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BS: The London Mayor Election

18 Mar 08 - 09:38 AM (#2291538)
Subject: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

At last, some good news for those of us in London who are fed up with the wretched Mayor:

"Boris Johnson has soared ahead of Ken Livingstone in the race to be Mayor, an Evening Standard poll reveals.

The most detailed survey yet puts the Tory candidate 12 points ahead, suggesting many Londoners feel it is time for change."


18 Mar 08 - 11:19 AM (#2291621)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Mrrzy

Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. That is all I know about London Mayors...

18 Mar 08 - 01:18 PM (#2291728)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Peace

History of it all.

18 Mar 08 - 01:50 PM (#2291764)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

You may be fed up of Ken,

But come on!


I wouldn't trust him to get me a pint!

18 Mar 08 - 02:02 PM (#2291771)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Emma B

The history of the Evening Standard's '
'relentless pursuit' of Ken Livingstone

'Boris is posh, right-wing and clearly the man the Evening Standard are pinning their hopes on to topple Livingstone. Which is fine. They can back whoever they choose to back. But then this is a paper published by the Associated Group, a company which at times during the proprietorship of Viscount Rothermere in the 1930s was openly sympathetic towards Oswald Moseley, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Is today's Standard a good judge of character?'

18 Mar 08 - 02:15 PM (#2291797)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I must confess I was a bit surprised - living in London I don't generally encounter that many people who would choose Boris over Ken.

18 Mar 08 - 03:31 PM (#2291884)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Emma B. I really must take issue with you. The London Standard may well have supported all these people in the past, but Livingstone has associated himself with some of the worst elements of the left wing, including various Trotskiests who wished to impose a communist dictorship on the whole of Great Britain, not to mention various Islamofascists whose anti-semitism undermines Livingstones own alleged anti-racist stance. Don't let us forget the cronyisim that Livingstone has created. Anyway, I doubt if the Evening Standard is capable of changing people's minds. If newspapers really had that power, we would never have had a labour Party elected in London, parliament or elsewhere.

Lox. If you have not met people dissatisfied with Livingstone, that probably means you associate mainly with people of your own way of thinking. Anyway, if Boris came into my local, I would buy him a pint with my own money.

18 Mar 08 - 03:57 PM (#2291906)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: John MacKenzie

It has always been the habit of those in power, and their supporters, to decry and call for the closure of people and organisations who disagree with them.
I think Boris has a good chance of getting in, on the same basis as this government got elected on an 'anybody but the Tories' landslide, he is likely to get in on an 'anybody but Ken' one.
Ken got a sympathy vote in the first place, but he has wiped out most of the charitable feelings in his erstwhile supporters with his doctrinaire socialism.
Ken is Labour's Maggie Thatcher, he was a good and a needed thing at first, but his inability to moderate his lunacy has lost him his credibility.

18 Mar 08 - 04:07 PM (#2291914)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

It is perhaps not coincidence, Rockin Reeler, that the Sun became more scathing of the Tories and supportive of Labour around the time of New Labours first big win, and Murdoch generally encouraged a more pro Labour spin.

Underestimating the power of the tabloids to influence ppeoples voting is, in my view, a little hasty.

I associate with parents, being sole carer for my 3 year old. They make up a complete cross section of society.

And while they may be dissatisfied to a greater or lesser extent by Ken, they would in general rather him to Boris.

Which I think was my point.

So when you've finished reinterpreting my words you can choose whether or not to address them.

18 Mar 08 - 04:37 PM (#2291947)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Lox. I dont think that I was reinterpreting your words and I did address the issues you raised. However, to repeat, although politicians suck up to the press barons in a most disgusting way, I often wonder if politicians, press barons, and you, are not over-estimating the power of the press. If I read something I profoundly disagree with, I just disagree with it. As, I am sure, you do, and everyone else does. We should be wary of the Press Barons, but let's not get too paranoid.

19 Mar 08 - 03:48 AM (#2292396)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

Ken does seem to have developed a habit of over-reacting to criticism and being bull-headed when criticised - but the very idea of an idiot like Boris Johnson running London is wholly alarming. I don't object to him on class grounds - after all Tony Wedgwood Benn is of upper class - but that he is another of those "small government" idiots who will destroy destroy destroy all of the things in London that assist those who need assistance.

The Standard has been after Ken with lies and half-truths and a terrifying single mindedness for years now, and the merest glance at any of its pages will show you its extreme right-wing agenda. It demonstrates again the danger of press and media power in the hands of megalomaniacs.

19 Mar 08 - 10:35 AM (#2292604)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Boris Johnson is far from the bumbling idiot he likes to portray. He is an intellectual with various weighty tomes to his name, an ex-editor of the Spectator, and an MP with Ministerial experience. He is just what London needs.

Down with Livingstone and his Trotskiest anti-semites whose sole object is to set Londoner agaisnt Londoner, to treat London as if it was a city state with him as the president, and to help burden us with the wretched Olympics.

Boris for Mayor.

19 Mar 08 - 10:35 AM (#2292605)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

The least said about the bendy buses, the better.

19 Mar 08 - 07:11 PM (#2293083)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Gervase

Boris Johnson?
A yes, the man that refers without irony to black kids as 'piccaninnies' and who offered to perjure himself and provide money for a hitman to help the absurd Old Etonian criminal Darius Guppy. His ministerial experience is minuscule, and much of his time at the Spectator was spent shagging Petronella Wyatt and then pleading with her to have an abortion.
The same BJ who, as MP for Henley, sounds off in his local paper about how disgraceful it is that the Met should try to woo promising police recruits from his patch, and as mayoral candidate bangs on about the Met having the right to recruit the best from wherever they can.
Hypocritical? Opportunistic? Dishonest? Racist? Adulterous? Hmm, the chap's got so much going for him!
I'd much rather Ken, with his eight years of solid experience and a proven track record. I'd even like to see a couple of his "Trotskiest" mates rather than Boris. Is Trotskiest redder than Trotskier, by the way?

19 Mar 08 - 07:17 PM (#2293087)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

If you want to condemn someone as a Trotskyist or Trotskyite, it may be wise to learn to spell it.

Boris Johnson would be as bad as that ghastly Porter woman, still on the run from a surcharge upheld at every level of the courts and still hiding her millions from justice behind family trusts.

