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New M'cat, feels like first time at session

22 May 99 - 02:28 PM (#80783)
Subject: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

I was introduced to Mudcat about a month ago by a friend who suggested I reply to a thread which concerned some folks I sing with. Since then, I 've read some extraordinary exchanges and been impressed, amused, and moved by the sense of community found here. So I've joined up, by golly, but I feel a little like I'm sitting at a new session for the first time, not ready to open the case or clear my throat for feel of making a honking noise, or violating a custom I haven't yet figured out. Any tips on custom or protocol? Thanks, D.

22 May 99 - 02:29 PM (#80784)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Sorry, that's fear, not feel, of screwing up. I'm off to a roaring start.

22 May 99 - 02:44 PM (#80786)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Rick Fielding

Welcome Dave Swan. You'll be happy here - I can tell. Open your case, clear your throat, and don't worry about those honking noises. I've honked so many times I'm thinking of re-naming myself "Canada Goose!"
Custom and protocol seem to change depending on the situation. If you say something totally stupid, just apologize in your next posting. We all get carried away at times 'cause we're an opiniated group - even when just discussing songs.
I see the "mudcat" as very similar to "Lord of the Flies" with all kinds of roles being filled (it seems neccessary to keep a community balanced) but in the evenings we can still gather around the campfire and sing our little hearts out.

22 May 99 - 02:47 PM (#80787)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

OK, First off Dave, welcome to the Mudcat. As for tips on custom or protocol, just simply use the "Golden Rule", Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. I myself am fairly new around here, about 6 months or so, and it didn't take me long to learn that one is made welcome here as a matter of course. Realize that everybody, and this is a worldwide diverse group, has an opinion on any subject and it may not be the same as yours. They will all read your opinion and then offer a counterpoint, or agree with you. It is a very tightknit community, but a loose enough weave that there is always room for one more! You have no doubt been following the Catspaw's dillema threads. Most of us ahve never met him, except here in the cyber village, yet we all felt like it was one of our own family that was in the hospital, and we all rejoiced with each piece of good news we heard! I can't explain it, neither can a lot of other folks, save to say we are a group with a common bond (music), a common love of humankind, and a strong respect for each other. So, welcome and enjoy the group!

22 May 99 - 03:00 PM (#80796)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Welcome Dave!

All in all, we are a pretty tolerant lot. A suggestion I have is that you voice your opinion as your opinion. Occasionally, the Forum gets a little out of hand and names are called. I dislike it when I read it and it usually fades under its own weight, but I is the most unnecessary act that occurs here.

We have lots of information about songs, especially folk and blues. We help occasionally with a "pop" song or two, but it is not our main area of interest.

The folks here at Mudcat are quite diverse and their interest runs from Kingston Trio to obscure British Ballads, so don't be shy about asking. We also have a few Internet wizards who can man-handle a search enginge with the best of 'em and will often get information we don't know.

So, we appreciate polite, we appreciate your interest, we appreciate your opinion. Keep on 'Cattin'!

Roger in Baltimore

22 May 99 - 03:05 PM (#80799)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles

Welcome Dave.

What is in your case, I hope it's an instrument and not a machine gun?

We have had a lot of conversation about guns lately.

It's not a tiple, is it?

22 May 99 - 03:07 PM (#80801)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

Welcome Dave...and stop worrying, this is just one helluva' place and the two characters above just gave you some great advice, which totally amazes me since I know what a pair of dimbulbs they actually are!!! Of course since it takes one to know one............

You're probably aware of my recent discussions with the Grim Reaper, but thanks to the power of the Mudcat, we were able to kick his ass. This is undoubtedly the most unique place on the web, and Rick and Banj explained it well....Hell you're already into typos and to quote Arlo, "I'd say you're reasonably there."

One thing you might want to have some fun doing is researching old threads and also picking out some of the characters around this place and seeing what they've posted on various subjects or overall. Keep your 2 cents coming, we want to hear it!!!!!Welcome to the village of Mudcat!


22 May 99 - 03:24 PM (#80807)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Rick Fielding

Ahh, Catspaw. I'd better explain him to you, as God knows he can't explain himself! He's about 75 years old (tried to pass himself off as 18 in an attempt to explain his devotion to the lyrics of Neil Young) and he lives in an adobe shack somewhere in the mountains of Mexico. Ian Fleming based "Dr. No" on Catspaw. We also believe he has an aluminum nose.(aluminium, if your a Brit)

22 May 99 - 03:39 PM (#80810)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Paul G.

I'm certain that, in keeping up with the metallurgy (?) of the times, 'paw's nose is actually titanium now. Welcome Dave, from an occassional poster, fairly new 'catter, and Floridian.


