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BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)

31 Jul 07 - 07:21 PM (#2116020)
Subject: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

If he hadn't built a bridge to nowhere, he might have gotten away!

31 Jul 07 - 08:39 PM (#2116061)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: kendall

Good riddence to this crook

31 Jul 07 - 08:42 PM (#2116064)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

A house of cards in shambles

01 Aug 07 - 09:29 AM (#2116439)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Rapparee

Another case, it appears, of "They'll never catch ME!!"

01 Aug 07 - 11:30 AM (#2116527)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: saulgoldie

Reminder: He is not proven guilty yet. He is only "under suspicion." We ALL want the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, don't we? BTW, I am a flaming progressive, and no particular friend to the slimeball.

01 Aug 07 - 11:41 AM (#2116535)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Bill D

In some places, being a slimeball and taking bribes is about the only way to GET power. Stevens survived the same way some did in Chicago and handing out largess to enough folks to overcome the stink of his methods.

01 Aug 07 - 03:01 PM (#2116725)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: PoppaGator

This asshole is the single greatest enemy in Congress of Gulf Coast citizens still trying to recover from that nasty storm two years ago. Whatever happens to him, he probably deserves worse.

02 Aug 07 - 01:37 AM (#2117112)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

Now, Now, Poppagator, you gotta admit when a lot of folks live in cheap housing ignoring the fact they are slam plunked down in the middle of a big ol' bowl next to the biggest river in the United States and on a coastline subject to regular visitations by wind, rain, and hurricane, wallllll.....

it's kinda reminiskent of a lot of good ol' Northern folk who are plunked down, with knowledge, on a coastline subject to earthquake and tsunami.

So please cut down ol' temper tantrum Ted a nice ol' slice o' Louisiana slack.


(who shurely hopes he merits a FEMA trailer when his turn comes)

02 Aug 07 - 10:07 AM (#2117411)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Alaska Mike

I'm sure Bush will pardon him if they ever find him guilty of his many crimes. I wonder if they will remove his name from the "Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport". When I first heard that they had named the airport after him I was thrilled. I thought it meant he had died.


02 Aug 07 - 03:16 PM (#2117582)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

lol, MIke.

02 Aug 07 - 04:17 PM (#2117639)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

I just call it the "T S Anchorage International Airport"

I'm still unclear on who had the chutzpah to name it after him. It's prolly the same crowd who want to re-name Washington after Reagon. I'm already pretty clear on the chutzpah of ol' Ted himself.

02 Aug 07 - 05:11 PM (#2117707)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

I've been watching this scandel build for months now. I know some of the charactors involved. To me, the sad part of this horror story is that it could, can, and WILL happen anywhere. ANYWHERE, that is, you have those unbelievable amounts of money around. In this case, it is OIL. Once those amount of dollars start to flow, graft, cooruption, bribary, thievery, cover ups, lies, etc., all start to happen. Like it or not, it's human nature.

Who was it that said, "If you're poor, you must be honest. Because no dishonest man will ever stay poor!" ? CHEERS, Bob

02 Aug 07 - 07:24 PM (#2117825)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

It makes me mad every time I go to Washington to have to land at the Reagan International Airport. One time I went to Baltimore instead.

03 Aug 07 - 02:55 PM (#2118479)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: emjay

One thing I hope does come out of this, that they change the name of the airport. I wasn't surprised when his son came under investigation, I wasn't surprised at some of the other state legislators. We knew some of that stuff was going on, but like a lot of people, I thought Ted was too smart to do those things or to be caught.
A former US Attorney, also a Republican, has made some interesting comments about ongoing investigations and those still to come. Approval of those search warrants, he said, was not granted on mere suspicions and rumors, and had to have come from the very top.
No matter what is found or not found, Stevens did not avoid the appearance of evil when oil field services company Veco had a hand in the remodel of his home. Veco is not likely to have had a thing to do with remodeling my house nor Alaska Mike's nor Ebbie's nor any of the other Alaskans who post on Mudcat. Whatever they did, whether it was only receiving bills and passing them on to the Senator and his wife or actually contributing financially to the remodeling, it was more than should have been done for a sitting US Senator in a position to help the company.
Now, since this is Mudcat, there must be a song in this?

03 Aug 07 - 03:10 PM (#2118487)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

emnay: What would be a good name for the song?

