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BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape

30 Nov 08 - 11:25 PM (#2504535)
Subject: BS: Accountability - End of year in good sha
From: katlaughing

Here we are at the last month of 2008! Extra cleaning, shopping, mailing, baking, etc. it all counts, right?:-)

Whatever you do, please post your fitness/letting go of weight goals, as you meet them by the day/week/monthly. Also, feel free to post your goals in your first posting. Encouragement/chatting is okay, as long as it is kept to a minimum.
Have fun and good luck!

Feel free to make suggestions!

Merry December to all!

30 Nov 08 - 11:35 PM (#2504539)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Intentions for the month include:

1. Be Open to Joy
2. Be patient with myself. It's about persistance, not perfection.
3. Yoga, Yoga, Yoga
4. New activity being added this week.
5. Journal Journal Journal
6. Tossing all Christmas goodies that teachers get in the trash or passing them on to other staff members. I don't need that stuff nor do I want it.

Michelle who rearranged all kinds of furniture today

01 Dec 08 - 12:01 AM (#2504550)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Rapparee

If I get any more accountable I'll be blamed for the sinking of the Maine, Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, Pearl Harbor, and the election of GW Bush.

On the other hand, I've lost 15 pounds and my blood sugar keeps getting better.

01 Dec 08 - 03:45 AM (#2504616)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

More walking today, even though I'm not at work. Promised to shop for some friends (that is, do some shopping for the ones I have, not stop off at 'Chums R Us' and get some new ones....) which means a jolly walk up the high street.

My own personal goal of 2 stones off before Christmas is only going to happen if I lose 5lbs a week now... but at least I'm a stone lighter than 4 months ago.


01 Dec 08 - 04:07 AM (#2504639)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: mouldy

Try and get a bit more active: the garden needs a lot of work, small though it may be.
Really watch the points intake (although I was well within allowance last week.)
Do more Tai Chi.
Not get upset if I don't get into the blue Droopy & Brown dress that was my end of year target...bit ambitious, considering I have only been on the diet for a month, and had gone back up to my start weight after that stay in the convent. (Weigh-in is tonight).

Stay positive!


01 Dec 08 - 08:04 AM (#2504763)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,Eye Lander (not logged in) cos of SS.

Thanks Kat for keeping this going and I do hope you'll set it up for next year, although I have lost the plot along the way, I always look in to see how others are doing. I am still renovating and decorating like fury so not totally idle. Merry Christmas to one and all and good luck with goals and aspirations.


01 Dec 08 - 11:04 AM (#2504955)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Hurt the lower back a little with cinderblock moving, so yesterday I volunteered for a few extra land-based-walking things to keep it from seizing up in my recliner, and avoided the pool where I would only have overdone things and delayed the back recovery. Today, VERY brief pool visit for hot/cold alternate water, and NO jogging, etc.


01 Dec 08 - 01:44 PM (#2505087)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: MAG

My goal is to get to the point where I no longer need to do shots for my diabetes. I weighed at the Y SAturday: down to 213. Forty down; sixty to go. Getting off the wrong drugs has helped tremendously.

My job continues to be major stress, but then I remember to be thankful I've got one; if it weren't for the health plan I would have chucked it and gotten out of here a long time ago.

I also want to finish paying off my house sooner rather than later, like, next year, so if I'm out of a job in 2010 at least I'll have a roof over my head.

02 Dec 08 - 01:22 AM (#2505549)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: JennieG

My plan is to get more active next year. I am retiring from work next week (yippee!) so will have more energy - at present, by the time I get home I am so dragged down and tired that it is a real effort to walk. And I will no longer have a house cleaner so I will be doing my own housework, which is always a good workout.


02 Dec 08 - 10:37 AM (#2505858)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: MAG

I'm jealous, Jennie. If I had planned my life better may be I could retire early, but it isn't so. Life is what happens while ...

214 at the Y yesterday. I have to quit weighing every time I go; it gets obsessive, and the fluctuations make me crazy.

I have been seeing a physical therapist (not covered by health insurance, natch) and it is making a world of difference.

My band plays 3 hours at a monthly contra dance, and by the end of the dance my shoulder was screaming. Not it doesn't, and I can turn my neck like I should be able to. It's worth the money.

02 Dec 08 - 03:45 PM (#2506165)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: mouldy

5lbs off from last week's nun-induced weight gain, so I am now back on track, and we have all moved onto the new WW programme. Back's somewhat stiff, but had a good tai chi class this morning


02 Dec 08 - 09:42 PM (#2506458)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Binds, Bandhas and Balances Yoga (10 Sun Salutations too, both A & B)

60 minutes, probably a bit longer.


02 Dec 08 - 10:03 PM (#2506478)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Andrea!

Qi Gong - 30 minutes
Walking - 10 briskish

03 Dec 08 - 07:55 PM (#2507252)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes


03 Dec 08 - 07:56 PM (#2507255)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Stairs, several times today, and a lot of upstairs walking.


