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Songs for/about Phil Ochs

30 Jun 07 - 02:13 PM (#2091004)
Subject: 52 Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I have, for some time been collecting recordings of songs for/about Phil Ochs. I have been able to ascertain the existence of 31 songs by 30 different artists. Of the 31, I have been able to acquire 24, and have located two others which I am trying to obtain. However, I have googled the other 5 with no luck whatsoever. I am hoping that some of you might have some information to help.

The ones that have presented a complete 'brick wall' are:

For Phil and Others by The Blanks (on 'If This Had been an Actual Emergency')
Tribute to Phil Ochs by Jack Honig (on 'Mirror Image')
Song for Phil by Richard Nardin (on 'Pencil Lines')
Remember Phil Ochs by The Voice of Reason (on 'Voice of Reason')
Death of a Rebel by Bruce Pegg   (on 'Brief Encounter')

Any ideas?
      This is an edited PermaThread® for songs for and about Phil Ochs. This thread will be edited by Rog Peek. Feel free to post to this thread, but remember that all messages posted here are subject to editing or deletion.
      -Joe Offer-

30 Jun 07 - 03:26 PM (#2091066)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Joe Offer

Rog, if you have 31 songs so far, you must be the world's expert on songs about Phil Ochs. I'm impressed - and intrigued. Can you post the list you have so far? If you'd like to post lyrics, this thread would be a good place for them.
-Joe Offer-

30 Jun 07 - 06:16 PM (#2091172)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: oldhippie

Do you have "Broadside Balladeer" by Vic Sadot (on Broadsides and Retrospectives)?

30 Jun 07 - 07:57 PM (#2091232)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Susanne (skw)

And Harvey Andrews' 'Song for Phil Ochs'?

01 Jul 07 - 12:31 AM (#2091366)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Mike B.

There's the Billy Bragg song "I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs" (patterned after Earl Robinson's "I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill"), not to mention the one Tom Paxton wrote shortly after learning of Ochs' death.

An interesting thing to find out would be which folk artist is mentioned or alluded to in the most songs written by others. Perhaps it's Woody Guthrie - "Song To Woody" (Bob Dylan), "Bound For Glory" (Phil Ochs), "Boy From Oklahoma" (Willis Alan Ramsey) and "Christmas In Washington" (Steve Earle) come to mind, but I'm sure there are many others.

01 Jul 07 - 09:30 AM (#2091539)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Yes, I have all of those mentioned, and more:

Sorry, mis-counted, there are 32 in all, not 31:

Updated 11th August 2017, count now stands at 67

    Alfonso, Ralph Stars That Are Silver
    Anderson, Eric Thirsty Boots
    Andrews, HarveySong For Phil Ochs
    Baran, Gary L.I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
    Baker, AlAll The News That's Fit To Sing
    Blake, Norman76 Blues +2
    BlanksFor Phil (Ochs) and Others
    Bolm, JeremyP Ochs (Death of a Rebel)
    Blue, DavidCupid's Arrow
    Bragg, BillyI Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
    Cass, JenStanding In Your Memory (for Phil Ochs)
    Chapin, HarryThe Parade's Still Passing By
    ChumbawambaLove Me
    Clarke, JimOne Night Late
    Crawford, JamieSong For Phil
    Drake BarryFallen Star
    Donovan, Kyle /Baldo, DavidThe Refrain of John Butler Train
    Feldman Bob AThe People's Folksinger (For Phil Ochs)
    Fish, LeslieChickasaw Mountain
    Flannery, TomIf Phil Ochs Was Still Alive
    Glover, JimPsychic Cowboy
    Griffin, BrianMarching In Your Footsteps
    Griffith, NanciRadio Fragile
    Gunnery, MarkI Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
    Guthrie, ArloPatriot's Dream
    Harding, John WesleyPhil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue and me
    Hoffman, AbbieBrother Phil
    Hoffmann, JoeHell No But The Money's Good
    Honig, JackTribute to Phil Ochs
    Hoyt, RobertBottom Of The Land, Phil
    Joplin, JoshPhil Ochs
    Kahn, BrendaGoldfish Don't Talk Back
    Kanter, GaryFarewell Troubadour (Phil Ochs)
    Kanter, GaryIt's a Helluva Party
    Kaplan, PaulPhil
    Kerr, KevinSong for Phil (Ochs)
    Kind Of Like SpittingSheriff Ochs
    Kismet HardyJohn Butler Train-for Phil Ochs
    Kleiner, DavidPhil Ochs As I Knew Him
    Korona, RayMessage in a Bottle
    Latin Quarter (Steve Skaith & Mike Jones) Phil Ochs
    Mayer, AlexanderSo Long-For Phil Ochs
    McMenamin, AnneWhat Price The Glory Of One Man (for Phil Ochs)
    Miller, MikeI Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
    MinnaeI Was At Johnny's Last Night And He Played Phil Ochs
    Nardin, RichardSong for Phil
    Oldham, WillGezundheit
    OrchestravillePhil Ochs' Flag
    Ovans, TomJames Dean Coming Over The Hill
    Paxton, TomPhil
    Paxton, TomHang Down Your Head Phil Ochs
    Pegg, BruceDeath of a Rebel
    Piephoff, BrucePhil's Song
    Russell, TomVan Ronk
    Sadot VicThe Broadside Balladeer
    Schinkel, GerdEpitaph für Phil Ochs
    Schooner Fare (Steve Romanoff) Don't Stop To Rest
    Snider, ToddThin Wild Mercury
    Talbot, JonathanI Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
    Train, John Butler (Phil Ochs)The Ballad of John Train
    They Might Be GiantsThe Day
    Voice of ReasonRemember Phil Ochs
    Walker, SammyLegends
    Walker, SammyNot Just Another Fad
    Wallace, LenPoet's Cry (song for Phil Ochs)
    Williams DarAll My Heroes Are Dead
    Wixson MattJohn Train

01 Jul 07 - 09:40 AM (#2091542)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Of the 29, I have been able to locate recordings of all but the five listed at the start of the thread. Of these, I have secured recordings of all except Leslie Fish, Brenda Khan and Gerd Schinkel, am working on these at present.

Joe, I've learned in life that there's no such thing as an 'expert', but yes, I've gathered quite a lot if info on Phil Ochs, both written and audio, but there's still a lot out there. Yes I will post the lyrics, but not all at once.

Yes MikeB, great idea, but I'll have to leave that one to you, I've more than enough on my plate already.

01 Jul 07 - 09:49 AM (#2091548)
Subject: Lyr Add: THIRSTY BOOTS (Eric Andersen)
From: Rog Peek

(Eric Andersen)

You've long been on the open road, you’ve been sleeping in the rain.
From dirty words and muddy cells your clothes are smeared and stained,
But the dirty words and muddy cells will soon be hid in shame,
So only stop to rest yourself till you are off again.

CHORUS: So take off your thirsty boots and stay for a while.
Your feet are hot and weary from a dusty mile,
And maybe I can make you laugh. maybe I can try.
I'm just looking for the evening, the morning in your eye.

So tell me of the ones you saw as far as you could see
Across the plain from field to town a-marching to be free,
And of the rusted prison gates that tumbled by degree.
Like laughing children, one by one, they look like you and me.

I know you are no stranger down the crooked rainbow trails,
From dancing cliff-edged shattered sills of slandered, shackled jails,
For the voices drift up from below as the walls they're being scaled.
Yes, all of this, and more, my friend, your song shall not be failed.

Yes, you've long been on the open road. you’ve been sleeping in the rain,
From dirty words and muddy cells your clothes are smeared and stained
But the dirty words, the muddy cells, they’ll soon be judged insane,
So only stop to rest yourself 'til you are off again.

Originally written about a civil rights worker this song was dedicated to Phil Ochs after his death. It first appeared on the album "'Bout Changes an' Things" (Vanguard LP VRS 79206) released in 1966.
RP jul07

01 Jul 07 - 10:17 AM (#2091562)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: KeithofChester

I have read stories that Phil Ochs thought Bob Dylan's Positively Fourth Street was aimed at him personally, but that Bob later assured him it wasn't.

01 Jul 07 - 10:34 AM (#2091568)
Subject: Lyr Add: SONG FOR PHIL OCHS (Harvey Andrews)
From: Rog Peek

(Harvey Andrews)

You were my finest friend
I spent so many hours with you
I listened to each line
The way I knew you'd want me to

You never told a lie
But honest men don't prosper now
Your truth will never die
Although you've made the final bow

The stranger in the dark
The face inside the looking glass

And now you've slipped away
There's no-one left to watch us pass

If only I had known
How sad it was to be denied
How bad it was to feel
The loneliness you locked inside

When all the words were gone
And there were no more songs to rhyme
The empty pages turned
To mark the passing of your time


I'll keep you every day
As close as loving ever can
I'll sing them all the pain
And hope that they can see the man

The torch bright in your hand
The lost ones standing all around
The ragged flag of peace
You carried on the battle ground.


So now your race is run
When all the blossom told of spring
The story now is done
The saddest song I'll ever sing.

This song appeared on the album 'Someday' (Transatlantic TRA329) released in 1976.
RP jul07

    Italics indicate verified corrections to Rog's original post.
    -Joe Offer-

01 Jul 07 - 12:14 PM (#2091638)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Positively 4th Street was written soon after Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan had fallen out, the circumstances of which are recorded as follows:

The singer songwriters that hung about Greenwich village at that time were in the habit of trying out new songs on each other, (as you would) and Dylan seemed to value Phil's judgement when it came to his own songs. In fact the first time Dylan played 'Mr. Tambourine Man, it was on an occasion when he Phil and David Blue were having an exchange of songs session. Phil had nothing but praise for this new Dylan composition.

However, the following year on a similar occasion Phil had been critical of a new song Dylan had written with, for Phil, unforeseen consequences. Later that evening as some of them were headed uptown in a limousine, Dylan told the driver to pull over and ordered Phil from the car. As Phil stepped out of the car, Dylan is alleged to have shouted to him "You're not a folksinger, you're a journalist!"

This concluded good relations between Dylan and Ochs.

The irony was that earlier in the year when Dylan had been castigated by the audience at the Newport Folk Festival for going electric, Phil had been the first one to come to his defence.

Anyway, Dylan wrote Positively 4th Street shortly after.

I have a recording made on wbai NYC 1965 of Phil singing a four line parody of Positively 4th Street in which he mimics Dylan's singing. It goes like this:

You've gotta lotta gall
To say you are my pal
I used to be
Among the crowd you're in with.

So there you have it.

What was the song that Phil criticised? Well according to Michael Schumacher in 'The Life Of Phil Ochs' it was 'Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window', but Marc Elliot in 'Death of a Rebel' says that in an interview in 1972 Phil had insisted the song was 'Sooner or Later'. In any event Phil's prophecy that it would never be a 'number 1' came to pass.

02 Jul 07 - 02:38 PM (#2092541)
Subject: Lyr Add: CUPID'S ARROW (David Blue)
From: Rog Peek

(David Blue)

The moon was full of promises, the night air misty and cool
Suspended in this moment were the rules
I was looking at a mirror pool deep in the eyes of a friend
We both had been walking one too many dead ends

You made me laugh and you made me cry
And you moved me and I didn't know why
You moved me and I didn't know why
Cupid's arrow shot from the sky

We sat and talked under the stars and the mountain winds blew cold
We went together and we went too far, we grew prematurely old
Did you know my hands were shaking as I took my leave
We never would be strangers if he was ever in need
It was obvious God loved you, it's obvious so do I
The simple thing we shared together helped both of us survive

You made me laugh and you made me cry
And you moved me and I didn't know why
You moved me and I didn't know why
Cupid's arrow was aimed too high

Couldn't find the lyrics anywhere, so transcribed from recording on David Blue's CD of which this is the title track. David Blue sang this at Phil Ochs' Memorial tribute at Felt Forum NYC on 28th May 1976. It was first recorded on the album 'Cupid's Arrow' (Asylum 53056) released in 1976.
RP jul07

02 Jul 07 - 04:20 PM (#2092618)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Leadbelly

Rog, thanks for this thread because I think it's time to remember Phil and the real reason why he committed suicide about 30 years ago. Sounds very similar from today:
"Congresswoman Bella Abzug (D, NY), an outspoken antiwar activist herself who had appeared at the final "War is Over" rally just a year before, entered this statement into the Congressional Record on April 29, 1976:

    "Mr. Speaker, a few weeks ago, a young folksinger whose music personified the protest mood of the 1960s took his own life. Phil Ochs—whose original compositions were compelling moral statements against war in Southeast Asia—apparently felt that he had run out of words. While his tragic action was undoubtedly motivated by terrible personal despair, his death is a political as well as an artistic tragedy. I believe it is indicative of the despair many of the activists of the 1960s are experiencing as they perceive a government which continues the distortion of national priorities that is exemplified in the military budget we have before us. Phil Ochs' poetic pronouncements were part of a larger effort to galvanize his generation into taking action to prevent war, racism, and poverty. He left us a legacy of important songs that continue to be relevant in 1976--even though "the war is over." Just one year ago—during this week of the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War—Phil recruited entertainers to appear at the "War is Over" celebration in Central Park, at which I spoke. It seems particularly appropriate that this week we should commemorate the contributions of this extraordinary young man."

Although the actual US-wars are not over there's nothing to add. Think about...

02 Jul 07 - 04:57 PM (#2092667)
From: Rog Peek

(Billy Bragg/Earl Robinson)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you and me
Says I to Phil "You're ten years dead."
"I never died." says he,
"I never died." says he.

"The music business killed you Phil,
They ignored the things you said.
And cast you out when fashions changed."
Says Phil "But I ain't dead."
Says Phil "But I ain't dead."

"The FBI harassed you Phil,
They smeared you with their lies."
Says he "But they could never kill
What they could not compromise,
I never compromised."

"Though fashions changed, and critics sneered
The songs that I have sung
Are just as true tonight as then
The struggle carries on,
The struggle carries on."

When the song of freedom rings out loud
From valleys and from hills
Where people stand up for their rights
Phil Ochs is with us still
Phil Ochs inspires us still.

This song, which is sung to the tune 'I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night' was recorded live on the album 'The Internationale' (Elektra/Utility 960960-2) released in 1990.
RP jul07

02 Jul 07 - 05:56 PM (#2092718)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE PARADE'S STILL PASSING BY (H Chapin)
From: Rog Peek

(Harry Chapin)

I got the news today
That you refused to play
Cause you never made number one
But it's not just the words
It's the deeds that are heard
When all is said and done
You know the kings take their crowns
They melt them all down
Trying to get the gold out
You went to hell and
Even when you weren't selling
You never ever sold out.

You weren't no leader
You were more like a bleeder
Who was trying to cry for us all
You weren't no sage
But your sense of outrage
Sounded like a trumpet call
Fifteen years ago
In the old folky show
You were just one voice in the crowd
But now with so few singing
Your voice would have been ringing
Out 'bout twice as loud.

There but for fortune
Say a small circle of friends
Some may see the changes
So few see the end
The pleasures of the harbor
Have come to you at last
You may not be marching anymore
But the parade's still going past

We're not taking the blame
That we killed you
You know you did that to yourself
But it's kind of a shame
That you played that game
You were better than anyone else
One shot o' your bottle
Got you full throttle
It's the friend that was always there
But your greatest gift
And the curse you lived with
Was that you could always care.


This song appeared on the album 'On The Road to Kingdom Come' (Elektra 7E-1082) released in 1976.
RP jul07

03 Jul 07 - 02:35 PM (#2093273)
Subject: Lyr Add: FALLEN STAR (Barry Drake)
From: Rog Peek

Aren't there some nice people around?