22 May 99 - 03:40 PM (#80811)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: LEJ

I liked Catspaws comment about "kicking the Grim Reapers ass." I had a momentary image out of an Ingmar Bergman film where the Knight plays chess with Death for his life, and then decided that didn't quite fit for Catspaw. So I pictured Cats beating Death at one-on-one basketball with no fouls called, and Death goes slouching off with a bloody nose and tears in his eyes.

But I digress (what a shock,eh?) Welcome to the warm and wacky world of The Mudcat, Dave! Make yerself at home!

22 May 99 - 04:54 PM (#80819)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Alice

Welcome, Dave. Have you searched the database and found some lyrics? You will notice that some questions about lyrics are answered with, "search the DT" meaning the Digital Tradition database of lyrics, with the blue box in the upper right corner of the page. Or, another answer may be a (link) "blue clicky thing", which Rick apologized for at this blue clicky thing. If you want to see a tiple, you could go here. If you want to read what started the whole "tipple thang", you can find it at this blue clicky thingie. My favorite thread, of course is the memorable one on Where is Spancil Hill?

Glad you can join us.

Alice in Montana

22 May 99 - 05:22 PM (#80825)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Welcome Dave! You've found your way to the most amazing place on the web- just remember, it's real life, cyber-style. We're here because we love folk music, but we also offer BS, raw humor, detailed scholarship, support, love, and something amazingly like an ideal community. We also bicker, get into snits, shout a little, but usually we apologize like ladies and gentlemen and get on with the business at hand. In other words, you're right, it's a lot like a session- one with refreshments in the kitchen and a conversation in every corner. Enjoy!

22 May 99 - 05:37 PM (#80827)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Margo

Welcome aboard! You're in for the ride of your life! The Mudcat (unbeknownst to all here, I'm sure) played a major part in my getting off anti-depressants. I am now stable, taking St.John's wort and Kava Kava.

Rick, can I be Piggy? (Lord of the Flies). Only I can't be for long. I'm committed to a walk going nowhere fast every day. (Treadmill)

Glad to have you, Dave.


22 May 99 - 05:41 PM (#80829)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Llanfair

Welcome, Dave, I'm new, too, been here about three weeks. I know what you mean about first time at session, what if you do a song that everyone is fed upwith, or someone did before you got there? What if they use more than the four chords you use? Fortunately, everyone here respects each person for their unique skills, wether they show or not!!! again, welcome. Bron PS Warning..........Mudcatting is seriously addictive, and there are no substitutes!!!!!

22 May 99 - 05:55 PM (#80830)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Jeri

Welcome Dave! (hey - I don't know you do I?)

As with any session, the biggest mistake you can make is not taking part. I've only been hanging around in here for a couple of weeks, but it feels like home.

22 May 99 - 06:34 PM (#80834)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

Uh, Dave.....let's not pay too much attention to Brother Fielding. The cat's a Canadian, married to a Scot, who considered living in the States. He has 3 brothers all named Reg, and when you meet them it's a mixture of "Sgt. Preston" crossed with "Deliverance." The Big RiB above (Roger in Baltimore) has the official statistics, but I think Rick has owned 2376 guitars of which 872 have been stolen and 1 imploded. Don't ask! His best gig was as a tiple player in a Chilean Gospel troupe and he insists on a proper F one is sure what that is, with most of us stupidly assuming it's a chord that sounds F !!!

Of course there are plenty of other unsavory types around including myself, so exercise caution. Leej (LEJ) for instance, and Banj, and the Ramblin' Sham who can who can type you 5000 words on any subject and while you still have no idea what he's talking about, and your exasperation level has reached the point where the urge to kill is peaking......will suddenly make his entire point in a beautiful and pointed yet poignant piece of poetry...probably our best poet, or at least in the top group.

Also be very careful of the kind and seemingly innocuous types like Alice. From all reports, our best shower singer, but will then turn on you and chastise you for the condition of YOUR shower.

Ahhhhh Dave.......welcome to're gonna' love it!!!


22 May 99 - 06:53 PM (#80838)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: katlaughing

Hey Dave, welcome to my favourite community. I noticed nobidy told you proper protocol for asking for info on a songs so eher goes:

First : be sure you search the Digitrad Database FIRST (see upper righhand corner of this page.

Second: you can always check the Links off the main page in the same area where it says Your Personal Page, etc.

If all else fails and you really want to get a -good conversation going, which we all love, start a thread, BUT be SURE you put the name of the song or, if you don't know it, some of the lyrics if you do, in teh title of the thread. Usually we are pretty tolerant, but it does burn some Mudders' asses when someone names a thread like "Looking for a song" or some other generic BS**big Grin**

Something else we used to use, but it's kinda dropped off is NOI which means No Offense Intended....usually directed at the those with thinner skin.