             "How Cheap They Sell Out For"
             "Global Warming at the Stevens'"
             "I Built a Bridge to Nowhere and Lost My Way"
             "What's the FBI Doing in My Sock Drawer"
             "Angry Brown Bears Change My 1040 Form"

03 Aug 07 - 03:11 PM (#2118490)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Donuel

Call it National Airport or George Washingon National.

only an ass would try to make you say Reagan.

03 Aug 07 - 03:25 PM (#2118503)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Stevens has a cute out: I paid every bill I was given.

Doesn't address the bills that VECO paid, huh.

As for the man being too smart to do it or to be caught, the arrogance of his, Don Young and Frank Murkowski (before his fall) dictates their belief that nobody is as smart as they are.

03 Aug 07 - 03:38 PM (#2118514)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: emjay

To rigind\slinger:
All those names work, but I think I like What's the FBI doing in my sock drawer...possibilities
Or How Cheap they sell out for or How cheaply they sell out
or who knew you could buy your own senator for the change on the dresser?
Those bridges are a sore spot.

Yeah, none of them are quite so smart as they think they are.

03 Aug 07 - 04:14 PM (#2118539)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: GUEST, Ebbie

Actually, those bridges haven't been built.

03 Aug 07 - 04:25 PM (#2118549)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Maybe it's not too late to stop them. Make sure they are designed like the one in Minnesota.

03 Aug 07 - 04:29 PM (#2118552)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

By the way, did anybody look into who owns the property on the other side of the bridge?

03 Aug 07 - 04:33 PM (#2118555)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

"Up North is a senator named Ted,
Who thinks we've all been misslead,
   Why, I'd have to be daft
   Before I'd take graft
If you'll excuse me, I'll now go to bed!" (bad, bad, Bob)

03 Aug 07 - 05:24 PM (#2118594)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: GUEST, Ebbie

I don't know who lives on the other end of the proposed Knik Arm bridge (I do know that a pretty good case could be made for this particular bridge) but former Governor Frank Murkowski has ties to the Southeast Alaska Gravina Island proposal. They may have given up on that bridge since we have a new governor but they are now feverishly working on bringing about a three-mile road on Gravina that is projected to cost 8 million plus per mile. And they can NOT make a good case for it.

03 Aug 07 - 05:36 PM (#2118604)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Ebbie - It sounds like a title search is in order.

03 Aug 07 - 05:53 PM (#2118613)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: PoppaGator


Sorry for the belated response ~ I haven't checked this thread (or anyting in BS section) for a few days.

You say you "hope [to] merit a FEMA trailer when [your] turn comes," and I appreciate that you're joking, but perhaps you haven't heard the latest FEMA-trailer news, which would certainly give you reason to hesitate:

The travel trailers distributed by FEMA as temporary housing have been found to contain dangerously high levels of formalydehyde. These units were never designed for continued human habitation round the clock, day and and day out, for month and months, now going on two years. Presumably, when used for the occasional vacation trip, the risk of formaldehyde poisoning is minimal, but among the Gulf Coast population risiding full-time in these trailers, there has been an epidemic of mysterious illnesses, including cancer, and at least one death.

It has come to light that FEMA administrators became aware of a potential problem well over a year ago, but federal lawyers (i.e., the Cheney/Bush Justice Department) insisted that no public disclosure be made. Apparently, if people learned about the danger, they might demand safer housing and/or sue for damages. Avoiding any risk to administration policies and policymakers was apparently more importnat than alleviating the risk to citizens' lives and health.

03 Aug 07 - 07:05 PM (#2118664)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: emjay

I wouldn't make a case for either of those bridges, though it is wrong to call them bridges to nowhere. The Knik Arm bridge supposedly connects the Matanuska-Susitna valleys with Anchorage but probably more correctly opens up land for development, but would not make it any easier for a lot of us to get to Anchorage. Better would be an efficient mass transportation system.
Yep, look at who owns the land. We like to feather our own nests.

03 Aug 07 - 07:11 PM (#2118666)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

Yep ... as they say: "Birds of a feather flock together" or is it "Birds of flock, feather together?" I get soooo confused. Actually, if you play with letters a little, you could say something a little stronger, and more profane, but I won't go there! CHEERS, Bob

04 Aug 07 - 09:22 PM (#2119370)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

"We like to feather our own nests."

