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Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure

12 Aug 08 - 12:02 PM (#2411581)
Subject: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: Dan Schatz

While waiting with breathless anticipation for the real getaway program schedule to come in, I started thinking of the worst possible Getaway workshops - topics doomed to abject failure.

I came up with:



Happy Ballads.

What else would be doomed at the Getaway?


12 Aug 08 - 12:10 PM (#2411589)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure

A Polka Workshop?

12 Aug 08 - 12:11 PM (#2411590)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure

Songs I learned from Barney, the purple dinosaur.

12 Aug 08 - 12:11 PM (#2411591)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

A two hour workshop on "Songs from the Phillipine Insurrection"

Gangsta Rap

Cruelty To Animals

Labor songs collected from Bosses

The Heritage of Bobby Vinton, Bobby Goldsboro and Paul Anka

12 Aug 08 - 12:12 PM (#2411592)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure

Merv Griffin, The Man and His Music

12 Aug 08 - 12:13 PM (#2411594)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: Charlie Baum

Happy Ballads actually sounds like an interesting challenge, and would probably make a great workshop--I can think of several ballads or versions I know where things come out right in the end, with a body count of zero.

--Charlie Baum

12 Aug 08 - 12:15 PM (#2411597)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure

Like The Maid On The Shore?

12 Aug 08 - 12:20 PM (#2411604)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

Songs Of The New Christy Minstrels

Sunday "Hynms to Satan" Sing

The Electronic Keyboard Tradition in Folk Music

"What ISN'T Folk Music?"--Songs Beyond Debate

12 Aug 08 - 12:25 PM (#2411610)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: MMario

But so many Folk Songs *ARE* earworms....I'd think that would be an excellent workshop.

12 Aug 08 - 12:28 PM (#2411613)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: voyager

U. Utah Phillips


12 Aug 08 - 12:28 PM (#2411614)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: katlaughing

Short/Brief Ballads! (Are there ANY?**bg**)

Navel-gazing gems in song (contemplate away!)

Humming off-key

12 Aug 08 - 12:39 PM (#2411618)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Bill D

Sure there are short "The Twa Corbies" ...5 intense verses which tell a complete story.

But I have teased for years about a workshop *title* which would cause folks to stay away in droves, even though the topic is interesting... parodies/re-writes of Child ballads, titled "Child Abuse". (Yes, of course it would be terrible taste!)

Maybe "Songs about diet foods"

12 Aug 08 - 12:52 PM (#2411635)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Mrs.Duck

Folk does Abba

12 Aug 08 - 12:53 PM (#2411637)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Peter T.

Listening to me.


Peter T.

12 Aug 08 - 12:57 PM (#2411642)
Subject: RE: Getaway Worshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

Actually, on second thought, the "Cruelty to Animals" theme might actually be workable, as well.

"On Our Turpentine Farm" (imagine if the Katzenjammer Kids had been born in the Carolina pineywoods)
"Poor Old Horse"
"The Darby Ram"
"De Ballit O' De Bo' Weevil" (failed attempted cruelty)

John Kirkpatrick's "George's Son" (Not our president, but a sheep dog running the herd of sheep over a cliff. Cruelty to animals BY animals. From Thomas Hardy, I believe)

....and even mercy killings like:

"Old Shep", "Bonnie Black Bess", or even "Barney" (No, not THAT one! We're talking Ian Tyson dealing with an aging beloved horse back eons ago in the late "& Sylvia" days. HELL, I'll personally HELP anybody make purple dinosaurs extinct!)

....Or T. Texas Tyler's classic country recitation, "Dad Gave My Dog Away"

....Or Geordie Charleton's dancing pig in "Byker Hill"

Hey, on second thought, I might even offer to LEAD this workshop!

12 Aug 08 - 01:02 PM (#2411647)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

That'll be SURE to doom it!

(THERE! I've said it before anybody else does!)

