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BS: Anti Americans & Half truths

17 Oct 08 - 07:30 PM (#2468723)
Subject: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Barbra Bachman House Republican; wants a Congressional Investigation of other anti American members who may also be consorting with terrorists. She wants the media to focus entirely on Obama's terrorist activities.

She ranted for 5 minutes on the Chris Matthews show tonight about the need ro root out domestic terrorists like Obama's associates.

Half truths can have a half life of hundreds of years.

Half truth examples.

Obama consorts with terrorists.

Mc Cain is pro America, Obama is running against McCain which makes Barack Hussein Obama anti American.

Leftists are all anti American. Radical leftists are traitors.

Only right wingers are Pro Americans.

A house divided makes for clear sailing of the ruling class.

This country has gone down this road before. HUAC the House UnAmerican Activities Commitee was successful in destorying the lives of Un Republican people.

Artists, writers and ordinary people were all caught in this net of fascism. Once they were merely called before the commitee the common practice was to have them lose their job lest the employer lose theirs. Joe McCarthy was never censured but did fall prey to a TV address by Edward R Murrow who was a prestigious version of today's Keith Oberman. A young lawyer by the name of Robert F Kennedy was Joe's assistant.

Half truths are nearly always 100% lies but they have a life of their own.

I can say sincerely that the Anti American cry will become the common accusation that will lead to great loss of life and livlihood if respondsible Republicans do nothing.

The Republican fascists are now so far over the top I do not see how Steven Colbert can effectively parody them anymore.

I certainly hope this anti american wave will cool off after the election. I fear not.

17 Oct 08 - 07:47 PM (#2468731)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

thank goodness we don;t hear,,,

John McCain knew Hitler.

John McCain has gotten himself and others bombed in the Pentagon

John Sidney McCain has the intials of Jesus Christ Messiah

Sarah Palin can not see Russia from her house, but she has stayed in a Holiday Inn.

It seems that as we are entering the most difficult econmic transition in everyon's lifetime, the Republican party is working as hard as they can to spread half truths that will scapegoat the left for the economy, the war, the suffering caused by the last 8 years and go so far as to encourage revenge, violence, civil war and a domestic meltdown that will be far worse than we might imagine now.

17 Oct 08 - 07:50 PM (#2468734)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Obama knew Willie Horton

17 Oct 08 - 07:50 PM (#2468735)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: katlaughing

It will get sorted out, Donuel. There are too many good people working on it, now, and we have the internet, cell phones, blackberries, etc. which has brought on such a revolution in communications that we can never go backwards to the way it was when the HUAC was at hand.

17 Oct 08 - 07:59 PM (#2468740)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Ed T

John McCain invented key punch data processing!

17 Oct 08 - 08:19 PM (#2468755)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: CarolC

Typical fascist brownshirt tactics.

17 Oct 08 - 08:54 PM (#2468769)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Sorcha

I see it as McCain getting desperate....?

17 Oct 08 - 08:56 PM (#2468770)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

We need to know the full relationship between John McCain and Ted Hagard, Tom Foley and Little Richard. Is there another reason why John refused to go home and wished instead to sleep with his room mates in Viet Nam?

We need an in depth expose' concerning John McCain visiting every single country in which the CIA has rendition torture chambers. Is he the Bush administration's expert on torture or not? Who else is a better authority?

We need to know exactly how much of the Wall Street bail out money was signed over to Cindy McCain.

We have not been told of the peculiar McCain associations with the Schemm Team. Why not? What is he hiding?

Why did Ronald Reagan begin to lose his faculties soon after a meeting with the middle aged Senator John McCain? What is the connection? Why are we not being told?

Senator McCain claims he is not George Bush. Yet do we have any proof. There have not been any pictures of them together for years now.

McCain does not even deny having oral sex with Sarah Palin,,,disgusting! And does he or does he not have a neck brace on his penis!!!!   We are not being told the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 Oct 08 - 09:00 PM (#2468773)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Did you know that Barack Hussein Obama has fathered two african unamerican children out of his wedlock?   I thought not.

What did Jeramiah Wright have to do with bin Laden's speechs?
Who is writing for who?

17 Oct 08 - 09:07 PM (#2468777)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Yeah, and I got a autographed 'Double Fantasy'(which I do), does that mean Mr. Lennon was consorting with me??..and he was investigated by the Nixon Administration.....He was such an enemy!!(?)

17 Oct 08 - 10:11 PM (#2468817)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Ohio robo call

Did you know that Barack Obama has personally killed 17 babies with his own hands by signing a law that denied life saving treatment for aborted babies that survived?


Did you know that Barack Obama will bomb the white house and build a pyramid in its place?