Such as, HEY RiB (Dave, he posted above as Roger in Baltimore. Catspaw, whom I nicknamed 'Spaw, nicknamed himRiB), anyway, RiB, since I consider myself a pretty good search engine revver, I just wanted to remind you of my gender; I don't "man"handle anything***BG***

So, now, dave, are you thoroughly confused (as they sued to say on the Tv show "SOAP")? It's okay. As they've all said, don't be afraid to ask, even in a personal message, if you're too embarassed to put it in a thread.

And, it is great fun to look up everybody's postings. Just go to search the forum and type in any of the user names you see on postings and there ya go. For really good advice on CONDOMS be sure to type in Catspaw as the user name.

Welcome, take yer shoes off 'n set a spell.


22 May 99 - 07:22 PM (#80845)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Wow. Y'all know how to whip a howdy on someone. Thanks for the advice, the welcome, and the suggestions. I may have hurt myself laughing. Don't stop now, I'm beginning to get a handle on who's who in the mud. Dave

22 May 99 - 07:43 PM (#80850)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

By now Dave you have reached either one of two points. You are ready, when your part comes in the song to start an instrumental solo that will last longer than all fourteen verses of the song itself, or you are ready to throw your instrument to the floor and run screaming from the room. Hopefuly it is the first, displaying the confidence of a true Mudcatter, while the second is that of a normal and sane person! Again welcome, and make yerself ta home....BTW, what IS in the case?

22 May 99 - 07:48 PM (#80852)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bbc

Hi, Dave--my turn! Rick said something, early on, about all roles being filled. I am not a performer or even an instrumentalist. I've started to think of myself as a kind of housemother. Since a scare we had back at the beginning of April, I've maintained a separate website which lists birthdays & email addresses of those Mudcatters (or Mudcateers) who wish to be listed. You can check it out (& bookmark it!) at bbc's Mudcat Resources. Just send me email or a Mudcat personal message if you'd like to be included. In the past months, we've discussed our ages, locations, professions, personal appearance. Then, there's the oft-mentioned condom thread. There is plenty to read retrospectively & plenty to join or start. Speaking of starts, you're off to a good one just by having asked how to play nice! Welcome!

best from NY,


22 May 99 - 08:01 PM (#80857)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Banjer, Maybe not an instrumental solo, what's the line from Bloody Rotten Audience ? " I'll fix them with Bold Robin Hood, that's forty verses long. " In the case is a banjo, though lately a penny whistle and bagpipe have crept in. Be very afraid. D.

22 May 99 - 08:01 PM (#80858)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Helen

Hi Dave,

I can second most of the opinions above, especially katlaughing's (shortened to katL or various other acronyms for ease of typing) one about "manhandling" search engines. That should read "person-handling".

Don't believe a word that catspaw says about any of us. He's just recovering from a major health scare so he can't be relied on to know what any of us are really like, because we all showed a completely new face during his illness. We stopped being smart-arsed wisecracking phoaks and fell into being caring, sharing, love-and-light-sending kind of phoaks, but we're counting down to the deadline for getting back to *normal*, i.e. lots of B.S. (unless specifically requested to refrain from it in threads) and a lot of creative lateral thinking in answering questions or commenting on things generally. Sometimes, as in this thread, we get so caught up in chatting and wisecracking that we forget to answer serious questions about stuff like protocols, but we get there eventually.

I think the clearest insight here is that it's not getting to the destination which is important, it's the journey along the way.

Come in, enjoy the company, feel free to honk as much as you can, we're all doing it too at some point or other.

And, what *is* in the case. If you were in Australia and you said you were bringing a case everyone would think you had a case of beer.

Welcome, Helen (in Oz)

22 May 99 - 08:08 PM (#80861)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Helen

Hi again,

I started this thread because I was so amazed at how lateral and funny the threads could get while meandering around topics rather than just cutting to the chase, so I issued a challenge to everyone to write a story or poem around the title of
A flea, an orange and a bicycle seat

Also, if you want to know how to do blue clicky thingies

look here


22 May 99 - 08:08 PM (#80862)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Sam Pirt

Well, if it feels like a sesion you had better get typeinging and join in, welcome I hope to read many an interesting thread from you in the future. You've been Mudcatted!!!

Bye, Sam

22 May 99 - 08:33 PM (#80870)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

A banjo AND a bagpipe? can ya play 'em both at the same time? (What a thought!) I love hearing pipes played. Nothing makes the eyes well up faster than hearing "Amazing Grace" at distance...being played by a lone piper. Also nothing quite as stirring as "Scotland The Brave" up earwax cracking close! What part of the world may you be found in?

22 May 99 - 08:41 PM (#80872)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

I'm nowhere near ready to play the pipes within earshot of another living being, as the cats and the tortoise wil attest, but soon as I am, I'll fire them up for you. I love those two tunes too. I'm in the San Fransicco Bay area, come on by for a beer.