03 Dec 08 - 08:44 PM (#2507282)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

About 45 minutes walking while following Morgan around in a giant hobby store and another store.:-)

03 Dec 08 - 10:42 PM (#2507343)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: MAG

Did my Y workout again this morning (and didn't weigh). Makes for a long day but worth it.

04 Dec 08 - 04:54 AM (#2507458)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Sleepy Rosie

"Get my shit together"
Pretty much sums up my current life plan...

04 Dec 08 - 12:22 PM (#2507744)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Doing good on the weights-and-back workouts, doing badly on frequency of walks. Need to do better.

Working on the better food angle, made a few veggie soups to help that along. Lost a coupla pounds.

04 Dec 08 - 12:29 PM (#2507754)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

MRE on the go, size per your program. A fruit, a carb, and a protein:

Put "cooked" ramen noodles (plain, toss the flavor pak), coupla slices of jerky, 1/2 c juicy frozen or dried fruit, in a Ziploc-type bag. Squeeze out all the air. Later, add hot tap water. Cut off a corner of the Ziploc, and suck it out like space food. (Rinse off the outside of the bag before opening.) Not bad!


04 Dec 08 - 04:17 PM (#2507958)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

45 miunutes slow pool puttering for back. BOHrrrrinnnnggg!


04 Dec 08 - 05:22 PM (#2508048)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

I was mostly good all week and lost a pathetic half a pound. Did lots of walking, eating mostly right things... but nope. Half a pound. Humph.

I'm not a happy bunny.


04 Dec 08 - 07:25 PM (#2508150)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Muscles, Liz, muscles. Do NOT use the scale as a real measure of progress-- use clothing fit.


04 Dec 08 - 07:36 PM (#2508160)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

More walking with Morgan. About 35-40 minutes, again. Lots of fun!

04 Dec 08 - 08:51 PM (#2508212)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: MAG

Successfully sold a size 24 suit to a colleague.

Maybe I should save all my now-too-larges for a spring yard sale?

The consignment shop doesn't leave you much.

04 Dec 08 - 09:10 PM (#2508228)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes

Liz, the scale is going the direction you want, no? It takes time and you ARE moving in the right direction! Suggestion: Take a piece of yarn and wrap it around your waist, hips, upper arms, etc. I use a different string for each measurement. measure your hips, put a piece of masking tape at the spot where the yarn meets itself. Make this piece of tape like a little flag and write the date on it. NO NUMBERS regarding inches or weight. Measure again in a month and note your new measurements with another flag. It's fun to watch after a few months, ESPECIALLY when the scale is moving too slow for your taste.

Michelle :)

05 Dec 08 - 06:13 AM (#2508457)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: mouldy

Confession time

As it was my now defunct dance side's final get together/Christmas party last night, I went along armed with a 13 points to use .... ended up +/- 6 points over, and I blame it on the 2 bite-sized spring rolls! And the 3 whiskies. And the 3 mini Yorkshire puds (but with only one spoonful of beef stew and gravy)... a couple of small open sandwiches...
But there are NO points in picked onions! Trouble is, it's making me a bit anti-social!

However, having been to the doc this morning, apart from cholesterol at 5.5, everything else checks out, and they are leaving my BP medication alone for now.

Being VERY good today.


05 Dec 08 - 12:18 PM (#2508727)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

212 at the Y this morning. Also I went up one notch on my Nautilus weights.

I still seem to need my shots no matter how I eat; probably the stress.

Gald I kept a lot of old clothes; I don't have torun out and buy new.

06 Dec 08 - 07:05 AM (#2509258)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yesterday: Taught all day, waited and bussed tables afterwards at a fundraiser.

Today: Photographer at a Breakfast with Father Christmas and later walking all around town for a local festival, perhaps a secret getaway trip to pick up a Christmas gift. Smart wool socks are my friend and should be yours too!


06 Dec 08 - 07:16 AM (#2509260)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: fat B****rd

Well done everybody. Since joining in with my Wife's Salsa class diet I've lost 16 lbs and thrown out some big jeans.
Feeling a bit viral right now but better for weight loss.
Carry on the good work
Presently 15st12lbs

06 Dec 08 - 07:25 AM (#2509265)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Is that the dancing Salsa or the eating Salsa?

Well done Not Quite so Fat B****rd!!


06 Dec 08 - 10:18 AM (#2509326)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: fat B****rd

Hello, Liz and well done yourself. Ann -Mrs. fB - does the once a week dancing and all the week cooking and I lose the weight.
Gimme a few months and I may be plumb B****rd, who knows? one day - skinny.....naaaaaaaah!

07 Dec 08 - 10:23 AM (#2509521)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: maeve

Hurrah, fB! That's great!

