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Groundhog...Not the song...Help

04 Jun 99 - 08:12 PM (#84084)
Subject: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Duckboots

Help Mudcatters, I have another gardening problem and need a solution fast. I know this isn't music related but I'd sure appreciate any help you offer.

A groundhog has moved into our immediate neighbourhood, although we don't know where it lives it's wandering through my garden and my neighbours. This morning I discovered something had eaten the budding tops off several of my flowers and the neighbours tell me it's probably the groundhog.

First of all, do you think it is likely to be the groundhog, I know nothing about them or their habits.

Secondly, how do I prevent further damage?

Your suggestions about my rose problem were very helpful and I think have solved my problem. I really would be grateful for any suggestions you can offer.

Many thanks,


04 Jun 99 - 08:33 PM (#84088)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: catspaw49

No 'Boots, your flowers are probably being eaten by Rick. You may not be aware but he has a budding flower fetish and believes them to have strong aphrodisiac properties. I suggest looking out at 3 AM to see if there is somebody crawling around in your flower beds in his BVD's. Also check the tracks to see if the left hand digits are different from the right due to callousing.

I myself only learned of this recently when Reg, Reg, and Reg were caught in a local greenhouse devouring 9 flats of marigolds and a Barcalounger (don't ask).


04 Jun 99 - 09:44 PM (#84099)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Roger in Baltimore


Groundhogs are voracious eaters and they seem to be able to eat faster than you can plant and grow. For Katlaughing's sake I would suggest getting a Hav-a-Hart trap at your local hardware store. Bait it with some apples or some other aromatic edible plant.

Now, you have a trapped groundhog. What to do? Well, you take him for a ride in your car-car of course. Not just a pleasure ride mind you, but a long trip to some remote area. Mind you, a long trip. I swear I've had the same groundhog come back after a one mile trip. So three or more miles is my recommendation.

Groundhogs are burrowing animals. They prefer to dig their burrows where they have some protection. So if you have any crawl spaces under any buildings, that would be a good place to look. Usually the groundhog has at least two entrances to the burrow. They usually don't travel more than 100 yards from their burrow entrance.

Good luck.

And Catspaw was incorrect about Rick eating your plants. At 3 AM he is obviously out checking for slugs, most likely using beer as bait. It is only right that he should be tasting the beer to be sure it is fresh. It is that fresh aroma that draws the slugs.

Roger in Baltimore

04 Jun 99 - 09:53 PM (#84102)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bbc


I loved your post! Not only the great info on groundhogs & Rick, but the Have-a-Hart trap suggestion. One of the ways Duane & I knew we were meant for each other was that we had both invested $20 in Have-a-Hart mouse traps, rather than catching dead, squished mice. Each winter, 1 or 2 come indoors. I feed them peanut butter & chocolate chips, have a chat w/ them, & take them for a ride, stating that I have nothing against them, personally, but that they are not welcome to live in my house (particularly w/ the problems we have in my area w/ Lyme Disease!). Just one suggestion, Heather--make sure that the trap you get is big enough for a groundhog. I, also, had a traumatic groundhog roadkill experience, but that's another story. Without meaning to sound insensitive, I really don't think they're too bright!


04 Jun 99 - 10:18 PM (#84107)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Duckboots

You know I thought gardening was a fairly placid activity, I had no idea it could be fraught with such peril.

I've just recovered from the threat to my roses, which seem to be doing very well - fingers and toes crossed - and now the rest of the garden is in jeopardy.

On top of that, now I hear about Rick's night time activities, oy!

Our next door neighbour is going to borrow a humane trap from his father-in-law. The F-I-L catches raccoons and takes them out into the country where they will have happier lives and hopefully our groundhog will be welcomed.

In the meantime, does anyone knows of anything that will discourage these vegetarian rodents from making a meal out of my plants - are they put off by cayenne pepper or garlic? Would they like wine with their meal or would that offend them? Maybe they're vegans and I could spray the garden with milk? Time to go lie down, I think it's getting to me.

Thanks for your help


04 Jun 99 - 10:37 PM (#84112)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: catspaw49

You guys are kind, but let's face it ...... IT'S RICK!!!! That checking for slugs is just another excuse to cadge a few more beers!!!!!! Boots my dear, please believe me, go back and look at the dates. When did your flowers disappear? Was Rick especially "bright eyed and bushy tailed" (so to speak) on those days? And Reg, Reg, and Reg told me that this thing was genetic. By the way, they're going to pay off their fine and pay for the 9 flats of marigolds and the Barcalounger as soon as the condom factory reopens. I really didn't want to get into this, but I guess I need to ask, do you have a Barcalounger? It would behoove you to keep Rick away from any recliner of that sort!