                  But sometimes elected public officials like to feather their own nests more than the rest of us.

05 Aug 07 - 12:13 PM (#2119719)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Alaska Mike

I have to drive from Anchorage to Point Mackenzie periodically as part of my job. To drive from downtown Anchorage (where one end of the bridge would be) to Pt Mackenzie now is about a 3 hour trip even though you can see the place right across the inlet. The available land has all been sold years ago. It was offered in 600 acre lots in order to keep small investors out of the windfall when the bridge gets built.

Most of the land was bought by wealthy investors who could afford to wait until Ted pushed through an appropriation of Federal money. Once the taxpayers build the bridge, the land will go up in value by hundreds of times what they bought it for. Instead of a three hour drive, the commute would be about 20 minutes. Nice waterfront lots, beautiful views of the mountains, short drive to the city, what more could you want.


05 Aug 07 - 12:17 PM (#2119721)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

The ONLY thing I could ask for is ... a cut of the action! Bob

05 Aug 07 - 01:22 PM (#2119749)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

"what more could you want."

          To be one of the original investors with a U.S. Senator in my pocket, I suppose.

05 Aug 07 - 01:27 PM (#2119755)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: pdq

It's probably OK to bend the rules a bit if you have good reasons to do so:

{shortened by me}

"The fight for Alaska statehood became Stevens' principal work at Interior. "He did all the work on statehood," Roger Ernst later said of Stevens. "He wrote 90 percent of all the speeches. Statehood was his main project." A sign on Stevens' door proclaimed his office "Alaskan Headquarters" and Stevens became known at the Department of the Interior as "Mr. Alaska."

President Eisenhower, a Republican, regarded Alaska as too large and sparsely populated to be economically self-sufficient as a state, and furthermore saw statehood as an obstacle to effective defense of Alaska should the Soviet Union seek to invade it. Eisenhower was especially worried about the sparsely populated areas of northern and western Alaska. In March 1954, he had drawn a line on a map indicating his opinion of the portions of Alaska which he felt ought to remain in federal hands even if Alaska were granted statehood.

Stevens worked with (the) chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to create a compromise that would address Eisenhower's concerns. Their work concentrated on refining the line on the map that Eisenhower had drawn in 1954, which became known as the PYK Line after three rivers - the Porcupine, Yukon, and Kuskokwim - whose courses defined much of the line. The PYK Line was the basis for Section 10 of the Alaska Statehood Act, which Stevens wrote. Under Section 10, the land north and west of the PYK Line — which included the entirety of Alaska's North Slope, the Seward Peninsula, most of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, the western portions of the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands — would be part of the new state, but the President would be granted emergency powers to establish special national defense withdrawals in those areas if deemed necessary. "It's still in the law but it's never been exercised," Stevens later recollected. "Now that the problem with Russia is gone, it's surplusage. But it is a special law that only applies to Alaska."

Stevens also took part - illegally - in lobbying for the statehood bill, working closely with the Alaska Statehood Committee from his office at Interior. Stevens hired Margaret Atwood, daughter of Anchorage Times publisher Robert Atwood, who was chairman of the Alaska Statehood Committee, to work with him in the Interior Department. "We were violating the law," Stevens told a researcher in an October 1977 oral history interview for the Eisenhower Library. "[W]e were lobbying from the executive branch, and there's been a statute against that for a long time.... We more or less, I would say, masterminded the House and Senate attack from the executive branch."Stevens and the younger Atwood created file cards on members of Congress based on "whether they were Rotarians or Kiwanians or Catholics or Baptists and veterans or loggers, the whole thing," Stevens said in the 1977 interview. "And we'd assigned these Alaskans to go talk to individual members of the Senate and split them down on the basis of people that had something in common with them."The lobbying campaign extended to presidential press conferences. "We set Ike up quite often at press conferences by planting questions about Alaska statehood," Stevens said in the 1977 interview. "We never let a press conference go by without getting someone to try to ask him about statehood." Newspapers were also a targeted, according to Stevens. "We planted editorials in weeklies and dailies and newspapers in the district of people we thought were opposed to us or states where they were opposed to us so that suddenly they were thinking twice about opposing us."

