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BS: Tami's home

08 Dec 07 - 08:52 PM (#2211657)
Subject: BS: Tami's home...almost

Tami called. She and her Mom, Diane, are safe on the east coast. So, things in Maine are just about back to normal. Welcome home, Lady. You have been seriously missed.

08 Dec 07 - 09:13 PM (#2211666)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Charley Noble

So, what is the rest of the story for those who might have missed Part 1?

Charley Noble

08 Dec 07 - 09:16 PM (#2211669)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Amos


See this thread.


08 Dec 07 - 09:51 PM (#2211679)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: wysiwyg



08 Dec 07 - 10:56 PM (#2211716)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: catspaw49

Just posted to the other thread but once again........Geeziz I am glad you're back and safe!


08 Dec 07 - 11:09 PM (#2211720)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: RangerSteve

I've been following this from the beginning. I'm really relieved. I hope everything goes well from now on.


08 Dec 07 - 11:27 PM (#2211730)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Janie


08 Dec 07 - 11:46 PM (#2211741)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: katlaughing


09 Dec 07 - 05:20 AM (#2211791)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Deckman

Glad you and your mother are safer now. Bob and Judy

09 Dec 07 - 07:23 AM (#2211814)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: gnu

Thank goodness. I couldn't find the words, except angry ones, to post to the other thread.

09 Dec 07 - 08:43 AM (#2211857)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: CET

I hadn't followed the other thread, but I knew something of what was going on. Well done, Tami.


09 Dec 07 - 10:42 AM (#2211902)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Charley Noble


Welcome back!

Good grief! I never noticed the original thread.

Charley Noble

09 Dec 07 - 01:20 PM (#2211975)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: GUEST,dianavan

Stay safe.

09 Dec 07 - 02:18 PM (#2211997)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Jeri

Waiting to hear you've arrived home. I may not see you before the holidays, but I'm glad you and your mom are on the other side of all this.

09 Dec 07 - 02:51 PM (#2212021)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: maeve

I'm singing with joy, Tami, this:

The Great Storm Is Over


09 Dec 07 - 02:54 PM (#2212023)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: ranger1

The ranger has landed.

So good to be home at last. Jason is making me nachos for the Pats game, Bandit has tried to crawl under my skin and the cat hasn't stopped "talking" since I walked through the door. Thank you all so much for everything. Thanks almost doesn't seem quite enough...

Anyway, I'm going back across the street to my internet-less abode to my very caring, sharing, loving other half who very unselfishly let me out of his sight after I just got home to come and post to all you lovely people.


09 Dec 07 - 02:56 PM (#2212024)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: ranger1

Oh, and could one of you fantastic admin-type folks close the other thread? I'd rather people make future comments on this thread.

09 Dec 07 - 03:04 PM (#2212027)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: Charley Noble


Welcome back!

Charley Noble and JudyB

09 Dec 07 - 03:07 PM (#2212033)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home...almost
From: wysiwyg

Have a great nap, Tami!


09 Dec 07 - 03:27 PM (#2212043)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Jeri

The other thread's closed. I hope you don't mind that I got rid of the 'almost' in this one's title.

Big hug!

09 Dec 07 - 03:41 PM (#2212054)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: maeve

Warm welcome home, and thanks to your gracious darlin' for giving you the time to post here.

Nice work, Jeri. You are quick on the Admin trigger!


09 Dec 07 - 05:00 PM (#2212089)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Bill D

Great that you & Mom are home & on to living.

09 Dec 07 - 05:23 PM (#2212095)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Tinker

Okay one rather important item I can cross off my Christmas wish list .... they are home for the holidays ... Yeah ...

Now for the deep breaths and the settling back into everyday joy. Give hugs all around for me...


09 Dec 07 - 05:50 PM (#2212108)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: GUEST,Julia

Great to know all is well-let us know if we can be of any help. And schedule in a holiday pint with us sometime soon!
Cheers- Julia & Fred

09 Dec 07 - 06:28 PM (#2212127)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: GUEST,KT not logged in

Rest easy now Tami, all of you. So grateful you're both safe and sound.

