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About Catspaw - please read.

29 Apr 99 - 10:39 PM (#74455)
Subject: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

I am afraid I must be the bearer of some bad news regarding Catspaw. It seems he went to the hospital with what he thought was a kidney stone and it turned out to be a dissecting aneurism. I am going to paste the email texts into this post so you can all read for yourselves. As soon as Wayne and Connie give me more information regarding how we can send cards, flowers or whatever, I will get it to you. In the meantime, please pray, meditate, think good thoughts or whatever you do for our friend. I will keep you all posted as I hear any new information. We are a community, and I know we will all pull together on this one.

One last thing. Until I know for sure, let's not flood Wayne and Connie with emails re: Catspaw. I will act as the go between and post regular updates as I receive them until we have a way to send email to Pat, or until Connie and Wayne say it is OK to email them. That way we won't be burdening them any further. As you will see in their message, they are very distraught.



Wayne and I want to write back to you as soon as this weekend is over. But I feel I need to contact you sooner with important info. Pat was admitted to the local hospital today with what they thought was a kidney stone (details later) and turned out to be a dissecting aneurysm. He was life flighted to a bigger hospital in Columbus-- where they determined that it is worse than first thought prior to transport. Additional cat scans revealed it was even more extensive than they thought but not the worst case scenerio where they would have to transport again to a trauma hospital with a cardiac surgeon and a heart pump. More details I'll send later.

Catspaw is by no means out of the woods. If your dear grandmother taught you to pray --now would be a good time...of course, if she didn't now might be an excellent time to start....

Thanks~later~Connie and Wayne

and then there is this which came today

Mick just talked to Karen on the phone with an update on Pat. He is not out of the woods at this point. Prognosis is still not good. Dr. hoping to deal with this medicaly...that by keeping his pressure down the aeorta will heal vs. surgery...which is quite risky at this point as his blood pressure is up and the aneurysm is so near to his heart.

Pat and Karen are the dearest friends we have on earth...actuallly we count them as family...we are closer to them thatn to anyone in our families on either side. They are both one of a kind. I would go on with that thought except that in order to keep functioning at this point I need to stay out of the affective domain and with the black and white facts of what's happening and how we need to move to accomadate the last/next set of challenges.

Karen was glad that I e-mailed you last night and agreed that Pat would want you to know and also that you would know what to do with this info in terms of "mudcatters".

Thanks for your help on this and your friendship to Pat. More as it develops or once a day if nothing changes.


29 Apr 99 - 10:50 PM (#74457)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Susan A-R

Thank you Mick. I had wondered where those Catspaw posts were. My prayers are with the wonderful, irrevrent, kind Catspaw.


29 Apr 99 - 10:54 PM (#74459)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: alison


Having looked after many patients with anneurysms I can understand the fear involved .. must have come as a real shock especially seeing as you thought it was kidney stones.

You are in the right place.. being looked after by good doctors...and take comfort from this....... there are people all over the world who are praying for you and your family at this time.....



29 Apr 99 - 11:07 PM (#74462)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Any of you who may not have been with us in the last few months, know this: Catspaw, in his few months among us has become as indispensible to our community as any of our members, Art, Dick, Susan, Max, Mick, even Joe Offer. Prayer is not usually my thing--I don't know if I can get through if there is a listener (or Listener, for Gargoyle)--but I'm praying now. And I am projecting whatever psychic energy my !/2 watt broadcasting system can project, keeping the good thought (for fans of NYPD Blue), and asking all of you to join in wherever you feel your efforts are most effective. Catspaw, I love you, buddy. Get well. --seed

29 Apr 99 - 11:12 PM (#74463)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Sandy Paton

Thanks, Mick. We'll keep watching for your updates. My God, I've tears in my eyes for a man I've never met. This is what is meant by "community."

29 Apr 99 - 11:31 PM (#74469)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

I feel the same way, Sandy and Seed. I am completely off my mark and seriously considering a run to Columbus. I sat with a lump in my throat and didn't know what to tell you all. I am sorry the first post was so matter of fact, I just didn't know what to say. I will drop a line to Connie and tell her we are all very anxious to know his status.


29 Apr 99 - 11:57 PM (#74476)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Mudjack

Thanks Mick for the updates. our prayers and concern go out to the Catspaw... Jack

30 Apr 99 - 12:14 AM (#74479)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

And, just Monday night he told me he thought it was just his back acting up. Oh, Catspaw, we love you. Get better and I will proceed with the absent healing I offered before and wondered if I'd offended you with the offer.

Please, people, please, visualize Catspaw surrounded by light and healing. See him in your minds and hearts, happy and home with his family and all of us, joyfully celebrating his recovery.

Now I know why they didn't answer the phone. I give thanks that our beloved Pat is safe and healing. So mote it be.

kathleen aka kat

30 Apr 99 - 12:28 AM (#74482)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: LEJ

In checking the threads the last week or so, I noticed some spark was missing, and then I realized the spark was Cats. God knows, with the shooting at the High School and the situation in Bosnia,we have been needing the crazy mix of humor and common sense that only Mr Over-the-Top brings to us. Of all the Mudcatters, I think Catspaw is the one who has been the bravest in speaking out with his fears, his affection, his wisdom, and his transcendent sense of the absurd.

Catspaw, when you read this, I want you to know it, I love you, Man!...LEEJ

PS I am saving up for a tiple for your "get well soon" present

30 Apr 99 - 12:33 AM (#74483)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Alan of Australia

Get well soon mate, our prayers are with you, we miss you on Mudcat.


30 Apr 99 - 12:43 AM (#74486)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Rick Fielding

Few people have ever become a part of my life so quickly. You mean a lot to me, Pat. Hang in there. We need you guy.