The Alaska Statehood Act became law with Eisenhower's signature on July 7, 1958, and Alaska formally was admitted to statehood on January 3, 1959, when Eisenhower signed the Alaska Statehood Proclamation."   {Wiki}

05 Aug 07 - 05:20 PM (#2119937)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

In downtown Anchorage, A and C streets, main drags into town from the South, turn into, or share their names, with the term "Eisenhower Corridor" which was superimposed over the more common street names, I heard due to the obstreperous pesterings of some ancient buddy of Ike, who indeed signed Alaska into Statehood which became legal in 1959 as the 49th State in the Union. Schools in the Continental US for as much as twenty years after the event maintained their classroom 48 star flags as battalions of mathematicians went to the mats to determine how many rows and columns it would take to line up 50 stars on the blue field of the flag. They at last solved it when IBM was able to sell the government a computer a quarter the size of the pentagon. Since that time, the prospect of an additional State coming into the fold keeps them up at night, figuring how to make 51 stars fit in some nice kind of rectangle (3 rows of 17 would use up the whole top part of the flag) I think they are waiting for two stars to come in at once, which is what we call the "Two State Solution."

The Alaska Statehood Monument is just a block down from where I work, it consists of a gruntled President Eisenhower, cut off at the thighs, with an unfurled scroll over one shoulder and a vaguely constipated look as he tries to ignore the GIANT EAGLE STANDING ON HIS NECK.

05 Aug 07 - 06:31 PM (#2119968)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

"Schools in the Continental US for as much as twenty years after the event maintained their classroom 48 star flags as battalions of mathematicians went to the mats to determine how many rows and columns it would take to line up 50 stars on the blue field of the flag."

robomatic, I think you are mistaken.

Go to

The Designer of Flags

and you'll see that even the 50-star flag design was ready *before* Alaska and Hawaii were accepted as states. Alaska flew its 49-star for only a short time because Hawaii became a state just a year later.

I lived in Oregon at the time and I remember when the new flags came on.

05 Aug 07 - 08:17 PM (#2120017)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: pdq


Your link shows the Alaska Statehood Monument not to be very flattering. Perhaps the thing does not photograph well. Perhaps eagles have become boring through overuse in patriotic venues.

Maybe we should replace the statue portion with a Benny Bufano bear. May I suggest the followong:

                                  more like it

Also, I hope you are not sugesting that the shortcomings of the memorial are president Eisenhower's since a memorialusually requires that the person be dead at the time of construction.

05 Aug 07 - 11:54 PM (#2120096)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

"...Stevens hired Margaret Atwood,"

             A famous name in literary circles; any relation?

    '"Stevens and the younger Atwood created file cards on members of Congress based on "whether they were Rotarians or Kiwanians or Catholics or Baptists and veterans or loggers, the whole thing,"'

                      Sounds like J. Edgar Hoover.

06 Aug 07 - 12:21 AM (#2120105)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

Sounds like smart politics.

Ebbie: Maybe it was going to school in parsimonious Puritanical New England, but most of our classroom flags had 48 States. (I suspect the one that flew outside the school had the updated number)

It's the 49 State flags that I've never seen.

06 Aug 07 - 12:24 AM (#2120110)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Pretty much all I know about the Atwoods is that Robert Atwood was the publisher of the Anchorage Times, a newspaper; Evangeline Atwood, his wife was a published writer. They are both dead. But they were known as a politically conservative family.

A gossipy tidbit: The current corruption scandal and investigation in Alaska involves a man who was the most recent publisher of Atwood's Times segment, Bill Allen of VECO. Allen and his business have pleaded guilty to bribing a number of Alaska's legislators.

06 Aug 07 - 09:46 PM (#2120558)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

It's kind of like capturing the radio station in a banana republic. But the newspaper before you get ready to rip off the public, then you can control the local dialogue anyway. Too bad it went national.

07 Aug 07 - 12:19 AM (#2120605)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

lol Robo, there are a lot of 49-star flags in Alaska. The house museum (The House of Wickersham) where I lived and worked for years has two of them, alone. Ruth Allman, Judge Wickersham's wife's niece and the one who saved the House used to fly one of them outside the house. Couldn't do that nowadays. They'd be flying down the street with a passerby, I suspect.

