid rain etc. The Loon's diet is fish.
I am sharing this information with you from an article which I read about 10 years ago and has stuck with me. If what was said is true I guess the "Loon" now only has about 10 years before they are extinct.
Beer (adrien)

06 May 07 - 12:50 AM (#2044376)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Mickey191

I haven't seen a lickable stamp in yrs. Round here they're selfstick.

Please-what is a urinal mint? I've never seen that flavor.

Video stores. Libraries, I fear. Just built a new one in my neighborhood & it's always empty. Reading for pleasure or knowledge seems to have gone by the wayside. Shame!

06 May 07 - 01:26 AM (#2044387)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rasener

>>10. PC's (Yup, rather than waste time sittin' in front of a computer everyone will have "implants" so all you have to do is think of something and it will turn into a Google type search and all the possibilites will come into you mind...<<

Great for exams then Bobert :-)

06 May 07 - 01:26 AM (#2044388)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Gurney

Most of the large predators in the world, and maybe all the large animals in the world, if witch-doctors keep prescribing bear gall, and tiger extracts, and rhino horn. Stuff like that.

Railways. But they'll be back when the fossil fuel runs out. Don't buy a house built on an ex-railway line.

Trade-unionists, if governments get their way.

Leather shoes, except for rich people.

Lots of fish species.

06 May 07 - 06:46 AM (#2044475)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: ard mhacha

If someone in the mid 1940s had suggested TB would be almost eliminated by the mid 1950s, they wouldn`t have had many backers, so how about the disappearance of cancer within the next 10 years, hopefully ,true.

06 May 07 - 07:30 AM (#2044486)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: The Fooles Troupe

"compact flourescent light bulbs will replace incandescent light bulbs."

This is of course a fallacy - as CFLs are just not suitable for many applications - they cannot be dimmed easily for one.

Also they cost far more in expensive resources to make (part of the reason why they cost more to buy) and if used inappropriately - as in cases where they are switched on and off for short periods of time - their life is very short, even shorter than incandescants - thus they create far more 'greenhouse problem'.

Also they can generate massive RFI...

Since the Aussie pollies thought up this clanger (now being copied by other countries!), the Aussie Technical Magazine Silicon Chip has run some more real technical info on the matter...

06 May 07 - 08:33 AM (#2044521)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: gnu

RFI? Radio frequency interference?

06 May 07 - 09:46 AM (#2044552)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Donuel

The term Neocon which is essentially the modern day equivalent of Nazi with an extra syllable.

06 May 07 - 10:00 AM (#2044562)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Amos

Please-what is a urinal mint? I've never seen that flavor.

It's a cake of crystallized disinfectant and deodorant chemicals that is usually disc-shaped, and is placed in men's urinals to minimize odor and bacteria. It gradfually wears down as the urinal is used, and is then replaced with a new one.


06 May 07 - 10:01 AM (#2044564)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rapparee

No, libraries will still be around. But they'll be different. Because of the cost of transportation, especially in rural areas, libraries will supply more stuff over the 'Net. Downloadable MP3 books are currently available (libraries have some difficulties to work out on this, but we're working on it) for example.

What has to change is licensing and copyright, however. The RIAA and similar organizations will have to adopt a new structure and new ideas -- you can't sue everyone in the world for copyright violation!

Unfortunately, we have governments that do not act, but only react....

06 May 07 - 01:00 PM (#2044663)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Liz the Squeak

The cork shortage happened because the cork oaks got a parasite that weakened them. The harvested corks were of inferior quality and the trees died from the parasite. Thus, a solution had to be thought of quickly or a whole years' wine harvest would have been pointless.

The solution they thought of (rubbery plastic 'corks') was so cheap, successful and didn't harm any more trees, that the majority of the wine industry has adopted it. It makes no difference to the wine, it gives hardly any chance of a wine being 'corked' and it doesn't disintegrate in the neck of the bottle, necessitating the rapid hunting down and scrubbing of the tea strainer, in order to appreciate a glass of something soft and fruity.

Bottle corks may be extinct in 10 years, but hopefully the cork oak won't be.


