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BS: What have I learnt in 2007?

26 Dec 07 - 07:45 AM (#2222643)
Subject: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

What have you learnt this year (or been reminded of)?

    i think I've started to take on board that I have things to offer; and that I've grown up a bit. And about how badly I read what others have written.

    And about how narrow the mainstream of society seems, to me.

    And that it's rather good to play thru a composer's work in a particular genre (after you've unwrapped the box, of course), and watch (sic) the development.


26 Dec 07 - 08:01 AM (#2222651)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?

To tell people I love that i love them. often. I may not have an opportunity tomorrow.

26 Dec 07 - 08:09 AM (#2222654)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: The Fooles Troupe

There's a Tomorrow?

26 Dec 07 - 08:13 AM (#2222656)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

I've learnt that what my doctor says is not always correct.

I've also learnt that a lot of people are ungrateful, two-faced bastards but you still have to keep doing stuff for them. I suppose I already knew that, but sometimes it's useful to have these things reinforced.

I learned I *CAN* finish sewing projects and have the framed evidence in front of me now.

I learned some Danish language.


26 Dec 07 - 08:28 AM (#2222659)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: John MacKenzie

People judge one by standards that they don't adhere to themselves.

26 Dec 07 - 08:34 AM (#2222660)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: fat B****rd

I've learned that the term "Mature Student" is an oxymoron.
I've learned what an oxymoron is.
I've learned to value my space and time with or without my wife.
I've learned (again) that little children are del;ightful Jekyll and Hydes.
I've learned that I should never stop learning.

26 Dec 07 - 08:46 AM (#2222667)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

I guess I didn't learn not to respond to flaming idiots who post incendiary crap and provocational threads! :D


26 Dec 07 - 08:52 AM (#2222670)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bonzo3legs

How to remove the copy protection from BBC iplayer downloads!!

26 Dec 07 - 09:19 AM (#2222676)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: gnu

Bonzo3legs... read up on tracking down people on the internut. I am sure the BBC has, which could mean spending some of 2008 in jail for posts like that.

I learned a lot. But, it don't seem to make no nevermind. I keep screwing up.

However, to that very end, I intend to make a New Years Resolution... a little less gnu and a little more Wildebeeste.

26 Dec 07 - 09:26 AM (#2222681)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: John MacKenzie

That's good gnus

26 Dec 07 - 09:29 AM (#2222682)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

I know a chap who was done for commenting to someone online that he'd managed to break the protection on some programme or other... he was tracked down and asked to show how he did it by some innocent sounding bloke, then immediately arrested for doing it. The innocent sounding bloke was an undercover cop who then passed the info on to the programme writers who incorporated it into the upgrade, making it damn nearly impossible to break the protection. They learn the hard way, but they learn!


26 Dec 07 - 09:36 AM (#2222686)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Uncle Phil

It's easier to walk up stairs wearing spurs than it is to walk down stairs wearing spurs.
- Phil

26 Dec 07 - 10:43 AM (#2222707)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: gnu

Slower, tho.

26 Dec 07 - 10:53 AM (#2222710)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Uncle Phil

So true, so true.
- Phil

26 Dec 07 - 10:57 AM (#2222713)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Megan L

Hmmm what have I learned this year?

Well when someone throws dung at you they are easy to find from the smell sticking to them, it might take others a while to figure it out but they do in the end.

I learned that there are a lot of good folks around herewho can see through smoke. More power to them

26 Dec 07 - 11:03 AM (#2222714)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: skarpi

I might not have tomorrow , what I have today

I also learned that giving all to help someone you love deeply
( my doughter ) can take a toll from your soul and body .

in one year we lost two persons that were very close to us
thats why I said those words .

all the best and god bless
Skarpi Iceland

26 Dec 07 - 11:31 AM (#2222729)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: wysiwyg

If I've learned it here, I've probably already told and shown it here, too. :~) (Ask Stringsinger and BillD).


26 Dec 07 - 01:55 PM (#2222786)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bonzo3legs

I've also learned that there are a lot of prats posting on this sit!

26 Dec 07 - 01:58 PM (#2222791)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: gnu

And trolls apparently.

26 Dec 07 - 02:14 PM (#2222801)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: John MacKenzie

And sitting on this post too, no doubt :)

26 Dec 07 - 02:29 PM (#2222813)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bill D

I've learned to enter '2007' when I write a check.

I've also learned that 'most' people prefer to not change any settings or install any new programs on their computer unless driven by necessity....and then they often get someone to do it for them.

26 Dec 07 - 07:04 PM (#2222933)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I learned a version of "Deep Elem Blues" in open D tuning.

That's all.