12 Aug 08 - 01:10 PM (#2411657)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: dick greenhaus

There are vast numbers of happy ballads--Child and otherwise--both long and short. And re "Child Abuse"--Bob Coltman did a lovely album called "Son of Child" consisting only of rewrites of Child Ballads.

The workshop that would keep me far away would be "Hip-hop versions of 1960 Classic Folk"

12 Aug 08 - 01:14 PM (#2411667)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce

Feeding the Muse: Seeking inspiration.

(from past experience)

12 Aug 08 - 01:43 PM (#2411698)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

"Bodhran-y Barney For Bairnies"-a kids song and percussion workshop

"Hallelujah! Barney-gain!"-Dinosaur Gospel

12 Aug 08 - 02:38 PM (#2411740)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce

Allowable criticsm of Obama?   Even shorter.

12 Aug 08 - 02:42 PM (#2411746)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

Didn't Eliza Carthy and some friends threaten to do, if not actually do an ABBA set at Whitby last year?

Of course, we could expand it to include Elvis C. and program an ABBA & Costello workshop, if we could ever decide who to put on first.

12 Aug 08 - 02:43 PM (#2411749)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce

"ABBA & Costello workshop"

THAT might just work out....

12 Aug 08 - 02:46 PM (#2411756)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Jayto

That is great ABBA & Costello classic I'd be there lol

12 Aug 08 - 03:02 PM (#2411768)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Charley Noble

"Bush Ballads"

Lord knows who would show up and why!

Charley Noble

12 Aug 08 - 03:24 PM (#2411801)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: artbrooks

Songs about the military that aren't anti-war or anti-soldier.

12 Aug 08 - 03:26 PM (#2411803)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Jayto

songs about Cheez Whiz

12 Aug 08 - 03:35 PM (#2411809)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Peter T.

"Folk Music and the Internet: Pro and Con?"


Peter T.

12 Aug 08 - 03:46 PM (#2411815)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Amos

Learning to Perform Like William Shatner--A Beginner's Workshop.

Really Bawdy Songs in Croation and Latvian You Can Sing Almost Anywhere.

Techniques in 4/4 Rhythm Guitar.

So You Want to Sing Back Up ? Doowop and Oooh-Wah for Fun and Profit!

Using Augmented Flatted Sevenths in Folk Music.

Advanced Moustache Tuner and Nose Picker Techniques.

12 Aug 08 - 03:47 PM (#2411818)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce

"Really Bawdy Songs in Croation and Latvian You Can Sing Almost Anywhere"

I thought we DID this one?

12 Aug 08 - 04:01 PM (#2411833)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: MMario

So You Want to Sing Back Up ? Doowop and Oooh-Wah for Fun and Profit!

I *know* this one has been done

12 Aug 08 - 05:55 PM (#2411971)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

A Bedpan-orama of 1980's Pop Music

Songs Of The Arayan Brotherhood


Pre-Gospel Sing Rattlesnake-handling Workshop


"Skip To The Loo"-A History of Restrooms in Folk Music

"Cop An Attutude"-In Praise Of Our Friends The Police

12 Aug 08 - 06:06 PM (#2411980)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure

Cannibalism - I know at least three folk songs on cannibalism. A perfectly acceptable workshop.

ABBA and Costello?

Niagara Falls...Slowly I turned.Step by step, inch by inch...

The Susquehannah Hat Company? On Jerolemon Street? I died on Jerolemon Street...

Who's on first? I don't know. No! Third base!

All done.

12 Aug 08 - 06:23 PM (#2411995)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn


Wasn't the "Niagra Falls" routine The 3 Stooges?

"When I was a lad
And Old Shemp was a Stooge...."

THERE! You can include them in acceptable song in this or another workshop now, sung out of your red folio amidst the red foliage of October!

ABBA-Dabba Honeymoon, though, as well as the soundtrack music to the "ABBAs Of Steel" video might be a stretch......

12 Aug 08 - 06:25 PM (#2411996)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Bill D

A workshop on the entire "A Little Gest of Robyn Hood" with open discussion between verses.

The workshop would start on Friday night and end sometime in December.

