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At the Chorlton Beech in June

27 May 08 - 01:18 PM (#2350245)
Subject: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Manchester has a number of Beeches but the one on Beech Road is the best.

A Singaround with songs and tunes mostly but not exclusively traditional, no cake, if you know what I mean!

Wednesday 4 June 8.30 ish, The Beech, Beech Road Chorlton, Mamchester.


27 May 08 - 01:21 PM (#2350246)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Phil Edwards


27 May 08 - 01:51 PM (#2350265)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Rapunzel

Too much cake certainly not a good thing. Even a small amount of the wrong sort of cake can be too much to comfortably digest.

See you next week!

27 May 08 - 03:56 PM (#2350366)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

Shall I bring some of Rapunzel's mum's banana cake? Actually, it's so divine it probably wouldn't survive the journey. What we need is a nice local Chorlton communal folk cake - any ideas, Nigel?

My Shruti Box arrived today, all the way from Dheli, carried by a dozen migrating swallows who were paid double-time to detour from South Africa especially. It sweetly drones on the tonic with either an octave, a 4th or a 5th above - and it's entirely tuneable, so I can play it with even my most recalcitrant Jew's Harps, and my pocket trumpet's a bit sharp of concert too! Sweet, but maybe not the sort of cake I'd bring to The Beech just yet - best wait until I get my fat bastard clarinets out of storage...

As the missus says, see you next week, with me butter and cheese and all!

27 May 08 - 04:21 PM (#2350388)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

Communal Folk Cake? Did I really write that? Nice...

27 May 08 - 04:23 PM (#2350390)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

...with Landlord & a good ripe Lancashire.

27 May 08 - 04:39 PM (#2350410)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: John Routledge

Back in circulation Les. See you all next Wednesday.

27 May 08 - 05:43 PM (#2350467)
Subject: When Taylor's ale was on
From: Phil Edwards

It's shaping up. I shall be there likewise, although I hope to be on the Taylor's Best rather than the Landlord.

(Er... cake?)

28 May 08 - 02:42 AM (#2350728)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Enough talk of cake this is an Evening of Serious Traditional Folk Songs not a children's Party! Although it will be the sixth Singaround of the current calender and hence a half year could be declared and friends invited who might have balloons.



28 May 08 - 03:09 AM (#2350737)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Giant Folk Eyeball (inactive)

Phil - possibly the sort of cake that welcomes you to paying guest establishments on the West Coast of America... too fruity for my tastes!

Meanwhile communal folk cake sounds like it might involve a rich mix of (shaky) eggs and too many nuts...

See y'all on Wednesday.


29 May 08 - 06:27 PM (#2352491)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Matthew Edwards

The Chorlton Rake

It was in the month of June when hedge trimmers were in tune,
That I took a stroll to the Beech at Chorlton;
There I spied a pretty thing whose clothes were all of string,
And I told her that she'd better put her coat on.

She made me feel quite rotten when she said she hadn't got one,
So I offered her my jacket for to wear;
She accepted my kind charity with astonishing alacrity,
And she suggested to the bar we should repair.

She drank something sweet and pink while Taylor's Landlord I did drink,
And we listened to the ballad of Little Musgrave;
By the ninety-seventh verse she began to scream and curse,
And she swore she wished them all into the grave.

So to dissipate the gloom I stepped into the room,
And I sang a song that had a rousing chorus;
But amidst all the racket I noticed that my jacket
Was swiftly disappearing out of doors.

I soon set off in chase, and I thought I'd gained the race,
When I laid my hand upon her slender arm;
But I just grabbed a piece of twine that unravelled in a line,
And I stood holding just a little ball of yarn.

Now I'm a miserable geezer who hasn't got a Visa,
And my equity's so negative my heart could break;
You can hear my credit crunch when I try to buy some lunch,
But I survive in Chorlton Beech on crumbs of cake.


See you on Wednesday for cakes and ale!

30 May 08 - 02:46 AM (#2352710)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

That's amazing Matthew!

Will it grace the Beech on Wednesday?



30 May 08 - 06:21 AM (#2352799)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

I shouted out the name of God and back from the mountains came the echo:


Okay then - can we bring some Kendal Mint Cake?

30 May 08 - 06:23 AM (#2352801)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Sounds good to me but will it be AW or simply represent him in some strange way?

30 May 08 - 06:42 AM (#2352820)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Dave Bishop

"Enough talk of cake this is an Evening of Serious Traditional Folk Songs not a children's Party!"

So, there's no chance of jelly and ice cream, then?

Crisps, perhaps ... possibly ...?

30 May 08 - 08:31 AM (#2352890)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

Cake and fine wine!

30 May 08 - 11:18 AM (#2353009)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Seems like Wednesday could turn into a banquet?


30 May 08 - 05:00 PM (#2353299)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

Sculpted Dog Cake? Oh yes...

30 May 08 - 05:05 PM (#2353302)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

Of course, if you want cakes, you can't beat a bit of Fanny

30 May 08 - 05:27 PM (#2353325)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Stop, stop I am too young to die laughing.................... although maybe not


31 May 08 - 12:46 PM (#2353755)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Just checked with the Beech we are football free and will be most welcome on Wednesday!

So, it's Tunes in June I'd say



01 Jun 08 - 12:53 PM (#2354416)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Rapunzel

Although my voice recovered enough for Folk at the Lloyds, it's gone again. Don't worry I'm not infectious (Doc says it's a combination of stress and the damp from the rented accommodation we're in). Anyway - my voice isn't strong enough to sing unaccompanied so I may have to bring my guitar. Problem is I don't play folk on the guitar - only pop songs. Dodgy cover versions from my youth - Nigel, I know this is everything you hate about folk clubs - but you'll be relieved to know I'm too young for Hotel California.

anyway a) Can I get permission to bring a guitar on Wednesday?

and b) Can I have an exemption from singing traditional based on my previous good record?

