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Catters on Facebook

06 May 07 - 12:45 PM (#2044658)
Subject: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

Along the same lines as Myspace but a little more user friendly, I think. Try Facebook
if you haven't already done so.
Look for Jim Brannigan if you want to invite me as a friend.
I could be wrong but I think those on Dial Up may find this easier since there isn't any music playing.

11 May 07 - 08:04 AM (#2049075)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook

waht all this is about?

11 May 07 - 08:55 AM (#2049128)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jack Campin

Who owns it? I can't see any information about that on the site.

If it's Yahoo or Rupert Murdoch, or might be in the future, forget it.

11 May 07 - 10:50 AM (#2049237)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

It's just fine. The first folk you meet will be your kids. You end up networking with a whole bunch of people you already know or share interests with.

11 May 07 - 10:18 PM (#2049658)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Mr. Campin use "Sam Spade" or other similar free services to discover

Who Owns It?


Consider it a "My Space" variation

12 May 07 - 12:10 PM (#2050008)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: SouthernCelt

At Jim's suggestion, I joined Facebook. Although their stuff loads faster because it doesn't have all the "bells and whistles" of some of the other sites, I don't find their links to perform certain actions to be very understandable.

I'm not crazy either about the network it automatically put me in since it picked one for me based on my location apparently. So I went back in and joined some other groups with people more in line with my interests. Joined the Ian Tyson fans group and the Acoustic Guitar Players group.

After I have a chance to cruise around the site a bit, I might change my opinion of it or be better able to understand it.

Just thought I'd comment.


12 May 07 - 01:23 PM (#2050047)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: muppitz

I joined, but only to see what all the fuss is about.
I think I prefer myspace.


09 Oct 07 - 12:28 AM (#2167022)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Refreshing this - there are a few of us who have been having fun on Facebook lately. There is even a Mudcat Cafe group on there. Look for Jenny O'Reilly, or PM me and I'll give you my email addy so you can be my Friend.

I'd especially like Friends who want to join Pirates on Facebook. I need a few more Friends to bomb ;-)

09 Oct 07 - 09:45 AM (#2167222)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Surreysinger

Sorry Jenny - but I won't be asking to be a pirate - found that was a rather pointless application - I'm having far more fun playing Scrabble with various people!! You could try asking Breton Cap, since he's a member of the group...

09 Oct 07 - 11:42 AM (#2167284)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Georgiansilver

Where are you Jim? I put your name in and got Jim and James Brannigan from all over the world...about 15 of them.........

09 Oct 07 - 11:51 AM (#2167286)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: sian, west wales

Yes, I did the same. Sort of figured you might be the one with the guitar, but who knows?

I have yet to be 'bitten' by the Facebook bug. Don't much see the point. And I keep loosing stuff. One 'friend' sent me some quiz I was supposed to to, it disappeared, and no clues on how to find it again. Joined a few groups which seem pretty moribund, and generally feel pretty geriatric.

Having more fun with flickr at present. Pity the two couldn't combine.


09 Oct 07 - 12:02 PM (#2167294)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Hawker

Just signed up.... I'll have to stumble around a bit before I can say if its any good!
Cheers, Lucy

09 Oct 07 - 12:47 PM (#2167328)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

It's the one with the tenor guitar.
Southern Celt. Are you the same "Southern Celt" on MySpace?

09 Oct 07 - 01:42 PM (#2167362)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Surreysinger, Breton Cap is already a Pirate. Nevermind, I s'pose it's not for everybody.

09 Oct 07 - 01:57 PM (#2167370)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: RTim

I have a Facebook - it's great for talking with the younger generation - including my own offspring!

Tim Radford

09 Oct 07 - 02:10 PM (#2167381)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

That's what I found. My friends' kids are keeping me up-to-date with all of the births, marriages and goings on.

09 Oct 07 - 02:51 PM (#2167405)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: George Papavgeris

Ditto. Myspace better for music, but Facebook great at keeping up with family and friends. The foodfights, pirates etc are not important, and not necessary.

09 Oct 07 - 08:29 PM (#2167666)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: vectis

I joined so that I could see my son's photos when he was out and about.
If you don't know me PM me for my name on Facebook, but I'm dead boring and have added no detail until I have investigated the site further

09 Oct 07 - 10:30 PM (#2167734)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Vectis, NOBODY is dead boring! I've sent you a PM.

I actually find Facebook really good for family stuff too. So far I have 6 family members on there - my son, his partner, my daughter, my brother in law, my niece and my ex-husband!

I have trouble using the Friend finder. I think the easiest way for 'Catters to find each other on Facebook would be to join the 'Mudcat Cafe' group. I keep checking it often for new faces.

09 Oct 07 - 11:18 PM (#2167745)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Alice
There is mine.
I find it great to see what my son is doing (don't tell him ;-).


10 Oct 07 - 03:31 AM (#2167797)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Morticia

I'm there too,PM me if you want my name. I only joined last week on my father's insistence.....wonder if he wants to keep an eye on me?

10 Oct 07 - 04:46 AM (#2167822)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,charlotte the oast ouse opper

us morris lot have been facebooking our pants off this year!

it is a truly great way to find out about gigs, (spiers and boden have a group, as do the demon barbers, glorystrokes, oh there's too many to mention!), and it's also a great way to keep in contact with people you know who are scattered about in between festivals!

I have added videos of morris stuff and pictures of various festivals to my page, and they have been very well recieved!

other groups on the site worth a mention...

i've got a tankard and i'm proud of it!
i'm a morris dancer, get over it
shepley folk festival
broadstairs folk week
sidmouth folk week

oh the possibilities are endless!

it's just a great little way of keeping in touch with everyone!

enjoy! x

10 Oct 07 - 07:24 AM (#2167882)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MBSLynne

I was invited so I joined but so far can't see much point in it. Just had a request to add someone else today so I did, but I'm not totally sure what it's all for. Can't I just communicate by e-mail as easily? Or PM on Mudcat?

Love Lynne

10 Oct 07 - 08:26 AM (#2167914)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sandra in Sydney

Lynne, you luddite!

Being a tad old fashioned, I just PHONED some friends & am also MEETING some others for lunch tomorrow, tho naturally I've also been emailing as well.

sandra (another luddite)

10 Oct 07 - 08:41 AM (#2167924)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Seaking

I joined a while back, invited some folks to be my friends, then got some folks inviting me to be their friends. Not quite sure what we all do with each other now..?

note to parents...don't invite your teenage children to be your friend, my daughter was NOT impressed !


10 Oct 07 - 09:17 AM (#2167956)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Surreysinger

Seaking - yes, not a good idea. My god-daughter and her sister are my friends on Facebook. I'd hesitate to tell her mother of the sorts of things they seem to get up to. Add to that the fact that one of the girls got promoted at work, posted an exultant message to that effect... then I phoned my friend and asked about it, only to find that she knew nothing at all!! That evening subtle questioning eventually led to the reply "I thought Irene would have told you!" ... a slightly mad and topsy turvey way for the news to filter through to family!!!

However, I have found that some of my younger friends (much younger) have no qualms about having an old fuddy duddy amongst their lists !!

And Sandra - while I agree that phoning and actual meeting rather than virtual contact is always preferable, it's not always physically possible. Facebook IS a good way of maintaining contact with people that you may only see in person once a year or so, and would probably not necessarily want on your phone list. It has its advantages.

10 Oct 07 - 09:28 AM (#2167965)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MBSLynne

You're right Sandra, I am!

No one has said why Facebook is preferable to or any better than just e-mailing people you want to contact?

I also chat to my Mum and sister on Yahoo Messenger.

Like you Chris, I don#t know what we're all supposed to do now we're there. Though you didn't answer my message on there. Not much different from e-mail then eh?

Love Lynne

10 Oct 07 - 09:50 AM (#2167994)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sandra in Sydney

well, I had a look, & still can't see any need for it. Seems like a few of you are not quite sure why you are there either.

Each link here was to an immediate log in, nuffin' about what we were logging into (Rule no. 1 of life, don't sign anything without reading it thoroughly & maybe getting a legal person to look, too)

So I found it's home page & About (right down the bottom of the screen), took the site tour & did not sign on.

Too each their own, but then I don't use Mudcat chat, either. Good ol'fashioned e-mails & PMs for me. And calls & visits to those nearby!


10 Oct 07 - 11:27 AM (#2168069)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Alice

My son is in college, and he likes Facebook better than My Space.
He and his freinds can set up pages for their film school projects they are working on, or just stay in touch with what is happening with each other. It is an easy site to use for keeping in touch. He has loads of friends and is very involved with school and music, so I can see how handy it is for him.


10 Oct 07 - 01:08 PM (#2168165)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MBSLynne

ER...what's Myspace? I have HEARD of it but know no more about it than Facebook

Love Lynne

12 Oct 07 - 01:00 AM (#2169356)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

MySpace really seems to have a different purpose. It is good if you are a performer and want to put your songs on there, but apparently there are different categories in MySpace and if you are a performer you have to join as a performer. Not sure how - I didn't know about that till later. It seems to be used by a lot of people as a dating site, or people send you elaborate e-cards of the 'have a beautiful day' variety. I'm not really getting into MySpace I'm afraid.

On the other hand, I am having a lot of fun with Facebook. It's very silly in lots of ways, but I like that. There are 20 'catters who have joined the 'Mudcat Cafe' group so far. It's useful for finding each other, seeing what we look like, and getting to know each other better.

Sorta like the thing I felt I missed out on in High School. I was a shy little thing then (things change ;-)) I was aware that some of my friends in school saw each other outside of school on the weekend and I wasn't included (probably because my mother was teaching there). I did feel left out though.

I imagine the 'Mudcat Cafe' group would also be useful for putting up photos relating to Mudcat, although nobody has done that yet. I intend to, some time in the near future.

12 Oct 07 - 09:33 AM (#2169491)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

Myspace will pass as an acceptable homepage if you want it to.
I joined Facebook in case it would become a useful networking tool but so far, that's not the case. I keep up with the kids but I'll have to hop on a Qantas to have a coffee with Sandra.
A word of caution to professionals or those seeking employment; Employers are now using both of these sites to screen prospective employees.

12 Oct 07 - 01:34 PM (#2169718)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: dwditty

I am developing a facebrook friends ar epretty much limited to my kids and their Oh well.

here I am.


I think you have to sign on to facebook before you paste the above.

12 Oct 07 - 01:40 PM (#2169726)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

DW, I've sent you a Friend Request.

12 Oct 07 - 02:10 PM (#2169744)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: dwditty

Thank you, Jenny O, I am feeling better already!


12 Oct 07 - 08:52 PM (#2169973)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Good! I hope you get a few more!

12 Oct 07 - 10:20 PM (#2170017)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Big Al Whittle

I joined - can't remember why

13 Oct 07 - 03:13 AM (#2170097)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Anne Lister

I joined as well, but can't remember why except I think I was invited by someone. I'll have to go back and have a closer look - at an MU event this week it was recommended as a good way to increase attendance at gigs as it's more localised.


13 Oct 07 - 08:29 AM (#2170222)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: the lemonade lady

well give us your password and we can have a look... ha ha


13 Oct 07 - 08:35 AM (#2170229)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: John MacKenzie

It appears to be down today.

13 Oct 07 - 08:56 AM (#2170240)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Not for me - I'm playing Pirates even as we speak!

13 Oct 07 - 01:28 PM (#2170365)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MBSLynne

I decided to have a looki around the site and see if I thought it worth hanging around, so I Googled Facebook. Got lots of hits, but no actual facebook website itself. Why's this do you think?

Love Lynne

13 Oct 07 - 01:58 PM (#2170388)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: John MacKenzie

It's not been loading most of today Lynne, it seems to be working again now.

14 Oct 07 - 01:55 PM (#2170958)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i joined, not sure why.

14 Oct 07 - 02:39 PM (#2170991)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Herga Kitty

I joined because a former member of the Herga folk club e-mailed the club website, and has set up a Herga group. I'm finding that my friends already know me and my friends, but as I get older, having the photos attached to the e-mails might be useful..


14 Oct 07 - 02:47 PM (#2170996)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: dwditty

Lynne, when I google Facebook, the very first item is

15 Oct 07 - 12:21 PM (#2171616)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: George Seto -

Didn't know there was a Mudcat group there. Will check it out later in the week! Thanks, Jim.

15 Oct 07 - 01:54 PM (#2171697)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: RTim

Facebook is Password Protected - However it is now possible to set yourself up with a web address that shows your "Profile"
Should anyone wish to try mine (I don't know if it works as I only set it up yesterday) Please PM me and i will send you the link.

Tim Radford

18 Oct 07 - 06:31 AM (#2173493)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Barnacle (at work)

I've never talked so much to my kids since I joined Facebooks. I think they go to "chat" to their mates and realise that "the folks" still exist. I have had one or two sarcastic comments such as "mother, how can keep one's street cred, with you around?", but it was they who invited me, so...

Join, it's good fun and bit by bit, friends of years ago are starting to creep out of the woodwork. I reccomend it, wholeheartedly

04 Nov 07 - 06:58 AM (#2186092)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: john f weldon

I just joined after a certain amount of cajoling from my kids.

04 Nov 07 - 09:56 AM (#2186171)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: LeTenebreux

PM me if you want to find out my facebook name (which is my real name, in fact)

04 Nov 07 - 10:09 AM (#2186187)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Alice

I'm on Facebook and in the Mudcat group there.
Just search groups for "Mudcat cafe".

04 Nov 07 - 10:14 AM (#2186193)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jack Blandiver

I accidentally joined Facebook some time ago (exactly how I can't remember) & have already got one friend, although (as yet) there's nothing about me up there as such.

I find the prescriptive terminology quite as off-putting as the self-seeking sycophancy of MySpace which strikes me as entirely perverse. That said, I am thinking of joining that as well...

04 Nov 07 - 10:26 AM (#2186202)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Stilly River Sage

I joined a couple of weeks ago at the request of a coworker. In some sense this seems a dangerous site--it's everything we didn't want our kids posting online about themselves when they were little. But this started for college students at Yale and spread. The Internet is such an open space that this seems different than what we used to caution the kids against, and I've rediscovered a number of friends I haven't seen in ages.

I'm using my own name. Nice to know there is a Mudcat linkage. I don't go there often, but need to post an event or something tomorrow.


04 Nov 07 - 02:02 PM (#2186330)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Brendy

After a few invites to join both, over the past months, I eventually succumbed to the younger generation peer pressure, and enrolled in Facebook.
Again, don't know quite what to do now, but I'm up there somewhere anyway...


04 Nov 07 - 02:21 PM (#2186341)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: John MacKenzie

Mudcat Facebook Group.

Sorry I think you have to be a member to view it.

04 Nov 07 - 11:51 PM (#2186567)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm lurking mostly, taking it all in. And for now, I have a questionmark instead of a photo. I'll find something to stick up there after a while.


05 Nov 07 - 06:38 AM (#2186665)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: mouldy

I was using facebook anyway, as it's another means of keeping in touch with my son who has recently emigrated to New Zealand. He more or less ordered me to join! You put on as much or as little information as you want.

