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Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)

30 Jan 08 - 04:28 PM (#2248934)
Subject: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: Mark Ross

I just got a call from Utah. He is going down to San Francisco for tests on his heart because he is retaining too much fluid. If they decide to keep him down there they will upgrade him from a Category B to a Category A(for immediate transplant, if they can find a match). He asked me to post this on Mudcat to let everyone know the situation, he doesn't want the rumor mill to be going into overdrive.

I will pass on any messages for him of course. Hopefully the outcome will be for the best.

Mark Ross

30 Jan 08 - 04:44 PM (#2248948)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: lefthanded guitar

Thanks for the update, Mark. Best wishes to Bruce,he's a tough ol one and let's hope he comes through all this okay. We'll keep him in our thoughts.

30 Jan 08 - 04:45 PM (#2248949)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update

Thanks, Mark. If I had an extra heart, I would gladly give it.

30 Jan 08 - 04:45 PM (#2248950)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Remind him he's got fans all over the world pulling for him. Good wishes and healing thoughts from Bonnie (& numerous others) in Ireland -

30 Jan 08 - 04:51 PM (#2248958)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: black walnut

Thanks - we were at a Utah Phillips benefit at Hugh's Room in Toronto just before Christmas. I was wondering....


30 Jan 08 - 05:09 PM (#2248977)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: Sandra in Sydney

best wishes from another fan in Austalia

30 Jan 08 - 05:30 PM (#2249006)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: GUEST,Dani

Ditto what M said. Too bad they couldn't just take a piece. I'd chip in.

Sending warm wishes.


30 Jan 08 - 05:32 PM (#2249009)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: jacqui.c

Same here Dani.

Give him my love Mark and I hope everything goes well.

30 Jan 08 - 05:37 PM (#2249018)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: GUEST,Kendall

He called me recently to say he was considering a transplant. That's serious business, but if it means having him around longer, I say go for it my friend!
Who knows how to do a benefit?

30 Jan 08 - 06:04 PM (#2249055)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update


I don't know anything about how to do it. But we would try extra hard to be there is there was one.

30 Jan 08 - 06:05 PM (#2249060)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: reggie miles

My thanks as well Mark. I just caught one of his performances being aired on the University of Washington cable television station. It was recorded when he was entertaining here in the Northwest. JW, one of your Rose Tattoo clan, a close friend of Bruce's and a long time musical partner and friend of mine, mentioned just the other night that you keep in touch with Bruce daily. I'm certain Utah knows this. He's been a huge inspiration and joy to me and so many others. We all wish him the very best in this difficult time. If there's anything that we can do to help please don't hesitate to ask.


30 Jan 08 - 06:38 PM (#2249093)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: Big Mick

If there is a benefit, I am in. We need this important voice in the choir....

Get well, Utah.

All the best,


30 Jan 08 - 09:40 PM (#2249195)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update
From: Dan Schatz

Anything we can do for Utah Phillips we should. He is one of the great American poets of all time. If my voice will help, I'd gladly participate in any benefit.

I've organized a few in my time - you just need the space, the performers - preferably a mix of bigger name and less well known folks - and good publicity.


30 Jan 08 - 11:44 PM (#2249255)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Greg B

It was Utah Phillips' situation with his heart about a decade ago
which was a MAJOR impetus towards the organization of AFM Local 1000,
so that folk musicians in North America would have some semblance of
the benefits that other working people do. At that time part of the
way the word got out was through the very benefits which were
organized in order to help him get his surgery.

It really helped a lot of people see the point in joining, and it also
caught the attention of the AFM to figure a way to make the folkies
feel welcome.

31 Jan 08 - 12:04 AM (#2249265)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Amos

Pass him my very best thoughts for a quick return to chipper self-hood, Mark. He has charmed three generations of us, now, and deserves all the support in the world.


31 Jan 08 - 11:17 AM (#2249599)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: topical tom

Best wishes to a great humanitarian, unsurpassed storyteller and singer-songwriter.Ive seen Utah live several times and each one was a delightful, refreshing treat, an inspiring, soul-lifting experience.I'm sure many Canadian fans are praying for you today-I surely am.