22 May 99 - 08:49 PM (#80873)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

That would be a hell of hike for just a beer, I live on the west coast of Florida, St. Petersburg...Could ya clarify your last a bit? Soon's you're ready you'll fire them up, the pipes, or the cats and the tortoise?

22 May 99 - 08:53 PM (#80874)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Yeah, but it's really good beer. About firing them up....can I get back to you on that? D.

22 May 99 - 09:07 PM (#80876)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: LEJ

I don't know about Canada, but there's laws in this here country preventin' things like banjos and bagpipes bein' played at the same time. Also tubas and ukeleles, harmonicas and ocarinas, and tambourines and pianos. The last one may just be a misdemeanor, though.

22 May 99 - 09:47 PM (#80883)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: MichaelM

My friend Tam Kearney (of The Fiends of Fiddler's Green) has often quoted Frank Muir's remark, to wit:

"The most evocative sound in the world is bagpipes receding into the distance".


22 May 99 - 10:09 PM (#80885)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Helen and Katlaughing,

I hereby turn in my Sensitive New Age Guy certificate. It is just too damn hard to keep up with the expectations. Certainly NOI when I used manhandle and certainly no intent to exclude any gender, race, sexual orientation, age, eye color, number of teeth still remaining, etc., etc., etc..

Big RiB

22 May 99 - 11:25 PM (#80892)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: karen k


Welcome, just be yourself and enjoy Mudcat, the greatest place on the web.

karen k

22 May 99 - 11:49 PM (#80900)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: SeanM

Hiya Dave!

I think I may be the person who got you drug into this mess...

Just so you know... RPFN in Fairfield! You've gotta get Oak, Ash and Thorn out there! In the meantime, if you can't, stop by the Seadogs... Nancy, Steve, me and the rest of the kids would love to see you...


22 May 99 - 11:53 PM (#80902)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Rick Fielding

Hey Sean, what's all this secret code stuff?

23 May 99 - 12:06 AM (#80904)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Susan A-R

Have fun here. It's almost impossible not to, and as for spelling, well, who gives a ---- Susan the chef on the other coast.

23 May 99 - 12:07 AM (#80905)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: katlaughing

Dear Big RiB:

Aw, shucks, we's jist pulling yer leg; keep the darn New Age Sensitive Guy thing and jist 'member to think HUman whenever talking about us awl in general, thet's awl! However! You were expected to know the green eye bit and, as far as teeth go, well, we'll jist keep thet one under yer hat, okee dokee? Consider yerself garandamnteed recertified, ya hear?**grin**

katlaughing, who thinks she's been a touch testy this last week and dinnae mean ta take it oot on RiB; also grinning with however many gaps you'd like to imagine amongst what teef she's got!

23 May 99 - 12:48 AM (#80912)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: harpgirl

hey swan
would have said hi sooner but I've been out in the woods all night conjuring summer in! Roger, you can manhandle me anytime! (kat thinks PMS means putting up with men's s**t...he he...) the lambent harp

23 May 99 - 12:55 AM (#80914)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Helen

Yeah, RiB, we were only teasing because we knew you'd bite - and you did. Sorry.

(A contrite) Helen

23 May 99 - 01:14 AM (#80916)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Dave, welcome. I was just conversing with Joe Offer (the HTML wizard) who lives up in Sacramento and is some kind of a snoop or something. I'm a bit closer to you--El Cerrito, and Mike Billo is in San Francisco. We've never managed to get together yet, but the Berkeley Pickin' and Fiddlin' potluck (second Sunday of each month, except June's is the first Sunday) is where we're trying to meet. Here's the schedule for this summer:

Summer '99 Schedule

June 6 N.B. 1st Sunday. Marian Gade 136 Highland Blvd, Kensington, 524-9815. Taking the Arlington north. Go rt. on Westminister, rt. on Kenyon, lt. on Willamette, and lt. on Highland. Park rt. side of street. Coordinators: Jean & Jeff Crossley, 530/795-2906. Note: NOT the 2nd Sunday as to not conflict with the Free SF Folk Festival which runs on Sat & Sun, June 12 & 13.

July 11 Alice Green, 2220 Sacramento St. Berkeley (510) 849-4929 South of University Ave., near Allston Way. Coordinators: Jean & Jeff Crossley, (530) 795-2906 Special thanks to Ed Hilton & Jean Rosen for switching with Jean & Jeff and coordinating in June!

August 8 Alice Sharp, 1535 Grant, Berkeley (510) 843-8259 between Cedar & Vine. Coordinators: Mark Berkley, (925) 803-0907: Lynn Wilde, (831) 758-3704.