I do agree with the Big RiB and bbc about traps. The Hav-a-Hearts are effective and humane. Should more drastic measures be needed and you wind up with a dead groundhog on your hands, I have several recipes that you might like...I should say in advance that ALL of them begin with,"Bring to Boil, reduce heat and continue boiling for 24 hours."


04 Jun 99 - 10:41 PM (#84114)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Alice

Duckboots, I read your private message before this thread. Check your Mudcat mail... alice

04 Jun 99 - 11:05 PM (#84121)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Bud

I had real problems with a mother groundhog who moved in under my deck and had her litter. A friend suggested getting a ecologically safe laundrry detergent. When ALL where out devouring my flowers and vegetables, I emptied the gallon of detergent around all of the entrances to the underside of the deck. They apparently dislike the smell of detergent, particularily on their paws. So they moved away. None of my immediate neigbors complained about new tenants. I DID not try to find out who they were "guesting" with. I passed this tip on to a friend who had a bachelor groundhog under her garage. It also worked for her.

Several years ago, my wife's boss was asked to contribute a recipe for a church cookbook. His was for spring woodchuck. He was pleased not to be be asked for a recipe for the second edition of the cookbook, nor by any of the other parishes that have compiled cookbooks. He has eaten groundhog and says that it tastes like chicken, but then doesn't every unusual food get compared to chicken?

05 Jun 99 - 12:02 AM (#84135)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Rick Fielding

All Right Paw, knock off the slander! I go out to a song circle, and this is what I find when I get back. The only plants I ever devoured had three leaves, and that was a long time ago. When I started forgetting the words to Bobby McGee after partaking of that infernal weed, I knew I was not meant to be a doper (sort of like Mr. Clinton) so it's been ice tea ever since. On the other hand "slug hunting" sounds like fun, so maybe I'll grab a Heinekin and hit the mud.
Mudcatter Tony Burns did a moving rendition of Loch Tay Boat Song at the song circle. Earlier in the day a small plane crashed on the street in front of one the singers' houses, (fortunately no injuries) so I hadda sing "Amelia Earhart".

05 Jun 99 - 12:38 AM (#84147)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Jeri

Rick - ya want slugs, I can send you some. I plant things, they munch 'em. (They don't go anywhere near the weeds.)

Could the offending critter be a bunny? Don't they have a tendency to nibble tops off plants?

And while were at it, how do I get a squirrel out of my attic? I tried crawling up there and yelling at him, but he just looks annoyed. (And how the hell can anything sleep in fiberglass?)

Duckboots, I'll bet the cayenne would work, but you have to keep re-applying it. I wonder if wasabe has the same effect.

05 Jun 99 - 01:13 AM (#84158)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: katlaughing

Dear RiB, thank you very much for keeping my "sensitivities" in mind. **BG** I and the groundhogs of all North American appreciate it!

Now, any of you out there who are getting those slugs snockered had better watch out! I am going to report you! They are ALL under-age, ya know!?


05 Jun 99 - 02:22 AM (#84166)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: campfire

Having a dog deters most of the wildlife from my yard. He wouldn't know what to do with one if he came face to face, but somehow just his scent keeps the racoons, 'possums, and woodchucks out of the yard, even tho my neighbors have some problems. Doesn't deter the squirrels, tho - they must have gotten to know him. THEY sit on the picnic table (where else) to have their snacks.

However, it leads to other problems - not much but quack grass and dandelions stand up to the wear and tear on the yard.

05 Jun 99 - 02:28 AM (#84169)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Once-Born's autoharpist (Sally) had a problem with deer coming down from the Berkeley hills and eating the buds off her roses. She stopped them by putting garlic oil on the buds.

When I was a bit slow in replacing age-weakened crawl space vents, skunks took over my crawl space--and skunks really stink (not their spray--they don't do that in their living space--but their poop). I wanted them out but I didn't think that trapping them, even in the most humane traps, was a good idea, and I didn't want to call pest control and have them gassed (even though they were gassing us). Finally I found the answer in a book in the library: after buying new vents, I ripped out the old and replaced all but one of them then waited until about midnight and replaced it. The book had actually suggested spreading flour in front of the last open vent and checking into the night for footprints going out, then put the last vent in--but as my dogs and I have often encountered skunks before midnight, I figured that my skunks were probably on the same schedule. Hence, no more skunks and no bad karma. --seed

05 Jun 99 - 02:50 AM (#84172)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Once-Born's autoharpist (Sally) had a problem with deer coming down from the Berkeley hills and eating the buds off her roses. She stopped them by putting garlic oil on the buds.