30 Apr 99 - 12:56 AM (#74489)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Banjer

Catspaw, The hopes and prayers of this family are with you and yours today. Like Sandy, my eyes are brimming, and we've never met!
Mick, DO please keep us posted.
I would think if there was to be a "theme song" for this, What A Friend We Have In Jesus would be my choice. But any song you feel appropriate, dedicated to Catspaw's speedy recovery, will work.

30 Apr 99 - 01:02 AM (#74491)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Night Owl

kat.....I'm trying......visualizing......(put a possum whistle in my picture).......Mick...thanks for letting us know....please let us know if we can do anything more than what's already been said....and...if you can....that I really do LOVE the man/spirit he is....not just WORDS!!

30 Apr 99 - 01:22 AM (#74494)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: catspaw49

To all our dear friends, This is the cats wife, Karen, my first time as a mudcatter. I've just come home for the first time since this started and am overwhelmed by your love and concern. I want you to know that you have made Pat so happy since he joined you and you have touched our hearts in so many ways. I Know he loves you all and as soon as he is able I will see to it that he has a laptop to tell you so himself. They are keeping him sedated. They need to keep his blood pressure down so the artery can repair. The aneurysm dissected from above the kidneys to just below the heart, but did not involve the coronary arteries. He had bad response to the initial sedative they used and became very agitated, but he is resting well now. Right now, I think, we're just waiting(no easy answers). Obviously, you know by now that my husband never does anything halfway---Truly an over the top guy. I will keep in touch with you all and let you know how things are going. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers. Karen(Mrs. Catspaw)

30 Apr 99 - 01:29 AM (#74496)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Banjer

Karen, welcome to the Mudcat, wish it could have been under different circumstances. Know that you are every bit as much a part of this community as is the One and Only Catspaw himself. Give him our greetings and love and do continue to post here. We all love ya and pray for the best!

30 Apr 99 - 01:53 AM (#74500)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Barbara

'paw, you get better, you hear? Or I'll give your possum to Banjer.
We hold you in our hearts.
Blessings, and healing,

30 Apr 99 - 02:04 AM (#74501)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Karen, thank you so much for taking the time to let us know how you and Pat are. He really does mean so much to all of us here and you are one of us every bit as much. He has shared you and the boys with us, so that I feel we know you, too.

Please, please, let us know if there is anything any of us can do help. I just had a wonderful meditation and saw you and him and the kids taking him home in joy and health. We are truly blessed to have you both be a part of the Mudcat.

katlaughing and praying

30 Apr 99 - 02:08 AM (#74503)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Joe Offer

Catspaw, I have a feeling that your indomitable spirit and your "transcendent sense of the absurd" will pull you through this. You've certainly become an important part of our community of friends. Come back soon.
-Joe Offer-

30 Apr 99 - 02:11 AM (#74505)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Tucker

Dear Karen, My friends have said it all. My prayers go out for Catspaw. I want to hear your music friend so get well, save the harp playin' for later

30 Apr 99 - 03:33 AM (#74518)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Wolfgang

Catspaw, come back healthy. We need you.


30 Apr 99 - 03:46 AM (#74522)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Helen

I'm sitting here crying all over my keyboard. Like katlaughing, I'll be sending some absent healing/Reiki to catspaw, Karen, Wayne, Connie, etc - surrounding them with love and light, and all that. That's the way that I pray for people.

I am overwhelmed by how shocked I am at this news, and how much I have come to love that over-the-top bloke. This is truly a Mud-catastrophe, but as usual we are all here together, feeling the pain and fear, and the love & hope.

catspaw, you had better get better or I might have to cross over the ocean to tell you that in person.

Wasn't it you who told the joke about the genie and the young guys who request a road over the ocean? And when the genie said that that request was too difficult they said, "okay, tell us how to understand women", and the genie replied "Two lanes or four?"

Well, we're all starting to build that ocean road - in cyberspace. Nothing is impossible, so get better soon and come back to us. Helen, in Oz

30 Apr 99 - 03:48 AM (#74523)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Steve Parkes

I never realised how much you can care for and love someone you've never met. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.


30 Apr 99 - 03:55 AM (#74526)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: bassen

Just cuz I'm one of them distant relations who mostly sits in the corner savin' my two cents for the day Hershey Kisses are a penny apiece again don't mean I ain't part of the family! I'm praying for you Catspaw - as they say at this end of the Gulf Stream: God bedring!


30 Apr 99 - 04:08 AM (#74529)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: reggie miles

>Catspaw, be well. >When you're rested we hope to have the pleasure of company once again. >Reggie

30 Apr 99 - 04:10 AM (#74530)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Roger the zimmer

Hang in there mate we're all batting for you

30 Apr 99 - 05:41 AM (#74538)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Penny

I missed your posts, Catspaw. I'll be holding you in the Light, looking forward to that unique voice again.

30 Apr 99 - 06:22 AM (#74542)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Sam Pirt

Please can you pass my regards onto catspaw and his family


get well soon, were thinking of you over here in the UK


Bye, Sam

30 Apr 99 - 06:46 AM (#74545)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: dwditty

Add my well-wishes to all the others. We will continue to hold Catspaw in our constant thoughts and prayers until his return.

I, too, am overwhelmed by my emotion reading Mick's post of the news. It occurs to me that the "purpose" of the Mudcat may be to provide a vehicle to deal with stuff like this. (The music ain'y bad, either.) I truly believe in the concept of energy. The Mudcat brings together incredible energy from all over the world. With all of us concentrating on 'Paws recovery, he really has no choice but to get better, and fast. For me, anyway, the 'Cat just cranked up a notch in importance in my life, as well as my love for you all - and this means you, too, Catspaw. Godspeed.


