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BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia

12 Sep 08 - 09:22 AM (#2438284)
Subject: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

In her interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson, Sarah Palin was asked what her thoughts were with regard to the continuing international tension in Georgia. She responded that in her opinion Georgia had not provoked the Russian invasion, that the two provinces in question should be returned to Georgia, and that she would recommend that an invitation be extended to Georgia to join NATO. When asked what would happen if the Russians invaded again after NATO membership were granted, she responded that she "wouldn't blink" but would recommend a military response.

Gibson was clearly impressed with her zealous response, and did not pursue further questions on that issue or what the world might look like after a nuclear exchange.

Of course, Palin is an international expert with regard to Russia,, given the proximity of Russia to Alaska. Why you can even see a Russian island from an Alaskan island on a clear day. What I fail to see is any sign of understanding, or "lessons learned" from the Bush Administration's international military interventions, on the part of this Vice Presidential candidate. Evidently, diplomacy is not one of her smart suits.

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 09:36 AM (#2438298)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bee

One can only hope that if she ever actually became president, there would be enough relatively sane people around her to prevent her destroying half the planet.

How can someone so ignorant of world affairs even be a politician, let alone VP candidate of the most militarily powerful country in the world?

12 Sep 08 - 10:17 AM (#2438326)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Stilly River Sage

Georgia had not provoked the Russian invasion

Actually, I think not. I think we're getting highly biased news of the situation in Georgia. They both have negatives against them in this regard. You need to read news accounts in offshore news sources to get more information about the nonsense Georgia has been up to also.

One can only hope that if she ever actually became president, there would be enough relatively sane people around her . . .

If she ended up in that position the insanity would be complete already.

And the answer is:

Charlie Gibson is far more qualified to be VP than Sarah Palin is.


12 Sep 08 - 10:19 AM (#2438328)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

On CTV this morning, David Frum suggested that she seemed overly coached in her responses.

He said that most media coaches advise their clients that they do not have to answer every question, especially in sensitive areas.

Maybe a better response may have been (IMO):

"Major foreign policy decisions are for the President to make. I leave these type questions for Senator McCain, the Presidential canidate, to address. I am aware that the vice president is required to take on various roles, when asked. I am prepared and am experienced to take on any role, if the need ever arises".

If pressed, she may add:
"Georgia is not a member of NATO. I see a need to speculate on what may or may not happen in the future. If elected, Senator McCain and I will deal with important foreign policy issues as they evolve.

If further pressed:
If elected, suspect we would not solve evolving and important foreign policy decisions through the media. We would do this discussion with partner nations". There is a time to discuss these tpye issues through the media. But, there is a time to keep your cards close to your chest, as not to negatively influence potentally viotile situations. This is one of these issues".

12 Sep 08 - 10:28 AM (#2438334)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

IMO, when one rushes to answer sensitive questions, that may be best not answered, (or better answered by others) it gives an impression of inexperience to many, not experience.

12 Sep 08 - 10:35 AM (#2438340)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

BTW, I am not suggesting that Palin is inexperienced. But, since the claim has already been brought into the public domain, it is important from a PR perspective not to reinforce it (regardless of whether it is accurate or inaccurate).

12 Sep 08 - 10:41 AM (#2438345)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: GUEST,hg

perhaps the antichrist is actually a woman....

12 Sep 08 - 10:55 AM (#2438355)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

Ed T for Vice Pres!

Well, you do score highly on how to deal cautiously with media questions. But in this case Palin made the mistake of appearing to be a loose cannon on the deck of a full-rigged ship with three sheets to the wind on a lee shore.

Charlie Gibson should be ashamed to ask her such important questions.

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 11:01 AM (#2438362)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ebbie

I don't agree, Charley. Whether or not it was intentinal, asking leading questions whose answers reveal an unacceptable mindset is the important part.

12 Sep 08 - 11:03 AM (#2438365)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

Ah, but did he ask it with deference?

12 Sep 08 - 11:29 AM (#2438394)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

Why should one speak with deferwence to a pig wearing lipstick? Or was that someone else?


12 Sep 08 - 11:39 AM (#2438404)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

"A reader writes:

After watching that interview, can anyone honestly say that they think that Sarah Palin, the person who would take over the country in the event something happens to McCain, has more knowledge of policy than Charlie Gibson, the person giving the interview?

And isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

...Okay, isn't it at least supposed to be close??"


12 Sep 08 - 11:53 AM (#2438414)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bobert

Well, one thing is for sure and that McCain's people have prepped her up and so, just as McCain, she would push the US toward Cold War II with all her bluster and sabre rattlin'... I mean, lets get real here... Waht she said is Georgia and Ukraine should be brought into NATO and if the Russians attack them than we should be prepared to defend them...

That, "my friends", is the McCain foriegn policy and it is terribly wreckless...

Even Bush has finally figured out to keep his mouth shut because when the chin music starts the bullets aren't far behind...


12 Sep 08 - 12:05 PM (#2438422)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble


Sarcasm is so difficult to make explicit in these posts, even when one uses italics.

After the Gibsons interview, ABC should consider rerunning Norther Exposure!

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 12:12 PM (#2438430)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ebbie

Oops, Charley. I done it again.

12 Sep 08 - 12:21 PM (#2438441)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Donuel

After it was explained to Sarah what the Bush Doctrine was (the right of the USA to pre emptively invade aany soverign country)

she was entirely for it.

Look out Russia

Look out Alaska

12 Sep 08 - 12:22 PM (#2438442)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

Jaysus! It sounds as though Gibson is having to educate her as he questions!

Part 1 on youtube with subsequent parts listed.

12 Sep 08 - 12:28 PM (#2438448)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Stilly River Sage

When you listen to even bits from the interview you see how absurd her choice is, how underqualified she is. You could pick a 44-year-old woman off of the street anywhere in the U.S. and come up with someone equally well equipped--which isn't enough either. You need someone who know what they're doing, who isn't just a "quick study" at parroting answers.