31 Jan 08 - 11:54 AM (#2249636)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Deckman

Bruce, "Mina Raakastaan Sinua"!

31 Jan 08 - 12:09 PM (#2249646)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

IF it must come to that, may he have as much success as Ferrara and be here a good long while cum new heart! With thanks to whatever donor there may be.

All the best,


31 Jan 08 - 12:10 PM (#2249650)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)

Don't you mean "Klaatu Verrada Niktu"?

31 Jan 08 - 12:46 PM (#2249681)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

Mary - check this site out

We've just heard from Mark Ross who tells us that Utah would be happy if a benefit was arranged for him or to receive contributions.

Anyone got any thoughts on where, when, how?

31 Jan 08 - 06:25 PM (#2249950)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Utah- It's been a long time since we met- sitting on Rosalie Sorrell's floor in- where else?- Utah. You were a shy young fella pickin on a guitar and saying you didn't play very well. We called you Bruce- you became Utah later, when you left Utah...I'm getting kinda mixed up here, but the point is, it HAS been a long time. In the fifties, maybe? I have enjoyed sharing stages, campgrounds, Northern Lights, jokes, shin-kickings (Sara Cleveland at Fox Hollow),midnight harmonizing...all manner of great-memory things. Remember once when you introduced me as, "And here comes Jean Ritchie, who's gonna play dull-some-more!!!" Ay, if you're going to get a new heart, I guess I'll have to forgive you for that. And also throw my love and good wishes into this big pot we're all beginning to stir, and hope to be able to be there if you ever need me.
Love and blessings,    Jean

31 Jan 08 - 06:32 PM (#2249960)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Jacqui, I had it stuck in my head that we had a fund-raising link for him a few years ago and it was on his website, but I'm darned if I can find it, now. I've looked at his website and there is an address, so I'd guess any of us who wants to could send a donation and/or buy some CDs. I am sure any of it would help.

we could also do a thread for him, here, as we're doing for Art.

31 Jan 08 - 07:22 PM (#2249993)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Fortunato

yes, yes, kytrad. you said it well.

I remember standing in an endless shower line with Bruce and Riki Schneyer (ajacent lines) at Foxhollow, he was endlessly funny. Helen Schneyer brought him to my open mike at Grant's Tomb in DC where he sang hobo tunes and mesmerized the packed house with his stories.

yep, I'd travel far to play a benefit if I could,

Maybe Dan Schatz can get the ball rolling.

31 Jan 08 - 07:37 PM (#2250009)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Jeri

A big honkin' festival/concert in a big honkin' city would be great, but a bunch of smaller ones at local coffeehouses and other venues would reach more people. ESPECIALLY if local unions could be informed. There are so many folks singing his songs now, it wouldn't be hard to do that, and the union folks could be a lot more help than anybody may guess.

Jean, I remember Bruce talking about how easy it was to play banjo, and then saying how much simpler a dulcimer was. That was on the stage at Fox Hollow during the day, and he made sure you were around. And Fortunato, nobody EVER told me there were showers there!!!

31 Jan 08 - 08:32 PM (#2250040)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Fortunato


My memory could be faulty. Perhaps it was just the line for the toilet and tooth brushing. Seems like I remember towels and stuff.
I wouldn't swear to it Jeri.


31 Jan 08 - 08:34 PM (#2250042)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

I will travel as far as 600 miles to attend a benefit. In the meantime, I'm going to send him a contribution.

31 Jan 08 - 09:17 PM (#2250060)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: bigchuck

Well, best of fortune to Bruce. I just heard Rosalie at Cafe Lena the other night, and she spent much of her concert with stories of the old days with him and sang many fine songs of his. He has long been one of my favorite storytellers and poets. I would gladly participate in any benefit I could get to. Transplant technology is pretty advanced these days. Here's hoping for years more of the great gadfly.


31 Jan 08 - 09:25 PM (#2250068)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: wysiwyg

He asked me to post this on Mudcat to let everyone know the situation, he doesn't want the rumor mill to be going into overdrive.

I will pass on any messages for him of course. Hopefully the outcome will be for the best.