30 Apr 99 - 07:39 AM (#74548)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: KingBrilliant

Positive thoughts & prayers...


30 Apr 99 - 08:14 AM (#74554)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Mo

With so many of your friends spread around the world 'Paw, putting in the good words for you 24 hours a day, The Big Man is going to get nagged to bits - so - with any luck, your recovery will be very fast! Get well very soon because we all miss you enough as it is. Thinking of you, Love


30 Apr 99 - 08:20 AM (#74556)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Peter T.

Catspaw - may your strong heart strengthen your heart. Yours, Peter T.

30 Apr 99 - 08:27 AM (#74558)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Vixen

Dear Catspaw--

Hang in there. Keep your sense of humor. Think healing thoughts, and focus them on going home with Karen. Prayer and positive thinking are miraculous things--we don't know why they seem to work, but they do. You have many people praying and thinking positively. I am one of them.


30 Apr 99 - 08:32 AM (#74560)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: hank

Get well, I miss you

thats all I can say, and all I'd want to say

30 Apr 99 - 08:43 AM (#74561)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Frank Howe

Catspaw, May the Lord hold you and your family in the hollow of His hand and keep you safe. Frank

30 Apr 99 - 08:46 AM (#74562)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: DonMeixner


Since I've been on board this forum oneof the highlites of the time has been reading your posts and getting to know you. Your touching commentary and delightful and insightful wit have led me this conclusion. That with the coming of spring this all a carefully laid ruse to get out of mowing the lawn.

Get well and be well.


30 Apr 99 - 08:53 AM (#74565)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I, too have tears in my eyes- Catspaw, you can't do anything but heal with the love and care pouring out to you from all of us - my thoughts and prayers are with you, your wife, and especially your little ones who must be so confused right now. I'll be singing for you tonight!
With love and healing prayers,

30 Apr 99 - 09:07 AM (#74569)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: AndyG

Just get well, soon.


30 Apr 99 - 09:08 AM (#74570)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: harpgirl

Cat and Karen, You are both in my thoughts and I hope for Cat's swift recovery. We need him back with us...harpgirl

30 Apr 99 - 09:09 AM (#74572)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Bert

CatsP, I'm surrounding by love and light and beer and whiskey and all other things that will be good for you.
Love you guy.


30 Apr 99 - 09:18 AM (#74575)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: MMario

Catspaw and kin, if good wishes were wealth, may you win the lottery. Otherwise, you are in my thoughts, my prayers, my songs


30 Apr 99 - 09:23 AM (#74578)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Allan C.

It has all been said. Just know that my thoughts are with you as well.

30 Apr 99 - 09:37 AM (#74581)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Pete Peterson

for catspaw- I add my thoughts & good wishes and prayers for you and your family. Healing can happen-- give it time & don't try to do too much too soon. You got GOOD news here.

30 Apr 99 - 09:47 AM (#74588)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

One cannot help but be amazed at this place and what it represents. 'Spaw, you mean so much to us and you lend so much color to our town that I pray that the plan is for you to rejoin us in full fettle. Karen, I have had email in addition to the posts you see here from people around the world who are praying and thinking good thoughts for all of you. I am not that far from you if there is anything that I can do to assist. You can email me at

In my life I have often been called upon to speak of people and sing for people in hard times or in times of congratulations for some achievement. I guess it is because as an Irishman I am genetically predisposed to be able to speak well (and don't we call that blarney, lads?). Many times I have found that people are shocked at the feelings people have for them. And often, in the saddest circumstance, we never say it until it is too late to say it. One of the miracles of our town is that we come to know and care for one another in a very intimate way. It is on the basis of who we really are, in our minds and souls, free of the visual and all preconceived notions. Catspaw, you have shared your heart and wit so freely.............that we have come to know, and care, and need you here very badly. That is why we are all, everywhere in the world that we reach, wishing and praying for you at this time. You have made your mark, a cara, and your friends need you back in our midst. So please work hard at recovery and know that we all care for you and are actively praying for a speedy recovery.

Come home soon.


30 Apr 99 - 10:03 AM (#74590)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: annamill


I'm new and don't mean to be presumptous. You're one of the Madcat people that has so attracted me to this site. I enjoy your postings and in the last week have grown very fond of you. Please get well.

Good wishes and thoughts, Anna

30 Apr 99 - 10:05 AM (#74591)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Cap't Bob

We all love you Catspaw, get well soon.

Cap't Bob

30 Apr 99 - 10:06 AM (#74592)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Margo

ggggxcfv (a message from my daughter)

Hey, Catspaw. Here's the deal. You get better and come back to us, and we'll let you make fun of all our maudlin postings. Deal? Deal.

We love you and are all praying for you.


30 Apr 99 - 10:09 AM (#74594)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: bet

Big Mick, Thanks for the message. Keep us posted, we'll all do what we can in our own way. bet

30 Apr 99 - 10:41 AM (#74598)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Alice

Pat and Karen,
We love you, miss you, and we are praying for you.


30 Apr 99 - 10:41 AM (#74599)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: mountain tyme

Well now it's plain to see how enamored are this whole world a'Catters wot warms up to all thet wisdom filled grafeetee the Cat keeps our attention with. The Cat has heightened our awareness with his spray can comments to a level where we anxiously anticipate the postings on the next bridge abutment. Take your time 49, we'all hang on your every breath an keystroke. I'm savin ya the old strings of my other 39 h'bone case ya en Paw be wantin them fer fishin leaders nex month. Now we all know the name of another winner. It be Karen who married a lifetime of entertainment. Pleasure to meet you Karen! mountain tyme

30 Apr 99 - 10:43 AM (#74600)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.

Hey Catspaw
Too choked to say much at the moment. Am praying like you were my brother. Come back soon.

