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BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!

01 May 08 - 12:06 PM (#2330683)
Subject: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

This one snuck up on me, partly because of Mudcat's move! Anyhow, same thing:

Please post your fitness/letting go of weight goals, as you meet them by the day/week/monthly. Also, feel free to post your goals in your first posting. Encouragement/chatting is okay, as long as it is kept to a minimum. I will delete any extra stuff. I decided that was kind of silly when I had started a new thread anyway, so here is a new thread for this month. Have fun and don't beat yourselves up! Do what you are able when you are able.:-)


01 May 08 - 12:17 PM (#2330696)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing


01 May 08 - 08:48 PM (#2331102)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

I just finished the "April Yoga Challenge" and did 37 classes in 30 days (some days were obviously multiple classes). I am feeling great (although a little tired) and want this to continue. I am trading my photography services for a month of yoga....this was the yoga instructor's idea and I'm digging on it!

Kayak season is here as well. I hope to be out at least once on the weekends and more if time allows. goals are to continue with the yoga (Power & Grace and the Pre-Summer Yoga Challenge) and to add kayaking. I hope to get in some walks after work too on these beautiful spring days!

My website remains a constant reminder of where I've been and where I am headed, so keeping that current is a goal that intend to continue.

Namaste & Love to all,


01 May 08 - 08:49 PM (#2331104)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre


Yoga: 90 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy (in no particular order....ever!!!)


01 May 08 - 10:52 PM (#2331190)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing


T-10 with an ankle that needs to pop or something. Off to the shoe guy tomorrow for an adjustment.

02 May 08 - 04:04 PM (#2331449)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Walking - 10

03 May 08 - 07:34 PM (#2332302)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Walking - 20

03 May 08 - 07:46 PM (#2332305)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

May 2nd: Yoga, 60 Minutes

05 May 08 - 12:23 AM (#2333064)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Lots of extra yard and house work today.

05 May 08 - 12:22 PM (#2333348)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes

The rest comes later! :)


05 May 08 - 12:23 PM (#2333349)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Stilly River Sage

You know me, I get my workouts around the house and yard.

May 3--Lawn mowing 2 hours

May 4--Moving fence slats to the curb (20 minutes) and weeding grass from cactus garden 4 hours. It was kind of like yoga, because I had to very carefully hold odd stances in order to reach the grass without puncturing myself. The yard looks much better, but my skin has a few tender spots. And I know it was a lot of exercise because I could feel it in my shoulders and arms when I awoke today.


05 May 08 - 12:55 PM (#2333381)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

I can just picture in my mind, Maggie!:-)


more later, after I get my shoes adjusted!

05 May 08 - 04:42 PM (#2333536)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

Hi All

Just come back from a festival so luckily I have been walking about alot.

Ah! I bought a suit (skit, top and Jacket) £130!!!!!!!!! for my sons wedding and I need tolose son weight to make it look good. Now that's my challenge, joining weight Watchers AGAIN! tomorrow morning! I know I have your support.


06 May 08 - 01:29 AM (#2333825)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

May 5th:

More yoga, Power Yoga this time, 90 Minutes
My butt has officially been kicked (in a very, very good way!!) YOWZA!

Mindfulness, No website today...will do it tomorrow....and Joy!

I've had a nagging backache for the last few days....heating pad, meds, massage, gentle stretching, hot showers did nothing for me. One Power Yoga class later as I was dripping with sweat settling into shivasina, the knot lifted. WOOO HOOO!!!!


06 May 08 - 06:49 AM (#2333917)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

Oh well,Bought new scales this morning ARGHHHH! Didn't like what i saw, found a new web site, where I can calculate and record all food and drink. It also calculated my body fat - Shit and Corruption that was scary, think I am even too embarrased to put it on here.

So here goes. I am always fine until the evenings. Until now she says positively......


07 May 08 - 12:14 AM (#2334596)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

This is for May 6th, which it still is here in Colorado.

I was up and down helping my sister go through all of her stuff in a 10 X 20 storage unit, today. On the go from 8a-915p with in between rests for meals and a 30 minute lie-down in the afternoon. My feet hurt, my bum was dragging, but when I got on the scale tonight, I had lost another pound! ( I thought i would have gained because I had some salty stuff and more calories than usual!)

Just shows me if I want to lose it faster, I need to ramp up the exercise some more! whoo-hoo. We're gonna do it again tomorrow!

07 May 08 - 12:07 PM (#2334975)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

Well I was a good girl yesterday and was 1/2lb lighter this morning. If I can just keep it up!!!

Jillie x

ps this thread certainly helps

07 May 08 - 01:20 PM (#2335027)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

May 6th:

2 Mile Walk
70 Minutes of Yoga

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!


