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BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières

19 May 08 - 02:23 AM (#2344122)
Subject: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Hi all,

My father told me that his uncle was killed in World War 1 in France and he is buried at the war cemetery at Pozières near Albert, which is near Amiens.

I can't see myself going on a trip from Australia to France in the near future - maybe in a few years I might get there - but my Dad, who will be 81 next week, has been asking whether we can get a photograph of the grave.

I know this is an extremely big request, but if any Mudcatters happened to be in the area, perhaps it would be possible to stop at the cemetery and find the grave and take a photo. I have the Plot details, so it wouldn't be a matter of trying to find the grave without proper information.

If anyone can help me I would be prepared to offer something in return, e.g. perhaps I can find or supply information or something from Australia.

If you know of a way that I can get a photo, or have any ideas of who I could contact, I would be eternally grateful.

You can send me a PM (personal message) or put your comments, ideas etc in this thread.


19 May 08 - 03:44 AM (#2344162)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: gnu

Surely there is some contact for the cemetary?

Perhaps the Government of Oz can help with such a request.

Good luck.

19 May 08 - 04:53 AM (#2344191)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières

Helen, post the plot details - I beleive it can be done without too much trouble - however getting it by next week is probably impossible.

19 May 08 - 05:00 AM (#2344194)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


This one is VERY easy. The Austrailans rever their war dead as much as the Americans. You may EASILY order a photograph of the grave.


19 May 08 - 05:06 AM (#2344200)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Helen - The opening page on the left side near the bottom of the HomePage is the starting point. There is no cost to family members.


19 May 08 - 05:35 AM (#2344211)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: gnomad

Good to see such a civilised service being offered by Australia, especially at no cost.

I suggest you still post details, Helen, as the site indicates that it can take a while before a request corresponds with an inspection visit. Past threads show that the memorials and graves of the western front get a number of visits from 'catters, and most here are pretty obliging.

19 May 08 - 07:00 AM (#2344244)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

You are all "the best"!

I found out the information about my great uncle by looking up service records of Australian soldiers in WWI, and which have been scanned and put on the Internet, so I have seen the scanned copy of the letter sent to my Great Grandfather on 22 January 1925 with the details of the grave.

The details are: Plot 2, Row D, Grave 23. His name was Sidney Ernest Stephens, Pte 555A, 56th Battalion.

And thanks very much, Greg, for that information. I will also contact them.

And, Guest, "next week" is definitely not necessary. :-) I certainly don't expect people to go making special trips for me. I was just hoping that someone on Mudcat might possibly be going near Pozières at some time and would consider doing me this big favour.


19 May 08 - 07:22 AM (#2344254)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Beer

I'm happy for you Helen. I know how important this is and you must be thrilled that you found the information.
Beer (adrien)

19 May 08 - 12:13 PM (#2344430)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: bubblyrat

I have a friend who lives in Amiens; I am sure that,if I asked her,she would happily go and take a photograph for you !

19 May 08 - 04:13 PM (#2344569)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Beer, I am speechless and in awe of everyone's kindness. I only posted this request about 10 hours ago, and already the probability of getting the photo has increased from "absolute zero" to "possible".

I followed the link that gargoyle posted to another site which lists the graves. This site says Grave 22 and not Grave 23. I am more inclined to believe the scanned copy of the original letter, but this was typed too and either of the records could have a typo. But the rest of the information is the same so the grave will either be 22 or 23.

This site has information about Pozières Cemetery

and there is even a plan of the cemetery

Click on the plan to increase the size to make it readable.

The grave of my great uncle would be on the lower right hand side of the plan, I think.

Immeasurable thanks, everyone, for your help, ideas and enthusiasm for what I thought would be a long shot request.

(smiling very much, and crying too)

19 May 08 - 04:23 PM (#2344581)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen


I would appreciate it so much, if your friend could do that, or Guest (19 May 08 - 04:53 AM)who said it could be done.

I really can't thank you enough. I don't know what to say.


20 May 08 - 03:22 AM (#2344902)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

I was at work today, doing my usual repetitive tasks and suddenly up pops a street name on a client's information page: Pozières Parade. Coincidence, or what?

I feel I should explain, that as far as I remember my father has never mentioned his Uncle Sidney or anything about an uncle dying in WWI in France, until a week ago, but now that he has talked about it I wanted to gather information about my Great Uncle and give it to my Dad.

Guest (19 May 08 - 04:53 AM), I didn't mean to imply that I wanted the info in time for Dad's birthday, it was just that when I went to write his age I realised that by the end of the week he would be 81 and not 80.

Tomorrow I'll be posting the request to the War Graves department so I'll see how long they say it will take. The website says that they prefer to take the photos in Spring, and it is the end of Spring this month, so maybe I'll get it sooner than 6 months or maybe I'll have to wait until later in the year.

Thanks again,

20 May 08 - 11:59 AM (#2345246)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: bubblyrat

Helen, I will E-mail my friend tonight, and ask her to do this thing. I don't know when it will be ; possibly in July or so, when she is "en route" to England once more, but I am sure that we'll get there ( once you know exactly which grave it is ! ) ...OK ??