30 Apr 99 - 11:00 AM (#74606)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Art Thieme


Be well as soon as ya can, sir. Whew! What a bummer. I'll be gone a while & Carol can't use the computer, so I'll check out how you're doing as soon as I can. In the meantime, I'll be at Gaslight Inn---1601 2nd St. S.W.---Rochester, Minnesota (don't know room number yet). Mick, if you could keep me updated every few days, it'd sure be appreciated. Just drop a line. I'll be mentally with you Cat (Pat).



30 Apr 99 - 11:02 AM (#74607)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Ross

Best wishes from the Westcoast to Catspaw and family. I'll be thinking good thoughts of and for you thru the weekend. I'll sing a song for you at the jam tonight.

30 Apr 99 - 11:13 AM (#74613)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: arkie

Catspaw, I didn't get involved in Mudcat to a part of another community; I am having enough trouble hanging on in three of them here in the Ozarks; but your wit and commentary are one of the things that sucked me in. Get well, and get those fingers back to the keyboard. Prayers are coming from the holler in Arkansas, as well. arkie

30 Apr 99 - 11:25 AM (#74618)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Cara

Catspaw, please get well and come back to us! We need to know about Curtis and Loretta, and bedides you're one of the only friends I have in Ohio. You and Karen are in my thopughts.

30 Apr 99 - 11:30 AM (#74620)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: SailormomRita (inactive)

Dear Catspaw & Karen I love what Big Mick said about getting to know folks without the visual and preconceptions...that's how it is here and even though I only jump in occasionally I read saying hi over a cup of tea with a neighbor, and sharing little bits of life; you get the feeling that you know folks in very short order and they become a "part of".'re thought of daily since the news of your just flow into my thoughts without've become "part of" my life. "Love never fails" it's said. So here comes some for you. :) :) :) ;)whoops..and then there's xxxxxxxxxooooooooooo Get well soon...the sooner the better!!! Rita Gatti

30 Apr 99 - 12:02 PM (#74628)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: bbc

Thanks to Mick for letting us know & thank you, Karen, for taking the time to give us more detail. I thought I'd enjoy a little recreation over lunch, checking out the threads, & got more than I bargained for. catspaw, you play a unique role in our group & things aren't the same without you. Duane & I will be praying for you & for your family.

We love you,

bbc & Duane D.

30 Apr 99 - 01:14 PM (#74639)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Vixen

For what it's worth--I'm sure Karen and Spaw have checked out all the options, and I don't mean to presume to offer medical advice. This is just an experience with one of the options Karen and Spaw may be thinking about.

My stepfather had an aortic aneurism about 7 or 8 years ago, and he went from S. Carolina to Boston to have a Kevlar (I think) sleeve placed around his aorta. We went through some really rough spots before he was cleared for the surgery, but afterwards and since he's been fine. He was probably older than Pat is--I think he'll be 72 this year, making him in his mid-sixties when he had the operation.

As I said, I don't mean to offer medical advice, and I'm sure every option is being explored. But this is one option I can at least offer some second-hand knowledge of.

Best of luck and blessings,


30 Apr 99 - 01:31 PM (#74642)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: The Shambles

Come back to us soon. My thoughts are with you both.

30 Apr 99 - 01:39 PM (#74643)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Bob Schwarer

Come back soon now, you hear?

Bob S.

30 Apr 99 - 02:20 PM (#74650)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Reta

Thank you Catspaw for bringing the experience of Universal Love to us all. Your experience has filled my heart with sorrow for you and your dear family, and also, for all of us here who share that pain. Most of us may never meet each other, but this has proven that we are indeed a family and a very close knit one at that. We are all one heart. You are a very important part of it and we want you to get well so that we can all feel better.

I send you and you family Light and love, and ask for healing according to His Devine Will ever.

Blessings Reta

Thank you Mick for all the information.

30 Apr 99 - 02:27 PM (#74653)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Doctor John

Very sorry to hear the news: hoping for your speedy recovery and to read your messages again soon. DrJohn & Gillyflower

30 Apr 99 - 04:30 PM (#74680)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Vixen, thank you for the info; it is encouraging.

katlaughing and lonely in the litter box

30 Apr 99 - 04:36 PM (#74685)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: SeanM

As another relatively new 'catter, I've only had a few opportunities to see 'spaw in action... but what I've seen is truly enjoyable. One can see just by reading this thread the amount of love and respect felt for him, and anyone who can command this degree of respect and support from such a large and diverse group of people deserves (and gets) my respect and admiration as well...

Get better, sir... the 'cat needs you, as do all the individuals therein...


30 Apr 99 - 04:42 PM (#74686)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: rich r

The Cat without its "Paw" is incomplete. You must heal.

rich r

30 Apr 99 - 05:00 PM (#74689)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Oh, I LIKE that, Rich....we'll hypnotise him with healthy suggestions, leaving no doubt about it!**Grin** The MUST is great! Thanks.

Having said that, I just wanted to point out something. This comes from personal experience and I do NOT mean it in anyway as a judgement. We have all been very demostrative of our feelings and care for 'Spaw. Many of us write about how much he is needed and wanted here and that is good. Everyone needs to feel needed.