07 May 08 - 08:52 PM (#2335341)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre


Walk: 1.5 miles (likely more, did some trails that I can't clock with the car)

Yoga: 70 to do headstands today! I LOVE being upside down!!!!   *G* As I'm standing there on my head my yoga teacher walked by and whispered "Inversion Freak!"   LOL

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!


07 May 08 - 11:30 PM (#2335400)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

More of the same with my sis, today, but not quite as intense and we were both still a bit tired from yesterday, but I was down another pound!! She leaves tomorrow, so I shall have to double up my time on the treadmill, etc. to keep up the momentum.

08 May 08 - 03:55 AM (#2335509)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

Yayhay - new scales read that I have lost just over a kilo, must change them to stones and pounds then I might understand what I have lost.

Michelle, how do you find the time to do what you do. (Makes mental note - Must resort my days.


08 May 08 - 05:44 AM (#2335559)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre


    I make my health my priority, at least that's how it started. Now it's more like I have to have it....the yoga business is addicting. Sometimes, like today, I go to the early yoga class, I work all day and then if time and energy permit, I'll go for a walk or something. Weekends are the exception...that's when I have my family time and take care of the house (beyond daily things such as dishes, laundry and cooking). Last year at this time I wouldn't have had the energy to do half of what I's been a gradual process and now if I don't do it, I miss it. My body misses it. For example, I thought I'd luxeriate in taking a night off about 2 months ago. I came home right after work and plopped myself in my favorite recliner. I was there for maybe 20 minutes when I got antsy and had to go do something. If you keep at this, exercise even on the days you don't want to, it will get to be this way for you too. In addition, I never look at my exercise time as work or even exercise for that's play for me. If it isn't fun and I don't enjoy it, I won't do it for long.....attitude and perception is everything!

Gotta scoot...class in 30 minutes and here I am in my jammies!!!



09 May 08 - 04:41 AM (#2336348)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

yay another 2lbs down!! I know it's only fluid this week but hey ho it's not going up!

Jillie (a very slightly smaller one)

10 May 08 - 06:05 PM (#2337331)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing


I walked a bit, yesterday, but mostly rested up. My sis and I were btoh tired!

Today, I have walked about 30 minutes. Getting back on track now.

11 May 08 - 02:16 AM (#2337482)
Subject: I DANCED!!!!
From: katlaughing

Either right before or after surgery, some medical person asked me what one of my goals was when I got better. I told them I wanted to be able to dance, again.

Saturday night, May 10, exactly three years after heart surgery, my Rog took me out dancing to some hard-driving good old-fashioned rock and roll, sans extra O2, even! I only made it half-way through Mustang Sally, but I made it all the way through Turn the Page and I wasn't gasping for breath nor too tired, in fact I feel jazzed up still and it's after midnight here. THIS feels so good!

So that, plus about three hours of shopping/walking will about do it for me on May 10th. Thank you all for your support and for keeping these threads going.


12 May 08 - 03:01 PM (#2338582)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Qi gong- 30

12 May 08 - 10:10 PM (#2338902)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

T - 8

C'mon pardners! Where are you?

I am ordering a mini-trampoline, tonight. I will be adding it to my daily plan...get all jiggly!**bg**

13 May 08 - 01:24 PM (#2339446)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Free weights - 8 reps each of four moves

13 May 08 - 06:22 PM (#2339714)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

decorating but in my daughter's house instead on Andy's! working 9hr days to get as much done before they move in tomorrow night.


total weight loss last week 4.85lb

14 May 08 - 04:37 PM (#2340627)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing


My weight is going slowly, but it's going!

Wts - 8 reps each

14 May 08 - 10:25 PM (#2340879)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Another 8 on the T...can't wait to add in the mini-trampoline!

15 May 08 - 09:32 PM (#2341856)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Wgts - 8 reps per each and I can feel it, today!

16 May 08 - 01:22 PM (#2342243)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

Yoga: 75 Minutes (yesterday)
Yoga: 75 Minutes (today)

:) Michelle

16 May 08 - 05:33 PM (#2342415)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Good! Glad I am not alone in here, now.:-)

QG-20 low energy today

16 May 08 - 07:32 PM (#2342482)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

Nah, you aren't alone! My yoga instructor was on a yoga retreat for a week or so and instead of doing some kind of formalized exercise, I put in some extra time at work....organizing, taking care of chicks, etc. :) I missed the yoga, A LOT. I went to the class last night, sat on my mat and just beamed....I was so happy to just BE there, you know? :)

My weight loss numbers are holding steady but no real losses to speak of lately. DH made the comment last night that while he knows I am frustrated with the lack of movement at the scales, he felt hip bones the other night....OMG....I have hip bones? WHO KNEW?!?!?!? LOL

You are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


17 May 08 - 04:27 AM (#2342705)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

I Here too, but not on the exercise machine, I am using ladders and stairs, we are now decorating my daughter's house. 12 hour plus days, certainly not sat on my r's doing nothing!