Unfortunately I have had to list my status as single, as although there is a slot for divorcees, there isn't one for widows!


05 Nov 07 - 08:16 AM (#2186700)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Y_Not


I watched an episode of watchdog on TV last week, two guys who had put their details on Face Book agreed to a computer fraud expert see what he could do with the info they had put about themselves in their profile.

They had both given their real names, date of birth and the district where they live.

From this he was able to find out their home address and their birth certificate details, which gave him their mothers maiden name something which is used a lot for passwords with banks.

He was able to open a bank account in their names on line.

The advice was, if you join any of these contact websites don't give to much info about yourself.

Stay safe it's a big www out there!

22 Nov 07 - 12:47 AM (#2199699)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: john f weldon

I notice that since joining Facebook I make much less use of Mudcat. I drop in on Facebook several times daily. Of course, if I had a serious topic to discuss, I'd go to mudcat.
Facebook seems more like a wild party with an open bar.
Mudcat is a church social with tea and biscuits.

22 Nov 07 - 01:13 AM (#2199704)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Brendy

It's a crazy place, alright... ;-)


22 Nov 07 - 03:44 AM (#2199739)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sandra in Sydney

JennyO has mentioned that she spends a lot of time on Facebook & she certainly hasn't posted here very much in the past week!

22 Nov 07 - 08:31 AM (#2199845)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Dave Sutherland

I joined last week - by accident as well; however since thereare a few names there that I know I have decided to stay. Plus, as others have already said, it will keep me in touch with the kids - and they both still live at home!

22 Nov 07 - 08:47 AM (#2199857)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JeZeBeL

I went on the mudcat cafe group today and added lots of apologies if you've all got requests from an Emma Kitchen....

It's just me :)

22 Nov 07 - 11:37 AM (#2199944)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

Got it:
          "You are now friends with Emma Jane Kitchen"

22 Nov 07 - 01:11 PM (#2200042)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JohnInKansas


(N)ew program lets companies tap ongoing conversations by alerting users about friends' activities through the feeds. About 48 Web sites have decided to embed a free tool from Facebook, known as a Beacon, to enable the marketing feeds.

Facebook shows users' purchases to friends

Associated Press

NEW YORK— Some users of the online hangout Facebook are complaining that its two-week-old marketing program is publicizing their purchases for friends to see.

Those users say they never noticed a small box that appears on a corner of their Web browsers following transactions at Fandango, Overstock and other online retailers. The box alerts users that information is about to be shared with Facebook unless they click on "No Thanks." It disappears after about 20 seconds, after which consent is assumed.

Users are given a second notice the next time they log onto Facebook, but they can easily miss it if they quickly click away to visit a friend's page or check e-mail.

"People should be given much more of a notice, much more of an alert," said Matthew Helfgott, 20, a college student who discovered his girlfriend just bought him black leather gloves from Overstock for Hanukkah. "She said she had no idea (information would be shared). She said it invaded her privacy."

The girlfriend was declining interviews, Helfgott said.

Lots more words in the article, but the above is most of the content, I think. This is one of a series of recent "improvements" made by Facebook, several of which seem to be not known by many of their users.

I'd suggest keeping a sharp eye on the greedy bastards management.


22 Nov 07 - 01:17 PM (#2200048)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

someone called karen smiled at me, whose karen then?

bloody weird site!

22 Nov 07 - 02:29 PM (#2200109)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's Apprentice

Face Book is a bloody weird site, but then again all those social/dating sites tend to be slightly on the weird side

22 Nov 07 - 03:46 PM (#2200167)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jacko@nz

I'm with weelittledrummer up above.

With the audio sites that are available now we
must be able to do a lot better than this.

Oh for the days of Hearme then Paltalk.


22 Nov 07 - 08:02 PM (#2200315)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

so who's karen then?

23 Nov 07 - 03:23 AM (#2200483)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jim Lad

JeZeBeL: You're only the second one to be removed from my "Friends" list.

23 Nov 07 - 05:28 AM (#2200535)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JeZeBeL

Who's been removed from who's friends list??? I'm all confuddled???

23 Nov 07 - 05:40 AM (#2200540)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: mouldy

As a precaution (not from shame!) I have removed my date of birth from the visible bit. However, as I understand it, the main risk is with regard to those who accept anybody who asks as a friend. I go by the rule that if I can't relate them to me, either by acquaintance, or something like Mudcat, they don't get accepted. Let's face it, it DOES give you the option.

The other thing is not to give too much away about your movements.


23 Nov 07 - 05:45 AM (#2200543)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Hi JeZeBeL! I didn't know who you were at first, but I guessed you might be a Mudcatter, so I looked and found you in the Mudcat group. I've added you as a friend.

What Sandra says is true - that I have been spending much more time on Facebook than Mudcat lately. For some reason it suits me fine, and it's a lot of fun. I haven't seen anything yet that requires me to buy anything, and if there was, I wouldn't add it.

I've been hooked by Pirates - I spend ridiculous amounts of time on it. Also, one of the rather unexpected lovely things is that I have got to know some Mudcatters much better!

23 Nov 07 - 07:08 AM (#2200577)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JulieF

Hi JeZeBel

Your friend request did throw me initially but I saw that you were already friends with JennyO and another folkie friend of mine so I worked it out.

Must admit I have gone back and taken out the year from my date of birth .

I don't tend to play so much on facebook - Can't get it at work anyway.   But there are bits I really like and I like looking at friends' statuses as a snap shot of what is happening. My daughter and I have decided not to be friends to keep bits of our lives private but we seem to have a lot of mutal friends.


23 Nov 07 - 10:43 AM (#2200707)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Barry Finn

I just got there, trying to suss it all out


23 Nov 07 - 10:45 AM (#2200711)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Alice

I took mouldy's advice and removed birth date and made info more secure on my facebook page. But... I'm still there! Reach out and be a friend if you want. Search for Mudcat on facebook to find catters.


23 Nov 07 - 11:12 AM (#2200728)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Morticia

A small problem with that maybe that people are using their real names on Facebook and not Mudcat names. Could people perhaps sign up on the Mudcat group with their Mudcat names so others can find you, should you want to be found of course.

23 Nov 07 - 11:44 AM (#2200746)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Alice

I should have written search for
"Mudcat cafe"

23 Nov 07 - 07:04 PM (#2200987)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Gulliver

I joined a few weeks ago and now all these women want to be "my friend"--rarely happens in real life!


23 Nov 07 - 07:42 PM (#2201009)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Rasener

If you haven't already joined then I have

The Villan AKA Les Worrall

Do become a friend :-)

24 Nov 07 - 04:50 AM (#2201169)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Anne Lister

As some of you have found out, I'm a relatively new face on Facebook, but using my real name. Hope you'll all become friends!

Anne (Lister)

27 Nov 07 - 07:19 PM (#2203533)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

My apologies if this has already been posted. I don't do facebook, but remembered this thread and thought the following might be of interest/concern to those who do:

When you buy a book, movie, or gift online, do you want that information automatically shared with everyone you know? Last week, the social networking site Facebook began doing just that. Private purchases made by Facebook users on other sites were posted on Facebook for people's co-workers, friends, and random acquaintances to see.1 Why? To benefit corporate advertisers.

Other sites are looking at Facebook's example to see if they can get away with similar privacy breaches. We need to draw a line in the sand—making clear that the wish lists of corporate advertisers must not come before the basic privacy rights of Internet users.

There's more, incluidng a petition, etc. if anyone is interested at Move On.

28 Nov 07 - 04:44 AM (#2203731)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Catherine Jayne

Joined Facebook a number of weeks ago after receiving invites from people. Finally got round to playing around with it. Look for Catherine Jayne Pettigrew.

28 Nov 07 - 06:24 AM (#2203756)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: the lemonade lady

i much prefer it's too easy to tell the wrong people private things on face book.


11 Jan 08 - 08:36 AM (#2233810)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Dani

I read on wikihow that you can disable 'beacon', which is the shopping-tracking thing.


11 Jan 08 - 08:15 PM (#2234395)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Brendy

Just don't use the place for shopping...


11 Jan 08 - 11:11 PM (#2234471)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

I've never even thought of using it for shopping. There are plenty of other things to do there that don't cost money - unless you consider pirate coins to be money. Then I buy pistols and monkeys and messages in bottles - ARRRR!

11 Jan 08 - 11:44 PM (#2234485)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Brendy

You're a gas woman, Jenny.... :-)


12 Jan 08 - 04:24 AM (#2234567)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Darowyn

I found a use for it. One of my students is a Facebook addict, and has befriended the entire course, and all the musicians in the area.
Her friends list makes a perfect contacts list for me.

13 Jan 08 - 12:07 AM (#2235177)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JennyO

Thanks for the compliment, Brendy. You're not so bad yourself ;-)

06 Nov 08 - 10:27 PM (#2487140)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

If you get the following request

This is Robin from The Mudcat

User name Foolestroupe

That is me - I've now found the Mudcat group - I don;t intend to ask EVERYONE in it to be a friend straight away :-) - but you are free to ask me.


07 Nov 08 - 03:06 AM (#2487235)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ruthless Robin Plunders The Seven Seas!


07 Nov 08 - 10:07 PM (#2488129)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Cluin

I've been on it for a few months. It's a good way to stay (and find & get back) in touch with scattered family and friends.

Because e-mail is just so difficult.   ;)

But it IS easier to find old friends if they're on FB.

Just joined the Mudcat group.

08 Nov 08 - 01:55 AM (#2488178)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Cats

Ho folks, just joined up. I'll happily have you as Friends Havn't found the mudcat section yet!

08 Nov 08 - 05:22 AM (#2488243)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: bubblyrat

I have been on Facebook for a while now,and have many "friends",both musicians and " 'catters", and I enjoy things like the Scrabble-type games (against "Jenny O" !), although the "poking" and "throw a sheep at,,,,," features are a bit tedious !(Bill McKinnon likes them,though !!). It is actually a good way of being kept up to date on the movements,appearance dates,latest CD releases etc. of a host of people in the "folk" world (in my case,Harriet E,Mary H,Jonny D,Vicky S,Anne L,Annie I,Jim Mc,George P (of course !),Paul S,Eddie U,Jo F,.....and loads more! Log on to see me posing at Henley regatta ! ( Roger Vaughan Mills ),,,see you there !

08 Nov 08 - 06:38 AM (#2488269)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Emma B

I joined fairly recently too, it's a great facility for swopping photos (not to mention fish!) with friends.

The mudcat group has 121 members now

08 Nov 08 - 06:46 AM (#2488271)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Emma B

make that 122!

08 Nov 08 - 07:01 AM (#2488273)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Leadfingers

Any More ?

08 Nov 08 - 07:02 AM (#2488274)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Leadfingers

Just to clock another 100 th

08 Nov 08 - 07:05 AM (#2488275)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Emma B

08 Nov 08 - 07:06 AM (#2488277)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Emma B

ooops! that was supposed to be 123 now! guess you all found the group :)

08 Nov 08 - 07:13 AM (#2488283)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: quokka

I just joined the Mudcat Cafe group as well.

08 Nov 08 - 07:54 AM (#2488307)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I'm there but I'm someone else, and I'm different again on MySpace

08 Nov 08 - 08:02 AM (#2488313)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: quokka

Multiple personality, or just a very private person? (Grin)

08 Nov 08 - 01:59 PM (#2488542)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

I joined Facebook this week. Somebody told me too last weekend. And I grew week in the end and joined. And curiosity I suppose.

I am on My Space (different name) to keep up with younger daughter and on Live Journal (yet another handle)to keep up with older daughter's friends. I rarely add anything to either. Just read posts and comment now and then, especially when someone needs a hug.

'Spect it will be the same for Facebook.

09 Nov 08 - 02:48 AM (#2488860)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

That should be Weak in the end. I need more sleep.

So I went on and joined the Mudcat Cafe group. I am not able to post to the Wall, though I can to a discussion thread. What is that all about?

Not very many people on this yet and I've see only one person I know.

Think I'll go on LJ and MS to check up on people.

10 Nov 08 - 07:39 PM (#2490362)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sandra in Sydney

Cyber criminals target Facebook users Facebook has been infiltrated by Nigerian scammers and other cyber criminals who use compromised accounts to con users out of cash.

Now that even non-tech savvy internet users know not to respond to, or click on links in, emails from strangers, online thieves have turned to social networks and are finding it is easier to trick people when posing as their friends.

22 Nov 08 - 12:37 AM (#2499813)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

The Mudcat group now has 137 at last count.

I notice that some of you have set things so that you cannot accept friend applications. OK - but I have notified the rest of you and asked you to add me as a friend, but only about half have yet responded.... That's Life.

You can check out the mutual friends link too. A couple have asked me for the Secret Squirrel Mudcat code before letting me in .... :-)

My FB handle is   

Fooles Troupe


23 Nov 08 - 03:37 AM (#2500532)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

For those who are interested, there is now a Facebook group
Folkies in S.E. Queensland

It is open world wide.

"Use it or Lose It!"



23 Nov 08 - 03:57 AM (#2500535)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Cathie

Sorry Robin,

I have now confirmed you as friend.
I am so suspicious and when I searched Fooles Troupe for a match, computer said 'no'.

I found the on-line chat thing yesterday - so much easier than msn.

Cathy (on facebook) Cathie (on mudcat)

06 Dec 08 - 11:18 AM (#2509346)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JedMarum

I HATE this f*cking Faecbook thing! It is sooo frustrating. Everytime I try to sort out how to use it, I end up back in the same place, doing the same and starting all over.

What is it all about? How do you use the GD thing? Why would I bother!

If it was real book; I'd kick it to the trash!!


He screamed, laughing at his own impatience and inability to grasp what many find simple

06 Dec 08 - 03:26 PM (#2509434)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Stilly River Sage


It became more tolerable for me when I dumbed down about every aspect of it I could find. Don't let people invite you to new games, don't accept offers of do-hickies and gewgaws, and watch out for all of the "Wall" applications.


06 Dec 08 - 04:23 PM (#2509463)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: DebC

I agree, Jed. Facebook has been very frustrating for me too. It's great if you just want to have a regular profile. But if you are trying to use it as a promotion tool, it's a friggin' nightmare.

Since I created a regular profile first, I have had one helluva time trying to create an artist page. What I have settled for is doing the "my band" thing. It sort of works, but unfortunately, I still cannot figure out how to communicate with the "fans" that have signed up through facebook. If anyone else figures this out, I am all ears. Here's My Band Link

Deb Cowan

06 Dec 08 - 04:35 PM (#2509466)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: artbrooks

Well, I joined Facebook...But I'm not sure if I can handle hanging out there as well as here - something has to give.

07 Dec 08 - 10:50 AM (#2509536)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sandra in Sydney

Don't give up on Mudcat!

All the lovely new Mudcatters don't replace older 'Catters, they just add to the wonderful mix of personalities here in this great institution (or something like that!)


07 Dec 08 - 03:00 PM (#2509690)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Maryrrf

I also joined Facebook out of curiosity. I'm enjoying the novelty of it, but not really trying to do anything beyond the basic profile.

