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The Getaway... My bad, but....

30 Jul 08 - 08:02 PM (#2401807)
Subject: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

Okay, I will come right out and confess that I really didn't know when the Getaway was... I thought it would be toward the end of October but it isn't... It's the 1st week of October...

Well, on October 4th, I am co-promoting a benefit festival in Luray where me and my band are scheduled to play...

So here is what I am here proposing/asking, etc...

If I were to get up early Sunday morning and drive to the Getaway and stay thru Monday morning would taht keep me in half-way good standing here in Mudworld??? I'd still do my Bobert's Outragwous Blues Mini Concert, big bottomed womenz and all and I'd behave myself the rst of the time and promise not to sing outta key 'er jump on anyone's song and be generally good spirited...

So, first, who will pledge to attend the mini Sunday afternoon (if it can be scheduled) and second, any other thoughts???


30 Jul 08 - 08:24 PM (#2401822)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....

Christian hymns????

30 Jul 08 - 08:32 PM (#2401827)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Joe Offer

Hey, Bobert, everybody goes home on Monday morning.

Now, is it worth my while to go to Luray on Monday? No promises, but it sounds interesting.


30 Jul 08 - 08:49 PM (#2401840)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

No, no, no, Joe...

I ain't askin', let alone invitin', the entire Mudville kingdom to come to Luray... Forget Luray fir a minute...

I'm just tryin' to see if it is worth my while to come the the G-away on Sunday and just have the one day there... I mean, if everyone is too hungover from 2 'er 3 nights of singin' and carryin' on an' I drives 4 hours Sunday mornin' an' everybody is like zombies an' ain't in the mood for no Boberdz Big-Ass Blues Theng then I just drove 200 hunnert miles fir, ahhhhhhhh, not much...

But then, on the other hand, folks is all reved up then I'll do it... Hey, I know if it were Saturday afternoon it's be different but it ain't... I'll be playin' my own danged benefit festival...

Whyz it gotta be so early this year??? Hey, we got heat, don't we... Heck, ya'll had the Camp Tumbleweed Getaway in the middle of winter with no heat and now that ya'll got heat ya' move it up to a date when heat ain't no factor???

That is my question???


p.s. Bad, Sins, bad... You know that the blues is the "Devil's music", don'

30 Jul 08 - 09:37 PM (#2401865)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Fortunato

bobert we usually bop around 3:00pm on sunday. But if I'm at the getaway I'll sober and rested and ready to grok the fullness on sunday, because I take to my bed by 12:00 or 1:00am stone cold sober.

but don't drive it on my account, let me know when you're coming and I'll meet you at the barbershop jam some weekend.

best to peavine.

30 Jul 08 - 09:39 PM (#2401866)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bill D

"...really didn't know when the Getaway was..."????

Ummmm..first message in the program thread:

"Well, folks, it's time to get down to the business of planning the program for the 2008 Folklore Society of Greater Washington Getaway! This year's Getaway will be October 3-6, at the West River Conference Center on the Chesapeake Bay"

Well, Bobert, folks DO sometimes come as day-trippers...sure ain't no law agin it. Schedule is between you & the program committee....but all day Sunday and Sunday night is time to play a lot of music.

30 Jul 08 - 09:42 PM (#2401868)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bill D

Oh, by the way..those Winter days at "Camp Tumbleweed" WERE in October...which has been our standard weekend for 40 years...*grin* You never know what October will bring!

31 Jul 08 - 08:13 AM (#2402107)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

Okay, I'll keep an open mind...

BTW, Chance... There barbershop closed down in February... They still have the jams but they are at some joint called HR282 or somethin' like that an' it ain't well attended...


31 Jul 08 - 10:59 AM (#2402258)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: beardedbruce

" Bobert - PM
Date: 31 Jul 08 - 08:13 AM

Okay, I'll keep an open mind..."

Can I quote you on this?


31 Jul 08 - 12:53 PM (#2402377)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Roger in Baltimore


I have day-tripped in the past and enjoyed my time, but I always felt I was missing something.

Roger in Baltimore

31 Jul 08 - 05:55 PM (#2402612)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: jimmyt

Bobert, my old Blues buddy, I will be delighted to be there on Sunday and I hope we can rally enough support for U to make the trip worthwhile! C ya soon   jimmyt (still bringin' my little amp)

31 Jul 08 - 08:56 PM (#2402727)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

Man, if I make this trip I'm gonna bring my amp, my CBG (Cigar Box Geetar), "The Slab" (5 string home-made lectric and a resonator geetar), set of drums which I play with my feet and maybe a couple peacock feathers for the ladies to wear...