Sept.12 Marv Sternberg, 1713 Cedar St., Berkeley (510) 527-3224, between Edith & McGee. Coordinators: Laura Stallone, (510) 704-1943; Shelby Sampson, (510) 237-1960.

Hope to see you soon at one of them. --seed

23 May 99 - 01:28 AM (#80918)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: katlaughing

Harpgirl, I heard an even better one on PHC tonight: PMS is Pre Minstrel Syndrome! Draw yer own conclusions!Hehehe, but I LIKE your's, too!!


23 May 99 - 03:55 AM (#80940)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Mudjack

Dave,..Welcome to Mud place,
If you are in therapy with a shrink, give it up... We're all nuts and won't change for anyone.Glad to have ya on board.

24 May 99 - 02:46 AM (#81156)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)


24 May 99 - 02:52 AM (#81158)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore


I think I'm in love!

Big RiB

24 May 99 - 01:56 PM (#81312)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Bert

Welcome aboard Swanee.

Regarding Catspaw and the grim reaper. He didn't KICK his ass he blew up it. He's got a thing about that - with possums you know.


24 May 99 - 02:13 PM (#81317)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

Hey.....Bert, thanks.......I was gonna' send a note to Barb and ask. In my darkest moments, the idea of blowing up a possum's ass was one of the things which kept me going....that and the collective power of Mudcat!


24 May 99 - 02:56 PM (#81322)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Gee, I hope Barbara wasn't jivin'. Last post I read she said she was gonna pack it in styrofoam peanuts and send it off.

Roger in Baltimore

24 May 99 - 03:05 PM (#81326)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Allan C.

Glad to have you aboard. Seems like we sometimes have more fun trying to figure out clever ways to describe ourselves or each other to new 'Catters than nearly anything else! I, frankly, am amazed and appalled by your candid admission of not only harboring a fugitive banjo (they all are, you know,) but that you are also attempting to tame a wild bagpipe! Heaven only knows what manner of havoc you are creating with the penny whistle! I am currently on hold while the long distance operator attempts to find the number of the local ASPCA so that I can report your evil doings with the local cat population...

24 May 99 - 04:57 PM (#81367)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Cara

WARNING: Mudcatting can cause severe side effects, including insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, lethargy and withdrawal from daily activities, and loss of productivity.

But the upside is pretty huge.

Welcome to the Big Mudder. Drink a Red Tail Ale for me. I'm sure they're better so close to the source.

And now that we've met, how do you feel about guns, condoms, Neil Young, and tiples? Just normal ice breaker chit chat.

24 May 99 - 05:36 PM (#81375)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Bert


If he is 'Spaw, by the same logic shouldn't you be 'Phing? Pronounced "fing" of course.


P.S. I called him CatsP, but it didn't catch on. I guess everyone was trying to be nice to the old reprobate.

24 May 99 - 06:04 PM (#81381)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Helen


I missed that one, but I like it. CatsP.

I like 'Phing too, but shouldn't it be 'Ghing, pronounced fing? Ain't the English language wonderful?


24 May 99 - 06:16 PM (#81385)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

English and that one of them oxymorons?

25 May 99 - 08:17 AM (#81526)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: KingBrilliant

Who you calling a moron Banjer?

ps. I just corrected a lovely typo, whereby I called you Banger....

25 May 99 - 08:47 AM (#81532)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Bert

You're right Helen, 'Ghing it is.


25 May 99 - 03:57 PM (#81662)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles

What's an oxymoron?

I don't know, idiot.

25 May 99 - 04:15 PM (#81664)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: katlaughing

Tch! Bert! Aghing, to you and all Mudders, if ya please! TeeHeeTeeHee!!!

And, I love CatsP, but oh, the connotations! Doncha think the litter box gets full enough as it is?:-))

katLAF, for anyone struggling with the intricacies of longer names

25 May 99 - 05:31 PM (#81676)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

oxymoron = a rhetorical figure in which an epigrammatic effect is created by a paradoxical conjuntion of terms. -The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

As if that clarifies anything.

Oxymoron = two words put together that really don't fit, like Army Intelligence.

Roger in Baltimore

25 May 99 - 05:37 PM (#81679)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Jeri

Or "famous folkies?"

25 May 99 - 07:02 PM (#81701)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles

Thanks Roger

It must be the way I tell them?

25 May 99 - 08:46 PM (#81730)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dani

Welcome, Dave.

I often feel like making a honking noise when I'm hear.

Right now, I'd like to honk in gratitude for seeing postings from catspaw. Welcome home.


25 May 99 - 11:03 PM (#81761)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Max

Dave, you may now understand what you're in for here, but hopefully you ran when you had the chance. I'm Max and I created this place because the various global governments paid me to keep these folks occupied and their opinions isolated here. You can feel comfortable here cause the only Big Brother is me, and I'm a loser.