19 Mar 08 - 07:57 PM (#2293112)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folkiedave

Which is why I never shop at a well-known supermarket.

19 Mar 08 - 08:03 PM (#2293117)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Herga Kitty

I wouldn't trust the Evening Standard.

I don't think any of the posters (so far) apart from lox, me and Rockin' Reeler actually get to vote on this...?


19 Mar 08 - 08:06 PM (#2293119)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I haven't made up my mind whaat I want yet, but I would rather try out my new hand held blender in my underpants than vote for Boris!

20 Mar 08 - 03:33 AM (#2293318)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Am i the only one who sees Livingstone for the danger that he is? He has burdened us with that great white elephant of a three week over bloated sports day that is the Olympics; he has embraced identity politics for the most cynical of reasons - to get people to think of themselves as a group - gay, Irish, muslim - and then encourages that group to dwell on past, present, real or imagined grievences - in order to gather i their votes - and then embraces representatives of those groups, which very often do not represent the views of that community, anyway, being very often too extreme on the left or, if Muslim, too far to the right; treating the capital as if it were a City State, when in reality London relies on ALL its wealth on being the capital of Britain, with out which London would wither away; and finally, inflicting on all of us those bendy buses, which are so dangerous. The cronyism is out of control: he has surrounded himself with extremes of all types: Trotskyites (or however you spell the damn word); fasciest Islamic clerics who want to execute Gays, apostates, and Rushdie; and general crackpots who find an audience with Livingstone but with no-one else. NO NO NO. Do not vote for Livingstone. Vote for Boris. The alternative is deadly.

20 Mar 08 - 04:15 AM (#2293331)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

But, R/R, even if what you said about Cuddly Ken were true, it would still be better that the fascist loonie who is the only alternative. Do you really want EVERY service that London provides slashed to the bone by a "no tax" idealogue?

20 Mar 08 - 05:25 AM (#2293362)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Less than Cuddly Ken embraces real extremists, real fanatics. Boris, on the other hand, maybe on the right, but he is not a fascist and not a loon. He attracts other Conservatives, not BNP types. No. Ken must go. Anyway, he wants to cut spending, not do away with it. He has costed his budget. His 30 minute speech is somewhere on YouTube, so services will not be slashed, but some of the more questionable junkets and dubious "causes" that the mayor presently funds from our rates will disappear.

20 Mar 08 - 06:33 PM (#2294040)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Gervase

So, why does Ken suddenly want to do this after eight years of running London pretty successfully? Is he in the control of some weird purple lizards who always wait eight years before putting their fiendish plans into operation? I voted for Ken twice, and if I still lived in London I'd vote for him again.
And I don't thing the Oympics was entirely Ken's fault - I seem to recall Seb Coe having a lot to do with it, and he's a Tory.

20 Mar 08 - 06:51 PM (#2294052)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

Johnson was on the news again tonight. He of course has no answer to the charge that since he was in Parliament he has had nothing to say about London - until now. So he counterattacks by saying that Ken wasted £425million by litigating against the public-private partnership for Metronet funding.

Er - stupid Johnson, I guess time proved Ken right on that one, and the courts wrong.

Just like it did on the Fare's Fair policy.

20 Mar 08 - 09:57 PM (#2294185)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

So Ken surrounds himself with people of the far left and the far right, with homophobes and gays, with extremes of every kind ...

How partisan of him.

... oh no ... that's not the word ...

That's when you decide you'll only listen to the people you think have sensible opinions ...

So let me think ... listening to representatives of people of every side ... involving them all in the debate ... being inclusive ...

what's the word again ... oh yes,


20 Mar 08 - 10:23 PM (#2294200)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Lox. It is not the case of surrounding himself with representatives of every side, it is a case of surrounding himself with the extremes of every side and thinking that they represent the genuine voice of the people of London. The only "minority" group who don't have a voice in the court of King Ken are British white people. If they did, you can bet Livingstone would invite in the BNP. As odious as the BNP are, they are no worse than the far left and militant islamists that he now surrounds himself with. He has taken on a warped view of London. He is someone who has spent his whole life on the fringes of the far left, a group who have their own very unrealistic view on life.

This is not democracy, this is madness. I call on Londoners to shit Livingstone out of our body politic.

21 Mar 08 - 04:52 AM (#2294279)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable about what you are nearly saying in your first paragraph RR.

But if the alternative to Ken is Boris Johnson? Oh dear.

21 Mar 08 - 05:09 AM (#2294282)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Enlighten me, Mr Bridge, what did I "nearly" say.

21 Mar 08 - 06:26 AM (#2294309)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

He surrounds himself with militant islamists?

So he's in cahoots with the bombers eh?

And they haven't seen an opportunity to do spmething silly to the mayor of london?

Oh of course - I see your point - he's not like other white people - they don't mind him cos he's an extremist too - and the office of mayor is actually an al quaeda protectorate.

He has religious immunity.

But no - sriously - those extremist like to flock together don't they, no matter what side they're on.

Kens with the commies, then there's the islamists, and the homophobes ad the homophobics, all working together to think about ways of sabotaging the lives of us moderates.

Wonder why they never thought to get together like this before ...

Imagine if Orthodox jews got together with hamas in the middle east - or the "real" IRA got together with some extreme prods in northern Ireland,

or moslems and christians in lebanon got together.

How much damage could they really do then?

I see - by bringing all thes people together round the table and making sure their voices are listened to red commie ken is encouraging terrorists to blow us all up.

Just like the north of Ireland in fact.

erm ...Only that talking actually brought an end to violence there ... erm ...

No but of course - back to the point - talkking and negotiation put us at risk while exclusion and ) tolerance will make us safe.

Well thanks for helping me understand that better.

21 Mar 08 - 06:27 AM (#2294312)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

"No but of course - back to the point - talkking and negotiation put us at risk while exclusion and ) tolerance will make us safe."

should have read "exclusion and intolerance"


21 Mar 08 - 05:07 PM (#2294756)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: folk1e

"Am i the only one who sees Livingstone for the danger that he is? "..... RR

Erm ...... YES! Apparently you are!

btw it might not be a bad idea to write(right .... is that a pun?) some of your arguments down and look at them again after you have calmed down a bit. Even trying some of them on your mates could be a good idea! Probably the best media for writing some of these down on can be found in a handy roll at the side of the loo!