Barry Drake began as a singer/songwriter in the 60s, taking to the lecture circuit in the early eighties lecturing on rock and roll. I emailed him via his web site, not knowing if he was the same Barry Drake, asking about the song 'Fallen Star' and got this back by return:

Hi Roger,
....Yes that's me and "Fallen Star" is my song.
....The song has an interesting story.
(The story is in Notes at the end of the lyrics)
....I'll gladly send you an MP3 of the song when I get the time. Keep in touch.
PS: I've been in touch with Jim Glover a lot in the past few months and we spend a lot of time talking about Phil. Also my friends Kim & Reggie Harris do a lot of the Phil Ochs tribute nights, put on by Phil's sister, Sonny.
Barry Drake

Barry emailed me an MP3 of the song the next day!
Here's the song:

(Barry Drake)

I was taking my pleasure in a bar I call home
When an old friend appeared at the door
He was filled with bad whisky so he didn't see me
As he stumbled the sawdust filled floor.
He was famous for filling our halls with his songs
'Til the words and the music ran dry
Soon the backstage buffoons and the parasite friends
Chased a new shooting star through the sky.
Falling star you know who you are
You toyed with the notion of failure
Like kids play with bugs in a jar
You wouldn't believe it could happen to you
This time you've fallen too far

Once the news of his comeback was filling the trades
So the critics came loading their guns
Oh I watched how they cursed him, guzzling their drinks
He was finished before he'd begun.
Falling star you know who you are
You were buying a round for our table
When they brought out the feathers and tar
You laughed when I said it could happen to you
You've already fallen too far
Falling asleep at the table
Mumbling your prayers to the floor
Paying the bill we bid you farewell
Quietly slipped out the door

Oh the night quickly passed in an alcohol haze
That fire don't ever burn long
But the lesson I learned in the bar room that night
Still burns in the words of this song
Falling star you know who you are
You toyed with the notion of failure
Like kids play with bugs in a jar
You wouldn't believe it could happen to you
This time you've fallen too far
This time you've fallen too far

Here is Barry's story of how the song came to be written: "I was hanging out with Phil in The Kettle Of Fish bar on MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village in January just before his death. I had heard that Phil was in bad shape but I couldn't believe how bad until I saw him that night. We sat around drinking wine (I suspected that Phil was on something much stronger). He kept ranting on about different subjects until he finally passed out face down on the table at about 2 a.m. in the morning. We paid our tab and left, figuring I'd see him again when he was in better shape and we could talk more.
....I was a big Phil Ochs fan and it bothered me to see him that way. I went back to my house up near Woodstock, NY and over the next three days, wrote "Fallen Star". I probably never intended to sing it but I had to write it anyway. So, it's may be the ONLY song written about Phil's life, not his death.
....Three months later, I was on tour in Chicago when I heard that he died by his own hand. Of course I was saddened and I decided not to sing the song much in public. I didn't want to capitalize on a tragedy, especially since I admired him so much. I eventually decided to record it and release it on my own label."
The song appeared on the album 'Roadsongs' (Catskill Mountain Records) released in 1977.
RP jul07

03 Jul 07 - 03:49 PM (#2093319)
Subject: Lyr Add: PSYCHIC COWBOY (Jim Glover)
From: Rog Peek

Jim and Phil can be seen here performing on 'The Midnight Special' here
In a recent email, Jim told me that they were supposed to be singing 'Outside of a Small Circle of Friends', but that had contained the line 'Smoking marijuana is more fun than drinking beer!' so they had to sing 'The Power and the Glory' instead.

(Jim Glover)

Where are we going? What will we see?
What can we do to change our destiny
Tell us the answer you seldom have been wrong
And sing us another psychic cowboy song

He came out of Ohio, with music on his lips
Grand Ol Opry ain't never heard nothin' like it
He sang about tomorrow like he'd been there yesterday
He was a singing, song writin',fortune telling astro ace.


He told about his travels over in Dar-Es-Salaam
Where three men strangled and robbed him in the early dawn
Their hands could reach his pockets, but they could not rob his mind,
One more strange time he has left behind


Energy is everywhere, it's us and it's everything
Like magnetic healing, solar storaging
We can use what we've got and live in harmony
Working together with a strength that will keep us free.

Sing us another psychic cowboy song

Jim Glover was an important influence for Phil in the early days, both politically and musically. They shared a room at Ohio State during which time Jim introduced Phil to left wing politics and to the songs of Pete Seeger, The Weavers and Woody Guthrie et al. He also taught Phil to play guitar and eventually they performed as a duo with Jim on banjo, calling themselves the Sundowners. Although they went their separate ways as performers, they stayed in contact over the years, remaining good friends. Jim did backing vocals on Phil's last album 'Greatest Hits' and I have a recording in 1974 of Phil playing with Jim at the Quiet Knight in Chicago just before they appeared together on 'The Midnight Special'.
Jim wrote Psychic Cowboy for Phil and performed it at the Phil Ochs' Memorial tribute at Felt Forum NYC on 28th May 1976. It wasn't released on record until 1980, when it was included on the album 'No Need to Explain' (Fang Records NR 11694).
RP jul07

03 Jul 07 - 04:18 PM (#2093342)
Subject: Lyr Add: RADIO FRAGILE (Nanci Griffith)
From: Rog Peek

(Nanci Griffith)

We all said you'd never make it
Cuz you had that fragile heart
And you were odd within the ways of the social
You threw a caution to us all
And now when the late night drinkers
Gather for their falls
Someone says they've seen you out there
Laughing at us all

You mourned the cause of discontent
With those who couldn't lose the dark
From the broad of daylight to half spent stars
Just waiting dusk to fall
Tell me, what the hell were you saying?
Was there a point at to it all?
Oh, did they really see you out there
Laughing at us all

Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Oh, were you really out there
Laughing at us all?

The midnight boy from Minnesota
Shut you down and stole the show
They say that you were bitter in your anguish
Cuz it's you they ought to hold
You wore your causes on your sleeve
Like a beacon wears the dark
It's only right you should be out there
Laughing at us all

Now you are only dust for art
You're a shadow to recall
For all of those late night drinkers
In their ragged lonely bars
And we all said you'd never make it
Cuz you had that fragile heart
Now, all our hearts you held are wasted you're out there
laughing at us all

Chorus (Twice)

The midnight boy from Minnesota is Bob Dylan. This song can be found on the CD 'Storms' (Mca Nashville B00000206C) released in 1989.
RP jul07

04 Jul 07 - 03:22 PM (#2094151)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL OCHS (Josh Joplin)
From: Rog Peek

(Josh Joplin)

I've seen the death of rock and roll.
and I am living proof
that no one here can dig a hole
and not find the truth
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone

And though the poster child tries
he won't survive the scorn
he is killed with compromise
in the tube where he was born
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone

50 fans can't be wrong
50 fans can't be wrong
50 fans can't be wrong
or can they, can they, can they, hey hey hey hey can they, can they?

our surveys say,
this is what they want today.
our surveys say
all they want is sugar ray
Phil you can't be killed
Phil you can't be killed
Phil you can't be killed

50 fans can't be wrong
50 fans can't be wrong
50 fans can't be wrong
or can they, can they, can they, hey hey hey hey, can they?

we are what we've always been
ready, here we go
wait for the signal to begin
and you're on the radio
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone
Phil you are not gone

50 fans can't be wrong.
50 fans can't be wrong
50 fans can't be wrong
or - can they? (spoken)

'In the tube where I was born' was the first line of Phil Ochs song 'Half a Century High' featured on the album 'Tape From California'.
'50 Phil Ochs fans can't be wrong' was an ironic slogan on the back of the album - 'Phil Ochs Greatest Hits' (which of course was an album of original tracks.)
Phil it seems thought everyone shared his sense of humour. He had insisted on the album title in the face of opposition from A&M records, who said it would be misleading. He had brought in Jim Glover with whom he had teamed up to form the Sundowners for his first performances back in 1961, to provide backing vocals on this his final studio album. The final irony, and one which could not have been foreseen at the time, was that the last track on this his last album was 'No More Songs'.
Phil Ochs by Josh Joplin can be found on the CD 'Useful Music' (Artemis Records B000056T6C) released in 1999.
RP jul07

04 Jul 07 - 03:36 PM (#2094168)
Subject: Lyr Add: GESUNDHEIT (Will Oldham)

Will Oldham has a song called 'Gesundheit' which is kind of re-write of Billy Bragg's song:

(Will Oldham)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you or me
Said, "Howdy Phil. You're fifteen years a-gone"
He said that he had never died
He said that he had never died

Down to my house, I saw him wandering
I said to him, "You've never entered my dreams"
He said, "Why should I ?"
He asked me, "Why should I ?"

"I thought that I had some sort of bond with you"
"You've none of the kind"
"But Phil, why do I feel this way ?"
"You've got an unhealthy mind"
He said that I've got an unhealthy mind

04 Jul 07 - 07:32 PM (#2094328)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Yes GUEST,IS I have got a recording of this song, and I have just noticed that it is not on my list (I expect Joe will sort it out for us, and probably bless me into the bargain - sorry Joe).

The whole song Gezundhiet actually has 6 verses, the first three having reference to Phil Ochs. On the recording Will Oldham sings the first three verses while a woman's voice recites the remaining verses with organ music playing in the background.

I have listened to the recording over and over, and I am convinced that the third line is:

Said I t'Phil "You're fifteen years gone."

I know this is contrary to the references on the internet, but only the official sheet music or Will Oldham himself will convince me otherwise.

Certainly on the recording there is no 'a' in front of gone.

04 Jul 07 - 07:55 PM (#2094341)
From: Rog Peek

(John Wesley Harding)

Well at night, he sits alone and he's looking at the stars
Listens to them playing guitars
Him and Phil go back a long long way
They talked about marching and dying all in one day
They played songs together, they sit up past the dawn
I wonder how long this dream will go on.

You know that Bob was there last week as well
Well he's a quiet guy but he's got stories to tell
Our hero sits and listens without asking why
And teaches Bob A minor with a glint in his eye
Bob used it on Hollis Brown, but that was sometime ago
When is this dream gonna stop? Heaven knows

Then our hero picks up his guitar
To play them the only tune he knows
He played it to me once
He said "Wes, it's short, but this is how it goes."
And then he sings
Sings "This is the only thing that really matters
Keeps me going, retains my sanity
The nights I spend alone when there's just
Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue and me"

You know David died and Stephen died
But only to the papers that live outside
Last Thursday they were in the room where he sits
The three of them making jokes about the meagre obituaries
Steve and David smiled and they left quite soon
He wonders about that dream as he looks at the stars and the moon

Sometimes he has a party for him and the crew
They turn up on time just 'cos they always do
Phil plays I Ain't Marching, it's his favourite song
And Bob plays the harmonica but he plays it all wrong
And Steve harmonises just like he did with John Prine
David just sits and looks blue all the time

And then the time comes round again
When they all sit and listen to their hero playing
He says "You've heard it all before"
But they like it so they shout "encore!"
And then he sings, it's a dream come true and he sings
"This is the only thing that really matters
Keeps me going, retains my sanity
The nights I spend alone when there's just
Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue and me
And me
Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue and me."

The earliest recorded version of this song (1986) was released on 'Dynablob' (Mod Lang WOW1) in 1996. The version transcribed here is of a live recording in London in November 1988 and can be found on 'It Happened One Night' (Edsel/Demon L-Fiend CD137) released in 1988, and (Rhino R270764) released in 1991.
RP jul07

05 Jul 07 - 04:44 PM (#2095022)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL (Paul Kaplan)
From: Rog Peek

(Paul Kaplan)

Phil, what went wrong, why are you quiet now
Phil, where's your song, I really need it now.
You kept me warm throughout the storm but now I feel a chill
Phil I miss you.

Phil, you were not mad, just fool enough to care
The love you always had you always had to share
You never knew the good you did and now you never will
Phil, I miss you.

Phil, here's farewell how I wish you could have stayed
To help me understand, to make me unafraid
I dreamed I saw a golden bird outside my window sill
Phil, I miss you.

Paul Kaplan as well as being a singer songwriter, has produced a number of albums for 'Folkways' featuring Phil Ochs, including 'Songs for Broadside' and 'Broadside Tapes Vol 1'.
The song was first published in Broadside magazine 148 (January-February 1984) and recorded for 'King of Hearts' (Hummingbird HR07735) released in 1985.
RP jul07

05 Jul 07 - 05:07 PM (#2095036)
Subject: Lyr Add: SHERIFF OCHS (Kind of Like Spitting)
From: Rog Peek

(Ben Barnett)

I just finished a book with its covers torn and its pages worn.
The story starts on the day you were born in the city.
Where movie houses stood
Raised on Elvis and Hollywood.
The bad guys bad and the good guys good
And the weight of the world is always on the sheriff's shoulders

There was life in the little house
Above the hospital for the dying,
So I will keep singing,
I will keep fishing for some words in this water all around me

The houses of home shook and as the shelter broke you got a good long look
At a country and class run by buzzards and crooks
Mississippi! Mississippi!
Through CIA and Klan
Through McCarthy's damn blacklist, Nixon, and 'nam
They tear-gassed the students but you had a plan
And the weight of the world is on the sheriff's shoulders

There was life in the little house,
Above the hospital for the dying.
So I will keep singing,
I will keep fishing for some words in this water all around me

There was life in the city that night.        
You found your voice and you voiced your sight.
You held your ground to help us see
There's more to life than lovers and chores
There's more to life that an office at the top floor,
Somehow, someway, we all find peace,
We all find….

Song appeared on the Kind of Like Spitting album 'In The Red' (Hush Records B000BN199A) released in 2005.
RP jul07

05 Jul 07 - 05:54 PM (#2095071)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL OCHS (Mike Jones/Steve Skaith)
From: Rog Peek

(Steve Skaith/Mike Jones)

Here comes Phil Ochs shovel on his shoulder
Trailing a hoe along the Ho Chi Minh trail
But the trail is on Bleeker Street
And Phil's on his uppers
It's the mid-nineteen seventies
And it ain't looking so good
For this man with a mission
And a man with a passion
When you run out of fashion
And it don't come crawling back

Here comes Phil Ochs,
Got a chip on his shoulder
And they can't cut his jacket to cover it up
When one war is over but ten are beginning
And the movement's gone missing
Because they all just moved away
Oh they moved into property,
They moved off into futures
Yeah, they moved into ads, and that's as sad as it can get

Run, run, run from Phil,
Phil's on a three day drunk
He's up on his high horse
Staggering and sauced
Run, run, run from Phil,
Phil's on a three day drunk
But he wasn't alone
when he stumbled off course

Here comes Phil Ochs, devil on his shoulder
Carrying his guitar and the weight of the world
But if there's space for the millionaire,
god there must be space for the troubadour
And while there's a space, there's always a chance out there
That a melody lingers, and we keep getting singers
Who've got more on their minds than the latest Dow Jones share...

Recorded by Latin Quarter (which includes members Steve Skaith and Mike Jones) on the CD 'Long Pig' (Cloud Nine Records CLD91082) released in 1993.
RP jul07

05 Jul 07 - 06:08 PM (#2095075)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,baz parkes

I might have imagined this but...

Chords of Fame



who keeps trying to join...

05 Jul 07 - 06:35 PM (#2095095)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek


James Taylor may very well have done a cover of Phil Och's song Chords of Fame, I don't know. However, this thread is of songs which were written for or about Phil by other song writers. Thanks anyway.

06 Jul 07 - 06:01 AM (#2095459)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL (Tom Paxton)
From: Rog Peek

(Tom Paxton)

I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.
I couldn't believe it, the paper was shakin',
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

I know I'm gonna spend the rest of my lifetime wondering why,
You found yourself so badly hurt you had to die.

I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.
The phone started ringing, had I heard about it?
I shook every time I heard it ring.
What was my reaction? I put the phone down.
That was the only news that was fit to sing.

They ask about Dylan, about MacDougal Street and Third.
Question piled on question and each question more absurd.

I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

*Oh, I remember "There But For Fortune".
There but for fortune you and I would go.
Fortune turned its back on you,
Or so it must have seemed to you,
Christ alone knows what was the final blow.

The last time I saw you, the last time I saw you,
Bleeker Street outside the Other End.
I told you I'd see you. I got distracted.
I never saw your face again.

I heard that you were feeling stronger every day.
I heard that you were well, with good things on their way.