(The one recorded version is 140 Megabytes as an MP3)

12 Aug 08 - 06:29 PM (#2412003)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

.....only because they prefer ABBA-rigional folk music there.

Like' maybe:

"Let me ABBAs go loose, Lou*
Let me ABBAs go loose.
There'e of no further use, Lou*,
So let me ABBAs go loose,
All together now......."

*Lou, being Lou Costello, I presume....

12 Aug 08 - 06:37 PM (#2412011)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: CET

Well, Art, Charmion and I did lead a workshop on soldier songs that wasn't a total failure a few years back, and I can assure you that neither of us are anti-soldier.

How about "Shaky Egg stylings of the Eastern Seabord".


12 Aug 08 - 06:46 PM (#2412021)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: The Fooles Troupe

How to deal with self made experts on Folk Music who rally can't play or sing anyway, know nothing about the subject, and even less about Music Theory, but have the Force of their Conviction to ignore all attempts at education but carry on in their narrow minded bigotedness.

12 Aug 08 - 07:21 PM (#2412045)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Bill D

We don't need that workshop...we have it all worked out.

12 Aug 08 - 07:27 PM (#2412052)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: kendall

voyager, are you trying to start something?

12 Aug 08 - 07:49 PM (#2412073)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

Yes, Edmund, but soldiers are forever writing their own folksongs to put their mind AWOL even though their body's in bondage. New soldier and sailor songs are being written as we speak, Though mostly parodies.

So, Art, there's actually plenty of them around and one could easily do a workshop. Saul Broudy, who was at Getaway last year, has done workshops on twentieth century soldier songs at fests I've been to and Barry Finn who attends regularly is rumoured to be working with his partner in Finn & Haddie on a CD of US Metal Navy songs. Oscar Brand put out six recordings at least of songs covering all four branches of the military and Flying Fish Records put out one of Vietnam soldier's songs. Songs like "Bless 'Em All" or "Holy Jesus, What A Helluva Way To Die have versions for several, if not all of the services. Soldiers don't control their own destiny and so have always contributed or starred in folksongs since time immemorial. Faulty equipment and leadership, faulty personal equipment and leadership and bragging and lying are constant themes. They've always been and often been acknowledged as part of The Folk.

A workshop on military song, WWI to present was actually suggested this year and may yet see light.

I only joked about Policemen, for example, because they don't tend to write songs themselves and few people tend to write from their viewpoint so the outlaws are far better represented.

12 Aug 08 - 08:11 PM (#2412092)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Leadfingers

One of the suggestions for an 'alternative' programme for Sidmouth a few years back was a Wrapper Sword workshop - Brown Paper and string provided .

12 Aug 08 - 08:31 PM (#2412107)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn


Sunday morning, they'll have plenty of them in the workshops!

"What A Friend we Have In Cheese-Whiz"

"Cheese-Whiz Is Just Alright With Me"

"The Little Lard Cheese-Whiz"

....and all your favorite cheezy artificial aerosol dairy-airs!

12 Aug 08 - 08:54 PM (#2412119)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Uncle_DaveO

Lots of happy traditional ballads!

Some that come readily to mind:
Captain Wedderburn's Courtship
The Maid of the Cowdenknowes
The Devil and the Farmer's Wife
(ends up happily for everybody but the Devil. Oh, wait! The poor farmer gets his wife back!

Dave Oesterreich

12 Aug 08 - 09:58 PM (#2412147)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

Blues workshops:
~He didn't do her wrong
~I slept in this morning
~I didn't wake up this morning
~Swedish Gypsy music
~Madrigals for balalaika and kazoo
~Country songs that use perfect grammar

12 Aug 08 - 10:05 PM (#2412153)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: kendall

Latvian lullabies in the key of "R"

12 Aug 08 - 10:06 PM (#2412155)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: kendall

Tibet sea chanties.

12 Aug 08 - 11:04 PM (#2412185)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Joe_F

A lovely happy Child ballad is "The False Lover Won Back". True, the man *starts* to do what a man in a ballad does after he gets the lady pregnant, but then she convinces him that he is behaving not only irresponsibly but foolishly in running away from a good thing. Not a single felony is committed.