Power to the people!

22 Mar 08 - 06:29 AM (#2295025)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

Er...No. Apparently I'm not. Boris is ahead of Livingstone in the polls.

lox. I think you are seriously missing the point about Livingstone. He doesn't bring disparate extreme groups together to build understanding between them. He does it to build a power base. An extremist himself, he builds alliances with people with views as extreme as himself. As someone who has a hatred of the society he was born in to, he aligns himself with others who feel the same way. Mostly, these are on the left, but because of Palestine and the Gulf War, he has also aligned himself with extreme radical right-wing anti Semitic wife beating clerics such as Qaradawi, a fucking fascist in everything but name and whose favourite toilet reading is Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This goes down well with a lot of young Muslims who feel alienated, which is the point.

If Livingstone really wanted to being disparate groups of people together, then he would bring Irish Protestants and Catholics, Jews and Muslims, Homosexuals and Homophobes, etc. together, but he doesn't. He is selective and if you are selective, you are hardly going to bring people together, and anyway, that is not his agenda. His agenda, which is an evil one, is to play on grievances, give these grievances a platform, milk them for all that they are worth, and build a power base.

I hope now you understand where I am coming from.

22 Mar 08 - 06:35 AM (#2295027)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

...and just to add. How would you feel if Livingstone decided to build on the resentment of a lot of white people and brought on board the Ku Klux Klan and the BNP? Pretty pissed off, I should imagine. I know I would be.

It seems to me lux that you have built an image of Livingstone in your head which doesnt match the reality. In other words, you have fallen for his line. Open your eyes.

...and I didn't even mention the bendy buses.

22 Mar 08 - 08:29 PM (#2295515)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: folk1e

"he has also aligned himself with extreme radical right-wing anti Semitic wife beating clerics such as Qaradawi, a fucking fascist in everything but name and whose favourite toilet reading is Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This goes down well with a lot of young Muslims" .....RR

Yes ... Well you didn't take my point about calming down a bit did you?
I assume you have some proof of this statement! Realy I feel some congratulation are in order here ....Semitic wife beating clerics and Mein Kampf linked together ..... like WOW!

"Boris is ahead of Livingstone in the polls." .... RR
Yes right .... these are the polls that are reprisentative of whome?
Do a little straw poll with yourself and your reflection? or are we readind the same right wing paper already discredited above?

"I hope now you understand where I am coming from." .....RR

I think the concensus would be "Not on this Planet!" ..... but I havn't taken a poll pn that , it is just my opinion!

"...and I didn't even mention the bendy buses." .....RR

??? .....You dont go around in a Purple Shellsuit do you?

22 Mar 08 - 10:18 PM (#2295559)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

It was a MORI poll and MORI polls are pretty reputable. The information about Qaradawi,the scumbag whom you may admire but I don't, came from the book by Nick Cohen, "What's Left," a book I recommend to everyone in Britain on the disastrous course taken by the left in recent times.

The rest of your comments, folk l e, are just insults, unworthy of the good faith assumed by most in Mudcat, so fuck off.

23 Mar 08 - 07:32 AM (#2295740)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Gosh you are an angry little fellow aren't you ...

I paid more attention to your mention of "mein kampf" and "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

I haven't read the latter, but it does sound kind of Jewish - not the kind of thing you'd expect someone to have next to "mein kampf" on the bookshelf - much less a moslem.

Thank you RR for the entertainment.

I haven't witnessed such an authentic display of paranoid frothing in a while.

I'm off to find out more about this protocols book (perhaps it's an IT manual for the israeli government)

23 Mar 08 - 07:37 AM (#2295745)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

OK - back after 2 minutes ...

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the Protocols book.


""The Protocols" (the most brief title by which the text is known) is an early example of contemporary conspiracy theory literature,[1] and takes the form of a speech describing how to dominate the world, the need to control the media, finance, replace traditional social order, etc. It is one of the best known and discussed examples of literary forgery, and a hoax.[2]

The text was popularized by those opposed to the Russian revolutionary movement, and was disseminated further after the revolution of 1905, becoming known worldwide after the 1917 October Revolution. It was widely circulated in the West in 1920 and thereafter. The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism were important developments in the history of the Protocols, and the hoax continued to be published and circulated despite its debunking.


ok - very interesting.

Now to go and find out about Qaradawi and livingstone - and perhaps even about Qaradawi's toilet routine.

23 Mar 08 - 08:21 AM (#2295768)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I've tried twice to post links to Livngstones response and to Qaradawi's website, but both times I've been unsuccesful.

Don't know why.

There is no evidence that Qaradawi holds the views or reads the books you claim he does.

Please provide evidence (not unsubstantiated articles but evidence)

Meanwhile, I'll try posting the links for the third and last time.

23 Mar 08 - 08:22 AM (#2295770)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

one of kens responses (scroll down to find it)

23 Mar 08 - 08:23 AM (#2295771)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

another response from ken

23 Mar 08 - 08:25 AM (#2295773)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Qaradawi's website

23 Mar 08 - 08:27 AM (#2295775)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

As I said before, I got it from Nick Cohen's book, "What's Left." It's worth reading.

However, look at this:

23 Mar 08 - 08:27 AM (#2295777)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

who is he?

23 Mar 08 - 08:35 AM (#2295782)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: redsnapper

At least two of us Londoners here like Ken Livingstone...


23 Mar 08 - 08:39 AM (#2295783)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I looked at it here

And heard peter tatchell call him homophobic and antisemitic.

And didn't see any evidence provided to support these accusations

The pope is homophobic according to the same criteria as he sees homosexuality as being at odds with catholicism in the same way that Qaradawi sees it being at odds with Islam.

You won't find any catholic or moslem saying that homosexuality is ok - it's against their religious teaching.
And likewise their is no evidence of him advocating violence against homosexuals.

Should the pope be denied entry if he wants to come to the UK? should ken refuse to see him?

23 Mar 08 - 08:48 AM (#2295785)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Nick Cohen hopefully provides verifiable sources?

