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BS: President Obama is....

10 Nov 08 - 04:00 AM (#2489603)
Subject: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

According to the principles of Anagranalysis- the divination of a person's character by anagrams of his name- President Barack Hussein Obama has an interesting personality.

He is a serious patriot, as befits a President, though perhaps leaning a little to the left:

He's a sad, sober, but pink American

He may not be a gastronome:

Rabbit pie and mash? One's a sucker!

But he promises solutions to problems in the Middle East:

Top man cures Arabian bike sheds

There's a starter for you. No cut and paste from those dull, undiscriminatory anagram programs please! Every one hand crafted.

10 Nov 08 - 10:34 AM (#2489822)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Amos

With all due respect, the premises of such an assertion lie far beyond comprehensibility. It requires hard coupling between such disparate elements--character, genetics, arbitrary phonetic combinations, arbitrary symbol systems, arbitrary agreements on spelling -- that there is no way to conceive that a chain of causal links could possibly exist.


10 Nov 08 - 10:55 AM (#2489852)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Arkie

Paul, I think you have vividly demonstrated the reliability of divining anything of value from anagrams of a name or anything else. Thanks.

10 Nov 08 - 11:02 AM (#2489860)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

Beats the Bible Code and Nostradamus hands down ANNY day! I've known it to be The Truth ever since it revealed Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Britain's greatest engineer, French of course) as man making rubber dildos.

10 Nov 08 - 11:41 AM (#2489911)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Amos

LOL!!!! My apologies for having taken you seriously, Paul. It's Monday!


10 Nov 08 - 12:17 PM (#2489946)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Little Hawk

Rubber dildos are a useful product...possibly more useful than a gigantic ship with multiple masts, paddle wheels, and a propellor, but which cannot turn a profit.

10 Nov 08 - 12:23 PM (#2489953)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Rapparee

Large rubber dildoes make good police truncheons.

10 Nov 08 - 12:23 PM (#2489954)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: McGrath of Harlow

Soma: "In the Vedas, Soma is portrayed as sacred and as a god (deva). The god, the drink and the plant probably referred to the same entity, or at least the differentiation was ambiguous. In this aspect, Soma is similar to the Greek ambrosia (cognate to amrita); it is what the gods drink, and what made them deities. Indra and Agni are portrayed as consuming Soma in copious quantities. The consumption of Soma by human beings is probably under the belief that it bestowes divine qualities on them."

10 Nov 08 - 12:38 PM (#2489966)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Amos

QUite so. Perhaps there is something to this anagram business, after all. ;>)


11 Nov 08 - 03:51 AM (#2490515)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

It is probable that BHO will be more conciliatory towards the Castro family business:

Promises treks in Habana de Cuba

11 Nov 08 - 04:29 AM (#2490538)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Genie

Ah, but George Walker Bush is:

Whore begs UK lager!   

hulk beg worse rage

bulk horse wear egg

he balks, rogue grew

11 Nov 08 - 04:38 AM (#2490543)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Genie

And "John Sidney McCain" is:

Chic man joins Disney!

11 Nov 08 - 05:07 AM (#2490557)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Genie

And Sarah Louise Heath Palin becomes:

Hail has a pulse; no heart, I.

11 Nov 08 - 05:09 AM (#2490560)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Mr Happy

.............& in a similar vein, Leonardo da Vinci produces Vindaloo and Rice - have I solved the riddle of the D'Avinci code??

11 Nov 08 - 06:37 AM (#2490610)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

possibly more useful than a gigantic ship with multiple masts, paddle wheels, and a propellor, but which cannot turn a profit.

It laid the first Atlantic telegraph cable though, its ability to move very slowly forward while maintaining steerage (props forward, paddles reverse) being one of the crucial factors. It was also the only ship at the time big enough to hold the whole cable.

11 Nov 08 - 09:35 AM (#2490745)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Mr Happy

........Clint Eastwood becomes Ted Slowaction!

12 Nov 08 - 02:34 AM (#2491458)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity reliable as a cardboard rubber.

12 Nov 08 - 03:41 AM (#2491484)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Genie

C'mon, GfS,
Can't we, for once, stick to the topic and spirit of a thread?

How about an anagram or two (instead of yet another prosaic spiel about your political views)?   ยง : x

12 Nov 08 - 04:32 AM (#2491506)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

Maybe this will be more to the taste of Vacation from Sanity:

He is a mere Cuban pinko's bastard

12 Nov 08 - 05:38 AM (#2491524)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: GUEST,jonny sunshine

And let us never forget "PM Tony Blair", who might as well have said "I'm Tory Plan B"

12 Nov 08 - 07:02 AM (#2491551)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Riginslinger

President Obama is.... the Manchurian Candidate...

12 Nov 08 - 07:07 AM (#2491554)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Amos

Actually, he was the Democratic candidate. I thought you knew that much, Rig!

12 Nov 08 - 10:11 AM (#2491703)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Riginslinger

Well, I'd promised myself I wasn't going to say anything bad about him, but this was just sitting out here waiting for comment. Besides, I didn't want you to get bored, Amos.

12 Nov 08 - 10:52 AM (#2491736)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Amos

YEah, but it is not true, either anagramically OR politically, you silly oaf!


12 Nov 08 - 10:56 AM (#2491746)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Riginslinger


12 Nov 08 - 12:05 PM (#2491811)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

So you, for example, have el rising grin, and I might rub kale up.

12 Nov 08 - 12:40 PM (#2491853)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: McGrath of Harlow

In a previous Sarah Palin thread I posted this:

I see that there is a letter in the latest Private Eye (but that's not the latest issue online) from an observant reader, who has noticed that "Sarah Palin Vice President" is in fact an anagram of "Is perhaps devil incarnate".

12 Nov 08 - 03:26 PM (#2492042)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Genie

Oh, I LIKE that one, McGrath!

Then there's "GI sinner girl" for Rig --

Or maybe "GI's inner girl?"

12 Nov 08 - 03:57 PM (#2492084)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Riginslinger

Sinner girl sounds more exciting!

13 Nov 08 - 03:22 AM (#2492487)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

Back to BHO!

As broken as Bush in a dime carpet suggests the old Ottoman way of disposing of redundant Grand Viziers, while there are hints of economic problems to come, along with a prudent response in I'm as broke as dinner- but as cheap.

14 Nov 08 - 04:44 AM (#2493512)
Subject: RE: BS: President Obama is....
From: Paul Burke

Caramba! The USA is broken- spined!