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BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??

12 Mar 08 - 08:56 PM (#2286936)
Subject: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

Man, geeze oh Pete...

I'm in the wrong business...

So Spiz paid $4100 fir a hooker for one night??? Heck, I'm a bargain... I'll do whatever it is that you wnat me to do, short of killin' somebody, for half that... I'll even do windows...

You name it, write the check an' you got me...

Well kinda... I do have my pride... I ain't gonna pose in the nude with no goats but that's about it...

Bring it on... But write the check first...


12 Mar 08 - 09:33 PM (#2286957)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

I fail to see why the simple matter of killin' somebody should be a sticking point, Bobert. Or the thing with the goats. OK, maybe the goats . . . .

12 Mar 08 - 09:36 PM (#2286960)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Jeri

The goat thing is just weird.

Sheep, maybe, but goats? Naaaaah!

12 Mar 08 - 09:39 PM (#2286963)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, you have to wonder, eh? ;-) How on earth can a sexual encounter with a complete stranger get someone to fork out $4100???????????? What the hell for? Figure it out by the hour, for gosh sakes!

Could Mr Spitzer not have found plenty of willing women who would have done it for free? I bet he could have.

To me, if you have to give someone $4,100 to have sex with you, then what that means is....that you are so totally undesirable and disgusting in every way that it takes more than $4000 to persuade a woman to get intimate with you. That indicates a really serious level of undesirability!

I would personally find that pretty devastating, but I guess Mr Spitzer sees it all in a different light somehow. ;-) It must have made him feel like a big "mover and shaker" to spend all that money, I suppose.

12 Mar 08 - 09:40 PM (#2286964)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

How much?

12 Mar 08 - 09:41 PM (#2286965)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

I must admit that the beard would be a real turn-off.

12 Mar 08 - 09:45 PM (#2286969)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

quite possibly.....

12 Mar 08 - 09:49 PM (#2286972)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

$4100 would be chickenfeed to a top lawyer.

Does anyone remember that silly movie where some rich guy offers $1 million to a couple if he can spend one night with the wife? Never saw it, but there were jokes about it in the papers.

12 Mar 08 - 09:55 PM (#2286976)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bee

EmmaB, I'd be ascairt that bearstachio would catch afire on the romantic candles a girl likes to have about....

12 Mar 08 - 10:00 PM (#2286983)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Louie Roy

Or the story about the Ship Captain betting his ship and cargo against a Stradivari Violin

12 Mar 08 - 10:00 PM (#2286985)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: catspaw49

My favorite expression for an outrageous amount being used has always been, "No shit......$4100?   Man, I'd go underwater and fuck fish for that amount."

Just an expression though............................maybe.................................


12 Mar 08 - 10:00 PM (#2286986)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Sorcha

Now, lookee here...that last one is a CUTE beard! Unlike some I've been exposed to..... LOL

12 Mar 08 - 10:02 PM (#2286987)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

Bee you just need to have enough water around to extinguish them :)

12 Mar 08 - 10:15 PM (#2286997)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: JohnInKansas

But is Bobert as cute as The $4100 Ashley Alexandra? (2 pics, scroll down)

I'd figure on at least a small discount ...


12 Mar 08 - 10:31 PM (#2287013)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Hmmm- what would I do if I was 50 years younger- and had $4100 in my roll------ it's only money, one can always make more. She's a NooYawker, however, so probably not my bourbon submarine.

12 Mar 08 - 10:35 PM (#2287016)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: number 6

Jeeezuz .... he paid for $4100 for her !?!?!?!

I can buy a pretty good used car with that money.


12 Mar 08 - 11:01 PM (#2287045)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Little Hawk

Yeah...or several dachshunds. Think about that.

12 Mar 08 - 11:08 PM (#2287050)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: wysiwyg


The problem is not what someone will want you to DO, Bobser, but that you will have to act like you LIKE it, LOVE it, can't wait to do it-- or have it done to you no matter what it is-- no matter how nasty "it" (or they) may be in ways you cannot begin to imagine. And that you will have to convince them, not just try to convince them, while they are squirming around inside of you. IN you. In your most private places.

You think the P-Vine thought that bathroom was dirty-- you ain't seen dirty till it rolls down your throat and you can't spit it out, wash it out, or even make a face.


13 Mar 08 - 12:17 AM (#2287095)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: The Fooles Troupe

"$4100 a NIght"

Ah - but you have to give 90% "commission" to your agent...

So like all entertainers, you end up getting screwed for far less than you thought you agreed for...

13 Mar 08 - 12:59 AM (#2287108)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Chicken Charlie

Q: Indecent Proposal. Demi Moore, aka "Gimme More" etc., etc.