If I'm going accept accusations as serious as the ones you are making I will neeed to see some kind of evidence, if not that they are true, then that they have been recognized to be true by some accredited arbiter - like the courts.

as in the case, for example, of Abu Hamza. Evidence wasprovidedand he was convicted.

What do you have on Qaradawi.

Ok lets go check out Nick Cohen.

23 Mar 08 - 08:58 AM (#2295792)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

"I suspect how people react to this book will depend quite a bit on where they stand politically. I have noticed on blogs and messageboards that it has enraged the Trots and Trot-lite fellow travellers in the anti-war movement. It's also had enthusisatic approval from those you might expect it from - Christoper Hitchens, John Lloyd etc. Whereas I imagine some on the Right will (wilfuly?) misread the book as "all Lefties are soft on terrorists". (Although having said that Peter Oborne wrote a very fair-minded review)"


A review of the various reviews. And they do differ.

The general consensus seems to be - a good attempt with useful ideas, but also self indulgent and misguided.

I still need enlightenment on what he has to say about Qaradawi and more importantly HOW he supprots his claims.

That's you job.

Glad you enjoyed the book.

Read any others?

23 Mar 08 - 11:10 AM (#2295863)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

This is a reply to the Mayor's report that the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Associaiton put out:

Sorry I cannot do the blue clicky thing. Some times it works, sometimes it doesn't.

23 Mar 08 - 11:11 AM (#2295865)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

I'm reading Fear of FLying by Erica Jong at the moment, which is an extremely well written book.

23 Mar 08 - 12:22 PM (#2295902)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Ok, I read the refutation and then I followed the links and then I read the whole of each link leading to each cited bit of source material.

There are things there that I don't agree with, especially to do with circumcision, but when you bear in mind that men are ritually circumcised in the US and in Israel, the question must be asked - who has the right not to be circumcized and who doesn't and if we all share that right then all perpetrators of such a crime should be held equally accountable.

On the question of domestic violence, I read about how a mistreated wife has the right to divorce her husband and how those men who are violent towards their wives are "less than the rest of us".

As is the case with the archbishop of canterbury, Qaradawi is a scholar who writes lengthily on topics and does not just say dogmatically "this is good" or "this is bad", but explores issues in depth and considers all the arguments. In his case it comes down to interpreting the Quran specifically.

His efforts are an attempt to interprtet the Quran in as relevant a way as possible to the worries and needs of everyday people and their worries.

I'm not seeing any attempt to mobilize men to go out and murder gays or beat their wives.

I do see (and for the record I disagree with him)that he is partisan in his support of the palestinians in what he perceives to be an armed conflict between them and what he sees as the occupying state of Israel over territory and resources.

But I know many white English people who share that view, so it is probable that someone from Qatar will have sympathy for the palestinian cause.

I have to go despite wanting to stay and write more.

But my view in a nutshell is:

Taking selective quotes of an islamic cleric out of context to prove that Ken Livingstone is a threat to our security is a sequence of logical jumps that I am far from being persuaded to make.

23 Mar 08 - 01:29 PM (#2295941)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Folk Form # 1

No. I have looked at the links, as you have done, and it hasn't changed my mind about Qaradawi.

For a start, female circumcision is not the same as male circumcision, where only the foreskin is removed. Female circumcision is more akin to mutilation.

Qaradawi has also ruled that a grown up Muslim who decided to convert to another religion or become an atheist "is a traitor ...and thus deserves killing."

Yes, beating your wife is the last resort, but he does condone it. Well, I ask you, in these post feminist times, if you would like to call it that, is this acceptable for a so called progressive like Livingstone?

You say that English people also support the Palestinian cause, which is fair enough. [You can be English and muslim.] But to support the murder of young children? This is a step too far. This is the voice of hate.

Do you see Livingstone inviting a Jewish rabbi from Israel over to London to put their case while drooling obsequiously over them?

He recently attended a rally, organised by the Muslim Council, to defend the freedom of worship - as if freedom of worship was in danger in this country - but have you heard Livingstone defend the right of writers to speak freely against religion, such as Rushdie? Livingstone, so vocal in voicing his opinions, was, at best, mealy mouthed on this; but vigorous in supporting Qaradawi.

Livingstone's actions belie someone who will say anything to garner the support of alienated Musims, say whatever to win them over, and if it is at the expense of another group - the Jews- then so be it.

There are worse clerics than Qaradawi, but he is still bad. (I'm still hunting for his approval of Mein Kampf and Protocols, although these books are popular within a hard line circle of Muslims throughout the world. I shall find them.)

If Livingstone is so progressive, why has he not, in terms, unequivocal, condemned the murder of Theo van Gogh; the murder of Israeli citizens, including children; female mutilation; and come to the defence of Rushdie and that teacher in the middle east who named a teddy bear after Muhammad which resulted in thousands of Muslims to come out on the street and demand her death? Mealy mouthed mumbles at the best of times: accommodation of these people at the worst of times. For example, when Qaradawi was over here, why didn't our Mayor ask these questions of him? Because it was not in his interest to do so.

People have got wise to Livingstone and hopefully democracy and our personal liberty will be well served when the people of London throw him out.

23 Mar 08 - 03:01 PM (#2296024)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: folk1e

would you trust this man to be mayor

23 Mar 08 - 06:18 PM (#2296123)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Hey - I have a foreskin!

We aren't talking about clipping my toenails here!

In my point of view all circumcision is mutilation.

My foreskin is extremely sensitive and serves more than one physiological purpose.

If I had a son and anyone trid to circumcise him I would treat them with the same swift reprisal that I would give if anyone were to attempt to do the same to my daughter.


They are both forms of mutilation!

Has Ken ever been asked to give his opinion on the issue of rushdie or the sudanese teddy?

I am equally ignorant of his views on the Israeli Palestinian question, having till now been more interested in his views on London.

As for the beating your wife issue, I believe it is important to consider the context.

Women, in countries like Saudi, Qatar and other gulf states have a pretty rough time of it.

Cultures change slowly.

He advances an agenda for change that hasd as one of it's components the enfranchisement of women within Islam.

If he stands up and shouts "equal rights for women" from the roof tops, he will lose all credibility and influence overnight by alienating men who will se him as a subversive threat to their culture and society.

