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I love Lincolnshire

31 Jul 07 - 12:15 PM (#2115642)
Subject: I love Lincolnshire
From: Kampervan

Subject: RE: Martin Simpson in Canada
From: Diane Easby - PM
Date: 30 Jul 07 - 02:03 PM

Lincolnshire is a 90-mile stretch of railway line on the way to Yorkshire which is where Martin Simpson, with consummate taste, now lives. He couldn't help being born on the wrong side of the border in Scunthorpe. It's where his mum was at the time.

Ref: The above from Ms Easby.

I think that Lincolnshire is great. What has it ever done to upset you Diane?

31 Jul 07 - 12:21 PM (#2115653)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: John MacKenzie

Oh dear Kamper, you made the mistake of taking Diane seriously again didn't you?
Giok ¦¬]

31 Jul 07 - 12:52 PM (#2115697)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

What Diane knows about Lincolnshire, isn't worth knowing Kampervan.
She can't even get her geography correct LOL

Lincolnshire is a very nice place to be and the amount of talent that resides in this lovely county is amazing. Amazingly, it isn't flat as some people seem to think :-)

Has she got you going Kampervan :-)

31 Jul 07 - 12:53 PM (#2115699)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Kampervan

Yeah well I like winding people up sometimes too.:-)

It worked on the Eliza Carthy thread I started today! It's a larf ain't it?


31 Jul 07 - 12:59 PM (#2115707)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

What Ms Easby thinks she knows about Lincolnshire and its' residents is not worth knowing......she is just one of those sexist members of the female species who tries to blame her personal feelings on men....sad really....I could almost feel sorry for her...if she hadn't labelled me a pervert!!!!!

31 Jul 07 - 01:13 PM (#2115724)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

Is she giving out labels? I didn't get one.

I sort of agree with Diane about Lincolnshire. All those crap traditional songs - Brigg Fair, Creeping Jane - come from there. Bloody awful rubbish.

Terrible place. I wouldn't go there, if I were her.

We can sit around and enjoy our pervvy songs and pervvy talk; and if she comes in we could snigger in a sinister manner. That would show her.

31 Jul 07 - 01:27 PM (#2115736)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: closet-folkie

Lincolnshire was too flat for me. Back in the 80s I left for the USA and settled, Florida. (I never claimed to be the brightest spark)

31 Jul 07 - 01:37 PM (#2115744)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

Another one I hate

Three score and ten, boys and men set sail from Grimsby Town
Cabin cruisers, racing kayaks....blah blah blah, they all get drowned.

31 Jul 07 - 02:02 PM (#2115770)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

Stop it.

31 Jul 07 - 02:48 PM (#2115812)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Kampervan

I just love it when you talk dirty.

31 Jul 07 - 02:55 PM (#2115820)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Linda Kelly

lovely sausages.

31 Jul 07 - 03:17 PM (#2115840)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

Thank you Linda, I didn't realise you'd noticed! :-)

31 Jul 07 - 05:10 PM (#2115942)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

Many of the Backwoodsmen here have 'hidden' talents!

31 Jul 07 - 05:18 PM (#2115949)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

Is there more than 1 then Mike :-)

31 Jul 07 - 07:00 PM (#2116011)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

All Folkies in Lincolnshire I would suggest (according to DE)

31 Jul 07 - 07:06 PM (#2116013)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,The Diane Easby Fan Club

Now, now boys, stop it. Your willies will shrink and drop off...

01 Aug 07 - 03:32 AM (#2116218)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

According to the person you are a fan of I think you got it wrong.....It should read "Your willies will drink and cop off"

01 Aug 07 - 03:54 AM (#2116236)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Darowyn

"He couldn't help being born on the wrong side of the border in Scunthorpe. It's where his mum was at the time."

Oh wow! so was I.
Martin Simpson must be my long lost twin brother.
Bags I be the evil twin!

01 Aug 07 - 06:52 AM (#2116328)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Folk Form # 1

Lincolnshire may be very nice (or not, according to some people here) but it is no Kent. Now that is a nice place, what with all the lusty maidens plucking apples in sun dappled orchards and salt of the earth rustics reaping the crops to pitchfork into haywains to take to the Oast houses.

01 Aug 07 - 08:20 AM (#2116380)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

'Lincolnshire may be very nice (or not, according to some people here) but it is no Kent.'

That's it, look on the bright side...(or not).