13 Mar 08 - 02:19 AM (#2287126)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

It's prostitution, not sex slavery. And this woman was clear that she didn't let him do anything sans a condom. No spitting required (though one hopes she had good-tasting condoms.) ;-D

13 Mar 08 - 06:10 AM (#2287193)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Dani

Tell me No Llamas Were Harmed in the making of this scandal....


13 Mar 08 - 06:37 AM (#2287198)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: JohnInKansas

Minor quibble: Although he paid $4100 that night, only part of it was for that girl. He was upset at having to make a deposit to complete the arrangement, so he deposited an additional "advance" in case he wanted more later. (Estimates are, however, that he may have spent something like $80,000 total with that agency up to that time.)

Added gossip: One of nine others identified by the FBI as clients is claimed to be "the richest man in England." The Duke of W ... (Perhaps he hired one of the higher priced ones? - or not.)


13 Mar 08 - 08:24 AM (#2287255)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??

Actually the ladies worked for $500 per night and 50% of the take.

13 Mar 08 - 09:28 AM (#2287292)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Barry Finn

Can I get a nickle's worth?


13 Mar 08 - 09:42 AM (#2287305)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble


You really posted some great picts above.

$4100 could purchase a very nice 5-string banjo. Kristin (or Ashley) is a very nice looking young lady but a banjo is something that you can rely on.

Or as Kipling is alleged to have said:

A woman is only a woman but a good cigar is a smoke.

Charley Noble

13 Mar 08 - 09:56 AM (#2287324)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

I wonder if he had to buy the condoms, too?

13 Mar 08 - 10:06 AM (#2287331)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

Hey, look, folks...

Maybe I just don't get it but I don't find Kristin, Ashley or whoever she is, all that hot...

Morgan Fairchild??? Now that's hot...

Just my opinion...


13 Mar 08 - 10:13 AM (#2287336)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble


According to the link above "Kristin, Ashley" needs a new boyfriend. Maybe you wouldn't have to put up $4100 (or even $500) a night, just buy her a few roses and sing her a few romantic songs.

It's really hard to judge a whole person from a photo or news article. You might consider giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Charley Noble

13 Mar 08 - 10:21 AM (#2287344)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

The 58-year old Patsy McClenny (aka Morgan Fairchild) is also a probably much more interesting companion than the 23-year-old Ashley/Kristin who is just starting out and already making some rather dodgy choices. The path to bimbo is a fast one, fraught with difficult choices (just ask Donna Rice, Fawn Hall, Jessica Hahn, or Monica Lewinski).


13 Mar 08 - 10:24 AM (#2287347)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

If I gonna buy roses, Charley, they gonna be fir the P-Vine, who in my opinion, makes Kristin look like something at the loacl animal shelter...


13 Mar 08 - 10:27 AM (#2287348)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

Kristin is a musician. Ease up on her. (Not trad I don't think.)

13 Mar 08 - 10:31 AM (#2287350)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: bobad

"Kristin is a musician."

I hear she plays a mean skin flute.

13 Mar 08 - 10:42 AM (#2287362)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Grab

None of the royals are anywhere near being the richest man in Britain. AFAIK the Queen isn't even the richest woman in Britain.

The murdering, lying, gun-running Nicholas van Hoogstraten was a candidate for the title. Don't know whether he still is, since he got banged up for hiring two guys to assassinate a business rival. But hiring prostitutes would be entirely in his line, since he's a criminal and is so unpleasant he'd be unlikely to get a partner any other way.

And am I the only one who winced at JiK saying

He was upset at having to make a deposit to complete the arrangement


13 Mar 08 - 10:43 AM (#2287366)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace


13 Mar 08 - 10:50 AM (#2287370)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bee

I blame those little blue pills. All these old guys whose original (or second or third) trophy wives were thoroughly relieved at getting the general rabbiting down to once a month or so now want more! More! More!

13 Mar 08 - 11:18 AM (#2287402)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Appaloosa Lady

Ah..but did he, for all his money, get a woman who held him as if he were the most treasured possession in her life? Did he forget everything around him as he felt her lips come down, so softly, slowly, upon his? Did he know that she would die for him in an instant, such was her devotion? Did he know that his whole world was wrapped up in that one person who enfolded him, so lovingly, into her? Did he wallow in ecstatic warmth, knowing, that come the morning, he would be loved all over again, in exactly the same way, without *ever* having to ask? And did he know that every day, for the rest of his life he would be loved as if every single time were the very first time?

If not, then he wasted every single dollar.

Appaloo :0)

13 Mar 08 - 11:29 AM (#2287416)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: skarpi

I say ......... this is a good lookin girl but as always in America
some one is always tryin to make a scandal , so who is the mistery
man/woman who wants his chair ???

I dont taking this .............. this is a dirty matter
there is a mud around this case .:>))


ATB Skarpi

13 Mar 08 - 12:11 PM (#2287451)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bat Goddess

More money than brains.