He isn't admoishing men in quite the way that you or I would, but he is doing it nonetheless.

Who is his target audience?

I think you have to be subtler than that in your assessment of him.

Though I understand your point, I don't see it as being quite as comprehensive or as dramatic as you are making out.

You can also be Palestinian and Christian.

23 Mar 08 - 06:41 PM (#2296128)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Lox

By the way, the link that supposedly supports the quote in which he is meant to support killing traitors to Islam took me here

Absent evidence I'm afraid ...

23 Mar 08 - 06:48 PM (#2296132)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Lox

And as for whether or not Ken has a problem with Jews,

check this out

24 Mar 08 - 05:40 AM (#2296348)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: folk1e

"I want a surrealist government." .......RR

At least (s)he has calmed down a bit now (almost a sensible arguement .... imo still wrong though)

Need I say more?

24 Mar 08 - 08:46 PM (#2296912)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""The Standard has been after Ken with lies and half-truths and a terrifying single mindedness for years now, and the merest glance at any of its pages will show you its extreme right-wing agenda.""

As opposed to your own well balanced and finely judged position, just to the left of Josef Stalin, Richard?

Red Ken is building a wall around London to keep out us dreadful country folk, and it will eventually stifle the Capital.

The low emission zone goes out as far as Heathrow, fifteen miles from central London, and will, in the fullness of time prevent access by all except the richest travellers.

Currently it adds one hundred pounds to the cost of every truckload of goods brought in to the Capital, and who will foot the bill for that? The consumer!!!

So it will be even more expensive to live, work, or visit, in London.

By the time the quality of the atmosphere overhead is satisfactory, all the businesses, and half the inhabitants will be unable to afford to stay there.

Great going Ken

Don T.

25 Mar 08 - 08:03 PM (#2297642)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

25 Mar 08 - 09:04 PM (#2297678)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Herga Kitty

Don - I think you're a bit OTT about the Low Emission Zone. It's currently aimed at vehicles that could convert to higher emissions standards at a lower cost than continuing to drive into London without converting. Trucks that comply with the emissions standards don't have to pay. People who travel on public transport won't be affected at all....

Kitty (who lives in the LEZ)

26 Mar 08 - 04:31 AM (#2297813)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Liz the Squeak

MORI Polls may be pretty reliable, but they are only a poll and they are only the responses of a small section of the population. I live in London and no-one has asked me whom I would prefer for mayor.

I don't really mind who we get just so long as we don't get any more bloody bendy buses.


26 Mar 08 - 06:00 AM (#2297845)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,albert

I have no doubt that Ken will see off the challenge of Boris who is indeed a shallow racist with a right wing agenda.
However, I would like to see Lindsay German standing on the "Left List" platform get a thumping vote.
Lindsay has been a leading anti war activist and is also an outspoken opponent of the neo liberal agenda being pushed by the main candidates.She is a left wing socialist, a writer and a real tribune of the marginalised and working people.

26 Mar 08 - 04:36 PM (#2298237)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

"The only "minority" group who don't have a voice in the court of King Ken are British white people." Are you sure you want to stand on that, RR?

"As opposed to your own well balanced and finely judged position, just to the left of Josef Stalin, Richard?" Getting close, Don. But I do know enough not to treat Stalin as a model socialist, Don. Time to go back to school. Oh, and how often do you read the Standard?

"Red Ken is building a wall around London to keep out us dreadful country folk, and it will eventually stifle the Capital." Tell me Don, where are the bricks?

You are an intelligent man, Don - but how can you not see? Boris is there to make his ilk rich, and yours poor. At the end of the day, that is why the petrol emotion is justified. You have seen the dispossessed. How can you empower the dispossessors?

27 Mar 08 - 06:26 PM (#2299123)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

"You are an intelligent man, Don - but how can you not see? Boris is there to make his ilk rich, and yours poor. At the end of the day, that is why the petrol emotion is justified. You have seen the dispossessed. How can you empower the dispossessors?"

I am one of the people who suffer most from the benevolent ministrations of your so called party of the common people.

The same party which has consistently greeted every problem by trying to price it out of existence. It is Gordon Bloody Brown who has been responsible for almost all the problems I am having just to survive.

His removal of the 10p tax band has had a minimal effect on those who earn £15000 - £40000. It has improved the lot of those earning £40000 +.
So who foots the bill? GUESS!

Anyone whose pay doesn't top the 10p band limit, has had his tax DOUBLED, at a stroke, and some who get slightly more, have still suffered a loss of earnings.

You are an intelligent man Richard! Tell me how bashing the lowest paid in the country over and over again is not equivalent to what you claim is Boris Johnson's agenda.

I can only afford holidays if I use a caravan, for which I need a fairly large car. Now I face prohibitive road tax, as well as £5.00 per gallon fuel.

You don't always need bricks to build a wall, as you well know Richard, having built a pretty sturdy one between yourself and the truth, and I haven't read the Standard, or any other "News" paper for at least 30 years. I glean most of my information from the BBC, which, despite its leftist leanings is usually reasonably accurate factually.

You are a man who probably pays more in income tax than I receive in total income, so don't presume to lecture me on the hardships of life. You are watching them from afar. I am living them, and it wasn't the Tories who emptied MY pockets, it was your favourite comedy duo Blair & Brown, and believe me, I'm not bloody laughing.

And I know plenty more like me who feel the same, so don't hold your breath for the win at the next election.

Even the solace of a pint or two has been made a little more difficult, by a chancellor too stupid to realise that most binge drinking takes place at the night clubs this government now allows to stay open all night, and not in local pubs.

Binge drinkers have the money to absorb his price rise. They ccouldn't afford to binge otherwise.

So once again the poorest, the low paid, and pensioners get shafted so the idiots at Westminster can pretend to be doing something about the problem.

The old labour party was just barely credible as giving a damn about the working man and social justice.

New Labour isn't credible, period!!!

Don T.

27 Mar 08 - 06:56 PM (#2299155)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T


I know a man who has been running a small greengrocery service into Southeast London, for more than forty years. He had a well established clientele, and although he wasn't making a fortune, he was able to live comfortably.

Not any more!

£100 per day to carry on his business, was more than his profit, and to bring his single truck up to the necessary emission standard was quoted at £5000.