08 Dec 08 - 10:20 PM (#2510347)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Barry Finn

I don't/can't do all the other playful things that are there either. I did the Reverb Band app & I can't figure it out at all but I don't really care that much to crawl out of my techno coffin & start walking on water.


09 Dec 08 - 09:18 AM (#2510652)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JedMarum

I've tried again. I created a profile. I started to look around and connect with people I know and it told me I had to create a profile! I am logged in, and I can see my profile - but it tells me I have no profile!

I've been in software development for decades. I've been using a wide variety of software for years. I can tell you facebook is BAD software! It is designed badly. There is no way on earth it should be so difficult to use. They are idiots!!

ok. rant is over. maybe i'll try again later ... maybe not

09 Dec 08 - 09:28 AM (#2510669)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Dave Sutherland

There is a new group just started "Make Folk Clubs More Friendly Places" - worth a look.

15 Dec 08 - 02:27 AM (#2515488)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: freda underhill

I have a facebook site mainly to share photos with my kids and other family members. All the games, bombing etc I don't do for privacy reasons (they access and distribute your info in order to play) and also because it's like cyber junk mail.

As well, I get a lot of messages from people I don't know who are friends of people i do know.. SIGH.. which take the place of things I'd rather see from family. So I'm considering dipping out.

grumpy freda

15 Dec 08 - 03:50 AM (#2515518)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: mouldy

I've been on for a while, and have added 'catters I recognise as friends, if requested. If I have ignored a friend request, it's because I didn't know who you were, and was being a bit cautious!

I don't do a lot more than the basics, except rarely. I join any groups that appeal to me, and sling the odd photo up on it.

Andrea (Robertson)

15 Dec 08 - 09:16 AM (#2515721)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: JedMarum

OK - I've sorted things out and finally have a grasp of how to work the basics. I'm not sure how long I'll stick it out - don't see much use for it, but I'll try to keep an open mind. I found a few music friends I'd lost touch with - so that was a plus.

15 Dec 08 - 09:26 AM (#2515730)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: quokka

I must admit I ignore any invitations to play games and quizzes and such - not because I don't like you but, like Freda, I'm a bit wary when they say they can "access your info and your friends info in order to use this application" or however the hell they put it. That just makes me cross - it is like junk mail, and I get enough of that in my letterbox!! I guess I want to keep a bit of privacy even in cyberspace - is that wrong? Having said that, I am enjoying catching up with friends in other places and cousins halfway cross the world. Several friends are overseas right now, and it's great to hear what they're up to as it's happening. So please don't think I'm a snob when I don't join in the games.



15 Dec 08 - 09:27 AM (#2515733)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: kendall

I'm in there somewhere.

15 Dec 08 - 09:37 AM (#2515743)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: John MacKenzie

Well stick to the basic applications, the more you join, the more info it gives them.
Remember that Facebook is only free because they use the information you provide to sell advertising. The more information they have on you, the better targeted the advertising. The ads on your page will be different from those on your friends who have listed different interests.
Also remember that all photo's you post are theirs to use as they wish, without any royalties being paid to you as the owner of the pix.
Read their terms and conditions sometimes, basically it's like an insurance contract, whatever happens, it's your fault.
Sorry mate, my mistake, but you're wrong!!

15 Dec 08 - 11:41 AM (#2515865)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: kendall

If they can sell a picture of me holding a cat, more power to them.

09 Jan 09 - 11:36 AM (#2536103)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have created a Folkies in SE Qld group.


Be sure to read The Great Mudcat Facebook Conspiracy!


09 Jan 09 - 01:19 PM (#2536220)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: open mike

ok i finally joined the facebook thing and the mudcat group there..
appears as if music (streaming audio) is not included in this site, as in myspace. however there is video upload available.

there must be arouned 150 in the mudcat group now.
but since it is open to all, and different nick names may be used
there may be some there who have never even been here...or who are
using different "handles"

we shall see.

i travelled across canada a few years ago on a cowboy music train trip
and many of the folks from there are keeping in contact with each other thru facebook. looking forward to inter-acting with mud friends there.

10 Jan 09 - 01:17 AM (#2536815)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: CamiSu

I've been on facebook for over a year, helps me keep in touch with all my exchange students all over the world. Andrea, I just left my marital status blank after I was widowed. I'm not looking so who cares?

BUT I did manage to finally find my host brother and some friends when I searched for the right person on facebook. After 38 years. To me it was worth it for that alone!

I have the same name everywhere--I am the only one in the world I think. There IS an advantage to an unusual name.

I enjoy that so many other parents are there at their kids' behest. My youngest just started a group called Buster House AFSers--open to any kid who has stayed with me (Whether AFS or not) It's kind of cool.


10 Jan 09 - 01:29 AM (#2536825)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: open mike

for those who are not familiar...A.F.S. is American Field Service an 'exchange" student program...i hosted a student from Sweden in 1970 and we have kept in is a great program...

when i saw you said you were looking for a host brother i thought
you meant "lost" but now i see "host" is probably what you mean.

maybe a lost host/??

10 Jan 09 - 01:41 AM (#2536833)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: CamiSu

Oh Yes. I had not had any contact since I left in August of 1971. And my Turkish never got to be much, and I never got replies to my attempts to find my host dad. Susan AR has also been a host sister, to a kid I visited in Cyprus as he was hosting the year I was there. In the small world dept.

Anyhow I got involved again about 10 years ago. I get the kids who are having difficulties, and sometimes keep them (I've also hosted a few the whole year--mostly from Thailand for some reason) and right now I have a boy from Turkey and a boy from Portugal, who have been double placed since the beginning and really did not want to be split up.

They really keep your mind off your troubles...I've had 5 for some time or other in the 11 months since my husband died. And these 2 he would have LOVED!

So OM, did you have a son, daughter, or brother or sister?

But American Field Service is TOPS!

10 Jan 09 - 05:33 AM (#2536894)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""MySpace really seems to have a different purpose. It is good if you are a performer and want to put your songs on there, but apparently there are different categories in MySpace and if you are a performer you have to join as a performer. Not sure how - I didn't know about that till later.""

Same for me Jenny.

I've got two IDs on there, one as Don Thompson, and one in my gig name "Wysiwyg".

You actually have to navigate through the bands link and join as a band (they don't seem to have heard about solo artists).

To have two IDs you have to use two distinct E-Mail addies, but that shouldn't be a problem, as most ISPs allow you to have several mailboxes.

Don T.

10 Jan 09 - 06:47 AM (#2536931)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Dave (Bridge) looks like fun and more useful for group things. Must give it a try

13 Jan 09 - 10:45 PM (#2539311)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Janie

Just joined Facebook, mainly out of fear the 'Cat will be down awhile. Looks like more bells and whistles than I care to sort out, mostly.

If was nice to see all the photo's of Mudcatters in the Mudcat Cafe group. However, there are many people I can't match up with their Mudcat handle. (And in case you run into the same thing with me, on the Facebook Mudcat group I'm Mary Jane with the last name that begins with E.

17 Feb 09 - 10:55 AM (#2569167)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Stilly River Sage

Facebook changes terms of service.

Facebook's terms of service (TOS) used to say that when you closed an account on their network, any rights they claimed to the original content you uploaded would expire. Not anymore.

Now, anything you upload to Facebook can be used by Facebook in any way they deem fit, forever, no matter what you do later.* Want to close your account? Good for you, but Facebook still has the right to do whatever it wants with your old content. They can even sublicense it if they want.



03 Mar 09 - 11:20 AM (#2580303)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Thought some of you might enjoy this. I found it on youtube:

THe Facebook Song.

My apologies if it's already been posted.

03 Mar 09 - 03:56 PM (#2580527)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Phil Cooper

The facebook song is great! I recently put up a facebook profile too, though. You can type in Phil Cooper and hopefully find it. I generally try and not tell the world what I'm having for lunch.

04 Mar 09 - 04:33 AM (#2580890)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: sian, west wales

Great song!

And it should be noted that Facebook have withdrawn those Terms of Use and are drafting up a new agreement - with the previous agreement back in place pending developments. FB users can participate, apparently, through the FB Blog.


04 Mar 09 - 07:36 AM (#2580955)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,goat fell

i joined facebook and it's great
Tom Hamilton

04 Mar 09 - 07:58 AM (#2580967)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: dwditty

Another great Facebook-based Youtube video:

Facebook Reality

04 Mar 09 - 07:58 AM (#2580968)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: dwditty


04 Mar 09 - 12:19 PM (#2581143)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,KevBoyd

I have a Waterson:Carthy group on Facebook.

Check it out and please feel free to join:

04 Mar 09 - 01:18 PM (#2581197)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: PoppaGator

I joined Facebook just a couple of weeks ago, at the behest of my two sons, both aspiring comedians. It has turned out to be a good, easy way to keep track of their activities.

Over there, of course, my name is my real name: Tom Henehan. There's another guy on FB with the exact same name; we've determined that we're not related, at least not within the last 3-4 generations. He lives in Minneapolis; I'm the one in New Orleans.

FB has recently more-or-less replaced Mudcat as my primary "pretending-to-work" vice. We'll see if things stay that way or I'll eventually/gradually return here. I seem to be doing more browsing/reading and less writing there than here, and what I type over there is generally less serious and less lengthy than my contributions here have generally been.

Because I joined up for and with my boys, I have quite a few so-called "friends" who are half my age, most of whom are aspiring comics or comedy fans, so there's a lot of smartass banter and one-liners going on in my FB world.

I don't know if it's coincidence or what, but many of my contemporaries ~ not just current friends, but also long-lost college classmates and other semi-distant acquaintances in my age-group ~ seemed to join Facebook at almost the exact same time as me. Also, FB seems to have been in the news more lately. I seem to be part of a social-network population explosion!

I have connected with a dozen or so Mudcatters on Facebook already, and look forward to "befriending" more. (The estimable Kendall Morse became my friend #100 yesterday or the day before.)

Thoughts on Facebook vs MySpace: My kids were on MySpace long before Facebook, and I would look in on their pages occasionally without ever wanting to join up. Many MySpace pages are cluttered and confused in comparison to Facebook, where a clean-looking (if somewhat "corporate") design is more-or-less imposed upon you. MySpace is much better for posting music, it seems, and if I were a working musician I'm sure I would have long since gotten involved with MySpace; Facebook is all about text, photos, and video.

So, if you're a Facebooker, look me up under my name, Tom Henehan, and/or my group page, "Old Hippie Shit." My older New-York-based son is Cassidy Henehan, also found under "Too Cool for School" and "Comedy Clubhouse @ The Telephone Bar"; younger brother Mike is in New Orleans and his various comedy gigs and burlesque-emcee engagements can be found under "Good God Damn Irregulars."

And, oh yeah, there's also my younger brother Paul Henehan, who lives in the UK and is busy every weekend as the drummer in a group called "Eden Burns." I believe they're a sort of classic-rock cover band. Paul and the band are both on Facebook, and their next gig, in Bury St. Edmunds, is currently listed as an "event," Jo's Birthday Bash.

04 Mar 09 - 04:20 PM (#2581313)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: sharyn

I just joined Facebook: a writer friend told me it was a good way to impress publishers and agents since you could prove you know other people who might be interested in your work. To find me there, look for Sharyn Dimmick.

05 Mar 09 - 11:22 AM (#2581807)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: DannyC

Got on FB as Liam Fancy a couple of weeks ago.

It seems to have boosted the numbers we've been attracting to our various gigs, so it's been a good local/regional networking service. I have also been able to place some names to the faces of some semi-regulars that come out for our music, and that has been a nice benefit.

Amazingly, my very shy Appalachian soulmate/musicmaker/wife/partner created an account and started posting old pics of the places she's been and the music she's made, and it has been a delight watching her touch base (from a slight distance) with those days.

25 Apr 09 - 05:27 PM (#2618718)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: LynnMagnuson

Is this the same Danny C. that I just emailed on AOL. YOU'RE over here too. GREAT place to find old fogies music like we play. Stuff like "Blowin' In The Wind", "This Land Is Your Land", etc. Until next time at the Community Grill, or better yet at a gig somewhere, chao!

Lynn in New Orleans

29 May 09 - 07:05 PM (#2643917)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: open mike

re-freshing this for jeddy
(look in search box before posting a new thread)
i thought i had posted my face book page on a
mudcat thread...but maybe not...;

here is mine--

30 May 09 - 04:10 PM (#2644340)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

sorry i keep forgeting to search for old threads

02 Jun 09 - 03:54 PM (#2646789)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: topical tom

I finally decided to blow my cover and join Mudcat Cafe on Facebook. I am here

02 Jun 09 - 04:12 PM (#2646806)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Dave Sutherland

I've just put a photo or two of our new granddaughter on Facebook

Dave Sutherland

02 Jun 09 - 04:28 PM (#2646823)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Bill D

I went there ONCE to see the generic Mudcat place, to see what it had. I did nothing and said nothing....and suddenly my mailbox is full of people adding me. I actually know maybe 2/3 of them.

I don't think my brain is wired for a site that 'introduces' you, even when you are standing in the shadows trying to be inconspicuous.

03 Jun 09 - 06:25 AM (#2647209)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,jOhn

i joined it a while ago, but only just started using it. a few things i don't understand=how do i get the chat to work? i click on the chat thing but it just says loading, but never loads! how do i find groups that i want to join? is there a list of them somewhere? [so far i,ve only joined groups that my freinds have joined.
how do i send a mesage to just a few people, for example if i want to remind about a folk session in hull, people not in hull wont be bothered etc.

03 Jun 09 - 06:47 AM (#2647221)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

about not getting chat to work, jOhn. have you tried doing it through firefox?
my explorer went funny yesterday so i tried switching and it worked or you could try the other way round. don.t worry about not bothering anyone elseit's always nice to read what others are up to!! as for the groups not sure i'm sure that soeone else can help.
x x

04 Jun 09 - 03:58 AM (#2647964)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,jOhn

thanks jeddy.

09 Jun 09 - 12:06 PM (#2652294)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

FYI - I have deleted my facebook account.

09 Jun 09 - 02:36 PM (#2652415)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Georgiansilver

On facebook as Michael Hill (wearing white shirt and beige trousers) and on Mudcatters on facebook.
Best wishes, Mike.

30 Jul 09 - 12:05 PM (#2690362)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

In case anyone is wondering, once again someone has taken my photo from Mudcat and posted a bogus membership as "Kat Coffey" on facebook and was a Mudcat Cafe "friend" until Max deleted them. Facebook has deleted it at least once and will be again. I notice a couple of folks are marked as her "friends." Please be advised you are not communicating with me and their use of my photo is illegal.



30 Jul 09 - 01:34 PM (#2690408)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Severn

I find Facebook a good way to talk to folks one-on-one and keep up with those I miss talking with when Mudchat goes into temporary eclipse or there is uneasy feuding among old friends. I miss the dynamic of multiple person conversations (They seem to be coming back of late) in Mudchat, but find Facebook a good way to talk to Catters individually, my daughter and other relatives and to lots of people on the local DC and Baltimore music scenes. And there's photo galleries of friends, some of which are pertinent to me or are enjoyable to view.