12 Sep 08 - 12:30 PM (#2438450)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bobert

In all fairness, the "Bush Doctrine" was kinda a bogus question as it has never really been wpelled out in a "white paper"... I'll give her that one...

But what I won't give her is the same thing I won't give John McCain and that is they both advocate a narrow minded, illegal foriegn policy...


12 Sep 08 - 12:42 PM (#2438471)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia

I hope she has lots more interviews with all sorts of papers, TV programs, people on the street. It will give us an opportunity to learn all about her and her plans for the presidency.

Sarcasm, Ebbie. LOL

12 Sep 08 - 01:17 PM (#2438515)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bee

I also saw the bit of that interview where she tried to explain what she means when she throws God into the notion of what the military should be doing and whether a war (like the present ones) are Divinely approved of or directed. It was plain she was having difficulty making the answers acceptable to the interviewer/public while remaining loyal to her beliefs. Her body language was defensive, her sentences were slow coming and haltingly phrased. This is not good. I have no problem with a politician having personal beliefs, but when those beliefs are so out of sinc with current reality that one cannot freely express them without endangering one's image and political prospects in a predominantly theist nation, that suggests one is not going to be able to govern at the will of the people.

12 Sep 08 - 01:32 PM (#2438527)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Peace

"When you listen to even bits from the interview you see how absurd her choice is, how underqualified she is. You could pick a 44-year-old woman off of the street anywhere in the U.S. and come up with someone equally well equipped--which isn't enough either. You need someone who know what they're doing, who isn't just a "quick study" at parroting answers."

The American public is not made up of people with your intelligence, SRS. Remember that.

The woman is a twit, and she's getting too much attention here and elsewhere, imo.

12 Sep 08 - 01:42 PM (#2438544)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos reports:

"Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- The question of experience came up again last night: Was the man of the moment prepared for the difficult task at hand? Did he have the chops?

ABC News anchor Charles Gibson got the get, the first mano- a-womano sit down with the Republican vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. He had the chops.

Palin may not have blinked when John McCain asked her to be his running mate. Last night, however, found her frozen in the Klieg lights as the dogged interlocutor set his sights on his visitor.

Peering down at Palin through reading glasses set at the tip of his nose, foot circling over knee ever more impatiently, Gibson, 65, wouldn't let her coast. Yes, she had mastered the pronunciation of Georgia president Mikhail Saakashvili's name, not to mention that of Iran's Mahmud Ahmadinejad. And maybe that would have been good enough on ``Good Morning America.''

But no-one had coached her in something called the Bush Doctrine. Doctrine? What doctrine would that be, Charlie?

Palin, 44, apparently never heard of the Bush Doctrine until yesterday. She flashed a smile nearly as frozen as her running- mate's and did that tenth-grader thing of tap-dancing around the question, skittishly ad libbing her way with gibberish about Bush's ``global vision.''

Gibson was having none of it, pressing her for specifics she didn't have at her command and finally -- his glare set to iceberg blue, foot circling like a lasso -- he impatiently explained what the doctrine is, when it was introduced, and gave her another chance to answer.

Few Overseas Trips

My sympathy for Palin lasted only as long as it took me to remember that it was Palin who had insisted, at the top of the interview, that she's ready to lead the country on a moment's notice. Asked whether she had ever been outside the U.S. before her recent trip to the Middle East, she answered, ``Canada. Mexico.'' Asked what heads of state she had dealt with, she referenced all those trade delegations that came to Alaska looking to do some business.

When the interview turned to Iraq and Iran, Palin's innocence of diplomatic nuance, not to mention global politics, was something she couldn't dance around. We're America, she said, we don't have to put up with those uppity Eye-ranians.

Does she believe we are doing God's will in Iraq? ``I wouldn't presume to know God's will, Charlie,'' she answered gamely. Gibson was ready with a clip of her sermonizing not long ago in church and she danced around that one, too.

Gibson didn't ask the candidate if she has any clue about the principle of separation of church and state on which her beloved United States was founded. I wish he had.


12 Sep 08 - 02:26 PM (#2438577)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

Palin did look a lot like a deer caught in the glare of headlights during the interview.

Maybe she'll feel more empathy for the deer the next time she's out trying to "jack" one.

"Jacking deer" by the way is hunters slang for stalking deer after dark with a spotlight, something which is illegal in Maine but God knows what's legal in Alaska.

I do understand she has hunted and bagged a moose or two; moose are pretty easy to shoot since all you have to do is walk up to one and blast away.

She also supports a bounty for shooting timber wolves, and thinks it's sporting to gun them down from airplanes.

She's certainly no wimp! (sarcastic statement)

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 02:32 PM (#2438584)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Peace

The trick with moose is to herd the animal close to where yer vehicle is and shoot it there. They are ONE BIG MEMBER of the deer family.

Shooting animals from airplanes is disgusting. It should be illegal to any and everyone except wildlife officers, imo.

12 Sep 08 - 02:47 PM (#2438606)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

"Well, you do score highly on how to deal cautiously with media questions"

Thanks Charles,but I am not qualified, and far from experienced enough for that high post.

I suggest that caution is normally as much exercised in elections as it is in diplomacy. (You know, the old think before you talk rule).

I suspect caution is also advised when one is running for Vice President, not President (whom common sense would tell me makes the really big decisions on policy diring an election and after one).

In addition, McCain has huge foreign policy experience, so why not defer to the better? One should understand that VP statements can be viewed as speaking for McCain, and could paint him into a policy corner? Outside protocol, success at the ballot box can be directly impacted by a loss of respect for cautioun, and well thought out responses, especially in a first interview (first impressions can never be made again).

I hope "the Ruskies" were not watching the TV (or NATO partners). If so, the "poker player" advantage (as displayed by Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis) may have just been lost.

12 Sep 08 - 03:26 PM (#2438641)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bee

Well, if I were Putin, I'd be alternately giggling and getting cold sweats. On the one hand, she's obviously pretty uneducated about world politics, OTOH, she's a single burst blood vessel away from being able to order up Armageddon.