25 May 99 - 11:13 PM (#81764)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Night Owl

Max....what IS your definition of "loser"? Can the rest of us learn to be a "loser" too??

25 May 99 - 11:18 PM (#81767)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Joe Offer

Hey, Max, just what did you have in mind when you created this monstrosity? Did you have any idea what all this would come to?
I guess it was October 1996 when the forum started. I found it a month or two after that, and it was already going strong. I had been in similar forums, but none worked quite so well as this one. The Prodigy folk forum was the most fun I had before Mudcat, but it was too full of pop-folk fans who knew the stars but not the music. Then there was a BBS in Maine, but the people just didn't have enough to talk about to keep the discussion going (Ayep. Mainers aren't known for verbosity, but I sure had some good lobster when I went to visit.) has some wonderful information at times, but it can get too full of flamers and singer-songwriters. The Catholic newsgroup I tried was monstrous - too many people with right-wing agendas.
But then there's Mudcat. Somehow, the chemistry works pretty darn well here. While certain types of threads may get tiresome, there's always a friendly, interesting discussion going on about SOMETHING, and everybody seems to have such a good time.
Max, you done good. It's nice to be here.
-Joe Offer-

26 May 99 - 12:02 AM (#81772)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: katlaughing

That's funny, Joe, I always heard them referred to ask "Mainiacs"!

Dave, don't listen to Max; he might have a sick idea of a joke (just watch yer sleepin' bag for snakes, Max!), but he is no loser. Course now, he does know how to create codependency really well and sometimes is the cause of some awful withdrawal pangs, as well as the recipient of some very frantic email messages, when some of us can't get our "fix", but that is what a "pusher's" goal is, keep 'em coming back for more and he does a good job of it!**Grin**


26 May 99 - 12:32 AM (#81778)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

As the one person who has had more time to think about this and experience it firsthand........I don't think there is ANY way that Max could possibly have any idea what he created here.

This is the most unique place on the web, bar none!!! I have somehow developed friendships here that are as real as any friendship can be. My recent experience with the "Mudcat Phenomonon" leaves me humbled yet very proud to be part of this community and I wish I could pass on that exact feeling to everyone so there would be no doubt as to what this place is really like. There is nothing special about me, yet that outpouring of love and concern and willingness to help is something rarely experienced in the "Real" world. It's very easy to think of Mudcat as a little village with real streets and houses. I can see where everyone lives and see their kids, dayjobs, etc. There's lots of music and at various times different ones hang out at different places in everchanging small groups (not cliques). And every so often we meet for coffee, a little pickin', a little talk, a little BS, down at the Cafe which is some mixture of an old time General store and a "Cheers" type pub.

There is so much more I want to say, but I'll stop here, without getting into the jobs that everyone has around the town...not the day job but the Mudcat job. And maybe I should get into it because that's important to the concept of this place...everybody has a little niche that is theirs to fill and are all accorded respect for being human and humane.

Damn, what a place this is! Could Max understand what he was starting? Of course not, how could anyone? But thank you Max for turning the first shovelful of dirt to start the building process. You Max, like me, are in a unique position of feeling humble and proud and I'm sure you are as in awe as I over this creation.


26 May 99 - 05:26 AM (#81792)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

Very well put, Catspaw. We probably wouldn't have been able to get such a wonderful description of our little cyber-community if he wasn't still at a "loss for words"! I too sometimes see it as a little village, with quaint cobblestone streets and small cottages with big front porches where we gather after a hard day's work to play, sing, tell stories and just plain enjoy each others company. Besides coming home after a hard day at the shop and picking up an instrument to relieve the stress, checking out the Mudcat is the next most relaxing thing to do!

26 May 99 - 09:56 AM (#81819)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Jeri

All right - stop all that humility right now. Max says "I'm a loser." How many losers d'ya know who've created a magnificent, welcoming internet "home" for people. We owe you - big time.

CatsP - "I'm nothing special!!!???" HA! I've been reading what you've written, and your words don't seem to support that statement!

Maybe it's because this place and the people in it see everyone as special. Maybe it's because folks hold each other up instead of pull each other down. It's very easy to find the latter all over the internet. The only place I've found the former is right here. It's a rare and precious place, this village that Max built.

26 May 99 - 12:30 PM (#81861)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

If this is thread drift, I like it. Thank you, Max. What a wonderful thing you have created. I've had the village image floating around in my head too. What a great place to live. If it's O.K. with everyone, I'd like to sign up for the position of village idiot. I think I'm qualified.

26 May 99 - 12:51 PM (#81867)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: annamill

Hi Dave, I'm new too. Isn't this place wonderful? Welcome!

Max,are you fishing for compliments? Some 'loser'! Thank you so much for Mudcat!!