13 Mar 08 - 12:32 PM (#2287472)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Little Hawk

Right with you there, Apaloosa Lady! Let's get the glory and wonder of romantic love back into sex, I say. ;-)

13 Mar 08 - 12:56 PM (#2287491)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

At $4,000 a pop I friggin' HOPE so.

13 Mar 08 - 01:03 PM (#2287497)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: PoppaGator

For that kind of money, a client is supposed to be buying discretion ~ secrecy ~ as well as sex.

Ther's undoubtedly a thrill in indulging oneself in a forbidden activity, but the extra charges are supposed to guarantee that there's no real risk of getting caught.

Eliot didn't get his money's worth this time ~ but it's not the agency's fault, they did their part. He can blame himself for setting up tougher-then-ever anti-sex-trade laws and investgators, and for unnecessarily transporting the girl across state lines.

13 Mar 08 - 01:07 PM (#2287501)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a NIght??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Appaloosa Lady

No man is ever rich, unless he finds a woman who loves him with her very soul.

'Sex' is merely a physical act.

Love, however, is something *very* different.

The two are so far removed as to be almost opposites.

$4,000 may buy you the first one, but it would not even begin to touch upon the value of the second.

13 Mar 08 - 05:29 PM (#2287730)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

What a saccharine turn this thread is taking. . .

13 Mar 08 - 05:42 PM (#2287740)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Don Firth

$4100 for a bit of rumpy-pumpy?

Now, that's what I call horny!!

Don Firth

13 Mar 08 - 05:45 PM (#2287742)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: gnu

What a bunch of twaddle. It's the oldest profession. Grow up, I say. If a PERSON has the $$$ and wants to employ another PERSON, that is their business. Not mine... or anyone elses.

13 Mar 08 - 05:47 PM (#2287745)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

It's the second oldest profession, gnu.

13 Mar 08 - 05:56 PM (#2287757)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Coyote Breath (without cookie)

I don't wonder at the amount, I don't wonder that he felt the need to hire a "professional" but I really am puzzled as to why a man who had built a very successful carreer as a crusading Mr. Clean should want to risk all that he had built so carefully. No matter what he may have felt he "needed" to do, as far as his sexual appetites were concerned, he acted about as stupidedly as was possible. He MUST have wanted to destroy himself!!

If one feels the need to have uncomplicated recreational sex, seeking the services of a hooker is a good idea. It is legal in Nevada. Cheaper too! A plane ticket geeeze!

What a jerk!


13 Mar 08 - 05:57 PM (#2287758)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

It's legal in SOME parts of Neveda. Not everywhere in Nevada.

13 Mar 08 - 06:29 PM (#2287776)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Little Hawk

Some people just figure they can get away with anything...because it's them doing it and they are so special. It's other people who get caught, not them, right? Maybe that's what happened to Mr Spitzer. Just plain old arrogance.

13 Mar 08 - 06:47 PM (#2287792)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Cool Beans

I understand Kristen/Ashley's first recording will indeed be traditional, a venerable cowboy song:

Come along boys and listen to my tale;
I'll tell you of my troubles on the old jism trail...
(or not)

13 Mar 08 - 07:16 PM (#2287814)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

Commercial sexual exploitation commodifies women and girls and markets their bodies for whatever acts men have sexualized and want to buy.
Melissa Farley of 'Prostitution Research and Education' found that women in prostitution scored higher levels for post traumatic stress than did Vietnam veterans.

The trafficking of women and girls for the purpose of prostitution is a global disgrace, many find themselves in coercive and abusive situations from which escape is both difficult and dangerous.

IMHO that is every decent person's business.

There is a French saying which translates as.....

He who doesn't speak out......consents.

13 Mar 08 - 07:47 PM (#2287837)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

Is it me or this girl butt ugly???

13 Mar 08 - 09:00 PM (#2287882)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,meself

Well, it's not her, but I've never laid eyes on you, so I'm a little hesitant to say ...

13 Mar 08 - 09:07 PM (#2287890)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Checking out the groceries at the supermarket today I looked at the magazines at the counter- something to do while waiting for the line to move on.
Both the National Inquirer and the Globe had big headlines, one about Obama and his sex scandal (he threatened me if I told). The line moved before I could open the mag and get a look at the photo of the babe, the pic on the front page was too small and (darn!) I didn't have my glasses. The other had a headline about Obama dealing with some felon, and cash transfers, etc. I didn't read that one either, I was too busy checking the prices being rung up on the register efore I made a cash transfer.

The campaigns are just beginning to get interesting.

13 Mar 08 - 09:11 PM (#2287895)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

"Is it me or this girl butt ugly???"

I don't know if her butt's ugly, Bobert. That is a perception thing.