17 Oct 08 - 10:14 PM (#2468819)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well I'll be!!

17 Oct 08 - 10:20 PM (#2468825)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Did you know that Amos created a similar thread called mommy where do lies come from?
He was not the slightest bit folksy! He used elitist $10 words and wrote them from a compound in one of the most anti American strongholds of the country.

We need to know who Amos pals around with. Is it Andy? Is he hiding Willie Horton? We just don't know.

17 Oct 08 - 10:26 PM (#2468830)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

US going for a ride picture

Did you know Obama is a master HYPNOTIST? HYPNO THE RAPIST link

17 Oct 08 - 10:39 PM (#2468836)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

By the way, I really was an expert in Eriksonian hypnosis going bafck 20 years now.

Barack uses a subdued but honest rhetoricical style but includes no PHS of any kind save for "you need to vote".

17 Oct 08 - 11:06 PM (#2468847)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Deep Thoughts For Those Who Take Life Way Too Seriously:
    1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
    2. A day without sunshine is like night.
    3. On the other hand, you have different fingers.
    4. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.
    5. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
    6. Remember, half the people you know are below average.
    7. He who laughs last thinks slowest.
    8. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
    9. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.
    10. Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.
    11. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
    12. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
    13. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.
    14. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.
    15. OK, so what's the speed of dark?
    16. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
    17. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
    18. Every one has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
    19. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
    20. Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
    21. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
    22. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
    23. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
    24. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
    25. Just remember -- if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.
    26. Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

17 Oct 08 - 11:33 PM (#2468861)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Seems to me that Barbra Bachman, House Republican, may want "a Congressional Investigation of other anti American members who may also be consorting with terrorists" until the cows come home, but she ain't gonna get her wish unless the Republicans regain the majority. The Dems are in the driver's seat now and will probably be even more firmly in the driver's seat during the next Congress. How does Ms Bachman propose to get this investigation underway in the face of that little obstacle? Does she think she'll convince enough Democrats of the need for such an investigation that they'll vote to undertake it?

17 Oct 08 - 11:40 PM (#2468864)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Probably, if the connivers, can utilize it, rename it, and are paid enough for their vote.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in either high positions, or in large crowds.

18 Oct 08 - 02:44 AM (#2468927)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Jim Carroll

Is this really what American politics is about? - thank god for the Atlantic!
Jim Carroll

18 Oct 08 - 02:51 AM (#2468931)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Peace

They should investigate Obama's friend. At the same time they should investigate Barbra Bachman for giving out more blowjobs than Lewinsky and for having made her living as a street prostitute for a few years.

It's not true, but so what? Let everyone play.

18 Oct 08 - 02:54 AM (#2468934)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Hiya Peace, haven't seen you on here for a couple of days..

18 Oct 08 - 03:00 AM (#2468935)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Peace

Hi, GfS

I have had computer difficulties. You doing OK?

18 Oct 08 - 03:08 AM (#2468937)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Yeah, doing alright...tired a little, but doing

18 Oct 08 - 03:23 AM (#2468942)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Peace

Same, same. I wish you'd join so we can message. But I understand if you care not to.

18 Oct 08 - 03:26 AM (#2468944)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity


18 Oct 08 - 03:27 AM (#2468948)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Peace

Join Mudcat as a member. That way we could send messages back and forth for things that can't be discussed openly.

18 Oct 08 - 03:34 AM (#2468954)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

SHOCK!!!! I would have never suspected.......

18 Oct 08 - 08:53 AM (#2469073)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Alextiefling

Good bless America. I sees tis man McCain ins dat big house real real soon, yes indeedie sir I sure dos see it.

Victory must and will go to McCain and Palin. Americans aren't that fucked up they would vote for that boy.

18 Oct 08 - 09:43 AM (#2469109)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Greg F.

another moron for jesus.....

18 Oct 08 - 10:06 AM (#2469118)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bill D

How far away IS 'Sanity', Guest? How often do you go back during your extended vacation with us?

I'll bet Peace is further away....

what? hidden metaphors? naaawwwww...

18 Oct 08 - 10:43 AM (#2469137)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Sanity, who wrote the 26 excellent aphorisms? or are they a collage?

reminds me of Steven Wright, who I used to pal around with in Harvard Square.

18 Oct 08 - 02:08 PM (#2469265)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Jason U

"You can always trust America to do the right thing...

"..............but only after exhausting every other alternative."

(Winston Churchill)1942.

18 Oct 08 - 03:28 PM (#2469314)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Donuel, Steven Wright is one of my favorites. Must have been great hanging out with him. There was this one comic from HBO specials that hung out with us often for a while when I had another studio, in Southern California...He was so quick, and deep, we could never stop laughing..and that was anywhere, anytime!!

