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fla folk festival on the suwannee river

10 May 99 - 06:52 PM (#77300)
Subject: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: DennisM

the 47th annual florida folk festival is scheduled May 28,29 and 30, 1999 at the Stephen Foster State Folk Culture Center, White Springs, Fl. Never been, but health permitting, planning on being their. I need to get a mudcat t-shirt quick for me and da bride. Not promoting da thing, but see Anybody plan on attending. I live in lakeland,fl and plan on taking the RV for a trip.

10 May 99 - 07:35 PM (#77317)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: TequilaRon

Hello, homeboy. I am originally from Lakeland, but live in Winter Haven these days. Do you know Joe Prine? Joe is an old friend who promotes folk and acoustic music around Lakeland. I had planned to go to the Florida Folk Festival this year, but my plans have fallen through. You are destined to have a great time. Lift a cold one in memory of Gamble, Paul, Jim, and Will. Ron.

10 May 99 - 08:37 PM (#77341)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Paul G.

I'll be there, and I'll be performing, AND I'll be wearing my bright blue, spanking new Mudcat Tee-Shirt. Saturday, starting at noon (and continuing all afternoon)at the River Gazebo is Florida Songwriters time. I'll be on at 3:00, and will be accompanying my friend Al Scortino immediately after my set. It would be my honor to spend some time with any 'catters in the vicinity!

Paul G. (in Jacksonville)

10 May 99 - 09:20 PM (#77351)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Sandy Paton

I knew I shoulda moved south when I turned sixty-five, like the law demands. Scofflaw that I be, I'm settling for Old Songs up near Albany, NY. I was born in Jacksonville, but did my serious time in Palatka! Wrong river, I guess. So have fun, you 'Catters. Wish we could join you there.


10 May 99 - 11:08 PM (#77379)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: harpgirl

...DoneyGals play twice on Friday and several workshops and once Saturday morning...I'll be roamin around all weekend swimming in the Suwanee, playing music in the campground and volunteering as a stagehand...I'll gladly play with or feed any Mudcatters that wander my way...harpgirl, camped in the back left of the campground...

24 May 99 - 10:17 PM (#81434)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Paul G.

Just a quick refresh to remind anyone in the area that this is our weekend on the Suwanee. Hope to see some of you there!


24 May 99 - 10:21 PM (#81437)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: harpgirl

Paul G. Are you going to be camping? Will you be there Thursday night? harpgirl

25 May 99 - 10:35 AM (#81570)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Paul G.


I'll be camping at the Suwanee Valley Campgroup just next to the Folklife Center...yes, will be there Thursday night and will likely invade the on-site campground in the evening. Let me know about where you'll be and I'll try to find you.


25 May 99 - 11:14 AM (#81581)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Pete Peterson

gosh, I wish I were going to be there but at same time I am happy that my mother's still hanging in there and I'm spending my time w her. Please give my best to everybody there. . . PETE

25 May 99 - 01:32 PM (#81628)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Fadac

While your down there, use a penny scale. Then you can say that you:

Had a weigh down on the Suwanee River.

Sorry, just had to do it.

25 May 99 - 05:12 PM (#81672)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: harpgirl

no weigh fadac...
Pete, I will definitely miss you this year! Glad your mum is hanging in there...
Paul G. you better rip the sleeves off your mudcat tee shirt. It's going to be a scorcher....harpgirl ie

25 May 99 - 08:21 PM (#81720)
Subject: RE: fla folk festival on the suwannee river
From: Paul G.

fadac -- that went weigh over my head! PETE -- Good for your Mom, and good for you! Harpgirl -- That shirt's much too new and pretty to rip up yet, but youll be able to recognize me as the walking sweat stain toting a gig bag.

Whey down upon the Suwanee River......