Of course, lots of cutesy, if well-intentioned, spam comes my way and invitations to participate in games, surveys and fantasies I don't have time for, so there's lots of editing and sorting to do, but it's good for the things I actually use it for.

It grows on you, in more ways than one. I joined up to keep up with one friend made on a UK trip and somehow have about a hundred people listed as friends, all tied in to other friends and activities, of course. Shared friends being the pedigree I look for and filter through. But I'm there for individual conversation with those who I'd want to speak with.

30 Jul 09 - 02:01 PM (#2690436)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Sorry, but I won't be joining anytime. EVER!

Richard Bridge, John Barden (Barden of England), Fisheye, myself, and several other Catters are being cloned on Facebook, as Folkies Supporting the British Nazi Party.

A photo of me, stolen from a U-Tube Video has been superimposed on a BNP poster, so it purports to show me playing in front of Nick Griffin.

For any of you who see this, until I manage to persuade Facebook that it isn't me, let me assure you that the only way I would support that scum is with a good strong rope, applied correctly with a hangman's knot.

Ditto Facebook. If they can't, or won't, remove that filth, I will have nothing to do with them.

Don T.

30 Jul 09 - 03:21 PM (#2690520)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: PoppaGator

Shortly after I joined a month or two ago, FB became my first-choice website for occasional malingering at work (replacing Mudcat). The postings I read and write there tend to be much shorter, so I'm in and out much more quickly and back to business, and no longer get caught and sometimes scolded.

Unfortunately, our receptionist, who sits in a much more visible location than I do, had her Facebook page up on her monitor all that time, so the boss finally blocked the site, so here I am back here again (grin).

I'm in occasional touch with a random selection of Mudcatters on FB, but I am much more involved with other friends and family members, especially my two sons who are both pursuing careers in comedy, Cassidy in New York and Mike here at home in New Orleans. Also, quite a few of their contemporaries and friends are now among my FB "friends," and we enjoy a great deal of wisecracking and exchanging of one-liners. I have another bunch of FB friends who are friends-of-friends of my kid brother (10 years younger) who lives in England.

Facebook allows you to "block" all input from any specified individual friend(s). I would prefer an option to block selected categories of postings. I have no desire to cut off any person completely ~ I'm glad to see everyone's thoughts, statuses, links to articles/videos/music, etc. On the other other hand, I don't want to see anyone's game-playing activities, quiz results, how much of the environment they supposedly saved by trading virtual trees or cows or fishes or whatever, etc.

At first, I "befriended" just about anyone that the FB robots suggested to me (on the basis of mutual friends, appearing in each other's email address books, etc.) Now I don't do that anymore, but I do say "yes" to just about any personal friend-request made by any individual.

If you want to find me, my FB name (i.e., real name) is Tom Henehan. Also, you can check my "group" page entitled "Old Hippy Shit."

PS: Kat, I can't believe that anyone would pose as another person (e.g., you) ~ what a freakin' bummer! Fortunately, I have no such experience. My son Cassidy had a somewhat similar experience on MySpace, where someone, apparently an enthusiastic fan, set up a page in his name, creating a bit of confusion but no harm done. On his own real page, he had to write "This is the REAL Cass..." Go figure.

30 Jul 09 - 03:26 PM (#2690526)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Peace

and I posted a thread that said:

"The BNP have attacked about six to eight musicians on Facebook. However, it's OK for the same BNP folks to post here on Mudcat. Yet if any of the people who have been attacked speak harshly to the BNP scum we have our posts deleted. FYI.

Fuckin' ban me, Joe, because I have just become your worst nightmare. This is two-faced shit. No matter how far up your ass Georgina Simmons is."

30 Jul 09 - 03:27 PM (#2690527)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Peace

The thread was deleted within two minutes, BTW.
    Of course it was deleted. What did you expect, with a thread titled "personal attacks"? You have no right to post personal attacks, no matter how much you hate your target.
    So, tell me where we can reach common ground on this? You oppose the BNP. I oppose the BNP. However, I have to require civil conduct and I'm bound to delete personal attacks. Where can we find a resolution?
    -Joe Offer-

30 Jul 09 - 03:40 PM (#2690534)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

hello all,
tom, i do try not to publish the results anymore as i agree they do become tiresome.

i am a happy pixie today as i have a clone on BEBO.
i have contacted them, but if you get a mesage from 'me' then i am sorry but you must be doing something right in order to gain their attention

i used to say yes to anyone who asked too but got bored at being asked to look at photos of young women who don't want to talk just parade around looking provocative.    i know such a hardship, most of you are thinking, but it gets very tiresome after a while.

take care all

jade x x x x

30 Jul 09 - 03:51 PM (#2690541)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

Yeah, well some people sympathize with racist xenophobes and think Mudcat ought to serve as a forum for what they stand for.

As for the Facebook annoyance, I hope everybody whose name and image it has stolen has reported him. The administration there ought to be able to figure out where it's all coming from and delete it. I believe Wikipedia managed to oust it.

Max once said something about letting the 'law of the playground' sort things out. That would work better than deleting message by only those with enough integrity to use their own identities.

30 Jul 09 - 04:05 PM (#2690547)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: PoppaGator

Jeddy/Jade, you can just forward them nekkid-lady pitchures to me, heh heh! (just kidding)

30 Jul 09 - 04:14 PM (#2690556)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Phil Cooper on the sig-o's computer

I guess now that facebook has given us some screen name options, you can find me at I haven't tried to do that, but that's what I've heard.

31 Jul 09 - 05:27 AM (#2690900)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

There's no point going off at half cock, Peace, and there's certainly no justification for attacking Joe.

Joe Offer does what he has to do, for the benefit of all here on Mudcat.

The BNP have to be confronted directly at every opportunity, IMHO, but there's a difference between pointing out their evil, and spouting torrents of personally aimed abuse.

You, more than most, have the ability to help show these Nazis up for the evil scum they are, but not by descending to their level mate.

The more swearing you indulge in, the more your message gets lost in the mire.

Don T.

31 Jul 09 - 06:40 AM (#2690935)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I agree Joe has a difficult line to walk. My decisions would not always be the same as his. I do think it is important not to treat our own less favourably than the BNP brain-dead. That's as far as I'm going in public on this occasion.

The fake Don is still up there at

and I am concerned that facebook is so slow to react (and sometimes fails to react) to "report" messages.

It might make the point if a whole bunch of us went over and reported that that fake Don is a fake Don and a breach of their user terms.

31 Jul 09 - 07:28 AM (#2690958)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

you can decline to be part of any advertising. simply hover over settings and click privacy. then click wall. then next to the box at the top you will see adverts. click that and select no one in the options. job done.

beware what photos you post too as there are kiddy fidders about who are copying pics of kids and selling them.

take care all

jade x x x

31 Jul 09 - 07:38 AM (#2690966)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jean(eanjay)

Jeddy, thanks for that - I've just done it so I hope that it will make things a bit better for my friends.

31 Jul 09 - 07:42 AM (#2690969)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

you are very welcome eanjay. i had to be tod how to do it so i am just passing it on.

have a great day all

jade x x x x x

31 Jul 09 - 01:31 PM (#2691159)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

How do you do it when you don't have a Facebook account, and don't want one, so you can't get in, Jade?

Don T

31 Jul 09 - 02:10 PM (#2691179)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam


I went in and reported the profile as fake.

You can send an email to including the link Richard posted and request that it be removed.

That is what TheSilentOne did. He is not on facebook either.

The fake me is still up after weeks of emails and reporting. There is a new fake John Barden too, that wasn't there 2 days ago.

31 Jul 09 - 02:20 PM (#2691187)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

if any of you get a message from   'me    on bebo couldyou forward it to me here through PM please? i have reported it but not sure if it has been shut down yet.   

i have reported all the fakes i have been getting on FB too. i think it added up to about 10 people last time i went through them.

if you want some proof any of you who have clones, i have kept most of the messages so just ask and i will send them to you.

take care all

jade x x x x

PS   sorry don i haven't a clue, but like VT said there is a link somewhere, or PM lizzie nd she will have loads of details. x x x x

31 Jul 09 - 02:42 PM (#2691198)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I sent three E-Mails to, Tam, and all three bounced.

I'll try once more though, just in case.

I need advice as to whether this is actionable on grounds of defamation, identity theft, or simple infringement of intellectual property rights in the use of the stolen image.

Also, does anyone know the likely cost of taking out an injunction?

Facebook's terms and conditions may protect them up down and sideways against legal action, and give them all sorts of rights over anything I upload, but I don't see how they can wriggle out from under, when they are aiding and abetting theft, and defamation, by allowing these profiles to remain after being informed that they are fake.

Don T

31 Jul 09 - 03:00 PM (#2691204)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

This is really getting me down. Obviously the cowardly culprick making these fake profiles in Facebook, is a mudcatter.

I hate feeling like I am being stalked, something s/he had to do through the threads to find pictures and names.

Makes me feel shaky and unwell. More shaky and unwell than usual.

I just want the damn thing removed but it looks like Facebook is ignoring me.

31 Jul 09 - 03:13 PM (#2691212)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Try all of these:,,,

31 Jul 09 - 03:26 PM (#2691217)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

I have Kat. Several weeks ago. And again a few days ago.

31 Jul 09 - 03:35 PM (#2691224)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Oh, sorry, VTam. I have just sent them another concerning the fake one of me. I notice there is someone on the FB Mudcat group who has a support the BNP logo for their photo. I don't know about any of you, but I wouldn't join just because of that. I know, I don't like them on here, either, but there it is so much more blatant with the visual. No thank you. There also seems to be some other bogus ones which I haven't seen before, including a "Lisa Garvey-Jones?"

31 Jul 09 - 05:26 PM (#2691265)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"I need advice as to whether this is actionable on grounds of defamation, identity theft, or simple infringement of intellectual property rights in the use of the stolen image.

Also, does anyone know the likely cost of taking out an injunction?

Facebook's terms and conditions may protect them up down and sideways against legal action, and give them all sorts of rights over anything I upload, but I don't see how they can wriggle out from under, when they are aiding and abetting theft, and defamation, by allowing these profiles to remain after being informed that they are fake."

Don, I'm in full agreement with you.

In fact, I think we should find out how much it would cost, then all join together in whatever way we can and sue the backside of Facebook for what they're allowing to happen on there.   I also think we should get the press involved if possible, because the BNP certainly wouldn't like that publicity, and neither would Facebook...who are basically allowing 'defamation of character' to happen on their site.

Someone send for Billy Bragg!

I wrote to Billy's page about this, over on Myspace and asked them to let him know what's going on. Perhaps others should write to him too? I'd not be surprised if they've cloned Billy's page as well.

01 Aug 09 - 09:23 AM (#2691585)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Some good news.

It seems that URL is now unavailable, which suggests that Facebook MAY have woken up.

For those who might like to follow my example, the following are the E-Mails I sent.

1. In response to a suggestion that I visit their help section and read the FAQs. (you have to log in to your account to do this):-

I do not need the answers to questions.
I am not a Facebook contributor.
The British Nazi Party supporter who posted this crap used a stolen
photograph of me, and has, literally, stolen my identity.
I am a semi professional folk singer/songwriter, whose politics are light years away from these Fascist scum, and my living is compromised if I allow
them to tarnish my reputation. The only way that I would ever support them is with a good strong rope, correctly applied.
If you cannot keep these scum off your website, then they will wreck YOUR reputation too.

Get rid of all references to me. Immediately!

2. In response to a list of further questions from them:-

Please explain to me exactly which part of   "I do not have a Facebook account" you are having so much trouble understanding?

I do not know the name of the account holder. He/she is using my mame which, surprisingly enough, is Don Thompson.
I do not know what networks may be associated with the account, if any, because IT IS NOT MY ACCOUNT!
The URL I have been given by a friend is:
I have no knowledge of any E-Mail addresses associated with the registration of the account, because IT IS NOT MY ACCOUNT!
The profile picture is a framed picture of Nick Griffin (British National (Nazi) Party leader), with a stolen picture of myself apparently singing and playing guitar at a BNP rally. The frame bears the words British Folkies Support British Folk Music.

This British folkie would like to see Mr Griffin and his racist, fascist, mob of thugs and criminals supported by a decent rope apiece, but that is not the point.

The point is that claiming that I support their evil means, and even more evil aims and objectives, is destroying my reputation, defaming my character, and seriously affecting my bookability as a performing artist.

Kindly comply with my wishes and expunge all mention of me from your site, else you are wantonly abetting all the above, and I WILL take action.

Don Thompson (the real one)

Don T.

01 Aug 09 - 12:29 PM (#2691653)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

congrats don, that was one hell of an email! i might be using that on bebo soon.
goodluck to all thise that are not themselves right now.

take care all

jade x x x

02 Aug 09 - 12:05 AM (#2691989)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Don. I may use that one with some editing or cross the pond, no -pro musician, but pro-author! I did write to them, again, with the threat of legal action if they do not get it taken care of; they did the first time, but why do they keep letting it happen? We'll see. I do think a concerted effort...petition, google group to combat the crap, or whatever would be helpful and I have access to some major, nationwide media emails for press releases. I'm not sure if they are all up to date and they are just USA, but so am I so there is some relevance.

02 Aug 09 - 04:12 AM (#2692036)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Russ Meyer

Social networking website Facebook encourage people to build "transient relationships" that can leave them traumatised and even suicidal when they collapse. I have concerns about the rise of individualism in society.

These sites encourage people to put too much emphasis on the number of friends they have rather than on the quality of their relationships.

People throw themselves into a friendship or network of friendships, then it collapses and they're desolate. It's an all or nothing syndrome that you have to have in an attempt to shore up an identity, a collection of friends about whom you can talk and even boast. But friendship is not a commodity, friendship is something that is hard work and enduring when it's right.

Archbishop Nichols said the internet and mobile phones were "dehumanising" community life and that relationships had been weakened by the decline in face-to-face meetings.

"I think there's a worry that an excessive use or an almost exclusive use of text and emails means that as a society we're losing some of the ability to build interpersonal communication that's necessary for living together and building a community.

"We're losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person's mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point. Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanises what is a very, very important part of community life and living together."

02 Aug 09 - 06:02 AM (#2692062)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

Facebook was originally intended to help people who are already networked (past or present) in real life to keep or reestablish contact.

guest Russ - only people who are already isolationist and fragile would rely only on something like Facebook (or Mudcat for that matter) for all human interaction.

    concerns about the rise of individualism in society.

Do you really mean that? That is the scariest line I have ever heard.

The problem is that individualism is not celebrated, embraced and seen as something good and attainable by all. The problem is there are too many sheep who can't and won't think for themselves.

The mob is the untruth.

02 Aug 09 - 06:22 AM (#2692068)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Penny S.

I think that what he is meaning by individualism is the "Me, me, me" attitude, which is the dark side of the celebrated sort of individualism which society ought to build towards.

There was a piece in a recent New Scientist (I think - if not, the Guardian) about how crowds actually work well. It cited the way that Hillsborough fans worked to rescue others among other cases, and then described how the authorities seeing, and treating crowds as a problem, actually caused trouble. Kettle harmless folk, and they protest more actively. A mob is, I suppose, the dark side of a crowd. What you get when you try to treat them like sheep.