Then I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand

Repeat from * to end
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand

First appeared on the album 'Heroes' (Vanguard VSD 79411) released in 1978. Also on 'Best Of The Vanguard Years' CD (Vanguard B00004TFBU)2000, and on Tom Paxton In Concert (video)
The song was also included in a special Phil Ochs issue of 'Broadside' 147 (December 1983) 16-17.
RP jul07.

06 Jul 07 - 12:07 PM (#2095691)
Subject: Lyr Add: BROADSIDE BALLADEER (Vic Sadot)
From: Rog Peek

(Vic Sadot)

I remember the year that Broadside Balladeer
Took his own life away; so they say
Now I still long to hear him singin' true and clear
How I miss that Broadside Balladeer

So I'm gonna say it now!
I can't say it when I'm gone
Let us not speak falsely now
For we must be movin' on
Is there anybody home?
Is there anybody here?

To be true to a Broadside Balladeer
In the dark of the night, he would stay awake and write
At the rallies he would raise us with a song
He would roam through the land, and like Woody he would stand
Cause he wanted people's struggles to be strong


To be true to a Broadside Balladeer
Just a boy in Ohio…grew up so he had to go
Steppin' outside of a small circle of friends
Surely as the Changes came, he would shame the Chords of Fame
When he called on us to try and make amends


To be true to a Broadside Balladeer
Seems like just the other day; He went down to see Chile
Victor Jara and he sang side by side
ITT, the CIA, and the Junta had their way
But the dream they tried to kill still hasn't died


This song was originally included on 'Spring Garden' (Independent Cassette) released in 1983, more recently on CD 'Broadsides and Retrospectives' (Crazy Planet Records) released in 2005.
RP jul07

06 Jul 07 - 01:06 PM (#2095733)
Subject: Lyr Add: EPITAPH FÜR PHIL OCHS (Gerd Schinkel)
From: Rog Peek

Gerd Schinkel, is a German singer/songwriter whose web site is here

Here is his tribute to Phil, with English translation.

(Gerd Schinkel)

Ein Freund gab mir die Nachricht, die aus den Wolken fiel.
Er sprach von deiner Reise in endloses Exil.
Du hast die Grenze dicht gemacht, den Riegel vorgesperrt,
den Steg hinter dir durchgesägt. Hast du dich so gewehrt?

Wie konnte das geschehen? Wer schuldet Rechenschaft?
Schweres war für dich Ansporn. Was ging über deine Kraft?
Wer hat die Stimme dir geraubt? Den Atem dir gekürzt?
Wer hat den Brunnen leergeschöpft? Den Felsen umgestürzt?

Sag, was machst du nun, nach dem Tod?
Viel lässt du hinter dir.
Wir müssen damit leben, und wir
brauchten dich doch hier.

Ich weiß nicht - kannte ich dich gut? Du hast mich nie geseh'n.
Erfahren hab ich viel von dir, sah dich oft vor mir steh'n.
Wenn ich eins deiner Lieder sang, dann stellte ich mir vor,
was würd'st du sagen, wärst du hier, und ich sänge sie dir vor.

Warum hast du den Mut verlor'n? Ich hab mich oft gefragt.
Die Zukunft liegt in unsrer Hand. Du hast es selbst gesagt.
So viel ist faul auf dieser Welt, was um uns her passiert.
Doch gibt es nur Veränderung, wenn keiner resigniert.

Sag, was machst du nun, nach dem Tod?
iel lässt du hinter dir.
Wir müssen damit leben, und wir
brauchten dich doch hier.

English translation:

The news a friend had told me just fell out of the grey
He spoke about your journey. You had no way to stay
You closed the barrier, blocked the door to find a final end
And sawed the plank you've crossed, to leave a life you could not stand

How could that happen? Who's to blame? And don't try to excuse.
No challenge there you would not face. You were not bound to lose.
Who stole your voice out of your throat? Who took your breath away.
Who drained the well once full of life. Who made the sky turn grey?

What are you doing now that you've gone?
You've left so much behind.
We have to face it while we live
With no-one like you to find.

I don't know if I knew you well. Your path I never crossed.
I've read about you, dreamed to meet you, never thought you might get lost.
And when I sang a song you wrote, I would have loved to know
If you liked what you heard and if you liked my show.

Why did your courage fade away and could no longer stay
The future's always in your hands. That's what you said the other day
There's so much rotten in this world. Look for a better one to find
And changes will come, we will see, when at least no-one resigned.

What are you doing now that you've gone?
You've left so much behind.
We have to face it while we live
With no-one like you to find.

Gerd Schinkel has translated into German and recorded 50 Phil Ochs songs. 'Epitaph Fur Phil Ochs' is included on the CD 'Hand auf's Herz:- Leider von Phil Ochs' 1 (Independent) released 1995.
RP jul07

06 Jul 07 - 04:36 PM (#2095877)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Mike Miller

I must add that I wrote a Phil Ochs song, long before he died. It was to the tune of "I Dreamed I saw Joe Hill" and went,

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you or me,
"But, Phil", I said, "they called you red."
"I'm tickled pink", says he.

When Tom heard it, he said that he had written one, too. It was to the tune of the Kingston Trio's version of "Tom Dooley"

Hang down your head, Phil Ochs.
You ain't no friend of mine.
You blew your radical image
When you got a good review in Time.

I admit that I was not on the friendliest terms with Phil but I was in awe of his talent and his sincerity and I was badly shaken by his passing.

06 Jul 07 - 05:32 PM (#2095917)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Thank you Mike Miller, both made me chuckle.
That Earl Robinson tune seems to be very popular, that's Billy Bragg, Will Oldham and yourself that have used it for a Phil Ochs song.

08 Jul 07 - 01:09 PM (#2097069)
Subject: Lyr Add: CHICKASAW MOUNTAIN (Leslie Fish)
From: Rog Peek

(Leslie Fish)

High up on the mountain of Chickasaw, they say,
There's one patch of darkness that never yields to day;
Deep are those shadows, old as the mountain,
Something is waiting in there; call on her if you dare!
Seek no level of God or devil; she's something older by far,
Call her "Lady Of the Morning Star".

She offers two bargains. The price is steep and dark;
The one takes your life, and the other leaves a mark.
If there's a third one, I've never heard one,
Choose for yourself, what's the fee? Nothing she gives is free!
Name your goal, she won't ask your soul, she might even give you her own
And maybe you'd be better off alone!

My old fellow rebel: I know what deal he made;
The Power rang through every song he wrote and played;
Made him the best of his generation,
Sang to the end of the War--and not a moment more.
Then it left him. The Power bereft him, left him but one fate to see
Hanging on his sister's apple tree.

Forgive my old buddy, who soon forgot my name;
I chose not to follow his seven years of fame.
He took the high road, I take the low road,
Sing second place, but sing long, and have always one more song!
Take your stars and give me my scars, I'd rather live long and be free
So take his cup the hell away from me!

Whoever has wisdom can guess what lies unsaid
The cost of the Gift to the living and the dead;
Still, if you feel you'll gain by the deal,
You'll play with the old Morning Star--no need to travel far.
Don't just count on Chickasaw Mountain if there's a Deal meant for you
Any wild place on Earth will do.

Featured on the album of the same name 'Chickasaw Mountain' (Off Centaur Publications OCP-56) released in 1986. Also appears again on 'Avalon Is Risen' (Prometheus Music B008DFFTRS.) released June 2012.
RP jul07

09 Jul 07 - 04:38 PM (#2098063)
Subject: Lyr Add: THIN WILD MERCURY (Todd Snider)
From: Rog Peek

(Todd Snider)

Poor Phil Ochs, sad and low
Hands in his pockets, wonderin' where to go
Watching those tail lights leave him behind
Thrown from the limousine for speaking his mind
Like a red-eyed photo into a garbage can
At the corner of a hero and also ran
A fragile heart skipped a fragile beat
It's warm in the limousine, cold on the street

Thin wild mercury
And gold lame
Things will go your way
Or they won't
Thin wild mercury
And gold lame
You know what they say
Or you don't

It was all over some new Dylan song
That Phil had the nerve to say sounded wrong
Dylan stopped the car, words shook like a fist
"Phil, you ain't a writer, you're a journalist"
Death of a rebel, twist of fate
If he ever thought better, he thought too late
Poor Phil Ochs, he slipped through the cracks
Judas went electric and he never looked back on....


Repeat Chorus
Or you don't 2x
No, you don't

This song, which is based on Phil's bust up with Dylan, appears on the CD 'The Devil You Know' (New Door Records B000G2YCUQ) released in 2006.
RP jul07

10 Jul 07 - 05:44 PM (#2099164)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Mike Miller

Your song has an entry in David Cohen's 'Phil Ochs - Bio Bibliography'

A208 Kenin, Eliot. "Phil Ochs" Sing Out 25 no. 1 (May/June 1976) 72.
Letter which includes the earliest known version of "I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night", written by Mike Miller of Philadelphia, circa 1965.

10 Jul 07 - 09:06 PM (#2099325)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Mike Miller

Well, bless my soul. Elliot Kenin wrote something for Sing Out? He never told me. Who is David Cohen? I, always, thought that Sonny would write a book about Phil.


11 Jul 07 - 03:31 AM (#2099507)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

David Cohen is a photographer and archivist who lives in Pokhara Nepal. He is the author of Synthesis Quest and has produced two Bio-bibliographies, one of George Crumb, and one of Phil Ochs. This is all I can find out on him.
The book, as well as containing a biography, of Phil, is a complete annotated bibliography , including writings by and about Phil, reviews, interviews, discography, tapes, film and video, songs, covers, tributes and concert listings.
It was a requested gift for my 60th birthday.


11 Jul 07 - 10:34 AM (#2099794)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Warwick Slade

I may have missed it but I did not see 'When I'm Gone' recorded by Dick Gaughan on CD 'Call it Freedom' in 1988. Dist. by Celtic Music

11 Jul 07 - 11:06 AM (#2099821)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

You are absolutely right Warwick' but that was a 'cover', this thread is songs not written by Phil Ochs, but written for him about him, or dedicated to him by the writer.
Perhaps you'd like to start a thread, but I must warn you there are at least 259covers by 148 artists.

11 Jul 07 - 11:21 AM (#2099830)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Warwick Slade

Sorry Rog I missed the point. It's something to do with age.
However 259 covers can't be bad

11 Jul 07 - 11:41 AM (#2099855)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Yes, and that was up to 1998, there are probably quite a few more by now. For example Kind of Like Spitting released a cd of covers in 2005.

11 Jul 07 - 12:07 PM (#2099877)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I'm having great fun pursueing this thread, I've discovered a couple of one verse songs from Mike Miller I didn't know existed and I'm on the track (if you'll excuse the pun) of yet another song which was set to the tune of 'I Dreamed I Saw Phil ochs Last Night'. Of the now 34 songs, I have the lyrics for 28, and recordings of 24. However, I still have no information on the 5 I listed at the start of the thread, which is a bit disappointing.

For Phil and Others by The Blanks (on 'If This Had been an Actual Emergency')
Tribute to Phil Ochs by Jack Honig (on 'Mirror Image')
Song for Phil by Richard Nardin (on 'Pencil Lines')
Remember Phil Ochs by The Voice of Reason (on 'Voice of Reason')
Death of a Rebel by Bruce Pegg   (on 'Brief Encounter')

I have emailed two different groups called The Blanks, and if you'll excuse another pun, I'm afraid I've drawn a BLANK. Both said that they admired Phil's work, neither had written the song, and both wished me luck in my quest.

12 Jul 07 - 06:11 PM (#2101058)
Subject: Lyr Add: DON'T STOP TO REST (Steve Romanoff)
From: Rog Peek

(Steve Romanoff)

Relax, relax in photographs of places where you've been
When nothing new can worry you you've earned a rest my friend
The riot tears and rebel years have vanished with the din
Of young bureaucrats and slapping backs and prizes they can win
You've seen them all at city hall, you've seen 'em in the street
You've seen them masquerading where the better people meet
Convinced at last those days are past when they should give a damn
About the anguish in the world, about the future in their hands

You've heard the promise of the evil men
Don't stop to rest or we'll come back again
If you remember then you ought to know
Don't stop to rest 'cause we've got far, far to go.

Come all you young eyed citizens a story I will tell
Of how a great society was going all to hell
But children who resembled you were brought up on the war
Had had their fill of overkill and said they'd fight no more
It cost them miles of marching and it cost them years of pain
Before their fathers realized their kids were not insane
But now we're all executives too busy to recall
The days of righting what was wrong the words of writing on the wall


Now don't misunderstand me 'cause I mean just what I say
Old pledges made in passion still should mean something today
You've done your bit don't go and sit behind your groaning board
And let the scrivener set down: you've given all you could afford


Appears on the Schooner Fare Cd 'Closer to the Wind' (Outer Green OGR8882) released 1981.
RP jul07

13 Jul 07 - 04:34 PM (#2101924)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek


Thought you might like to know the number of covers stood at 358 up to November 2005.


13 Jul 07 - 05:11 PM (#2101940)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Rog - have you been in touch with Sonny Ochs?   I know she would be interested, and she might have other leads.

14 Jul 07 - 12:23 PM (#2102476)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Good idea Ron, but I'll finish what I've got first.

14 Jul 07 - 02:37 PM (#2102597)
Subject: Lyr Add: PATRIOT'S DREAM (Arlo Guthrie)
From: Rog Peek

(Arlo Guthrie)

Living now here but for fortune
Placed by fate's mysterious schemes
Who'd believe that we're the ones asked
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Arise sweet destiny, time runs short
All of your patience has heard their retort
Hear us now for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Can you hear the words being whispered
All along the American stream
Tyrants freed the just are imprisoned
Try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Ah but perhaps too much is being asked of too few
You and your children with nothing to do
Hear us now for alone we can't seem
To try to rekindle the patriot's dreams

Included on the CD 'Amigo' (Rising Sun B0000030NA 1994) album originally released in 1976.
RP jul07

15 Jul 07 - 11:06 AM (#2103263)
Subject: Lyr Add: GOLDFISH DON'T TALK BACK (Brenda Khan)
From: Rog Peek

(Brenda Khan)

I used to get scared when the planes went by
I thought a Russian bomb would drop out of the sky
Thought I'd fight and die and go to heaven but I've
Learned some things since then

Like no one really knows what's 2+2
You can't always trust The Man in Blue
You may think the world gone mad
But baby they think it's you

Every candy store on the block sells crack
Every supreme court ruling is 3 steps back
There's acid rain in the drinking water,
But the goldfish they don't talk back

This song is for Phil Ochs
Who hung himself with a length of rope
He took his job seriously,
He weren't no 9 to 5 folk singer.
like the ones on MTV
That's what Kirk Kelly said to me
On the corner of Clinton and Houston Street where

Every candy store on the block sells crack
Every supreme court ruling is 3 steps back
There's acid rain in the drinking water,
But the goldfish they don't talk back

I went down to the laundry mat
There's a woman with a face like a Siamese cat
Trying to wash her only clothes, the clothes on her back
She's in a St. Vincent's wheelchair,
But it look like St. Vincent's doesn't care
She's a 60lb skeleton in underwear

Mr. President
The nation doesn't look secure
Are you sure what you spent
All our money for?

There's a great big hole
Where the sky used to be
And there's an asshole
On my TV who says
"Act now you get nine issues free
Plus an issue of women with an eating disease"

Every candy store on the block sells crack
Every Supreme court ruling it's 3 steps back
There's acid rain in the drinking water,
But the goldfish they don't talk back

....let's not be goldfish now.

This was the title track of Brenda Kahn's first album, released in 1990. It is now available on CD (Soy Rock Argentina B000005YIG) 1995. (The lyrics on the liner notes of the copy of the CD I have spells Phil's surname 'Oaks')
RP jul07

15 Jul 07 - 11:49 AM (#2103312)
Subject: Lyr Add: ALL MY HEROES ARE DEAD (Dar Williams)
From: Rog Peek

(Dar Williams)

You gotta admit Life magazine made 1968 look great,
My father said it sucked, everybody died.
All the troops you couldn't save, no one knew how to be brave,
He said sometimes you were afraid to turn your radio on.
It was enough to make you quit that peacenik scene.
Well I heard about leaders, yeah I hear they're no longer around
Cause peace was abandoned, and bravery hanged in his town.
And they passed down a sentence
For building on the beauty of some dream.