13 Mar 08 - 09:50 PM (#2287924)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Don Firth


Don Firth

13 Mar 08 - 09:53 PM (#2287928)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

That's another one of those Rorschach tests. Thay all look like butterflies to me, Bill.

13 Mar 08 - 10:05 PM (#2287933)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

Dang. Don. Sorry.

13 Mar 08 - 11:53 PM (#2287997)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

Stand by Yourself, an op-ed by Dina Matos McGreevey in yesterday's New York Times.

MY heart aches for Silda Wall Spitzer. Not only do she and her children have to weather the storm brought on by her misguided husband, she also has to endure the judgments of the commentariat, many of whom have asked, with some frequency, why on earth she would stand by her man during his public — and anemic — mea culpa.

As someone who has stood by her politician husband during his public — and anemic — mea culpa, all I can say is: It's a personal decision. There's no right or wrong answer.

Who knows why powerful men conduct themselves this way? Maybe it's the thrill, the rush of trying to get away with something. Maybe it's just arrogance. The only thing that's clear is that they're blithely unaware of the lives their actions will destroy. Certainly that seemed to be the case for my ex-husband, James McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey.

But no, there's no protocol for the spouse or partner stuck in the klieg lights. Sure, political consultants will tell you that it's better to see a politician standing up with his wife by his side. But who cares what they think? At that stage, it's over anyway. What are the advisers trying to salvage?

For me, I was essentially in the dark about what my husband was going to say. He never told me he was gay; he simply passed me a copy of his speech an hour before the press conference. I was in a fog. I certainly didn't volunteer. I was in no emotional state to make a rational decision, and there simply wasn't time. He asked me to stand next to him, and I did.

Frankly, all I was thinking about was my daughter. If I had to do it over again, I'd do the same thing. I did it for my daughter's father.

I wasn't the first such person in this situation, and Ms. Wall Spitzer isn't going to be the last. This will happen again. And when it does, let's skip the psychoanalysis and judgments heaped on the wife. She's not the elected official. Let him face the cameras on his own.

Let's get away from this notion that an elected official's wife has to stand up there. If she wants to be there, great. If she doesn't, that's fine, too. But whatever you do, respect her privacy in the face of what is already an overwhelmingly painful situation.

Dina Matos McGreevey is the author of Silent Partner: A Memoir of My Marriage.

14 Mar 08 - 12:39 AM (#2288008)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage


14 Mar 08 - 12:58 AM (#2288013)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: autolycus

QUOTE I As someone who has stood by her politician husband during his public — and anemic — mea culpa, all I can say is: It's a personal decision. There's no right or wrong answer   UNQUOTE

And in true journalist style, having said 'all I can say is;, she says more.

As far as I can work out, prostitution and society are inevitably linked. Because most matters sexual function according to different rules and forces from those of society. And the 'rules' of society 'prevent' secuality occurring naturally. Maybe we've just been too successful at surviving [and maybe the locusts are jealous :-) ].

imo, sexuality is essentially the life force. Every single last one of us is here because of it.

it's because of both social rules and our respective uniquenesses that sexuality manifests so diversely. And some allow themselves to express the individuality of our sexuality; I was going to say 'and others....', but decided against bringing politics into it. Also some are rich enough to express their sexuality more individualistically.

As you can see, I haven't the faintest idea what I'm talking about.

What might be interesting is discussing why we decide which matters in life to not argue the toss about and which we want to discuss till , well, till the next arguement comes along. [Loke companioes and parliaments send thru finance bills jus' like that, and spend hours on the cost of paperclips; or let our country indulge in bad international behaviour and rage instead at the quality of service in the shops. Sheesh.


14 Mar 08 - 05:40 AM (#2288074)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: skarpi

this is scandal , she makes millions of dollars if she agree
to sit in front page of penthouse and others magazine ,

makin millions on another mans misserry, this is sad , its called greed
I think .

I still think some one was after his chair or did not agree
with his way in work .

ATB Skarpi Iceland

14 Mar 08 - 06:43 AM (#2288102)
Subject: BS: Paying for Sex and that US Governor
From: Bryn Pugh

Speaking only for self, I have never understood prostitution, or more accurately, never understood a cash transaction for a shag.

That said, in the context of the US Governor who has stood down over alleged dealings with a hoo-er - what kind of shag could it have been to have cost the equivalent of £2, 000 ?

Believe it or not this is a serious query. In my time I have known socially women who are or who have been on the game to fund a drug habit ; and in two cases, to put food on the table for their children.

But, a two-thousand quid, or four thousand buck shag ?
    Moved from another thread.
    -Joe Offer-

14 Mar 08 - 08:42 AM (#2288155)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble

I would hope that Ashley/Kristen would review the fine songs we've been composing above the BS-line. I think there's a lot of potential for something titled "Number 9 Gettin' His Ashes Hauled."