12 Sep 08 - 03:38 PM (#2438647)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

Following this policy, I wonder how many wars/interventions the USA could sustain at one time?

May be a good time to scoop up stocks on the market in Military hardware companies?   But, would one have enough quality time to enjoy the extra loot:)

12 Sep 08 - 04:46 PM (#2438712)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Richard Bridge

Intervention? Well, when we are run out of Afghanistan again that will free up some manpower.

But as for a roasting - you jest. Did you never see David Frost or Jeremy Paxman in full flight?

12 Sep 08 - 04:57 PM (#2438722)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

I much prefer a film version of what could happen if the McKain/Palin team were elected to the reality. It might be titled "The Moose that Roared" or "Lipstick on a Prig."

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 05:00 PM (#2438724)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bill H //\\

Many newspaper critics notwithstanding I thought Gibson's interview was a gem. I have to admit that of all the queries the one about the "..Bush Doctrine"" was a true gem. Though I do believe it might have been a "gotcha" question since I don't recall that Bush ever had what one can call a "doctrine"--leave alone feeling comfortable with such a word.

It is ironic that Gibson was chosen as interviewer since, according to some media reports, they purposely did not want NBC involved because of their connection with MSNBC --Keith Oberman, etc;==and CBS because Katie Couric would not have been a contrast---perky you know. Well, they got what they deserved---Charlie Gibson who can say "...git offa my lawn" as well as McCain. You had to love---"...that is a torrent of words---what about an answer(paraphrase)."

Another gem---she came just short of threatening Russia with war and does not realize the nuances that are required--nor did she realize the issues involved in the Georgia situation--helped along by the belligerent head of that state sucking us into a situation that he believed (probably correctly) that the over-reacting Bush administration would agree with. Except for Cheney he miscalculated.

The bottom line to all this seems, to me, that McCain has merely proved his pandering to his base and not his leadership in choosing her. We also have to realize that choosing a president is what it is about and not a VP---except for 1 thing. That "thing" is how qualified is the nominee to be Pres. should the head of the ticket die or be disabled. Nothing more has to be said there. You can draw your own conclusions as between people like Lieberman, Palin, and Biden in that position.

One has to believe that after the Sarah novelty wears off she will end up in the Geraldine Ferraro league of---"oops" from the fellow who chose her. Who know what other things he did not know--and then she can return the rented suit her daughter's lover wore to look good. I know they are off limits for criticism, but then one would have hoped she would not have put her family front and center in the media.

Oh--one other thig--strong women. Michelle Obama will surely make a fine 1st lady--we have had a few like that---Hillary and Eleanor come to mind---bet they could have been pretty good VPs--and Ps

The only thing that I think stands tall for Georgia are the Pines---but that is in the Georgia near Alabama.

Bill Hahn

12 Sep 08 - 05:01 PM (#2438725)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

How could I forget "Doctor Strangelove"?

Charley Noble

12 Sep 08 - 05:35 PM (#2438744)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Big Phil

Be afraid, be very afraid.


12 Sep 08 - 05:56 PM (#2438761)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: DougR

You folks are really scared aren't you?

What Charlie did not point out in his first post is that she went on to say it did not HAVE to lead to war. Diplomatic measures (including economic)would be the first choice.

I'm sure as brilliant as most of you folks are, however, that belonging to NATO has certain responsibilities. One of them is going to the aid of other fellow NATO countries in the event of invasion by an outside country (such as Russia). Right?



12 Sep 08 - 06:00 PM (#2438768)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Peace

Well, Doug, if they ain't scared please know that I am.

Hope things are well, buddy.

12 Sep 08 - 06:12 PM (#2438782)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bobert

Only after Charlie rephrased the question a second time did Ms. Sarah bring in diplomacy... No, actually, I think it was the 3rd rephrasing of the question...

This is what bothers me... She, like McCain, thinks war first...We've had 7 years of that mentalitry and in the words of Dr. Phil, "Is it working for you?"...

Well, no, it isn't... Ms. Sarah is another hothead and she would have US in the middle of Cold War II in no time at all if she were president... And not because that is what she believes but because that is what she thinks the right wingers who support her wnat her to believe...


12 Sep 08 - 06:15 PM (#2438785)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Donuel

Even the conservative radio shock jocks like Mark Levin all have amnesia when it comes to the US missles being put in Poland despite Russian protests.

They way, what missles, where? You don't know what you're talking about.

They could look in Condi's scheduled visits and Euro Newspapers, but that would be like, you know, aknowledging the truth.

It is easier to deny memory that debate the issue or say the issue even exists.

12 Sep 08 - 06:22 PM (#2438790)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: DougR

Did none of you see Obama on the political forum telecast last night on CNN? Your hero is now advocating a sharp increase in the size of the military! Even scolded his alma mater, Columbia University, for not having allowed the ROTC or military recruiters on campus since 1969,

Can this be the same Obama that ran for president in the Democrat primary? Is this a sign that he is leaning more to the right now? Why would he propose a sharp increase in the size of the military? Is he preparing to invade some country (like Pakistan)if he his elected?

It's a puzzlement.


12 Sep 08 - 06:40 PM (#2438805)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ed T

Conditions for membership in Nato, from their web-site.
Does Georgia now qualify? With their August 7th attack on South Ossetia, did they break the NATO membership conditions?

Have they "worked to resolve outstanding disputes with neighbours and have made an overall commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes"

Have they "treated minority populations in accordance with the guidelines of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)" ?

Aspirant countries are expected to participate in the Membership Action Plan to prepare for potential membership and demonstrate their ability to meet the obligations and commitments of possible future membership. They must then be officially invited by NATO to begin accession talks with the Alliance.