01 Aug 07 - 08:54 AM (#2116401)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

>>lusty maidens plucking apples in sun dappled orchards <<

Hmmmmm now that conjures up a picture. Imagination is a wonderful thing :-)

WLD you should be ashamed of yourself, being a true yellowbelly an all that. :-)

01 Aug 07 - 09:39 AM (#2116451)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Stamford's nice (it's in Lincolnshire - for those of you in Kent and elsewhere).

01 Aug 07 - 09:59 AM (#2116465)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Liz the Squeak

Belton was nice too.. lovely gardens.

Grantham on the hand is a dump. It spawned Maggie Thatcher and I can never forgive it for that.


01 Aug 07 - 10:34 AM (#2116483)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

Maggie Thatcher...yes what an iron lady!
Wonder where DE was born?

01 Aug 07 - 12:17 PM (#2116574)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

To paraphrase Darlin' Diane, not Grantham's fault she was born on the wrong side of the border, it's where her mum happened to be.

01 Aug 07 - 12:40 PM (#2116586)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

Grantham is lovely. It has a good Chinese restraurant (Hop Sing's). A nice supermarket.

I did a St Paddy's day gig there once to nest of IRA sympathisers at a pub called Winston Churchill - or something like that, down Wharf Rd.

They make dumper trucks there at Aveling Barford. And there used to be a good chip shop, but its closed.. ... I was a great favourite of the old ladies in Grantham, singing at several of the retirement homes.

Also Grantham Gingerbreads come from Grantham.

I remember a trad singer from there that I liked, called Roger the Postman.

01 Aug 07 - 12:47 PM (#2116594)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Flatpick

I lived there for two years and liked the place and the people. I may have missed the humour or something in this thread.

01 Aug 07 - 12:54 PM (#2116600)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Ruth Archer

There's nothing wrong with Grantham, apart from Maggie having been born there. It's just an ordinary market town - not particularly lovely, but not grim, either. It has a kind of parallel high street where all the shops are still owned by real people, which is nice. Good market. Some nice buildings and a twisty turny old bit that's quite charming.

It hasn't been gentrified, but then again, this is Lincolnshire.

Now Boston, on the other hand... *shudders*

01 Aug 07 - 01:28 PM (#2116626)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

Boston is my home town. Grantham is where I met my dear wife.

Lincolnshire has played an important part in my formative years. Dogdyke is of questionable quality, otherwise Prince Charles would be lucky if his sausages were half as good,

01 Aug 07 - 02:17 PM (#2116676)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Crazy Man Michael

>>lusty maidens plucking apples in sun dappled orchards <<
hmmmm...Now which part of Lincolnshire was that again? *LOL*

01 Aug 07 - 04:23 PM (#2116787)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

Where the orchards are..everybody knows that LOL.

01 Aug 07 - 04:41 PM (#2116803)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

A couple of weeks ago, on a journey from my native Fenland, to 'The North' I took a long detour up through Lincolnshire and stopped off near a place called, Bardney. The purpose of the detour was to explore some Forestry Commission woodland that I had found the previous Easter. The wood was distinguished by the presence of a tree called Small-leaved Lime (one of our two native wild limes). I won't easily forget the gorgeous perfume of those wild lime trees.

I suspect that Lincolnshire is full of things like that and I find it a deeply intriguing county. I suppose that its shear size and relative emptiness is all part of its charm. It's a pity that such huge areas of it have been ruined by Twentieth Century agribusiness.

01 Aug 07 - 09:23 PM (#2117000)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

Ha flippin' ha usual a GUEST. Wonder who that might be?

02 Aug 07 - 05:09 AM (#2117206)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

To be fair, agribusiness is what Lincolnshire is about. has been since I was a kid at least. Big farmers, big farms, spraying agent orange over everything, big lorries full of food, canning factories, piles of sugar beet, potato fields, pea viners, casual seasonal workers from all over everywhere use bitching about being stuck behind a tractor in Linconshire, if you pass it - you only get stuck behind the next one.

I suppose it might have been different, at some point. I guess you'll just have to locate that imagined village; I know for a fact its not Bardney.

02 Aug 07 - 06:28 AM (#2117235)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

No, WLD Bardney is probably not the imagined village - but it is sufficiently like the Fenland towns and villages of my childhood to induce nostalgic 'twinges'. It also has a British Sugar Corporation factory as well - and they were my first employer (more nostalgia).

As for agribusiness: on a recent trip I recall driving for miles with The Wolds dominating the horizon and thinking, "why did they have to plough it all up? Why couldn't they have left me a few scraps of genuine Lincolnshire Downland to botanise on?"

