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Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)

15 Jul 07 - 08:29 AM (#2103175)
Subject: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10Jy UK)
From: Richard Bridge

So, first, who else will be at Broadstairs? I shall be there with Bishop Gundulf Morris (usually the field furthest from the town :(   )

Look out for the big white tent and often a flagstaff with some large bloomers flying as the flag....

Surrounded by a village of, from, and concerning Gundulfs, from 1 man pup tent size up to caravan large enough for an orgy inside and a ceilidh in the awning outside....

Competition this year to see who can get Barbara Brown to hospital fastest when she falls down the sailing club steps again (bad taste joke)

Another competition to see which of the Phatt B'stards finds me first when I start practising the drum at 9 am (another joke, and incidentally I had been playing and drinking into the small hours the night before, as well)

Which will be the killer sing at Broadstairs this year, or will it be run rigidly to schedule again? Will anyone put up some party mood lighting in the school? Will anyone drink more than Peter Collins?

But until then my diary is blank for camping events. What else before then is in or near Kent, participative, and meets "Mr Happy and fiends" criteria of being free or cheap?

Unfortunately I am tied up today or I could have gone to the garden party... :(

15 Jul 07 - 11:44 AM (#2103306)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10Jy UK)
From: Richard Bridge

Blast. O helpful elves, can you make that 10 Aug please?

15 Jul 07 - 02:21 PM (#2103490)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10Jy UK)
From: BB

I don't want to go anywhere near that particular hospital again, considering their inefficiency last time, and the problems it caused later! And I don't attempt to use steps without being able to see exactly where I'm putting my feet now!

Tom is still very impressed that my first words after falling were, 'Is the guitar alright?' (It was, even if I wasn't.)

Look forward to seeing you, Richard.


15 Jul 07 - 04:05 PM (#2103546)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10Jy UK)
From: Richard Bridge

I am so sorry that you did not tell me about their mistakes, Barbara - I only found out quite recently how badly they screwed up.

15 Jul 07 - 04:05 PM (#2103547)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10Jy UK)
From: GerryMc

I shall be there. Doing many gigs.

Schedule came today but not looked through it yet.

Come and say hi

Gerry :-)

15 Jul 07 - 05:14 PM (#2103585)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Richard Bridge

Might be fun, but seemngly no sounds on your myspace?????

15 Jul 07 - 05:57 PM (#2103623)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: melodeonboy

I shall be there playing with the band (Dolphin on the 11th, Bradstow Mill on the 12th, both lunchtime), as well as adding my dulcit tones to the midday Neptune singarounds (for me, the real highlight of the festival), propping up bars, carting my melodeon up and down that bloody hill to and from the campsite, walking around in a haze etc., etc......

15 Jul 07 - 10:44 PM (#2103818)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Richard Bridge

Wot, U mean that thing that is not a folk band?

I think it was the Dolphin (is that the one that is opposite the little road going down to the harbour?) that was doing an interesting deal last year, on all spirits

House double, £2.
Double house (=4 shots) double, £3
Double double (=8 shots) house double £4
Double double double (=16 shots) house double £5
Double double double double (=32 shots, damn nearly a whole bottle!!) house double £6 - which is pretty nearly the supermarket price, retail, for a bottle.

Some people who had figured this out last year were going in and getting their tankards filled with brandy or spirit of choice...

Melodeon a lot easier to carry (if not play - but after a few pints of rum who cares...) than mandolin + bodhran + 6 string + 12 string....(+ a few tinnies in case of getting thirsty en route....

16 Jul 07 - 05:44 AM (#2104009)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

Tinnies Richard??? I've seen you with bottles full of wonderously named beverages but tinnies. I thought it was only plebs like me who resorted to tinnies.
Doubt I'll be down there this year, but you never know I might turn up at the Sailing Club if you're really unlucky.
John Barden

16 Jul 07 - 09:08 AM (#2104115)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Kev The Clogs

Arrrh Happy days Richard. Thanks for reminding me about the house doubles in my tankard. Good to see you're still a bad influence on me ;-)

16 Jul 07 - 10:41 AM (#2104191)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Richard Bridge

They might have been tinnies of Old Heckled Sven, or Tanglefoot....

16 Jul 07 - 01:58 PM (#2104369)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: GerryMc

On my myspace? my oh my!

It works here OK

Gerry :-)

16 Jul 07 - 04:29 PM (#2104525)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)

I will be there as normal together with friends ;-)) my old hometown, I just love it.


16 Jul 07 - 04:34 PM (#2104535)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: GUEST,rock chick

Sorry forgot to sign in as rock chick... so as you may have gussed thats me above, there again the rc may have given it away :^))

lol rc

16 Jul 07 - 09:09 PM (#2104741)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Richard Bridge

Finally it worked! But myspace can be a bit like that!

17 Jul 07 - 05:14 AM (#2104935)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: melodeonboy

Shouldn't this thread title be "Run down to Broadstairs, stagger back up to the camp site"?

17 Jul 07 - 02:36 PM (#2105204)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: Girl Friday

Richard / Melodeonboy et al. You know that whither thou goest so also goeth the leopards. See you there. Will be in C field if you want to avoid us.

17 Jul 07 - 02:52 PM (#2105227)
Subject: RE: Run up to Broadstairs 2007 (Fri 10 Aug UK)
From: skipy

It's too far for me to run, I'd have to set off last week!
Have a "gudun"