20 May 08 - 04:28 PM (#2345480)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Thanks very much Roger. As I said above, there is an inconsistency in the government records on the internet compared with the scanned copy of the original letter sent to my Great Grandfather, but the inconsistency is only between Grave 22 and Grave 23. From the plan it looks like they are in order along the row, so the two graves are next to each other.

I don't think I will find out which number it is until someone actually goes there to look.

I will send off the request form today and wait for more information.

July is wonderful! Compared to never, anything sooner than never is wonderful. :-)

Thanks again, and I will understand, too, if your friend can't do this. It really is a tall order for a total stranger.


11 Jun 08 - 04:11 AM (#2362986)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

I sent the letter to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission a couple of weeks ago. I haven't heard anything back from them. They may just file it and wait until the right time of year to take the photo. If I had sent it to them a couple of months ago the timing would have been better, but it is now summer in the northern hemispheres, so I may have to wait until spring rolls around again.


11 Jun 08 - 05:46 PM (#2363699)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Phot

Fiona and I are off to France in September, I'll see what I can come up with.

Wassail!! Chris

12 Jun 08 - 05:56 AM (#2364039)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Thanks, Phot. I'm not expecting anyone to go out of their way. bubblyrat has a friend who may be able to do it, and Guest (19 May) has also said it is possible. If you check in on this thread now and then before you get to France you will know whether I am still waiting for someone to do this kind favour. It is also possible that the Commonwealth War Graves Commission may be able to send the photo sooner than next year.

I am still overwhelmed by everyone's kindness in offering to do this, and if it can't be done I am okay with that too, even if it is only because the logistics are not convenient for those making the offer. It is a huge favour I am asking, and I understand if it is too much to ask.


16 Jun 08 - 05:59 AM (#2366780)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,elteluk

no idea what a mud cat is but i am going to the area of arras in late june and if all works well wil be visiting pozieres.if possible will obtain photo for you.going from england and my second visit to battlefields of ww1.stumbled on your thread looking for info on pozieres,suprising how the internet works.your info on cwgc all good,i use this site often.good luck.

30 Jun 08 - 05:18 AM (#2377179)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,elteluk

obtained photo you requested 26 06 o8 during recent visit.if you still require a copy let me know.

30 Jun 08 - 06:48 AM (#2377214)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Yes, elteluk, I am still hoping to get a photo. The next question is how you can send it to me. If it is a digital photo, that would be good. I can tell you my email address and you could send it to me.

If it is an actual photograph, then I can tell you my mailing address.

My problem is, that this is a public forum and I'm a bit reluctant to put my personal info into a public forum. (I'm just testing whether my yahoo email account will still work.)

Do you have any ideas on how I can give you my personal info without posting it here? If you were a member of the Mudcat site we could send a private message through the PM (personal messages) process. It costs nothing to join, and it is a community of very nice people. We're here because of our interest in traditional/folk and blues music, but there are lots of people here with wide ranging interests.

And thank you, thank you so much for doing this for me.

My Dad will be amazed at this. I haven't told him that I put a request in here and hthat I've had such kind offers of help. I'll print this thread out and show it to him when I have the photo to give him.


30 Jun 08 - 04:21 PM (#2377698)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen

Hi again, elteluk,

I've just tested my Yahoo email and it works. I've never used it and I've been a member with Yahoo - in it's various forms - for about 10 years.

My email address is:

If you let me know you have sent me the email I will check it and send you my other contact details, or my home email address, depending on whether the photo is digital or hard copy.

At the beginning of the thread I promised that if I am able I will reciprocate the favour, if you need anything from Oz, e.g. information, something you have been looking for, whatever I can do.

This promise is also to the others who helped me in this thread, or even offered to help, including, of course, gargoyle who found the Commonwealth War Graves information. Thanks, heaps, Greg!

My Dad is going to be really surprised and happy about this.


11 Jul 08 - 11:35 AM (#2386619)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,elteluk

let me know if the e-mail worked
and sorry for the delay
best wishes

11 Jul 08 - 12:05 PM (#2386647)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: GUEST,Neil D

Helen, I just now stumbled on and read through this thread and I actually got choked up at the end where it looks like this just might work out. This represents the best of the Internet and Mudcat and people in general. Good on elteluk.
    A thought occured to me. This story might make a good local interest piece for a newspaper or TV station in your area.

11 Jul 08 - 08:29 PM (#2387059)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Mudcatters in France:Albert/Pozières
From: Helen


I have replied to your email. Here is some of my reply:

I'm overwhelmed. I have been checking Mudcat and this email every day, morning and night, and didn't really expect to see your reply in Mudcat. Then I saw it and opened my Yahoo email, expecting that I would tell you my home email address and then you would send me either a hard copy by mail, or the digital copy. I didn't expect to actually get the photo today.

It has taken me a few minutes to recover my state of overwhelmingliness to be able to write a reply.

Thank you so much. I can't wait to show my Dad. I'm going to print it out and put it in a nice frame and present it to him.

Guest, Neil D above, has suggested getting an article in the local paper about this. I had already planned to do that.

If there is anything I can do for you here in Australia, please let me know. I'm serious. I am so grateful for you for this.

Kindest regards, and thank you so much, as well as thanks to everyone who helped me with this request,