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So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland

02 Aug 08 - 07:29 PM (#2403995)
Subject: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: skarpi

hallo all , so after a long blues and sadness I turned my spirit
up and thougt what a hekk , up up your soul and started to work me through the dark forrest , and its starting to lightin up .. you know
its good to see the light again . I often wonder why i go down.....
I thought I got all the help I needed way back when I was in the EMS ?
strange .

So great summer ....its been .
gigs coming up , plenty work ahead .

Music is on , and we are looking for studio . I hope we do old Icelandic
rimes for instrument , along with songs from Mudcatters with Icelandic
lyrics .

so and ofcourse its the eurogathering 2010 in iceland it may be fun
trip , to a strange place and meet up with a odd fella :>)

so keep up the music and spirit , we need that to go through all
the trouble now . lots a love to you all .........

all the best Skarpi Iceland .

02 Aug 08 - 07:32 PM (#2403997)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Alice

Good to see you here, Skarpi. Many have those ups and downs, darkness and light.
Keep playing that music!


02 Aug 08 - 09:27 PM (#2404045)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Good morning, Skarpi. Here's to music and friends that will pull us through.

02 Aug 08 - 10:39 PM (#2404080)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: GUEST,leeneia

I have a friend who suffers from depression, Skarpi. Sometimes sadness descends on her like a great weight. She says that all that keeps her going is 'the knowledge that sometime it will end.'

Best of luck with your music. I have a cassette tape I bought in Iceland, 'Melodies in the Midnight Sun.' It is one of my favorite pieces of music.

02 Aug 08 - 10:58 PM (#2404093)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: WyoWoman

Welcome back, Skarpi. SOmetimes the blues land on me like an elephant jumping out of a tree. I never know where they come from, just one day, whammo, I'm so dark and down I can barely get myself out of my house.

Music helps, friends help. Exercise helps a lot, and also I take an herbal concoction that helps brighten my mood. It also helps to figure out who I'm angry with and take actions appropriate to deal with the situation that's making me mad, rather than bottle it up where it turns toxic to my spirit.

And sometimes, we just have to wait for the sun to come out. I haven't been here for a while, so I don't know if some life trauma occurred that put you in this bleak place, but having come out of one of my life's darkest years recently, I know that the wheel can turn 'round again and bring us back to a more cheery place. I hope that's what's happening with you.

All the best,

02 Aug 08 - 11:08 PM (#2404100)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Alice

Well, dang, it's KC the WyoWoman! Long time no see!
Hope all is well with you.

Enjoy the summer sun, Skarpi.


02 Aug 08 - 11:17 PM (#2404107)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: katlaughing

Good to see both of you back at the 'cat, Skarpi and KC!

It's been a roller coaster of sorts for us and several other people I know, over the past year or two. Friends and music do help a lot. We have to remember to take care of ourselves, first, or we can't take care of anyone else! I just learned this for the umpteenth time, recently.:-)

Lots of love to you all,


02 Aug 08 - 11:56 PM (#2404124)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Deckman

I also welcome you back. Who was it the wrote: "Its Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me." I have a relative who lives on the Artic Circle in Rovaniemi, Suomi, who also has similiar battles. Aint life fun! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

03 Aug 08 - 12:15 AM (#2404131)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: topical tom

Welcome back, Skarpi!All best wishes to you!

03 Aug 08 - 05:26 AM (#2404183)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Sandra in Sydney

welcome back to the sunshine, Skarpi

03 Aug 08 - 05:43 AM (#2404187)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: gnu

Yo Skarpi!

WW... I just thought maybe you were on vacation for a bit. In any case, wb.

03 Aug 08 - 06:07 AM (#2404197)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: semi-submersible

Velkominn heim!

03 Aug 08 - 07:10 AM (#2404209)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Azizi

Hello, Skarpi.

I join others in greeting you and welcoming you back to Mudcat. I'm glad you are recording and performing songs that document and celebrate Icelandic heritage, as well as other songs.

Best wishes!