Countries seeking NATO membership have to be able to demonstrate that they are in a position to further the principles of the 1949 Washington Treaty and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area. In addition, they are also expected to meet certain political, economic and military goals, which are laid out in the 1995 Study on NATO Enlargement. These include providing evidence:

    * that they each represent a functioning democratic, political system based on a market economy;
    * that they treat minority populations in accordance with the guidelines of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE);
    * that they have worked to resolve outstanding disputes with neighbours and have made an overall commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes;
    * have the ability and willingness to make a military contribution to the Alliance and to achieve interoperability with other members' forces;
    * and are committed to democratic civil-military relations and institutional structures.

12 Sep 08 - 07:09 PM (#2438828)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

DougR: McCain today said: "This diplomatic escalation, which follows Bolivia's expulsion of the American ambassador there, reminds us anew of the dangerous trends in our own hemisphere."

Are Republicans scared of Bolivia?



I think many of them are. . . .

12 Sep 08 - 07:22 PM (#2438834)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

Their baseline position, and McCains lifetime-long perspective, has been one of fear sublimated into violence, a dog-eat-dog world in which force is the only true rule of the day and the only law ultimately worth respecting. They live in a word dedicated to the discovery of and the manufacture of threats, collisions, and violent contests.

It is sad that this is a wavelength to which so many, hypnotized and shocked into resonance, respond.

The worst part is that it is self-fulfilling. Sarah will find her war.


12 Sep 08 - 11:15 PM (#2438931)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: GUEST,Don Firth (computer back in the shop again!)

I heard a radio interview with the pastor of a Wasilla Baptist church yesterday. He said that Sarah Palin is willing to "shake hands with the Devil" but fight him all the way. "In this case," he went on, "the Devil is me. I'm pastor of a liberal Baptist church and she attends an Assembly of God church." (Assembly of God is Pentecostal—speaking in tongues, that sort of thing; sometimes referred to as "Holy Rollers") "She sees things in black and white. Good and evil. Since our churches don't agree theologically, she is cordial to me face to face, but she makes it plain that she regards me as an agent of the Devil."

Who, other than liberal Christian churches, is she liable to put on her "Axis of Evil" list?

Don Firth

13 Sep 08 - 03:13 AM (#2439000)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

[[ reports:

"Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- ... ABC News anchor Charles Gibson got the get, the first mano- a-womano sit down with the Republican vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. ...]]

Tangential, but this misunderstanding of what "mano-a-mano" means drives me nuts! If people are going to use -- or try to cleverly adapt -- a foreign language phrase, maybe they should first find out its actual translation.

"Mano-a-mano" means hand-to-hand.

(Of course, if our Hispanic friends have given in to their gringo brothers' misuse of the phrase and started using "mano-a-mano" to mean "man-to-man," the way other "Spanglish" terms have been adopted, I will sigh and stand corrected.   But it strikes me like it does when English-speaking people confusing "cajones" (boxes) with "cojones" (balls). Aarghh!
Where's that "Pedant" thread when you need it?)

13 Sep 08 - 03:21 AM (#2439003)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Charley Noble said, "I do understand she has hunted and bagged a moose or two; moose are pretty easy to shoot since all you have to do is walk up to one and blast away."

In the immortal words of Mason Williams,
"How 'bout them moose goosers?
It'll turn ya puce.
Just hide out in the bushes
An' goose a drowsy moose!"

"She also supports a bounty for shooting timber wolves, and thinks it's sporting to gun them down from airplanes."
She also 1) authorizes ordinary citizens to "cull" the wolf population this way, instead of leaving that to wildlife authorities, and 2) pays a bounty for each right foreleg of a wolf turned in.
So who knows how many of these wolves are actually dead when their legs are hacked off and how many are left to die in slow agony from their wounds?   And who's keeping track of the wolf population stats towards the goal of "controlling" their population without wrecking the ecological balance?

13 Sep 08 - 03:22 AM (#2439004)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Richard Bridge

Pedants unite. Make that "cleverly to adapt" please.

13 Sep 08 - 03:31 AM (#2439008)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

LOL, Richard!

13 Sep 08 - 03:43 AM (#2439013)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

By the sounds of it, the book I learned about today goes a ways in showing how we got to this point vis a vis what Amos said:

They live in a word dedicated to the discovery of and the manufacture of threats, collisions, and violent contests.

You may read about it in this thread.

13 Sep 08 - 03:49 AM (#2439017)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Doug R asked:
"Can this be the same Obama that ran for president in the Democrat primary?"
No. I'm not familiar with the "Democrat Party." But this is the same Obama who is the Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.
xx Genie

Oh, and I do think he's tacking to the right (center-wards) than a lot of pacificists and progressives would like. But I'm not sure anyone can get elected President of the US today without appearing to be centrist. Hence Sarah Palin's carefully crafting her answers to Charlie G to sound mainstream and not nearly as divisive as her previous actions and statements have been.
Bill H said:
"Many newspaper critics notwithstanding I thought Gibson's interview was a gem. I have to admit that of all the queries the one about the "..Bush Doctrine"" was a true gem. Though I do believe it might have been a "gotcha" question since I don't recall that Bush ever had what one can call a "doctrine"--leave alone feeling comfortable with such a word."

I'd agree, for the first time he asked. But he went on to spell out the date that doctrine/policy was revealed and that it had to do with policy toward Iraq. When Palin still seemed stumped, Gibson spelled it out (... the right to pre-emptive attack ... ), but her answer sidestepped the issue and/or revealed she still didn't understand what the policy was. She spoke of taking first action in the case of solid intelligence of an IMMINENT attack by another country; Bush's doctrine is that we don't have to wait nearly that long or for anything that certain -- as was the case with Iraq.

Maybe what threw Gov. Palin off was that Charlie didn't ask the question with due "deference." (Right, Kat?)


Charlie, my boy, I think you've got some great movie titles:
"The Moose that Roared" or "Lipstick on a Prig."


13 Sep 08 - 09:04 AM (#2439125)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble


I think you've got some great movie titles:
"The Moose that Roared" or "Lipstick on a Prig."

Thanks. They were cheap shots but they're what I do best!

