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BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?

13 Aug 08 - 06:13 AM (#2412343)
Subject: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Stu

Cos I sat there and watched those fireworks and was deeply impressed.

I work with CGI and it wasn't the footprints I that struck me as slightly odd, but the multiple exploding 'roses' that even now, I'm not sure were real or CGI. I remember thinking that would look great created in "After Effects".

As for replacing the singing girl with a crooked smile with a more photogenic one, at least they have the same shallow appreciation of presentation of content that typifies Western mainstream culture.

Anyway, anyone else made to look a plonker?

13 Aug 08 - 08:31 AM (#2412409)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Backwoodsman

And does it matter anyway?

13 Aug 08 - 08:39 AM (#2412414)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: jacqui.c

I feel very sorry for the child who was supplanted - didn't watch the opening ceremony but saw that bit on the news last night.

What sort of image is that kid going to have after this? Her voice is good enough to be heard worldwide but sorry, you're just not pretty enough to show your face to the world? The ignorance and downright nastiness of the idiots who do this kind of thing never ceases to disgust me.

13 Aug 08 - 09:14 AM (#2412437)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Stu

"And does it matter anyway?"

Depends on how you view it I suppose.

I love CGI (I create it as part of my job) and if you're being asked to suspend disbelief then that's fine, but too me if it's presented as real and is actually false then it lacks integrity.

Shame really - I was impressed.

13 Aug 08 - 11:32 AM (#2412528)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: katlaughing

There's some discussion of it in the latter part of This Thread. I think it is appalling, what they did to the little girl. And, the fireworks were fake.

13 Aug 08 - 12:05 PM (#2412564)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: George Papavgeris

Stigweard, I understand that the footprints were real enough, not CGI, just not live. They were from an earlier take/previous day and spliced in.

The clue was in the number of cars on the streets, apparently - too many for that time, during the opening ceremony. But I was taken in along with the rest. As it was not CGI, it doesn't matter to me whether it was live or not.

As for the little girl, apalling. No excuse. Instead of doing the country proud they shame it.

14 Aug 08 - 12:10 AM (#2413163)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: robomatic

I don't know if it was any better for the girl who they didn't think had a suitable voice. I think we've the start of a pair of future complexes.

14 Aug 08 - 12:37 AM (#2413174)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Well, considering the real message was, "Watch all these pretty things and be distracted while we undercut your jobs by oppressing our own people, and polluting the world.", I don't see the fireworks or the karaoke show as the larger issue.

14 Aug 08 - 02:24 AM (#2413220)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Gurney

As to the 'footprints,' I was watching and impressed by the evenness of the bursts, thinking that, if one rocket had just a grain too much or too little propellant, it would spoil the whole effect.
I remarked to the wife how much testing they must have done. CG sorts that problem out.

14 Aug 08 - 02:29 AM (#2413224)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Peace

Y'ever watch Times Square at New Years? Same same. As for the face/voice thing: disgusting. But then Madison Avenue always has been, imo.

14 Aug 08 - 02:39 AM (#2413230)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

If they were going to have someone lip sync they should have gotten Yao Ming to do it. Now that would have been entertaining!!

14 Aug 08 - 09:58 AM (#2413490)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Donuel

Theres no business like show business.

14 Aug 08 - 09:59 AM (#2413493)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Donuel

with the possible exception of politics and religion.

14 Aug 08 - 11:33 AM (#2413596)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Fife

Tell you what I am not fooled by, the fact that hosting such an event costs billions of pounds and Britain is taking the event in 2012.

Each day we hear of hospitals closing down and people being denied vital medication in Britain, yet the government can find billions for a handful of egotistic kids to run around a field !

14 Aug 08 - 12:26 PM (#2413658)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Relax Fife, Its heavily sponsored and London probably will not spend nearly as much on facilities. The attendance will probably be a lot better too. The London games will probably make money.

16 Aug 08 - 03:58 AM (#2415275)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Gurney

Another illusion. The children in the national dress of the racial blocks of China weren't of those races.   Announced today.

At least one of them must have been, I should think, though.