What's your problem, 'Georgiansilver'? I actually like Lincolnshire - I'm certainly not knocking it! And I'm only a 'Guest' because I can't work out how to become a full member again.

02 Aug 07 - 07:57 AM (#2117293)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: fat B****rd

Wasn't there once a "pop" festival at Bardney ?

02 Aug 07 - 08:09 AM (#2117305)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Folk Form # 1

Orpington is in Kent and that is where Nic Jones was born; although he was brought up in Brentford, which, I believe, is in Essex - which is no Kent. Has Kent any other famous sons, I wonder?

02 Aug 07 - 08:40 AM (#2117326)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

Does Tony's Cafe still exist at Grantham? When I were a yoof in Stamford it was a regular Saturday night trip up the A1 after closing time for an early breakfast. The lot and chips, two bread and butter and a pint mug of tea all for 3/6d (proper Christian money we had then). It's probably a Little Chef now, all nicely sanitised with not a trucker in sight.

02 Aug 07 - 08:50 AM (#2117335)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Dave the Gnome

Has Kent any other famous sons, I wonder?

Stanley Accrington mentions three in his song that contains the line "Kentish Folk are revolting". I can remember Watt Tyler and Ted Heath - Can't remember the third. I think Stan had great difficulty with an anagram for Kent. Best of the night was Knet...

Cheers. Hope this has confused everyone still further.


02 Aug 07 - 09:47 AM (#2117383)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

'Penguin Egg' - Brentford is in Middlesex (near Kew). You're probably thing of BrentWOOD (which IS in Essex).

I once did a floor spot at Nic Jones's club in Chelmsford (Essex) which I regularly confuse with Cheltenham (which is, of course, in Gloucestershire).

02 Aug 07 - 09:52 AM (#2117391)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

Shimrod, I wondered what georgiansilver was on about ? What were you on about Mike LOL :-)

Click on the dropdown icon to the right of Quick Links at the top of the page. Then click on GO.

You should be able to type your username and password and log yourself back in.

02 Aug 07 - 10:05 AM (#2117407)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Georgiansilver

Sorry but my comment was addressed to the previous Crazy man Michael....
Yes there was once a pop festival at Bardney which I attended but cannot remember if it was 1970 or 71.....a great time was had by all.

02 Aug 07 - 10:32 AM (#2117434)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Dave the Gnome

If you can remember it you was not there?

I regulary confuse Maidstone with Maidenhead. No wonder I end up on the M20 instead of the M40 so often. I was in Maidstone (or was it Maidenhead - No it was Maidstone) after some floods a few years back. There were people from the local estate being put up in the same hotel I was stopping at. I thought I had discovered a new dish when I heard loads of them talking about having Fackin eggs for breakfast. Then I realised they were immigrants from Essex!



Who never confuses Manchester and Winchester...

02 Aug 07 - 10:37 AM (#2117436)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Kampervan

Er, Thread drift or what?!! This is supposed to be thread dedicated to poeple saying lots of nice things about Lincolnshire   (well there's nothing bad to say is there?).

How did Kent(nice beer and strawberries)get in on the act?

02 Aug 07 - 10:48 AM (#2117443)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Dave the Gnome

Lincolnshire is indeed very nice. It begins with 'L' and ends in 'shire'. The only problem is the 'incoln' in between. Now, if it said 'anci' instead it would be even better.

BTW - Where does Rutland fit in to the picture of things?


02 Aug 07 - 11:03 AM (#2117456)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,kampervan

Now you're being really silly. With anci in between the L and the shire you've nearly got Y***shire, and that's not a nice thing to say to a Yellowbelly.

02 Aug 07 - 11:11 AM (#2117468)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Crazy Man Michael

actually it was me, but the post seems to have vanished...probably because in absent mindedness (it's them frolicing maidens!! LOL) I forgot to add my name...Oh well....

02 Aug 07 - 11:19 AM (#2117480)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Folk Form # 1

Take the last bit of Lincolnshire - , namely, shire, add 'of' and 'Kent', and you have the Shire of Kent. Thread drift indeed.

02 Aug 07 - 11:40 AM (#2117492)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Thanks, 'The Villan' - I'll try that (although a few things I've tried in the past haven't worked - and then apathy took over, as usual!).

'Georgiansilver' - I'm glad we've cleared that up!