All my heroes are dead, I got them in my head, saying
Never again, never a war, no more fighting.
So I'll stay true to them, and they'll come home again,
I'll carry the light, follow the dream, I'll remember.

The '68 convention was a singing the times they are a-changing,
Well I guess they a-changed back.
Oh I miss those peaceful folk, love and humor when they spoke, hey
Phil Ochs you still sound great, should've stuck around to hear it.

They say that compact disc makes songs come true.
But Phil I never expected that I'd miss you like a friend,
Cause I never expected that we would be marching again.
And the soldiers of peace would tumble from this life as in a war.

All my heroes are dead, and all the books I read,
Said "This is greed, this is wrong, fight your war at home".
So I'll stay true to them, and they'll come home again,
I'll carry the light, follow the dream, I'll remember.

So back to the present passion, romance, love, or simply put a lack thereof.
Shall we go on?
I don't take it personally, it's our post-modern history,
You know since Nixon was impeached it's just been hard to commit,
So we cast our allegiance left and right.
But I always believed that our souls would come through.
So I never expected that you'd take her home with you.
And I never detected, how hardened and not sorry you could be.
Don't you know?

All our heroes are dead, we got ourselves instead.
And oh my friend, all your lies, they won't do you.
You gotta stay true to them, and they'll come home again,
I miss them too, I miss them too, you know I miss them
More than I love you.

This song featured on the album of the same name, released as an independent cassette in 1991.
RP jul07

15 Jul 07 - 10:57 PM (#2103827)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Mike B.

You know since Nixon was impeached it's just been hard to commit,
So we cast our allegiance left and right.

Not to nitpick on Dar Williams' lyrics, but he was never actually impeached - resigned the presidency before that could happen.

16 Jul 07 - 04:13 AM (#2103969)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Rog Peek

Poetic licence?

18 Jul 07 - 02:33 AM (#2105688)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I have added another to the list. It's another version of 'I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs Last Night', this one by Jonathan Talbot. There is no recording, but the lyrics were published in "Sing Out" magazine Vol 40 No. 3 P. 116 (Dec '95 - Jan '96). Have the lyrics, will add later. That makes four songs which use Alfred Hayes' format and Earl Robinson's tune.

18 Jul 07 - 02:45 AM (#2105690)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I have also added Mike Miller's and Tom Paxton's No. 2. So we now stand at 35 in total.

18 Jul 07 - 03:28 PM (#2106145)
From: Rog Peek

(Jonathan Talbot/Earl Robinson)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you and me
Says I "But Phil you're decades dead"
"I never died" says he
"I never died" says he

"Phil, we need new songs"says I
"There's suffering in the land.
Good folks are hurting really bad"
Says Phil "I understand"
Says Phil "I understand"

" It's Robertson and Gingrich" Phil,
"And Liddy on the air,
They're preaching hate and cruelty"
Says Phil "Don't you despair"
Says Phil "Don't you despair"

"But Phil," says I "their words of hate
Are moving some to kill
With high speed guns and home made bombs"
"I know, I know" says Phil
"It makes me sad" says Phil

"The sadness broke my heart" says Phil
"My writing days are through,
Pick up your pen" he says to me
"'Cause now it's up to you
Now it's up to you"

"Write your songs" Phil says to me,
and sing them far and wide,
And every time you write and sing
I'll be there by your side"
He's right there by my side.

(Repeat first verse)

The lyrics of this song were published in Sing Out magazine vol4 no.3 p. 116 (Nov/Dec'95/Jan'96).
RP jul07

18 Jul 07 - 03:42 PM (#2106153)
From: Rog Peek

(Mike Miller/Earl Robinson)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you or me,
"But, Phil", I said, "they called you red."
"I'm tickled pink", says he.

A letter from Eliot Kenin in Sing Out 25 no. 1 (May/June 1976) 72, includes this, the earliest known version of "I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night", written by Mike Miller of Philadelphia, circa 1965.
RP jul07

18 Jul 07 - 04:08 PM (#2106174)
Subject: Lyr Add: HANG DOWN YOUR HEAD PHIL OCHS (Tom Paxton
From: Rog Peek

(Tom Paxton/Trad.)

Hang down your head, Phil Ochs.
You ain't no friend of mine.
You blew your radical image
When you got a good review in Time.

Mike Miller said he sang his version of "I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night" for Tom Paxton, and that when Tom heard it, he said that he had written one, too. It was to the tune of the Kingston Trio's version of "Tom Dooley". When I asked Tom about this, he said he had no recollection of the incident, but I'm guessing that Mike was probably more likely to have remembered it.

21 Jul 07 - 11:36 AM (#2108185)
Subject: Lyr Add: GEZUNDHEIT (Will Oldham/Earl Robinson)
From: Rog Peek

(Will Oldham/Earl Robinson)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you or me
Said I t' Phil "You're fifteen years gone"
He said that he had never died
He said that he had never died

Down to my house, I saw him wandering
I said to him, "You've never entered my dreams"
He said, "Why should I ?"
He asked me, "Why should I ?"

"I thought that I had some sort of bond with you"
"You've none of the kind"
"But Phil, why do I feel this way ?"
"You've got an unhealthy mind"
He said that I've got an unhealthy mind.

The whole song Gesundheit actually has 6 verses, the first three having reference to Phil Ochs. On the recording Will Oldham sings the first three verses while a woman's voice recites the remaining verses with organ music playing in the background. The tune of the first verse is clearly that of Earl Robinson, however for the second and third verses the tune is different.
The song appears on 'Guarapero - Lost Blues 2' (Drag City B00004DS00) released 2000.
RP jul07

24 Jul 07 - 04:32 PM (#2110365)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I've not deserted this thread, I'm off to Ireland for a couple of weeks, I'll pick it up again when I get back.


18 Aug 07 - 05:02 PM (#2128780)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I've had some success with the missing songs.

It seems Richard Nardin plays with a group 'Barrowburn' I emailed him and this was the reply:

Hi Roger,
    Yes I wrote "Song for Phil" a short time after his death in 1976.   It was recorded on an LP of my original songs that I released in 1983.    I don't have
a digital version of it but I was meaning to convert the LP to CD.    I get requests for recordings of some of the songs from time to time.      So I guess I will
have to get it done.    I will send you an mp3 of the song when its ready.

Thanks for your interest,
Richard Nardin

So I'll look forward to that.

Also managed to track down Jack Honig, he has a number of poems on the internet, one of which is the lyrics to 'Tribute to Phil Ochs'.

I need to try to contact him now for a recording

18 Aug 07 - 05:12 PM (#2128785)
Subject: Lyr Add: TRIBUTE TO PHIL OCHS (Jack Honig)
From: Rog Peek

(Jack Honig)

When LBJ called for us to fight
When the Left were left and the Left were right
He sang of the country's wrongs
Until there were No More Songs

He wrote ballads by the score
But he Ain't Marchin' Anymore
Changes fanned embers into a flame
As he strummed The Chords of Fame

And if I live to be four score
He'll be marching evermore
Forever singing to the folks
Here's a tribute to Phil Ochs

A prophet, town crier and a rover
Informed us that The War Is Over
He left with his one-way Ticket Home
I can't believe that he is gone

No he never became a great legend
Outside a Small Circle of Friends
But to those who heard him well
He personified the Liberty Bell

Let freedom ring throughout the land
For all who sat while he took a stand
While some died on land and some at sea
I recall Remember Me

Oh, oh, how I miss him so
Where's the boy from Ohio
Chanting with vigour and with ardour
Of The Pleasures of the Harbor

Every composition made us want more
Waging peace and decrying war
Each note and chord held us dangling
His departure left all of us hanging

And though he met a fateful end
I still think of him as a friend
And in my heart I'll ever care
For he who taught us all to share

Oh his memory will live on
Long after he himself has gone
His music can still generate a tear
The troubadour we all hold dear

He recounted to us America's proud story
Stirred us all with the Power and the Glory
The Trial was a moving testament
In his Rehearsals for Retirement

In the Days of Decision he told of Another Age
His clarity of vision bespoke the public's rage
His Tape from California left us yearning
For The Song of his Returning

And if I live to be four score
He'll be marching evermore
Forever singing to the folks
Here's a tribute to Phil Ochs

Repeat last verse

The song appears on 'Mirror Image' (Independent Cassette) released in 1991.
RP aug07

31 Aug 07 - 06:23 PM (#2137986)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL OCHS' FLAG (Orchestraville)
From: Rog Peek

(Christopher Forbes)

You turned the lantern off because
your words of upstart would not stop
Without the fire nobody could see
That you were rolling up your left sleeve

So, you put your photograph into a
Bindle stick with a New York map
They took it when you were young
And there was nothing to it

And your fighting flag was a chin that wagged and another song
Don't you live to bury the very thing that you're counting on

Stars twinkle in your eye when they
Project your name on a marquee sky
They heard your heart beating
But open ears are fleeting yes

And your fighting drums were the clapping guns of another song
Don't you live to bury the very thing that you're counting on

So, why would we get along and let you sing
The last of your protest songs?
When all the candles and the lights go out
It gives you something you can talk about
You found peace without a doubt.

This song appears on the Ochesraville album 'Poison Berries' (Anyway Records) released in 2005.
RP aug07

04 Sep 07 - 02:16 PM (#2140726)
Subject: Lyr Add: NOT JUST ANOTHER FAD (Sam Walker)
From: Rog Peek

(Sammy Walker)

If Hank had been a farmer would he still be here today
Ploughing fields of cotton, bringing in Alabama hay
Would he have grown into a grandpa with kids upon his knee
And tuned in the Grand Ole Opry along with you and me

But you loved the way he sang the songs
And the special gift he had
Though he was here and gone in a flash of light,
He was not just another fad

If Elvis had been a preacher, preaching the gospel word
Would he have made us to believers, would we still have seen and heard
Would he have set out on a mission, a soul saving search
Would he have shook our hands on Sunday at a little white country church


If Phil had been a teacher, teaching in the schools
Most likely political science, and bending all the rules
Would he have stayed up grading papers late into the night
With special care for a ghetto kid, to help him see the light


If Tim had been a carpenter, working with his hands
Making things that will last with time, in the time for which it stands
Would he have set himself a standard to work for and achieve
Would he have still given us a reason, a reason to believe


So we can criticise the way they lived and the way they died
But the songs they sang were all for us, in us they did confide
Behind the star upon the door, was a worn and broken crutch
Somehow I guess they gave us, gave us just a little too much.

But we loved the way they sang the songs
And the special gift they had
Though they were here and gone like a flash of light,
They were not just another fad
They were here and gone like a flash of light,
They were not just another fad.

This song appears on 'Old Time Southern Dream' (Brambus) released in 1994, it has one verse(in italics) which refers to Phil. Re-released on CD 2003.
RP sept07

04 Sep 07 - 02:27 PM (#2140741)
Subject: RE: WANTED: Contact for Jack Honig - Poet
From: Rog Peek

Possible sightings Galgary or Toronto.

20 Sep 07 - 10:26 AM (#2153409)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,kellyk

Hi Rog. I'm a devoted phil ochs fan and would love to hear from you. not sure how to pm on mudcat yet, so feel free to email me at

26 Mar 08 - 06:52 PM (#2298348)
Subject: Lyr Add: POET'S CRY (Len Wallace)
From: Rog Peek

POET'S CRY (Song for Phil Ochs)
(Len Wallace)

See him stand, guitar in hand,
He sings the wonders of the land
And beckons to the beauty
Of a dream yet to be born.
See the shining flame
In a voice that cleaves the darkest hour
And cries for the burning cities
And the ship lost in the storm.

Did we listen to the words that he had to say?
And did we understand him when he turned away?
And the questions, the questions that he asked never fade away.

The poet seeks the truth
And anger spins his motion.
He laughs at the great ones
Spitting out the lies.
And through abandoned streets
The singer walks the lonely beat
Raising up his voice
and lays his heart out on the line.


In the corridor of power and might
His voice cries in the darknest night
For the ones who lack the power
Forced to war and die.
And in the shame of order
He's locked from out the chamber
But he hammers on the door
And asks the reason why.


The flowing of the time
Moves like a raging river
That sweeps away the memories
Of the ones who've come and gone.
But the poet walks the other shore
And there he sings for evermore.
He stands at the rivers edge
And we listen to his song.

This song appears on 'Culture Shocked' CD (2007)
RP Mar08

05 Jul 08 - 07:15 PM (#2381999)
Subject: Lyr Add: SONG FOR PHIL (Richard Nardin)
From: Rog Peek

(Richard Nardin)

I was all alone when I first heard the news,
You surely took me by surprise.
Though I never walked a mile in your shoes,
Did a lot of looking through your eyes.

And oh it's been a long long time,
Since you sang our trouble out in rhyme,
But I for one, won't soon forget,
The day those troubles became mine.

I tuned my guitar to an angry chord,
A heart song born to our time.
While a generation was gambled in vain,
And the dream turned bitter in the night.


And so it's come to this, there'll be no more songs.
Down in the early morning light.
Their faces have long since left you alone,
The tears long have dried from their eyes.


No I for one , won't soon forget,
The day those troubles became mine.

This song appeared on 'The Pencil Line' (Adirondack Records AR1009) released in 1983.
RP jul08

05 Jul 08 - 07:48 PM (#2382031)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Number of songs now stands at 37.

Have lyrics for 33 and recordings of 27.

No luck with title, lyrics or recording of Abbie Hoffman's song.

Still trying to make contact with Jack Honig.

Still nothing atall on:
Remember Phil Ochs by Voice of Reason
Death of a Rebel by Bruce Pegg
For Phil (and others) by Blanks


13 Jul 08 - 02:52 PM (#2387907)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Just had an email from Richard Nardin (SONG FOR PHIL) with a correction to the lyrics in the third line of the chorus, and the title of the album which I had as 'Pencil Lines'. I have corrected these errors. If you have a copy of David Cohen's Bio-bibliography, you might like to pencil in (no pun intended) the correction to the album title on page 296).

12 Sep 08 - 03:07 PM (#2438630)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

In my quest for info' on Voice of Reason, Blanks and Bruce Pegg, from time to time, I repeat searches on the net, including putting the names in on Utube. Earlier today it paid off, a clip of a Bruce Pegg had been posted on the 30th August this year. His email address contained the word peggasaurus, the same name as the record label on which 'Death of a Rebel' was recorded, so I was pretty sure it was him.

Following an exchange of emails, Bruce is sending me a copy of the CD 'Brief Encounter' on which 'Death of a Rebel' is recorded, I'll post the lyrics as soon as they arrive.

Back to searching..............

12 Sep 08 - 07:48 PM (#2438849)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: oldhippie

Great to hear when repetitive searching pays off.

13 Sep 08 - 05:36 PM (#2439459)
Subject: Lyr Add: STANDING IN YOUR MEMORY (Jen Cass)
From: Rog Peek

(Jen Cass)

I made an accidental pilgrimage
To city streets you left behind
Found myself standing in your memory
Almost forty years before this time

When you walked proudly
Through the city that you loved,
Those buildings high above, they
Used to guide you on your way
And maybe I'm a stranger in a legendary town
But I walk hallowed ground,
And I still feel you here today.

I took the subway down to Bleecker Street
Stood outside The Bitter End
You got your start inside these red brick walls
But you won't be coming back again

Too many martyrs and
Far too many dead,
Isn't that what you said
Somehow you let it be again
You became another tragedy, a casualty of war
What were we fighting for, if you
Ain't Marchin' Anymore?

In your rehearsals for retirement
You said you died in '68
Content Chicago stole your soul away
To take your life they'd have to wait

The years of silence when
The madness raged
And you couldn't fill a page
But thought you had nothing left to say,
And no one took an interest in a rebels dying words
But you were always heard,
And we're still listening today.