It still strikes me that some voters would have trouble comparing the "qualifications" of Obama with that of Palin. Palin may have more "executive experience" but Obama is way ahead in terms of knowing the domestic and international issues, and planning how to deal with them. "Knowledge" rather than "zeal" should have more weight with regard to Presidential qualifications. That's the way it looks to me on this foggy morning in my little river town in Maine.

Charley Noble

13 Sep 08 - 12:44 PM (#2439250)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

From Wikipedia:

"The Bush Doctrine is a *journalistic term* used to describe some foreign policy principles of United States president George W. Bush, enunciated in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Scholars identify *seven different 'Bush Doctrines,'* including the notion that states that harbor terrorists should be treated no differently than terrorists themselves; the willingness to use a 'coalition of the willing' if the United Nations does not address threats; the doctrine of preemptive war; and the president's second-term 'freedom agenda' as outlined in his second Inaugural Address."

The other cheap shot he used was when he asked snottily if "we" have a "right" in "your mind" to enter Pakistan without its permission.

With a little more experience she would have been prepared to tell him he needs to ask intelligible questions, and run circles around him for asking such nonsense. And then even hint that she (if she had some hypotherical authority, e.g. as President) might be willing to work within her Constitutional authority to violate international "law" under *specific circumstances.* (Similarly to McCain saying he would "capture, or shall we say, 'bring to justice,' Osama bin Laden.")

13 Sep 08 - 12:45 PM (#2439251)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

While watching the Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson Thursday night, and the coverage of the Palin phenomenon in general, I've gotten the scary feeling, for the first time in my life, that dimwittedness is not just on the march in the U.S., but that it might actually prevail.

Go to Columnist Page »
How is it that this woman could have been selected to be the vice presidential candidate on a major party ticket? How is it that so much of the mainstream media has dropped all pretense of seriousness to hop aboard the bandwagon and go along for the giddy ride?

For those who haven't noticed, we're electing a president and vice president, not selecting a winner on "American Idol."

Ms. Palin may be a perfectly competent and reasonably intelligent woman (however troubling her views on evolution and global warming may be), but she is not ready to be vice president.

With most candidates for high public office, the question is whether one agrees with them on the major issues of the day. With Ms. Palin, it's not about agreeing or disagreeing. She doesn't appear to understand some of the most important issues.

"Do you believe in the Bush doctrine?" Mr. Gibson asked during the interview. Ms. Palin looked like an unprepared student who wanted nothing so much as to escape this encounter with the school principal.

Clueless, she asked, "In what respect, Charlie?"

"Well, what do you interpret it to be?" said Mr. Gibson.

"His worldview?" asked Ms. Palin.

Later, in the spin zones of cable TV, commentators repeatedly made the point that there are probably very few voters — some specifically mentioned "hockey moms" — who could explain the Bush doctrine. But that's exactly the reason we have such long and intense campaigns. You want to find the individuals who best understand these issues, who will address them in sophisticated and creative ways that enhance the well-being of the nation.

The Bush doctrine, which flung open the doors to the catastrophe in Iraq, was such a fundamental aspect of the administration's foreign policy that it staggers the imagination that we could have someone no further than a whisper away from the White House who doesn't even know what it is. (Herbert, NYT)

13 Sep 08 - 12:52 PM (#2439259)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

Dmn! I was typing too fast this morning:

It still strikes me that some voters would have trouble comparing the "qualifications" of Obama with that of Palin.

This should have read:

It still strikes me ODD that some voters would have trouble comparing the "qualifications" of Obama with that of Palin.

I suppose to some what I'm posting makes sense either way!

Charley Noble

13 Sep 08 - 02:22 PM (#2439329)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

Gibson's third abysmal failure in the gotcha game was after Palin stated clearly and unambiguously that she beieved human activities contributed to global warming, with its relative contribution uncertain. Poor guy. So he says you once said you didn't believe it, so (essentially) you must just be lying to accommodate McCain's position. Sorry, Charlie, she showed she could assess accumulated evidence. Deal with it. Is this guy the best we've got these days?

13 Sep 08 - 02:39 PM (#2439340)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

"Have you ever met a head of state?" "No, so what?"

What a stupid question to ask a cowboy.

13 Sep 08 - 02:43 PM (#2439341)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

"I've gotten the scary feeling, for the first time in my life, that dimwittedness is not just on the march in the U.S., but that it might actually prevail."

                     And it certainly will, if Obama wins the election.

13 Sep 08 - 02:51 PM (#2439346)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: pdq

Why doesn't Joe Biden have to face the same grilling that the Alaska governor is getting? He is one of the most partisan members of Congress and is known for his relentless attacking of people. He has a very difficult time when he has to explain what he stands for because he always frames his opinions in the form of personal attacks on people who have a different point of view from his.

13 Sep 08 - 03:19 PM (#2439364)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: michaelr

There are reasons to believe that the Georgia situation was orchestrated to give the Republicans an "October surprise", albeit in September. Sort of like "Saddam, good buddy, go ahead and invade Kuwait, we'll back you..."

Some tinpot dictators never learn.

13 Sep 08 - 04:00 PM (#2439392)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

You know who would have been excellent for this task is Teri Gross of NPR, who never shows personal agression, but instead introduces tough questions with "There are some who would say. . . . "

Perhpas Gibson was feeling diminished at having been approved by the McCain team.

Even our local NPR interviewer, Tom Fudge, would have been infinitely superior.

13 Sep 08 - 04:11 PM (#2439397)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

No one should be surprised that the media is beginning to ask questions with regard to Palin's understanding of national and international issues, and her reasoning with regard to her views. And she certainly didn't do very well compared with more seasoned candidates such as McKain or Obama, and I wouldn't expect her to do as well as Biden.

But maybe she'll carry McKain to victory with a tide of support from marginal voters who also don't understand national and international issues but like someone who "represents them."

Republicans, take comfort where you may. Just don't whine about the media being unfair.

Charley Noble

13 Sep 08 - 04:14 PM (#2439399)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: heric

It should have been a cakewalk for Gibson, but he failed to reveal what he was clearly hoping to reveal, and what we all expected. Score 3 out of 10.

