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TablEdit transcription software

18 Jun 99 - 09:41 AM (#87655)
Subject: TablEdit transcription software
From: Easy Rider

I know you folks recommend Noteworthy for printing MIDI files in standard notation, but this shareware program will also print and let you edit TAB. It's free to download and $50 to register. Here is the blue clicky thing:


Other people I know rave about it. Does anybody here have experience with TablEdit? What does the "L" stand for?


18 Jun 99 - 11:34 AM (#87683)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: Jon W.

I believe the "L" comes from "tablature" (the long name for tab). I wish this software was a little more affordable - the free downloaded version I have is quite crippled but at $50 it's ten dollars more than Noteworthy and $30 more than ABC2Win to register.

Tightwad Jon

16 Mar 01 - 12:52 AM (#418837)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: Margo

refresh. I just got this program and I'm wondering how others like it... is it buggy? (Maybe I just don't have the hang of it yet) Margo

18 Mar 01 - 04:33 PM (#420546)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: Margo


19 Mar 01 - 01:10 AM (#420702)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: IvanB

Margo, I have TablEdit and I don't think it's as much a problem of it being buggy as it is of the program simply not being too intuitive to use. Since I have NoteWorthy as well, I tend not to use TablEdit unless I want tablature (and, in it's defense, I'll say I tried most of the shareware tab programs and found TablEdit to produce by far the best looking printout). Even then, I usually save a MIDI file from NoteWorthy and import it into TablEdit. I probably sound more negative about the program than I really am. Although, as I stated above, I don't think the program is easy to use, most of the others I tried were even harder to use or produced crappy looking printouts.

19 Mar 01 - 06:02 AM (#420743)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: Steve Parkes

I've been using TablEdit for a couple of yeasrs now, often in conjunction with Noteworthy. Yes, it is a bind learning to use it, but it repays the effort. Keep a notebook of the useful things that you don't use very often (note to self: why don't i take my own advice?!), but the frequently-used facilities are soon learned. Actually, I find it more useful for hearing what a tab sounds like! It's handy for practicing along with, as you can slow down or speed up the tempo to a comfortable rate, and it makes you stick to the tempo too.


20 Mar 01 - 07:16 PM (#422011)
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
From: Margo

Ivan, when you import a MIDI file from Noteworthy (which I have and enjoy using) does tabledit "tab" it or put it on a stave, or both? Thanks, Margo