07 Aug 07 - 07:07 PM (#2121212)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

I don't recall ever seeing a 49 star flag. They way I remember it, it seemed like Alaska and Hawaii became states at the same time.

07 Aug 07 - 07:14 PM (#2121217)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Alaska statehood: January 3, 1959
Hawaii statehood: August 21, 1959

07 Aug 07 - 09:59 PM (#2121308)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

In any event, it seems like they were both states by the time Francis Gary Powers got shot down over the Soviet Union.

07 Aug 07 - 10:20 PM (#2121315)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Huh? Powers was shot down in 1960 - but the relevance?

08 Aug 07 - 02:39 AM (#2121423)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic


08 Aug 07 - 07:54 AM (#2121584)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

"Huh? Powers was shot down in 1960 - but the relevance?"

               Only context. Sorry, I was pretty young at the time and I guess I was just thinking out loud.

08 Aug 07 - 12:30 PM (#2121758)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Alasks's flag. May it mean to you...

08 Aug 07 - 02:34 PM (#2121872)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Are we talking about Alaska's state flag, or the 49 star flag, or...? And not being an Alaskan, I'm not sure...

08 Aug 07 - 03:00 PM (#2121897)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Alaska's state song, Riginslinger. It's fun, and rather moving, to sing.

Eight stars of gold on a field of blue -
Alaska's flag. May it mean to you
The blue of the sea, the evening sky,
The mountain lakes, and the flow'rs nearby;
The gold of the early sourdough's dreams,
The precious gold of the hills and streams;
The brilliant stars in the northern sky,
The "Bear" - the "Dipper" - and, shining high,
The great North Star with its steady light,
Over land and sea a beacon bright.
Alaska's flag - to Alaskans dear,
The simple flag of a last frontier.

08 Aug 07 - 03:52 PM (#2121945)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Very nice. Thanks. I'll print it out.

            Of course, now, instead of sourdoughs you've got Ted Stevens.

09 Aug 07 - 12:12 AM (#2122225)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

We make up for having Ted Stevens by having Rep. Don Young too. :(

All of them, including Ted Stevens' son, Ben, are under FBI investigation. :)

09 Aug 07 - 07:41 AM (#2122383)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Well, I guess the FBI needed to have something to do, anyway.

09 Aug 07 - 09:27 AM (#2122438)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Rapparee

I want one of those dark, dark blue baseball caps with only the gold stars on it -- but all I've seen also say "Alaska." The AK National Guard also has/had the coolest shoulder patch I've ever seen.

09 Aug 07 - 10:20 AM (#2122465)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman


If, if you'll stay in your office until noon, we've arranged for one of those kool blue hats to walk in and talk with you. Perhaps you can get his hat! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

09 Aug 07 - 10:50 PM (#2122901)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: KT

I have a neighbor who's a member, RAP. I'll see what I can do.

10 Aug 07 - 12:08 AM (#2122951)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

I can almost cry thinking of Sourdough Mike singing that in The Fly-By-Night Club!

10 Aug 07 - 11:32 AM (#2123111)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

When gold gave way to oil, Alaska seems to have lost something.

11 Aug 07 - 02:54 AM (#2123523)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

Well, we gained a lot of oil people who brought up:

Baptists, Texans, and Walmart culture.

Sen. Ted goes back to postwar days but as we've seen in this thread he had a lot to do with shaping the Alaska of today.

I'm sure there were folks who felt that the discovery of gold in the Yukon and later Alaska led to its own inescapable devolution of certain subarctic values.
Oil led us to the modern version of Alaska we find ourselves in today. On the national level it keeps our (US) horrible balance of trade from being much more horrible. On the local level it has brought a kind of reign of the internal combustion engine. I was invited fishing this morning which entailed me getting out of the house at about 4 AM to drive my Toyota pickup an hour North of town where I met up with others and we drive up a muddy rutty windy little road that takes us to the banks of the Knik River. On the way to that turnoff I was passed by a shiny black Dodge Ram pickup flying down the highway towing a trailer on which was a four-wheeler with ITS OWN TRAILER.

Reminded me of when I was brandy new here working in Anchorage, and one of the other employees Rode his own truck to a small airport in Wasilla, got in his own plane, flew it to Anchorage, got in a second truck in Anchorage, and came to the office. I meditated on the fact that this fella, an electrician, had three large engines totally at his own beck and call, to accomplish the daily commute.

