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Is Sam telling porkies?!!

13 Apr 99 - 06:16 AM (#70520)
Subject: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: Ian Stephenson

I thought it was rather strange that Sam wanted to know which guitar to buy when I see him all the time, and I've never seen him play guitar in my life! Good advice from the catters, mind. Has anyone heard of a book called "the Portland Collection", and it is a really fantastic collection of tunes from all over, with good information on every tune in the back. I had a look at it at a friends house, and want to buy it as a present for someone, but Its from the U.S. and I think its only available from the net. What should I do regarding payment? Cheers, Ian

13 Apr 99 - 06:58 AM (#70526)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: Sam Pirt

Thats where you would be wrong! You see not only have I recently started to sing I have also tried to start playing guitar to accompany myself singing as well, My main instrument will always be my accordion though.

Bye, Sam

13 Apr 99 - 09:11 AM (#70549)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: bill\sables

It's True Ian, Sam has asked me to show him a few chords Cheers Bill p.s Welcome to Mudcat'''

13 Apr 99 - 01:56 PM (#70601)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: Sandy Paton

You can get the book from Amazon for $25 US. You might even try Amazon UK.


13 Apr 99 - 03:05 PM (#70620)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: Colin The Whistler (inactive)


14 Apr 99 - 05:21 AM (#70825)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!

Ian, you can pay with any major credit card. You don't have to send the details over the net. Just order and tell them you are sending payment by post. You can do this with Elderly too. If you hit the "Support the Mudcat" button that appears on the top of your screen while you are reading the list of threads, you will get a link to Using that link gives some financial help to Mudcat.


14 Apr 99 - 04:21 PM (#70937)
Subject: RE: Is Sam telling porkies?!!
From: Ian Stephenson

Cheers guys. Sam -I'll take my foot out of my mouth shall I!!?!! If you're ever lost for a chord just ask! Thanks again for the info on Amazon. Cheers, Ian