When I was a bit slow in replacing age-weakened crawl space vents, skunks took over my crawl space--and skunks really stink (not their spray--they don't do that in their living space--but their poop). I wanted them out but I didn't think that trapping them, even in the most humane traps, was a good idea, and I didn't want to call pest control and have them gassed (even though they were gassing us). Finally I found the answer in a book in the library: after buying new vents, I ripped out the old and replaced all but one of them then waited until about midnight and replaced it. The book had actually suggested spreading flour in front of the last open vent and checking into the night for footprints going out, then put the last vent in--but as my dogs and I have often encountered skunks before midnight, I figured that my skunks were probably on the same schedule. Hence, no more skunks and no bad karma. --seed

05 Jun 99 - 07:56 AM (#84195)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Roger in Baltimore


You know after the slugs are up to their ears in beer, they drown.

Just testing the limits of your sensibilities :).

Big RiB

05 Jun 99 - 08:57 AM (#84200)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bbc

OK, you are all going so crazy w/ this one that I'm going to tell the groundhog roadkill experience that no one asked for. I was driving innocently down the road one day (years ago) when I spied what appeared to be a paper bag lying in my path. Only when I was practically on top of it, did it turn into a groundhog! It was too late to avoid & became my 1st instance of roadkill. Since then, we have always referred to these critters as paperbag animals. And all of them look reproachfully at me; I know they know! Until I started doing a 1-hr commute twice a day this past September, it was my only roadkill. Now, I've had to add 1 more to my load of guilt. After having been flashed by the high beams of an oncoming motorist's car, to warn me (& thereby blinding me!),in the dark one early morning,I mowed down what appeared to be two adolescent turkeys standing in the middle of the road. Another remarkably stupid animal; they never budged. The area I work in is full of wildlife. Unfortunately, I see it dead on the roadside every morning & afternoon--deer, cats, dogs, skunk, 'possom, raccoon, turkey, pheasant, squirrels, &, yes, paper bag animals. Sigh.


05 Jun 99 - 08:58 AM (#84201)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bbc

OK, you are all going so crazy w/ this one that I'm going to tell the groundhog roadkill experience that no one asked for. I was driving innocently down the road one day (years ago) when I spied what appeared to be a paper bag lying in my path. Only when I was practically on top of it, did it turn into a groundhog! It was too late to avoid & became my 1st instance of roadkill. Since then, we have always referred to these critters as paperbag animals. And all of them look reproachfully at me; I know they know! Until I started doing a 1-hr commute twice a day this past September, it was my only roadkill. Now, I've had to add 1 more to my load of guilt. After having been flashed by the high beams of an oncoming motorist's car, to warn me (& thereby blinding me!),in the dark one early morning,I mowed down what appeared to be two adolescent turkeys standing in the middle of the road. Another remarkably stupid animal; they never budged. The area I work in is full of wildlife. Unfortunately, I see it dead on the roadside every morning & afternoon--deer, cats, dogs, skunk, 'possom, raccoon, turkey, pheasant, squirrels, &, yes, paper bag animals. Sigh.


P.S.--I *love* this thread! Am I still on the folk music bulletin board? *grin*

05 Jun 99 - 08:59 AM (#84202)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bbc

Sorry about that. I pushed "stop" but, obviously, not in time!


05 Jun 99 - 10:27 AM (#84214)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: katlaughing

Oh, least they probably died happy! Really can't think of an earthly reason why slugs came to be:-)

BBC....sometimes they aren't as stupid as it seems; the old natural instinct of fight, flee, or freeze takes over or they are blinded by the lights.


05 Jun 99 - 11:25 AM (#84218)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Tony Burns

Gosh, I'm torn between wanting to help the beautiful Duckboots not wanting to slander Rick after he said nice things about my contribution at last nights song circle. However, I know how much concern Duckboots has for her garden and years of playing bars in Northern Ontario has given Rick a pretty tough skin.

Dear Duckboots,

While it is true that Rick was at song circle last night he started to look a little hungry, made a few bad puns about slugs and beer and then suddenly remembered he had a rehersal to go to. I suggest you inspect the backyard for evidence of someone crawling on their hands and knees. Empty snail shells may be another clue.

I have noticed in gardening places some that you can buy some spray stuff to keep roaming pets from your plants it might work for you until Rick seeks professional help or until your neighbour catches the groundhog.

05 Jun 99 - 01:15 PM (#84233)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: catspaw49

Well, I'm about to go out for the day, but I just HAD to check this thread!

First, Rick...OK, if you say so, but the Barcalounger thing could still be a problem. Watch him Heather!

Karen and I have a very small yard and were into "Postage Stamp" gardening and doing pretty well. Then Jaeger the weimaraner arrived. DOGS ARE NOT A DETERRENT---THEY ARE THE PEST!!!!! The simple ass proceeded to devour the tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and zuchini RIGHT OFF THE VINE!!! I love weims; they are gentle, docile, loyal, loving, and the dumbest hounds on the planet. You might try a dog, just don't get a weimaraner!

