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BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........

27 Jul 07 - 09:03 AM (#2112544)
Subject: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: GUEST,Sapper, waiting passing Dick Pickle at Greyr

After reading LTS's much deserved and well earned Knicker Flash (See UMRA) about Limpet, I must say that t'other month, when we went to Emma's (15yo) parents evening, t'other half & I were reduced to wishing one of the teachers would say something bad about her!
She is viewed as being a delight to teach, accademically brilliant and generally leaves Val & I wondering where we got her from.

Also, 18yo has finished his 2y at Welbeck, dropped out of the MOD Scheme and got an apprenticship with Royces!

Well done both of them!!

27 Jul 07 - 09:22 AM (#2112561)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........

Good for the lad, Bob!

27 Jul 07 - 09:27 AM (#2112565)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: Rapparee

That's great, I'm sure. Wish I knew what it all meant, though.

27 Jul 07 - 10:00 AM (#2112605)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: Liz the Squeak

I object - I haven't flashed my knickers for .... ooo...... months now!

But well done you and yours... and thanks.


27 Jul 07 - 10:13 AM (#2112614)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: Liz the Squeak

Actually, can one be called a brood?

Offspring maybe.... but I do see that it isn't so alliterative.


27 Jul 07 - 10:22 AM (#2112624)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: katlaughing

Congrats and I've had a blast following your itinerary throughout the threads!

27 Jul 07 - 10:31 AM (#2112631)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: GUEST,Sapper; Stuck in Oxhey's Loop, N. of Preston

Rap, a "knicker flash" is used on the Usenet newsgroup ukmediaradioarchers (UMRA) to denote a boast about own, or offspring's achievements.
Knicker is, of course, used in it's UK meaning of an item of ladies' underwear!
Royces is Roll Royce, the aeroengine builders, and Welbeck is the MOD funded 6th Form College for future Engineering officers of HM Forces. He pulled out because he's more interested in doing rather than supervising.
Apparently he got top score on the interviews!!

27 Jul 07 - 01:13 PM (#2112754)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: Rapparee

Now all is clear.

I think.

28 Jul 07 - 07:02 AM (#2113203)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: gnu

Great news, Sap! Must be in the genes.

Have you got net access on the new laptop while aboard or only when you put up somewhere?

28 Jul 07 - 07:10 AM (#2113207)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: jacqui.c

WEll done to both kids!

28 Jul 07 - 08:35 AM (#2113249)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: GUEST,sinky

my two year old grandson is a fully qualified pilot for be my baby,so there

28 Jul 07 - 02:33 PM (#2113473)
Subject: RE: BS: If Liz can boast about her brood........
From: sapper82

Hi Gnu,
Was using the train's wireless net access as we were working our way South.
Have wireless LAN capability on my new laptop, but at £15.00 per night (see hotel rip off thread) to Hilton, they can stuff it!!