Mark, tell him he must come post soon or he'll leave it to everyone else to tell his jokes, etc. :~)

I'll send a note around to the Prayer Chain, and ask members there also to look in here for any benefit news.


31 Jan 08 - 09:36 PM (#2250074)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Joe Offer

600 miles? We want you to come here, Kendall!
We now have a spare room, so lodging is possible.

31 Jan 08 - 10:04 PM (#2250087)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Dan Schatz

I would think a series of benefits in various locations would be doable - those of us in the Philly/New York/Washington/ Baltimore area might easily join forces to make a few benefits happen. There's a good crowd in New England. Four or five performers, both of the well known and less well known variety, could put together a great round robin.

All of that's easily within 600 miles of Kendall!

In less urban areas, maybe local folks could sponsor some "Utah Phillips Song Nights" with local performers to raise funds.


31 Jan 08 - 10:25 PM (#2250098)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Rapparee

I have two and half kitchens, two guest rooms and can, if need be, sleep a dozen people (more if you bring a motor home and park it on the pad outside). I can get the Stephens Performing Arts Center at the University for $2,500 for an evening (individual performance halls have different prices). Or you can use the second floor of the Portneuf Valley Brewery if you cut Penny Pink in on a little of the action (although she might volunteer it -- who knows with Penny?).

Skywest flies into Pocatello, or you can fly into Salt Lake City and take the shuttle up, rent a car, or whatever.

01 Feb 08 - 01:14 AM (#2250161)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: reggie miles

I'm certain that something could be organized here in the far upper left corner, the Seattle neighborhood. Utah has many fans here. It wasn't too difficult to organize something for JW when he had a similar health issue. I can think of many players that would gladly lend a hand for such an event and a few venues that would host it. Shall I begin by making a few phone calls?

01 Feb 08 - 03:10 AM (#2250189)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Jon Dudley

Mark, as you posted this thread originally please pass on a message of support and love from The Copper Family here in 'olde Englande'. We had a great deal of fun with Bruce at the Champlain Festival a few years ago; he's a very special person and a lot of fun to hang out with. Please send our love and best wishes.

01 Feb 08 - 07:23 AM (#2250280)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

Hey Joe,
I was thinking of driving, that's why I said 600 miles. California would be out of the question unless we fly. Thanks for the invitation.

01 Feb 08 - 09:03 AM (#2250351)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Bobert

I'll see Kendall's 600 and up it to 650 miles...

Until then, best wishes & prayers...


01 Feb 08 - 09:44 AM (#2250387)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Big Mick

OK, I have taken the initial steps for two benefits in Michigan. One will be on the east side of the State, probably in Ann Arbor where Bruce has many fans. I am shooting for the second one in West Michigan. This is very prelim at this point. I have contacted Matt Watroba and he has expressed interest in helping. This is very preliminary.

All the best,


01 Feb 08 - 11:05 AM (#2250463)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Fortunato

Mick keep me informed.

01 Feb 08 - 11:10 AM (#2250470)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Big Mick

Will do, Chance.


01 Feb 08 - 08:56 PM (#2251073)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Good news, folks. Art just called to say he just spoke with Bruce Brackney who told him they decided Utah just needed to have his pacemaker tweaked and will be going home in the next day or so! Apparently they are keeping him on the B list for now!

Art was pleased to hear of the plans for benefit concerts for his good friend.

01 Feb 08 - 09:23 PM (#2251095)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

Ok everyone, all together now,

EXHALE Man! what a relief!

01 Feb 08 - 10:34 PM (#2251159)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: gnu

Oh my! Great news!

01 Feb 08 - 10:52 PM (#2251169)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Dani

If something is arranged on the East Coast, and there is need of chef/cook/caterer, count me in. Plus, I sing great backup ; )


02 Feb 08 - 06:09 AM (#2251303)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: maeve

Such very welcome news this is.

02 Feb 08 - 08:17 AM (#2251364)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

Great news!

We were watching the DVD last night and it got me thinking that this was too great a talent to lose right now.