But, I know, again from experience, that when someone is having to focus so carefully on their own healing, it sometimes can be overwhelming to feel the pull of so many who want us to share and be with them. I don't know if 'Spaw feels any of this, but I just wanted to point out that, more importantly, he and Karen need us. I do think that it is very clear they DO have our support, love and prayers, I am just trying to say in a kind way, maybe we need to gently let our need take a back seat right now. I am sorry if this offends anyone. I am just trying to feel what might help in anyway. I cannot even begin to express the feelings I have about the temporary silence of 'Spaw.

Still seeing you in the Light and healed, 'Spaw. Love you, katlaughing

30 Apr 99 - 05:28 PM (#74695)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Jon W.

Catspaw, you sure have set my brain to tickin' once or twice. I've got a prayer in my heart for you. I know from your posts that you've got the right attitude to pull through this and yes, even be strengthened by it. All my best,
Jon W.

30 Apr 99 - 05:32 PM (#74697)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Charlie Baum

Let me add another voice in the chorus of prayers and wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

--Charlie Baum

30 Apr 99 - 05:41 PM (#74699)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: SingsIrish Songs

Prayer is so powerful...(a family friend just got news she is cancer free after chemo and radiation treatments for an inoperable cancer ALOT of praying.)

I will add my prayers for Catspaw's full and speedy recovery! Also for his family during this trying time.

~ SingsIrish

30 Apr 99 - 06:01 PM (#74703)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: karen k

Catspaw and Karen,

Sandy's post early on in this thread express my feelings exactly. I don't post a lot but I read almost everything and certainly look forward to seeing what you have to say. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Get well soon. You are missed and will be thought of in all the hearts and songs of Mudcatters around the world everyday.

Love, Karen K

30 Apr 99 - 06:27 PM (#74705)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Max

THinking of you Catspaw. Looking forward to having you back. Get the man a laptop and a phone line in the hospital! We could certainly cheer him up. One great think about the Mudcat is that when any one of us is in need, there are hundreds willing to do anything. Anyone close to the situation, say the word and we'll do it.

30 Apr 99 - 06:35 PM (#74708)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Jo Taylor

Get well soon, come back soon. Our thoughts are with you & your family, it wouldn't be the same without you.

30 Apr 99 - 06:59 PM (#74713)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Cuilionn

Och, BLASTIT, daur ye gae aff an' turn oot tae be as fragile an' human as th' rest o' us! Tho' ye set this wee seminarian tae blushin' wi' yir colorfu' language, I ken richt weel ye hae a hairt o' gold...

THAT maun be it! A' that gold in yir hairt...tends tae wear a bodie oot, aye? Carryin' th' weicht o' th' wairld, pretendin' tae be carnaptious an' slee tae obscure yir auld saftie sel' belaw it a'..... Hmph. Jist for what ye've put us thro' o'er th' months an' years, I'm gang tae inflict ma seminarian sel' upon ye an' pray wi' a' ma micht. May ye hae peace an' rest, Dear Ane, an' th' fierce whimsey tae maeve thro' th' wuids an' come oot t'ither side. Blessins upon ye!

But wait...I'm nae dane wi' ye jist yet. Tae pay ma best respects, I'll spit in death's eye richt alang wi' ye. Here's a bit frae Robbie Burns tae contribute tae healin' laughter a' aroond:


Here lie Willie Michie's banes:

O Satan, when ye tak him,

Gie him th' schulin' o' yir weans,

For clever deils he'll mak them!


When Lascelles thought fit from this world to depart,

Some friends warmly spoke of embalming his heart.

A bystander whispers:--'Pray don't make so much o't--

The subject is poison, no reptile will touch it.'


The poor man weeps--here Gavin sleeps,

Whom canting wretches blam'd;

But with such as he, where'er he be,

May I be sav'd or damn'd.

Wi' Auld Robbie, I pray an' bide wi' grait affection for a Guid Mon, wishin' ye may defy Auld Clootie yet an' stay on this side o' th' Gates!!!


30 Apr 99 - 07:38 PM (#74718)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Roger in Baltimore

Wow! I saw the title and over 79 threads and I wondered what happened.

Catspaw, I've never met you, but I love you like a brother. In fact, you are a lot like my brother. I will pray for you and for your family, your wife, and your children.

It amazes me, too, to cry for someone I've never met. And though we've never met, I do feel I know you. And because I know you, I hope that you will come through this as soon as possible. Certainly this Forum would be less than it is without you, but more importantly, I greatly suspect this world would be poorer without you. And most of all, I can feel the love in Karen's short post and I've no doubt your children feel the same.

You may not know it, but in the earlier parts of the week there were postings on different threads with the same question, "Where's Catspaw?" We knew you were gone for the weekend, but by Tuesday 'Catters were getting concerned.

You will have my prayers and hopes until you get well. I know you are damned stubborn and determined and will place your mighty will against this adversity. Godspeed, Catspaw. You have made my life a happier one in the few short months you've been on the 'Cat. I look forward to more of that crazy humor and thowe wise thoughts.



ps: Did I tell you I like that little "nickname" you gave me? Well, if not, I want you to know I do. Makes me feel special that I've got a piece of your creativity!

30 Apr 99 - 08:05 PM (#74723)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: gargoyle

An apple day keeps the doctor away

An onion a day will keep everyone away


30 Apr 99 - 08:24 PM (#74730)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: bill\sables

What more can I say, the other catters have have said everything I feel. Pat, I have read your threads with the thought that "here speaks a great and good man". I do hope you make a speedy recovery and give us your words of wisdom soon. I will be thinking of you brother. Cheers Bill

30 Apr 99 - 08:56 PM (#74736)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: John Hindsill

May you have a speedy and full recovery. Come back soon to us with your wit and wisdom. When you get to see all the messages on this thread, you will know know you are loved and admired.--John

30 Apr 99 - 09:26 PM (#74744)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.

Everyone has said it already. All I can do is add my hopes to the rest and hope the effect is superadditive. I will be optomistic and ask Big Mick to show Catspaw this thread as soon as he is home again.