Love, annap (look I got my name back)

26 May 99 - 01:11 PM (#81872)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles

Sorry Dave, there are people here far better qualified for that position than you and you seem far too sensible, you even play the banjo too.

26 May 99 - 01:42 PM (#81883)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: SeanM

Waitaminute... Doesn't playing the banjo automatically make you qualified for the position?


26 May 99 - 01:46 PM (#81886)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles


You could be right, but I play the banjo too.

26 May 99 - 02:36 PM (#81897)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Shambles and Dave,

Only on the 'Cat would people be fighting for the right to the title of "Village Idiot". That said, I am completely unsurprised that two banjo players are the culprits.

I hereby declare that banjo playing puts you right up front. However, to assure everyone that this contest has a level playing field I am asking both of you to perform for Catspaw so he can verify that you both drool out of both sides of your respective mouths.

Roger in Baltimore

26 May 99 - 02:39 PM (#81899)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: The Shambles


I am not worthy.

26 May 99 - 02:48 PM (#81903)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Bert

RiB, you really think those guys are "on the level"?

26 May 99 - 03:50 PM (#81912)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: SeanM

'course, I'm not one to speak, playing mouthharp and all.

On the count of three, let's hear that scale!


Thank you!'


26 May 99 - 03:55 PM (#81913)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

That's it! The Mudcat all idiot band.

26 May 99 - 05:23 PM (#81925)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Alice

I'll bring my bodhran.

26 May 99 - 05:33 PM (#81927)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: SeanM

And I'll bring my nose flute


26 May 99 - 06:19 PM (#81935)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Banjer

HOLD IT JUST A DERN MINUTE!!! Just cause I am not here in the afternoon is no reason for all of you to assume that I don't want to be considered for the exalted position of Village Idiot!! I have every bit the same lack of qualifications as the rest and also play(?) the banjo. If there is to be an election of any sort consider my hat in the ring as well. Besides the above qualifications consider also the fact that Catspaw bestowed upon me the title of Incredible Dumbass and even promoted me to the rank of a four star General F***up.
Banjer, BS, MS, PHD

26 May 99 - 07:11 PM (#81946)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: SeanM

Maybe we should just declare it the 'Village of Idiots'...

It takes a Village, after all...


26 May 99 - 07:15 PM (#81948)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Jeez, Banjer you're right, I couldn't carry your drool cup. Can I be apprentice idiot until I get it right?

26 May 99 - 08:17 PM (#81976)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Jeri

Well - I got a nose flute too, (but I need help tuning it) and a banjo I can't play very well. Plus I can play fiddle tunes on my face. Can I be one of the backup musicians?

26 May 99 - 09:42 PM (#81988)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Cap't Bob

Me thinks you's idioot's is jess trying to take attention away from us morons. Morons like myself play not only the five string but all sew the tenor banjo. In my travelen bag I also have a slide whistle a teddy bear tambourine. I am president of the Posey Lake Akademy of Musicology (PLAM for short) and we even have a l959 16 passenger bus with our name printed on the side which is rapidly becoming one with the ground. I am presently working on THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER on my bosun's call.

Cap't Bob

26 May 99 - 11:53 PM (#82030)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Barbara

Well, guys, this is it. I shipped catspaw's possum ocarina off to him today, so in another day or two he should be right out there competing with you for the most obnoxious instrument slot in the Village All-Idiot Band.

27 May 99 - 12:02 AM (#82035)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

Yes, yes, yes.....anybody else out there blowing tunes through a possum's ass? I think not!!!

I think to qualify, you need to be able to perform "Under the Double Eagle" on tiple, banjo, bagpipes, bodhran, and nose flute...and at least on two of that combination simultaneously in harmony.


27 May 99 - 12:47 AM (#82045)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Night Owl

Hooray Barbara!!! Have been waiting with anticipation for news of the whistle....hoping at some point in life to hear it played Catspaw...via the Mudcatters' tape? Here? Maybe?

28 May 99 - 06:53 AM (#82345)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger the zimmer

Kin I join the All-Idiot's Band, pretty, please?
Oh, it's not a marching band is it ? 'Cos I can't march and play the kazoo at the same time. I CAN drool and play kazoo at the same time and with some practice I could learn to march and drool at the same time.
Although I'm not a banjo player I'm a failed-to-learn-the banjo player so does that qualify?
Or, if you have too many kazoos I could learn to play the triangle:never could remember which side to hit and how do you tune it?
I was told with a 4lb lump hammer, but would a 25 lb sledge hammer be better?
I read the threads on fees, I don't think I could afford to pay so much
Must go, the nurse is coming back with my Prozac.
Oh, and I'm a white-collar librarian but I don't know any good stories, so do I have to put pebbles in my shoes?
Nurse, undo the straps, please.