I have found some new sources of low-cost, nutritious food this week- one is a local food co-op; the other is restaurant surplus sold locally for pennies on the dollar (organic mushrooms, various vegetables, bulk goods, etc.) My focus has to be making sure we have enough good quality food for winter. We eat soups a lot. The only non-vital foods left to give up are small amounts of sugar, coffee, and tea and the rare box of ice cream. This year we've dried lots of fruits and veggies. It looks like we'll need to add a used freezer in the cellar too. It will be a hard winter, and neighbors are likely to need help.

Exercise continues in the form of hauling wood and coal, doing the wash (for a little while longer), hauling supplies, outside farm work, cleaning house, and nowadays, shovelling snow. I can't walk much due to overworking my feet during harvest. I'll start potting a couple thousand spring bulbs for forcing for farm stand sales in April through June. They will provide the first income since October. Lots of heavy and frequent lifting, twisting, and reaching involved there.

It's a discouraging to work so hard and eat so simply yet not lose the few inches I need to lose. My portions are small and well-balanced. I'm strong in muscle but still really need to slim down for best health.

Keep up the good work, folks. You're all doing well.


07 Dec 08 - 01:27 PM (#2509633)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

maeve, I know you know this, but sometimes we lose sight that we may be eating too little for our bodies to let go of some weight. That and it sounds as though a lot of your weight is muscle which you do not want to lose!*smile* (Wish I could say the same.)

rant on: I reinjured my hurt ankle and spent all of yesterday on the bed. Getting really tired of this bs. It seems to have a lot to do with the rat poison they say I have to take to keep my blood thin enough to not clog up in the artificial valve; apparently it causes internal bruising as much as external, swelling and kat limping and cursing, but glad to be alive to do so! Please don't mind me...just a little grumpy!

rant off:-)

07 Dec 08 - 02:51 PM (#2509684)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: fat B****rd

Plumb B****rd ??? PLUMP !!
Kat - I'm sorry to read you're hurting. Garn, be grumpy. You're right about eating too little on weight loss diets, mind. Any success we've had (Annhas lost a stone) is due to a not too rigid adherence to eating less and avoiding excess calories.
Maeve expect PM soon

07 Dec 08 - 05:25 PM (#2509762)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Svelte B****rd!:-) It is feeling better today. I expect I just have to be more careful and less carefree with my bod.:-) Drat!

08 Dec 08 - 07:34 AM (#2509899)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

Yesterday all five of us went for a 4 mile walk, although our 3 little angels had a warm and comfortable ride in their buggies. A brisk walk pushing a buggy seems to be really doing the trick for Paul and I.

The doctor has finally passed me ok to exercise after the birth of our twins as I had serious problems with my pelvis, but all is ok now! I have got the time table for the local sports centre and have signed myself up for a few classes. I can't wait to get back exercising....and it gives me some me time too!! *G*

My goal is to drop another dress size my Imbolc, but won't be too disappointed if it takes a bit longer.

Liz, don't get down about only losing a lb. You looked great the other week when I saw you. You'll reach your goal. See you soon!

08 Dec 08 - 09:51 PM (#2510335)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Saturday: 4 Miles

Monday: Yoga, more specifically, Chalasana....long holds, breathing into the pose, finding new edges....really intense and savasana was oh so sweet!!!!! (90 Minutes)


09 Dec 08 - 03:28 AM (#2510434)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

I have found the answer! The answer is prawns!!!

Low in fat, high in yummy, when combined (overall, not in one meal) with omelettes, mushrooms, courgettes (well, alright, that was one meal), plums and grapes, they work!

My scales here tell me that 4lbs went this weekend thanks to the magic of Prawns!

I'm not getting officially weighed tomorrow as I have a singing gig, but I'll let you know next week how I got on.


09 Dec 08 - 03:31 AM (#2510435)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: fat B****rd

Outstanding, Liz, outstanding.

09 Dec 08 - 07:30 AM (#2510580)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

Fantastic Liz! Well done

10 Dec 08 - 04:01 PM (#2511970)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Tuesday: 60 Minutes of Bandhas, Balances and Binds.

Michelle the Bendy

10 Dec 08 - 04:30 PM (#2512005)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Another 30 mins walking today... I've been off for a few days so I'm behind with my walking.. wearing heels doesn't help.


10 Dec 08 - 04:50 PM (#2512025)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Not getting much in as my foot is still very painful...the coumadin is still up, so we've adjusted it more which will help. I keep telling them I'm not really a rat, but they keep wanting me to take the poison!:-)

A revelation for me...I do not like being forced to be inactive! It depresses me which leads to slip-ups in eating which leads to...weigh in isn't until Friday so I hope I've at least stayed where I was!