We hear your voice in every alleyway
Spilling out of passing cars
The new disciples of the Broadside years
The Chords of Fame in every bar

Time will always bring
The tallest to their knees,
But you live on in name
And every troubadour who dares to rage,
A mighty protest with the beauty that remains
In ugly times of change,
Tells the truth from every stage.

Notes: This song is on the album 'Accidental Pilgrimage' (Jen Cass B0014EOQU6) released in 2006.
RP Sept08

14 Sep 08 - 02:17 PM (#2440124)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DAY (They Might Be Giants)
From: Rog Peek

(John Flansburgh/John Linnell)

The day Marvin Gaye and Phil Ochs got married
The trees all waved their giant arms
And happiness bled from every street corner
And biplanes bombed with fluffy pillows

The day Marvin Gaye and Phil Ochs got married
The trees all waved their giant arms
And happiness bled from every street corner
And biplanes bombed with fluffy pillows

Notes: Not one of my favourites, and I certainly don't purport to understand it. Featured on the They might Be Giants album by the same name, released on Bar/None records (AHAON 002) in 1986. Was rereleased on Restless Records in 1993.
RP Sept08

14 Sep 08 - 02:37 PM (#2440146)
Subject: Lyr Add: LEGENDS (Sammy Walker)
From: Rog Peek

(Sammy Walker)

The first time that I called you in that old New York hotel
It was Halloween all over with that trick you played so well
I woke you up from dreaming singing songs of yesterday
We took a drive to Newport to hear St. Peter play

Dust on you mouth, legends on your mind
Hanging out with Bogart in some bygone place and time
Sing me your sweet 'Changes' when I'm feeling down and blue
And I'll treasure precious hours that I stole away with you

Oh the muggy nights in Soho, I had so much to learn
You gave me wings to fly away and asked for no return
Lon Chaney's ghost beside us wore the face of Mickey Finn
And I never once suspected that you and he were friends


The last time that I saw you, you weren't really even there
I cried when I heard you come across out on the air
You bid your last farewell just like your first hello
And I'll always think about you when I pass through Ohio


Notes: When Sammy had been noticed by Sis Cunningham and Gordon Friesen, Phil, or 'John Train' as he had begun to call himself, set about promoting Sammy and helped produce his first album 'Song for Patty'. Phil sang vocals on Sammy's cover of Bound for Glory, and that was the last time he would be heard on record. Legends appeared on Blue Ridge Mt. Skyline (Warner Bros BS3080) released in 1977.
RP Sept08

01 Oct 08 - 02:21 PM (#2455033)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: DEATH OF A REBEL (Bruce Pegg)
From: Rog Peek

(Bruce Pegg)

I was walking in the Village in a cruel April rain
Saw a drunk sprawled on the sidewalk, I said
"Don't I know your name?"
I picked him up and brushed him down, found the nearest bar,
And I drank a toast to you Phil Ochs or the ghost of who you were.

So let me tell you about the future, 'bout the world you never knew,
'Cause you know when Elvis died, Phil, he looked a lot like you;
Now Dylan's just a shadow of the Zimmer-man you knew,
And Lennon's voice was silenced before he'd finished with the truth.

But nothing's really changed, Phil, ain't nothing that is new,
The kids have got their MTV but they've got no use for you;
The camera's eye is focused between Madonna's thighs,
I guess they still ain't listening, Phil, just hearing with their eyes.

And no one thinks to raise a voice, we think we've got it made,
But the king is in his counting house and still his bills ain't paid,
And all around these city streets the bricks and bullets fly,
The world your songs could change, Phil, won't walk away and die

So I raise my glass to you, Phil, you don't have to march no more,
While the FBI was standing by you walked right out the door
Wearing that faded gold suit, they didn't notice that you'd gone,
I guess any star could wear it, but who's left to sing your song?

Notes: Song appeared on Brief Encounter (Peggasaurus PG001) 1993. Took over two yars to track Bruce down, finally spotted him on UTube. When I queried a discrepancy between the lyric sheet and the mp3 of the song, this was his reply:-"As for the lyrics, I'm not over fussed. I recorded it over 15 years ago, and the words have morphed a little since then (now, when I sing it live, I sing "The camera's eye is focused/Between Brit'ney's thighs," if that's any help!). If you need to, I would default what you are hearing on the CD--after all, that's what is set in stone!
So, the lyrics posted are those on the CD.
RP Oct08.

23 Oct 08 - 10:30 PM (#2474371)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE PEOPLE'S FOLKSINGER (Bob A Feldman)
From: GUEST,bob f

Another eulogistic folk song for/about Phil Ochs, "The People's Folksinger," was written shortly after his death in 1976. Following are the lyrics:

(Bob A Feldman)

Up there on the stage, they're singing your songs
Yet something seems strange and something seems wrong
At events like this
You were always there
For you were The People's Folksinger.

You quit writing news and grasped the guitar
You composed many tunes and sang in the bars
You exposed the truth
Just like Woody's heir
For you were The People's Folksinger.

Through long years of war, your poems said it all
Despite gaining fame, you still served the Cause
The tyrants that rule
Your voice brought them fear
For you were The People's Folksinger.

They sent their police to keep you in line
Their radio sounds excluded your mind
You felt more sad
And created no more
But you were The People's Folksinger.

I wish you still lived in these changing times
I wish you were here to sing of new crimes
Your memory
New songs inspires
For you were The People's Folksinger.

Notes: From Bob:-"Glad you found The People's Folksinger lyrics of interest. I wrote this eulogistic folk song for Phil when I was living out in Berkeley, California, shortly after Phil's death in April 1976." RP Oct08

07 Nov 08 - 02:50 PM (#2487846)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Does anyone have any info' on this song posted by bobf. Who wrote it? Was it recorded? Tune? etc?
I PMed bobf, but he's not picked it up yet.


07 Nov 08 - 03:01 PM (#2487852)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: bobad

Rog, I don't think you can PM bob f as he is posting as a guest. If you clicked on the PM beside his name it comes up with another member who has BOB as part of his name.

07 Nov 08 - 03:08 PM (#2487854)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Thanks bobad, silly me. Apologies to youngestBOBfan, silly me.


07 Nov 08 - 03:26 PM (#2487870)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: oldhippie

Rog, evidently Bob f is Bob Feldman, link below:

07 Nov 08 - 04:04 PM (#2487902)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: oldhippie

I also found this bio info on his MySpace, quite possible HE wrote "The People's Folksinger"

Bob A. Feldman started writing and singing protest folk songs in the Guthrie-Ochs tradition during the politically and culturally turbulent 1960s. Some of his protest folk songs were written in the dormitories of Columbia University or inside some Upper West Side apartment buildings. After being suspended from Columbia University for political reasons following the April-May 1968 Columbia University Anti-War Student Revolt, Feldman continued to write protest folk songs during the following four decades on a non-commercial basis. He also has written a lot of love songs and occasionally sings at folk music club song swap sessions. If you're an anti-war music fan, like topical folk songs, and believe that folk music should be used mainly as a tool for radical democratic social change (and not used just to entertain people or just for commercial purposes), then you'll probably be interested in listening to Bob A. Feldman sing some of the 200 protest folk songs and folk love songs he's written since the 1960s.

09 Nov 08 - 04:00 PM (#2489240)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I emailed Bob and he confirmed that he did write the song. I have credited it with his name on the posting.


09 Nov 08 - 08:07 PM (#2489437)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: oldhippie

Hopefully, he will be able to provide a recording.

10 Nov 08 - 01:33 PM (#2490022)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

email from Bob:

Hi Rog,

Glad you found The People's Folksinger lyrics of interest. I wrote this eulogistic folk song for Phil when I was living out in Berkeley, California, shortly after Phil's death in April 1976.

The People's Folksinger folk song was recorded at home on a cheap cassette tape recorder in the late 1970s; and it was just posted on the site at the following link, if you want to listen to how this folk song from the 1970s sounds when it's sung:

all the best,

22 Nov 08 - 06:06 PM (#2500327)
Subject: Lyr Add: IF PHIL OCHS WAS STILL ALIVE (T Flannery)
From: oldhippie

Just found this one:

(Tom Flannery)

Sometimes I'm still hesitant
to say what I want to say
afraid of what people might think
if I really joined the fray
but then I'll hang my head some
and onward will I strive
afraid what Phil Ochs would do
if he was still alive

The friends he had are just like mine
a selective sort of crew
they'll stop by when they need a hand
and then look at you askew
when you talk about the killing
being done in our own name
they'll make a rush towards the door
not wanting to take the blame

They say Phil Ochs killed himself
but that was never true
he was killed by those around him
on his search for lost virtue
like a tree they chopped from the bottom up
chipped away his psyche
until there wasn't enough to stand no more
and he no longer cared to be

Well these are crazy times we're living in
and I sure could use some help
everybody's gagged with the flag
I end up talking to myself
some nights I go out walking
or for a long lonely drive
and I think how things might be different
if Phil Ochs was still alive

Notes: The song is not available on any recording, however Tom had made a demo in 2003 and kindly sent me an mp3. This is what Tom said about Phil:

“Seems every songwriter starts with Dylan...and then follows that path to where it leads. Eventually, it led to Ochs....whom I've always admired for his willingness to, as Frederick Douglass called it, "agitate agitate agitate".

When I heard Here's to the State of Mississippi, I thought, here's a guy with balls. He was singing about what everybody else was thinking, but afraid to say out loud. And he was saying it in such a way (not cloaked in Dylanesque metaphors) that there could be no doubt what you were hearing.

They don't make 'em like Ochs anymore. Closest we have nowadays in James McMurtry out of Texas.”

25 Nov 08 - 07:14 PM (#2501653)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

I emailed Tom Flannery and he very kindly sent me a reply with mp3 attached :-


I had to dig it up. I knew I cut a solo demo of it back in 2003. I always meant to go back and add a break to it but never did. Maybe I should....

I've attached the song here....



You can visit Tom's web site here Tom Flannery

26 Nov 08 - 05:30 PM (#2502405)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL'S SONG (Bruce Piephoff)
From: oldhippie

(Bruce Piephoff)

You were a gentle dreamer born in Texas
Growing up on the movies you saw
Soon you moved to New York City
There was John Wayne to take the place of paw

You used to stare out the window wondering
Just where those roads were going to
Combed your hair back and wore James Dean's red jacket
Dreamed of boxing like Brando used to do

Love your mother, go to church, kick some ass
It's white milk turning into red wine
Johnny Cash and Elvis would still be there
John Train gone too far down the mile

Come the sixties you were marching freedom
Left your lady for the lyrics of a song
And you captured the spirit of the decade
Cried like a baby when the Kennedys were gone

I listened to you sing about Kentucky
And the coal miners and the badness of the war
You were there in Chicago
Then you weren't marchin' anymore

Lost your voice, you were mugged down in Africa
Richard Nixon was elected, the light failed
Then came the bottle and the bouts with depression
Ending up in Far Rockaway where you set sail

You couldn't write no more 'cause you were depressed
You weren't depressed because you couldn't write
You hung yourself because you were ashamed
Of the hurt Train brought your friends in manic blight

An American decade had gone crazy
Your ups and downs had mirrored what you saw
Some had clapped their hands for the folksong
'Til the folksong wasn't happening anymore

You spiraled from the top down to the bottom
Rehersals for retirement at thirty four
John Train dared to take over
When your friends couldn't listen to any more

What happened to the pleasures of the harbor
What happened to the ties that never bind
Phil, I guess perhaps it don't really matter
Outside a small circle of friends

Notes: This is part of an email I received from Bruce:-
"Thanks for including my song, "Phil's Song" from my 2000 CD release, FRINGELAND, on Flyin' Cloud Records.
I wrote the song about Phil because of my love of his music. I began playing and writing in the late 60s when Phil was still around and felt the tragic loss when he died young. I wrote the song back in the mid seventies but finally recorded in 2000. I was greatly influenced by great songwriters like Phil and Eric Andersen, Tom Paxton, Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, Townes Van Zandt, John Prine and Tom Waits, etc."

Fringeland is still available, vist Bruce's site Bruce Piephoff

28 Nov 08 - 01:36 PM (#2503662)
From: Rog Peek

(Anne McMenamin)

We were never old friends - I didn't even know you.
I did meet you once but I didn't understand.
But whenever I hear your music I love you.
I want to reach back in time and just hold your hand.
For the power of your passion and the glory of your reason,
They ring through your songs like a clear tenor bell,
Why wasn't your caring reflected back to you,
To warm and enfold you, and nourish your soul?

When despair drives a man to take his own life,
We all stand defeated by unrightable wrong.
But the loss is more keen and the failure more damning,
When the heart was so brave and the voice was so strong.
For you cut through the bull-shit, you scorned the pretensions,
You sang as you saw, and your vision was true.
In a sea of romantics and band-waggon jumpers,
The liberal soft-option was no option for you.

I can't hear, "When I'm gone", but tears overtake me,
Did you know what was coming? Was the dark always there?
And I wish there'd been someone to sit down beside you –
Sit close beside you, as close as the air.
For you laughed at the lies, sang over the guns,
Stood up for the right, gave all you could give,
You should have stood tall, and we should have told you,
That you could be proud – proud enough to live.

But the past can't be changed - there's no point in wishing,
"Why nots" and "Why wasn'ts" cannot right the wrong.
And now that you're gone, we'll sing your songs for you,
And we can assure you, there will be more songs.
For the poor are still poor, the guns are still blazing,
And still there is beauty that words can't recall.
You left us your songs, at what price the glory?
But the glory of the future shall rest on us all.

Notes: Anne wrote this song in 2006 and this is what she said in an email to me: "One of the things I have found from communicating with people about Phil Ochs is that he evinces a strong emotional response - people feel very intensely about him. I think this is why so many people have been moved to write songs."

You can listen to Anne singing the song acapella here. Anne McMenamin
RP Nov2008

04 Dec 08 - 12:38 PM (#2507762)
Subject: Lyr Add: VAN RONK (Tom Russell)
From: Rog Peek

(Tom Russell)

He had a little apartment on Sheridan Square in New York,
Had it almost forty years. They say Dylan slept on the couch once,
And Phil Ochs, during his final psychotic days,
When Phil called himself John Train and sat up all day on the sofa
Cutting up National Geographics, making whacked out collages,
And threatening peoples lives with scissors.
Then Phil Ochs hung himself in Far Rockaway.

But Dave Van Ronk tried to watch over all of them
Every kid who walked in wide-eyed with a guitar and song fragment
They called Dave The Pope of Greenwich Village
And I sat on his couch a few times and
It was better than any hundred-dollar shrink or hooker.
His second wife Andrea is a beautiful little woman who plays classical harp
And Dave would direct her to play records as we sat there and drank
Then he'd tell us to shut up and listen
And if we didn't listen Van Ronk would command her to play a song
Again and again, until we got it, like "Play that goddamned thing again Andrea,
Play it, now listen to this goddamned thing you people,
Listen to this goddamned song you people.
And he'd close his eyes, boy would we listen,
We'd try to clear out our drunken heads and listen deep.
And then that big magic glass pitcher of white wine would appear
With an ice cube shaft down the middle,
Magically refilled in the kitchen, gallons of it.
And Van Ronk would cough and close his eyes
And suck on a forbidden cigarette until he was finally asleep,
Passed out, snoring and muttering on the couch
And you could hear his smoke destroyed lungs struggling to clear the air
And we all staggered down those stairs
That little rent controlled apartment with all its books and Micronesian art
And guitars and harps and cigarette smoke, wine bottles and folk ghosts
And wonderful, wonderful stories, and the magic glass pitcher of white wine.
We all loved Dave van Ronk,
He was The Pope of Greenwich village goddamn it.
And when he died they had all the appropriate tributes,
I heard they even named a street after him in New York City.
But who the hell can conjure up those nights we spent,
Feeling honoured and blessed by The Pope
Melting into a couch, hearing him rant and rave and tell old stories.
That's the way it was, sinking further and further into that couch.
Giving us benediction with a cigarette stub, ashes flying everywhere,
As some new guitar or poet kid walked through.
We were wondering if Dylan dropped any songs between the cushions
That were still down there. All we found was old pennies.
So go down to the village, do yourself a favour one of these days,
And put your ear to the ground over there near Sheridan Square.
Listen to him, goddamn it, listen, he's still there, listen to Dave Van Ronk.
"Play that goddamned song again Andrea, play it, play it,
Play that goddamned Dave Van Ronk song one more time."
I can hear him coughing, singing, barking, lecturing, and laughing
Ranting and raving in heaven or hell or purgatory, oblivion, nirvana
Wherever they send the real good ones after they pass on through,
And their earthly gig is over……. (clears his throat twice) Mmmmm
(Dave Van Ronk sings): -
"I got a letter from my home, most of my friends dead and gone,
They can't worry, they can't wonder about times to come.
My old mother said to me 'So young and foolish child you can't see
Now I ain't got no mother, my sister and my brother turned their back on me…..
(fade out)

Notes: This was a difficult one, really didn't know whether to include it. The 'song', at least the version I have heard, is spoken, with a musical accompaniment, and although there are a few lines about Phil Ochs, it is, as the title suggests about Dave Van Ronk. I discussed it with oldhippie, and I agree with him when he pointed out, "the few lines are well done, and should be included on merit".
In order that the part about Phil can be appreciated in the context of the whole song, I have included the whole song, but italicised those lines about Phil.
The song is included on "Veteran's Day-The Tom Russell Anthology" (Shout Factory B001G7EGRE)released in 2008.
RP Dec08

28 Dec 08 - 08:10 PM (#2526285)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Hello All

Hope you had a great Christmas and here's wishing you all Good Health and Happiness in the New Year.