03 Aug 08 - 07:51 AM (#2404215)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Severn

Good to have you back! Good luck in keeping the demons away. Depression is a scary thing, I've been with people who've had it and seen it up close and felt a little at times during parts of my chemo.

Now how do we here in the USA get over a recession?

Get yourself on over here and let me hear some of your new music!

03 Aug 08 - 08:08 AM (#2404219)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: gnu

Skarpi et al.

03 Aug 08 - 08:21 AM (#2404222)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: bankley

"When this world is pushing you down
and troubles have gone from bad to big
Just remember, the last hole you wind up in
Someone else will have to dig"               

...The Ditch

03 Aug 08 - 09:20 AM (#2404239)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: catspaw49

Glad to see both Skarp and KC back.....or front.......or, uh....................Oh the hell with it.........Just glad you're both back in the light.


03 Aug 08 - 09:32 AM (#2404241)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Waddon Pete

Welcome back, Scarpi...

Best wishes,


03 Aug 08 - 11:29 AM (#2404275)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Ebbie

You've been on the minds of several friends, Skarpi. As semi-submersible says: Welcome Home!

03 Aug 08 - 12:00 PM (#2404284)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: WyoWoman

Thanks, music pals! I'm glad to be back!

I got busy with work, then really busy with learning to sing in a band, then busier being in a band, then ridiculously busy gigging several times a month, commuting to Kansas City to rehearse and perform, in addition to commuting 30 minutes the other direction twice a day to work at my day job. I trulylive in my car these days. Luckily, I have a car that gets good mileage.

Regarding my blues: Last July, one of my best friend shot and killed himself. The anniversary of that event just passed and I feel just recently as though I finally have exhaled. He was also one of my favorite music pals and so it took a big chunk of music out of my life as well.

Then, as some of you know from my postings over the years, my mother was ill and got more and more ill, finally passing in September. Toward the end there, I was driving to Oklahoma City every other weekend or so to be with her and to relieve the family members who were caring for her. 2007 was a seriously sad year for me and I truly do feel that I'm only now beginning to be able to flap my wings again.

Skarpi, did something happen with you, or did the blues just settle in?


03 Aug 08 - 12:41 PM (#2404310)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: skarpi

thanks all ,

Wyo W, something did happen I gave everything I had to help my
doughter , who had some realy bad things goin on in her live .

but I have always after being knocked down , rised up again
on my feet .

ATB Skarpi

03 Aug 08 - 05:14 PM (#2404497)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: gnu

Yes, Skarpi... terrible blow. Just glad you are back.

03 Aug 08 - 05:23 PM (#2404500)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Peace

Good to see you back, Skarpi. You too, KC.

04 Aug 08 - 03:38 AM (#2404681)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: lady penelope


04 Aug 08 - 07:22 AM (#2404748)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Micca

Hey Skarpi, good to see you mate!!!its them trolls that bring the Blues up there in Iceland, my friend claims they come out of Myvatn on the backs of midges and make life miserable for everyone!!, glad to see you are feeling better,, keep up the music, remeber jipyyy yi yi jippy jippy yea!!!!
KC Wyo Woman, I am glad to see you back too, I was asking a mutual friend about you last week!! and here you are! Keep singing its better than therapy..

04 Aug 08 - 09:14 AM (#2404807)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Rapparee

Hey, Skarpi! Now if you have Eurogathering 2010 (I first wrote that as 1200) maybe I'll save my money and try to come. And if there is enough beer in Iceland I'll bring the Idaho Legion with me. Nothing like that bunch to cheer up and/or wreck a country.

Welcome back, Wyo! You too!

04 Aug 08 - 10:35 AM (#2404858)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Cool Beans

Welcome back, Skarpi and KC. If it's any consolation, there's some kind of sadness going around this summer, affecting lots of people (me included: daughters suddenly unemployed, plus medicalconcerns) in specific and personal ways. Glad you're bearing up to it all.   
CB in Detroit

04 Aug 08 - 10:37 AM (#2404859)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Stilly River Sage

Skarpi, enjoy the sun, and be glad you don't have the intense heat from further south!