13 Aug 08 - 12:45 AM (#2412229)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Dan Schatz

Oh, I know there are plenty of happy ballads out there - I just question whether folks'll show up at a workshop on the subject. (I might, but that's just me.)

What scares me is how many of the real oddball topics suggested here I can think of songs for.


13 Aug 08 - 12:58 AM (#2412239)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: The Fooles Troupe

"how many of the real oddball topics suggested here I can think of songs for"

... or people...

13 Aug 08 - 01:29 AM (#2412248)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

Severn, a couple o' yourn sound promising:

"A Bedpan-orama of 1980's Pop Music"

or how about "BedPan Alley Hits?"

"Cannibalism" - actually I do know a couple songs for that one. ; )

I really do like this idea;   "'Skip To The Loo'"-A History of Restrooms in Folk Music"

But then, we Mudcatters have a whole (long) thread about "farting songs." At least I think we used to. I'm afraid that workshop might be a victim of its own success!

13 Aug 08 - 01:37 AM (#2412250)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

Nose Flute Techniques For Pachyderms

Verdi Arias, Bluegrass Style

Hip-Hop For Septagenarians

Heavy Metal Songs For Hammered Dulcimer

13 Aug 08 - 07:20 AM (#2412368)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: artbrooks

Sotto voce techniques for the bodhran

The bodhran as a musical augmentation for sad ballads

13 Aug 08 - 10:59 AM (#2412496)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn


I'm sure you'd blow them away at a Skip To The Lou workshop, but this workshop will most likely end up inturd and buried with the other failures.

And you're right about its possibly of being a "victim of its own sucess". We dont need an excess of, say, "dishonorable discharges" at the Military Songs workshop, cries of "Thar she blows!" at the Sea Chanteys or any extra "Doo Doo, Run Run Run" over in Doo Wop. Not to mention joyful noises of bass harmony at the Gospel sing.....

And though I know a few Cannibalism songs myself, opening up "The Donner Party Cookbook" might give the caterers ideas. Salisbury Steak for Sunday lunch.No thanks!.......

For the Septagenarians, I'm afraid it would be more like "Hip-Pop", so like the snake handling, the medical insurance wouldn't cover it. Even I at 59 might end up needing either a hip replacement or a charisma transplant after that one, myself! The only Doctor I know will be in the house is jimmyt and he's a dentist.

The Verdi Aria Bluegrass idea makes me mourn the death of John Duffy of Country Gentlemen and Seldom Scene fame, who, being the son of an opera singer, probably actually knew the stuff and possesed of that marvellous piercing tenor and a wicked sense of humor, would be the one person on Earth who could pull it off. With appropriate mandolin accompaniment, of course....

13 Aug 08 - 11:02 AM (#2412499)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce


You, a "charisma transplant"? Never

13 Aug 08 - 11:45 AM (#2412546)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: GUEST,Dani

"Labor songs collected from Bosses" ! Spit my coffee out over that one. Might be fun to write a few parodies there, though!

How about "Aerosmith to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Zeppelin, 80's Rock as a Gateway to Folk Music" Maybe Matt_R would co-lead it with me!


13 Aug 08 - 11:46 AM (#2412551)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: GUEST,Dani

PS: good to see you, Edmund.


13 Aug 08 - 12:32 PM (#2412592)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Amos

Ayeh. Then we could do: "Saddle My Chopper: Agribusiness Roundup Songs".

How about "Executive Suite Little-Known Blues"?

And "Playing the Plain Shovel: Tips and Tricks". "Mastering the Pick-Axe as a Rhythm Instrument".

And "Spoiled Brats Through History: Trust Funds in Song Across the Ages."

And "Literary Connotations and Denotations in Pan-Cultural Confluence: What Jambalaya Really Means".

These might be better as doctoral ftheses.


13 Aug 08 - 12:35 PM (#2412594)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Mark Ross


See if you can find "THE BOSSES SONGBOOK,Songs to Stifle the Flames of Discontent".