02 Feb 08 - 08:38 AM (#2251379)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

The DVD Jacqui is talking about is the performance Utah and I did in California back in April of 06. It is now available for purchase. Utah cracks me up, and that's not easy to do!

02 Feb 08 - 10:26 AM (#2251459)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Marc Bernier

Nice to hear he's on his way home, and not "All Used Up". If there is a benifit happening anywhere in the New England area, I would be interested in contributing in any way I can.

Marc Bernier

03 Feb 08 - 05:46 PM (#2252709)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,some fans in grass valley, ca.

Yeah! Utah you are loved!

03 Feb 08 - 05:49 PM (#2252714)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

Thanks for the info, Mark. I hope that he pulls through.

Stephen Lee

07 Feb 08 - 09:54 AM (#2255896)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Utah called me yesterday and asked me to tell all of you thanks and to listen to his podcast on his website

I will let you know if I hear anymore. He should be going home in a couple of days.

Mark Ross

07 Feb 08 - 10:21 AM (#2255933)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

Thanks for the link Mark - highly entertaining!

07 Feb 08 - 10:22 AM (#2255935)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

He called me a week ago and among other things, he said he was suicidal. Then he told me about the call to Afghanistan...I should have known he was about to get me again. Will I ever learn?

07 Feb 08 - 11:28 AM (#2256003)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the link. He sounds amazing knowing what he is going through, right now. So very kind and considerate, too, as well as slyly funny. I wish him the very best outcome and soon!

07 Feb 08 - 01:52 PM (#2256105)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: gnu

I'll third that about the link. Excellent!

07 Feb 08 - 04:04 PM (#2256231)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

Mark, thanks a lot for that link, good job.

07 Feb 08 - 07:43 PM (#2256434)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

Do we dare to hope that a new heart will allow him to go performing again?

07 Feb 08 - 07:49 PM (#2256436)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Bill D

It sure might! As I well know. Takes some luck and some determination, but it can change everything.

08 Feb 08 - 12:34 PM (#2256916)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Utah updated his podcast last nigth and the news is not as happy.

Apparently the heart transplant will not be an option. Check out the link above and hear Utah in his own words.

08 Feb 08 - 12:40 PM (#2256930)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Dammit. Not good news.

Hang in there, Utah. You are loved.

P.S. He is incredible in his outlook and honesty.

08 Feb 08 - 12:52 PM (#2256944)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Big Mick

Damn! One cannot help but be selfish. I want Utah to have that transplant because I feel there is much to be had from this great organizer, singer of songs and teller of tales!

We are moving on the Michigan benefit concert. Some very solid folks are already onboard including Mudcatter Matt Watroba, host of the "Folks Like Us" radio show in Detroit. We are in the initial planning stages, and are committed to raising significant funds for this hero of working folks everywhere.


08 Feb 08 - 01:20 PM (#2256973)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

Not good! This makes me so sad. I loved the time we have spent with Utah - he really is quite special.

08 Feb 08 - 02:31 PM (#2257061)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

It's too much. Too damned much.

08 Feb 08 - 02:46 PM (#2257072)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

With the computer and dial-up I'm using these days I cannot download the podcast. Please tell what is happening there with my old friend Bruce!!??

Art Thieme

08 Feb 08 - 02:50 PM (#2257075)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

He is not going to be able to receive the heart transplant.   The option that remains is that they will try drugs and at-home care, but as he says in the podcast he will not live as long as he would if were able to receive the transplant.

08 Feb 08 - 03:37 PM (#2257120)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Hell! We're going to miss him. But remember, the man has survived what would have killed us lesser mortals long ago. Bet you dollars to donuts he will surprise the hell out of us. And I am looking forward to reading the book.

Mark Ross

08 Feb 08 - 08:38 PM (#2257356)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Mark and others who called today, thank you for that.


08 Feb 08 - 08:59 PM (#2257374)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Dan Schatz

This is very sad news indeed. I've made some inquiries about a benefit in the Philly area - I have a good line on a space we can probably use, though that's unofficial at this point. It would be good, though (no pun intended, though Utah would appreciate it) if I were able to sacre up some bigger name folks. I just don't have the contacts in Philly - most of my folkie friends are in DC, New England, or scattered throughout the country.