02 Aug 07 - 11:45 AM (#2117499)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Crazy_Man_Michael (inactive)

"actually it was me, but the post seems to have vanished"
more than likely due to my swipe at The Imagined Village

*wanders off whistling The Ballad of the Bold Re-Imaginer*

02 Aug 07 - 11:52 AM (#2117505)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Dave the Gnome


02 Aug 07 - 11:55 AM (#2117507)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

Cocked up my instructions Shimrod. So her is the correct version.

Click on the dropdown icon to the right of Quick Links at the top of the page. Select Login from the list, then click on GO.

You should be able to type your username and password and log yourself back in.

02 Aug 07 - 02:54 PM (#2117565)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

Mingulay me lad (or Lass!) - alas and alack, Tony's is no more. Your comment re 'The Lot' and chips brought back many happy memories of early-morning feasts on the way home from gigs with the band (or 'goup' as they were called in the good old days), frozen and stiff from sitting on the floor in the back of a Ford 15cwt van (later a tranny, when they'd been invented!). It was a great meeting-place for group-lads (and lasses) traipsing up and down the A1. Seen some good food-wars there. :-)

It's a 'MacHorribles' or 'Burger-Kingdom' or 'Little Chuff' or summats now, with a feckin' great furniture store and garden centre right next door. Shite!

02 Aug 07 - 02:55 PM (#2117567)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman


02 Aug 07 - 04:25 PM (#2117652)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Big Al Whittle

Strangely enough Shimrod (I used to work in the spares dept of Aveling Barford - that sort of Shim? the names of the components had a certain poetry - I was particularly fond of the concept of 'sliding dogs'!) the main feeling within Lincolnshire is that its not developed enough.

Take Old Bolingbroke with its castle where a King of England used to hang out who Skakespeare wrote three plays about (Richard 2 and Henry 4 part one and two).. All there is, is some sheep munching away at the grass. If the Yanks had a place like that - they'd have a theme park at least. You can sneer at stuff like that, but by and large if people have jobs selling tickets and ice creams, and little houses and big mortgages - by and large they're too busy with their little hopes and ambitions to become heroin addicts.

And in answer to someone else, yes there was a pop festival at Bardney and John Chambers who runs the 2nd time around folk club in Beeston got the gig. he met loads of people - Jimi, The Stones, Rod Stewart, Fairport - he'll tell you all about it. He was there.

03 Aug 07 - 05:44 AM (#2118114)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: gnomad

I lived in Lincolnshire for about 6 years, in the bit they were trying to call Humberside at the time.

Having moved there from the bit of Yorkshire they were also trying to call Humberside I was quite cautious, expecting the traditional rivalry between north and south banks to make me an outsider at best. I also expected a dull prairie-like landscape.

To my surprise I found a beautiful county, bigger than I expected, with a wide variety of landscape, and retaining the best features that my old East Riding landscape was quickly losing at the time. My concerns about being accepted were also unfounded, the natives proving extremely hospitable, talented, and interesting.

It is 20 years since I moved out. I still have more, and closer, friends there than in the area I moved to, where I got stuck for 18 years. In fact if I hadn't found my way to where I am now (Whitby) I would return like a shot. I don't "belong" anywhere, but if I got to choose where I "belonged" then I reckon north Lincolnshire would be running this place a close second.

03 Aug 07 - 06:10 AM (#2118125)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

Backwoodsman, thanks for that info on Tony's (I think), at least it saves me going on a wasted pilgrimage, although if I did it wouldn't be in the back of a Ford Thames 15cwt, a Morris J4 or a Morris 8 ex GPO van (both of the latter with matresses in the back). I wonder if the ghosts of the ERF's, Fodens, Atkinsons and Scammells etc still roam the old lorry park?

Bye the way, the 15cwt was slightly warmer than the tranny due to the mid-mounted engine, if somewhat noisier.

Mingulay (lad)

03 Aug 07 - 07:06 AM (#2118156)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

Yep, the luckiest guy was the one who got to sit on the engine cover! I reckon that was the inspiration for the old song "Ring of Fire"! LOL!
Cheers lad!

03 Aug 07 - 08:35 AM (#2118200)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Thanks again, 'The Villan' - but it still doesn't work - I'm just going to have to contact Mr Offer.

03 Aug 07 - 09:16 AM (#2118223)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

Thats real starnge Shimrod

03 Aug 07 - 01:47 PM (#2118423)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Backwoodsman

Is that Brummesian for 'strange' Les? :-) :-)

03 Aug 07 - 03:48 PM (#2118522)
Subject: RE: I love Lincolnshire
From: Rasener

No its my dyslexic brummie fingers LOL