It's all very sad but that's why we has the blues!

Charley Noble

14 Mar 08 - 08:47 AM (#2288163)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Coyote Breath (with irony galore)

Yah, you're probably right but how disapointing. I guess it's that old "power corrupts(sp)" thing.

I didn't know prostitution was legal in only some places in Nevada. I knew of one place, years and years ago, off of hwy 95 at Lida junction called the Cotton Tail Ranch. Never went there, it was the only structure(s) in the area and I could never figure out why someone would think it was a good location. When I first saw it (before I saw the sign) I thought it might be a mining operation since it had an airstrip and was surrounded by a chainlink fence. Some local folks told me it catered to Asian clients who they flew in from SF and LA. I guess that's possible but the buildings were real plain double and single wides like what you might see at a construction site. I would imagine that any client who could cover the costs of a private jet would want something fancier, maybe a replica of Scotty's castle or some other fantasy like the ones so common in Lost Wages. Maybe they were nice on the inside.

I have mixed feelings about the oldest profession. I feel it could be a good thing since the contacts, if properly governed, could provide relief for the sexually frustrated without encumberances but I think, also, that it is a sad life for the workers and a sad comment on a culture that can be so messed up about sex. So it goes.

WYSIWYG's comments made me think. What a hideous experience for someone working in the trade. God, I hope they see a better life somehow.

And not to add another level of sillines, but interesting:

Did the Beatles know something?

"Number nine, number nine, number nine..."


14 Mar 08 - 09:12 AM (#2288182)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Sorcha

As a friend of mine once said....

Well, he's an Alpha male. What do Alpha males DO?

And it seems that in Oakland, California (maybe other places too?) they are snatching the 11-12 year olds off the streets to 'turn' them. Sick.

14 Mar 08 - 09:49 AM (#2288205)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bryn Pugh

I posted in another thread, now, rightly, closed, that speaking only for self I have never understood a cash transaction for a shag, whether it be 2 quid or four thousand dollars.

How to say this next without sounding smug ? I am married to the love of my life, and I endorse what Appaloosa Lady said at her post of 13 March, 11.18 a.m.

My thoughts are with Silda, and also with Stilly River Sage. As someone who was betrayed in my first marriage, all I can say to you is that it won't always hurt like this. In looking at the photo of Silda Ward in the papers, the poor lass's eyes are empty.

Surely it can't be just a case of a standing p*ick having no conscience, and a gaping c*nt no pride ?

14 Mar 08 - 09:59 AM (#2288216)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bryn Pugh

Oh, sorry, SRS - like the four-fingeres eighteen carat eejit I am, I conflated you with the author of 'Stand by Yourself'.

My sincere apologies - I don't know where to put me face, now.

14 Mar 08 - 10:21 AM (#2288234)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

I should have put it in a block quote so you could see more easily it was written by the almost-ex wife of the former governor or New Jersey. I heard it referred to on the Diane Rehm show yesterday. Fortunately I've never been in such a position!

Skarpi said makin millions on another mans misserry, this is sad , its called greed I think.

Skarpi, he made his own misery, and even without this job he'll land on his feet easily and it will blow over quickly. The woman in question is one in a string, but she is the one that was fingered. Hooker Russian Roulette. She has to hire an attorney to protect herself, and she no doubt isn't a multi-millionaire to easily afford it. For all that the Playboy photos can be considered tacky, the magazine is tasteful in its nude photography (that isn't an oxymoron--it isn't Hustler or Penthouse) and she'll have Hugh Hefner as her new best friend. He at least can help ease some of this from a criminal act to a "wink wink" situation where she gains some level of minor celebrity and a little income.


14 Mar 08 - 11:51 AM (#2288315)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: PoppaGator

I heard an interview on NPR last night with an academic researcher specializing in the sociology of prostitution and its clientele. An interesting fact: between 1/5 and 1/6 of men have ever patronized a prostitute. (Of men in the US, I assume.) I would guess that those who say "everybody does it" would be among the 20% or less who actually do (or whose spouses do).

SRS is right about whatshername: she'll come out of it OK, not superrich, but pretty well compensated for the aggrevation she's going through now and for several weeks to come.

She can hardly be accused of "greed" ~ she didn't set up the bust, and it could just as easily be another of her co-workers as her that happened to be the designated mid-price service provider on the fateful day.

14 Mar 08 - 12:00 PM (#2288330)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Donuel

Spaw, fucking fish is purely a cultural practice of opportunity. In the Amazon there are fresh water dolphin who are orten raped by the non tribal population. While a dolphin is not a fish, you indeed could have a good ol fashioned fish fucking party in Brazil.
If there were fresh water dolphin in Texas there would be fewer sheep jokes.

