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BS: CBS Loves McCain?

22 Jul 08 - 09:36 PM (#2395593)
Subject: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

they apparently did him a big favor.

22 Jul 08 - 10:56 PM (#2395634)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: Riginslinger

I'm not at all sure that Keith Olbermann is a realiable witness.

22 Jul 08 - 11:50 PM (#2395655)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: katlaughing

If you watch the whole video, you can see the actual footage which Olbermann is referring to; you don't have to take his word for it!

Thanks, JtS. McCain just keeps getting it wrong...don't know if it's his age and stress or if he's lying and really believes what he says, but I HOPE people understand that he NOT stating the truth.

23 Jul 08 - 12:30 AM (#2395671)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor


He's not a witness. He is reporting what his staff found. There is no doubt in my mind that the transcript was on the CBS website.

23 Jul 08 - 07:10 AM (#2395827)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

McCain is in big trouble if this gets the airtime it deserves.

Here is the interview with McCain.

McCain: I don't know how you respond to something that is such a false depiction of what actually happened. Colonel McFarlane (phonetic) was contacted by one of the major Sunni sheiks. Because of the surge we were able to go out and protect that sheik and others. And it began the Anbar awakening

the timeline

Well, that's funny, because Spencer Ackerman happens to have Marshall McLuhan Col. (now Brigadier General) McFarland right here:
"With respect to the violence between the Sunnis and the al Qaeda -- actually, I would disagree with the assessment that the al Qaeda have the upper hand. That was true earlier this year when some of the sheikhs began to step forward and some of the insurgent groups began to fight against al Qaeda. The insurgent groups, the nationalist groups, were pretty well beaten by al Qaeda.

This is a different phenomena that's going on right now. I think that it's not so much the insurgent groups that are fighting al Qaeda, it's the -- well, it used to be the fence-sitters, the tribal leaders, are stepping forward and cooperating with the Iraqi security forces against al Qaeda, and it's had a very different result. I think al Qaeda has been pushed up against the ropes by this, and now they're finding themselves trapped between the coalition and ISF on the one side, and the people on the other."

That's from September 29, 2006. Here's Gen. McFarland, writing about the surge in 2008, described (pdf) a lot of work in Anbar province throughout the summer of 2006, culminating in a "tipping point" (h/t Seth Colter Walls):

"On 9 September 2006 Sittar organized a tribal council, attended by over 50 sheiks and the brigade commander, at which he declared the "Anbar Awakening" officially underway. The Awakening Council that emerged from the meeting agreed to first drive AQIZ from Ramadi, and then reestablish rule of law and a local government to support the people. The creation of the Awakening Council, combined with the ongoing recruitment of local security forces, began a snowball effect that resulted in a growing number of tribes either openly supporting the Awakening or withdrawing their support from AQIZ."

23 Jul 08 - 08:15 AM (#2395865)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: Bobert

It's not just CBS...

McCain won the nomination more because of his constant campaign with the press... He used them to portray him as a good guy becasue they love him... Why??? Well, that's purdy easy... McCain is high assessable, feeds them buys them booze...


23 Jul 08 - 10:29 PM (#2396489)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: Bill D

CBS has now issued a sort of apology/retraction/disclaimer.

"....mistakes happen"

24 Jul 08 - 12:53 AM (#2396533)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: katlaughing

Pretty lame excuse. I liked this in the comments:

There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it. ~Author Unknown

24 Jul 08 - 12:34 PM (#2396868)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: Bobert

I kinda like rgw one that goes like this, Kat: "There are more horses asses than there are horses"...


24 Jul 08 - 03:38 PM (#2396986)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: McGrath of Harlow

For the American public to understand this they would need to be a lot smarter than they are generally given credit for being. And they must have got a lot smarter than they seem to have been the last time they elected a president.

Maybe they are, and maybe they have...

24 Jul 08 - 03:42 PM (#2396989)
Subject: RE: BS: CBS Loves McCain?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

McCain Doubles Down, redefining "Surge."