I'll continue cogitating.


08 Feb 08 - 09:19 PM (#2257382)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: SussexCarole

Utah & Kendall made a day to remember on 8 April 2006 (our wedding day). Wish we could have been there to share your day and you could have been with us to share our day! Cheers chaps!

08 Feb 08 - 10:48 PM (#2257419)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,bflat

I can remember when local Folk radio hosts encouraged listeners to write to Utah, years ago, when his health was compromised. He needs to know his voice is deeply valued. Where is that ground swell now?

Utah, be well; we love your musianship, take gentle care and get well.


09 Feb 08 - 12:14 PM (#2257720)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

He doesn't go near computers, but our friend, Mark Ross, keeps him abreast of what is going on here.

Jay Peterson is organizing a benefit for Utah in April here in Blue Hill.

09 Feb 08 - 12:27 PM (#2257737)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

The ground swell is still there Ellen. It has been going on through his network of friends and admirers for the last few months when this current health crisis became known. Spread the word, he needs our love.

11 Feb 08 - 09:26 AM (#2259374)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Utah's son Duncan is posting blogs at;
Messages can be sent and news of Utah's condition is posted on a regular basis.

Mark Ross

11 Feb 08 - 11:13 AM (#2259442)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.

11 Feb 08 - 09:39 PM (#2260013)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: reggie miles

Hey Mark,

Thanks for the link.

I'd like to do something, I'm just not sure what I can do. I've been putting my feelers out hoping to discover where I might be of service. So far, nothing's in stone.

11 Feb 08 - 09:48 PM (#2260020)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: astro

So glad to hear that Utah is doing better. We sure enjoyed him last
July in northern California at the Kate Wolf memorial festival. He was full of vim and vigor and the story telling was wonderful. I remember seeing him walking the grounds of the festival talking a mile a minute...

We wish him well and tell him that we are waiting for him to come tell us more about that wrestling match and those "special" wrestling holds that made us roar with laughter....

Astro in Los Angeles...

12 Feb 08 - 12:06 AM (#2260081)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

I've been closing shows for twenty or so years with his tune "Hymn Song". It's become a bit more poignant since hearing about his health problems. Let's hope that he continues to improve.

Stephen Lee

12 Feb 08 - 12:40 AM (#2260097)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: BK Lick

Here's a link to his lovely 1973 songbook which contains "Hymn Song":
Starlight on the Rails and other songs: by U. Utah Phillips

12 Feb 08 - 01:07 AM (#2260108)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: BK Lick

Here's the link I should have cited:
Utah's Page

13 Feb 08 - 08:04 PM (#2261843)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

There is a lovely and poignant podcast by his wife, Joanna, from Sunday last on his website. Let's keep sending them all good thoughts, folks. They surely deserve them and need them.

14 Feb 08 - 09:47 AM (#2262216)
Subject: BS: Utah Phillips is in Hospital in SF
From: GUEST,Coyote Breath (without cookie)

This is from an email from my sister Margie Little in Nevada City, CA.

I hope you all will do as she suggests re: prayers.

"I thought I would pass along to you that Utah is in the hospital in SF. He went down thinking he might have a heart transplant - to realize that he would not survive one, nor a pump implant.
He had a chest port installed Monday and is having difficulty with that. The doctors are trying to stabilize him.
His wife Joanna and son Duncan are there with him at the California Pacific Hospital - Utah has been there for two weeks now. Joanna is exhausted and as she says numb.

So please keep them in your prayers and thoughts.


PS Joanna does not know when they will be able to bring Utah home.
He plans on writing a book when he gets home with Joanna taking dictation and doing the editing."

14 Feb 08 - 10:56 AM (#2262263)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: EBarnacle

As I told my doctor yesterday, "One of the most wonderful things in life is to be shot at and missed." If he can endure long enough, there is always the possibility that medicine can find a way to help him live longer. He is already past his predicted demise.
Hang in there, man.

14 Feb 08 - 03:48 PM (#2262526)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Andrez

This is one of the few situations when I actually get even remotely religious. My prayers, love and thoughts are with you Utah. I hope you pull through and dont manage to catch that last freight train.