09 Dec 07 - 06:42 PM (#2212138)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Bobert

Good fight, ladies...

Okay, you were in the ring with el Creepo but he knows you were there...

Now, get some rest and enjoy the game... I'm kinda still mad for what the Pats did to my beloved Washington Redskins but I ain't no Steeler fan either... Browns??? Yeah...


09 Dec 07 - 07:18 PM (#2212152)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home

Welcome back, Miss Tami.
Big sigh of relief.

09 Dec 07 - 07:23 PM (#2212155)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: katlaughing

Welcome back, darlin'!

09 Dec 07 - 08:22 PM (#2212171)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home

Tami - welcome home to good old Maine.....

09 Dec 07 - 08:31 PM (#2212180)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Bobert' congrats on yet another Pats win...

09 Dec 07 - 10:40 PM (#2212249)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Alice

Tami, great to hear you are home and safe!

10 Dec 07 - 12:26 AM (#2212286)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Stilly River Sage

I discovered this discussion (and the other thread) just now. Too bad the first thread is closed, I had some remarks.

I am sorry this abusive situation happened and the law enforcement folks were not helpful. But I must protest all of the name calling of the Snohomish County folks. When you commingle civil issues with criminal issues, it is messy. You were also there during a time when the worst storm in decades was descending on the region and flooding was a real problem. Try to call a cop in Louisiana or Texas when a hurricane and blowing through--there must be some sort of triage that happens when they decide what to respond to. I'm in Texas now, I'm not in Everett, where I grew up (in Snohomish County). But I keep track of some of the goings on in the county. There is no excuse for the rudeness you encountered; that is unfortunately something one finds in most communities at some level. Snohomish County hasn't cornered the market on it.

My mom worked for years for the DSHS (Dept. of Social and Health Services) and had to work hard to have her ducks all lined up in order to get certain law enforcement things to happen (like removing children from abusive homes). Perhaps instead of pondering the helpfulness of Repo men, a good attorney would have helped wade through the civil vs. legal challenges.

Snohomish County isn't a backwater, and it isn't particularly backwards. It's a continuation of a major metropolitan area that expands outward from Seattle (it's the next county north of King County, were Seattle is located). I didn't see any input from any of the Everett folks on that last thread, and the lone Washington resident who did respond was a couple of hundred miles away. If I had seen this I have a couple of people in county Snohomish County and City of Everett positions who might have been able to offer some suggestions. I'm sorry I didn't see this. As someone else remarked earlier, it didn't have anything in the thread title that would have attracted my attention to respond as a local (or to contact a local). FWIW.


10 Dec 07 - 04:35 AM (#2212333)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: bfdk

Glad to hear you're both home safe and sound, Tami :-)

Best wishes,


10 Dec 07 - 06:59 AM (#2212378)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Leadfingers

Glad that you are safe back in Maine Tami .

10 Dec 07 - 10:15 AM (#2212471)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Stilly River Sage

There is a letter to the editor in this morning's online Everett Herald. Maybe this is someone to contact--she seems to be able to get good service from the County Sheriff. (Or is on his payroll?)

I noted in a PM but will also suggest here that something needs to be done with the title to that car. Otherwise you could find yourself liable for any crimes it is used in committing or for how it is disposed of by the person who has it now. File it as stolen or junk or find some way to remove the liability factor of that auto since it is no longer in your possession or control.


10 Dec 07 - 11:48 AM (#2212520)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Bill D

SRS...a county doesn't have to be particularly backward for one or two officials to institute a bad attitude in some areas. In this case, it seemed like the sheriff's dept WAS being obstructionist....and Tami was there and began this process before the storm was a significant issue.

I agree that it IS complicated to work out all the relevant legal issues in a problem like this, but it does seem like Tami and her Mom were treated like a nuisance, rather than as victims.

10 Dec 07 - 11:52 AM (#2212522)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: wysiwyg

Hey, let's let this thread just be part of the break-from-the-past relief Tami and her mom must be in need of at this point. They can get back to the legalities later.... They're OUT-- let's not focus them on being back inside all of it.