13 Sep 08 - 04:39 PM (#2439415)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: pdq

"...more seasoned candidates such as McKain or Obama"

Nice try, sneakin' that one in, but Obama has no more relavant experience than does Sarah Palin, spin it as you will. McCain was judged by a recent poll as being seasoned enough to be president by 80% of the public. Obama got 47% approval in that area. Biden did better but he is not the one running for president, it's the other guy on the ticket.

13 Sep 08 - 05:03 PM (#2439429)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

You are sadly deluded, there pal. Obama has walked the walk. He has years of constitutional study and teaching under his belt. He knows from first hand observation what life is like all over the country and the world. Don't give me that crtap about relevant experience; it is pure, desperate BS. A first term governor of a state with very small population? Ptui.


13 Sep 08 - 05:24 PM (#2439450)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ron Davies

"there are reasons to believe the Georgia situation was orchestrated....". Look, I support Obama to the hilt--but I'd like to know what these "reasons to believe" are--aside from something similar to a song-- by Tim Hardin? Rod Stewart did a great job on the song also.

We've just been through a rather lengthy exploration of the "Scheunemann theory", which holds that Scheunemann, advisor to both Georgia and McCain, "engineered" Georgia's attempt in August 2008 to drag its erstwhile provinces back into the fold.

That thread unfortunately dissolved into two esteemed Mudcatters hurling profanities at each other, so the thread was closed.   However, if anybody has any actual evidence--, as distinguished from amorphous upset-stomach dark imaginings, in the grand tradition of conspiracy theories so beloved by many Mudcatters--it would be very welcome to hear such evidence. Up to now there has been precisely zero evidence.

13 Sep 08 - 05:41 PM (#2439463)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bobert

Don't worry, be happy, Amos...

The "October Surprise" is going to be when the up-until-now-secret nude photographs of Ms. Sarah become less secret... lol...

But really... Time and issues are on Obama's side and he's just ratcheting up the pressure on McCain... Ms.Sarah's star is going to fade and when people realize that she is a Pentecostal nutball who doesn't believe whet they believe then buyer's remorse will set in...

The debates will settle this and Obama is alot smarter than John McCain... I don't know why people think that John McCain is this great debater... He hasn't shown me anything...


13 Sep 08 - 05:58 PM (#2439473)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

PDQ, I asked the same question about Chalie Gibson not interviewing Joe Biden -- but from the opposite point of view.   
How come Sarah Palin gets 2 or more nights in prime time, plus Nightline, to answer questions from a network anchor/interviewer and demonstrate his knowledge, judgment, views, and readiness to be VP or even step in as President if need be?

I'll bet Joe would jump at the chance.


Yes, I know Sarah Palin is a "new face." But most of the country doesn't know Joe Biden all that well, either -- any more than they know most of the 100 US Senators.

13 Sep 08 - 06:01 PM (#2439477)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ron Davies

The real question for Sarah to answer re: standing up for Georgia, and how far she would do that----and I don't think it was dealt with by Charlie Gibson--is exactly what her view is of the "end times". The church she belonged to for 20 years believed strongly in this idea, which is " the days preceding a world-ending cataclysm bringing Christian redemption and the second coming of Jesus" (WSJ 4 Sept 2008). Since, according to that church, of course good Christians would welcome the Second Coming, they would also not be totally averse to the world-ending cataclysm which precedes it--in fact they believe that this cataclysm is inevitable.

As David Gushee, a Christian ethicist at Mercer University in Atlanta, notes, it would be good for Gov. Palin to explain her beliefs about the inevitable world-ending catastrophe and the end of time. "To me it is highly relevant to someone who potentially has her hand on the nuclear button. If that is her world-view, I would want to know about that."

She should also be asked about another view of the pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God, her church for 20 years".   "I believe criticisms come from hell. God has placed this man in authority" ( GWB is the man meant here.) "You criticize the authority, you're literally bringing in hell with the criticism."

They raked Obama over the coals for Rev Wright, and he totally rejected Rev Wright's outlandish views. Let's see how far she believes what she heard at Wasilla Assembly of God.

Normally religion and politics should be separated as much as possible. But these issues bring religion right into politics--and must be addressed.

13 Sep 08 - 06:07 PM (#2439485)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

"Palin...just another Desperate Housewife" (courtesy of my Rog for that one! You saw it here, first!) never taught ten years of constitutional law at Harvard University of Chicago Law School, never served in Congress, never did anything for the poor and disenfranchised of a city population bigger than Alaska's.. etc., etc., there is no contest between her CV and Obama's.

13 Sep 08 - 06:50 PM (#2439506)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

A number of our Presidents, including some of our best ones, have never had executive experience as an elected official.
(You can debate whether things like being a military officer, directing a large political campaign or Congressional staff, running a private business, or even running a volunteer organization or voter registration project "count" as "executive experience," but Palin's supporters seem to be elevating elected office above those sorts of experience in handling budgets, overseeing and directing staff, and making strategy decisions.)

But given the responsibilites and duties of our Chief Executive -- which include making major decisions affecting foreign relations, the interior, labor and business relations, internal and international economy, and upholding the US Constitution -- I think any unbiased observer would say that experience on the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL scene is at least as important as having prior elected office as an executive. Not all our Presidents have had military experience, not all have studied or practiced law - much less, Constitutional Law, not all have legislative experience, not all have lived or traveled abroad or had to deal much with foreign relations, and not all have held elected political office.   
I guess, other things being equal, the ideal candidate would have all those qualifications, but none of our "top 4" does this year.   
~McCain has military experience.
~McCain and Biden have the longest government experience.
~McCain, Biden, and Obama all have 4 years or more national governmental experience.
~Palin and Biden both have governmental executive experience (Biden served on the County Council of Newcastle Co., Delaware).
~Biden, McCain, and Obama all have experience living or travelling in countries outside North America and have experience dealing with foreign relations issues as Senators.
~Biden and Obama both have law degrees and have studied and taught Constitutional Law.