360 days and one friggin' song is all I've got to show for it.

26 Dec 07 - 07:39 PM (#2222947)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bobert

Shoot... I came into 2007 knowin' everything there is to know so, hey, I didn't learnt squat...

(And then Bobert woke up...)

Seriously, I learnt that after 3 years back in the construction business that when I get the projects I am involved with finished, I'm gonna find somethin' else to do...

I learnt to play a cigar box geetar that ain't got but two dowel rods fir a neck and no frets...

I re-learnt, as I do every year, that womenz is nuts...

I learnt that inspite of Iran having quit tryin' to make a nuke that Bush still wants to bomb them... I should have suspected this but it's now in the "learnt" column...

I re-learnt the happiness of havin' a new kitty... His name is Timmy...

I learnt that the moon isn't made of cheeze... It's made of moon...

I learnt a lot on new blues songs...

I learnt where the the cops hide on Rt 340 and catch speeders... Fortunately fir me I wasn't speedin'... Unfortunately fir the guy who had passed me a mile back, he was...

I un-learnt a couple things, too... Like, ahhhh, names of some folks I hadn't seen in awhile... Where I left my keys (un-learnt several times)... What key to play "Copperhead Road" in... And worst, my anniversary date which...

... has now been learnt back in me the hard and painfull way...

And lastly, I learnt that 1 and 1 ain't two... It's...



26 Dec 07 - 07:51 PM (#2222950)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

Loved that post, Bobert, especially the first coupl    no, the whole thing. i'll sleep well. Ta.


26 Dec 07 - 07:52 PM (#2222951)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Becca72

I learned that just when you think you can't take anymore the universe can give you the finger and dump some more crap on your head...but I'm still kicking and ready for 2008.

26 Dec 07 - 08:12 PM (#2222960)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Joe_F

Butane comes after propane.

26 Dec 07 - 09:17 PM (#2222981)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?

Massive explosion follows propane.

27 Dec 07 - 04:36 AM (#2223073)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

SINSULL - I preferred your 1st :-)


27 Dec 07 - 05:08 AM (#2223080)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: JohnInKansas

It's easier to walk up stairs wearing spurs than it is to walk down stairs wearing spurs.

A gentleman removes his spurs upstairs (in the bedroom?). It's easy enough to carry them in-hand down the stairs an put them on at the bottom.


27 Dec 07 - 05:16 AM (#2223083)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: jacqui.c

I have learnt that, for my own health and sanity there are situations that I just have to walk away from, no matter what the cost.

I have had reinforced how much my husband loves me.

I have found, once again, how many wonderful people there are in my life.

I've also learned a few more songs, some of which I can nearly get right without a cheat sheet!

27 Dec 07 - 08:44 AM (#2223146)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Uncle Phil

Well, John, check out the "Spurs in the Bedroom" thread to read my comments on ... oh, wait a minute, that's another forum.
- Phil

27 Dec 07 - 10:19 AM (#2223194)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Spurs in the bedroom? What are you doing with an entire football team in your bedroom?

(Joke may not be as funny in the US as in the UK).


27 Dec 07 - 10:50 AM (#2223210)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bill D

In the USA, it's a basketball team.

27 Dec 07 - 11:14 AM (#2223225)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

Thread dr............


27 Dec 07 - 06:32 PM (#2223431)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Tootler

I learnt to play wooden flute, or more correctly, started the long process of learning to play wooden flute

I learnt quite a number of new songs and then forgot most of them so if I am to sing them again, I will have to relearn them. Should keep me out of mischief for some of 2008.

I realised that even when you are retired, there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you want to do.

Then I realised, it doesn't matter, just do the things you can and make sure there is plenty of time to relax and/or play flute (or recorder or concertina...)

28 Dec 07 - 04:21 AM (#2223578)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: mouldy

Carpe Diem...

...and over the next year, being me, I hope to gradually start and think along those lines, and stop making excuses why I can't do it!


28 Dec 07 - 06:22 AM (#2223601)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

Good for you Andrea. As famous Billy wrote,

"To thine own self be true."


28 Dec 07 - 06:56 AM (#2223607)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: GUEST,Ian cookieless

What a thoughtful idea for a thread.

I learned to play in open C tuning (for those remotely interested, bottom to top CGCGCE, with the bottom C on rare occasions at D and the top E on rare occasions at E flat).

I also learned (am learning) at long last to look after my body instead of constantly driving it into the ground.

I learned (again and again) that life always throws lots of possibilities for personal growth - if only one can see them.

I learned that sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.

I also learned (again) that one can never predict what is around the corner, and that it is never too late to find at the least the possibility of lurve.