Just thought I'd give an update on the search:

I still have no information at all on:
1. For Phil and Others - by Blanks (If This Had Been An Actual Emergency, Falsified Records OX752, 1990)
2. Remember Phil Ochs – by Voice of Reason (Voice of Reason, Tomorrow Records TLP-21088, 1987)

Have no recording of Tribute To Phil Ochs by Jack Honig (Mirror Image, Independent Cassette, 1991)
Have been unable to contact artist.

Have been unable to locate recording of (Song for) Brother Phil –by Abbie Hoffman, have some of lyrics transcribed from interview he gave on 'Chords of Fame' biopic.

There are no recordings of the following:
1.I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night by Mike Miller
2.I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night by Johnathan Talbot
3.Hang Down Your Head Phil Ochs by Tom Paxton

I believe there is a song out there written by Rob Pfeffer called 'John Train', but had no luck yet. Not been confirmed, so not included in the list.

Of the 45 songs confirmed I have lyrics for 42 and recordings of 38.


30 Dec 08 - 09:06 AM (#2527348)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,auerworld

What an amazing thread! What an amazing project!

Thank you for sending this out. It's nice to see how many artists remember "those who came before"- and especially Phil.

15 Jan 09 - 04:44 AM (#2540003)
Subject: Lyr Add: SONG FOR PHIL (OCHS) (Kevin Kerr)
From: Rog Peek

(Kevin Kerr)

Phil my friend, you say you've travelled long
Fought all kinds of wars, played the game too strong
But when you're born to wander, there's nothing left to do
Just know the fact there's lightening in your shoes
You can't stop when you want to, gotta sleep under the rain
Can't stay with a woman, they never help the pain.

Reading the New York Times and writing all night long
It's a shame that no-one understood your songs
And the words had a meaning, but they cut you one by one
They called you a rebel who wrote a patriotic song
But when you're born to wander, there's nothing left to do
Just know the fact there's lightening in your shoes
You can't stop when you want to, gotta sleep under the rain
Can't stay with a woman, they never help the pain.
No they never stopped the rain.

Notes: Kevin Kerr is a singer/songwriter from Rochester N.Y. The song was released as the 'B' side of a 45 rpm single (Gaslight Productions 1017) 1980. The 'A' side was "Music Man", and musicians on the record included Joe Piszczek - acoustic guitar, Rise Reimondo and Andrea Tarr - harmonies. This and other songs by Kevin can be downloaded here .

RP jan09

18 Jan 09 - 12:22 PM (#2542283)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BALLAD OF JOHN TRAIN (Phil Ochs)
From: Rog Peek

(John Train/Phil Ochs)

Phil Ochs checked into the Chelsea Hotel,
There was blood on his clothes and they were dirty.
I could see by his face he was not feeling well,
He'd been to one too many parties.
He walked in the lobby a picture of doom,
It was plain to see he'd been a-drinkin'
I had to follow him up to his room,
To find out what he was thinking
"Train, Train, Train"
From the outlaw in his brain
But he's still the same refrain

He walked in his room and he fell on the floor
Hanging in his hangover
Now the act from the stage he plays on the street
Handing out piles of money
His audience now is the bums that he meets
Is he a phony or funny?

Notes: I don't know why I didn't think of this one before. - It is well documented that Phil suffered from manic depression, and in 1975 when he had descended into a state of drunken, hostile depression, he attempted to escape reality by taking on a different persona.   This persona was named John Butler Train, and as Phil explained later "On the first day of summer 1975, Phil Ochs was murdered in the Chelsea Hotel by John Train who is speaking now………." During this period, Larry Sloman, a friend, encouraged Phil to work through this episode by writing songs. One of the songs he wrote as John Train was this one and it was recorded by Larry Sloman.
RP jan09

14 Mar 09 - 05:31 PM (#2588945)
Subject: Add Lyr: ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO SING (Al Baker
From: Rog Peek

(Al Baker)

Well I woke up one night screaming
At the wall I thought was moving
But the rope around your neck
Kept getting tighter
The harder I was pulling

You said "Hey, I'm just a shadow"
And I said I agreed
But I thought you had a guitar
And a microphone
But all the strings were missing

You said talking was too easy
And then sent me back to sleep
Then you took the rope from round your neck
And tied it to my feet
Left me stolen cryptic lyrics for a song
When I found out you were gone

I went out the next day breathing
But undoubtedly alive
And I saw your stories flowing
Through the ambulances
And the morning papers

I had to stop dead when I realised
I could never say goodbye
And even Dylan got to sing to Woody Guthrie
On his bed as he lay dyin'

But what's become of Bobby now
Will not become of me
I swear to you my music will respect your memory
Woody's, Johnny's, Strummer's and Joe Hill
Most of all to Phil

Every time you sing to me
There's a ringing in my ears
All the news that's fit to sing
Is fit to cause a tear
And I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you or me
Said I to Phil "You're thirty years dead"
"I never died." said he
"I never died." said he

Oh the dreams I've had of sitting with you
Anywhere with seats
Talking long into the night
Over bottled beer and marijuana cigarettes

'Cause I'm sure you could have told me more
Than I will ever know
About people, love and freedom
And how the grass sways in Virginia when the wind blows

And then you would have played me
'I ain't marchin' anymore'
Because you'd know it means as much today
As it ever did before
There but for fortune
There for the grace of fate we'd be


I sit here sometimes thinking about
Why you had to die
Was it money or your mind
Or were you hounded to the graveyard by the FBI?

I guess you'd say it doesn't matter
Like you sang in 'When I'm Gone'
It takes more than that to shatter
All the wisdom in the words of
One who died so young

You told us "step outside the guidelines
Make your own reality"
And a protest must be beautiful in ugly times like these.
You never once conceded
You sang everything that needed to be said


Notes: Al wrote this about the song in Mar 2009: "I wrote my song about Phil a little under three years ago, I think, he remains an enormous influence on me and my songwriting."

RP Mar2009

07 Apr 09 - 04:41 PM (#2606819)
From: Rog Peek

(Mark Gunnery)

And some songs are harder than other ones to write
And some songs hang out in my head late at night
And they haunt me, they taunt me, tell me what to do
Yeah they haunt me, they taunt me, tell me what to do

And I can't sleep for shit while they're over my bed
And the words are all leather and the melody lead
And I make a noose out of metallic thread
And hang my guitar from its fucking head

And I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
His feet dangling over the bathroom floor
And I turned my head and I turned off the light
And I marked off another casualty of the cold war.

And if my mind cracks like some folks always said
That it would that it would that it would that it would
And my my eyes turn to glass and my tail turns to wood

Then just sing to me and I will remember
That one time I wasn't blind.
Yeah just sing to me and I will remember
That one time I wasn't blind.

Notes: Mark Gunnery has been described as an anarchist folk singer, part of the collective riotfolk. The title would suggest another version of the Hayes/Robinson song. This is not the case however both lyrics and melody are original, and features on the CD 'Split with Dragonzord (2006).
Mark and Brenna Sahatjain included a collaboration of this song on 'Rise Like Lions' 2006, and Brenna's version (below) with some alteration to the lyric appears on 'To Each Idle Arrow (2006).

RP April09

And some songs are harder than other ones to write
and some songs hang out in my head late at night.
They haunt me they taunt me tell me what to do
and follow me out at night under the moon.

And I can't sleep for shit while their over my bed
the words are all leather and the melody lead
I make a noose out of metallic thread
and hang that guitar by its dissonant head

and I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
his feet were dangling over the bathroom floor
I just turned my head, and turned off the light
and marked another casualty of the cold war.

And if my head cracks like some folks always said that it would
and my heart turns to stone and my tail turns into wood
just sing to me and I will remember that one time I was not blind
just sing to me and I will remember how the colors held up the light.

07 Apr 09 - 05:00 PM (#2606837)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Oldhippie has turned up another:

"I Was At Johnny's And He Played Phil Ochs" by Minmae

I tried transcribing the lyric, but couldn't understand some of the words, so had to give up.

it seems that Robert Hoyt wrote and recorded a song called 'Hell No But The Money's Good' on 'Dumpster Driving Across America'. I have been trying to contact him.

I have added Minmae's, Mark Gunnery's and Robert Hoyt's to the list which now stands at 49.


11 Apr 09 - 05:16 AM (#2609096)
From: Rog Peek

(Sean Brooks)

I was at Johnny's and he played Phil Ochs
At the Paradox
The waitress asked about their punk politics
Their punk politics
They didn't leave a tip, those gutterpunks
Community service
Doesn't mean killing off the innocent

In Portland it rains
But its a soft rain with a mist like December
And the kids remember
The kids they all grow up and they remember

I was at Johnny's and he played Phil Ochs

Notes: Sean Brooks leads the group Minmae and this song appeared on their album 'Le Grand Essor de la Maison du Monstre' (Greyday Productions) 2006.
Here is an extract from an email I received from Sean:
"Thanks for getting in touch. I'm happy to pass along the lyrics to you. I should tell you though, the song isn't as much about Phil Ochs as much as it is about the friend who turned me onto his music, and also Portland, the place I live. ......"

RP April09

20 Apr 09 - 01:59 PM (#2614978)
From: Rog Peek

(Gary L. Baran/Earl Robinson)

I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you and me
Says I "But Phil your ten years dead."
"It's true I died" says he "it's true I died" says he.

"There's no place in this world for me,
There's no place I belong,
But though I'm gone, you carry on
My legacy of song, my legacy of song."

"Whenever men are off to war,
When bombs begin to fall,
It's there you'll find my voice and song to say
'Don't heed the call', to say 'Don't heed the call'."

"From Frisco Bay to Harvard Yard,
Across the USA,
At colleges in every town,
It's there you'll hear me say, it's there you'll hear me say:

That I ain't marching anymore'
Ain't goin' over there,
It's time to stop the killing now,
The war is over I declare, it's over I declare."

Notes: Came across a reference to this one in David Cohen's book. The song was published in Sing Out! vol. 36 No2 (1991). I am not aware of any recording having been made.

RP April09

29 Sep 09 - 04:46 PM (#2734450)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Finally got in touch with Jack Honig, after over 2 years of searching.
Copy of 'Mirror Image' on its way shortly. Already have lyrics for 'Tribute to Phil Ochs' but I'll be pleased to add the recording to the rest.

Out of the 23 listed in David Cohen's bio-bibliography I have now managed to get recordings of 21.

Still outstanding are:

BLANKS - 'For Phil (Ochs) and Others' (If This Had Been An Actual Emergency, Falsified Records OX752, 1990)

VOICE OF REASON - 'Remember Phil Ochs' (Voice of Reason, Tomorrow Records TLP-21088, 1987)


02 Apr 10 - 02:23 PM (#2878273)
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL OCHS AS I KNEW HIM (David Kleiner)
From: Rog Peek

(David Kleiner)

Sometimes on a quiet Sunday Night at the Main Point
Before he was well known
There'd be just a few of us out there for the evening show
And he'd rap to the crowd about this world of ours
From the news that he'd read that day
He'd make us all laugh and see things a different way

And he'd come out on stage with that battered old Gibson
Each strum is louder than I ever heard before
Singing his songs of yesterday's ideals
Songs of love, songs of war

The tunes were simple, so were the chords
And his voice would kinda' shake when he'd sing
But you'd hear each word 'cause the lyrics were the thing
I was in High School back in those days
But I'd always find a way
When he came to Philly' I'd here him play


Sixty Eight in Chicago I saw him again, he'd reached the height of his fame
We lost touch in Chicago, we all had changed
Last night two friends from my past called me up
To tell me what they hadn't read
Phil Ochs hung himself 'cause the words wouldn't come
My high school hero was dead.


Notes: This song appears on "The News That's Fit To Sing" (David Kleiner 884401003087) released 2008. Dedicated to Phil Ochs, the title is similar to Phil's classic 60's album, 'All The News That's Fit To Sing'.

RP April10

03 Apr 10 - 02:55 PM (#2878877)
Subject: Lyr Add: MARCHING IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS (Brian Griffin
From: Rog Peek

(Brian Griffin)

I am
Marching in your footsteps
Going down the path you blazed
Heading, towards the end of the journey
Trying not to stray and lose my way

First heard about you from the Clash
They sang a verse from one of your songs
Gave you the credit that you were due
Planted a seed in me that grew

And I am here I'm marching
Marching in your footsteps
Up on the Oval singing your songs
Your words are still full of power
And they ring true and strong

Then I read about you in the Lantern
Tenth anniversary of your death
Article said you couldn't go on
And you couldn't take another breath

Well here I am I'm marching
Marching in your footsteps
Going down the path you blazed
Heading-towards the end of the journey
Trying not to stray and lose my way

I read all the books I could about you
Watched all the videos and listened to your songs
It always breaks my heart when I get to the part
When you felt that you could not go on
Now many years have passed since that day
That you are no longer with us
But your word rings on and it's growing
In all the people that you touched

And we are here we're marching
Marching in your footsteps
Taking your words to the streets
The world is still worth saving
And we're telling everyone that we meet

Marching in your footsteps
We're on the Oval singing your songs
Your words are still full of power
And they're ringing true and strong
Phil, You are never truly gone

I am marching in your footsteps

Notes: Written by Columbus singer/songwriter Brian Griffin. Recorded live at the OSU South Oval during the Ohio Hempfest 2009. To my knowledge, it has not yet been released on a CD.

RP April10

09 Jun 10 - 05:23 PM (#2924169)
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHN TRAIN (Matt Wixson)
From: Rog Peek

(Matt Wixson)

Well you can see me coming, I'm roaring down the track
My pants are two weeks dirty with a pipe stuffed down the back
A reflection of a life that never quite made history
You all know my old friend Bobby but you don't remember

My name is Train, John Train
My name is Train, John Train

If you're wondering where I come from, brother I'd be glad to tell
Oh I start my biography at the Chelsea Hotel
That's where I committed murder back in 1975
When two men walked on in, but I'm the one that's still alive

My name is Train, John Train
My name is Train, John Train

It used to be so easy, no I didn't need to try
The CIA is after me, so is the FBI
Now I'm wallowing in madness, all the glory days behind
And I thought a little homicide might help me clear my mind

My name is Train, John Train
My name is Train, John Train

Well you can see me coming, I'm roaring down the track
My pants are two weeks dirty with a pipe stuffed down the back
A reflection of a life that never quite made history
You all know my old friend Bobby but you don't remember me

My name is Train, John Train
My name is Train, John Train

Features on the CD "Honest Living" (Open Hand Records) 2009.
Here is what Matt had to say about the song:
"I know I wrote the song in the summer of 2009, shortly after finishing There But for Fortune: The Life of Phil Ochs by Michael Schumacher. The tragic character of John Train seemed perfect for an "outlaw country" kind of narrative. I think I also see some of myself in Phil's alter ego, which seems to be a manifestation of mental illness of course but also frustration with an unsatisfying career for Phil. I hope I never go down that same path, of course, but sometimes I worry. The recording, of course, is actually a reggae song, in the style reggae was played at the end of the 1960's, but I think the country feel of the songwriting still comes through strong."