16 Aug 08 - 04:29 AM (#2415284)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Steepthepeas

I can't believe the fakes are so blatant. For example Rebecca Adlington won the ladies 800m swimming event, come on, even I can see that is a man. Christ and not a very pretty one at that !

16 Aug 08 - 09:04 AM (#2415343)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Stu

"For example Rebecca Adlington won the ladies 800m swimming event, come on, even I can see that is a man. Christ and not a very pretty one at that !"


16 Aug 08 - 09:34 AM (#2415351)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: john f weldon

I gave up on reality years ago. Let's just have CGI athletes replace the steroidal hunks. More work for animators, yay!

16 Aug 08 - 02:03 PM (#2415515)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Big Phil

Hi stigweard

I concur.

GUEST,Steepthepeas - Wash your mouth out.


16 Aug 08 - 02:55 PM (#2415533)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: pdq

The opinion expressed at 04:29 does seem to be a bit unreasonable:

                                       Rebecca Adlington

16 Aug 08 - 04:19 PM (#2415565)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Little Hawk

I didn't see it.

17 Aug 08 - 02:14 AM (#2415876)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Marv Johnston

pdq, I hadn't seen her, then when you felt the best picture to use was the back of her head I take the point Steepthepeas made.

17 Aug 08 - 05:04 AM (#2415907)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,c.g.

So, if I understand Steep and Mary right, if a woman isn't pretty enough she must be really a man?

Never mind your achievments dear, just look nice.
Funny, we seem to be back to the child who wasn't pretty enough to sing on camera.

17 Aug 08 - 07:21 AM (#2415942)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: folk1e

We are surrounded by fakery of many types!    Show me a genuine politician.

I am continually surprised at the bias shown however ........

China putting on an opening SHOW and faking parts of it = BAD
Russia invading Georgia = VERY BAD! In fact it's so bad We will have to do something about it!
America invading Afghanistan (or anywhere else) = GOOD We are the moral police of the world and it must be right because we do it!

Please note I do not claim any morality, just point out that we do tend to use different morals dependant on who we are looking at!(anybody seen X-factor?)

Back to the original question ..... Yup!   Fooled me!
Those drums must have been awesome! I was impressed by the drums at Bridgenorth a couple of years back as well!

17 Aug 08 - 11:56 AM (#2416085)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: bankley

nope, I didn't watch it ...or any of the other things coming from the Games in Ka-ching.... how are the figure skaters doin ?

17 Aug 08 - 01:43 PM (#2416147)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: john f weldon

I just watch the synchronized aquatic dressage.

17 Aug 08 - 03:24 PM (#2416224)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: bankley

now I'm curious...

17 Aug 08 - 10:38 PM (#2416503)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: InOBU

IT WAS ALL A FAKE!!! The second little girl was a red herring, here is the REAL singer ...

(Mud elves feel free to make a blue clickie, I could not work it out...)

17 Aug 08 - 10:54 PM (#2416505)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: Peace

18 Aug 08 - 02:23 AM (#2416573)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: The Fooles Troupe

China confiscates Bibles from Americans

A group of American Christians who had more than 300 Bibles confiscated by Chinese officials when they arrived in China is refusing to leave the airport until they get the books back, their leader says.
"I heard that there's freedom of religion in China, so why is there a [snip]
The move comes as China hosts the Olympics in Beijing, where false media reports last year claimed Bibles would be banned from the Games.
The officer, who would only give her last name, Xiao, denied confiscating the Bibles. She said authorities were just "taking care" of them and provided no further details.

She later referred questions to the national customs headquarters in Beijing , which did not answer phones on Sunday.

On Monday morning Klein said Chinese officials had shown the group what they said were laws that banned bringing Bibles into China, but that the documents were in Chinese.

"We are waiting for them to come back with the law in English," he said.
China faces routine criticism for human rights violations and repression of religious freedom. Religious practice is heavily regulated by the Communist Party, with worship allowed only in party-controlled churches, temples and mosques, while those gathering outside risk harassment, arrest and terms in labour camps or prison.

More fakery?


18 Aug 08 - 03:40 AM (#2416591)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympic fakery - were you fooled?
From: GUEST,Creamola

If Americans were caught bringing in bibles that were translated their intention must have been to convert these twiddly winks.