RE: Roadkill------I think some of these animals are simply committing suicide and they are choosing which vehicle so they can go out in style. I have seen groundhogs stand by the side of the road and seemingly wait for the nicest car to come along. I can understand this. I mean who the hell wants to be sent to eternity by a '63 Valiant?

And for those of you who have an iterest in the flight or fright thing, you gotta' read a James Thurber story called "Sex ex Machina." I'm a Thurber fan but everyone enjoys this one.


05 Jun 99 - 05:01 PM (#84255)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bob schwarer

Using a live trap should work pretty well. Due to local "development" I've got a coon problem. Caught 3 possum, 2 coons, an armadillo & the neighbors cat the last 2 weeks. In Florida cannot move coons of my property; only thing I can do is kill them or pay a pro trapper to move. Try to find the path the animal uses & lay for it there. Also, bait with its favorite food. Caught the possum with cat food, the coons bite on cat food, but like a real fishy kind. I don't know what chucks chuck. Wood?

Bob Schwarer

05 Jun 99 - 05:46 PM (#84260)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: MAG (inactive)

You know, when you let trapped animals out "in the country," you are just spreading the problem around. country gardeners will not thank you.

For that matter, serious gardeners usually just blow 'em away. No matter how cute, including deer, they EAT YOUR STUFF.

and, to get back to the music, I am reminded of "Chipmunk with a death wish:"

(would you think I was a snob If a waited for a Saab ...)

05 Jun 99 - 05:47 PM (#84261)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: MAG (inactive)

05 Jun 99 - 05:48 PM (#84262)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: MAG (inactive)

Oh, and Grant Livingston has one called "Graveyard of the armadillo."

05 Jun 99 - 06:08 PM (#84265)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Rick Fielding

Gotta feeling that Heather(Duckboots) is one of those wimpy "serious" gardeners that couldn't ever "blow 'em away". Besides this is Canada. She couldn't get her gun til all those forms were filled out and criminal checks done. By that time the damn groundhog would be dead of old age! Looks like the humane trap is the way she's goin.

05 Jun 99 - 06:31 PM (#84273)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Reiver #2 (inactive)

Inspired by the old Woodchuck tongue-twister, I once wrote a parody about a groundhog (think I was about 8 at the time). It went:

"How much ground could a groundhog hog if a groundhog hogged all the ground around."

I still like it and wanted to make a song out of it, but haven't found a suitable tune yet. By the way, MY groundhog would NEVER eat flowers! I'm glad to see the emphasis here on "live trapping" rather than blowing away these cute lil' guys. Be nice to them, they gave us one of our most famous holidays.

Reiver #2

05 Jun 99 - 07:25 PM (#84277)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bob schwarer

There are designated release areas here. The animals are not dumped to be a problem for someone else.

Bob S.

06 Jun 99 - 01:40 AM (#84332)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Duckboots

Now there are definitely times that I think Rick has been hanging around with slugs, but I strongly suspect that they are of the two-legged variety. I doubt he would be eating my plants because of his general aversion to any food that might be good for him - and plants would remind him of spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onions, turnips and brussel-sprouts, none of which he would eat, short of being in prison. When they make flowers that taste like cheese fondue, lasagna, and lobster, then he might be on my suspect list.
Seriously 'catters, thanks so much for the suggestions. I do appreciate them.

06 Jun 99 - 08:12 AM (#84368)
Subject: Lyr Add: ROAD KILL CAFE (John Flynn)
From: Roger in Baltimore

And to add music (in my inimitable poor taste) I offer:

Road Kill Cafe

by John Flynn

Don't touch that brake, don't turn that wheel,
The life you save could be our next meal.
Four-legged critters make tasty dinners.
When somethin' splatters we'll fix a platter.

At the Road Kill Cafe we'll do it up your way.
We'll cook it fresh right from your grill to ours.
Just scrape it off the tires and we'll toss it on the fire.
Come chew the fat at the Road Kill Cafe.

A gentle swerve makes a squirrel hors d'oeuvre.
You just can't beat a fresh raccoon pita.
That mangled Chevy parked by the door,
Meant Bambi Parmesan for thirty-four. CHO:

We love it when you run down our menu.
Come chew the fat at the Road Kill Cafe.

Big RiB

06 Jun 99 - 11:19 AM (#84391)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: Alice

If you go to Columbus, MT, for the Mudstock, drive a little farther south to McCleod. The only building you will see other than a private farm house, is The Road Kill Cafe.

11 Jun 99 - 10:08 PM (#86071)
Subject: RE: Groundhog...Not the song...Help
From: bbc

Hi, Heather,

Have you caught him (either the groundhog or Rick!)? *grin*

Just curious.