30 Apr 99 - 09:58 PM (#74751)
Subject: RE: Catspaw -latest update - please read.
From: Big Mick

I have received two updates from Wayne and Connie since my last post. I have just come home so here they are. FYI......I have edited out some stuff that was directed at me, so if they appear a little disjointed, that is why. I think you will see what great friends Wayne and Connie are to our dear friend, and what a blessing he and Karen are to them. I am leaving in Connie's description of how Pat and Karen fit into their lives, as it was through Catspaw that we came to know them. I put the updates on Catspaw at the beginning instead of the end where Connie had them, so that those of you who only want to read 'Spaw's current conditon can.

As of last night, Pat is still in ICU and we expect him to be there a while. They changed his pain meds to morphine. That should give you a good idea of where he is. He did "wake up" for a moment last night when Karen was with him and tried to tell her something which she did not understand and then he was out again. Karen went home for the night and was to be back at the hospital by 7am to see the Dr. To our knowledge they have not followed up yet on what is going on with his kidneys. They have taken the tubes out of his nose--which should make him a little more comfortable.NOTE FROM MICK: This came this afternoon.Karen just called they are putting Pat on a vent.

NOTE FROM MICK: I asked how they wanted to handle updates to all of you, email, and if we could have an address for flowers, notes, etc. The next section addresses that.Let's go with the idea that we will e-mail you and you take care of posting and fielding from the 'catters. After this weekend, it will be fine to have people send get well messages/encouragement which we will print and give to Pat and Karen. We have the free e-mail no file attachments technology at this point so folks know ahead of time that we can't receive e-mail cards. Of course snail mail to the hospital will be good, too. Here is the address of the hospital:

Mount Carmel East Hospital
6001 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43213

Patrick Patterson ~ ICU

If he has to be transferred it would be to Mt Carmel Medical Center (downtown). I will give you the address for that if necessary.

I just checked with the hospital and the do allow card and small arrangements of flowers in ICU. Very unusual for around here.

Karen's mom was able to fly up from Atlanta to help out with the boys--since we will be gone or tied up with Wayne's graduation this weekend. Emotionally, this is something like giving birth to twins where one is healthy and the other has congenital challenges. For example, I can see the LORD's hand all over the past 3 years. At most of the critical junctures in Wayne's schooling something at the top of the stress scales has occurred...but every time the LORD has given Wayne an extra measure of focus, dedication, and determination.

But for all of those "in the skin" things we have needed HE has given us Pat and Karen. They are tremendous encouragers. They see needs and attend to them--no strings attached. They have provided us childcare even though we were not in a position to monetarily compensate; a year and a half ago (after Pat's bypass surgery) he saved up his cigarette money and took us to Roscoe Village (a restored canal town near where he and Wayne (and I, too, for that matter) grew up) for the weekend --just because we were totally fried; ran me around to Dr. appointments last spring when I had a blood clot, as well as provided meals and comic relief; is our ear and our opinion-giver anytime day or night....I could go on and on but I think you already have a good sense of how loyal, caring, sensitive, trustworthy, honorable, take-action-on-your-convictions kind of character this man is. The hardest part of being his friend is that alot of folks don't get to know Pat like we do... but then he's a bit choosy about who his friends are...requiring loyalty, honesty, character, conviction, and a little creativity on the edges is even better! I've noticed there are not alot of folks who fill that bill. Editorial comment from Mick: Connie, hang around the Mudcat a bit and you will find a lot of them. What an honor it is to be counted among their friends.

The good news is: Wayne had to take a 6 hr. final exam on the computer yesterday in order to graduate--and he PASSED! half of the class did not. He said the test was not like what they were prepped for. Dr. Lim was a bit disappointed but also agreed that the test was extremely difficult and harder than the board questions which he has seen previously. Wayne will not sit for his certification exam until Oct. He has 10 weeks of internship May-July, then he is considered board eligible.

I will pass on your message to Pat and Karen and let them know that the 'catters are concerned and thinking about them.

Keep praying

30 Apr 99 - 10:03 PM (#74754)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks Mick.


30 Apr 99 - 10:17 PM (#74756)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Alice

I am trying to keep away the guilt feelings that I may have stressed Pat out too much by making him go clean the shower.

30 Apr 99 - 10:25 PM (#74760)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Mick.

30 Apr 99 - 10:30 PM (#74762)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Alice

Karen, I was trying to find the irony that Catspaw (Pat) could dish out, but it just seems to fall flat. I am very worried about him. When I was 32, I suddenly found myself waking to a blood clot passing through my lung and stopping my heart. I spent a week in the hospital on anticoagulants to dissolve a clot in my leg. It came out of the blue, and all I could say is, I'm too young for this! No, the doctor said, you must have naturally clotting blood, so you will have to guard against this the rest of your life. The probability of another blood clot has been the shadow that has followed me since then. I am really concerned and praying for Pat.

30 Apr 99 - 10:30 PM (#74763)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Alice

Karen, I was trying to find the irony that Catspaw (Pat) could dish out, but it just seems to fall flat. I am very worried about him. When I was 32, I suddenly found myself waking to a blood clot passing through my lung and stopping my heart. I spent a week in the hospital on anticoagulants to dissolve a clot in my leg. It came out of the blue, and all I could say is, I'm too young for this! No, the doctor said, you must have naturally clotting blood, so you will have to guard against this the rest of your life. The probability of another blood clot has been the shadow that has followed me since then. I am really concerned and praying for Pat.