I'm not sure I have a point Suffice it to say that after getting up by three and doing the fishing stint and then a full day of work I'm in an altered state of consciousness.

11 Aug 07 - 10:59 AM (#2123682)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

I guess that's happened almost everyplace. But it just seems like Alaska has more to loose than most other places.

11 Aug 07 - 05:25 PM (#2123919)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

Hey sailor, wanna buy some tundra?.

Ain't never been rode on, drilled, nor chawed!

When we've wasted and blasted and quarried half the state we'll still have enough left over to cover Texas.

11 Aug 07 - 11:34 PM (#2124042)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

robo - You'd know more about it than I would. It just seems like when something goes wrong in a place like Alaska, it just takes a whole lot longer to fix it.

12 Aug 07 - 12:38 AM (#2124068)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: emjay

Alaskans all over the place. This is getting to be almost like reading the letters pages in the Anchorage Daily News. Somebody (John Hackney,whose name means nothing in this context)was on the news a couple of nights ago during a demonstration outside a house where a $1000 a plate fundraiser was being held for our lone Congressman, Don Young. And Hackney chided the demonstrators and said Stevens and Young and Murkowski "Made Alaska."
That's the worst of it. They really think these people and free-flowing oil money made Alaska.
The money made it something but I don't understand why they brag about it. I was here before statehood, and before oil money and this was a wonderful place.
I've said it before. If I had only seen this post-oil, post-Ted Stevens, Don Young, et al, Alaska, I'd be living in Maine.
That Don Young fundraiser is another story not to brag about.

12 Aug 07 - 12:47 AM (#2124070)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Very aptly called a Pig Roast.

12 Aug 07 - 11:08 AM (#2124158)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

emjay ... Was your picket sign very heavy? Bob(deckman)Nelson

12 Aug 07 - 11:53 AM (#2124175)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens

Our 2 senators and our 1 rep in congress are jokes and have been for many years. Im a conservative and these nuts we keep electing drive me bonkers every time they win. The problem is because of the big oil money there is nobody who can run against them. Besides, as has been shown in the last 2 months all the state lawmakers are bought and paid for. Living in Valdez for the last 30 plus years Ive seen it all first hand.

12 Aug 07 - 12:13 PM (#2124185)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

This next election both Stevens and Young are perceived as vulnerable, for the first time in decades. There are several, including a couple of Republicans, who are talking about running against them.

Governor Palin said something interesting the other day. She mentioned the ongoing investigations and implied that there could be a denouement any day.

12 Aug 07 - 12:22 PM (#2124194)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

Ebbie ... Forgive my ignorance please. What is a "denouncment?" Thanks, Bob

12 Aug 07 - 12:27 PM (#2124199)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Ah, Bob- your "ignorance" stems from having misspelt the word! 'Denouement': no c.

Let me look it up.

de·noue·ment      /ˌdeɪnuˈmɑ̃/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dey-noo-mahn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.
2. the place in the plot at which this occurs.
3. the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences.

12 Aug 07 - 12:45 PM (#2124214)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

I REALLY knew that ... I was just testing you! (you DO believe that, don't you?) Bob

12 Aug 07 - 12:48 PM (#2124216)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Of course. :)

13 Aug 07 - 08:19 AM (#2124665)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

"This next election both Stevens and Young are perceived as vulnerable, for the first time in decades."

                   Is Ted Stevens seriously talking about running for another term?

13 Aug 07 - 11:12 AM (#2124789)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Oh, yes.

13 Aug 07 - 08:52 PM (#2124884)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Deckman

The problem, as I see it, is that NOW all of ALASKA is vunernable. Bob

15 Aug 07 - 07:56 PM (#2126498)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Now that Russia, Canada, the US, Denmark and Norway are engaged in a fight for the resources under the North Pole, we'll probably see more Stevenses, Murkowskis, and Youngs in Alaska.

18 Aug 07 - 09:26 PM (#2128915)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

'"And Hackney chided the demonstrators and said Stevens and Young and Murkowski "Made Alaska."'

                In their own image?

