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My trip Back East...

16 May 99 - 03:25 PM (#78921)
Subject: My trip Back East...
From: WyoWoman

Folks, I'm going to be taking a week-long trip to Massachusetts this weekend (May 21-30) to see my daughter commence from college and wonder if there's any music (jams, sings, gigs, etc.) you might recommend while I'm there. I plan to go to NYC May 24-26 and otherwise will just be rambling around up in that general neck o' the woods, with no planned itinerary. Suggestions welcomed.


16 May 99 - 04:45 PM (#78939)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: Barry Finn

Try here for Eastern Mass & Boston area
or here

16 May 99 - 07:49 PM (#78988)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: Sandy Paton

The Pinewoods Folk Song group (now known as the New York Folk Song Society) is having their Spring Weekend at Camp Freedman in Falls Village, Connecticut, on the 28th/29th and 30th. They have a web site which ought to give you more information about that. Mudcat's own "Liam's Brother" will be there as staff, with workshops on several topics, including ballads (Caroline and I plan to get over for that one, at least, the camp being only nine miles from our home), and Sara Grey will also be on the staff, singing all those lovely songs of hers. Try this (if I can get it right) blue clicky thing to look at the web page. There is always a lot of good song-swapping and jamming over the entire weekend. One circle even sings from RUS!

Caroline and I will be dashing back from Virginia in time for the ballad workshop, then on Sunday, I'm afraid, we have a gig elsewhere. But it would be nice to meet you!


16 May 99 - 08:25 PM (#78994)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: WyoWoman

Thanks Sandy and Barry -- I'll try to get over to the festival. Sounds just right. I'll be there the 28 and/or 29 -- fly back to Wyoming on the 30th.

If I ask for Sandy, will everyone be able to point you out?


16 May 99 - 10:03 PM (#79022)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: Sandy Paton

I'm afraid so. Have you arranged to drop in on Saturday as a day guest? If not, I'll see what I can do. I didn't find any information about it on their darned web site, did you?

Give me a call at 860-364-5661. I'll warn Caroline that you might be calling, as she will answer (I don't normally do phones!).


16 May 99 - 10:24 PM (#79027)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: WyoWoman

No, I didn't find anything there. Did find a few likely looking open mics and coffeehouses at the site Barry suggested, however. I'll give you and Caroline a jingle when I get up there, if it won't be an imposition. (Wish I didn't do phones...) kc

16 May 99 - 11:56 PM (#79055)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: Sandy Paton

We'll be away from the 24th to the 27th. Better do the jingle prior to the 24th. We'll arrange to take you over on Saturday as our guest. Congratulations to your daughter, by the way. My kids emulated their father and dropped out. At least they waited until they finished high-school! Sandy

17 May 99 - 12:02 AM (#79056)
Subject: RE: My trip Back East...
From: katlaughing


How 'bout you drop down to Groton and kidnap my grandsons and bring them back with you? It'd be fun! They will be one yr old on the 26th...think of the party we could have, after we drag you of the plane and restore your nerves! Those two are a handFULL!**smile**

If you don't mind me asking, what part of MA are you going to for graduation? We used to live just a few blocks from Smith College in Northampton.

Have fun,
