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Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men

11 Sep 08 - 11:24 PM (#2437981)
Subject: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: GUEST,Phil

Was there a tradition of what we now know as lap and pole dancing by morris men in in UK west country? It conjures up a terrible vision in my mid. Or perhaps my Grandfather over imbibed in his early years.

12 Sep 08 - 12:03 AM (#2438000)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: GUEST,Monty

Indeed a terrible vision. Hot sweaty men with lust in their eyes - and they're the dancers.

12 Sep 08 - 02:35 AM (#2438037)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Folkiedave

Sheffield City Morris once did a version of the Full Monty ata Seven Champs weekend. When the hats (cloth caps) were thrown away - each man was discreetly covered by a set of morris bells. Or two sets, I can't remember.......

I remember the dancers of Windsor Morris being most impressed.

13 Sep 08 - 11:21 AM (#2439183)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Harmonium Hero

I didn't see this myself, but was told, back in the 70s, that a team whose name I can't recall (or it may have been an anonymous scratch team - I think they were masked) did a 'Flashers Morris', complete with dirty macs, at either Sidmouth or Whitby. There was a figure in which they all turned outwards to face the audience and opened the macs in time-honoured 'flasher' style. They were, of course, discreetly covered....except one.
I wasn't there - I only heard.

13 Sep 08 - 11:58 AM (#2439207)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Micca

The Fool of a certain Near lonondon morris side did the Fools Jig at the Beltane Bash at Conway hall, here in London a coupla years ago totally starkers except for a Pink ribbon tied round his parts in a bow!!!

13 Sep 08 - 01:57 PM (#2439310)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: lady penelope

Ah yes.. Right Liberty... erm I mean Royal Liberty Morris. There are those who may have been 'scarred for life' by Pete's sartorial statement (heavens, the pink gingham dress was bad enough!).... I know I have trouble getting the image out of my mind.... *G*

13 Sep 08 - 05:29 PM (#2439451)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men

We (The Slightly Notorious Ebor Morris) often invite Traditional Dacers from Lappland and Poland to our annual Festival of TD on the first weekend in September, but so far none have come. I wonder why they have never even asked us to dance in their clubs, since there do seem to be rather a lot of them nowadays.

13 Sep 08 - 05:59 PM (#2439475)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: katlaughing

FolkieDave, I am *trying* to imagine how they could be discreetly covered by morris bells! Those would be the bells usually tied around the calves? It boggles the mind to figure the circumference necessary to fit them to the parts!**bg**

13 Sep 08 - 06:27 PM (#2439497)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Leadfingers

DONT ever ask skipy about N M D !!!!#

14 Sep 08 - 03:17 AM (#2439805)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Les in Chorlton

Hey Skippy, what do you know about NMD?

14 Sep 08 - 07:24 PM (#2440408)
Subject: RE: Trad Lap & Pole Dancing Morris Men
From: Herga Kitty

Les - you've obviously not been down sarf, or you'd know about Skipy and NMD....