SRS (sweating in Texas at 107 yesterday, 104 today)

04 Aug 08 - 10:41 AM (#2404862)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Big Mick

Halló minn vinur , og velkominn bak heimili. Þú hafa been ungfrú.

KC, where the hell you been? Actually I know where you have been because I get the occasional email, and I always enjoy them.

All the best,


04 Aug 08 - 11:08 AM (#2404875)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Skarpi, what you need is to 'let go'....Splosh in puddles, get your old toy sword out, put a colander on your head, throw a few water bombs...and do it all, whilst listening to...

Sigur Ros

If that doesn't do the trick, then grab a penguin, or maybe a puffin...and....tap dance, until your feet get happy: :0)

Happy Feet

Very glad to see you back, Skarpi, I always like reading your messages.

Keep smiling!

Lizzie :0)

04 Aug 08 - 04:24 PM (#2405154)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: bobad

"That's the way that the world goes 'round!
you're up one day,
the next you're down!
it's half an inch of water
and you think you're gonna drown
that's the way that the world goes 'round."

John Prine

04 Aug 08 - 06:00 PM (#2405226)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Susanne (skw)

I'm glad you've overcome your blues, Skarpi! I'm looking forward to meeting you at the 2010 Eurogathering, and would be very sorry if you didn't turn up ...

04 Aug 08 - 07:50 PM (#2405291)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: The Fooles Troupe

Well skarpi - good to see you back.

The 'Black Dog' has chewed on most of us from time to time.

05 Aug 08 - 06:34 AM (#2405578)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: mouldy

So glad you are back, and now I have chance to send all the good thoughts you sent me last year right back at you, and hope they also make you feel good!


05 Aug 08 - 06:47 AM (#2405587)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Zen

Welcome back Skarpi.

Looking forward to seeing you again at the Scottish Gathering in October.

05 Aug 08 - 06:50 AM (#2405589)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Liz the Squeak

Yo Skarpi!! Sure it didn't have something to do with passing a furry visitor on to the Orkneys?

Glad to see you here again.

(((Skarpi and Gunna)))


05 Aug 08 - 07:27 PM (#2406118)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: jimmyt

glad things are lookin' up, skarpi!   miss you... you coming to getaway?   jimmyt

05 Aug 08 - 08:41 PM (#2406153)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: frogprince

Welcome back, Scarpi; this place needs all the gentle souls it can get. For anyone reading this, who hasn't heard Skarpi's group, get thee back to gnu's link on the 3r, 8:08 AM. They're WONDERFUL .

Is that Skarpi in the middle of the group, in the orange sweater, gray pants, and red socks (Between the 'hron player and the harp)?

06 Aug 08 - 04:12 AM (#2406316)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Genie

Hey, Skarpi,
I know you and I haven't 'talked' much on line, but I've thought of you as a valuable and interesting asset to Mudcat over these years, and I am so delighted you've chosen to come back among us!! Welcome back!!


06 Aug 08 - 04:14 PM (#2406920)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

My son's band of several years, A Beautiful Noise, was supposed to open for a well known band from Iceland earlier this summer in Tijuana, Mexico. For some reason, the band was delayed in arriving from Mexico City and the event was cancelled, supposedly to be rescheduled for this fall. Are you familiar with a band from your country which recently performed in Mexico? Unfortunately, I cannot recall the name.

I will try to send some of our sunshine your way!

06 Aug 08 - 04:21 PM (#2406933)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Maryrrf

Hi Skarpi, welcome back! I have been away myself, but not because of problems - just too much other things going on and no spare time to spend on line. Glad you are feeling better!

08 Aug 08 - 03:38 AM (#2408210)
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Skarpi, your music is playing over here in England this morning..Rosa is singing 'Caledonia' to me, as I write this.

You all make very beautiful music!   (see gnu's post above for link)

Oh..and now 'Tell Me Ma' has started to play and my feet are dancing.
Hey, Skarpi, you've given me Happy Feet! :0)