Considering all this, how can anyone seriously say that Palin places anywhere but at the bottom of the list when it comes to the kinds of experience and education that would give you the skills AND KNOWLEDGE/UNDERSTANDING important to being our nation's Chief Executive?

Sure, you can be briefed on where various countries are and who their current leaders are, maybe even get a crash course in key areas of international conflict.   But a few weeks or months of coaching will not compensate for having been involved in decision-making at the national and international level for several years or more.

Palin's focus over the past decade has been - perhaps rightly - on "What's best for Alaska?" Not sure how well that's prepared her for shifting to "What's best for the USA?"

Yes, we have had state Governors who've become President, and some have done a very good job. But the successful ones have pretty much all either been Governor of a big state with a politically diverse population (e.g., New York, Ohio, or California), had substantial military experience, and/or had law degrees and experience.

13 Sep 08 - 09:32 PM (#2439635)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

But, of course, she's not running for president.

13 Sep 08 - 09:56 PM (#2439653)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

She's running for second position behind a geriatric cancer patient.


13 Sep 08 - 10:45 PM (#2439684)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

Good thing he's got enough money to stay out of Walter Reed.

13 Sep 08 - 11:42 PM (#2439718)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Barry Finn

She did get a degree in Journalism, doesn't that amount to something.

Bush W also had no foregin policy experience or knowledge of, & he had to go it by using the learning curve method. Sarah will do it just as well (couldn't do it any worst,,,Oh No). Obiviously, governing a state as big as Texas doen't qualify anyone either, has more football players than Alaska but does it have more oil?


14 Sep 08 - 12:35 AM (#2439760)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Alice

Kat, Obama did not teach at Harvard. He graduated from Harvard Law School and was President of the Harvard Law Review. He taught at the University of Chicago Law School.

From his resume,
1993-2004 Visiting Law and Government Fellow, then Senior Lecturer, in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Taught courses on the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law, on voting rights, and on racism and law. Helped develop a casebook on voting rights.

Obama's resume is online here:

14 Sep 08 - 01:12 AM (#2439773)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

Ah, thanks for the correction, Alice. I should have remembered that correctly.

14 Sep 08 - 04:02 AM (#2439816)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Ringslinger, when anyone is a candidate for VP, they need to be qualified to assume the duties of President from day one. We've had at least 2 VPs who have had to take over as President in less than 2 months after Inauguration Day and another who became President less than 6 months after being Inaugurated.   And John McCain is 72 with recurrent malignant melanoma.

14 Sep 08 - 07:24 AM (#2439863)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: wysiwyg

...she responded that she "wouldn't blink" but would recommend a military response....

She wants to be known as The Bang-Bang Gal?


14 Sep 08 - 08:19 AM (#2439893)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ron Davies

Clara, of Kansas City, a poster on MSNBC, says: " ' We cannot blink' is a beauty tip when applying mascara, not a foreign policy position."

14 Sep 08 - 12:09 PM (#2440022)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

"Wouldn't blink" as a response to an international crisis, raises the question in my tiny brain of whether Palin "Wouldn't think" as well before acting. Her strategy may be entirely adequate for dealing with day to day crises in Alaska, but even when you are hunting moose (or jacking deer) you're supposed to look before you shoot.

I wonder what her trophy room back home looks like:

Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a pure bred Guernsey cow!

Charley Noble

14 Sep 08 - 12:45 PM (#2440052)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Ron Davies

Bingo, Charlie.   And she sees nothing wrong in that.

14 Sep 08 - 05:13 PM (#2440283)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bonzo3legs

Has anyone told you that in England, we are sick to death of your sodding election, and the peabrains involved?

14 Sep 08 - 05:22 PM (#2440289)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Donuel

Charley, someone should take a string and measure the distance from Chicago and New York to Moscow.

They will find out they are closer than Anchorage

14 Sep 08 - 05:38 PM (#2440311)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

The woman is a pretender, asserting preparedness she neither owns nor feels, because she thinks she will always be able to skate on the wisdom provided her by underlings smarter than she.

This is a lousy approach to the fate of the nation.


14 Sep 08 - 05:43 PM (#2440321)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Stringsinger

McCain has thrown red meat to the religious right. Or should I say pork?

14 Sep 08 - 06:10 PM (#2440358)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bill H //\\

Bonzo3 legs---what can one say but---God Save the Queen---and finance her family.

Bill Hahn

14 Sep 08 - 09:48 PM (#2440501)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

"'We cannot blink' is a beauty tip when applying mascara, not a foreign policy position."


14 Sep 08 - 09:55 PM (#2440508)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Well said, Charlie!
[["Wouldn't blink" as a response to an international crisis, raises the question in my tiny brain of whether Palin "Wouldn't think" as well before acting. Her strategy may be entirely adequate for dealing with day to day crises in Alaska, but even when you are hunting moose (or jacking deer) you're supposed to look before you shoot.

I wonder what her trophy room back home looks like:

Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a pure bred Guernsey cow!

Charley Noble]]

Note that Palin told the other Charlie (Gibson) that she immediately accepted McCain's offer to be his running mate because it was important for a leader "not to blink."
In other words, in her mind taking the time to think it over or talk it over would have constituted "blinking."   
Don't discuss what the job would require of her. Don't pause to reflect on whether you're qualified or whether it's best for you and your family for you to take on such awesome responsibilites at this time.   Nope. Just go with your first instinct and never back down.

Yup, that's really what I'm looking for in a Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces.


15 Sep 08 - 06:56 AM (#2440753)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

"The woman is a pretender, asserting preparedness she neither owns nor feels, because she thinks she will always be able to skate on the wisdom provided her by underlings smarter than she."

                  The problem is, and this is why she was such a great pick for McCain, she's every bit as prepared as Obama.

15 Sep 08 - 10:19 AM (#2440955)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

I disagree profoundly, Rig, and I think derogatory thoughts in your general direction. The two are barely comparable, and Obama is far better prepared for his quest than she is for her free ride.