Yeah, if nuff folks want me there then I'll do my level best...

Sho nuff will...


31 Jul 08 - 11:27 PM (#2402803)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Ferrara

Hey Bobert, if you stay until Monday morning you won't be day tripping, anyhow. That's lots of music time.

01 Aug 08 - 12:19 AM (#2402817)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....

Peacock feathers????? I'm in. But nothing plugged in, electric or otherwise.
SINS, a big-bottomed woman

01 Aug 08 - 12:44 AM (#2402830)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: ClaireBear

I mostly sing English folk music and sea chanties, with occasional recent forays into black gospel. But I have the requisite size bottom, so if you don't mind a voice that blisters paint (in what I hope is a good way)...

01 Aug 08 - 02:26 AM (#2402847)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: GUEST,KT not logged in

ClaireBear, he's kinda fussy about who sings with him.....start eating gravel now just in case....

01 Aug 08 - 08:29 AM (#2402978)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert


Not to worry... We gotta a singer...!!!

What we don't have is 'nuff full figured womenz... Not that you can have 'nuff, mind you...

Now wait jus' a minute there, Sins... No, we ain't pluggin' the feathers in, gol danged it but my instruments cannot be heard without amplification... I mean, they don't make one decible between 'um without an amp... Ya ever played a Telecaster without an amp??? That's what the CBG and The Slab sound like: silence...

But as fir the womenz thying... Yazzir... You need to be part of the band... And be ready to "shake yer money maker", feathers an' all...

I mean, this is gonna be some of that down home cooked blues... The kind they grow in Como, Mississippi and where it might not be all that purdy it sho nuff get yer pant leg a'shakin'...


01 Aug 08 - 12:40 PM (#2403117)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: ClaireBear

My apologies, Bobert, here was I thinkin' you'd be wanting big-bottomed backup singers.

Unfortunately, I know from sad experience that if I shake my "money maker" there would be splotches of red ink all over everything, as I make money by doing technical editing. On the whole I think perhaps it would be prudent for me to pass.

01 Aug 08 - 12:57 PM (#2403124)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: PoppaGator

Claire, can't you shake your booty during off-hours, when you are not wielding that red ink-pen*?

I sure hope you won't be bringing a stack of manuscripts to the campground! I realize that it'll be a long trip for you, and you might want to catch up on work while in transit, but please don't pull out any of that boring technical paperwork when you're actually on-site, and expected to sing, play, enjoy yourself, and contribute to the overall atmosphere of "getting away"!

* They do make red ballpoints, by the way; you might try 'em... ;^)

01 Aug 08 - 01:14 PM (#2403132)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Lonesome EJ

Blues on a Sunday?? Lawd have mercy!

01 Aug 08 - 01:21 PM (#2403138)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: ClaireBear

PoppaGator, I know, and I didn't bring a single manuscript with me last year, as several can attest. Nor will I this year!

It's just that when I hear "money maker" the first thing my mind goes to is NOT my body, it's my brain! And the second thing is my red pen.

(Oh and by the way, if I had to make money with my body, there'd be red ink on my balance sheet, too!)

And yes, I can shake it with the best of 'em. You shoulda seen me when I camped on that ant hill last spring...


01 Aug 08 - 01:31 PM (#2403146)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Amos

IF you can do a full-throated gospel in the best style of Mahalia, you can do blues like Bessie, and no worries.

Bobez, I am sure there is some electricity around they'll let you borry, even if it means playing in the Science Center. :D


01 Aug 08 - 02:31 PM (#2403179)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

Beat's running a 200 mile 'tension cord, Amos...

Now listen here, Claire... If you can shake it with the best of 'um then, hey, half hour of gettin' down with it on a Sunday prolly won't end you up in Hell... Heck, it's only a half hour and, well yeah, we will be playin' the "Devil's Music" but Iz a firm believer that God has a sense of humor... Of course, I could be wrong???

Can I count on ya fir a little harmless shakin'???

Mean alot to the ol' hillbilly... Sniff... Sho nuff would...


01 Aug 08 - 02:35 PM (#2403182)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: ClaireBear

If God didn't have a sense of humor, I don't know what She'd make of me!

I'll be there if I can, mouth shut and the rest of me twitchin'.


01 Aug 08 - 02:42 PM (#2403191)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bobert

Good Gawdy, Miss Lawdy...

01 Aug 08 - 04:00 PM (#2403224)
Subject: RE: The Getaway... My bad, but....
From: Bill D

"...firm believer that God has a sense of humor..."

Must be true.... no other explanation for camels, platypusses, bagpipes and bongo drums.