Jason, Great quote from Churchill!...thank you!

..and Bill D.....'sigh'

18 Oct 08 - 04:01 PM (#2469330)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Donuel, I just went back and re-read them. Some of them could have easily come from Steven Wright, or he may have used them. How many and which ones, I don't know...but his humor is my humble opinion!

18 Oct 08 - 04:17 PM (#2469343)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: jeffp

I'm really surprised that I haven't seen a link to this story on Mudcat yet. I don't usually get involved in the political threads, but I read them for entertainment.

I'll stir the pot with this link:

18 Oct 08 - 04:22 PM (#2469347)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: ard mhacha

Consorting with terrorists?, any person who voted for the Bush government.

18 Oct 08 - 04:33 PM (#2469355)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Speaking of Heath care

18 Oct 08 - 05:04 PM (#2469370)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jeffp, one of the names, in that article, Carillo, was also involved with Iran/Contra, which I've tried to 'enlighten' some Mudcatters on, but to no avail, the 'Kumbaya-ers' would rather deal with the petty.

In 1985-6, the Christic Institute, with their attorney, Daniel Sheehan, brought a lawsuit in Florida, involving the Contras, cocaine drug smuggling, and embezzled arms being shipped to the Contras, in exchange for drugs, by non other than Cuban nationalists, a segment of some CIA operatives, and the 'intelligence' community. When Hassenfuss's C5A cargo plane was shot down, by the Contras, this opened a whole bag of worms that exposed quite a bit of info, and the trail led to an airport, in Mena, Arkansas, during the Clinton governorship there. George Bush, Sr. who headed the CIA, and then, Vice President is certainly implicated. The hostages, in Iran, were released, when Reagan was being sworn in, was NOT BECAUSE he was being sworn in, but because, the hostage takers, who, one of the organizers, is presently the president of Iran...tortured a man to death, on video tape. His name was Buckley. As it turned out, he was the head of CIA covert operations, worldwide..and he spilled the beans, while being tortured to death. The hostage exchange, was a deal worked out, to keep that tape from being released, worldwide. Anyway, this is all now info that can be found..and a lot more, in a book 'Out of Control'..I could go on MUCH more about this, including the Bush/ Clinton ties, the 'Golden Triangle' and so on and so forth, which of course, brings us up to date, with some of the problems we are experiencing in the middle east...but I don't think the 'Kumbaya-ers' wouldn't want to be distracted from Sarah Palin, 'Joe the Plumber' and Troopergate, and other silly stuff. They are still working through the political ads, pundits, polls, MSNBC and FOX NEWS, stuff...and arguing about petty stuff, compared to this type of criminal activity, in the highest places in our government....Oh well! By the way, thanks for your brought back old memories. I scoured it for a name I was familiar with, when discovering the facts about Iran/Contra...and there it was in your article!!...There is SO-O-O-OO-OO much more, but, well, I think I'll get back to see if Sarah has strangled a moose on Joe the Plumber's porch yet...while out of season...maybe that will crucify her, and make the crazed mob happy!

18 Oct 08 - 05:13 PM (#2469374)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

..............and that's the short version!!!!!

18 Oct 08 - 05:31 PM (#2469386)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bill D

"maybe that will crucify her, and make the crazed mob happy!"


There's lot's of folks who are appalled by Palin as a possible VP or more, but who don't get into over-the-top rhetoric & accusations.

Some of us feel an honest rendition of the truth 'should' be enough to demonstrate that she was a poor choice and is driven by attitudes not appropriate for even the offices she is currently in.

18 Oct 08 - 06:22 PM (#2469415)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I was being facetious. I thought when you came back on you'd have commented on the prior post..which, is of course a bit more serious!

18 Oct 08 - 07:13 PM (#2469443)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bill D

I'll try when I have more time to do it right.

18 Oct 08 - 08:18 PM (#2469488)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Amos

(The Politico) It's unlikely that the American media will produce the "penetrating exposé" into whether members of Congress are "pro-America or anti-America" that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) called for Friday, but there has been at least one consequence she may not have expected: Her congressional opponent, Democrat El Tinklenberg, has been showered with cash from all parts of the country — America, that is — as apparently insulted Americans respond to Bachmann's request.

"I can absolutely confirm that we have had in the last 24 hours donations from hundreds and hundreds of people from all over the country," said Tinklenberg campaign manager Anna Richey. "It's coming in so fast I can't get a hold on it and can't give a precise number. It's still coming in." At minimum, she said, $150,000 has so far been donated and she expects the total, which the campaign will release later today, to be far higher.

