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Ozark instruments

17 Dec 07 - 11:55 AM (#2217286)
Subject: Ozark instruments
From: GUEST,EricTheOrange

I'm looking at buying an Ozark Tenor Guitar from

Does anybody know what the quality of these instruments is like, or more generally what Ozark instrument quality is like?


17 Dec 07 - 12:23 PM (#2217312)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: Mr Happy

Have a browse here:

17 Dec 07 - 12:53 PM (#2217332)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: GUEST,EricTheOrange

Thanks - I'd already had a search but not found much, and most of it old. Eagle Music (Ozark) & Hobgoblin (Ashbury) have only recently started selling Tenor Guitars in my price range (£150-£200) so I was wondering if anybody had some more recent experience. I find myself drawn to the Ozark for its looks and because it means I don't have to buy from Hobgoblin (who I'm not a great fan of).


18 Dec 07 - 06:45 AM (#2217926)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

Hi Eric

Ozark tend to be pretty respectable instruments for the price - as are Ashbury and I find it comes down to looks. Then I prefer some designs on one and some on the other. I'm not keen on the design of the headstock on the Ozark tenor guitar and have bought the Ashbury one (see another thread) and am delighted with the look, feel and sound. That's not to say that the Ozark TG isn't as good. If you have the chance to try out both then do, otherwise Steve at Eagle will probably be delighted to take you money.

Enjoy (either), Nick

18 Dec 07 - 07:34 AM (#2217953)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: GUEST,EricTheOrange

Thanks Nick - for some reason when I searched I didn't come up with your thread. Do you have a case for it - if so what one?


18 Dec 07 - 07:50 AM (#2217963)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

Hi Eric the thread 'ran of the end' about a week ago. I do have a case, it's (from memory) a soft classical guitar one (with shoulder straps and pockets) but I can find you the hobgoblin reference number later today. In the other thread you can see my comments about 'alternative' stringing. I've got mine for octave mando (being a mando player) but the gauges I've chosen seem a touch heavy. Still, tonight is my first session playing it (rather than a few tunes at home) so I'll have a better idea after.

I'll go and find that thread....

18 Dec 07 - 07:52 AM (#2217964)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

18 Dec 07 - 07:53 AM (#2217968)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

Doh!! use the fields the right way round...

18 Dec 07 - 09:05 AM (#2218042)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

this appears to be the case I have

18 Dec 07 - 11:01 AM (#2218137)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: GUEST,EricTheOrange

Thanks Nick - you're a star!


19 Dec 07 - 06:19 AM (#2218803)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

Ow! Sore fingers... that may be due to the strings being a touch on the heavy side but may also be because I've not played guitar for many years (concentrating on mandolin) and I'm having to use softer parts of my fingers. Next time I change them I may experiment with slightly lighter ones. Currently 40,30,20,11 for the octave tuning but may consider 34,24,14,10 and see if they are any easier.

19 Dec 07 - 08:57 AM (#2218866)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: Grab

In general, the Ozark guitars I've tried in shops have been OK. Nothing special, but competent first-decent-guitar kind of instruments for not too much dosh. Just one of many brands at the £200-300 price point.


19 Dec 07 - 09:04 AM (#2218871)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: GUEST,EricTheOrange

When I first started playing guitar I was advised to wipe the tips of my fingers with surgical spirit ("Isopropyl rubbing alcohol" in the USA) every day to speed the process of hardening the tips. I tried it and it seemed to work very well. It's also used by some hikers to harden skin on their feet, particularly the heel. Talk to your local Pharmacist about it and make sure you read the instructions!

19 Dec 07 - 09:07 AM (#2218872)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: Leadfingers

I have had an Ozark Banjola fo five years , and tend to use it more for Folk Club Floor Spots than any thing else - It easy to play ,is fun to play and is different ! Never been in a club and met someone else with one ! y

19 Dec 07 - 10:42 AM (#2218934)
Subject: RE: Ozark instruments
From: nickp

Good old surgical spirit... where would we be without it!