15 Sep 08 - 05:54 PM (#2441458)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Ringslinger, it might be futile to ask you to look at qualifications objectively, but since the Democrats (IMNSHO) have not done such a great job of highlighting Obama's relevant eduction and experience, let me remind you of
Barack Obama's resumé.

His qualifications go far beyond 6 years in the Illinois Senate and 4 years in the US Senate - and way beyond Sarah Palin's. Arguably at least equal to and maybe beyond John McCain's, by virtue of his background in Constitutional Law plus his executive experience as a community organizer.   (McCain has military experience but no formal education in law and perhaps no executive or governmental experience except as a member of Congress.)

At any rate, Obama's resume clearly shows him to be as qualified for the Presidency as many of our former Presidents, including some very successful ones, have been.

15 Sep 08 - 06:00 PM (#2441471)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Oh, and following up on Amos's comment about Palin's "free ride," let's remember this:

John McCain and Barack Obama both won their party's nominations by the vote of the electorate, after a lot of scrutiny by the media and attacks by their opponents. They have been thoroughly vetted and deemed qualified by many millions of voters.   

Sarah Palin did not go through that rigorous vetting process to become her party's VP nominee. In fact, by keeping her name out of the media's attention as someone on McCain's "short list," the Republicans shielded her from the sort of vetting that Tim Pawlenti, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and others on that "short list" got from the media and the public.

15 Sep 08 - 06:24 PM (#2441501)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

"Sarah Palin did not go through that rigorous vetting process to become her party's VP nominee."

                   Hillary Clinton didn't either, and that's why Obama is behind in the polls right now.

15 Sep 08 - 06:34 PM (#2441509)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

Hillary Clinton went through even more vetting than Obama, McCain, Biden, Giuliani, Romney, etc. She's been being "vetted" by the American media -- not to mention Kenneth Starr -- since at least early 1992.   And she got the votes of 18 million Americans for the Democratic Presidential nominee.
It's not that the voters rejected Clinton -- any more than her supporters necessarily "rejected" Obama (or Edwards or Biden or Kucinich, etc.). Obama just had more support.

15 Sep 08 - 06:54 PM (#2441526)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

She wasn't formally vetted, and that's what pissed everybody off. But Obama didn't necessarily have more support, he just had support from obscure places.

15 Sep 08 - 07:25 PM (#2441547)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

A Pit Bull in Lipstick Who Lies...


15 Sep 08 - 07:26 PM (#2441549)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Amos

Fact Checks on Palin Demagogueries

15 Sep 08 - 07:29 PM (#2441554)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: GUEST,Don Firth (computer still in the shop)

Really? And just what "obscure places" are you referring to, Rig?

Just curious.

Don Firth

15 Sep 08 - 07:54 PM (#2441580)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Genie

"She [Clinton] wasn't formally vetted ..."

Formally, schmormally! I'd say having you and your husband investigated by an Independent Counsel, not to mention the muscle of the whole Republican Party, for over 8 years -- BEFORE you ever run for any office yourself -- that's pretty thorough "vetting." Plus, she was under intense scrutiny both times she ran for the US Senate seat for New York. All that before she declared herself a candidate for President. I still say Hillary Clinton's probably been the most investigated candidate for the Presidency in the last 50 years, if not in the history of our country.

"... Obama didn't necessarily have more support, he just had support from obscure places."

Obama raised a lot more money than Clinton ever did, without any donor giving more than $2,000. (Clinton had to lend her campaign several million of her own money and had to borrow a lot more which she still is having trouble paying back.)

And he got more votes, both from individual citizens and from Super Delegates, than Clinton did.   (Not to mention that Clinton had Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" Republican voters voting for her in Democratic Primaries to try to make her the Dem nominee because they thought she'd be easier to defeat.)

In case you've overlooked it, in the US, people from "obscure places" are supposed to have their votes count the same as people from everywhere else.

15 Sep 08 - 09:28 PM (#2441629)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

"Really? And just what "obscure places" are you referring to, Rig?"

                Idaho and Wyoming, and most places with caucuses where votes can be bought.

15 Sep 08 - 10:03 PM (#2441644)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: GUEST,Don Firth (computer, etc.)

"Idaho and Wyoming, and most places with caucuses where votes can be bought."

And your documentation for that allegation is. . . ?

Don Firth

15 Sep 08 - 10:44 PM (#2441669)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Bobert

Stands tall is a joke... Yeah, maybe if yer a dumbass moose and she has a 30/06 she stands tall but other than that??? Heck, this ol' hillbilly would tear her her up in a debate so I'm really lookin' forward to Biden choppin' her up but...

...rememeber when Al Gore tore up Bush in 2000??? All the right winged media, which BTW is all media, declared that Bush had won???

Yep, Bush, who badly lost all the debates, was declared the winner???

Go figure???

So I reckon the media will agin grade on "a curve" and if McCain and Ms. Sarah show up to the debates with a friggin' pulse will be declared the winners and...

...the beat goes on...


15 Sep 08 - 10:58 PM (#2441680)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Riginslinger

"And your documentation for that allegation is. . . ?"

                     The results of the primary!

15 Sep 08 - 11:09 PM (#2441688)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: Charley Noble

Time to retire another political thread which has made its run.

There really isn't much point in trying to focus more attention of McCain's running mate. That what the McCain Campaign would like us to do rather than debate the issues.

I wish Biden well in his debate. He will have to be at his best to win, pin Palin in the spotlight like a deer at night on economic, environmental, and international issues of importance. But I bet the reviewers will be focused on what Palin is wearing and what kind of make-up she has on. Maybe Biden needs to dress in pink and gray!

Charley Noble

15 Sep 08 - 11:57 PM (#2441745)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: GUEST,Don Firth (computer still in the shop)

Makes no sense. You'll have to explain that, Rig.

Bought by whom, and how did they do it?

Don Firth

16 Sep 08 - 12:17 AM (#2441752)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
From: katlaughing

As a former resident of Wyoming, I have to say "bullshit!" Other than that I agree with Charley.