11 Dec 08 - 02:59 PM (#2512839)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Last night, 30 min slow AJ and 10 min BackHab.

Today, lots of stair climbs and upstairs walkies continuing the Great Linen Sort and Curtain UpPut. Changing the king bed and 24 pillows is a workout all by itself!


11 Dec 08 - 04:59 PM (#2512954)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

Yesterday was a 3 mile walk pushing twin buggy and a 2 hour playgroup party. Today was only a mile walk but pushing twin buggy with buggy board and toddler!

12 Dec 08 - 09:35 AM (#2513489)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

That amounts to weight training CJ!

I did a whole hour of walking yesterday but only 15 mins today.. the bus was at the stop as I got there this morning and it seemed churlish to ignore it after it had waited for me. :D


12 Dec 08 - 10:02 AM (#2513506)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

indeed Liz!! I don't need to buy any equipment!!

12 Dec 08 - 10:15 AM (#2513513)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Well, the '2 stones by Christmas' isn't going to happen unless I lose a leg in the next 2 weeks.... but I have lost almost 1 stone.. and hopefully that last reluctant pound or two will have gone by next Wednesday...

Still.. half a target reached is better than nothing, and I have noticed the difference!

So I'm going to concentrate on eating well and sensibly for 10 days and then not beat myself up about the amount of chocolate I'm going to ingest over the festive period.

It's our Christmas meal at work next Friday and I said I'd take fruit and veggies, so that should encourage me to eat them and not the biscuits and pastries I know everyone else will bring! Trouble is, there is always a fair bit left over which then goes to feed us diligent workers through the following week (it was such a shock when I left school and found that people actually have to work during Christmas week!) and it's always the fat-riddled stuff that is left.. the biscuits, the crisps, the chocolates...... ho hum! I feel more walking coming on!


12 Dec 08 - 01:17 PM (#2513639)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

Got up and made it to the Y for workout this a.m. in spite of only 4 hours sleep.

Back into my size 20's: 45 pounds down, 60 to go.

12 Dec 08 - 07:28 PM (#2513933)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

That's fantastic, MAG!

Despite going way over on my points AND not being able to exercise, I still lost this week, not much, .6 of a pound, but it's in the right direction!

12 Dec 08 - 08:31 PM (#2513964)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

*Standing ovation for both Kat and Mag!!!!!*

Rock on you two....rock on. Me? Big routine interrupting kinds of things going on here but it's only temporary...I'll make a new routine....give me until the 24th will continue but I'm taking it easy on myself, within limits. :)


13 Dec 08 - 09:47 AM (#2514255)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: mouldy

We had our WW Christmas night out last night at a local pub - we were told that for one night only, all food was POINTS FREE, by our leader, who then went and bought several bottles of wine!
(Eventually we were all making plans to sabotage the scales for Monday's weigh-in!)

There's hope for me yet: I was talking last night to a very slender lady who actually told me she'd lost 7 stone! She looked naturally slim.
I only want to lose 2 - 2.5 stone, which seems rather little compared with her loss!

Ruth has just informed me she's on her way back this afternoon, so the next few weeks are going to be interesting, foodwise.


13 Dec 08 - 04:33 PM (#2514526)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape

Anyone who has worked in sales knows that you set a goal that is achievable but a genuine reach. If you fall short, you have still done a commendable job.
Congratulations. I would kill to lose 14 pounds.

14 Dec 08 - 04:47 AM (#2514788)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah Sins... if only my employers thought like that... our goals are so far out of our reach that it's hardly worth us even bothering.

Thanks chaps, couldn't have done it without the encouragement here, and prawn sandwiches!


14 Dec 08 - 08:49 AM (#2514869)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

As usual I had beaten myself up a bit for the perceived sloth of the last week. But in the meantime, doing what I wanted to do around here, I was climbing house stairs quite a bit. So last night as I went up to bed I notieced the muscles were in fine order and the wind, I know fdrom experience, is not far gone either. Back to the pool tonight as per schedule with workout buddy. And a new audbook that's too good for bedtime will be ready to load onto the player for the slow set that precedes the fast set.

God bless(es)(ed)(ing) the Automatic Pilot.


14 Dec 08 - 03:52 PM (#2515177)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

Liz.....Makro have a good deal on prawns at the moment. We've stocked up for new years day dinner with the in laws.

I did 160 sit ups this morning and 100 leg raises on each leg.

14 Dec 08 - 04:09 PM (#2515192)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Making a healthy meal here after spending all morning making 3 different kinds of Christmas cookies. So, for dinner we have an almost all core meal (Freshly grated parm. isn't Core).

So, on the menu we have:

Lemon-Artichoke Chicken
Whole Wheat Cous-Cous with Roasted Peppers
Zuchinni Fries with Parmesan Cheese

It smells WONDERFUL in here!!!!!!!!!

Hitting the treadmill later tonight!