28 Dec 07 - 08:16 AM (#2223630)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

GUEST Ian , you've made my day (and there's sooooooo much of it left :-)   )


28 Dec 07 - 09:32 AM (#2223663)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Rapparee

I'm still considering it. I long ago learned to make whatever I learn part of me and sometimes that takes a very long time.

Of course, that assumes that I learned anything at all!

28 Dec 07 - 10:28 AM (#2223686)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Emma B

That somethings remain a universal truth....

'An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.'


and ...

'A true friend is someone that knows the song of your soul, and
sings it back to you when you have forgotten the words.'


28 Dec 07 - 10:55 AM (#2223700)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

Emma - I got an interesting question (seperate thread?) from a fellow heart patient in '96.

"Would you like yourself to be your own best friend?"


28 Dec 07 - 11:16 AM (#2223708)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?

Interesting question, autolycus.
My answer is "No." Kendall is my best friend and he accepts faults in me (is even amused at them) that I could never tolerate.

28 Dec 07 - 12:02 PM (#2223736)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Emma B

In the words of a wise and wonderful friend......

'At least you and I can get pissed off at each other and get over it.' :)

28 Dec 07 - 12:16 PM (#2223739)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jeri

Yes, getting over it is important. Otherwise, you turn into one of those sad people who can't talk about anything but how wounded they feel and tries to involve all of their 'friends' in their outrage.

I've known a few folks like that, and I find it best to avoid them, or at least head off conversations going in that direction. The ones who try to suck others into their fights are the 'emotional vampires' Becca mentioned in the other dumping thread. Get mad and get over it. (I can't remember where I first heard that, but it was good advice.)

Best to let things go, let people deal with their own problems unless they ask for help, and if THEY ask YOU, focus on helping them get past problems, not dwell on them.

What I've learned is to let friends BE friends, and if they can't or won't do that, look at them as good acquaintances. Life's too short for persistently wishing, and too full of good people who don't make you feel foolish. Treasure the true friends.

28 Dec 07 - 12:21 PM (#2223745)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Donuel

While the editors of the bible created the virgin birth cover story, it is true virgin births can occur.

It seems that the new Messiah will spring from Jamie Lynn Spears loins. She currently is still employed by Disney on the Zoey show on Nickolodean.

She never had sex yet she is pregnant.

Disney is poised to exploit the birth of the next MESSIAH and revamp Christianity forever.

All Hail the new 'Christian' Messiah. A baby Spears is born to absolve all your sins.

28 Dec 07 - 12:30 PM (#2223747)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Donuel

I wonder if that makes Disney God's employer or the other way around?
Oh well at least god will be corporate owned once and for all.

28 Dec 07 - 12:31 PM (#2223749)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

SINSULL   your post speaks volumes about relationships, other people, tolerance, and I don't know what else. iow, about so much that we discuss around here.


28 Dec 07 - 12:40 PM (#2223757)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jeri

I wouldn't want me as a best friend either, but many of the reasons are personality weirdnesses that (as far as I can tell) aren't within my control.

29 Dec 07 - 05:12 AM (#2224180)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

And what's liokely to follow from not being happy to be one's own best friend? I mean in terms of how you are likely to feel about others generally, at all?


29 Dec 07 - 07:37 AM (#2224206)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jeri

Being a bit envious of others who are better at being social and occasionally feeling guilty I'm not. On the other hand, I may be more understanding of others' eccentricities, so long as I perceive no lack of kindness. On the other hand, as I get older, I definitely get crankier and less willing to step out of my 'comfort zone'.

29 Dec 07 - 07:46 AM (#2224209)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Catherine Jayne

I learnt that we are surround by a lot of good friends who take us and like us for who we are. I learnt that family is the most important of all things to me.

I learnt a few more tunes and songs. I'm learning to drive which will help with travelling and festivals etc.

30 Dec 07 - 05:39 AM (#2224769)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

So this year I'll be the passenger???!

I've learned that sometimes a smell can't be traced, no matter how many boxes you shift...


30 Dec 07 - 07:29 AM (#2224813)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jean(eanjay)

I learned that learnt and learned are alternative forms of the past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Learnt is more common in British English, and learned in American English – which surprised me because I tend to use learned and it sounds as if I should be using learnt since I'm in England! I'll use both.

I learned that the Mudcat auction is good fun.

I learned that Mudcat is great for finding somebody's music for the first time, and I learnt how talented that somebody is.

I've learned to slow down my pace of life.

I've learned new recipes and cooking techniques.

I learnt how to scroll and I think I can remember how to do it!

just checking

30 Dec 07 - 07:31 AM (#2224814)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jean(eanjay)

No, I've forgotten how to scroll - where's Ranger1?