Mark Ross

13 Aug 08 - 12:53 PM (#2412617)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn

Actually, Mark, I knew of its existance and was hoping the topic would get someone to bring a copy. Alterior motives are at work here.

I'd love to find one. Who publishes it or published it?

All I remember is a friend long, long ago singing something about:

"That dirty Porlatariate
Named Judas Iscariot
Has laid Jesus Christ in his grave...."

.....and me asking "Where did you find THAT?!?!?!"

13 Aug 08 - 01:12 PM (#2412630)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn


As long as it tastes good and the name sounds good, do you REALLY want to know?

It may be like "Jazz" or "Ditty Wah Ditty" in that "If You have to ask, you'll never know!"

Or it may be a Panderer's Box, like "What Is Folk Music?" where we all may die, some quite happily, some not, in The Quest.

Actually, a complete list of mystery folk words would be interesting. We've already had individual threads on a few, like "Jackamo fee nah hey" (sp.?). Maybe we could pile 'em all in one place and if nothing else, get the spellings right.

Another day, and another thread......

13 Aug 08 - 02:18 PM (#2412695)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Dan Schatz

Bagpipe for beginners.


13 Aug 08 - 02:20 PM (#2412699)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: beardedbruce

Hey! I'll sign up for that.

Do I need my own dead goat?

13 Aug 08 - 02:23 PM (#2412704)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: katlaughing

There's a copy of that songbook going for twenty bucks HERE!

13 Aug 08 - 02:25 PM (#2412705)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: katlaughing

One more came up in a search, available HERE:-)

13 Aug 08 - 04:43 PM (#2412847)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

Genie, I'm sure you'd blow them away at a Skip To The Lou workshop, but this workshop will most likely end up inturd and buried with the other failures. ]]]
Oy vays mir!!   This is what I'm gonna hafta put up for a whole day before the Getaway!?
Severn, are you sure you're not related to my dad? ;D

13 Aug 08 - 04:54 PM (#2412857)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Mark Ross


Those two listings are for the same book from the same seller. I wonder why. I have a copy already. See the other thread on BOSSES SONGBOOK for a list of the contents.

Mark Ross

13 Aug 08 - 04:58 PM (#2412864)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

How about this one?
"Editing and Rewording Songs For Political Correctness"

13 Aug 08 - 07:10 PM (#2412986)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Severn


Am I related to your dad? Only a Genie-ology study can answer that one.

It certainly sounds like I COULD very easily relate to him even if it's not akin to traceable kinship. He sounds like a good man already!

13 Aug 08 - 07:14 PM (#2412989)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

He was, Severn.   Kept up the punning pretty near up to the age of 92. : )

Which brings up another workshop idea that'd probably fail:

"Song Puns That Don't Make You Groan"


13 Aug 08 - 09:19 PM (#2413066)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Amos

Just don't strap Severn in your engine compartment on the way down to the getaway, Genie, or he'll start punning on the Cam, and we'll all be shafted.


10 Sep 08 - 08:12 PM (#2436863)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

New workshop:   Sarah Palin's songs of Peace and Brotherhood

11 Sep 08 - 07:14 PM (#2437828)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Lonesome EJ

Traditional Influences in the Music of Iggy Pop

11 Sep 08 - 07:47 PM (#2437846)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Amos

Finding Peace Through Meditation -- Songs of Enlightenment from the Unpublished Writings of John McCain, DOnald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, and Karl Rove

11 Sep 08 - 08:00 PM (#2437857)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Joe_F

I have a copy of The Bosses' Songbook that I bought in 1958 for 25c. I have photocopied it once, and I will do it again, free.

11 Sep 08 - 08:40 PM (#2437899)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: wysiwyg

How to Make Chord Sheets

Make Your Own Music Stand


12 Sep 08 - 01:10 AM (#2438016)
Subject: RE: Getaway Workshops Doomed to Failure
From: Genie

The Use Of Wah-Wah Pedals In Trad Music