15 Dec 08 - 12:20 AM (#2515461)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

a lot of walking for me, yesterday and today, with the "boot" on so my foot has been pain-free. How nice!

15 Dec 08 - 06:53 AM (#2515617)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

Sounds lovely Michelle!

I only managed 50 sit ups this morning because my 19 month old insisted on sitting on my tummy, at least he provides resistance!!

15 Dec 08 - 12:40 PM (#2515946)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Many runs up and down stairs today, as well as some sit ups and rolling around the floor. The new boiler was being fitted so I took the opportunity to sort me drawers out.

Now they're into piles of 'ones that fit', 'ones that will fit' and 'ones that don't anymore' and the bin.


15 Dec 08 - 02:22 PM (#2516063)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

Yesterday: 20 minutes on the bored and got off.


15 Dec 08 - 06:29 PM (#2516298)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

30 min slow AJ. 20 min faster AJ, 10 min BackHab.


16 Dec 08 - 04:44 AM (#2516599)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: mouldy

Lost another pound, even after Friday's excesses. No more meetings now till Jan 5th, as we can't use the hall.
We have had our boundaries set to no more than a 3lb gain or we are in deep doo-doo!


16 Dec 08 - 01:13 PM (#2516986)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg


Need to get back to the daytime pool schedule, now that driving again looks to be within reach. This will run me spang into another nagging need.

At my January internist visit, I hope to reach agreement on how to start ending the 2-hour mini-meals. They work great, but they are so damn incovenient, and it's time to start stretching 'em out. (An experiment yesterday confirmed this, so now it's on to a Plan.) I need to "research" a few things with some local experts at my disposal, but The Plan will depend on trial-and-error with my particular insulin production capabilities and my particular degree of metabolism-increasing muscular development.

Yup, I'm gonna figure it out the EASY way, and I'm not looking for advice here-- just describing the goal.


17 Dec 08 - 09:36 AM (#2517774)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Fruit seems to be the item to re-think. What a PIA THAT is going to be. Haven't found the right motivation to link it to, but a friend with good ideas in that regard will be available Monday.

Last night, 40 min slow AJ, 20 min med AJ, and all day I could not sit still as ordered and so got a number of house things done (walkies walkies).


17 Dec 08 - 10:47 AM (#2517817)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

I managed 100 sit ups this morning before being jumped on by Harry. I spent 2 hours running round a toddlers xmas party this afternoon which was more exhausting than the exercises!

Already eaten my 5 a day of fruit/veg and had a portion of whole grains

17 Dec 08 - 04:45 PM (#2518271)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Humph... put on another pound... haven't been eating my fruit, that's what it is... at home I tend to pick more naughty stuff, whereas at work all I have to pick at is what I take, so if I took fruit, that's all I get.

I seem to be stuck on that last couple of pounds to take me over the stone in weight... the prawns are not enough, I must eat more plums!

On the good side, at the meeting this evening we had a Christmas raffle and I won a slow cooker! So that's beef in red wine for tomorrow's dinner then!


18 Dec 08 - 05:26 PM (#2519268)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Catherine Jayne

1 mile brisk ish walk with twin buggy, buggy board with toddler. Then.....4 mile walk pushing twin buggy. Having said that I did have a large coffee and a chocolate bar!

18 Dec 08 - 07:01 PM (#2519350)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

Severe winter weather since last Saturday, continuing through Monday have made Y visits impractical; on the other hand, shoveling and sweeping snow seem to get my blood flowing.

I was using my SAD light wrong and now seem to have yey burn; treating with mega vit. C.

I hope our little solstice celebration Sunday does not have to get cancelled, but we have bitter temperatures and oodles of snow.

Brought the outside kitties in, but one is missing :(

18 Dec 08 - 08:02 PM (#2519404)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

I haven't done anything this week except work and eat cookies. LOL Sad but true. Alas, all good things must come to an end!

Michelle who is being brutally honest with herself lately.

18 Dec 08 - 09:18 PM (#2519456)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Fruit solved.

30 min slow AJ last night, 20 min med AJ, felt like my legs had come back, nice.

Unloaded heavy-laden van this evening, plus housewalkies.


19 Dec 08 - 12:08 AM (#2519505)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Did some foot reflexology of my own which seems to have helped, so I've done a little bit more of getting around the house, today. Have a busy day tomorrow. Laundry, some housework, picking up Morgan for lunch and an afternoon together. That'll get me going!

19 Dec 08 - 10:28 AM (#2519807)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Okay, so the cookies are all gone (MOSTLY given away *GRIN*) and I went back to WW last night. I gave myself a month off because frankly, I needed a break. Does it mean I went crazy and ate nothing but junk? Nope. The cookies were out of line but so what? I had a minimal gain and am quite happy with myself and even more happy for not letting a gain, that I was QUITE aware of (Man, I can feel it) start a major backslide. I continued with my activity, at a somewhat lesser level but only due to work obligations (mandatory fundraiser evening activities).
    Today is a new day and I only have one more evening obligation at my job before I am finished there. I'm happy to fall back into my routine. I also have a new stove with an oven that works which is going to make my cooking life easier.