What's scared me a couple of times has been people stating (almost the same words, different places, different groups) "this is democracy, we've elected you to make the decisions" with an implication that further consultation was not necessary. some people want to be sheep.


02 Aug 09 - 07:12 AM (#2692076)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

Point taken, Penny.

Self-centeredness might have been a better choice of word. Self-centeredness seems to have been growing in prevalence (at least in media) in a specific generation as long as I can remember (I am 51). The latest culmination of the "me, me, me" mentality is the current global financial crisis and the most long lasting is the damage to the environment.

The mob reference was a direct quote from Kierkegaard, meaning that the mob of one mind is not made up of individuals. A negative connotation in that the mob perpetrates negative deeds, because it does not bear individuals who would sensibly deter it.

A group who work together to do a good work with a like mind, is made up of individuals who take a conscious decision to be part of a positive deed.

The ones who decide to be sheep are the scariest of all. They wish to hand over all responsibility to others.

02 Aug 09 - 07:16 AM (#2692077)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

russ, well done, you seem to have followed my advice.

i kind of understand the point you were making. friendship should be nurtured and cherished in real life as well as over the internet.
i also get what you mean about some people are so socially enept that their internet friends are the only ones they really have.
like penny said they are the ones who are most at risk of being scarred by any friendships that go wrong.

while modern technology(?) lets us keep in touch so much easier, it also makes us forget some of the nicer ways of life before we had it, like letter writing.   i am so glad that i have discovered mudcat as it seems that this skill is still alive but has just changed format.

alot of people have forgotten how to think for themselves, you only have to take a look at the latest fashoin to see this. people are wearing things that don't suit them, just because it is seen to be trendy.
this following the trend starts at school. liking certain types of music, what you wear, who you hang out with. these are all types of herding.
school also teaches you to think a certain way and you are not allowed to question what you are being taught.
this system follows one into adulthood, if you let it. making alot of people just follow the crowd, they do not really have to think for themselves. it is very sad but true. the people who were shunned and picked on in school are the ones who are most at risk of being hurt by online relationships.
i myself have been hurt by the ending of an online friendship, and i had to remind myself that i didn't actually know this person in the first place. having said that i have made some wonderful friends both here and on facebook and i hope i will continue to do so.

take care all

jade x x x x x

02 Aug 09 - 12:44 PM (#2692239)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Peace

Facebook has allowed the stealing of many identities on Facebook. Some of the stoln ids are Mudcatters. Over a half dozen. FYI.

02 Aug 09 - 03:43 PM (#2692350)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

In order to open an account on Facebook, or indeed on almost any internet site, you have to give personal information which allows them to contact you by means other than the web.

I would like to know what action Facebook takes against those who steal other's identities in order to destroy their reputations.

IMO, these people should have their IPs, and home addresses blocked from internet service providers, so that they cannot use the web for ANY purpose.

Facebook knows who they really are, and should act in our behalf to remove them.

Don T.

02 Aug 09 - 04:18 PM (#2692366)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook

A waste of time Don, they just grow again like the weeds in my garden ! Facebook is big business, the are making a package from hits on the site.

02 Aug 09 - 06:06 PM (#2692442)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sue Allan

Just checking out the Facebook Mudcat group, of which I am a member and Don, your pic with Nick Griffin is still up there. I have just emailed the following:
I am a member of Mudcat Cafe group, and also Mudcat Cafe itself ( and must inform you that the profile you have up of Don Thompson is NOT him. I have read his pieces on Mudcat itself about this: his profile picture has been hijacked by the BNP (racist, fascist British National Party) and shows him playing guitar in front of a picture of BNP activist Nick Griffin. I know that Don has in fact written to you at this address and at others to complain about having his identity hijacked (he is not a member of Facebook). I will be reporting to him that his profile pic is still up there. It is Not, I repeat NOT him ... and you are propagating fascism and racism through allowing the BNP to hijack people like this.

Find his profile at:

02 Aug 09 - 08:46 PM (#2692519)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Mr Google is your friend. Facebook's usual lawyers are the mega-US lawfirm Orricks at

03 Aug 09 - 07:06 AM (#2692686)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

Mr Google is your friend.

Google is my bible. Answers all my questions.

Thanks Richard.

I think it is time to get the media involved in this fiasco.

Facebook certainly will not like the bad press. Its advertisers will start pulling out.

Should we start with the Guardian? What about US news agencies?

03 Aug 09 - 07:24 AM (#2692697)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Amergin

I found facebook amazing...I found a cousin of mine I haven't heard from since I was a little boy...and it turns out she lives here in Portland...

Also found a childhood friend from my home town. Been reconnecting with her too.

I signed up several months ago...but only recently been using it...use it more than myspace these days.

03 Aug 09 - 08:01 AM (#2692711)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

The Fooles are still Troupe-ing there... ;-)

03 Aug 09 - 08:03 AM (#2692712)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

This Russ Meyer profile now uses my picture as if I were leering at the girls who typify the girls in real Russ Meyer films.

03 Aug 09 - 08:19 AM (#2692718)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: bankley

I cancelled my 'account' about a year ago for personal reasons....
I wasn't really active anyway,. Now that I hear of the dirty happenings, the only thing I feel that I'm missing is the bullshit...

I have other 'walls' to deal with....

03 Aug 09 - 09:52 AM (#2692741)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

follow the friends on that link Richard and you will find another of you

03 Aug 09 - 12:13 PM (#2692817)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

They have changed the picture on the fake profile of me. It is not a pic of me or anyone I know, and Virginia Tam is only my mudcat id, so I guess they have covered themselves.

03 Aug 09 - 01:59 PM (#2692898)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Got this in an email just now:

After reviewing the reported abuse, we have removed all offending content based on our Terms of Use.

Off to check, now, to make sure they did.

03 Aug 09 - 02:30 PM (#2692921)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: frogprince

I signed up some months back just so I could see a page that some local students put up in honor of an old friend who is a teacher. I pretty much forgot that I had even signed up. In the last few days I've gotten friend requests from a couple of our younger relatives, so I've been looking in an exchanging a few words. I'm under my real name, Dean Elkins, and someone decided that I'm from Flint, which is close enough.

03 Aug 09 - 02:58 PM (#2692942)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Abdul The Bul Bul

Well, it all seems to be still there.

Seems to revolve around a Sam Hudson page eh?


03 Aug 09 - 02:59 PM (#2692943)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: PoppaGator

I'm saddened to hear of all this brouhaha, and especially the BNP's ultra-sleazy involvement. Facebook can be a lot of fun for those of us who haven't run into this kind of headache/heartache, and can also serve to make important and positive real-world connections and reconnections.

I wish I could still recommend it to one and all without reservations, but I can't now that I know about these incidents.

03 Aug 09 - 03:29 PM (#2692968)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam


Just an hour or so ago, that pic on the Sam Hudson profile was used for another fake profile titled Mudcat.

Just for the record I want to state that the pic on my fake profile simply cannot be me.

1 I don't own a black swimsuit.
2 I don't go out in public in swimsuit (only been in my brother's pool).
3 While my mid section (in the last 3 years) has probably grown that big, my legs have not. They are getting skinnier.

4 My hair is darker than that (except the white ones).

and the most important one definitely


Sometimes ya gotta laugh.

Has Lizzie seen the new one of her?

Why couldn't I have a cool one like that.

03 Aug 09 - 06:14 PM (#2693082)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Tootler

I got an email today with the header "Reminder: two of your friends have invited you to join Facebook"

I was not really happy, but I decided to have a look at the email and of the two "Friends", one was someone who I really do know and other was someone I don't. There was also a little photo gallery "Other people you may know on Facebook". Of the six little photos there was one other person I know, one who I think I have met at some time and I don't know any of the others.

I do not have a Facebook account, and I have tended to stay away from it, though I have considered joining because of the Mudcat group. However after receiving this email I decided to have a quick look through this thread, and after what I have read in the latter half of the thread I think I will continue not to have a Facebook account.

In the context of what I have just been reading, I find the email a little worrying. Is this a new trend and are Facebook using this to try and solicit new members or is it a form of Phishing? Needless to say, I did not click on any of the links in the email.


03 Aug 09 - 06:14 PM (#2693083)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the alert, Abdul. I have written to them about that one, too. I find this interesting, from their legalese:

Where confidential complaints are made through this site reporting tool, Facebook will do its best to remove the offending content or conduct and to warn or, as appropriate, to bar from the site those transmitting such content or engaging in such conduct within 24 hours of receiving your complaint.

I have been asking to block this person from the getgo.

Also, I am going to look THIS OVER to see if it would be appropriate to write to them.

Poppa, what's stupid and sad about the whole thing is the lack of trust it engenders on Mudcat, too.

03 Aug 09 - 06:16 PM (#2693086)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Gervase

I'm on Facebook - but this one - - isn't me; it's a fake profile put up by the BNP. Don't you just love their little cuddly ways?

03 Aug 09 - 07:27 PM (#2693137)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I've been doing a little research.

It's all gone rather well, thanks to the fact that Facebook's legal representatives just lurv to boast about their connection with this uncaring bunch of tossers.

Please PM me for a list, and a suggestion as to how you might help to give Facebook a jolt they will NOT ignore.

Don T.

03 Aug 09 - 07:29 PM (#2693139)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Please note that there may be a twenty four hour delay in responding, as tomorrow will be largely devoted to my father's funeral.


03 Aug 09 - 07:30 PM (#2693140)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Message on the way, Don.

03 Aug 09 - 07:31 PM (#2693141)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

No hurry, Don. You take care of yer Dad before we all get into this.

03 Aug 09 - 07:39 PM (#2693146)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Also, I am going to look THIS OVER to see if it would be appropriate to write to them.""

No point Kat. I've had a look, and this toothless lion will simply pass on your complaint to guess who?

YEP! Bloody Facebook.

Pm me if you will, as per my last posts.

Don T.

03 Aug 09 - 07:47 PM (#2693152)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Don, I will, after tomorrow. No need to trouble you any further whilst you take care of your dad.

I think we have two wankers doing this as mine has had nothing in common with others except Mudcat and the latest smacks of gargoyle's "cutesy" takes on my Mudcat user name. Wonder if he's gone off his meds and/or if he's been eating tomatoes this summer. Either way it is pretty pathetic.

03 Aug 09 - 09:47 PM (#2693220)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: olddude

I am more than PISSED OFF, I added Bruce as a friend on my facebook before I read this thread. My family is on facebook ... what do I see a fucking BNP using my brothers name. I also got the invite using Bruces image that is on Youtube from his first record. Now I don't lose it normally but if these bastards are going to remain on mudcat I am gone. People who know me can get a hold of me through bruce or Susan or a host of others but this crap has got to stop someplace and someone has to stop it. I know facebook is not the cat but it is our friends we are talking about here ...and I have had enough political crap to fill the great lakes.

Pissed off beyond belief


03 Aug 09 - 09:50 PM (#2693223)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Abdul The Bul Bul

The pics on the SH page change each time you view it, with different 'catters each time.
VT, it's not your face either and there is an unreality to all the engineered pics.
Someone is very sick, devoting quite a bit of time and effort to all this.

03 Aug 09 - 10:56 PM (#2693247)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,quokka

Damn it Dan, I added Bruce as well. I guess I should have pm'd him first to check but I've been offline for a while and knew nothing about this.

03 Aug 09 - 11:01 PM (#2693250)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Beer

Something is happening. I can open facebook nor can I enter My Space.
Beer (adrien)

03 Aug 09 - 11:03 PM (#2693251)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: CarolC

How are people finding these fake profiles that are using their pictures?

03 Aug 09 - 11:15 PM (#2693255)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: bobad

"How are people finding these fake profiles that are using their pictures?"

Check out the Mudcat Cafe group on Facebook.

03 Aug 09 - 11:45 PM (#2693264)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: CarolC


04 Aug 09 - 02:55 AM (#2693305)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

I think it is time now to not comment publicly on this any longer.

We have to stop feeding the little prick.

Keep all comments to PMS and let this thread fade.

Refresh now and then for the sake of others who may become victims so they know they can PM others suffering same.

If you find a new fake profile of a another mudcatter, simply PM them.

04 Aug 09 - 03:01 AM (#2693309)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

I wonder if it's in part, an attempt by some BNP supporter/s to pressure Mudcat to ban the whole BNP topic (I recall a couple of weeks ago, Joe mentioned possibly banning future discussions on BNP, *I think* because of the "bad profile" some of these discussions - when they become less civil - might appear to give Mudcat)? Especially as considering that the owners & mods are all American, and thus will have less probable personal interest in such a specifically Britain-centric topic. Kat in particular being targeted, makes me wonder about the motive of some of the identity theft, which I *suspect* is in part intended to generate division and antipathy here.

04 Aug 09 - 03:30 AM (#2693319)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

The other place you can find the fakes is also on Facebook, namely the "Folk against Fascism" group ("FaF"). The mods there have tightened up, much better than Facebook, but every so often a post that supports the BNP will appear from someone you might almost think you know here. Usually it's a BNP piece of identity theft.

04 Aug 09 - 03:41 AM (#2693326)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Has Lizzie seen the new one of her?"

I've seen *one* of them, Tam. They sent it to me, to ensure I'd realise. At present I can't access Facebook as it shuts my computer down, but there's a message in there for me, which I can't access, which is probably another fake page with an abusive message inside.

I'm in FULL agreement with Dan's (old dude) message above, that the time has now come for Joe and Max to seriously reconsider the whole Guest posting situation. I know that it wouldn't stop these bastards reading Mudcat, but it sure would stop them posting abusive and 'wind up' comments on here, without having to worry about being traced.

If you want to write on Mudcat, then you should be traceable....and yes, Joe, before you come and say...."But YOU have had umpteen Guest names, Lizzie" know that the only reason I've had those was because I couldn't write under Lizzie Cornish...and that since being allowed back on here, I've never once used a Guest name.

These guys need to be traced.

Facebook are looking into it...and I'm going to write to Facebook's lawyers on the link Richard provided, above....send them this thread and the BNP one too. The more of you who do the same, the more power it will have.

Mudcat is a Community, and that Community is now under attack BIGTIME, so we should all band together to ensure that at the very least, they can't write on here any longer without being traced. That's not taking away their freedom of speech, it's ensuring that Mudcat retains its dignity and looks after its Community.

These people are shits. They don't care what they say, who they say it about or to, and the one thing they want is to drive discussion of the BNP off this board, because they so desperately want to use the English Folk World to infiltrate the minds of people who aren't aware of what they're really about.

What is happening on Facebook shows how disturbed they are, not just in their own minds, but in the mind of the BNP as one 'animal'...

FAF has put the absolute shite up them and incensed them beyond belief, as have all the other ideas people are coming up with to counteract their evil intentions.

What I find so sickening is how they attack each person differently, trying to find the deepest way to hurt them, personally. Whoever is doing this has so much hatred in their soul, so much anger. I've ended up almost feeling pity for them, because to want to cause such hurt to other people...? Well, it's beyond my understanding of what the human soul should be about.