"It's overwhelming," said Richey. "I've gotten 600 e-mail messages into our info e-mail account in the last 12 hours. People are outraged." She said a number of the e-mails decried Bachmann's call for the investigation as modern-day McCarthyism. "People shared personal stories of how their parents were discriminated against" during that time, said Richey.

The messaes, she said, came from "Republicans, Democrats, people who professed to be out of work and struggling economically but wanted to give what they could."

Bachmann on Friday told MSNBC's Chris Matthews that Barack Obama is not the only anti-American member of Congress. "The news media should do a penetrating exposé and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America? I think people would love to see an exposé like that," she said.

Richey said she's been amazed at the response. "It's really exciting, but unfortunate it had to come under these circumstances. This is what we've been trying to eliminate for months," she said of Bachmann

18 Oct 08 - 09:51 PM (#2469557)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Steven wasn't much a live wire personally. Mostly he just enjoyed good weed and getting laid. I found it admirable that he did his own laundry.

18 Oct 08 - 09:55 PM (#2469562)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Not much of a live wire on stage..just hilarious!

19 Oct 08 - 01:27 AM (#2469654)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

in the voice of Steven Wright:

The only time McCain doesn't feel like he has to pee
is when he's peeing.

Instead of campaigns and elections, The candidates should play Plinko.

You'd think the stock market would lose its license after crashing everyday this month.

A motorcycle cop yelled "pull over'
I said no its a Cardigan.

How can you have an afterlife when you die. That would be an after death.

19 Oct 08 - 01:35 AM (#2469655)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Donuel

Where is Olover North?

It could mean he's trading nookuler weapons for drugs for campaign cash, or the Mexican drug cartel is holding him hostage and W didn't pay.

19 Oct 08 - 02:57 AM (#2469674)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Awww, thanks Donuel..chuckled sitting here!

One for ya'(not Wright's, as far as I know)..

If all the world is a stage, where does the audience sit?

19 Oct 08 - 11:19 AM (#2469927)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bill D

Ok, GfS, I am having trouble sorting out your referrent:

"I thought when you came back on you'd have commented on the prior post...."

Do you mean YOUR 'previous post' about health care? or the earlier part of the BIG post about Iran_Contra and supposed cover-up of a video of Buckley's torture?

At first glance, I don't see any clear relevance of either.

19 Oct 08 - 09:27 PM (#2470379)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bill, the Iran/Contra one

20 Oct 08 - 11:47 AM (#2470799)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: Bill D

hmmmm..well, that is a pretty convoluted set of assertions, some direct, some implied.....all of which seem to turn on the accuracy of 'Out of Control'.

I am not sure how I could possibly evaluate something which 'claims' that the entire hostage exchange was contrived to cover up a video...and if it WAS true, what the point is.

That part of history was a mess....the timing was weird .... and the actual interdependencies of the events may NEVER be clearly known. It feels to me like one of those theories where folks just believe what their gut & personal set of accepted premises tells them.

   Too bad YOU were not here when the Kenndey assassination, the Bilderbergers and 9/11 were hot Mudcat topics... *grin*.... you could have 'contributed' a few hundred more clarifying posts.

21 Oct 08 - 03:25 AM (#2471517)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

From: Bill D
Date: 20 Oct 08 - 11:47 AM

hmmmm..well, that is a pretty convoluted set of assertions, some direct, some implied.....all of which seem to turn on the accuracy of 'Out of Control'.

The source of what I posted is also substantiated in the book 'Out of Control', but that was not my first, or only source. I suggest you search Daniel Sheehan/ Christic Institute/Iran Contra/Mena Airport/Barry Seal, if you'd like to do your research on this. By all means, be my guest!

21 Oct 08 - 05:15 AM (#2471554)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bill D, Also look up 'Group 40', and 'Operation 40' . It was a group comprised of Cuban nationals, certain figures in the intelligence community, and organized crime. In 1959, then, Vice President Nixon, met with Santos Traficanti, under Meyer Lansky at the Fontanbleu Hotel, in Miami, when the organized crime operations, was run out of Cuba. They offered to 'help' the US in retaking Cuba(being as they lost considerable financial interests there), and wanted to meet with the government, to form a group. By the way, if you recall, when the Watergate burglars were caught, a large number of them were Cuban nationals, and certain factions of the intelligence community. Part of the same group,, ironically, called 'The Plumbers' or 'The Plumber's Unit'. Look it up, its all there, if you're interested.
Out of this was the foundation for 'Operation Mongoose' which, after some 'adjustments' was 'The Bay of Pigs'.....

21 Oct 08 - 09:05 AM (#2471698)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
From: kendall

Can someone define "Anti American"? Is it simply anyone who does not agree with the Neo cons?