21 Feb 08 - 04:43 AM (#2268338)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

Allright, folk. If you've read Duncan's blog lateley then you've read Utah's entry therein.

   I've no doubt that he needed a crowbar to pry his tongue out of his cheek after that one, but still... I mean, a gold watch is kind of a cool idea. Anyone up for trying to do something about it?

Stephen Lee

21 Feb 08 - 07:11 AM (#2268388)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Big Mick

Stephen, I'm in. I would love to see a lovely old watch, with the cover suitably inscribed from his friends and admirers at The Mudcat Cafe.


Waddya say? Anyone else already on this?

All the best,


21 Feb 08 - 09:16 AM (#2268475)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

A watch engraved with the names of his Mudcat friends? It would have to be the size of the tower that holds Big Ben!

21 Feb 08 - 09:38 AM (#2268497)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Ever since Utah told me about the DTI watch(some 35 years ago or so), I have been looking for one. Now I love old pocket watches and own a couple of them, but in all that time I've never seen one, and believe me, I've been looking. I've looked at Ball, Elgin, Hamilton, et al, and I have a sneaking suspicion that this may be a fig newton of Utah's imagination. Nevertheless, if someone can find one I can contribute a small amount towards its purchase and delivery to the Old Man. In fact Iam going to be in Nevada City with the rest of the Rose Tattoo at the end of May to honor UUP, TGVGSW at athe Oddfellows Hall(which is appropriate). So if we can find one by then, I guarantee to deliver same to said intended redipient.

Mark Ross

21 Feb 08 - 09:39 AM (#2268498)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

I'm in.

21 Feb 08 - 10:20 AM (#2268550)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Yikes, four years ago, No. 87 on THIS PAGE sold for $1500. There are four pictures which seem to back up Utah's story.:-) I'll keep looking for others.

21 Feb 08 - 11:41 AM (#2268611)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Amos

Here's a Hamilton Railway Special in Boston from Craig's List. I don't know if the DTI was a generic Hamilton Railway Special, or if it had special markings on it.


21 Feb 08 - 01:50 PM (#2268729)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

If you look at the link from katlaughing the DTI does have special markings. Also what Utah is asking for is a watch with what is called a hunter case, i.e., a closed cover. RR watches didn't have a cover usually, but the man knows what he asks for. If you check e-bay, there are a number of Hamilton RR specials offered.

Mark Ross

21 Feb 08 - 01:58 PM (#2268739)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Yeah, I saw a lot of generic Hamilton RR ones at ebay. That one is as Mark's got the DTI on it. Maybe we should start a separate blog to find one? Ya never know what might turn up!

21 Feb 08 - 02:07 PM (#2268748)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Bill D

*sigh* 1952, my father, who was a Western Union Lineman, left a genuine Hamilton Railway Special under his pillow in a motel in N. Mexico. We had left the motel only 30 minutes before, so he stopped and called them...

"Why, no...the maid says she didn't find anything like that."

Dad never got over it. He'd had that watch for 20 years.

I hope one can be found for Utah...perhaps in a pawn shop in N. Mexico?

21 Feb 08 - 02:49 PM (#2268777)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Look for a 992B, the best RR watch that Hamilton ever made.

Mark Ross

21 Feb 08 - 04:05 PM (#2268863)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Charley Noble

I'm in but we want the real thing, not the Micky Mouse version.

Charley Noble

21 Feb 08 - 04:18 PM (#2268879)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

Mark, there are a bunch of that model listed on Ebay. There's even one made for two time zones!

21 Feb 08 - 05:01 PM (#2268929)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)

How about we buy it in pieces and ship the parts for hie amusement?

21 Feb 08 - 08:24 PM (#2269104)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Leadfingers

SINS - That is SERIOUS rehab - Putting a watch together from the individual parts !

21 Feb 08 - 08:30 PM (#2269110)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: wysiwyg

If this thread ever gets back to medical updates, would someone please let me know so I can bounce it back around to the prayer chain?



21 Feb 08 - 08:37 PM (#2269119)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

I'm in.