I am not getting any smaller at the mo, but I think I must be a bit fitter.


17 May 08 - 10:48 AM (#2342869)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

That's me, Jillie. I can *feel* some more curves, but the scales say I am the same. I figure we're building muscles, right?!**bg**

Thanks, Michelle.

I have a woman who has become a friend, who comes over to clean our floors every two weeks. She told me, this week, that I definitely look skinnier to her, she could see it! Yes!

Last night, I managed a whole six minutes on the treadmill.

18 May 08 - 12:50 AM (#2343378)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

for Saturday, the 17th: T-10

19 May 08 - 07:22 PM (#2344741)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

Monday: Power Yoga: 75 Minutes!!! Can I just say that my ass hurts? a good way...but STILL!!!

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!!

Michelle who was very happy to sweat her guts out this afternoon!

19 May 08 - 08:08 PM (#2344760)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

T-10 and Rog is picking up my mini-trampoline this evening.:-)

20 May 08 - 02:56 PM (#2345401)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Last night, another 5 on the T AND hopping on the trampoline a few minutes. Felt good!

Today - T-10 so far

21 May 08 - 01:47 PM (#2346233)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Becca72

Got some lab results today. My total cholesterol is down 2 points, LDL is down 2 points, HDL is up 1 point, Triglicerides are perfect. Blood sugar is still in the normal range, too!
Weight-wise I've stayed about the same, but things are fitting differently and there is definitely some 'reshaping' going on! I'm up to 40 minutes walking combined treadmill and outside and doing that 4-5 times a week. :-)

23 May 08 - 06:47 PM (#2347866)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

I have been working sooooooooooooooo hard decoratng my daughter's house, only having breakfast, lunch, dinner and a small supper, no snacking or picking and I haven't lost a ounce. Bugger!



23 May 08 - 06:58 PM (#2347869)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

You will, Jillie. You are probably gaining muscle which will show up as weight still. One day, you'll suddenly notice dips and curves where there weren't any, like Becca was saying and the scales will suddenly drop without warning. IT feels so good when they do.

I have missed doing much of anything the past three days...a little tired from too little sleep and I have been the same weight for about three weeks now. I know why so will have to work on it in a better way. Get the exercise levels up again!

24 May 08 - 11:17 AM (#2348147)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing


Why is it when our bodies get used to good exercise, they wreak even more vengeance when we skip a day or two than when we did no exercise as a matter of routine! I am paying for three days of inaction!:-)

24 May 08 - 01:09 PM (#2348213)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: wysiwyg

Scale at doc's office confirms what clothes are telling me. Amazing how each season, the aquatics work a different set of muscles to get them up to par with the last season's set. Automatically. Let the body play and it takes charge quite happily.


24 May 08 - 10:27 PM (#2348538)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: LilyFestre

I spent the day finding gear for an upcoming kayak sojourn. I will be paddling approximately 100 miles in 5 days (a bit more I believe) and camping out along the river's edge. I had really wanted to go last year but didn't think I was strong enough...this year there is no question. I'll post photos on my return for sure ( Our bodies are amazing.....truly amazing.



25 May 08 - 11:40 AM (#2348827)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: Eye Lander

Good Luck Michelle.   

Yes Kat I will continue to think how hard I have been working and convince myself my trousers feel better!

we are going back to the mainland this evening and to Wales on Tuesday. Back to decorating Andy's house this time! After this 2 weeks i feel like a builders apprentice - doing all the donkey work!

Mmmm - the treadmill is in Wales too, have to get on that again. :-( no no must be positive


back on Tuesday


25 May 08 - 12:49 PM (#2348858)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

Goodonya, Jillie!

I had been feeling badly, too, at not doing much exercise the past three days. This morning the scales said I'd lost another 1.2 pounds, so I am happy and much more active today!

28 May 08 - 12:03 PM (#2351097)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

Yoga: 70 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!



28 May 08 - 03:06 PM (#2351251)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

After a muscle injury, I am coming back in baby steps.:-<


31 May 08 - 12:23 AM (#2353507)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability counting goals 5th month!
From: katlaughing

T-5 arrgghhh! I will be happy when I can start a new thread for next month and get back with the program!:-) (I have lost another pound, though!)