18 Aug 07 - 11:44 PM (#2128962)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Not hardly, Rig. Bite y'all's tongue. :)

20 Aug 07 - 08:14 AM (#2129580)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

With the race to develope the North Pole underway, it sounds like Alaska is going to get re-made, in a very big way.

20 Aug 07 - 01:21 PM (#2129763)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Something that is not often addressed is that with 'climate change' the winters in the far north may very soon not last long enough to accommodate the snow roads.

Buy land! Plant bananas!

20 Aug 07 - 10:58 PM (#2130122)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

And OSHA will insist that truck drivers wear scuba gear to work.

21 Aug 07 - 12:28 AM (#2130172)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

And the trucks will have outriggers.

21 Aug 07 - 06:55 PM (#2130702)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

I'm going to make a fortune in Alaska and start selling water wings for bulldozers.

22 Aug 07 - 12:28 AM (#2130850)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

Get in there fast, Rig. Other people are bound to start waking up soon.

22 Aug 07 - 05:37 PM (#2131443)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: robomatic

"Alaska where you can never be too fat or too drunk!"

The Simpsons Movie

23 Aug 07 - 11:45 PM (#2132484)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

Isn't Alaska where, when women leave, they are advised that they will be ugly again?

23 Aug 07 - 11:54 PM (#2132489)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

lol, Rig. Not nice but lol.

It is also possible that what makes a woman in Alaska lovely is a little deeper than many women 'down south'.

24 Aug 07 - 06:41 PM (#2133000)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Riginslinger

It wasn't original.

            Are you suggesting delving into lovely Alaskan women?

24 Aug 07 - 07:25 PM (#2133023)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: GUEST, Eb

Woo hoo!

11 Aug 10 - 12:29 AM (#2962574)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens killed in plane crash
From: Genie

Former Senator Ted Stevens was one of 5 people killed yesterday in the crash of a private plane in Alaska.

Eighty years is a nice long life span, but I would not wish this kind of death on anyone. R I P

11 Aug 10 - 01:15 AM (#2962589)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
From: Ebbie

I agree, Genie. I think a plane crash is among the worst imaginable deaths. Mostly because of the longish period of time before the crash itself but also because of the horrendous damage to the bodies. And I think in Stevens' case it is especially pitiable since he had been in a 1978 crash that killed his then-wife. Doesn't seem right that he had to die in another one.

By the way, up yonder it speaks glowingly of Ted Stevens' work in accomplishing Alaska statehood. May I say that he was a johnny-come-lately in that effort. There had been many people working for it for years before Stevens came to the Department of Interior, and if you'll notice he was there only six years before the bill passed. Interior may have called him 'Mr. Alaska' but Alaska itself did NOT. That honor - or blame - belongs to Senator Bob Bartlett.

Bob Bartlett presented an Alaska Statehood bill in the Senate NINE times before it finally passed.

15 Aug 10 - 09:13 PM (#2966047)
Subject: Assassinated As Obama "Weather War" Plunges World
From: ichMael

A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia's foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence "proving" that President Obama has unleashed America's devastating "weather weapons" against the World.

As we had previously reported on in our August 3rd report titled "Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame?" Russian research scientist Dr. Andrey Areshev has joined the ranks of International scientists and experts stating their belief that the extreme weather chaos currently battering our Planet is being caused by the Tesla technology based weapons systems directed from Alaska's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, otherwise known as HAARP....

Not that I believe this whole thing, especially, but the Ruskies are expert in Tesla technology. Back in the fifties they knew they wouldn't be able to keep pace with the U.S. in a nuclear arms race, so they spent money developing alternative weapons systems. They know Tesla technology when they see it. Add to this the fact the Obama's trying to make money with his cap and trade investments...

15 Aug 10 - 09:19 PM (#2966048)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)
From: Ebbie

Dang. It must be that those internet tubes got plugged up.

15 Aug 10 - 09:29 PM (#2966052)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)
From: robomatic

Senator Ted for all anyone's criticism, deserves better than the shiddy post directly preceding from itchy-male. Unlike itchy male, Senator Ted Stevens was a MAN.

I think he deserves his own thread with attention paid to his considerable activities and achievements in his younger days.

15 Aug 10 - 09:34 PM (#2966054)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)
From: Ebbie

Go ahead and start one, robo. I'm not a fan of Ted Stevens but even I am aware of some good things he has done.