10 Dec 07 - 12:22 PM (#2212545)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: ranger1

Thanks, Susan. I was about to post that request as well.

10 Dec 07 - 12:33 PM (#2212551)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: wysiwyg

It's just a sign of the widespread concern for you all at Mudcat, Tami; sometimes in that concern it's hard to remember that you're smart, powerful women who will be more than able to do your own best thinking about when to pick up any loose ends and tie them up. (I suspect we've all had our own experiences with "loose ends.")

But of course you are, and you don't owe us a play-by-play account of whatever action your mom eventually takes, now or ever. What we really want is the play-by-play on the hugs you're wrapping her up in-- just kidding! :~)

Merry Christmas! May the New Year be filled with the peace and fun you all deserve.


10 Dec 07 - 12:57 PM (#2212561)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: maeve

Thank you, Susan.

Hi, Tami. I'm smiling because you're home!


10 Dec 07 - 01:05 PM (#2212564)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: ClaireBear

Happy landings & a snug harbor.


10 Dec 07 - 04:30 PM (#2212669)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: GUEST,jacqui.c on Sharon's laptop

Glad you're back dear, safe and sound. I hope that Jason spoils you rotten for a long, long time.

See you after Christmas.

10 Dec 07 - 09:49 PM (#2212832)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home

Tami -- so glad to hear you are BOTH home.......

11 Dec 07 - 01:03 PM (#2213208)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home

Seamus is glad too. He got a romp on the beach yesterday thanks to Tami and Jason. Bandit must have ecstatic.

11 Dec 07 - 01:10 PM (#2213213)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Jeri

Is 'ecstatic' what you had when your eyes were all crusty? I bet they're not happy with you!

11 Dec 07 - 05:51 PM (#2213402)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Slag

Bless them both. I hope all things are resolved for the good.


11 Dec 07 - 07:05 PM (#2213456)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Safe in the harbor...

12 Dec 07 - 03:58 AM (#2213644)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Micca

Clouds are upon the summer sky
There's thunder on the wind
Pull on, pull on & homeward hie
Nor give one look behind
Row on, row on God speed the way
Thou must not linger here
Storms hang about the closing day
Tomorrow may be clear

12 Dec 07 - 06:14 AM (#2213692)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: maeve

Lovely one, Micca. I found the whole piece here: I must learn it!

Good morning, Tami. I thought of you yesterday as I happened into the parlor. My True Love was laughing his way through the Red Green Show. The forest ranger... Oh, my! Not anything like you!



12 Dec 07 - 06:24 AM (#2213696)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: SINSULL need to spend more time with Tami. Shut her up in a tower in the woods all alone Rapunzel style and she's exactly like him right down to the freshly pressed uniform. LOL

12 Dec 07 - 06:58 AM (#2213709)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: maeve

Oh, the mind boggles...And you think I should spend more time with her? Huh! I don't think so!


12 Dec 07 - 07:49 AM (#2213734)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: Micca

maeve you gotta do the Guided tour of the Park with Tami, it is an Annual Pilgrimage for me and she is so knowledgable and informative about the Flora and fauna (much of which is alien to me, being a European) and just Great company on a walk in thw woods, there is noyhing (much) strange about Tami!!!! I mean, look at her close friends!!!

12 Dec 07 - 08:30 AM (#2213752)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: maeve

Micca- Sounds like a great idea. Portland is as unto a foreign country to me, anyway. Tami's close friends are as high tone as Tami is, and it's been a pleasure to get to know them...and her.

(And you thought I'd make another smartypants remark!)

Hi, Tami!


13 Dec 07 - 08:28 AM (#2214415)
Subject: RE: BS: Tami's home
From: ranger1

Dear Mudcat friends, Mum sent me the following to post here:

To all you Mudcat folks out there that sent Tami and me such encouraging, supportive thoughts and words, a VERY heartfelt thank you. And, those of you who pitched in financially to get us a flight back to NH, THANK YOU!!!!! It would have been a long hitchhike home.

Most sincerely grateful,