I have seen the participants speak about the practice on PBS.
It seems that lots of alcohol is part of the ceremony.

14 Mar 08 - 12:14 PM (#2288347)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bryn Pugh

At risk of thread creep, and Mama being American :

A Briton inquired how he might become an Alaskan. He was informed that he had to drink a quart of moonshine rye whisky, wrestle a bear and fuck an Inuit woman.

The quart of whisky went down, and our Briton was directed to the bear cave.

(Cue sounds of growling, yelling, tearing noises . . . )

Our Briton stggers out of the cave, blood and snot everywhere and inquired

"Where is that Inuit woman I have to wrestle ?"

I'll get me parka . . .

14 Mar 08 - 12:18 PM (#2288352)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Donuel

I for one do not see a crime here except for excessive patriot act like powers of wire tapping and bank spying.

When certain women feign such disgust that some man disobeyed the exclusivity claims that a wife placed on her genitals, it makes me think that certain woman are selling their genitals without even knowing it.

Right before I was married my lady said it was ok to see a prostitute but anyone she knew was out of bounds.
With no taboo in place I have found it easy to have remained 100% faithful for 20 years. ( I am neither bragging or complaining)

Trysts and triads were mesy enough when I was single. Why bring them into a marriage.

14 Mar 08 - 01:47 PM (#2288424)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

First of all, I did not have sex with that fish but my Couzin Rufus says there's nothin' tighter than a female catfish... So tight that it's waterproof... Now, that is tight...

No, he ain't a blood releative...


14 Mar 08 - 01:54 PM (#2288428)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

A 'crime' is defined by society. In some countries prostitution is legal while soliciting is not. In others it can be a crime to use the services of a prostitute.

Hypocrisy is a very real issue here however which, although it may not be a 'crime', could be a serious handicap to the political status of someone who while propounding one thing does not, for reasons of arrogance etc, believe that it applies to himself.

Personally I am opposed to the sexual exploitation of people of either gender by those with the cash or 'power' to make that possible.

14 Mar 08 - 05:28 PM (#2288602)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Don Firth

Bobert, maybe you'd better warn Couzin Rufus about the possible consequences of his unusual love affairs. One never knows. There could be offspring!

Don Firth

14 Mar 08 - 05:48 PM (#2288609)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

Don, I went looking for a more convincing depiction of a cross between human and fish. Your contribution is a distinctly human/reptile cross.

first (and you might poke around the site--very interesting!)

second and posted mostly because it is interesting--refreshing that an attractive older mermaid can still flaunt it! ;->


14 Mar 08 - 05:48 PM (#2288610)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

Hmmmmmmmm, Don... Kinda resembles Cuz...

But seriously... Ya' know, the guy had barely gotten his confession outta his mouth when the Repubs in New York State started clammoring for his resignation... That's what I don't get... When Vitter did the same thing I don't rememeber the Repubs calling for his resignation...

But nevermibnd the hypocrisy...

I'm wonderin' why his wife felt she had to appear with him at both press conferences??? That one I can't figurate out...


14 Mar 08 - 06:04 PM (#2288617)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

further (musical) progeny :)

14 Mar 08 - 06:46 PM (#2288658)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Amos

It's a lot cheaper in Colorado, guys...


14 Mar 08 - 07:45 PM (#2288688)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: McGrath of Harlow

Following on Emma's last link...

14 Mar 08 - 07:55 PM (#2288694)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

Eew! I liked my second mermaid best. She's been around the block but the exercise did her good. :)

14 Mar 08 - 10:29 PM (#2288804)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble


I hate to confess but I recognize your link to the "creature from the black lagoon."

Charley Noble

15 Mar 08 - 01:19 AM (#2288883)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

I posted this on another thread, but it could go here, also.

Woman files lawsuit against AMR because passenger next to her masturbated while she slept

A 21-year-old Harris County woman filed a $200,000 lawsuit against American Airlines alleging employees on a flight to Los Angeles from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport failed to protect her while she slept from another passenger who masturbated to her and ejaculated in her hair, according to a lawsuit she filed last week in Tarrant County.

The Harris County woman alleges employees knew of the risks associated with failing to "police the passengers to ensure that passengers do not hurt one another," the suit states.

Airline officials did not return calls seeking comment. In a statement to a Houston television station last year, a spokesman said the company regretted the incident, but the flight crew took appropriate action.

The woman and her lawyer could not be reached for comment. The Star-Telegram does not identify victims of sexual crimes.

Destined for a Spring Break visit with family and friends March 19, the woman flew from Houston to DFW Airport and had settled into her seat for the last leg of flight 2074 to Los Angeles about 11 p.m., the suit states. The woman slept most of the flight, but awoke about 20 minutes before landing when the pilot announced the plane was on decent into Los Angeles. When the woman opened her eyes, she saw that an unknown man had moved into the seat next to her and was staring at her as he masturbated, the suit states.