28 May 99 - 04:42 PM (#82465)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Cap't Bob

Oh Kay! I give up, I give up, I give up! With guys like Roger the Zimmer, and Catspaw blowing up the possum's ass, I just don't stand a chance. If you just let me march with you guys, I'd promise to be good. I'll just march along behind with a broom and scoop ~~ I could even bring a syrings and bucket to pick up the drool.

In fact, with all the banjo players, maybe we could form a drool team.

Cap't Bob

28 May 99 - 05:26 PM (#82482)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Drool team??? Cap't Bob, that's awful!! Welcome to the Mudcat.

Big RiB

28 May 99 - 06:27 PM (#82493)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Dave Swan

Yeah RiB, a Drool Team. We could get matching wetsuits, and put on a show. We've got a barn, and...oh, sorry,R the Zim got to me for a second.

28 May 99 - 09:28 PM (#82525)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

The Drool Team is a superb idea and I think our drooling skills can be fine tuned Dr. Sal I. Vashun, currently on staff in Wing 3 of the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed. I'll contact him and see if he's interested.


28 May 99 - 10:51 PM (#82548)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, I can play Under the Double Eagle on my banjo (very badly), and with a bit of duct tape to hold it in place, I bet I could learn to harmonize with the five-strang on the ol' nose flute. Plus I'm sure that Gargoyle would vote for me as village idiot--I've probably turned more music threads into BS than any other catter. Of course Dave and I tipped one last night with another candidate (and I don't mean Sonja). (Uh, oh. Here I go gettin' smart-assy again, and about a 360 pound grizzley totin' a black powder rifle, at that.) --seed

bodacious blue clicky thang

29 May 99 - 06:34 AM (#82603)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

Gee, Seed,

This blue clicky is gummed up, too. Just like in the other thread. See, when you cut and paste the wrong thing, it is still the wrong thing. It's those damn double eriods at the end of WWW. I am curious on where you are leading us.

Big RiB

29 May 99 - 08:16 PM (#82730)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Sorry, Roger-not-in-Baltimore: Here's the corrected version.

bodacious blue clicky thang


29 May 99 - 08:39 PM (#82744)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Jeri

BSeed, the guy who gave me my nose flute played with himself too. I mean on guitar. He had some kind of rubber band thingie to hold the NF in place. I don't think you'd get a good enough seal with duct tape. Of course he had dents in his face when he took it off - but it worked.

29 May 99 - 10:25 PM (#82769)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore

I always thought that harmonica racks looked like torture devices, but these nose flute duetists have it beat. Thanks for the repair job, Seed. I had already checked out the Concertina thread. Joe made the repair in the lighthouse thread.

Big RiB

29 May 99 - 10:53 PM (#82785)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)

RiB--right you are about harmonica racks being torture devices: almost every time my harp has grabbed a hunk of my moustache it has been in a rack (playing with two hands you can kind of protect the edges of the harp so you don't get all caught up in one--lately most of my harping has been with the banjo in a rack and both hands protecting the facial hair; I don't want to lose it--I may have it transplanted to the top of my head some day.... --seed

30 May 99 - 07:38 AM (#82850)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger in Baltimore


Do you have any pictures of you with the banjo in a rack? That's somethin' real new, at least for us East Coasters.

Big RiB

30 May 99 - 09:23 PM (#82927)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Yeah, I stick the banjo on the rack between my legs, kick off my shoes, and play it with my toes (I'm tetradextrous). Actually, I put it aside and play only the harp--I'm playing with other people a lot more than I did back when I was tearing my moustache out. So with the Born Once as backup band I don't have to rixk my life any more (of course I play the damned thing a lot harder and faster and I end up totally exhausted after some of the things we play: "The Wreck of the Old 97," "I Am a Pilgrim," "Columbus Stockade Blues," "I'll Fly Away," "God's Railway to Heaven," etc. --seed

04 Jun 99 - 09:56 AM (#83950)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: Roger the zimmer

I was so keen to join the All-Idiot's Band I evaded my minders and went to buy a banjo. As I didn't have much money the nice man sold me one with pretty metal bits that only needed strings and a neck.
When I showed it to my wife she said:
"You old fool, he's sold you a tambourine"
[Sorry, folks, been trying to get rid of that old joke somewhere!]

04 Jun 99 - 10:18 AM (#83953)
Subject: RE: New M'cat, feels like first time at session
From: catspaw49

Actually zimms, you should have seen a Doctor or maybe just had a large shot of Milk of Magnesia. You really didn't need to "unload" that one here in such a serious thread! This is just the type of thing that gets us in trouble with the Thread Creep Police. So just buy a neck and some strings and play the sucker with your toes and everyone will be happy!