Lookout baby, I AM BACK.


19 Dec 08 - 11:34 AM (#2519879)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

Last kitty showed up this morning, VERY hungry. I don't know how she made it through this week outside but she did. Since I already had her spayed I'm glad ... :)

Actually started out for the Y this morning but halfway there realized it was a no go and headed for work instead, sans shower. They have to take me as they find me this week, and probably next.

19 Dec 08 - 12:32 PM (#2519937)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Ah, MAG, I am sure they'll be happy you made it in! And, the kitty, too. That's good!

Lily, I went WAY over on points this last week due to a number of reasons. I knew I'd gained but it wasn't as much as I thought. I had visions of 4-5lbs but this morning's weigh-in said only 1.6, so here I start afresh with extra points to use before Christmas and on Christmas a whole new set of extras to use.

I also was kind to myself this morning and did my modified qi gong for the first time in ages AND loosened up neck and shoulders which have been causing headaches all week.

19 Dec 08 - 12:43 PM (#2519950)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Good for you Lily - and Kat... don't beat yourself up about the little things, they can happen to anyone and are a bigger battle than the one we're fighting with the bulges already!

I tried to stay good today, but there was trifle... I can't resist trifle... Still, a few days of being extra good and it will all go away. I'll book them in for March now.

The biggest hurdle to jump is the one in our minds, the one that says 'that's naughty, you cannot do it' because we all know that forbidden fruit is sweeter... so if nothing is forbidden, then it's easier not to have it today.

Enjoy a weekend of guilt free life and relax!


19 Dec 08 - 01:31 PM (#2519992)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Great, Kat.

Lessee, snow is big, we got a late start in favor of some much-needed sleep. I TRIED to persuade Hardi that this is a hired-plow day, but no go.....

The bibs and snowsuit I'd given to H do not fit year, but they show that I am now in the range of commercially avail. sizes so I will get some new bibs, yay. I've missed them.

The van's winter survival pak contained all the pieces for a sweats/hats/gloves plowing combo, so I added a warm silk scarf and waterproof jacket and headed out. I WAS able to run the plow, I WAS able to run the little push blower, but the late start meant all I really "accomplished" was to learn how to run 'em the smart way and make a mess for H in the process. I guess I was out there about 45 minutes before pain drove me in for drugs. 1/2 walkies and 1/2 on the plow. As I suspected my weight on the plow made it less get-stuckable-- good news for next time when we will plan better. He can give me a map and an assignment and I will do it.

I came back in as ordered before doing too much-- I hope (I just took pain meds), to resume Cooking for The Man who is still out there going back and forth and back and forth and..... he'll need those warm calories. (And I remember a time when I could not even do THAT part as he plowed.)

Before we started he told me it would mean an awful lot to him psychologically just to see me out there able to try.

I did discover one REALLY exciting trick with the blower (that he has not yet know) that will make the next snowfall very vulnerable to my brief and excellent help. Maybe even later today-- grinding out the icy road-plow mess at the road mouth for him to push away, away, away with the plow. Or he can do it, but two thick heads ARE better than one! :~)


19 Dec 08 - 06:16 PM (#2520185)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Susan and Liz!

Susan...GOOD for you!!

I think I worked off the extra 1.6 this afternoon. Morgan and I spent 1.5 hours moving furniture, heavy bins, and more stuff in and out of the office so he could set up a school space in here. It was a lot of heavy pushing, lifting, pulling, moving work for both of us and he is a trooper, but I think I burned more calories. Yea!

19 Dec 08 - 06:36 PM (#2520200)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

My bad for the week has been chocolate fudge. Icannot resist it, and someone brought in a whole tray of goodies.

The rice crispy treats and the butterscotch fudge I can skip, but not the chocolate. BUT I only had 2 pieces, which is something of a miracle. AND I have reawakened the sleeping sugar dragon but so far have not succombed.

20 Dec 08 - 11:07 AM (#2520630)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

210 at the Y this morning. Must be all that snow shovelling.

Another full week of heavy weather facing us.

20 Dec 08 - 11:35 AM (#2520646)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Go see the Sophie thread for a yummy, lo-cal indulgence. Have them all year long, not just to be "bad."


HOT TIP. I canNOT believe this is not on the market-- oh well, here goes another great idea someone else will make a million bucks offa. I'm going to the Dollar Store for several cheap sets of measuring cups. With tiny handles. Which I will re-label with the relevant FOOD GROUP names as the portions (sizes!) in my program indicate. Which I will put IN the cereal box, the full rice cooker, the jam spoons divider, etc etc. etc.... One in the serving-spoons drawer for "how big a piece of meatloaf...." "Measure" your food, sure! MAKE MY OWN SCOOPS and fuhgeddaboudit!