06 May 07 - 01:34 PM (#2044684)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Ebbie

Tuberculosis has made a roaring comeback, by the way, and a great many of its forms are drug-resistant.

06 May 07 - 01:45 PM (#2044691)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Donuel

the family owned newspaper publishing house

06 May 07 - 02:34 PM (#2044720)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: kendall

Cash. In ten years we will all have a card that will replace money. That should drive the muggers to find work.

06 May 07 - 04:15 PM (#2044763)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: ard mhacha

Ebbie, I wouldn`t call it a `roaring come-back`, in comparison to the 1940s when the sanitariums were full, the present out-break is nowhere as serious.

06 May 07 - 04:21 PM (#2044766)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Corks will still be around. Even the bottles of cheap wine I use in cooking are corked.
Also worried about bees. Few so far.

06 May 07 - 05:23 PM (#2044788)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Ed

Urinal mints, round disinfectant cakes found in public urinals.
Not sure of the flavor choice (or flavour, depending in your country).
But, maybe they're already extinct, since I haven't seen them for awhile (I have seen ice in urinals in fancy restrauants> But,I'am not sure of the purpose).

06 May 07 - 07:01 PM (#2044840)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Alice

Can openers, especially the church key kind. Many cans are full or partly pop top now. Many things are going into pouch type packaging instead of cans.

06 May 07 - 07:17 PM (#2044855)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

Seinfeld TV reruns (but then, maybe not)

Survivorman TV reruns (likely)

The Deadliest Catch TV reruns

Tanning beds

New Larry King interviews

06 May 07 - 08:58 PM (#2044908)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rapparee

The immunity the US has enjoyed from repeated terrorist attacks.

The WTC/Pentagon was massive, and I suspect that there will be at least one nuclear attack in the next 10 years, but there will be a series of smaller attacks of the suicide bomber/car bomb type as well.

07 May 07 - 02:54 PM (#2045356)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,MarkS

Newspapers - replaced by internet
CD recordings - replaced by downloaded files, mp3 and similar
Broadcast TV - replaced by digital cable
Mick Jagger

07 May 07 - 03:57 PM (#2045418)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: danensis

"Urinal mints" as you call them, contain Paradichlorobenzene which has now been banned as it is a carcinogen.


07 May 07 - 04:31 PM (#2045436)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

Urinal mints cause cancer! Add another one to the list.

That may explain the shrinkage I once experienced using a public lav.

Good thing few ate 'em (not that I know anyway)

07 May 07 - 05:56 PM (#2045529)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rapparee

Nah, NIOSH lists para-dichlorobenzene as a "possible occupational carcinogen."

Feel free to eat away, as long as you don't get any on your skin, or breath the fumes, or....

07 May 07 - 07:24 PM (#2045597)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

Phew, thanks, that's a relief.
Since my exposure is not work related, I guess I am safe.
Wonder if Urinal mints are listed in the Urban dictionary?

07 May 07 - 07:30 PM (#2045601)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

Hey, it's in the Urban Dictionary (not that I recommend this site, it can be a bit offensive to some). See below (I edited out a potentially offensive word):

Urinal Mints
Those fresheners you find in urinals to get rid of the smell of urine but it just ends up smelling of bleach and pi** and it makes you wanna puke.

"Eat a urinal mint, it freshens your breath."

07 May 07 - 07:39 PM (#2045607)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

Cigarette ashtrays and lighters in cars

Rear view mirrors, (replaced by cameras)

VCR tape machines

Computer cdsand cd drives

Camera film

Letraset (can you still get it?)

07 May 07 - 09:02 PM (#2045661)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace

"Letraset (can you still get it?)"

Yes, you can, so wear a condom!

07 May 07 - 09:35 PM (#2045694)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years

Never leave home without one:)

07 May 07 - 09:40 PM (#2045696)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

Never leave home without one

Hopefully not the same one for too many years, (I believe there's an expiry date, maybe under the rim?)