30 Dec 07 - 08:14 AM (#2224834)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Emma B

I learnt that eanjay and myself share the same taste in music :)
May there be much more to come too.

30 Dec 07 - 10:23 AM (#2224886)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: HuwG

Not so much the year, so much as passing 50 years old a fortnight ago. I received three vital pieces of advice for the future:

1. Never waste an erection;
2. Never trust a fart;
3. Er ... we've forgotten.

Having also restarted my career in the last few months, I can offer some advice. Knowledge is never obsolete, skills are never lost and redundancy might be defeat but never disgrace.

30 Dec 07 - 10:28 AM (#2224890)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Catherine Jayne

LOL!! Of course Liz!! *G*

30 Dec 07 - 10:28 AM (#2224891)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jeri

3. Never pass up an opportunity to pee

30 Dec 07 - 11:40 AM (#2224923)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: BretonCap

I learnt that ,when the time comes, it is better to draw a line under the relationship and walk away while you can still be civilised about it.

Still hurts though!!

PM if you feel able to supply the hug I need.


30 Dec 07 - 12:01 PM (#2224940)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus

Jeri, I learnt this year, too, th't that was a line of the Duke of Wellington.


30 Dec 07 - 12:22 PM (#2224954)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: katlaughing

I learned, once again, that my husband is a kind, loving, and patient man whom I would never betray. He is more family to me than some of my siblings.

30 Dec 07 - 06:14 PM (#2225133)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: ranger1

How strong I really am. I have been reminded of the importance of family and have learned how truly wonderful and supportive my friends are.

I also learned how to take apart, repair and put back together (with no extra parts) the valves on the water bubbler at the park and how to repair and replace a deadbolt lock.

30 Dec 07 - 06:42 PM (#2225148)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jean(eanjay)

Thanks Tami

30 Dec 07 - 07:51 PM (#2225180)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Hawker

I have learned that although this site is laced with flamers and trolls, there are a great number of genuine kind hearted souls out there who I now count as friends, and that when times are difficult, friends really do mean a lot.
Cheers, Lucy

30 Dec 07 - 08:28 PM (#2225202)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: akenaton

I've learned that 2+2=5...........Just on Mudcat though!!

30 Dec 07 - 08:30 PM (#2225204)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Big Al Whittle

I learned a new chord on the guitar. I haven't mastered it yet. I do not know its name.

30 Dec 07 - 08:33 PM (#2225207)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?


31 Dec 07 - 04:04 AM (#2225344)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

Call it 'Norman'. There aren't enough Normans in the world.


31 Dec 07 - 06:27 AM (#2225380)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: autolycus


(Think I'll keep that!)


31 Dec 07 - 08:53 AM (#2225445)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Dave Earl

Hawker said

"and that when times are difficult, friends really do mean a lot."

Too right Lucy!!!

Hold on to that thought


31 Dec 07 - 03:08 PM (#2225706)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Bill D

The Key of "R" is a wondrous key.....

01 Jan 08 - 07:14 AM (#2226073)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: John MacKenzie

Augmented but not diminished Bill.

01 Jan 08 - 08:00 PM (#2226448)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: GUEST,Dani

Yeah, thanks for a very thoughtful and thought-provoking thread!

I learned that:

        - I can do way more way better than I ever thought I could…and that it matters even if no one else in the world sees or cares

        - when you DON'T know what the hell you are doing, it's important to know when to let on, and when NOT to let on

        - if you keep the very most important things right up in front of you ALL the time, all else (stress, anger, loss, disappointment, lunacy, hard times, whatever) WILL fade away

        - if you don't do the things you're supposed to do, the universe will eventually kick you on your ass and make you take care of business

        - friends of the heart are there no matter what, and that even when things look bad all around for all around, there's help, and love enough to go around

        - a little church won't hurt, and sometimes works wonders

I learned a teeny, tiny bit of bodhran, enough to make me want to work more!

I learned that a little music is better than no music at all.

Bee dubya, come to the Getaway this fall and we'll sing that song together, and it'll be good : )


01 Jan 08 - 08:27 PM (#2226463)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Gulliver

I've learned that women (well, women "of a certain age") are devious.

I learned it before, but I'd forgotten that I'd learned it.


01 Jan 08 - 08:44 PM (#2226475)
Subject: RE: BS: What have I learnt in 2007?
From: Jim Lad

I've learned how to get the sound from my microphone, into the computer.
First question I asked on Mudcat.
I learned about ten years ago that friends can be gone in the blink of an eye. Something that changed my life back then and has proven true as I glance back at each year since then.