He is now going to have to survive on a pension, which may involve selling up and looking for a smaller house.

Bear in mind, this is only the first step. The plan is to bring smaller and smaller trucks and vans into this scheme over a period of several years, until eventually it will involve all commercials. That could persuade many companies to get right out of London

We are being told it will not apply to private cars, but of course they could change their minds about that, and in the fullness of time, as they need more and more dosh to finance Red Ken's grandiose schemes, they WILL.

I get very annoyed when non drivers pontificate about car use. My car is NOT a luxury. To get to my work involves driving fifteen miles at right angles to the main routes. To go by public transport involves two hours on four different buses, or 30 miles into London, four miles across on the tube and thirty miles out to my destination.

As a result, I am forced to join the most inordinately overtaxed group in this benighted country. So please don't tell me leave the car at home. I pay through the nose to use it

Does anyone really believe that this is about air quality as opposed to revenue raising?.....I don't think so!

The standard government (national or local)response to a need for cash is cane the poor, the pensioner, the motorist. Has anyone noticed that they never tax the gambler, the lottery winner, or the filthy rich.

Socialism in action, err......NO!

Any genuine socialist would have to vote for Cameron. He is way to the left of Gordon (Lurch) Brown

Don T.

27 Mar 08 - 07:08 PM (#2299169)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Gervase

Don, in terms of income I probably make you look rich, yet there is no way on this green earth that I could ever vote for the selfish, narrow-minded and divisive policies of Boris and the Greater London Conservatives. Or even the 'New Conservative' Notting Hillbillies as promoted by Cameron.
As someone who was Labour to his bones for many years, and who has known and supported Ken since his GLC days, my vote would be for him if I had one. However, Brian Paddick, on the basis of what he says, seems to be someone with some seriously good ideas. I had some dealings with him when I worked in London and found him to be a thoroughly decent, intelligent and concerned man. He would certainly deserve a second glance and a careful reading of his policies. It's just a shame that it's a two-horse race - and that Ken does seem to have done some good for London. And Ken is not Gordon - don't conflate the local with the national.
Forget the idiot Boris and have a long, hard think about Paddick or Ken.

28 Mar 08 - 07:27 AM (#2299452)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: McGrath of Harlow

So you need a car to get around where you are, Don. So do I, living the same sort of distance outside London as you do.

But I'd never dream of taking it into London, and if I did I'd see no reason why I shouldn't pat the Congestion Charge, which has clearly driving there much easier.

Driving in Central London just generally seems a silly idea.

28 Mar 08 - 07:44 AM (#2299459)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I never go to London at all, if I can avoid it, but sometimes my work takes me there, and as a professional driver, using pulic transport is not really an option on those occasions.

If you think that the congestion charge has made driving easier in the Capital, think again. London is still semi gridlocked most of the time, and double length bendy buses trying to negotiate narrow streets, and tight corners, are removing most of the little that WAS gained.

So, yes, it's a silly idea, but try telling that to the people (e.g. sales reps) who have their working lives disrupted because they HAVE to go into London, and then have to enrich Red Ken's coffers, adding insult to injury.

Don T.

28 Mar 08 - 07:29 PM (#2300025)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: McGrath of Harlow

Still too much road traffic in Inner London, that's true, but it's better than it was. I say that as a pedestrian looking at the traffic as I pass it. And on occasions when my daughter, who has to travel by car because of disability, has been into London, it's been a lot better since the charge came in. (And of course she doesn't have to pay it.)

If fewer Londoners used cars it'd be a lot better. The system under which residents pay less and visitors more is the wrong way round, in a sense. Though it'd be politically impossible to turn it the other way round I suppose.

So long as all the money is used to improve and subsidise public transport in London the congestion charge seems a pretty good idea.

I prefer doubledeckers - but bendy buses have been running in cities all over Europe for years now, and they seem to work well enough. Bring back the trolley buses. And of course the bus conductors.

28 Mar 08 - 09:56 PM (#2300111)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Well of course I've got it tough (monty python annyone?).

I'm a single parent who can't afford a car.

I arrived in London last March with nothing, having spent it all on legal fees trying to protect my litle girl from the damage of an abusive home and drugs, dealers etc.

The system caught us in a safe pair of hands and held us clear of the water for as long as was necessary to allow us to regain a level of independance.

free Libraries, cheap travel, free museums, financial support (housing etc) medical support (when my daughter caught a vicious cough over the winter a GP came to visit us within an hour of my call - never had that in Leicester), all these things made life possible, not just in terms of survival, but in terms of keeping the harsh realities out of my little ones childhood experience and being able to maintain a cushion of carefree optimism in her life.

I believe that Boris would have absent mindedly and thoughtlessly pulled the rug out from under my feet by slashing spending in my region due to superfluous and unnecessary prioritization of the needs of people such as myself.

I'm sure he would also have argued that I should have stopped whinging and got a job ...

In other words, it is probable that without the superb support I received, I would have ended up homeless with the result that my daughter would now be in care as is the case for many families outside London where the level of support is often totally insufficient with the result that families are needlessly broken up and the lives of children are needlessly allowed to disintegrate before they have had a chance to flourish.

My experience of London is helpful people committed to giving support where it is needed.

And you know what - the air needs cleaning!

29 Mar 08 - 11:53 AM (#2300406)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

You have my sympathy, Lox, and yes, treatment can be very different in different areas. I am very glad that you have had a good experience of life in London.

But, your comments about Boris Johnson are a bit of a stretch wouldn't you say?

You put words into his mouth and predict his actions based on what?

A vitriolic hatred of anything to do with conservatives, regardless of the fact that you know precisely nothing of his intentions?

You have been paying too much attention to certain rabid Tory haters who have forgotten the Wilson/Callaghan days when Labour took us to the brink of disaster with an inflation rate that reached 21%, before the 1979 election, and that was AFTER they devalued the pound.

There are both honest men, and charlatans on both sides of the divide, and it would be smarter not to slander a man until you have more to hang an accusation on, than the name of the party he belongs to.

I make no secret of the fact that I am a Tory supporter, yet the politician I most admire is Robert Marshall-Andrews, a true labour man, and a thorn in the side of the Blair/Brown empire. Would that there were others on this forum, prepared to recognise quality, no matter the colour of its politics.