RP Jun2010

21 Jun 10 - 06:42 PM (#2932308)
Subject: Lyr Add: FOR PHIL (OCHS) AND OTHERS (Blanks)
From: Rog Peek


Let's begin with Phil near a window, still
With the thoughts we thought we'd had to kill
He marched with us he never switched sides
The story of a lover who didn't have to die
They tried to drown you in the shifting sand
But you hit back in a protest planned,
You would understand

Tripping, sleeping on a floor piled with clothes
A ghost he is gripping all the windows
And though the glass was clouded with frost
We brought in the shows of those who were lost
They tried to drown you in the shifting sand
But you hit back in a protest planned,
You would understand

Now we give away the shadow smiles
To fight the arrest and all the trials
The songs of Phil, your window still
With the thoughts you thought we had to kill.

Notes: Transcription of the lyrics from the recording was very difficult, and while they will be largely correct, I cannot guarantee complete accuracy. The song appeared on "If This Had Been An Actual Emergency", (Falsified Records OX752, 1990). While I have listed the band as the author, in all probability the author was just one or two members of the band for whom I do not have any names.

RP Jul10

23 Jun 10 - 08:18 AM (#2933190)
Subject: Lyr Add: BROTHER PHIL (Abbie Hoffman)
From: Rog Peek

(Abbie Hoffman)

I saw him there on freedom's trail
a-roaring songs and making bail
We walked along through Georgia mud
A-shouting out at racist crud

He fought the war, he won the fight
His battles done he did it right
Our brother died, our brother's gone
It's up to us to carry on

Chicago shook him at a scene
He wandered off to find his dream
To Chile town for spirit pride
Sadly crushed one bloody night

Down Africa to loosen chains
Wound round their necks like horses reins
To pound the beat, to work for peace
Oh what a shame they rigged the lease

He tried to run, he tried to hide
But the pain bore deep inside
His cause was shot, he'd lost his roar
And brother Phil would march no more

Now shed no tears for brother Phil
For others rise and march they will
He's playing in a loving band
He gotta hold of angels hand

I'll be seeing yuh. (spoken)

Notes: This song, which Abbie wrote on hearing of Phil's death was recorded on tape and played at Phil's memorial concert at the Felt Forum in New York on May 28th 1976. Abbie, who at the time was a fugitive from the law attended the memorial in diguise, even though he risked arrest and imprisonment.

In 1984, Abbie was interviewed for Michael Korolenko's biopic "Chords of Fame, this is what he had to say about the song:

"I was in Montreal I guess in '76, when it, when it uh, when I heard the news, so I uh, I wrote a song, my first song about it, and I said….. because they asked me to participate in the benefit they were gonna…. the memorial they were gonna have to Phil in New York and I came. I was…actually I was scared outa my wits, got all disguised up, everybody recognised me though, knew it was me, and uh paid a tribute to Phil, now he's gone, left us here so sing a song. What can I say? The battle goes on." He then sang:

"I saw him there on freedom's trail
a-singing songs and making bail
We walked along through Georgia mud
A-shouting out at racist crud"

Now Phil has gone hm hm hm hm.
And left us here to sing his songs…..
"Can't remember it all yuh know………"
RP Jul10

23 Jun 10 - 12:04 PM (#2933297)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs

Norman Blake has a song, "76 blues (+2)

    which seems to talk about Phil -

      I knew a man from New York state
      Believe me friends he tried
      He believed in every word he sang
      Then he hung himself and died
      And its a hard road I'm travelling on

23 Jun 10 - 01:12 PM (#2933332)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

Thank you Guest

Have you any more info, such as what album it might be on?


28 Jun 10 - 03:49 PM (#2936176)
Subject: Lyr Add: REMEMBER PHIL OCHS (Voice of Reason)
From: Rog Peek

(Voice of Reason)

One naked drunk in the rain feeling no pain I looked away
Jumped in my car drove to the high school
Friend called me up on the phone I wasn't home, left was a note
The news is a nightmare how did it hit you
And it seemed like a line from a song that I knew
But I just couldn't place it so I didn't call 'til I knew

Remember Phil Ochs all his songs all his jokes
And remember he cared for his brothers and sisters
Remember he stood for the true and the good
And his poetry spoke with a sensitive whisper
To the tender resister

Out from the west like a flash, Siamese clash, protest at last
He sang through the village stood in the front lines
There but for fortune a hit, that's when he split kissed by a miss   
Moved to the West coast the island of gold mines
Wrote some magical songs and recorded with care
And the harbour still shines, but the top forty wasn't aware


Just like a reporter with news of the highway
He kept his mind open while feeding his soul
But what more could he give when they looked at him sideways
He'd given his best all in vain, where else could he go

He grew defensive and drunk, his writing was blocked, it seemed all was lost
The ultimate gamble, he'd make them listen
Exits create such a scene, the Kennedy dream, like Holly and Dean
He hung in the closet to be a legend
So I put on a tape, loop and went for a ride
And the song that I heard was called 'Don't Give Up You've Still Got Time'


Notes: Song included on "Voice of Reason", (Tomorrow Records TLP-21088, 1987). Assume the writer was one of the band, but have no names.

RP Jul10

30 Jun 10 - 02:35 PM (#2937426)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs

Normal Blake's 76 Blues (+2)

       is on the recording "Directions"

       words and guitar tablature on the

       book "Norman Blake Anthology"

Thank you Guest.

30 Jun 10 - 04:21 PM (#2937489)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

It's three years to the day, that I started this thread. My, how time flies when you're enjoying yourself.

I am very pleased to have finally collected all the songs that were identified at the start, as well as many more.

The search goes on.........

Rog Peek

10 Oct 10 - 05:33 PM (#3003969)
Subject: Lyr Add: SONG FOR PHIL (Jamie Crawford)
From: Rog Peek

(Jamie Crawford)

Hey Phil Ochs well I wrote you a song
But then you wrote so many for me
We all wear our fears on the inside well hidden
You wore yourself out for the whole world to see

And hey Phil tell me about the Village
And hey Phil was Chicago that bad
And hey Phil was LA still crazy
The Darkest of times that you had

I was knocked to the floor when I heard Crucifixion
With your voice swirling up out of cacophony
And the words gave me goose bumps just hearing you sing it
And I thought you were singing for me

And hey Phil what about Miami
And hey Phil was Ohio so bad
And hey Phil was LA still crazy
The darkest of times that you had

So I ended up Phil by writing this song
But you left the stage early so you can't sing along
You wore yourself for the whole word to see
And I always thought you were singing for me

But hey Phil you lived through Chicago
And hey Phil you made it through Chile
But hey Phil what was the trouble
Your last day in Far Rockaway

And hey Phil tell me about Newport
And hey Phil how was Carnegie Hall
You know Phil I always said you
Were my favorite singer of all

And hey Phil tell me about Dylan
And hey Phil how's about Jim and Jean
And hey Phil what of Wickham and Westin
Your friends on the Hollywood scene

And hey Phil tell me about the Village
And hey Phil was Ohio that bad
And hey Phil was LA still crazy
The darkest of times that you had
The darkest of times that you had
And the darkest times just weren't that bad.

Notes: Found this one posted on Yahoo 'Phil Ochs' group. When I requested permission to post on mudcat, and enquired about a recording, this was the reply: "I have no objection to publishing the lyrics. The song is only on live tapes at this point. Thanks for the interest." This is all the information I have apart from the fact that it was written c.1998.

RP Oct10

12 Oct 10 - 04:07 PM (#3005435)
Subject: Lyr Add: 76 BLUES + 2 (Norman Blake)
From: Rog Peek

76 BLUES + 2
(Norman Blake)

I've been to the east, I've been to the west,
I've travelled this world around
I'm a going on back to Georgia
To make my last go round
And it's a hard road I'm travelling on.

They say things are fine now,
In Nashville Tennessee
What with all those snakes just moving in
It's a Hollywood to me
And it's a hard road I'm travelling on.

Way down on the southern
Near the shore down whistle wind
Three miles south of Risen farm
Goin' to get here just on time
One hundred miles from Birmingham.

Lord inches, feet and miles and yards
Changes all around
A meter's what you put your money in
When you park down town
And it's a hard road I'm travelling on.

I knew a man from New York state
Believe me friends he tried
He believed in every word he sang
And then he hung hiself and died
It's a hard road he travelled on.

Well goin' up to the district
Washington DC
Lord if you wanna hail Columbia
Then friend don't bother me
Well it's a hard road we're travelled on

Just listen to me good people now
We're all in a hell of a fix
I got the same old blues in '78
That I had in '76
And it's a hard road we're travelling on.

Some day I'll write my travels down
In a big old book
Now I'm a goin' back to my home
Down in Johnson's Crook
It's a hard road I'm travelling on.

I've been to the east, I've been to the west,
I've travelled this world around
I'm a going on back to Georgia
To make my last go round
It's a hard road I've travelling on.

Notes: The verse that refers to Phil is in italics. The track was included on the album "Directions" (Takoma 1978), reissued on CD in 1987.

To confirm that the verse was indeed about Phil, I contacted Norman's agent and received the following in reply:
"I spoke with Norman and you are correct. The one verse in 76 Blues was in regards to Phil Ochs. Norman stated that he had no real personal involvement with Phil Ochs, it was "just in my mind at the time"... he wrote the song."

RP Oct10

20 Oct 10 - 02:56 PM (#3011678)
From: Rog Peek

(Tom Ovans)

The sky is blue, the sky is black
John Train he ain't ever coming back

Papa was a rolling stone
Now he ain't nothing but a coughing bag of bones

Hang around this old town
They'll build you up just to cut you back down

Going down to New Orleans
Gonna make a deal, gonna get myself clean

Hey babe got my eye on you
A ranbling girl knows all about these blues

Jesus saves, Jesus kills
James Dean coming over the hill

Notes: This track features on "Dead South" (Demon 1997), with just the one line refering to Phil (in italics).
According to the following excerpt from a short bio of Tom Ovans, it seems that he had an association with Phil in the early seventies:
"As a chronicler and troubadour, Ovans has trod a rough and ragged musical path across the States. In the early '70s in New York City he walked the walk with a junked-out Tim Hardin and knocked-out loaded Phil Ochs"
Complete version can be found here

RP Oct10

26 Nov 10 - 11:51 PM (#3041231)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,bobf

recently posted a video of a public domain eulogistic folk song about Phil Ochs from 1976, "The People's Folksinger," at following link:

08 Dec 10 - 03:09 PM (#3049059)
Subject: Lyr Add: HELL NO BUT THE MONEY'S GOOD (Joe Hoffman
From: Rog Peek

(Joe Hoffmann)

Hey mister folk man why do you sing those songs
You think we'd understand now that you're gone
What's that I hear now, ballads and rags
Is there anybody here who'd wrap themselves in a flag
You sang so many songs, in so many towns
You made us laugh at the wrongs that you found
When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said
"Hell no but the money's good."

Hell no but the money's good folks
Hell no but the money's good
When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said
Hell no but the money's good

You sang on top of trucks when the unions went on strike
You said "I can't spare a buck, but I sure as hell will fight."
There but for fortune may go you or I
And the power and the glory, yet all men must die
Why oh why would a man take his life
Why oh why oh why
When asked if you meant those words that you sang, you said
"Hell no but the money's good."


Notes: Written by Joe Hoffmann of St. Louis, it was recorded by Robert Hoyt (whom I had previously believed to have written it) on "Dumpster Diving Across America" (Folk the Boat FTBRH204) 1993.


14 Dec 10 - 09:47 AM (#3053259)
Subject: Lyr Add: BOTTOM OF THE LAND, PHIL (Robert Hoyt)
From: Rog Peek

(Robert Hoyt)

Where are those things you've worked for all your life
Where are the objects of your joy
Where are those things that you've come to expect
Where are the winner's toys

Where will you find your place among things
Where will you find your strength
Where will you find the national will
It's all there in the bottom of the land, Phil

Garbage and peas and expired cheese
Good things no one'll ever taste
Paper galore and old two-by-fours
Whole forests laid to waste


Well you won't get my cash and I'll steel your trash
Why should I spend it in your corporate store
You can compact it all to hell, but you can't hide the smell
And I'll still be hangin' 'round your back door.

Free the trash!

Notes: This song appeared on the album "Dumpster Diving Across America" (Folk the Boat FTBRH204) 1993.
This is what Robert had to say about the song: "When Joe Hoffman first loaned me a Phil Ochs tape, I listened to it once and misplaced it. I wrote this song about over-consumption, garbage, and scavenging (i.e. dumpster diving). I then found the lost tape, and was more than a little dismayed at how badly I had musically ripped off old Phil. But then I realised that what I had created was an environmental protest tribute to Phil Ochs, and that it was not "fill" as in "landfill" but rather "Phil".


05 Apr 11 - 08:08 AM (#3128908)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

On Sunday last, I listened to a program on WFUV called "Woodie's Children: Remembering Phil Ochs", at the end of which Bob Sherman the presenter played three tribute songs. One of these was "Accidental Pilgrimage" by Jen Cass, the details of which are already posted here. Another was "Message in a Bottle" by Ray Korona details of which I will post shortly.

A third was a song called "The Power and Glory" by the late Dave Carter. In the lyrics of this song, there is no direct reference to Phil, so I emailed Tracy Grammer to verify if this was in fact a tribute to Phil. Tracy had collaberated with Dave on three albums prior to his death in 2002, one of which contained the song in question. In her reply, Tracy said the song was not connected to Phil, and was in fact autobiographical.


05 Apr 11 - 02:50 PM (#3129205)
Subject: Add Lyr: MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (Ray Korona)
From: Rog Peek

(Ray Korona)

Alisha didn't have a press secretary
To put her message on TV.
She wrote it down on paper; stuffed it in a bottle;
Threw the bottle into the sea.
She wrote the note in England in her kindergarten;
Said write me if you get this someday.
She heard back from Australia. Bob found the bottle
Nine thousand miles away!

Imagine your dreams coming true.
Find a way that works for you.
Reach out from wherever you are,
You'll get through. You'll get through.

Phil Ochs didn't have a big record label
To make his name a household word.
He had a lot to say; wrote it in his music;
Tried to find a way to be heard.
A homemade magazine, speaking out for justice,
Transcribed the songs Phil would play.
They started getting sung back in the sixties, and
Thousands still sing them today!

repeat chorus

Maybe you don't have a high-powered agent;
No media contacts to call.
No email spam list, not even a bottle, but
Maybe you don't need them at all!

repeat chorus

You'll get through. You'll get through.

Notes: First heard this yesterday on 'Woodie's Children: Remembering Phil Ochs' presented by Bob Sherman on WFUV. It is performed by The Ray Korona Band on the album "A Little Too Much Sunshine" (Hobo Star Music B0047GPHXS) 2010.