20 Dec 08 - 12:12 PM (#2520677)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

That's a brilliant idea, Susan! You should sell it to WW! I don't bother to measure except by eye. One book I read said protein that would fill the palm of your hand and two handfuls of good veggies, etc.

20 Dec 08 - 12:21 PM (#2520689)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Oh yeah, there are portion guides everywhere (many do not apply to people with an activity level), but actual MEASURES? Too busy to market it. Not the first great idea I've released to the uiniverse and seen others grab. If a Catter grabs it, pay me my money down! :~)

BTW the warmed rice pudding with fruit was DELISH!

"many do not apply to people with an activity level".... whaaaat?!?!

Oh yeah! Most of what is "popularly" available is not for athletes.

People rehabbing are usually more in athlete mode than dieter mode, no matter what the mirror says.



20 Dec 08 - 11:13 PM (#2521076)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Those scoops already exist and are sold at WW meetings around the states. They are expensive and you can do as described above or simply learn how to *eyeball* things using your own, pre-existing utensils. I know how much my ladle holds, how much the scoop in the sugar holds, etc. It's always a great thing to learn and good to recheck from time to time as our *eyeballing* skills seem to slip. :)


21 Dec 08 - 05:37 PM (#2521721)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Sick as a dog all night long. This morning I was instructed to park myself in my favorite chair and relax all day. I've written a few letters, prepared a few Christmas cards, did some reading, watched crap TV (I love Queer Eye!), enjoyed some popcorn and basically little else. I am feeling better although my stomach muscles feel like I have been kicked repeatedly with steel-toed boots. Fun. No exercise today but my food intake has been incredibly healthy.


21 Dec 08 - 06:33 PM (#2521757)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Those measuring cups can be an eye opener... these days, cutlery comes in varying sets and sizes, so a level teaspoon of something can be between 1/2 and 1 ounce. Using a constant and calculated measure makes life a whole lot easier. I may wander down to the market next week and buy a couple of sets, for the cereals.


23 Dec 08 - 07:47 PM (#2523413)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes


23 Dec 08 - 08:06 PM (#2523427)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Using a constant and calculated measure makes life a whole lot easier.

Yes, if I do not measure I tend to serve too little and then wonder why I am TOO hungry, later. Fruit was like that-- I was stretching an ice-cube-size over 2-3 minimeals. I needed to triple that, and then some!

The measured scoop screams, "This is in your plan! Doctor's orders-- serve it! Eat it all UP!"


23 Dec 08 - 09:42 PM (#2523472)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Walking and housework in the past couple of days...sweeping, mopping, etc.

Had a wonderful student osteopath work on my feet, today, AND she is sending me for PT evaluation. Yes!

23 Dec 08 - 11:39 PM (#2523523)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Oh yeah major housewalkies today. But bones not sore-- good calcium program yay!


23 Dec 08 - 11:57 PM (#2523530)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Another pound gained... I say it's muscle from all the walking I've been doing recently but it's more likely the party food last Friday and the left over party food every day this week so far!!!

What the hell, Merry Christmas everyone!


26 Dec 08 - 05:24 PM (#2525170)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

IMO, it's allowed, LtS...over the holidays. And, you may very well be right about adding weight from muscle. It happens!:-)

Let's see, since the 23rd? LOTS of walking in my shoes, no ortho boot! Overdid it on Christmas Eve, standing too long to bake, but it was fun and they are better, today. My kids and Rog took good care of me yesterday.

Today - 60 minutes walking

26 Dec 08 - 07:35 PM (#2525226)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

Limpit got a Wii console for Christmas so the Wii Sports has been in use today... some day soon we'll be able to afford the balance board so let the Yoga begin!

The sport disc is fun, I'm better at bowling than I am at baseball, but the biggest fun is boxing... you just HAVE to get up and flail around like an idiot for that one, especially when my opponant looks so much like that git who used to sit opposite me!

One day I'll even KO him!


26 Dec 08 - 08:22 PM (#2525254)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Lots of walking around the mall in search of a few good deals (baby gear).


29 Dec 08 - 03:43 PM (#2526856)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

It's a beautiful day in northern Pennsylvania and because of this, I am taking myself on a walk. I have about an hour before yoga class. So...for today we have:

Walk: 2.5 mile(ish)
Yoga: 60 Minutes


30 Dec 08 - 11:57 AM (#2527504)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

For the 28th - Qi Gong - 30 minutes, walking- 30

For today? We'll see as I have Morgan...will try to do Qi Gong this evening, at least!