But my anger gets the better of pity, because I see the fallout of what they're doing.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

And that goes absolutely for Mudcat, those who post on it, and those who run it.

04 Aug 09 - 10:55 AM (#2693500)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,hg

I got conned into adding Bruce Murdoch and I suggested him to several others. It was a fake and now they have taken down his photo and put up a BNP photo but people are still adding him as a friend. I alerted Facebook and all the folks to whom I suggested Bruce. I am sorry Bruce but I got conned. I hope this gets cleared up soon.


04 Aug 09 - 01:42 PM (#2693632)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Ron Davies

In the US at least, those who want various websites to be held liable for abuse of their sites are not being supported in court. Even if the crime is serious.

WSJ:   28 Mar 2009:   "In February 2007, MySpace won an important court victory when a Texax court dismissed a lawsuit by the mother of a 14-year old girl who was sexually assaulted by a 19-year-old she met on MySpace.   The widely publicized lawsuit charged MySpace with negligence and fraud for failing to take reasonable safety measures to keep young children off its site" .

In another case which went to the Supreme Court, Justice Stevens wrote for the majority on the issue of anonymity--obviously pre-Facebook-- in a 1995 opinion:   "...The right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But political speech by its nature will sometimes have unpalatable consequences, and, in general, our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse."

But the same article also stated that Facebook now requires people to use real identities--(and it traces its recent explosive growth to this policy.)

Obviously this is not the case--the "real identities" people have to use are not in fact always real identities of the people submitting them . The crucial question is clearly: how does Facebook ensure that the identities are actually real?--since whatever method Facebook is employing to assure this is not working.

04 Aug 09 - 01:43 PM (#2693633)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Ron Davies

"Texas court"

04 Aug 09 - 02:55 PM (#2693684)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Will Fly

Facebook doesn't even begin to check identities - real or false. I signed up under a pseudonym some weeks ago, with a real mail address (I own my own web domain so I can create up to 500 email addresses) and inserted a false name and age. I looked at the site activity for a few days, just to see what it was all about and how it worked, and then stopped my account. My opinion was (and is) that Facebook is a waste of space.

Absolutely no check on me whatsoever, by the way. Today I logged on to the pseudonymous account as if nothing had happened - and got an email which said:

Hey ----,

The Facebook account associated with was recently reactivated.

If you were not the one who reactivated this account, please visit our Help Center (

The Facebook Team

Obviously a computer-generated message to my pseudonymous email address. The potential for doing all sorts of anti-social things on Facebook is huge, as some 'Catters have found to their cost, and I shall avoid it like the plague in future.

But, even having ceased the account, it will apparently still lie there... fallow...

04 Aug 09 - 05:49 PM (#2693807)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


So, just out of interest, I googled 'Lizzie Cornish Facebook' to see how many pages came up (I only have one, but I know of one fake Facebook ID, there may be more)....and this site came up as No 2 on the list:


It seems I've 3 more myspace pages than I thought, that I'm also either 24 or 103, have only Tom as my 'friend' AND...apparently, I visit an Over 40s social site er...undercover!

Gee whizz, I must do that in my sleep....and I sure as hell hope that I'm dressed half way decent in my undercover garments, because I have no recollection of doing that at all...YIKES! Senior moments in Social Sites...I guess it comes to us all, huh! LOL

'They've' also traced a myspace page I was thinking of doing called The Folk Clubs of England, but it never went any further than the title and how they tracked that one I've no idea, as it was never 'released' into the great wide world...

You guys should try googling your names with 'Facebook' after it, in the same way, and see what happens. Maybe you're all undercover with me, and we're all having one helluva time socially networking in the nuddy together!

Ain't the internet weird?

But I'm very pleased to see that the word SMILIE is showing up in the link words to me, as is Seth Lakeman..although 'They Who Must No Longer Be Mentioned' won't be too pleased!   ;0)

04 Aug 09 - 06:07 PM (#2693827)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lox



When you are on facebook go through the following procedure to protect your pics, personal details etc.

1. Hover the mouse over "settings" and a drop down menu will come down.

2. Click on Privacy settings.

3. You will see a page with 4 blue clickies.

Click on the third line saying "News feed and wall"

4. You will see a new page with two tabs at the top

click on the right hand tab saying "facebook ads"

5. Scroll down and you will see various drop down menu's.

On each one select "no one"

This will make your info and photo's unavailable to be abused.

04 Aug 09 - 06:13 PM (#2693834)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Lox, that is fine and useful info, but in my case, at least, my photo was taken from Mudcat.

04 Aug 09 - 06:15 PM (#2693835)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lox

Sorry to hear that Kat - that sounds pretty rough.

I'll have a look at my mudcat account to see what I let people know all those years ago.

05 Aug 09 - 02:08 AM (#2693969)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

You might want to read this.

Facebook Blog about use of photos

05 Aug 09 - 11:23 AM (#2694156)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: CarolC

They've changed everyone's settings back from "no one" to "my friends". Anyone who wants their setting to be "no one" will probably need to go back and fix it again. A box will pop up saying not to worry. Just kill the box and then reset the preference.

(Rumors or not, I always keep my settings as private as possible.)

05 Aug 09 - 02:17 PM (#2694270)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

They ripped a still from a video of mine on You-tube.

They can get our pics from all over the place.

Don T.

05 Aug 09 - 03:36 PM (#2694320)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

There are I think various models for legal liability of providers of websites like Fakebook.

Negligence is discussed above. I am not sure that the UK position would be the same and I am by NO means sure that an individual would have to go to the USA to sue Fakebook in tort if they were (plainly) in the UK and harmed in the UK. I doubt whether the traditional double actionability rule would exclude UK action if the harm was suffered in teh UK.

Contract may be another - the user terms require various things, and so if Fakebook fails to require those things of others they may have contractual liability to YOU if you are a member.

I believe however that Fakebook immunity under US law from defamation liability (and saying someone is a member of the BNP when they aren't, or is an old tart, etc is defamatory in my view) depends on so - called "safe harbor" legislation which requires the host to make available the identity of the abusive user. I should value a US lawyer's reading of that position.

In the UK, there is a recent judgment of Mr Justice Eady that I have not yet read in full but I believe is consistent.

05 Aug 09 - 07:07 PM (#2694416)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Harpgirl, thank you.

To reiterate: I do not belong to or post to Facebook.

05 Aug 09 - 07:14 PM (#2694421)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Fighting, burn-out and depression: life as a BNP activist

Leaked document reveals how the far-right party is showing signs of strain in the run-up to elections

By Jane Merrick, Political Editor

Sunday, 26 April 2009

The BNP's annual Red, White and Blue festival. The party's success in local elections has caused alarm

Senior members of the British National Party are "burning out", a leaked document drawn up by leaders of the far-right organisation has revealed.

Long-serving activists are prone to fits of depression, picking fights with other members and "irrational or erratic behaviour", the BNP party manual says. It tells members how to spot someone with signs of "burn-out" and reveals that the BNP is dogged by in-fighting.

The details will come as some comfort to MPs who have cautioned that the BNP poses its biggest electoral threat for years as it attempts to capitalise on economic hardship.

Harriet Harman, spearheading Labour's local and European election campaign for 4 June, said that many people were not aware that the BNP was fielding such a large number of candidates.

This month the BNP took second place in a council by-election in Manchester.

Under the heading "Burn Out" the activists' and organisers' handbook, which was leaked to the anti-fascist organisation Searchlight, reads: "Occasionally, a previously hard-working and constructive activist or official will 'burn out' and either go into an inactive fit of depression or, even worse, will start picking fights with colleagues or the leadership as an 'excuse' to drop out.

"The little factional squabbles that break out every few years in all political organisations always act of [sic] magnets to people in this unfortunate position. Although it's not very common, because we have so many officials doing so many great jobs, it's inevitable that a few will always be vulnerable." Signs of burn-out include "raised levels of irritability, irrational or erratic behaviour, depression and loss of hope".

The manual goes on: "If it happens to you, if by chance the time should come when you've had enough and have nothing more to offer, then please, please don't undo all the good work you've done and lose the friendship of people who have come to trust and admire you.

"Instead of picking fights or blaming other people for your decision to go, just tell your most trusted colleagues that you need some time out, shake hands and walk away with your head held high. That way you'll be welcome back at any time you want to get involved again, and in any case you can always be proud of your past efforts."

The booklet also warns activists not to set up official party blogs because "they can't write proper English" and describes some members as "oddballs".

A Searchlight spokesman said: "Everyone knows BNP members are irrational, erratic, hopeless people who like picking fights and blaming others, but it's surprising to hear them described that way in their own training manual.

"This proves that if any of this rabble were to be elected they wouldn't be fighting Britain's corner in Europe; they'd be fighting each other."

Interesting article.

05 Aug 09 - 10:52 PM (#2694506)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Joe_F

I just joined Facebook yesterday, and having been alerted to the Mudcat group's existence by this thread, joined it today, out of curiosity, tho I do not see the point of it -- surely Mudcatters can communicate with each other adequately on the Mudcat!

I joined Facebook in order to be beFriended by a terminally cute, and kind, man. To my surprise, it turns out that the place is crawling with folkies I know, so that almost immediately they outnumbered queers among my Friends. I am, of course, marginal in both groups.

I do find it annoying to be repeatedly invited to *poke* people. How vulgar!

06 Aug 09 - 05:45 AM (#2694593)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Joe - We can only communicate via mudcat when it is working. When it isn't, the fakebook page is handy.

As to secirity in general, if all members here had to give a verifiable email address to join or post, and validate via email, it would be easy to use (adding some additional user terms) to verify the sender identity and assert US based legal jurisdiction.

06 Aug 09 - 06:05 AM (#2694606)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Amergin

Like I said before it has enabled me to get in touch with people I haven't seen in years...and also helps keep me in touch with my sister in law, she is living in Illinois, while my brother is deployed.

06 Aug 09 - 08:38 AM (#2694670)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

Thank you for advising me that my id has been faked on Fakebook
I reported it - I also contacted mssrs Orrick etc and pointed out to them that I hold the copyright for "The Fooles Troupe" as I am the author, thus this now involves matters of copyright infringement.


It's nice to have friends....


06 Aug 09 - 03:11 PM (#2694916)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Messrs Orrick & Co have been inadvertently very obliging. They like to boast, advertise the well known clients they represent.

To that end there is a list of their associates and partners who have handled Facebook work, and from that one can glean not only names but E-Mail addresses as follows:-

Neel Chatterjee            

Yvonne Greer               

Julio c Avalos               

Monte Cooper               

Justin M Lichterman      

Aaron Rubin                 

Thomas J Gray                  

Mark W Seneca                 

Guy Hopkins                              

Stephen J Venuto              

Mr Hopkins, who was a partner, seems to have dropped out of the E-Mail list, but the rest are current.

What fees, I can't help wondering, might be charged to Facebook if some person or persons, incensed at the foot dragging attitude exhibited by Facebook, should decide to contact their lawyers en masse, demanding a rapid response.

Responding to letters, and passing on the message would IMO constitute legal service to the client, and I would bet that Orrick don't work for peanuts.

Don T.

06 Aug 09 - 03:42 PM (#2694937)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge


I am (on behalf of unnamed clients, in the interests of client confidentiality) in correspondence with Messrs Orrick (etc) - at least I have written to their clients and thereby know of Orricks. I can go no further than that because of professional confidentiality.

Now that this train of thought is public, I would point out two things.

First, an importantly, we must not conspire by any legal wrong to do harm to Facebook. If anyone chooses to wrote to any member of Orricks it is that complainant's act, not a collective one.

Second, there is a way that Fakebook can prevent the accrual of legal fees as a result of emails to Orrick - but I am not going to set out on a publicly accessible forum what it is.

Finally, Fooles Troupe - PM me for important information about copyright.

06 Aug 09 - 05:49 PM (#2695034)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Apologies. My reference was to lawyers en masse, not correspondents en masse. I should have made that clearer.

I decided to set up a Facebook account myself, such that I could personally monitor how my details were being misused.

Filled in the form..........No confirmation E-Mail
Went to Help Centre. Filled in a "no confirmation E-Mail report...Still no E-Mail
E-Mailed the Facebook team DIRECT........NO REPLY.

It seems that Farcebook will allow ANYONE to set up an account using my name and picture..........EXCEPT ME!

Don T.

06 Aug 09 - 06:10 PM (#2695045)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

If any genuine 'catter spots any fakebook profiles that colourably relate to him or her, please PM me with an email address and a url for the profile.

There were even two fake (or maybe one real and one fake) Fairplay(s) on there!

06 Aug 09 - 07:31 PM (#2695089)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MaineDog

I joined Facebook in about Jan 09, when a real world friend invited me. I wasn't sure at first, but, for me, it provides an ambiance that Mudcat does not. I like the pictures, the connectivity, and the peer pressure not to get too far out. Also I like the idea that it can address many more of my issues in a useful way.

Many of my Facebook friends are also Mudcat friends and real-world friends, many of these I knew before I joined either site.

Facebook is not perfect. I think that Mudcat can provide more depth, when that is called for. I don't think I would have posted about Gail on Facebook, but Catters provided what I needed then.

Anyway, I am still here, getting out and about more, and enjoying life while the grass is still green.

Jim (still MaineDog, but not needing to hide anymore)

07 Aug 09 - 04:12 AM (#2695268)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I have today taken the first tentative steps towards trying to interest an online legal journal in the laggardly approach of Fakebook towards protecting people from BNP impersonation and intimidation - which is given striking contrast by the recent announcement by YouTube of its increased efforts to protect users from abuse. In particular YouTube announces that impersonation and adverse comments are harrassment.

07 Aug 09 - 12:40 PM (#2695539)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Please can those affected by this write to Zoe at Facebook page including the information she needs in your message...and send a PM to Richard Bridge as well with those details, as he asked earlier up this thread..

This is where you write to:

"Hi Lizzie,

We would like to investigate this further, but will need some additional information about the reported accounts in order to locate them. Please provide the following information:

- The exact names listed on the accounts
- Any networks associated with the accounts
- Links (URLs) to the accounts' profile pages or search listings
- Lists of any email addresses that may have been used to register the account
- A description of the profile pictures

Once we receive this information and can locate the accounts in question, we will review them and get back to you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

This is important, folks. We need to stop the people who are doing this. More than that, we need to make Facebook understand that NO WAY is it permissable for their site (or indeed any other site) to allow this theft of OUR identities and for them to then allow defamation of character to take place.

This is very, VERY serious.

07 Aug 09 - 01:07 PM (#2695561)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

These sorts of sites are wide open to abuse and very little protection appears to be in place against those who would use them to abuse others, despite the obvious dangers. A the recent clearing of an adult who created a MySpace account impersonating a minor, in order to psychologically groom, attack and publicly humiliate a child of her aquaintance, demonstrates this. The known to be psychologically vulnerable child that this adult and her fellow 'conspiritors' (minors) groomed and attacked via MySpace, committed suicide as a result of the assault.

I deliberately use the term assault, rather than the more media pleasing 'cyber-bullying' ss I personally deem such deliberate virtual psychological attack, as a form of assault. In fact as an adult of 48 was involved (she also commented that her conversations with the 13 year old victim became "Sexual"), I'd be inclined to deem it a form of 'child abuse', albeit non-physical.