22 Feb 08 - 02:20 PM (#2269745)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

Cool. I'm in.

Stephen Lee

22 Feb 08 - 02:28 PM (#2269751)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Leadfingers

Looks OK to me too ! oh , by the way , 100

22 Feb 08 - 04:23 PM (#2269836)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: katlaughing

You can check his medical update on a daily basis at his blog on his website.

Have you all figured out which watch you want to go for?

22 Feb 08 - 04:41 PM (#2269857)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine

When it gets sorted (which watch? How much do we have? How much more do we need? Where do we send the $?) PLEASE post it here. I'm in.

22 Feb 08 - 04:42 PM (#2269858)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Dan Schatz

I'll contribute, too.


26 Feb 08 - 05:02 PM (#2273043)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Utah is on his way home, it's about time!

Mark Ross

26 Feb 08 - 05:11 PM (#2273050)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: jacqui.c

Great news! Keep us updated please Mark.

26 Feb 08 - 05:13 PM (#2273052)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,Dan Schatz

This is very good news indeed. May his health continue to improve.


26 Feb 08 - 06:36 PM (#2273140)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Art Thieme

I've got an almost new computer I can sell to help with getting the watch for Utah! (Just a little joke.)

ACTUALLY I'd like to send a check to help with this watch! Please say where it ought to go.


26 Feb 08 - 07:13 PM (#2273167)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Hollowfox

Count me in, too. He's the best houseguest I ever had, back when I had a coffeehouse to go to. The gen-u-ine purebred Midwestern $#@!-reduction candle series has been started. Good thoughts, prayers and general juju are also on their way.

26 Feb 08 - 07:59 PM (#2273188)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: kendall

He's going home? Does this mean they were able to settle his vital signs?

29 Feb 08 - 12:02 AM (#2275404)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

Now that Utah is home and well we can once again start seriously talking about the watch. Nobody has stepped forward to actually take charge of this effort. Since I brought it up in the first place it seems reasonable that I should do so. So be it.

    As I write this my wife, Ingrid, is doing a wedsearch to get a handle on what a good, gold watch will cost. Knowing Utah's fascination with railroads Ingrid is, of course, looking at watch designs in the image of proper motormen's watches. If you know of a good watch, please, post a link to it so that we can all take a look at it.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to look into the feasibility of setting up a temporary PayPal account (or something like it) for the watch fund so that we can each conveniently contribute to it.

    I'm posting here to make sure that people see it. However, I am going to set up a seperate thread for the watch fund. Please, post any watch related comment there so that we're all, if you'll pardon the expression, on the same page with this thing.

    One more thing. If you are in some manner going to be in personal contact (phone, letter, or whatever) with Utah, Please, keep your mouth shut about this. It would be better if we can keep it a surprise.

Stephen Lee

29 Feb 08 - 10:02 AM (#2275705)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Stephen L. Rich

The new thread is called "Watch for Utah".

Stephen Lee

29 Feb 08 - 02:55 PM (#2275958)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: gnu

Yeah... what Kendall asked... requiring minds want to know!

09 Mar 08 - 03:52 PM (#2283818)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: GUEST,judith h.

I am wondering if there are plans for a benefit for Utah in the Ann Arbor area. Or has it come and gone? Thanks.

09 Mar 08 - 08:08 PM (#2283980)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Big Mick is planning two in Michigan. Keep an eye on Mudcat for further updates.

Mark Ross

09 Mar 08 - 08:11 PM (#2283984)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Mark Ross

Also, you can check the blog for more info;

Mark Ross

09 Mar 08 - 08:53 PM (#2284003)
Subject: RE: Utah Phillips Medical Update (2008)
From: Big Mick

judith, I am working with Matt Watroba and the Ark. We have a date, and I am close to announcing what it is. I will tell you to keep your eye on mid May, ........ tentatively May 14. I will post here, and it will be publicized. We are still trying to get a date for the west side of the State, but hopefully a venue in Grand Rapids on Thursday the 15th. There are exciting things happening.....stay tuned.

Thanks, Mark, for keeping this up to date.

All the best,