BTW, Possible extinct items: "Glow in the dark condoms" (I could never figure their purpose, except maybe if the power goes out)

07 May 07 - 09:48 PM (#2045705)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

Trans fat oil products

07 May 07 - 10:09 PM (#2045714)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Peace

"(I believe there's an expiry date, maybe under the rim?)"

And here I thought Tim Horton's started that . . . .

07 May 07 - 10:32 PM (#2045722)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Trans fat oil products"

Whale Oil Beef Hooked!

"Things that may be extinct in 10 years"

Beige - if we start now!

08 May 07 - 07:44 AM (#2045975)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah no.. that's the start of a whole other thread.. things that SHOULD be extinct in 10 years!


08 May 07 - 07:53 AM (#2045986)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Mr Red


08 May 07 - 02:39 PM (#2046310)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

"Seinfeld TV reruns (but then, maybe not)

Survivorman TV reruns (likely)

The Deadliest Catch TV reruns"

NAAAAAH! The reverse in fact. All evidence points to the likelihood of TV being ONLY re runs in the next decade, as the war on terror eats up all non military budgets in both the USA, and the UK.

Script writers and producers will be extinct, however, and all the good actors will be playing bit parts in Bollywood.

Don T.

08 May 07 - 02:53 PM (#2046327)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: JohnInKansas

(I believe there's an expiry date, maybe under the rim?)

Helpful information for those who've never needed to unroll one that far?


08 May 07 - 02:59 PM (#2046333)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: MMario

Someone said WWII vets....but I cetainly hope not - my parents are both under strict orders to survive past Dad's 100th b-day ; and he just had his 90th. (Though WWII people have gotton so thin on the ground at their various milatary reunions my folks have been "adopted" by a VietNam era unit.)

08 May 07 - 03:37 PM (#2046381)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

(I believe there's an expiry date, maybe under the rim?)

Helpful information for those who've never needed to unroll one that far?

After reading about an expiriry date.... I unrolled one the other night (staight out, if I may say so). Being responsible and exercising caution, my new girl friend and I got quite caught up in "squinting and looking" for the expiry date. So much so, we lost the mood. Guess what? It worked as a prophalactic.

08 May 07 - 05:36 PM (#2046450)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Liz the Squeak

The 'shag by' date can be found on the box and the foil wrapper.


08 May 07 - 06:20 PM (#2046483)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

Thanks, a life and love saver:))

08 May 07 - 07:36 PM (#2046545)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,petr

definitely video rental stores..

followed by broadcast tv..

im in the printing business and the small family owned printshops are also disappearing due to consolidation, technology change.

envelope making too... thats a disappearing business.

08 May 07 - 11:49 PM (#2046711)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Rowan

Liz and her "The 'shag by' date can be found on the box and the foil wrapper."

Is there no end to this lassie's ability to bring references to birds into threads?

Still, you can use condoms after their use-by date for other purposes.

Extinct in 10 years? Where can you, even now, find an honest politician to trust?

Cheers, Rowan

09 May 07 - 11:19 AM (#2047038)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: Bert

...Beige - if we start now! ...

You've gotta be kidding! In ten years EVERYTHING will be beige.

09 May 07 - 11:35 AM (#2047054)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: JennyO

Where can you, even now, find an honest politician to trust?

Not in this little downunder part of the world, that's for sure!

09 May 07 - 07:16 PM (#2047410)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: GUEST,Carl

beige condos and condoms
Birds of a feather.

09 May 07 - 07:31 PM (#2047427)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: JohnInKansas

Exactly one item, hardware or software, required to read anything, text, sound, or image, placed in archive to keep it available for "all future generations."

If the hardware survives, the software will have changed too much to read it.

If the software survives, there'll be no hardware device to play it on.


09 May 07 - 07:55 PM (#2047441)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: AWG

Someone who doesn't own at least one Celtic Woman CD or DVD.

09 May 07 - 08:00 PM (#2047446)
Subject: RE: BS: Things that may be extinct in 10 years
From: AWG

Sorry, the topic was 'things'. Let me re-phrase. CD or DVD collections that do not contain at least one Celtic Woman CD or DVD.