The woman turned toward the window in embarrassment and in an act of nervousness began to run her fingers through her hair where she noticed "a substantial amount of an extremely sticky substance in her hair," the suit states.

The woman began to cry and tried to get the attention of a flight attendant, but was unsuccessful, the suit states. Finally a passenger in the row in front of the woman comforted her and verified the semen in her hair, the suit states.
When the plane landed, employee called airport police and the man was arrested.

The suit alleges that the during the investigation, American Airlines employees told police they witnessed the man move from his assigned seat into the row where the woman was sleeping.

The woman is seeking punitive damages and a jury trial.

15 Mar 08 - 01:36 AM (#2288885)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

The tone on this thread makes it better than the Spitzer thread for placing this next story.

It ought to get this kicked up above the line, it brings in substantial information about her music (has anyone listened to it?) link

Kristen krazy: cyber storm for 'Client 9' callgirl

With Penthouse and Hustler already knocking on her door, the woman linked to the downfall of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has become, through the power of the web, an overnight music sensation.

Ashley Alexandra Dupre aka Kristen, a budding R&B singer, placed her first song up for sale on the independent music download store Amie Street, which prices songs based on supply and demand.

Before the scandal erupted and Dupre's identity was revealed, the song What We Want was free.

Now it is on sale for the site's maximum price, 98 US cents, and has been played by the most popular radio station in New York.

Dupre, 22, whose MySpace page received two million page views in under 24 hours and is now pushing six million views, has since uploaded a new song, Move ya Body, which is also selling for 98 US cents.

It is not clear how many songs she has sold but Amie Street's figures show Dupre's tracks have had 209 548 "listens". The site's most popular act, Barenaked Ladies, had 494 378 listens.

Hustler and Penthouse said they were keen to contact Dupre, a high-priced callgirl, with offers to appear in their magazines.

Dupre, whose arrangements for a rendezvous with Spitzer at a Washington, DC hotel were secretly monitored by the FBI, appears to be taking the advice of one of her MySpace friends: "I guess one good thing came out of this. You became an overnight star. Now run with it."

The Spitzer scandal has also sparked a modern-day gold rush as internet domain name traders race to register hundreds of web addresses related to Spitzer and "Kristen".

They include,,, and A full list is available here.

Others are attempting to profit by selling T-shirts on sites such as and One simply has "Client 9"with a large lipstick smooch over the top, while another has "Just Call Me CLIENT 9".

Facebook groups have already sprung up in support of Dupre under names such as "Ashley Alexandra Dupre is the next American Idol", "I want Ashley Alexandra Dupre in the oval office!" and "Leave Ashley Alexandra Dupre Alone".

Google Trends show "ashley alexandra dupre" was the most searched for query on Google on March 12, the day the story broke. On March 13 it was the 10th most popular query.

On the Yahoo search engine, Dupre's name is the second most popular term, while "Spitzer" ranks fourth.

The New York Times, which broke the news of Spitzer's involvement in a prostitution scandal, said it saw a 60 per cent increase in web traffic after the story was published.

Most of Dupre's biographical information on her MySpace page has now been removed. She said she left a broken home in New Jersey to pursue a music career on her own in New York.

"I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music," she wrote.

15 Mar 08 - 05:01 AM (#2288919)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: JohnInKansas

I didn't know prostitution was legal in only some places in Nevada.

While "paying for sex" is illegal in Las Vegas, "having sex" isn't.

The usual arrangement is that you must call a location outside the county, and provide a credit card number. The payment is thus not made in Las Vegas. When the payment is verified (which takes less than an hour) your "date," who likely is already in your hotel, will be called to tell her (assuming that's your preference?) that it's okay to meet you.

I don't know if this "custom" is observed elsewhere in Nevada where there are restrictions; but it's been frequently reported by "travel agents" for Las Vegas and a couple of other casino locations.

You must be careful though, about giving her(?) a tip in person. There appear to be additional "conventional behaviors" associated with tipping that are less fully defined.


15 Mar 08 - 08:25 AM (#2288974)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Amos

Hustler boss LARRY FLYNT has offered the prostitute who brought down New York Governor Eliot Spitzer a $1 million (GBP500,000) deal to pose naked for his magazine.

Spitzer has announced his resignation and will officially step down as New York's Governor on Monday (17Mar08) after news of his dealings with $1,000 (GBP500)-an-hour call girl Ashley Alexandra Dupre went public via the New York Times newspaper.

And Flynt is convinced the high-class hooker, who works for prostitution and escort agency the Emperors Club VIP, would be a perfect fit for his men's magazine.