01 Jun 08 - 01:23 PM (#2354438)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Phil Edwards

I hesitate to encourage Original Material (which can be even worse than dodgy covers), but do you still do "Rapunzel"?

02 Jun 08 - 03:55 PM (#2355459)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Rapunzel

Yes I do still do 'Rapunzel' occasionally, but it's quite high and I don't know if I've got the lung capacity at the moment, so I probably won't manage it for Wednesday.

03 Jun 08 - 09:34 AM (#2356139)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

Dodgy covers is it? In which case I might do my Up on Roof, which had me thinking about the nature of folk songs & provenance in the light of a recent way-too-close encounter with The Pierrotters who persist in a notion of folk music deriving directly from its relevance to the folk they encounter in the course of their al-fresco performances. Their renderings of such classics as Istanbul & Pasadena are second to none (especially in the context of the sun-lounge on Blackpool's North Pier) but they're not above doing more contemporary popular songs and one or two originals too. In this respect I direct you to Jake Rodrigues' (aka Shameless Shabacko) Myspace page and to the song The Sea Kissing the Shingle here performed by Jake and The Pierrotters. What else is folk but perfect appropriateness?

See you all tomorrow night, I hope.

03 Jun 08 - 11:43 AM (#2356236)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

Rapunzel, as long as it's not dodgy west coast soft rock squeezed through the "all-together-now-children-sing-yer-little-'earts-out-yer-little-bleeders" mangle you're forgiven in advance; nay, positively encouraged...

Too young for Hotel California? (me too) Pop songs of your youth? I'm intrigued... "99 Red Balloons"? "Girls on Film"? "Karma Chameleon"? Bring it on!

03 Jun 08 - 12:09 PM (#2356255)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Rapunzel

Think 1980...

03 Jun 08 - 03:27 PM (#2356471)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

My kind of year, that (when I was sweet 16...). Lots of records came out in 1980, though... Come on, giss a clue!

03 Jun 08 - 03:43 PM (#2356491)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Rapunzel

I have two chart hits from 1980 in my repertoire - I'll sing at least one of them tomorrow. But no clues, other than one of them peaked at number 16, the other even higher.

I hope you'll join in at the appropriate point...

03 Jun 08 - 04:00 PM (#2356510)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

The Selector? The Buggles? The Bee Gees??? Secret Affair? Kate Bush (two number 16 hits in a year, no less)? Jona Lewie?

My guess is "Army Dreamers" by Kate Bush.

My fervent hope is "You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties" by Jona Lewie...

03 Jun 08 - 04:11 PM (#2356525)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Rapunzel

Your guess could be right Nigel, but I haven't really decided yet.

Sorry the only thing I know by Jona Lewie is that awful song you always hear in shops at Christmas...

05 Jun 08 - 05:04 AM (#2357988)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

Another great night, eh?

05 Jun 08 - 05:28 AM (#2358013)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Phil Edwards

It's a singaround in June,
And the shanties in full bloom,
And the shruti box droning
In a microtonal key...

A very fine night - many thanks to Ken for stepping in to Les's shoes, and to John, Alan, Matthew, Sue, Bob, Kate, Olga and the miscreants on this thread, not to mention everyone I've forgotten to mention (it was a full room). Sorry I missed Rachel's Bee Gees cover.

05 Jun 08 - 07:25 AM (#2358099)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Jack Blandiver

A fine night indeed; heartily concurring with the above, except it was a David Bowie song that Rachel sang (Ashes to Ashes) & my Shruti Box was in concert pitch throughout! I might single out David's Lord Bateman for especial praise, likewise Sue's When A man's In Love, both of which I used to sing many years ago & had quite forgotten about (needless to say Rachel had to suffer me singing the latter during our journey home...). Matthew's Frog He Would a Wooing Go was just about definitive I'd say, and Nigel's Lakes of Ponchatrain brought me home to something pretty essential I'd say.   I could go own, Ken's John Barleycorn, John's Hal-an-Tow, Katy's Tom Medley, Phil's Pleasant & Delightful, etc. etc. Most of all - no cake - but thanks to Les for the biscuits, which went down a treat too!

See you all in July for #7!

05 Jun 08 - 08:19 AM (#2358153)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Rapunzel

I think it was Bob's Glorious Ale that got me pushing my voice the furthest - and rendered both John R and John J voiceless afterwards!

05 Jun 08 - 09:44 AM (#2358224)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: GUEST,Nigel Spencer

"Nigel's Lakes of Ponchatrain brought me home to something pretty essential I'd say"

Not the need for better quality control I hope!

05 Jun 08 - 01:22 PM (#2358454)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: John Routledge

Excellent night well run by Ken. I will leave it to someone else to tell Les his jeb is in jopardy. :0)

Will be sorry to miss July 2nd do.

06 Jun 08 - 11:43 AM (#2359424)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Alan G

Well, I've been trying to make it to the Beech for most of the last 6 months, but something has always prevented it. But I fanally made it last Wednesday, and what a splendid night. Great music and singing, good company, good beer and FREE BUSCUITS. Looking forward to next month already.

In the meantime we are doing the same thing at the Saracen's Head Warburton (near Lymm) this Wednesday, and any of you great singers from the Beech would be most welcome. But we can't promise any free buscuits!

09 Jun 08 - 04:52 AM (#2361220)
Subject: RE: At the Chorlton Beech in June
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks to Ken for being Ken and all of you for singing. Welcome to Alan and anybody else who came for the first time - trust they will come again.

Let's spread the word for July,