Don T.

29 Mar 08 - 06:25 PM (#2300651)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I'm not partisan - like most londoners I don't like to be bullied by either party.

Remember that when ken first became mayor he was white ken, having been expelled from Labour and thus in competition against red Frank (stifled-laughter)...

My judgement of Boris the Menace is based on many contributory factors.

I think he's all personality and no substance.

Harvey Keitel said at the end of Pulp Fiction: "Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character"

His charm gets him out of scrapes. He plays the lovable rogue.

The lovable rogue routine is a tried and tested means by which rogues make a virtue of their rogueishness by presenting it as endearing.

The brits love that sort of thing which is why they buy shite like robbie williams.

But it's not something that inspires trust in me.

29 Mar 08 - 08:44 PM (#2300732)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: McGrath of Harlow

In Hartlepool they elected the town's football mascot Monkey for a joke. Electing Boris would be rather similar. Though I wouldn't stretch the parallel too far - I believe the Hartlepool Monkey actually made quite a good mayor.

30 Mar 08 - 01:50 AM (#2300881)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Liz the Squeak

Perhaps I should put one of my cats up as a candidate then?

No more bendy buses, free milk for all kitties under 10 and the run of the Underground system between 1.00 - 4.00am for mouse catching purposes?

It can't be any more ridiculous than some of the options.


30 Mar 08 - 12:00 PM (#2301118)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

I'm all for it Liz.


(what's his name?)

30 Mar 08 - 05:57 PM (#2301458)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

By the way,

My point (not that I don't appreciate the sentiment Don) is that I don't need sympathy. I'm doing great thanks to a well organized support system for those who need it.

Precisely, in my view, the role of government.

31 Mar 08 - 07:27 AM (#2301876)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Teribus

Never, ever thought I'd read something like this in "The Times" - Just goes to show, particularly the comments tacked on to the end of the article.

31 Mar 08 - 03:47 PM (#2302378)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Thanks teribus,

Perfect timing.

Sobriety kicks in again!

31 Mar 08 - 05:59 PM (#2302552)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Rog Peek

As long as you view these polititions with complete and utter scepticism, then they'll not diappoint you will they?

As the Consevative party helped Boris Johnson launch his campaign today I watched Ken Livingstone on the BBC news say, when asked about Boris "A party that's frightened of its own candidate being off the leash is a candidate you'd not necessarily want running London".

Has Ken forgotten that when he was running for the same office, his party KNEW he was "off the leash" and tried everything in their power to stop him. Personally I don't care who gets to be Lord Mayor, but I do object to being treated like an idiot with a memory the length of a Goldfish!

Of course, once he'd been elected he was welcomed back into the Labour Party bed with open arms, or so it was made to appear.


31 Mar 08 - 06:42 PM (#2302595)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox


Only that Labour sacked him and then grovelled to have him back, preferring to field a different candidate rather than risk the wrong one.

But it is interesting how the job of mayor has a more presidential character surrounding it as it seems to be more about personalities than about parties.

That is a precedent that may make the whole London context continue to develop in a unique way.

It may be a reason why the Moyor of London may end up, by precedent, being a comparatively independant office.

I is certainly the reason why the tories have fielded "a character" as their candidate.

02 Apr 08 - 10:53 PM (#2305122)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

Well, Don, you ought to try getting some facts in if you want to speculate on my income or income tax. You don't need a big car to tow a caravan. My caravan cost me £250, and that was before I hit a tree with the roof. I could tow it fine with my Skoda - the one a grateful client gave me for nothing. Even if you did need a big car, if you had a 20-year old Volvo like I now have, it would not be getting car tax increases because it would be too old. Oh, but I forgot to mention, you wouldn't have a Volvo because it was not fast enough, was it?

And as for pollution - hmm - well - breathing is not optional. You gave up smoking when you figured that out. So, shall we discourage high particulate emissions, or not? Really tough question that (not).

As for the 10p band, I've not followed the figures but the official GB position is that other supports ensure that no person losing the benefit of the 10p band need be worse off.

Alas Robert Marshall-Andrews QC MP is retiring.

You can't with any seriousness lay the failings of New Labour (no longer any sort of socialist party since discarding clause 4) at Red Ken's feet. They kicked him out, remember, and had to come grovelling back when they needed him.

How do I know Johnson will destroy the safety net we all need? He's a conservative. Not a "New Conservative" - a conservative. There has been no rewrite of the conservative constitution like New Labour did toemasculate the Labour party. Look at what the conservatives have always done. Look at the fact that his Australian hitman campaign manager has clearly ordered Johnson to keep his trap shut since when he opens it it's only to put his stinking rich foot in it. Look at the fact that any time Johnson gets asked a real policy question he just plays goldfish.

Anyone who isn't rich and white voting for Johnson is just like turkeys voting for Christmas. He's Shirley Porter only prettier. David Icke would be a better mayor!

Before any of you ever think of voting for any conservative at anything - look again at the shafting that that bitch Thatcher and her vegetables gave every worker and claimant in the country. Ken may have his faults (although on the other hand at least New Labour hate and fear him) but anything he does wrong - we all make mistakes - is a drop in the ocean beside the organised malice of those who would steal from the poor to give to the rich.

And Teribus - yes, so the BNP is racist? Well who'd have guessed?
And you approve of that do you? Your point, exactly?

Lox - well said and good luck.

09 Apr 08 - 01:58 PM (#2311284)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

Did anyone see the debate last night?

You might like or dislike ken, but at least he answers the question.

Shades of Michael Howard here from Boris ...

paxman: - "but the question is how much would you spend? ... yes but how much ... yes but how much ... "

Boris looked like a blundering moron. How anyone could vote for him after this display is beyond me.

here it is

For you Americans, the interviewer is Jeremy Paxman - one of Britains most valuable assets.

09 Apr 08 - 02:37 PM (#2311332)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Easy to trip up any interviewee. Just ask a question so specific that only the current incumbent has the information to answer.

Simple innit?

Ditto the ones who don't see through that technique....Simple!!