30 Dec 08 - 12:24 PM (#2527524)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: gnu


brisk sitting and drinking tea - 90 m

laundry, dishes, vacuuming, scrubbing sinks & toilets, mopping floors, scrubbing carpets - 180 m,

swearing at yahoos in traffic while running errands - 30 m

replacing the display of assorted candies I knocked over at the pharmacy while trying out a wheelchair - 10 m (apologizing - 5 m)

Not a bad morning. And, I got on the scales. Unfortunately, I had bragged on this thread a while back that I had broken a weight barrier (by one pound) that I had been trying to break for months. Fortunately, after the feAstive season, I am only up 4 pounds from that "record" weight.

Sorry if the above is too trite, but, I gotta laugh about it, me.

I wish youse all well in the coming year.

This is a great thread.

30 Dec 08 - 01:41 PM (#2527591)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,MAG at work

Went to the Y with every intention of doing my workout this morning, but ended up soaking in the hot tub for a good long time instead. Also the steam room which seems to help my breathing.

Still down to 206 lb.; without working out I don't know why. Eating the same.

50 down; 60 to go.

p.s.: my throat has been chronically phlegmy for weeks; interferes with singing. Any thoughts?

30 Dec 08 - 03:41 PM (#2527709)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

I'd like to tell you that I have lost over this past holiday season but alas, I did not. I am up about 10 pounds. I know exactly why too. *shrug* I'm not happy about it, I can feel every single ounce of it and am now doing something about it. I refuse to beat myself up...I resigned from my job, I am preparing for 2 new children to join the family...I received upteen hundred Christmas goodies, went to a few yeah, stress and parties...what an odd combination. Anyway, now my time has freed itself back up and I am back to yoga and adding daily walks. So far today, I've walked 3 miles and did an hour of yoga. I'll be doing another hour (a make-up chakra yoga) in just a little bit. The sunshine feels good as does the brisk's such a pretty day outside!!!

Moving on..............

:) Michelle

30 Dec 08 - 03:50 PM (#2527718)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: fat B****rd

Since mysteriously gaining 4 lbs since Christmas Eve I have sworn not to get weighed until the middle of January. However, the festive Thorntons and icky alcoholic drinks are going down a treat.
Yours without too much guilt Plump B****rd.
A Happy New Year to all you potential slimmees.

30 Dec 08 - 07:39 PM (#2527893)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes


31 Dec 08 - 04:51 AM (#2528097)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: Liz the Squeak

The important thing is to not beat yourself up about a little gain here and there (says she in the smug posture of one who lost another pound this week according to my scales), but to see the overall picture. OK, so I'm having a great deal of trouble breaking this 15stone (about 200lbs) barrier.. I just cannot seem to get past it; I missed my target of 2stones by Christmas, but overall, I've lost almost a stone (14lbs), I'm no longer so breathless, I don't have the mysterious stomach pains, I've got a new set of friends and I've won a slow cooker (crock pot) in the raffle!

My body may still be out of shape, but my mind is getting better all the time...


31 Dec 08 - 12:55 PM (#2528406)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape

Liz the Squeak, let's have a virtual party when we break the 200 lb. barrier.

How shall we celebrate?

31 Dec 08 - 01:42 PM (#2528458)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: wysiwyg

Lots of housewalkies the whole last week. Ydy AJ 30 min and AR 30 min, now at 180BPM.


31 Dec 08 - 02:53 PM (#2528518)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: katlaughing

Walked about 45 minutes with Morgan at the grocery store. THAT was an adventure!

Lots of housework which WW counts!

I gained about three over the holidays but have gone down a couple. Some of it was water as I allowed more salt than usual and than I am supposed to do. It's okay 'cause I will be back on track after tonight. I picked up a few things for a small party with family tonight. I am making an hors dee overy with portabello mushrooms and sliced water chestnuts wrapped with fake bacon and put in the over. They are delicious, even with real bacon! And, hardly any points. The chips and crab dip might add up a little, but I resisted buying any sweets, i.e. chocolate to go with them!

Here's to our New Year!!

31 Dec 08 - 03:06 PM (#2528527)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Hey Mags,

   Can I be in on that party too??? It might take me a little longer to hit that 199 mark but I'm not far away!!!! WOOO HOOO!

Yoga: 60 Minutes

Oh and hey Kat, I found last night that sliced eggplant, roasted in the oven at about 400F is awesome! I misted each slice with EVOO and a little garlic and sea salt. YUMMY! The EVOO is part of the daily requirements and the eggplant is 1 point for a LOT. I was dipping it in homemade marinara sauce which is pretty much point free too!

Happy New Year!!!!


31 Dec 08 - 06:15 PM (#2528651)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - End of year in good shape
From: LilyFestre

Yoga Nidra: Whoa.

Very little body activity but what an exercise for the brain....lovely, truly lovely.