30 Apr 99 - 11:10 PM (#74771)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Night Owl

Mick...thanks for the update...and Karen....please take the time to take care of yourself during these days....I'm sure you know you can't remain strong for him if you're exhausted, dehydrated or not eating....this is a magic place....if you need anything....take a deep breath and ask us!!!! (Wondering if Pat has access to his music in ICU?)

30 Apr 99 - 11:26 PM (#74778)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Jeez, Night Owl! What a good question! I cannot believe none of us thought of that; my mom was healed, tumour dissappeared, partly from keeping focussed on her favourite music!Thank you,


30 Apr 99 - 11:53 PM (#74785)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Sheye

Catspaw, You well nestled in the souls of the rest of the 'cats. We miss you and look forward to your return.

Karen, thank you for bringing us into your family. Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with you.


01 May 99 - 12:09 AM (#74791)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Tucker

Know what? I hope C'paw is reading this and getting bored senseless. A good sign. I told my mom about Cats and she said"Well, he'll probably get Dr. Dos, he was mine." Same hospital folks, very good care. I have faith in my God, faith in the personnel,faith in Catspaw. Now if he could survive a visit from any of us???? I'm real close and I'd love to meet the old f--t. Did I say foot? Anyway Catspaw, here's looking at you kid, we're praying for you.....Mudcat Family.....kick up the laptop

01 May 99 - 12:21 AM (#74796)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: BK

We Unitarians are jokingly said to "pray to whom it may concern." So I'll be getting on to the Concerned One w/a few wee not unreasonable requests abt catspaw...

In the meanwhile.. in my other life I'm a physician & after we see him through the immediate crisis, the long term best bet is likely to be something that re-enforces the structure of the aorta, such as the textile graft previously mentioned. I'm sure the cardiothoracic surgeons will have lots of good advice when that time arrives...

So: I'll be gettin' out the 'ol celestial CB, 'n re-setting the SWR on my center loadin' antenna 'n breakin' 1-9 for the Concerned One to give 'em (or 'er) a piece o' my mind abt a genuine Mudcatter...

Karen: What's been mentioned abt getting what rest 'n food you can, to keep up your own strength, is true. hang in there; as you have seen, we're all pullin' for you & Pat.

Take Care, BK

ps. If he can have a tape player in there, favorite music is a fantastic thing. This will be a long process; as time goes on through this ordeal, maybe we mudcatters could tape some of our favorites & mail them, w/a few explanatory/supportive, etc notes, to y'all....?? What abt it 'catters?

01 May 99 - 12:34 AM (#74798)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: BK

to karen & Pat:

"From quiet homes and first beginning, Out to the undiscovered ends, There's nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends." Belloc

the above just copied from one of katlaughing's posts to another thread; fits the mudcat & particularly this thread

Cheers, BK

01 May 99 - 12:50 AM (#74801)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Night Owl

BK...this may sound silly...but I (for one) really appreciate the medical details you posted. Wondering if you can continue to interpret medical information, with Mick, for us as its that we can continue to offer genuine support to Karen and Pat and their family.....and Tucker...did I understand correctly that you live close enough to Karen that if she needs something as little as toilet paper or transportation, you could help??? Any other mudcatters right there??

01 May 99 - 01:41 AM (#74811)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: catspaw49

My Dear Mudcatters, I am Pat Wyatt, Karen's mother and Catspaw's Mother-in-law. (Something Freudian there, do you think?) Pat, I think, is better today. The morning started with Karen arriving at the hospital just in time to see them intubating Pat, which was frightening to say the least. However, this made his breathing less labored and seemed to give him some comfort. He cannot speak because of the vent. At some point today, they were concerned about neurological function and were doing eeg's. We all know that Catspaw with 50% function would still be our "over the top" guy. Then they did a dye catheritization (can't remember the right name, it is, after all l in the morning after a very long day) to ascertain if there was a spread of the damage to the aoertic arch which would have required immediate transport to Mount Carmel West and Surgery. The odds were against us but the news on this test was good. No damage to the arch and no surgery. Pat's breathing is so much less labored now that he is on the vent. His lungs are not doing well and this is our main concern right now. We are not out of the woods but we are possibly not right in line for the axe at the moment.

Please know that at 2 am yesterday, Karen and I were reading your messages and I cannot ever begin to tell you how much it meant to both of us. It is such a comfort to me to know that my beloved daughter is being comforted by the prayers and good wishes of so many good people. As we read we cried and were comforted at the same time. You are truly a deeply caring group. We will be printing out all of your messages to read to Pat. I live in Atlanta and I am flying back up next weekend and will bring my laptop so that Pat, if able, can get on line from the hospital. Trust me, if they don't allow it, Pat will find a way.

Karen is spending the night tonight at the hospital and I just talked with her and she said that she did not object to my signing on and letting you know how things were going.

Thank you. This morning when we drove into Columbus, I commented to Karen that in times like this, it is so hard to look about you and realize that the sun is rising, the world is turning, and there are people out there that have no idea that the world may come to an end for us. But then again, we are so lucky because we have a family of friends from Mudcat who know what a special being we are praying to save. You give us comfort. Thankyou. the Mother-in-law.

01 May 99 - 01:54 AM (#74812)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

WOW. I am knocked out by that one. I am sitting here with tears running down this big old face. It is not a pretty sight. Mother, you are a marvelous person, and I feel very comfortable saying that we are all very sincere in our concern and our desire to help. The thing about your son-in-law that is amazing to me is the people he is surrounded by. First he introduces us to a remarkable set of friends by the name of Connie and Wayne. Then we meet his wife and partner and then you. He is a fortunate man to have you all, and I think the opposite is true as well. We should all be so blessed.