Richard, I don't have the big car because it's fast. I have it because it is powerful enough to tow without costing too much extra in fuel (a very significant amount, for one who can only dream of the kind of income lawyers enjoy, and please don't insult my intelligence by claiming that you have a clue what it's like trying to live on a pension blighted by the fact that your friend Gordon stole five billion pounds from our pension funds).

The only way that speed comes into the equation is that I can travel up and down hill at a sufficiently high and consistent rate, not to become a rolling roadblock on hills (handy if Jeremy Clarkson happens to be behind me)

""So, shall we discourage high particulate emissions, or not? Really tough question that (not).""

I would suggest that my 13 year old fuel injected Ford is most likely a lot lower in particulate emissions than a 20 yearold Volvo.

THAT is why your car will pass its MOT on higher emissions than mine. It's built in to the test (Incidentally, my garage told me the last two MOTs my car was emitting in line with the limits for a six year old of comparable cubic capacity).

""Look at the fact that his Australian hitman campaign manager has clearly ordered Johnson to keep his trap shut since when he opens it it's only to put his stinking rich foot in it.""

It's the money that REALLY bugs you isn't it mate?? And the fact that HE's got it!!

""the shafting that that bitch Thatcher and her vegetables gave every worker and claimant in the country.""

I refer you again to my comment re the five billion pounds wiped off pensions by Herr Chancellor Braun, of....Let me see now....AH! YES, NEW LABOUR!!!!

Scratch a "socialist" politician in this country, and you will find a capitalist who is good at hiding what he and his buddies have nicked from the working man.

There are just a few who don't (or didn't) fit that last comment, and it's only fair to say so.

They are (or were):- Tony Benn, Neil Kinnock, John Smith, and the aforementioned Bob Marshall-Andrews.

By the same token, the most villainous, and corrupt of all time were Harold Wilson, and Jim Callaghan.

We're still finding out JUST how crooked the current lot are, but I was interested to hear that one of them is so poor the taxpayer pays his TV licence. Even single mums don't get that.

Don T.

09 Apr 08 - 05:42 PM (#2311478)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

The implication no doubt being that Paxman was unfair on boris while he somehow let ken off lightly?

Poor Boris!

Why hasn't he costed his plans?

That's what Paxman asked him - I want to know too - how much would his plans cost?

can he afford them?

Is he opting for the more affodable alternative or is his alternative more costly in the long run?

I want to make an informed choice!

oh what - he hasn't actually thought them through that far?

well then I don't want him within a million miles of the public purse!

And that was only one example of a refusal to deal with the quesio directly - "yes but what do YOU think?"

And by the way, this may come as a shock, but Gordon Browns salary is in fact all payed for by the taxpayer.

That is who the government is paid by.

So all this "his TV licence is paid for by the taxpayer" is a load of farcical nonsense. It would be paid for by the taxpayer anyway, whatever his salary or expense allowance.

These aren't salient or useful points, they are "hype" and "spin". Labour, tory, whetever, I know spin when I see it.

That's why I like ken - he tells you what he's going to do as mayor and gives you the choice whether or not you want him for the job.

According to todays free rags, he is currently polling higher than Johnson. Younger voters, (more worried about the state of the world we are to inherit than our babyboomer predecessors) support him.

09 Apr 08 - 05:46 PM (#2311482)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

Don, you're welcome to see, confidentially, my formal accounts.

Before you slag off the Volvo emissions, check them. Mine also fuel injected.

Particulate emissions are the point of the restrictions on polluting big diesels - not Volvos like mine.

You told me yourself the reason you would not drive a Volvo was that it was not fast enough. I'll remind you. It was the day I came with my chainsaw and trailer to remove your cherry tree (for my log burner).

As for wealth, make up your mind. Am I one of the rich screwing you, or am I one of the poor being screwed by the likes of Boris? I know. Shame you don't.

09 Apr 08 - 05:53 PM (#2311488)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election

"Easy to trip up any interviewee. Just ask a question so specific that only the current incumbent has the information to answer."

The question was specific to Boris not to ken as it centred on Boirs's plans to reintroduce a revamped routemaster.

As Ken is not considering this option he would in fact be the one you would expect not to be informed.

His answer however was still more useful - research and development costs on their own would make the whole process more expensive.

Thanks - in the absence of an answer from Boris I have to operate according to the information supplied by ken.

"Ditto the ones who don't see through that technique....Simple!!"

... I see ... that'd be me then ... right ...

I agree ... your view is simple :-)

09 Apr 08 - 05:55 PM (#2311492)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: GUEST,lox

last post was me

09 Apr 08 - 06:36 PM (#2311533)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: McGrath of Harlow

Sometimes it's suggested that Boris must just be playacting, and that behind the buffoon there is a sharp intelligence.

Naah - to adjust the old saying, it's buffoons all the way down. If people vote for that, that's what they are going to get. The same way they did with Dubya in the States. (Though I'd grant you, up against Dubya Boris would rank as pretty sharp.)

09 Apr 08 - 07:18 PM (#2311583)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: McGrath of Harlow

For any Mudcatters unfamiliar with BiorisJohn son, here is a sample. With Arnold Schwarzenegger being gobsmacked at the notion that this man could be a serious political figure.

09 Apr 08 - 07:24 PM (#2311594)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Richard Bridge

It's always the same. THe rich don't ahve to pay. THe poor get nothign.

10 Apr 08 - 07:44 AM (#2311939)
Subject: RE: BS: The London Mayor Election
From: Emma B

Boris Johnson's tactician

Known as "the Australian Karl Rove", Lynton Crosby is described as a master of "under the radar" campaigning. He delivered four election victories to the Liberal party, often using dog-whistle issues - those only heard by voters at whom they were aimed.

A 1992 Crosby advert linked a fatal stabbing by an Aboriginal man to the Labor government's supposedly soft sentencing policies. He was accused of running "wedge" campaigns which divided voters by focusing on emotive issues such as abortion and immigration.

A 2001 campaign advert suggested, falsely, that a shipload of refugees had thrown their children overboard in an attempt to enter Australia.

He is said to advocate "push polling" - phoning voters on the pretext of conducting a poll and then spreading damaging rumours about a rival candidate. He is also quick to accuse the media of bias: in the 2001 Australian elections, 75% of complaints from political parties to the Australian Broadcasting Corportion came from Crosby.'

The Guardian, Wednesday April 2 2008