Flynt says, "We think this is an item that is going to stay in the news for some time.

"We think it's not bad for a 22-year-old to make $1 million for a few hours work. It beats what she was making at the escort service."

15 Mar 08 - 08:57 AM (#2288995)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: autolycus

Can anyone explain why her song is being bought in bigger numbers than before all that happened?

Cos I'm blowed (UK slang for 'at a loss' roughly) if I can see why anyone would see any meaningful connection between the news and the song.


15 Mar 08 - 09:38 AM (#2289013)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,meself

To put the best light on it - no one had heard of her or her song previously - now they've gone to her site, listened to her song, and by golly some of them liked it ...

15 Mar 08 - 09:46 AM (#2289020)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Mooh

Seems to me to fall squarely in the catagory of having enough blood to operate a brain and a penis, but not both at the same time. I visited some pretty nice guitar shops this week and four thou would have satisfied my horniness quite nicely, thank you very much.

Where can I get some of that.

Peace, Mooh.

15 Mar 08 - 09:56 AM (#2289025)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: frogprince

"high-class hooker"...
Definitely; every one knows that that's synonomous with "high-priced"...

15 Mar 08 - 12:06 PM (#2289100)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble

I wonder when the Kristin/Ashley action figure will be marketed?

I would guess that there would be more interest in hers than one of Spitzer, but I could be wrong.

Charley Noble

15 Mar 08 - 02:46 PM (#2289190)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Don Firth

On the subject of Bobert's Couzin Rufus's piscatory paramour, my warning by resurrecting the Gill Man, and various other aspects of nautical love affairs, especially those with mermaids, I think the ultimate word goes to my old friend Stan James in this little ditty he sang at one of the Sunday afternoon concerts at the U. N. Pavilion during the Seattle World's Fair in 1962.

Take it away, Stanley:    GURGLE!!

Don Firth

15 Mar 08 - 02:50 PM (#2289192)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

I love that song! Though I don't see him often, Stan must be resigned by now to it being a regular request of mine. It was when I was a kid, and it still is now. :)

15 Mar 08 - 06:46 PM (#2289324)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Bobert

That's one song I don't think I can cover... But fir $4100 I'd sho nuff give it a try...


15 Mar 08 - 06:49 PM (#2289326)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Peace

OK. I understand about the $4000. WTF is the $100 for?

15 Mar 08 - 07:10 PM (#2289343)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: GUEST,Appaloosa Lady


Luxury item....

15 Mar 08 - 10:52 PM (#2289448)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Charley Noble

Very nice of you, Don, to revive that old mermaid song. Lord, I haven't heard that one in years.

Charley Noble

15 Mar 08 - 11:37 PM (#2289459)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

Can't let this number blow by without notice, so to speak. . . 100

15 Mar 08 - 11:49 PM (#2289464)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

On Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! today they said they were having trouble with the Spitzer jokes because so many people already beat them to it. But in the musical clue for the three events in the week's news, they played an old favorite from Sweet Charity--Big Spender. It about brought the house down. Earlier today Scott Simon played the Shirley Bassey version of the song. And that version rocks! He interviewed Bassey this morning on the occasion of her latest album. She's great at 71.


16 Mar 08 - 04:54 AM (#2289536)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: autolycus

i GUEST,meself - PM
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 09:38 AM

To put the best light on it - no one had heard of her or her song previously - now they've gone to her site, listened to her song, and by golly some of them liked it ...

I'm still in the dark. With all the music in the world, why does hearing about someone's sexual activity lead to an interest in their songs?


16 Mar 08 - 07:36 AM (#2289587)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Emma B

Nothing 'new' about it autolycus

......'Then there's our blase reaction to scandal. The days when government- toppling temptresses retired in shame have long gone. Christine Keeler was always a sulker, but if the Profumo affair happened now, Mandy Rice-Davies would have landed a record deal, a bra campaign and a TV show before the War Minister's head hit the House of Commons floor......'

'You couldn't make it up' - the cult of celebrity
The Independent, May 1999

16 Mar 08 - 10:44 AM (#2289705)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: autolycus

Yuh I know,Em. It's the point of it escapes me.


16 Mar 08 - 11:49 AM (#2289749)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: Stilly River Sage

Have you visited her My Space page? The support there is apparent. Perhaps a generational thing, but also an acceptance that what she did isn't really so wrong. Buying the song for .98 is also a vote of support, and I think that is a major part of it. She apparently had posted it for free on a music site and when this broke someone (wisely) set it up to charge the max (.98). It at least gives her some cash for paying an attorney and certainly to make a career shift. Her cover is blown, so to speak.


16 Mar 08 - 03:16 PM (#2289934)
Subject: RE: BS: $4100 a Night??? Whatcha want me to do??
From: autolycus

I haven't, of course, made the trip, no.