Please keep us informed, we are very concerned.

Big Mick

01 May 99 - 02:06 AM (#74813)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Curtis & Loretta

Catspaw and Family, Our prayers are with you... Curtis & Loretta

01 May 99 - 04:07 AM (#74830)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Banjer

Thank you Mick, for the update and sharing with us the comments of Connie and Wayne. Thanks also to Karen and the Paws' Ma-in-law for taking time to share their thoughts with us during this difficult time. Like Mick, I sit here with less than dry eyes myself, somewhat amazed that I can feel like this about someone I haven't yet met! Our prayers continue for a speedy recovery.

01 May 99 - 04:27 AM (#74831)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: SailormomRita (inactive)

This is about the 5th time today I've checked in for news of Catspaw. So nice to hear from his mom-in-law. Appreciated the medical info too. More best wishes to the catspaw family and friends. Goodnight. Rita

01 May 99 - 05:33 AM (#74839)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: The Shambles

I saw this and thought that 'our hero' would like it. Apparently from 10th May, it is National Condom Week! CLICK HERE for a few slogans to promote it.

01 May 99 - 06:26 AM (#74847)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Roger in Baltimore

I included Catspaw and the family in my prayers last night. Mick thanks for taking on the role of link to this troubled family.

I would like to know if Catspaw can have a walkman (OK, walkperson) in his room. If he can, I suspect we could shower him with some new CD's or tapes for his collection. I can only imagine that it is very lonely in a hospital bed and unable to talk. Especially when you have a way with words as Catspaw does.

So, Mick, could you ask that question next time you talk to Karen, Wayne or Connie? Catspaw has my prayers, but concrete help makes me feel even better.

Roger in Baltimore

01 May 99 - 07:58 AM (#74855)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: katlaughing

Mrs. Catspaw and Mrs. Catspaw-in-law,I love to write those out, they look and sound so good and comforting. Thank you so very much for taking the time to let us know how things are going. Brave women, incredible friends, you are all so very extraordinary. And, a computer-savvy Mum-in-law, at that! We're impressed, 'Spaw!

Mick, as ever, is our eloquent one. Thank you, Mick. I suspect we could fill a bathtub with tears, if not a river. I give thanks for 'Spaw's continued and steady progress of healing with a good and well-met recovery. In Peace & Love,


01 May 99 - 08:10 AM (#74859)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

The updates are so good to hear- thanks Karen and Mom-in Law for your courage and presence. We are with you all in spirit. How are the little ones doing?
Keep it up, Catspaw, we're rooting for you!

01 May 99 - 08:40 AM (#74864)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Liam's Brother

Thanks, Mick and and Paw-in-Law for the updates. Wishing only the best thoughts...


01 May 99 - 11:11 AM (#74876)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Reta

Bless you Mick for all the information. I suspect we all have had wet eyes more than once the past couple of days. Pat Wyatt, you are a very beautiful mother-in-law. Thank you for the wonderful letter. Karen, Wayne and Connie, you are ever in my heart and prayers.

Love and blessings, Reta

01 May 99 - 11:11 AM (#74877)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Ethan Mitchell

Come back, cats. Thanks, Mick, thanks everybody. This is an international group prayer...!

01 May 99 - 12:56 PM (#74904)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

Latest update from Connie

Good evening Mick,

It's a privilege to be the "informant"...just a crummy situation. HOWEVER, some encouraging news...Pat came around a bit, in between doses of morphine, recognized Karen and reached for her hand and squeezed it. Small thing but very encouraging. Karen is the light and love of his life. Funny thing--Pat looked around to the other side of the bed and saw his mother-in-law and as Karen says "his eyes bugged out as big as saucers!" Karen figures that he finally realized what a serious situation this is. I think it's probably more like he knows m-i-l is coming here for Mother's Day and he's thinking "whoa! that was quite a bit of a snooze Rip Van Winkle!." Although in all honesty Pat would likely be a bit more colorful in his response than that!

Pat is still on the vent and was on 100% O2 with bronchial dilaters and morphine. They did more CT scans, angiogram and EEG. These came back with very impressive news that all the 'catters will want to know--the EEG revealed that not only does Pat have a brain, believe it or not it is functioning. Now I suppose that will be more fuel for him at some point. In fact it may well work its way into the Paw, Reggie, Reggie and Reggie adventures. The angiogram revealed that the aortic arch (where he had the bypass) is intact and not involved--quite a blessing. At this point the doc is not considering surgery but rather continuing to treat his blood pressure and give his aortae time to heal. By keeping the pressure down the blood that is between the lining and the wall of the vessel will have the opportunity to reabsorb which should reduce the pain.

I called Karen when we got home from Wayne's graduation reception tonight and she sounded much better.

01 May 99 - 01:14 PM (#74909)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

That is good news! Keep up the good work of healing, Pat! Allison

01 May 99 - 01:37 PM (#74921)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Banjer

A cautious but optimistic YIPPPEEEEEEE!! is in order. Thanks, Mick for the sharing of the news and thank Connie for the update. As for the EEG, I think someone got the charts mixed up!

BTW Mick, did you get my e-mail or should I resend?

01 May 99 - 02:45 PM (#74931)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: The Shambles

Hey, Shambles, click again - I fixed it just fine and dandy.
-Joe Offer-

Click here

We probably shouldn't post any more messages in this thread, or we may start crashing peoples' browsers. -Joe Offer-

20 Jun 14 - 05:27 PM (#3635067)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
From: Big Mick

I am refreshing this thread for folks that want t go back to the beginning of Spaw's medical issues.