See here: MySpace 'Bully' Cleared.

07 Aug 09 - 01:18 PM (#2695577)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Will Fly

All social networking sites have their dangers as well as their pleasures. I recently had message in my YouTube inbox from a guy in California, asking me if I was married. I replied that such info was my business, and why was he asking? Back came the reply that he was a "cub" ad he wanted me to be his "daddy bear"!

There is apparently a gay website dedicated to older men with beards ("bears") who pal up with younger men ("cubs"). [Richard Bridge - you'd better watch out!]

Well, who'da thowt it... we learn something every day. The web never ceases to amaze me.

The Bear World Wide Woof

07 Aug 09 - 08:10 PM (#2695869)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Joe_F

Will Fly: The bear subculture of gay men has existed since the 1980s and has *many* Web sites, mailing lists, magazines, books, clubs, bars, etc. The definition of "bear" is disputed (and that of "cub" even more so), but typical components of the image are a beard, hairiness, an ample belly, working-class origin, and an easygoing attitude.

In the name of the site you cite, "Woof" alludes to an interjection expressing appreciation of an attractive bear. If by chance someone woofs you on the street, you should understand it as an intended compliment.

08 Aug 09 - 07:48 PM (#2696129)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

Today - I noticed 2 FB ids with the same name - (with the massive number of adds I have for game playing, I've never worried about this before, as many people may really have the same name) - the problem is that I was in the inside of adding more people - so I just skipped both... it takes a lot more time than i can spare these days to chase these sods. I used to spend ages tracking and killing spammers once...

09 Aug 09 - 05:14 AM (#2696264)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Will Fly

typical components of the image are a beard, hairiness, an ample belly, working-class origin, and an easygoing attitude.

Well, I qualify, but it doesn't appeal somehow... :-)

09 Aug 09 - 06:04 AM (#2696277)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Well I actually managed to join Facebook, but I had to use a different name and a new E-Mail address to do so.

Meanwhile, the bastard who has been pretending to be me is still allowed to use my name and photo.

I am getting VERY, VERY annoyed.

Don T.

10 Aug 09 - 09:35 PM (#2697399)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I am happy to report that quite a few of the fake mudcatters who were on Fakebook have been deleted. Regrettably there is still a fake Don, and still a fake Peace. That is not all, but I am not going to give a list openly. I would not want any that I have not yet spotted to know that I had not spotted them.

There is, however, a fake "Richard "Hoff" Bridge" on flickr. I am not on flickr.

10 Aug 09 - 09:36 PM (#2697401)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

PS - I got a fake of me zapped off bebo too.

11 Aug 09 - 02:55 PM (#2697836)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I finally got an account in my own name, by adding my middle initial, and immediately registered a very strong protest against Facebook ignoring its own terms & conditions.

An hour ago I went through the whole list of 600 Don Thompsons, and there's no BNP one in that list.

The problem I have now is that I don't know whether I'm adding the real Catters when I add friends, so, for the moment I'm not accepting friend requests unless backed up by a PM on here.

Before close of play tonight I shall be closing the Tommy Gunn identity. One is quite enough, and I shall need help from my daughter to bring some kind of order to that.

Don T.

11 Aug 09 - 07:43 PM (#2698096)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sue Allan

Well hooray that my fake Facebook identity has now disappeared folowing complaints by me and those of the indefatigable Richard Bridge: thanks Richard.

Don, I complained too to Facebook about your fake identity so am appalled it's still there. I've sent you a request to add you as a friend in your REAL identity though, to welcome you to real Facebook instead of Fakebook.

Richard, perhaps you should be flattered you're being cloned all over the place: you're obviously regarded as a real threat. Good for you!

11 Aug 09 - 08:23 PM (#2698151)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Joe_F

AFAIK, I am still just me on Facebook, so perhaps I am not a threat. A bunch of the local e-queer/bear/soc.motss crowd, whom I have not seen for some years, just beFriended me en masse. I am touched, but wonder how it happened to happen.

11 Aug 09 - 08:35 PM (#2698159)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

Richard, I think the putz is now having a go on YouTube.

Joe, maybe you just lifted your head above the parapet, moved into radar range, got noticed. It's Facebook. Somebody befriends you and then suggests you to all their friends. Pretty soon you've got more friends than a new lottery winner.

11 Aug 09 - 09:09 PM (#2698198)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: olddude

They are also all over youtube, one of the fake catter put some crap on Bruces video's and I removed it and locked it against further comments. Any catters on youtube you may want to change the setting to either not allow comments or allow on approval only ...

12 Aug 09 - 05:41 PM (#2698900)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

For tonights thrilling episode of "FARCEBOOK" An everyday story of incompetent people.

At 2105 hrs this evening Farcebook's ever vigilant watchdogs had a sudden rush of undirected energy to the brain, and decided to disable my GENUINE account, on the grounds that I have broken their terms and conditions by impersonating MYSELF.

This must be a shoe in for the Guinness Book of World Records.

However, apart from my own somewhat incandescent response, they have also received a 64 gun broadside from the formidable Richard B, and I confidently expect that my account will be reinstated within three months (based on previous responses).

Don T.

12 Aug 09 - 06:45 PM (#2698955)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Sue Allan

Incroyable Don! Am certain that Super Bridge will succeed though ... good luck!

12 Aug 09 - 07:09 PM (#2698972)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Well, I posted to another thread that I have the address of a person who has been helping the BNP supporters to do this shit. If it doesn't stop by tomorrow and all the crap gone, I will publish his real name, address, and his Mudcat name.

12 Aug 09 - 08:31 PM (#2699011)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

Appears that the me FB me has vanished...

12 Aug 09 - 10:02 PM (#2699071)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Facebook could fuck-up a one-car funeral.

12 Aug 09 - 10:04 PM (#2699074)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

The BNP twerp who is doing it continues to pop up some new clones every so often.

His latest game is a fake mudcat facebook group - here

12 Aug 09 - 10:11 PM (#2699081)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Likely we'll hear about freedom of speech, how the BNP cocksuckers should be treated almost as if they're human, that they should be 'reasoned' with, etc.

12 Aug 09 - 11:28 PM (#2699117)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

"The BNP twerp who is doing it continues to pop up some new clones every so often."

I refer to him as the organ grinder.

13 Aug 09 - 12:02 AM (#2699135)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: olddude

I removed all comments from youtube, missed that one
thanks for pointing it out to me

13 Aug 09 - 12:34 AM (#2699142)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Thanks, Dan. Watch your back, huh?

13 Aug 09 - 10:05 AM (#2699400)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: olddude

is that really you on facebook or did they steal your identity also?


13 Aug 09 - 02:17 PM (#2699584)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

The Sam Hudson associated with so many of the fake profiles has a shit load of photos of Kent folk friends in her photo albums, with unkind comments attached.

13 Aug 09 - 02:26 PM (#2699593)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

WTF? You working for them Virginia?

If the only thing this jerk wants is to piss people off, you're his tool.

13 Aug 09 - 02:26 PM (#2699596)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

I sent a polite request to Sam as follows:

Please remove the Chris and Tam photo from you folk friends album.

I have copied this request and am emailing it to facebook privacy admin and facebook lawyers.

Ummm maybe off topic, maybe not. Has anyone noticed that guest gargolye has not posted for a month today? Well at least not as guest gargoyle.

13 Aug 09 - 02:38 PM (#2699604)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam


I have done no more than let Mudcatters know which profile is disproportionately connected to the fake profiles
what to do to request the removal of their photos
in printscreening my request to Sam for the email I sent to facebook admin, perhaps helping them find, remove and block the culprit(s).

I neither said nor did anything abusive to this person in making this request and copying my request to the people who can do most about it.

13 Aug 09 - 07:26 PM (#2699799)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Tentatively, it seems that ALL of the BNP clones have gone (for now) from Fakebook and with them Sam Hudson's shit-stirring photo-albums.

We now ALL need to demand that Fakebook restore the Don J Thompson profile that they deleted - er - because Don was Don. Not that I have not wished to do likewise from time to time, but that is not the point.

13 Aug 09 - 07:45 PM (#2699808)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

Virginia, I'm sorry. I was unduly honked off. I thought what you did made sure the targets got as mad as they were expected to and I didn't consider anything else.

There's still a fake Bruce at the fake Mudcat group, but it doesn't include a stolen picture.

13 Aug 09 - 07:52 PM (#2699818)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

And I'm sorry, but I can't help thinking how funny it is, in an exquisitely stupid way, that the British N.P. start up a fake American based group and become fans. Sort of seems they don't want to be British. Of course the fact they're so obsessed with the real Mudcat sends the same message.

Might make one think the purpose isn't so much to up the BNP as it is to plague Mudcat. Well, I guess the guy's pretty upset after getting countered by Wikipedia admins.

13 Aug 09 - 08:09 PM (#2699825)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

i and a few others think it maynot be a BNP supporter, but someone who has been shot down on mudcat and is just playing games.

whoever it is and for whatever reason. this person is going to alot of effort.

you have to admire the ability to keep their concentration! i mean if i had that sort of stubborness, i would be impossible! lol

goodnight all

sweet dreams

jade x x x

13 Aug 09 - 08:34 PM (#2699845)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

I'm sure it's a BNP supporter, but I don't think that's their main thing. The turkey's been around for over a year with successive memberships and probably a long time before that. One troll ID ceases, another takes over.

13 Aug 09 - 09:05 PM (#2699862)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Looks like I was right and Max wrong, the "mudcat" I linked to above is probably not a real band discovered by the (since deleted) BNP twerp Sam Hudson, in that all of a sudden a number of his friends' friends have appeared there, as friends of Helen Butcher (who was a consistent friend of Sam Hudson and his BNP clones).

14 Aug 09 - 02:39 AM (#2699973)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

Helen Butcher has only info including friends with real and fake profiles. One of which is still the R Hoff B with your pic Richard. I have reported it on facebook report function.

How do we niggle the FB admin into putting the real Don T back up?

14 Aug 09 - 02:51 AM (#2699977)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I write to ""

14 Aug 09 - 02:15 PM (#2700321)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Relax folks!

One of them woke up, found he had nothing much to do, and took the time to reinstate my Profile.

No apology, just a curt explanation of the hoops I must jump through to get the RIGHT people zapped.

Been having a look round and there doesn't seem to be much left (that I can access, at least).

Seems OK.........till next time.

14 Aug 09 - 04:00 PM (#2700391)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Matt_R

Only Mudcatters could get into this much drama just by joining Facebook.

Either way,

14 Aug 09 - 11:01 PM (#2700686)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Well, there are still a fake Bruce and two fakes of me, but presumably most of the grunts are in their Derbyshire field, listening to benevolent speeches from those of their friends who got past immigration. Hope it pisses with rain on them.

15 Aug 09 - 08:47 AM (#2700843)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced. Your account was disabled in error. Your account has been reactivated and you will now be able to log in. Also, we would like to investigate this potential abuse on Facebook further. Please provide the following information:

-Web address (URL) to the page containing the offending content
-Brief description of its context and nature
-Exact quote of the offensive text including time and date posted (if applicable)
-Exact name and networks of the person responsible
-Web address (URL) to their profile page or search listing

Once we receive this information and can locate the reported material, we will review it and take appropriate action based on our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Rest assured that this report will be kept confidential.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

Received this morning.

I went trawling for fakes and found only one, on the ubiquitous Helen Butcher's page. Richard Hoff Bridge is still alive and well, and stating his intention to visit Codnor.

I'm afraid that there won't be any point in looking for an opportunity to shake him warmly by the THROAT, because he doesn't actually exist.

I've reported the fake to Facebook.

Don T.

15 Aug 09 - 08:59 AM (#2700847)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Dave D

Don, Bruce was to name the person doing this last Thursday.

15 Aug 09 - 09:44 AM (#2700868)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Jeri

I think he managed some clues over on the 'So why...' thread, and then, there's this.

Personally, I think there are always assholes and nazies and sad people who can't leave their houses for whatever reason and live on the internet, getting their kicks out of making other people miserable. Can't make all of them disappear, but imagining such a person sure makes them seem about as annoying as a rash. At least on the internet.

'Dave D' - just a bit too close, no?.

15 Aug 09 - 02:56 PM (#2701073)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Don, before I went out this morning I emailed you a copy of my last email to Fakebook. It lists three fakes (two of me and one of you), the fake mudcat and teh semeingly involved Helen Butcher.

15 Aug 09 - 02:57 PM (#2701076)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

My Bad: two of me and one of Peace.

15 Aug 09 - 03:13 PM (#2701088)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Oh look. Now there's another one of Don, too

15 Aug 09 - 04:22 PM (#2701144)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace


Saturday, 11 July 2009

Loud and Proud? More like ashamed

It seems that the BNP members are ashamed of themselves. Party leader Nick Griffin sent around an email telling members to "try and avoid" owning up to being a BNP supporter. Griffin urges members to send letters of complaint to the General Teaching Council as two BNP "super activists" face being struck off the teaching register.

In the email Griffin states:
"We need all our supporters to contact the General Teaching Council and protest in the most determined way,"

"When complaining, please be articulate, polite and sensible and try and avoid stating that you are a BNP supporter."

Come on Nick aren't you loud and proud of your beliefs?"

15 Aug 09 - 04:24 PM (#2701145)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

That was written by Aneurin Glyndwr.

15 Aug 09 - 04:41 PM (#2701156)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Matt_R

What is BNP? And is this "Sam Hudson" trying to friend me some sort of fake as well?

15 Aug 09 - 05:21 PM (#2701201)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Very likely.

15 Aug 09 - 05:22 PM (#2701202)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

The BNP is a British Nazi organization.

15 Aug 09 - 05:30 PM (#2701207)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Matt_R

BIZARRE. Glad I ignored the friend request.

15 Aug 09 - 05:48 PM (#2701219)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Good choice. They have tried to get lots of people sucked in.

15 Aug 09 - 07:56 PM (#2701289)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Chris

Bruce, Last Wednesday you said you would let me know by Thursday, any word from Lisa ?

15 Aug 09 - 08:03 PM (#2701294)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

I think not, "Chris".

16 Aug 09 - 06:02 AM (#2701469)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

i still have my clone on bebo, it is my photo but not me, just to make sure you all know.

have a great day everyone
jade x x x x

22 Aug 09 - 04:07 AM (#2705992)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

As of today Fakebook seems to be down to two fakes: -

One Fred McCormick

And one Mudcat

22 Aug 09 - 05:12 AM (#2706014)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Working on Bebo now

22 Aug 09 - 08:48 AM (#2706082)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Good kicking for Bebo in post.

22 Aug 09 - 02:48 PM (#2706280)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Good kicking for Bebo in post""

Ditto delivered this evening on line.

I now have a Bebo account, so will be shouting loudly about any fakes I come across.

Don T.

22 Aug 09 - 02:53 PM (#2706287)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

i have just had a message from someone asking if i have been sending PMs on fakebook, so i asume i have yet another clone.