08 Oct 11 - 05:14 PM (#3235921)
Subject: Lyr Add: STARS THAT ARE SILVER (Ralph Alfonso)
From: Rog Peek

(Ralph Alfonso)

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
These are the stars I
I never will hold
And the gates to heaven
They never will close
And where God will find me
Oh well God only knows

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
There is no comfort
For a life I have sold
And there but for fortune
My story is told
Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
These are the stars I
I never will hold
And the gates to heaven
They never will close
And where God will find me
Well God only knows

Notes: Here is an excerpt from a piece Ralph wrote advertising a showing of 'PHIL OCHS - There But For Fortune' in Montreal September 2011:
"As a special treat, we are happy to offer a free download of a tribute song that I wrote for Phil Ochs a few years ago and by the powers of kismet, manages to tie in both Phil Ochs and the Vancouver punk scene as it features myself on vocals with Gord Nicholl (Pointed Sticks) on keyboards who also recorded and mixed it with Buck Cherry (Modernettes) at their Vancouver studios, Paramount Recorders. On electric guitar is Michael Rummen (Four Horsemen, Bruno Gerussi's Medallion, Ralph) and on acoustic guitar is Dave Rave (Teenage Head). They are all featured on the "electric" version. There is also an acoustic version which is just Dave and myself. I have only ever performed this song once or twice live and it always garners an appreciative response. Phil Ochs and his music touched a lot of people."

RP Oct11

08 Jan 12 - 07:02 AM (#3286945)
Subject: Lyr Add: FAREWELL TROUBADOUR (Gary Kanter)
From: Rog Peek

(Gary Kanter)

I remember New York City
I remember sitting pretty
I remember listening to you
I recall the words you sang
Followed the bell you rang
I remember wanting to sing too.

Farewell Troubadour
You sang to stop a war
You ain't marching anymore
They're power was your glory

I can still hear your guitar
Don't feel you're very far
Away from all of the things
You helped us to see and be
Peaceful soldier of the fight
Against the wrongs and for the rights
Anybody wishing to be free

A friend to those who were afraid
Strength to those who were betrayed
And in our hearts and deeds
You're always gonna' live
Life can be so hard at times
For a poet lost in his rhymes
Somehow feels he's got no more to give


Notes: This song appears on the album "Goodbye, Dr. Laura" (Gary Kanter 884502872750) 2010. There is a live version on utube.

RP Jan2012

19 Feb 12 - 08:15 AM (#3310941)
Subject: Lyr Add: LOVE ME (Chumbawamba)
From: Rog Peek


Im an anarchist. Im the anti-christ. Well, sort of... Not really. Its not big,
Its not clever. Im quite a reasonable fella. Your friendly uncle, good with
kids, good ol' paternalist Pop. Good cop, Bad cop, Good cop, Bad cop, Good
cop, Good cop. I was a wannabe and wannabe's dont know what they want to be. I
neednt have worried cos the man upstairs was looking out for me. God gave me the
finger with his free hand, now Im his left hand man. Hey punk! Dont call me
mac, my name is Johnny Trabant!
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Take Me, Take Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me

They call me the great pretender - John Noakes was my mentor. Im a walking
talking ideas man, heres one I prepared earlier. Stretch Armstrong and his
rubber band. Edwin Meese and the sex police. Please Mr Postman, post-post
modern, deliver us from Elvis. Be-bop-a-lula yes my baby, does good culture yes!
Now I found what Im looking for, I find myself in another fine mess. Someone
muddied my waters. I lost my way but now I see. I O.d'd on irony. I'll
rediscover God for the next L.P.

Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Take Me, Take Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me

Bend me shake me any way you want me, whatever you want, Ill be your hearts
desire. Black and cuddly, you want love me. Pop my cork, watch me pop like
bubbly. Hot or not, youve got to use what youve got. Where's the weak spot, let
me take a shot. What a turn on. Does it feel lovely? Love me love me love me
love me . . .

"Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, how you came up. Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, heavens above!"

Johhny Johnny wherefore art thou, how goes Victor Jara? I got a stadium sized
pro rata headache. Pretentious, moi? The ghost of Eamonn Andrews smiling
watching over me. I love it. Lets shoot it. Johnny Trabba The Movie. I paid my
dues, I sung the blues and I've done pain and personal hell. Pass me the phone I got
calls to make, this will sell and sell. I'm as Bob Roberts to your Phil Ochs,
talking political. So love, love me, love me Im a liberal!

Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Love Me, Love Me
Take Me, Take Me
Love Me, Love Me
Freeze Frame Love Me.

Notes: When I found this listed in Wikipedia, I'd not heard it or seen the lyrics, so I contacted Chumbawamba, and received the following reply from Boff Whalley: "Here you go – the song and the lyrics. It's called 'Love Me' (as in Love me I'm A Liberal). Not actually 'about' Phil Ochs but definitely in homage to, and inspired by, him......."
The Track can be found on the album "Anarchy" (One Little Indian/London B000006XLA)1994. There are live versions on utube.

RP Feb12

26 Aug 14 - 10:07 AM (#3654240)
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHN BUTLER TRAIN (Beresford/Delaney)
From: Rog Peek

(K Beresford/ JAG Delaney)

I tried to flee the country,
Flee the sun, flee my head
But it seems that someone's chasing me
And that someone wants me dead
I don't know who he is…
He speaks with familiarity
I woke up this morning and realised….
He's the darker part of me.

Later on they called it an 'artistic tragedy'
The flame that burns too brightly
Burns out fast, if you see…
But I know I was taken by
Someone who hated me
The police will never catch the villain now
He hides inside of me

And it's no use running
From the John Butler Train
Your feet can count the miles
But no distance can be gained
Bearing down on me
Is the John Butler Train
Before I can get up
He's knocked me hard down again
John Butler Train

Years ago my mother called me by another name
I'm not sure I would know it now
If she hollered me again
These days I prefer to go by
John Butler Train
I wish someone could reach me in my pain
Or take away my ticket for this train

The legacy that I leave you
Will be washed away by rain
Only a few melodies remain
Carved upon my gravestone
You can just make out a name
Underneath graffiti left behind
By John Butler Train.

Notes: The song was written by Kate Beresford and Jon Delaney, members of the "Funky Folk" quartet Kismet Hardy based in Northants England. The song was written in 2011 and can be heard on UTube being performed in September 2012.

RP Aug14

30 Aug 15 - 06:02 PM (#3734272)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Felipa

Phil ochs i aint marching anymore
Phil's voice echoing in my mind
As I learn to play
My new ukulele

Here are the chords
No riff, but couldn't do justice
To the memorable, musical phrase
That always gave me chills when a teen

Listening to him on late-night weekend FM
No commercials in the sixties
Bought the album
Saw him countless times at folk festivals
And Philly coffee houses
Spoke to him twice
Well, in my ultra-shy way
Went through a period of
Perverting his song
As I tired from marching
Although it was to prevent the type of marching
Phil Ochs meant

Anti-war but also voting rights, Women's Lib
War just kept coming
Voters got rights but stopped voting
Women didn't want equality if it meant
Sharing a bathroom with men

In frustration I invoked the words of
Phil Ochs
Silently shouting:
"I Ain't Marching Anymore"!
But got through that phase
An activist works for the common good
Not for the individuals who may pervert the act

So here I am
Almost a quarter of the way into
The twenty-first century
Voice scratchy
The pressing of frets slow
Giggling attitude toward my ineptitude
But playing and singing
Phil Ochs' call to war
Against war

So here I am
Daring to replicate the sacred chords
Of I Ain't Marching Anymore
What a high…

© Clarissa Simmens (ViataMaja)

Here's a Youtube link to the song:

30 Aug 15 - 06:08 PM (#3734273)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Felipa

re Jen Cass lyrics posted 13 Sept 2008; youtube of Jen singing her tribute to Phil Ochs

10 Dec 15 - 04:47 AM (#3757275)
Subject: Lyr Add: IT'S A HELLUVA PARTY (Gary Kanter)
From: Rog Peek

(Gary Kanter)

I died in my sleep, I went up to the pearly gates
St. Peter met me there he said "Sorry son you're gonna have to wait
He conferred with Jerry Falwell and some preacher types that I did not know
He said "Sorry son to tell you this, you're going down below.
Devil met me there and he handed me a drink
He said "You're gonna love it here regardless what the upstairs neighbours think
There's losts of happy souls inside wating for you to arrive
To share our little blast the likes of which you never saw when you were alive

It's a hell of a party, it's still going on
Mama don't you weep for me now that I am dead and gone
It's a hell of a party, to celebrate my fall
And the best part of the party is we're never gonna hear the words "Last call"

Jerry Garcia played guitar, Paganini bowed the violin
George Carman read my eulogy and Molly Ivins waved me in
Caruso sang from Figaro and Lady sang the blues
Ella sang some scat, Phil Ochs sang the news
The great W. C. Fields was right at home behind the bar
Orson Wells filmed it all right behind a big Cuban cigar
Ginger said to Fred "Now you know just how it feels"
Doing everything you had to do backwards and in high heels

It's a hell of a party, it's still going on
Mama don't you weep for me now that I am dead and gone
It's a hell of a party, to celebrate my fall
And the best part of the party is we're never gonna hear the words "Last call"

I walked down in the garden, never was I ever ever so glad
Waiting for me there was every single dog I ever had
They ran around for hours each was as frisky as a pup
And miracle of miracles there was nothing to clean up
Jesus came post Christmas he was exhausted from the praise
He joined Moses on the golf course he'd been there since the high holy days
Jesus could not sink a single put to save his soul
So he ditched his cubs and walked across the water right to the nineteenth hole
Mark Twain and Kurt Vonnegut were busy making each other laugh
Joe Hill and Mother Jones were busy organising the staff
There's billion tales to tell, right now I've gotta go
It's getting late and I've got a date with Marilyn Monroe

It's a hell of a party, it's still going on
Mama don't you weep for me now that I am dead and gone
It's a hell of a party, to celebrate my fall
And the best part of the party is we're never gonna ever, ever ,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ever, ever, hear the words "Last call"

Notes: Sonny Ochs played this on "Sonny's Playdate" WIOX 28/07/15. I contacted Sonny to enquire the title and artist and received the following reply: "Hi Roger, Glad that you're listening from afar.   The song is "It's a Helluva Party" by Gary Kanter who is an activist on the west coast.   It's on a cd called Forever Vigilant which has lots of political songs on it.

RP Dec2015

03 Feb 16 - 09:02 AM (#3770329)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs

Sammy Walker: Legends

03 Dec 16 - 06:06 PM (#3824334)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Lyrics to No More Songs

I'm trying to resolve the correct lyrics for the last stanza of "No More Songs". If you look online there seem to be two interpretations.One is " he Whithers on the beat, he's dying " the other is "the whale is on the beach, he's dying". If you listen to most recordings it sounds like the whale version may be correct, but whel people burst out laughing afterwards. Which is it?

03 Dec 16 - 08:02 PM (#3824347)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Dug

I've always sung it as 'whale'. That's what Martin Doherty has always sung.

25 Feb 17 - 02:13 AM (#3841371)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs/BroadsideBalladeer
From: GUEST,Vic Sadot

Thanks to RogPeek for posting the lyrics to my tribute to Phil Ochs, Broadside Balladeer, which I'm just discovering now. Vic Sadot

Broadside Balladeer

   G          G       C             G
I remember the year that Broadside Balladeer
         G       G          D    D
Took his own life away, so they say…
      G          G       C                G
Now I still long to hear him singing true and clear
G    G         D             G
How I miss that Broadside Balladeer!

       Em          Em
So "I'm Gonna Say It Now"!
         G               G
I can't say it "When I'm Gone"!
       Em                Em
Let us not speak falsely now!
       G             G
For we must be movin' on!
         B7      B7
Is there anybody home?
          G       G
"Is There Anybody Here"?
      A7       A 7       D7   D7
To be true to a Broadside Balladeer!

24 Jul 17 - 06:53 PM (#3868111)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

On the contrary Vic, thank you for the song!

It never ceases to amaze me just how many songs have been written for/about Phil. I have a dozen more which I have collected since I last posted, just haven't had time to post them.

Must make a start!


03 Aug 17 - 12:02 PM (#3869721)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

(Alexander Mayer)

Goodnight my friend this time you've closed your eyes,
Only wish you couldn't sleep.
And all the times you made me laugh until I cried,
But this time I'm crying for you Phil.

In just one night,
You changed our lives.
And losing you and losing your smile.
If only it wasn't true and you could walk into this room.

So long my friend,
I'd say goodbye but it's not the end.
Another day I'll call you and we'll be laughing again.

So long my friend,
I'd say goodbye but it's not the end.
Another day I'll call you and we'll be laughing again.

I won't ever forget you.
And I won't ever forget you.

Goodnight my friend this time you've closed your eyes.


Can't remember where I found this one, would be grateful for any info' on song or artist.

04 Aug 17 - 07:24 PM (#3870010)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

(Kyle Donovan/David Baldo)

That day John Butler Train Became a martyr
At the risk of his life and limb,
And Psyche first and foremost
Cursed the drunken John Butler Train

He told how they love the reformer,
A radical ritual of sorts
Then they'll pull them off their pedestal
Hastily hunt 'em for sport
Train reported in song
Tracing the tracks of his time
In restless refrain he complained
Of martyrs and murderous crime

The caricature is crude
And always cannibalized
Poor John knew it all too well
He could see through the whites of their eyes
Glitter fell from the sky
While the awe-struck were stuck in cement
Train cried out his refrain
As if it were heaven sent

His current began to run counter
As he ran from pole to pole
His turret turned, he heard
The cracks crumblin' below
Swept up in the storm he swam
A reformer that day he became
The name of the man he was former
Was hung by John Butler Train

Repeat last two lines

Notes: Written by Kyle and David in 2015, performed and recorded on The Sound Cloud under the name "The Baldo Bin".


05 Aug 17 - 05:53 PM (#3870173)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

(Jeremy Bolm)

You were a fan of the rebels Marlon Brando and James Dean kinda man
But it was Seeger and it was Guthrie
That taught you how to take a stand
You up and moved from Ohio
New York was the only place
You moved in with Bobby Dylan
Writing songs at an incredible pace
Now you're getting the hang of it
Singing songs for who needed a voice
Speaking out where it was needed
For anyone without a choice
A song for the draft dodgers
Vietnam was taking names
So you built the tallest soap box
And fought to make a change
You let Dylan get in your head
Called you a coward for not searching within
All you ever wanted was to be the hero
To be the hero that saved us
But when the Kennedys died and we got Nixon
California was calling and your depression set in
It was time to get away, (but you were attacked and lost your voice ?)
Would be the voice this world needed, or at least that's what you thought
You called yourself John Butler Train, said Phil Ochs had died, you'd gone insane
All you ever wanted was to be famous
The hero hung himself and no one saved us.

Notes: Recorded on an EP "Hesitation Wounds", by a hardcore punk group of the same name in 2013. The author Jeremy Bolm was also a member of the group Touche Amore.


06 Aug 17 - 03:32 PM (#3870334)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: GUEST,Felipa

Phil Ochs himself rewrote "Here's to the state of Mississippi" to dishonour Richard NIxon. Now people are telling Donald Trump, "here's to the land you've torn out the heart of"

11 Aug 17 - 06:00 PM (#3871080)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Rog Peek

(Jim Clark)

I heard Phil Ochs on internet radio
One night late as I worked from my home
In an outlying province of the old imperial
Lost and forsaken U. S. of A.

And Richard Fariña was harmonizing sweetly
To a song that I knew but had never heard
In the pre-dawn light of the millennial morning
I scratched these words on the back of a bill

Loaves and fishes and horses and wishes
The virgins go begging to the cold-hearted bridegroom
If Jesus was here he'd climb back on the cross
He'd walk straight back in the shadows of the tomb

Now it's thirty springs since the chair and the belt
And forty dark years on a fast motorbike
The country you loved is a dream you took with you
Now it's monkeys and demons and the ghost of John Train

Where men of the cloth preach murder and hate
And leaders are liars who prove war is peace
One nation under a vengeful God
Whose son disappeared on the road to right now

A mourning dove sang from a bush by my window
As a squad of Blackhawks roared up from the south
They're practicing up for their appointment in Samarra
Then all was quiet, the bird it had flown
Repeat last two lines.

Notes:-Jim said about the song -'One Night Late' is an original song I included as a CD single with my 2007 book NOTIONS- A JIM CLARK MISCELLANY. The book includes an essay, 'Tongue-Tied, with Sore Fingertips, and Little to Show,' about the writing of the song." Song and essay can be found on


19 Dec 21 - 06:14 PM (#4129419)
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
From: Felipa

Phil Ochs would be 81 years old today.