I AM HAPPY i must be really annoying someone.

oh something worrying, i treid to report one of the fake don T profiles and it wouldn't go through. saying that i hadn't fill in the form properly.

take care all, we will get em yet!!

jade x x x x

22 Aug 09 - 04:26 PM (#2706341)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Jeddy please pm me links to the fake Dons - I thought they ahd all been lifted.

22 Aug 09 - 10:21 PM (#2706375)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Ebbie

I've stuck in my toe a couple of times, although I've corresponded with just three people so far. I'm still not convinced that it has anything over email.

Odd feeling though to find my ex in there, along with his current wife. We're 'friendly' as in all the heat gone and polite but I don't anticipate being friends with either. We share a lot of friends and relatives though. His brothers still call me 'Sis'; a little confusing, I suppose. It's been more than 40 years.

It is nice seeing my 19 year old twin grandchildren on there. I've not seen them for two years and it is amazing how much the girl resembles her mother.

Question: What kind of grammar is this? "Merle only shares certain information with everyone."

Almost enough to make me close the faceBook.

23 Aug 09 - 04:39 AM (#2706448)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I am reminded of a quote from "The Island of Dr Moreau". "Day by day the stubborn brute flesh grows back".

23 Aug 09 - 11:26 AM (#2706630)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Gareth Mark Baugh sent me a message on Facebook...

"Subject: leave my friend leah alone ok grandad"

Assuming he means Leah Green, who sent me a friend request that I declined, two of her friends are BNP created fakes Donald Thompson and Richard Hoff Bridge.

Oh, and I have at no time sent her any message.

So subtle and polite, aren't they?

23 Aug 09 - 02:51 PM (#2706778)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Tried to report the latest fakes, but Farcebook are taking a new tack.

When I report and submit, I get the message "You have already reported this page", and it aborts the report.

No mention of when they might DO anything about my reports.

And Bebo are completely ignoring my complaint.

What else is new?

Don T.

23 Aug 09 - 04:15 PM (#2706834)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Don, send to ""

Bebo, use the snailmail addresses in the letter I copied you on.

23 Aug 09 - 06:22 PM (#2706901)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

richard, i have looked for the fake don and you but they are no longer on public search. you will find them on sam hudsons friend list.

i got a message from gatareth too but this one wasn't nasty and he had about 176 ish freinds and none of them were names i have recoginised. gareth was very nice and was wondering if i had been sending messages to his freinds. so i am wondering whether he has now been cloned for asking too many questions. i am just about to look for sam h. on the fake mudcat, if i can get it to work.

take care all

jade x x x

23 Aug 09 - 06:50 PM (#2706925)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: jeddy

i think i got dupedby Gareth, but it wasn't the sort of message to light up warning bells, i wonder whether alot of the names used are clones or stolen? and maybe the one i got was real?

facebook has stopped me reporting stuff, i have just tried again and whatever i put in, it tells me i have done it wrong.

jade x x x x

24 Aug 09 - 04:26 AM (#2707091)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Some new material up this morning. Reported already. Also some material that may expose some of their other friends to being removed.

28 Aug 09 - 02:33 PM (#2710873)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: VirginiaTam

Well, I made the break. I deactivated my facebook account, immediately after reporting the BNP group as racist and threatening to me and some of my facebook friends.

The constant theft of people's IDs, photos and personal info was just too much. I feel better being out of it.

28 Aug 09 - 03:46 PM (#2710942)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Brakn

I'm on facebook and have had no bad experiences yet.

Michael Bracken

28 Aug 09 - 03:58 PM (#2710946)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Larry Boy Pratt

I'm on, so is my wife and the kids are on three different social websites !
It's a great way to keep in touch with old friends from home or college. I give it a 10 + rating never had any problems.

28 Aug 09 - 06:15 PM (#2711071)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Joe_F

Looks like my identity, if any, is not worth stealing. If you're not worth bothering with, you're not worth bothering. %^)

28 Aug 09 - 06:20 PM (#2711076)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

I disagree with you, Joe. However, don't tempt the fates.

Facebook will be made to cough up the addresses of the people doing the theft, and it ain't about the money we WILL win. It's about the names we WILL get. Then they have some serious shit to face.

02 Sep 09 - 08:06 AM (#2714458)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

I suppose I should sympathise with the mentally handicapped - so here for you to sympathise too is the latest bunch of infantile invention from "Sam Hudson"'s wall

Sam joined the group Towersey 09. · Join this GroupSam joined the group Mudcat cafe.Sam and Daniel Hristovski are now friends.

Don England Well, I play and sing and did a 20 minute slot at Pig's Ear earlier this year, and a 40 minute supporting Sara "airbags" Spade at the Good Intent recently, but really I'm an amateur - mostly hard-core folk. John Barden(Gary Glitte...r) plays festivals up to national level and is semipro singer-songwriter. Clive Leverdong and do some paid gigs and a lot of comic material. Marion (Bra Buster) Rodgers is excellent and versatile within the gamut of folk. Dave Kendal is perhaps the best guitarist in Kent and one of his bands Russ and Meyer covers a range of folk and stuff (Janet ( big rack) Baker sings the blues with them). He has a jazz band doing sort of Django stuff too. Davey Rumsey I always thought was brilliant, there used to be a MySpace page for the David James Rumsey Band. Geoff Cole is a totally terrific clawhammer guitarist and singer with a range of contemporary folk and blues shading into country - when his meds are right. Jumbo Gumbo do cajun. There is another very good band (ifRead more
12 hours ago

Leah Green Horny old Richard Bridge is back on Facebook again and has now invited he for a dirty weekend and a free nights drinking in the Nags Head Lower Stoke ! Christ does this old fart never give up creating fake pages ? Hard to believe a man that age hasn&...#039;t something better to do with his time. Folk Hoff Richard !!!Read more
Yesterday at 23:59

Sam and Oi Skinheads are now friends.Sam and Clarissa Zies are now friends.Sam is attending Moseley Folk Festival After Party. · RSVP to this eventSam and Gordon Metcalfe are now friends.Sam and Offer New are now friends.Sam became a fan of BRITISH ARMY. · Become a FanSam and Don Thompson are now friends.Sam and Andrew Jolly are now friends.
Sam and Katherine Coffey are now friends.Sam and Jason Wilson are now friends.Sam and Kathleen Coffey are now friends.
Sam joined the group Canadian Folk Musicians. · Join this GroupSam joined the group European Folk Musicians. · Join this Group
Sam wrote on Mudcat's Wall.Sam discussed BEST OF BRITISH TO YOU ALL on the Mudcat discussion board.Sam wrote on Mudcat's Wall.Sam became a fan of Mudcat. · Become a Fan

Sam Hudson So glad to see "Folk musicians supporting the BNP" have sent the Prime Minister a letter calling for Britain to limit the number of "free loaders" entering the UK. Great to see latest figures show support for the BNP is on the ris...e, up 23% in the first six months of this year. Best of British to you all.Read more
Mon at 12:33 · View Feedback (2)Hide feedback (2)
2 people like this.

Lisa Garvey-jones What a wonderful weekend, old Bruce Murdoch the failed has been musician kept emailing me through the bottom of a glass and talking crap. Dirty old man Richard "Hoff" wanted me to talk dirty to him ! Christ, what is it with old guys, do all folk musicians end up, washed up and lonely ??
Mon at 12:27
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02 Sep 09 - 08:56 AM (#2714490)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Essex Girl

Richard what on earth is this? It doesn't make any sort of sense either logically or grammatically, it's just complete rubbish.

02 Sep 09 - 09:00 AM (#2714494)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

How very amusing. Sam is incredibly good at inventing invisible friends, but a genuine Bill-No-Mates in reality.

One look at the actual Sam Hudson friends list would suggest that Sam's BEST friend hasn't been doing the job.....P.U. The odour of racism does repel decent people rather well.

Of course, poor Sam IS educationally challenged, and that must deter would be friends. It must be a real chore for them, having to read all those reams of material, so that Sam will know what's going on in the world.

Sam was even so desperate for friends, that he/she invited ME to be his/her friend. Maybe nobody bothered to read out the bit, below my profile picture which states that I am a Committed Member of "Folk Against Fascism". GET IT, SAM?.......ANTI-YOU!

Don T.

02 Sep 09 - 11:09 AM (#2714579)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

Essex Girl, you need to understand a Facebook wall. The best way will be to get a young relative to show you some time.

The "Wall" shows a timeline of matters.

So at 12.27 Monday Lisa Garvey-jones purported to relate that (a) Peace had been telephoning her and "talking crap" and also that (b) I had made obscene telepohne calls to her. Bot pure invention, natch.

Then there are some other "thoughts" of Sam.

Then at midnight on Tuesday Leah Green purported to relate that I had made an indecent proposal to her. No doubt she attracts some people, but you for example know that she is not the type to my taste, and of course I did not contact her in any way.

Almost immediately "Don England" (anothern BNP clone of Don) posted a garbled rephrasing of a post of mine from the Maidstone Folk against Fascism group.

Can you see it now?

But yes, they are not brain surgeons are they?

02 Sep 09 - 01:19 PM (#2714707)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Richard Bridge

A reminder as to prophylaxis on Fakebook. Restrict who can see your posts, wall, and profile (in privacy settings) to YOUR friends only. If you get a "friend" request from an apparent 'catter, PM the real one on Mudcat to make sure that the request is not from a BNP fakebook clone. If you get a "friend" request from someone you do not know, look through their friends and their friends' friends for signs of BNP or other neonazi tendencies - and for known fake profiles (mostly of me, Don, and John, at the moment). Check Sam Hudson's profile and Leah Green's profile and Helen Butcher's profile and the fake mudcat: If your wannabee friend knows any of the people there - he she or it is another bit of neonazi slime.

02 Sep 09 - 01:22 PM (#2714713)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: LilyFestre

There's also a preference file where you can restrict the use of your photos for your own use only. The default is set to allow FB to use your photos in advertisements..part of the Terms of Agreement unless you deactiviate it.


02 Sep 09 - 04:48 PM (#2714911)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Well, it keeps the Lisas and Helens off the streets.

02 Sep 09 - 05:10 PM (#2714926)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: MBSLynne

I just read my posts on this thread from 2 years ago. My how things change! I now have 230 friends on Facebook and go on it several times every day. Don't do all those silly quizzes and applications though

Love Lynne

02 Sep 09 - 05:13 PM (#2714929)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Hi, Lynne. Good to 'see' you.

04 Sep 09 - 09:49 PM (#2716532)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

After I discovered my id had been 'cloned' - I invited all those 'nice people' to be my friends, and sent them LOTS of invites to EVERYTHING (note that this is NOT spam according to FB TOS!) ... and now they have all gone away...

sob, sob, sob...


05 Sep 09 - 08:15 AM (#2716685)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Lox

My feeking on all this is that the BNP lot should be ignored.

Libel is of course a terrible thing, but for it to have any real effeect it needs to be read by someone who cares.

Sam Hudson etc should not be confused for the Sun newspaper.

The focus should be on attarcating interest to FAF, growing it and ensuring your names are firmly attached.

If any of us become famous enough for people to care what political views we hold we can direct them there.

In the meantime I think the clones are of no more significance than a lonely person in a dark room shouting at the walls.

The battle to fight is the one that exposes the truth about BNP ideology and misinformation.

Anything else is a distraction.

05 Sep 09 - 03:43 PM (#2716927)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

My feeling on this is that they should be fought every damned step of the way. IMO, they will not exist as a political party within two years.

05 Sep 09 - 04:08 PM (#2716940)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

Helen, unlike you I don't drink. You on the other hand become a slut after a few beers--or so I hear. So, get back to your glass and get shagged. You need it.

05 Sep 09 - 04:12 PM (#2716945)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

"I see Canada seem to have enough problems of their own."

Now, to spend a few moments correcting the English you say you love.

Either pluralize 'seem' or make 'Canada' Canadians.

If you make it Canadians, then the use of 'their' is fine. If not, then make 'their' its. If you want to send me your posts before you put them on Mudcat, please do so. I'd hate for you to appear as illiterate as you do. However, I think it's the booze that's getting to you.

05 Sep 09 - 04:53 PM (#2716971)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Peace

My stalker on a good day.


06 Sep 09 - 12:50 PM (#2717490)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Naah! You got that wrong Bruce.

That's a photo of her prettier sister.

Don T

21 Nov 09 - 10:53 AM (#2770474)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: GUEST,Falco

Canadian insurance firm Manulife has reportedly cut a depressed womans benefits because photos showing her happy were posted on Facebook.

The woman, Nathalie Blanchard, said she cannot understand how Manulife was able to access her account because she had adjusted her privacy settings so that only friends could see her posts.

Blanchard was on leave from her company IBM for over a year after she was diagnosed with depression. She claims she was having fun on her doctors advice in order to forget her problems.

Manulife confirmed it uses Facebook to investigate clients.
Facebook has already proved its use to managers who have also been found to use Facebook to check up on employees.

Facebook will share information to prevent fraud or other illegal activity. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.

21 Nov 09 - 11:53 AM (#2770527)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Maryrrf

That's crazy! Even a depressed person can smile for a picture!

21 Nov 09 - 07:12 PM (#2770800)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Be careful when responding to this Falco character.

He/she/it put in a friend request to me, and when I checked by clicking on the photo, it linked to one of the fake profiles placed by supporters of the BNP.

You have been warned!.

Don T.

21 Nov 09 - 07:27 PM (#2770811)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: The Fooles Troupe

"My feeking on all this"

Oh - PLEASE don't go around feeking in public.... :-)

25 Jan 10 - 09:18 PM (#2821544)
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
From: Genie

Interesting discussion of potential pitfalls of FB.   I didn't know about the "clones" of one's identity.

I've avoided a lot of these issues by simply not posting things like my address, phone number or even actual birthdate at FaceBook -- "private" or otherwise.    Anyone who wants to know these things can send me an email or PM and I can decide whether I want to share such info or not.   (I gave a birthdate very close to my real one but just different enough to be useless to anyone attempting identity theft, etc.)

I also discovered recently a very good way to regulate who gets to see things that I "share" on Facebook. In addition to categories like "Everybody," "Friends," and "Friends Of Friends," you can set up as many other categories as you like. E.g, you can have "College friends," "Work friends," "Mudcatters," "Folkie Friends," "Right wing zealots," "My left-wing friends," "Men I've slept with," "People I owe money to," etc., etc.   Every FB "friend" you accept can be in as few or as many of those sub-groups as you like.

So when you post something on your page, you can click where it says "Share" and select "Custom." Then one option it will give you is "Specific People." Select that, and it will ask you for the names of people OR GROUPS of people.   If you select, say, "College Friends" and "Men I've slept with" it will make your post (or link, etc.) available to anyone who is in EITHER group.   If you just want to share something with your work colleagues, just select only that group.

This not only can save some headaches as to who has access to the information & opinions you post, but it can make your FaceBook page a LOT easier for many of your friends to navigate.
E.g., if I'm engaged in a political discussion, I may not want to "bother" some of my folk music friends with those posts.   If I'm sharing folk music, it may not be of interest to some of my non-music friends.

I'm getting better at navigating FaceBook as I get more familiar with it.

Now to just ration the time I spend there. ; D